vol.. XXXVIII, NO. IT State Fish Hatcheries Are Being Improved Kee.? Derivprf Floor. Augl?M' License* Used u Improve the ini!u>t? y A? iircn * paid to 'He date <>t coii.o'rvati.iii mu\ L'vsH'Pman*, lust rpririr and summer " 1M ; 11.1' i If.' po.. |h|4- ; fj w.-s-ly I'];program .for providing improved fi.hiny, in NoUh Carolina. Th? stall lii 1 !;P? .v,i- angle licence lav., according *?> ? K. Dixon. assistant director >f the 'depart-J rnenl, enacted by the D27 genera) I as.se in Id v inflVie tsosMKh* ?m? tion of ?K*ithan ?17,(100 for the first year of ?t- operation. Funds collected from jiceinscs are being ex goggled after the payment of warden service by the department for the improvement of inland fu-hmy opportunities and will be refleeted in the -iistrilmtion f baby fish? : from the state hatcheries hex I year. Additions and improvements I that are being made at most of the; hatcheries will result, it is expected, in a greatly enlarged output. A new- bass pond has been added this year at the Frank Stcdman hatchery. Fayetteville, which, will al . low a greatly increased program of1 bass rearing. The rainbow trout buihbng at the Pete" Murphy hatchery. Marion has been enlarged and considerably more trough space h;fs been provided. A new cottage has been constructed at this hatchery for the use of the a>sdstant foreman and a light plant has been installed Addition^ and tmpiy. i.-ment < have ? been made it tin Morrison hr 11 hery. \V :tyne- villoi a? d t:n Watauga hatchery at KuliteVwooiJ \i> those improvement? a Pel n'ddi tfyms have been made po>s!bi< as a j ?:;.ult of the angler.:' act. Angles' fee. :irv ; A>lmu it: the whnHfeft) a noi\ *: .. > hatchery ov1 ar pc.'ir 1 :kv ;a;nc s, Darke aii-.i i/'Avcl hiwv-'-l .pniuu c M\ tingieiings. is.i-cd n? bti.-.u i- ;n i... i the- water:- u? lin nearby 1 nU CLANS FOR AIRPORT AT KITTY HAWK BEEN MADE New Y I'll. ,"50.?Pla|ij for development of :i national a'.rpan at .y itr.v.k N. ' us a memo:ipi o< th<- Wi-jfKt in others' whose r.ifp'an; made it# first fltRht won? 21 years il'.i, wi'iv announced here this week by Kraal; A. Tiehenrn. editor of Aero Slftcst Mr Tichenoi said :( is hoped to r.;?)i;uv-ate thy field fleet mil or 25, of next ye.tr, ; '., (ye nee;;.ion of the 2?t-h anniversary of ihe first flft; "lijrht by OivUUi t\ vhtht. Ma! M ee y ,t gjind Kitty Hawk n'.e'ouJiio; the hill which the Wtiyht iuv.i\ua,{ ;:s the staidinK nvouad" tor their plane, have been <: rated. Tiriie-ini said thai next (mi Iv. e.td-'tY;i}(e.r*i A ditir. adjioii ..dihdrily. and. minis, v.ili fly to Kitty Hawk, n't the btyir;?,k-. i.-io rv-.oi i" m - >-?, ace *,, v.?i". '?ni i . >>ivs?;v?- . 5 r , i'iii'i 4u^oCri;V( \?vnv ^(V: lay - vv u& vlvy :iiv| fiylcl. Tfo liiiil U5%S )>y the AVrgvrf hvvMhorV' fe to u#y during: the pas; two days explaining the many features of the now- ears. Amovig the features po tiled out to -he visitors sveve the longer wheel base, four-wheel brakes, larger tires, enlarged bodies, new steering apparatus and an illumination instrument on the dash. Three additional YYtod'-b, which will aisn have the iro proved features, are expect,! to arrive within the next few days. ' y-V 'i -p'y1.sa.Jwt&g PASTOR'S CONFERENCE Thy pastors' " inference of the Three Fork.