PAGE TWO iiwWwiMD7 BRIEFLY TOLD' Oniituniliiis Happ?oicg? of Week Gathered fronu Everywhere Coo- ! deaied for the Busy Reader j Miami. F:a.. Nov. ? The Miami: Herald today say? that Mr.-. Kutn Bryan Owen, daughter of the late William JenjiinRS Bryan. announces her candidacy fur congress troai this district. The ainioivnceajeiit was made from Madison City. Iowa,) where th< dr. tighter <>f the coromonev! then was it the course of a lecture! tour. Repr* -entaiive TV. -1. Sears, onetime tin. generally is expected to make the race again. He defeated .Mrs. the. last year by .. -ma!', mags hi. Washington, Nov. i? Formal complaint charging Harry F. Sinclair and one of Kis agents. Henry Mason Day, J with conspiiacy to tarapei yith the jniy which was hearing '.he criminal; <>il conspiracy charge iigniti-t Sin-i ciair aed Albert B. Kali was issued today hy Cnited States Commissioner Tumage. A warrant against Sin-, .'lair also was swum out but subse.uiimtlv Disirii't Attorney Gordon: >ai;i tfcu- action had oven a mi-take an pal Church, "v-uth, in session here.'' tonight further explained a refer-:, ence to the Ku Ktux K!an he made at this morning'- session. In asking the question in ihe assembly: "How many belong to the Ku Klux Klaii?" Bishop Chandler asserted tonight that he did not have in view a; "probe" of the klan, but desired rather to irgc the members of the | organization to "help protect ; heir own church schools so they can be conic .if good as the (.'atnones. 'it; you don't .u this." the bishop added.! "then tbi next best thing you can dc is take off those night govvr.s and go about facing: the world a naked as Adam and Eve." New Enginnj! with a death list of at least 15c. was dragging itself out! Monday front the wreckage left by the floods of :h<- last few days. The) water was receding except in Connecticut. Snow and freezing weather caused considerable suffering in many sections There was a food shortage in some Vermont communities and efforts were being: made to j relieve this with supplies sent hyj airplanes A Diane landed food and ! medical supplies ir. Montpelior. Much attention is being devoted to the prevention of disease in the flooded areas. Basements were being cleared of mud and water-soaked rubbish, residents were warned to boil [ their drinking water and premises were being disinfected. Itailrnad service has been practically restored. The affected area comprises largely ihe New England mill district, tvhich. due to lack of power, was idle today. Sparta. Tenn., Xov. :>.?Entries!: in the lor kept by Captain Haw-1 thorne C- Gray, army aeronaut ot Scott Field, Bellevilio, 111., today bore mute evidence of his third, and fatal attempt, to ascend in a free balloon to a height never before attained by man. Slumping slightly forward in the basket of the balloon,; with an oxygen mask over htr face, Captain Gray was fount! dead in the tree tops of a mountain wilderness ' near Sparta early today, after his descent there yesterday afternoon. Army officers and others who gave his instruments a cursory examination, said they believed that only death's battle for tne captain's life, 13,000 to 44,000 feet shove earth, had cheated hini of the honor he! sought. How the intrepid balloonist! stood in the basket of the balloon , yesterday afternoon and heard the! well wishes cf radio stations at St. i f.ouis and Cincinnati, vas told inj the log. The trip nogan 2 :23 p. j in., from Scott Field. PI ill IN i ?-Ji w-j (lay the tirvt American soldiers killed ' in action in France fell antler one- i my lire. Three teen of the sixttentm | infantry met. death that eight when j ,*; a raiding' party of Germans was- vent I ever into the l'rent Vine trenches at Artoi; ir. Lorraine. about 10 miles east 01 Luneville, two weeks from the day the first American troops entered the line for the first time The sector bad been quiet since the beginning of the war and was used by the French chiefly as a rest sector. One battalion from each infantry regiment of the First division was sent into the line to get its baptism of fire on October A), 1927. The secona battalion of each of these regiments went'into the line on the night of November 3. A> they were malting their .relief, always a ticklish time, a German bombardment began, binder cover of a heavy barrage, a German raiding party seeking prisoners entered the sector occupied by company F of the Sixteenth infantry. Corporal James Gresham and Privates Merle D. Hay arid Thomas Enright of this company were killed during the raid. j^w^G9<^Br^Kv;^re^&51 - SBSfiOTj Bishop Mouzon and 38th Amendment Meihcdist Diriue Says Government .Never Intended Enforcement of the L?.w "The government a: Washington j never Intended to enforce the ISth amendment to the constitution, de- 1 glared Bishop .Mou/aw in an address J to the Western North Carolina Conference i>? A&heville last Friday. "Some of the politicians are dry fo? p y'r sake, and not because of conviction," continued the bishop, who was addressing the conference on the subject ?