- Baptist a-voeialioi. will ikp Vifplra fit < V, t. P.jWnr. Rav.tlei r knv..V on nnv! Monday. la-uary 9?.h, bcg3sv.-ir building's represented the state's school system birgely, Theu came the Aycock administration and for 15 to 20 years tinstate has been forging steaddy to the top in educational expansion ami 1028 looks bright"In 5 020 North < arolina was I ? : ding' one million dollars bt> hei public schools per ' ai\ Today she is spending !*? million -"iftllars annually, 'In tin* g?eat period of school buthliivg in North Carolina frj^m January i. I :!ra .h'i'i mi:!'. ; hen-necia: r.ai'dum funds. tie -i.i, ideraey I'litM .-I'-! .>!> : . - ..f ri*> funds, "Th" Miai I'sit: i;;' iic Ojiidinp.is 737. Mf:-.. di\ i.iwt Us ''.'lows : \Vhi! -. rural, J iv ; I a ,-U > - '.''Idle, I Si fe".!? rural-. I > t I'.lt'i *.; t.'-'iTCr. i-it). "The -mi' IVtl:' :hervf'.1! I', rs iH'i.'ii:.; ) ;tii leupli "1 the utV in ;:;i eifiiiy to. holler lo '?n.iiliotii. ..urrotmdiiio, the tier-. ,.f : ' dsk ami ill almost ?Vfj8$ ill .u.uPee. turnd hn,-o- tor -emu.!." iifet villi Mill' o'r lav opposition "til liaililir.tf,- tor while rural till pilsi, tiaston county !ed in the !uijrc.-t dumber of structures < rected, with i'o ; a .mi i:i hii'thWr 5if < ! i srooni with a total of "I- and :n money v\ pel', led, SI'M, t^nilfoSii comity was. si (.imi .a i.i-.mUir at' liuiioinns, 18, ami number of tii-Mirniis, liih ar.-i in amuiKl evpoinied, 8 "l ive m,mius not erect any haHmRnga of five iwnti' or over for while pupils in '.he fire-year period. .'The 518 rami -rl:-laWjfcjjzs erected in the peri,a contain i.oKd tandard elarrrooru-.. Hie IS 9 n?\v '< >?$ hittUliug* -for, 5gii,\y 7 r "> . Ti.?* ave\:^y;r 0?>Yt y.iv olaj-svor.Vsi .?; thr wfcfti: reboot o/?tV.;; \VH^P : '/.' 7 : ft - ;(*p?o ?>f a\vv^?l ll'"> pc*r c^nt mor;1 f?eV CfS&S!f.W>m ? tijep- bsvt.h'eVs in th.* cuaptrv. "There were 1 d.i eh hirer. t-n. cited ;n thb white pity school? last yesit, and iiii.S" I cnroiled in fife ruia! -rkeol l.ess than -'a per rem >[ the moHmciit was vwipfoht, <>f sehootho'tso:- eostine $1 !.?S7.S?2t>, which represents. about pet cent of the total expenditure for "nuildiiwgs for whits:-. 'Tin.' expenditure in buildings per rural white child was ?b:.i2- In the cities the H'verriee SiltXtS for whiic-s' ? . IV.'-. C'^rl COVE CREEK HAPPENINGS Stijpfr Grove. ..'.iii. -I.?Quito a inanVr of graduates of the Cove Crerk Irjth school Mho arc row reaching nr working in different parts; oi t'rn State, were at home for the holiday*. Among those in the immediate community were Misses Annie Mar ami Vera SliSi'srijC'l. Virginia Binghsm. Blanche Mas'.'- ami Amy Benton Miss Annie Sherwood spent the holiday reason with home folks. Miss lithei Fnljor spent several . nesduv lias been deferred until next t week in order that stenngfiUers and y plumbers irtay make the necessary ^ re pa i i The Normal ucnool opened Wed- % ' nesdav morning for the spring term ; w ith a good registration of ticv s??'. ; ; ; dents. ; { ' I WATAUGA TOWNS WARNED , AGAINST ISSUING BONUS; j ' This is. a Umti&i States court. de-J ^ j cist on. ttcoiie and Blowing Hock) i | should figure carefully on theirI ability to pay before issuing any I more bonds.'' | v The above paragraph is taken from v j a letter f rein .Mr. W. W String fellow , i ei Blowing Itock and Anniston. , | Ala., in which he enclosed a decision' i of the United States circuit court of , appeals ?< ;?? iv-: ?< the payment of ^ bonds is: nod by the town of Sam- j -on. Ala. The decision, which may , be of interest to the taxpayers of; ; ! Boom- and Blowing Uock, as rglol cd j { \ in the Birmingham Age-HeraM ol*i ? ' -f)4ceml>or 21. is reproduced here- . 1 v. ith: ' rr?... p.i-t.wl , r-n,: ... n:;i\ tt*)l l?f fil\b- > cbhvintfe t'.H' :i thru , :.i> ; i". !w-y. Jjtti , ?-r?y tiwiu i: ' Asa.. otn r-.tuvlnchl hoyivr-d doubl. rr, ?b'cfc?;oit, Ihi- | tbo -*ggj ? *' Samson ?o ii'.x, its* io vp^:~ty o.t a 100 jv? i i rorit .vitluaiiitn ,?i?0 Bon t\t; : thvi J ho ordered liril such t;i\ , :io ! !?.;, three j cms. In other wnt'i 'h.- 1'ii >.< .! S.Uv.wt circuit court of appeals i5U.< not only raised the taxes j (ri ll's prom.:ty owners of Ssntson \ [ isppVoxiniately Oh per -ant. hut ha?j made the raise retroactive. I iUOU the town sold bonds tuj ; ' imiid a water ami IirIiI plant. D< fault' t was made- in the pnynWn: of" thei bonds. a rd'ee'ivor was named. the' i plant was sold ami a small amount: was mtlHaed for the bondholders] ; But !. I.. Perry, oho of the bond-j I hoUtdrs, was not satisfied With this I snioii amount and he wanted not! j only his principal, but the full j amount of interest and now the! property owners' of Samson must: pay the interest oh every bofid and! retire the priheVpa]. When a city, county ur state issues i oiids- a Hen, or niortK>Sj is put - upon every piece of property. The t . : inertsrng-i. wen s-rmngor than an! , ! o-dtnnre iUe.rreaee, it is pointed out.! I ha ordinary inoetjjrSJph Mf ii. i i, With UiS eonsbnt fit the proper-" ; 'v owners wiiiiv bf.nds nr.- a mort-j ' I'.iv .-. whether the proper! y .>u n. rsj J j like it r/r net. 1 . "The following kUer from t>. IV,, K-ie. clerk of the town of S&msob.S , vis. the |.i.ipvrlA owners of the l.nvn.l ; ?S proof rhi.J bond- wist be paid: j , ' "In the ycxs iittr.i otpi town sold i f j "roods for the bniutinjc of n water' , : and hrlu oh.nl. Default teas made. & . in the pay meat of interest on these; g ! bonds The plant iiss placed >n thej \ hands of a receiver. and eventually: sold by the courts. paying these! r bcr.ds a small sum. J , j "'Ore 1. 1. ferry, a boiidholdc-r.! t t reduced his bonds to judgment hi the. < federal -curt The town of Samson! s took an appeal to the United States! 