>t '"Christ's Ability to , fuse the Scribes and Phara- a s." Taking as his text "The Common People Heard Him (JSadly," Bishop I MouzOp developed the idea of the in- j T.sUeciual authority ?Triplett's Store. BLUE RIDGE?November 19?Stprie^s BLOWING HOCK?November 21 ? Kol WATAUGA?November 22?Collins' f HoUfces' Store in the afternoon WATAUCiA. November 23? Shutls Mil in the afternoon. SHAWNEEHAW?Novemher 21?Mat LAliKKL CREEK---November 25?Edl Wait Warii'r. Store in the after BFAVMR DAM?November 21?Sherv man's in the afternoon. COVE CREEK?-November 28?Zionvi in the afternoon. COVE CREEK?November 29?Sherw Store in the afternoon. We wish to give notice tha pulsory for the sheriff to I commissioners all unpaid day in May, who will ordi sheriff will proceed to lev} fnr cIa]inntiAnf 4-^vrto ?? *v* vuv,i?uv^ uuin IUACO oii aa Monday in July. It is ver^ payers get their taxes paid L. M. F OUT OF 1 When you "take your reiat there arc manv other -barts of i specie.] BEFORE STARTING as Your batter for example is t may stall you in the le2st desir insure yourself against sue] your car at regular intervals. LET OS CARE F ?m w.r.wii S&ggibp & COM Leading Tire BOONE, NORTH rBE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E1 About Your Health THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW By John Joseph Gaines, M. D. ONE CRITICISM A Jersey techrician recently took ate to task, concerning one of my articles or, the colon baceillus; he >!acto. in print thai my sketch was "both hatmfui ami misleading" and that it was out of place in a newspaper. His contention was, if I road him cerrecly, that t he "bug'' is a harmless one, its presence being determined simply to find cut if other. more laugeruns bacteria are preseng or. if fecal matter was polluting suspcrtoii specimens of drinking water. My statement was to the effect that, rr.e hnictllus Is harmless if in 'lie human colon, but, a veryugly customer .f :: gains access to the blood treat!) ! have myself eon a gangrene.:? toil-bladder, wherein this germ appeared to be the infecting agent. 1 have. myself. seen certain forms jl" arthritis, cured by vaccines predated from -trains of the baccdlus :ommunis cbii. I Viave found the colon baccillus nfectir.g the human biadder in ihrpnic cases, and have seen them ecovc-r with vaccines and local treatnent; one cast of thirty years staining. In all tin. above cases, there vss a history ; . crated hemmor hoiiis. 1 . aniiot believe that my note of earning was "misleading" or "danrerous." Let me m.vr.'u.n a few eminent lUthorities wi,. aptee with me: Santrelli, Willard Stone. Achard, Henuade. Gwyn. Schottmuller. Buxton, It'll',!-' . Havtrer, Kovsing, Roliesion, ixpayers aces on dates named for ke 1927 taxes: ,1 esdays. its' Stare irt the morning ?*ind Pct;v store i! the morning and Stev- j oting P?ac< Cook's in the morning and Deep j the afternoon. Store. ahoii^ers Store. Store in the morning and I.. M. i i Is in. the morning and Valle Crucis ' ney. ninsterfs store 'in the morning and noon. rood's ?}; the morning and Haga)lc ir. the morning and Silverstone j '00-!V in the morning and Yilaa ' ,! - 3 SI it the law makes it cornturn in to the board of taxes on the first Mon21 levies made and the r and advertise property to settle by the first { desirable that all taxas early as possible. ARTHING, Sheriff. I? ??? la?I MMH ?II III 1 I ^EEP YO^' ^ ^ TROUBLE ions on week-end vacations" /our car to be is carefully inthe gasoline rfuik. >ut or.fc of the mqny things that r?n nnrl i a cast by having us go over OR YOUR CAR VJKLER m, pany CAROLINA .'?RY THIJKSDAY-?BOONE. N. COhhuaehor. Theri are dozens of them; I c-aisnot understand how a scientist of today couid look upon an -nkabitant of an apeudiceai ab( scess as harmless! 1 therefore repeat: If you have a rectal ulcer, or a diseased rectum, j Mac i ? to I j Can moc seel thai as a i I | l i i ? 1927, R. 3. Revocldt Tobacec Compioy, Wfn?tor,-S*lem, N. C. ! 'Hp II | mil | || Ann severe CERT1F1E] Auditors A North G service to tl the State ir Taxes, Proi ary Ac.cour RALEIGH, N. C. E. SALISBURY, N. C. HIGH POINT, N. C. BURLINGTON, N. C. HICKORY, N. C. 4 IfflMSMmmBmgsimmm ' ilavi- your jihetirisn lake care of th i condition; 4he co'oa encciUus i ! ilangenu.j- vr.iiiy, if in your blooi J To ;lcrd of th e smoke ks pleasures i i panaceas* C cheer not as ; BfllllW I llll BUM I MM MMil HIIHII?>M ouncci tt, Holloweil. & Company D PUBLIC ACC Accountants ? lnd irolina organization for ie business and munic.ip; i Audits, Systems, Feder Auction Costs and Munii iting Systems. :e the opening of < dd fellows' build] RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA AND AT HOLLAR BUILDING HICKORY. N. C. HOME OFFICE C. 401-2-3-4 Pi . H. Everett, C. P. A. (N. C.) . R. Hollcwelt, C. P. A. (N. C. and llwood A. Davie, C. P. A., (N. C. an BRANCH OFFICES ODI C. Morrisette, C. P- A., Resident Ma W. Worth Murphy, Resident Mansg COMMERCIAL N. J. C- Chance, Resident Manager Marshall C. Buck, Resident Manage Charles E. Hagaraan, Resident Mana; NOVEMBER 10. 192 V Jt ?=^.-7=; jj iK j 1 SSs d Iowa) > FELLOWS' BUILDING nagcr WALLACE BUILDING er Jt TI/kM A * n>*l?r ?... nj ivfJiAI< DAl\K bLUG< PENNY BUILDING T HOLLAR BUILDING i ISIP am