1 circuit court of appeals at New Or-! ) ( leans, but lost, and it was ordered; ; by this court that the town of on levy a rax on a lot' per cor'| t ..liiation (instead of 60 pei centi t valuation as wo have been doings jc j and that the proceeds from the. | i extra 40 per cent assessment he set1 i ! a- iiic for the payment of 1- L. l'cnry t i bonds, and the decree says that we; t | shall go back to 1 :: span's borne amt that the- courts can increase property valuation up| i ! to 100 cents on the dollar of vaUia-; | tion anH can make such iTic.iease j ^ i retroactive.7* ; 1 : j) Or. Samuel Fox Mordecai, deaii of j ) I the Otike university iutv school, died I 1 at his home on the campus in DiiT-l < ham Thursday afternoon. He had beer, rick for some time, first b'ecom- i i :no: misapaeitated last May when he! ; suffered a stroke of paralysis. He! 1 | rallied during- the summer but saf-j ( : Jered a second stroke on November ' i He. had been confined to his bed ' since the last >-lToke. DEM< Jest Interests of Northw r.OUNA. TiH !l';;'AV JAXl'AKX eSi1 ~Ur.-.> -?--.- ~^z~:-- .'..' mow/1 (iETS w/ms MANOR 4- ic.-s.ee 01 the hotel iasi uminer. had made no statement as i> who?.her he would hid for a last hi.-- coming dseasun. Moreover. Mr ioydeh was a bidder for the hole! reportv and is aim owner of th( 'lowinu Rook hotel. Whether Mr. Uroyhil! intends ti potato the hole! himself or lease il s not. known hen . School Housed in New Building Blowing: Itoek consolidated schoo < -opened .Monday in its. new building iriih a substantial increase in en ollmeTit. but with no equipment ioJ he building. The new structure has seven class ." nis. withotit a permanent desk tr he in, library room without book iielf and with very few books, lab ratory moras wilbo\H enough test uh?:s ?-. ?y.> around i he! 1 pcopiba biit without i cat .. it. MtHida > no >?:.r. . in a t vlhpe l ntll o if 're l>eh v :.ere. tile high schoo e;. . nw.o'd ; he Hi? hvHle-madl j^uo the lempdrary ouyrtcr: I.- r-c\v .building, and school v a; t;itn i almost without equipment l;u' . i ;? \i th< coo f-ir; stoa'rt it-ai . ffi 4 Kv. fci f f . : ' ? I. I>1. MaVtlt 1.1 b. S ,?] . him ?pr thai i :i ? ji Mow \:ii earth.** 'xiHH't to flir iiutv ?r t-he htfihiiisj>; titifc year, lii H'l.r <>ii- Mv Mejm h?AVo,l*vr. tba oirtfc molhwi ?voohi he found- in thi lOar future bib; a ltd ?>a\ *. ?*. tin fjul javiont. (1. t . fco 0T\ bftlAlf <.f th, ehobi board* explains? thai rh caret h spent;sum?* $-11, >00 on tin building and site and ii recline other obturations. and tha t cannot assume any furthe* iimtn ),?! burdens at this timv. IV ivipai A. K. Mercer, on lie ha 3 >1 the teachers., expressed approola .ion of the teacher- for the ticv tft tiding, which although not so wo I ?VU)l>?)ed as enuUl be .desired, is lit ' nitely more eoirfbrcablc ar.b coren:ent (bar. the quarter- with whirl he -eheoV has had to Iffihw ttt tnS S u cider th-Lynch i-'VVv. .L . >_ .? ^ .v ?.?. . . . , _ . %-?ii 7,ik* tasi ?3w m uic ofu yc;u diss Maty fstuldeirh, daughter o. tit. :'.V.?5 Mrs. X. Suddovtt.. tire Xiiton !,?c Lynch of 'it.lo-ooM? wet. oat-riod, at tfe homo of the hrttli*': wiour*. The marriage v\as jolem tize.i U> il i'-v-'.' of relatives am jrtiiviate frit-ivi-. iicv. 1'. .A. II.k litVviatiiVg. (;nm-VHu: c'y followim he coiemony. which tjfiftk place a o'clock Saturday at'trcnoon. Mr aid Mr*. i.,y.hch left fjir jYshevil'e thing from there to Fior.ds. The; vili make their home at lJurtiam there Mr Lynch holds a- responsihh msiness position. Members of th. ami!} who were 'in Blowing Rod or the wedding were M.*v Dorctli; Ipci'lerlh of Charlotte. Miss Carri< tuddeith of Yorb. S. C, Miss Kath rine Smiilerth and Mrs. It. I> -'arihitig- 01 New'and. Personal Mention Miss Lata Ward, who has been ii ianfon? for the !a-i few months, re urneri home Monday and was no canpanied hy Fred Walter., of I.eiu Iratvch, N". J. They left Tuesdai norniiig to vetnro to Sanford. Mr v'aU.irs w 1! go north again Hie 1st er part of this week. J. Alien clragg, who. was injur* < v.riy in December in ao automobih icei.ienl. has returned front the bos dial at. Stiilosvtlle to Ifis home i? flowing Rock Favorable report if*, t eeo vod Xroni two ...hoi 81o\vin> lecx vitissSjp IH.'.V 1.: J? (iif-ene a;iti Hany Connor. M-.najr.-r Moo.-e >>f the Carotin, lore, Mr. Maere ami 'Iseir Smal lauchtcr spent Christmas with fhci lusniliVs n Morjrantyn. M?: Comic Moody and MUt litre; iVtHiatne- spcrh the past week-end ii CViir-ton-Salem at the home of Mr ler.rv Conrad. Mr. Conrad is em rleyod by tin state highway dennr pent. and is now located at Valh "rucisMv a'.id Mrs. .1. A. ran aba liav. c-openeo their apartment here am tlrs. Pnneila will remain in Blowinj -lock for the remainder of the win . v Mr. Pattella will divide h s tins ttvets hi: work r StaisviUe and hi; no r B owing ft.rrV. Mr. It. C Hayes spent a part c: yV-i .A? 1 OCRA est North Carolina " 5. 15)28 Discontinue Sunday y Train Service Here '] E T. \ w. N. C. Takr off Two Trains and Change Schedule of Nos, 1 and 4 ' i, - ? s Effective. last Suifday !!". two pay; sender irainy novating- betv.-oen i Boone and Jniir.-on City were re | moved and schedule? changed or*, t ^I number? I and i bomber I ienvv .! Il.tf.it!> -.t ..... I .t I - "'?? ??^V : Ui.if heretofore, and No. I. returning-, or j rives at Tf?r- instead of *?.in. the afterriboii. *' No announcement ivas made in re- s gard to the removal el the Sunday ) trains or the change in the schedule " of others. The present schedule 1 ; . will not affect any cehnecfcionr in' v :!Johnson City other than with south- i ; i hound train No. II of the Southern v .( iai!wav. | * I IS NOT CANDIDATE FOR ! t DISTRICT ATTORNEYSHIP ? The following appearing in the t L state press under a Boone date line " of Deceinher *!!h will he read with a -N 1 good .?< ;,! of Interest in Watauga _ ' county, as it would seen: to settle for i ; ; all titnc tin* question of who wi?l he - district attorney for the niiddte uis- a r tret of North Carolina-: ! "Frank A. l.inney. I Tilted States ;i - attorney, put an end to sencuhiiion ? > ..r .a,-..i i. i-i i n wncnivi i?v unuiu ')!, ;i canui-1 date for re-appointment by anuouRC-j i r>?r today that hfe resign alio?', had 1.1 been in the hands o( the president ?{ since December H, Th < sipnulion t is offoctave at. tho preside: 'Measure i or until Mr. lunacy's -uoet -hall have been appointed. " '? hiiikt ?' .uMi'-i.'m i-mont .* M v. l.ir.nov said. ; t e.rdcv [>) stop newspaper stories writ u n in -uoh a way as to eive th- iri'r t pres.-ion that a phli*ien? irade isbo ixijj made ivet\\i ni mu and K. i.. L CJavin; - -lipi-i ;nforidv.o. i Teaeliiitji' pi--. ' H and V ;?> the- o.-or,- ttev. I-Y, A ti V. P d.iir> 1) in; : Miu-Wyik prayer-ten too WodiVer.luy t p. m. You iite folrtikdfY invitod to attend all services at. ; (a- ?-11 .? -' i. ADVENT CHRISTIAN Sunday school at. 10 o'clock. i !? Sunday n:nTrviipr vreavhiRK service at e 11 by Hev. S. E. (> i ii?oyai Workers meeting at 0. ;d0 p. sv>. v Pray or meeting Tuesday as pad. at the i church, Choi> prnct co Thl.rsdr\ nij.h;. Everyone cordially invited t- atx tend anv or ail of these services. ! BOONE METHODIST * 3 irww .1 I'AC.pn -X - i v u;\'. I'i. ri. >>ivi.-?ei rs. jester tj Sunday school Sunday moraine : - at ^:48. i M. Rankin, s r Conned. ftjhle Class; K. K. ilahn,' 1 i-j Men".- Fklito c'i:ir. ; Mrs. ,T. 1.. i : \V'>!; . . . ; chor V. ..'..i, ll'- Bi'olt ' ; a s; It Steele, church lav lead, ; 1 It. U. Kr.rlhhw, vimivffiiti board nfp? ! . IVWJXV..I... j I : 15 oVhrrk: Si i'l jil)l 5?y l)r. i\ . A. 5 t.i r.khr?. president of i invc0port C#l.- > lojrv, Lemur. It is ufjted that nwy- ' tr>.iy nva ! themselves vi this opifior-; ' i ; unity i . hearing it', .tonkins, si o'clock: Tito Leagves will I > i 7:*>0 o'clock: This service will j 1 t . m charge of flu Senior League. ; > Wednesday eveninp- 7:00 o'clock: 1 ,; M d-wcek prayer service. Wednor.- ; s , i n.'iy evening jit 7:50 o'clock: Choir '' , j practice. We ivc'icoir.e the stranger i' >; at our door. : c 5 sSr " | e : .!oh a Franklin MeNsir, financier; 1 ; and manufacturer, regarded as one t I of the- most influential nt:d success >' - fed men in Xorth Carolina, and es. pee ally in the eastern part of the f state, died Thursday mommy at his c residence in Luu i iriburg, after on c r illness of two weeks' duration. He v - was S I years old. j a Y : va e I Mar.aiign a, Nicaragua, .far:. J.-- 1 ' I Five United States marines were -! killed and 'id wounded in a Seven - j oit-sy.-m.r.: with rebels on the out- v j sk rty of Quilali. last Friday, says !' i;au official* anr.cnn- -. rtient at marine a i- bvaueuauer. today. The rcbe.s suf- I -i f.-rcd 'severe casualties" hut the e::- li net T Vimhfi killed wn surdrnown. t the holidays vnth h - tami'iy sr. F. : . ieftjjh and while there was a spcwtr.- t j Tor St she .children's party given by x, r' Governor and Mrs. fiSr.Tvehn oh the { ! i gro-.ii-.is of the governor's mansion. i r! Siisses Hoishocser Mr.be! i Coffey and Lucy Yv'ftliarris. were * t ! hostesses at a narty giver. Monday -o l fright at tin home of Mrs. H. V. . . | Hobliottsor. The house v."as prettily i . decorated with holly anc! cedar, re- 4! fresliments also embodying the i t> Christmas "spirit.'' Games and music r featured the eve-nine's entertain- o e meni. Miss Maty Holshou.er oi 1 1 Wft.-hirrgton, l> 0., who spent a part < r of her Chr stmas vacation in Browing -: Keck, assisted in - owing. A a.g- t e number of ICowi g Bock's young s ncc.sj e wore pre enl. and the party ; is j- .CO 1 d on of tr.o in i'.- ;f l". s mas ,-i a. on nr^ . JL rajCTWM^i fV," FIVE CENTS A COPY Affidavits on " HAVES CHARGES )ifvred By B^nntr Eik Man Cbarg* ing Jutt.-M- Ignored Uqw?* Law* WKrle Solicitor; B n E^er Chief Of fender W a rii)i{?lt?t! S{>ecia' -if lien '0 to t.iriifrcri>o::*> Daily txcni^l Senator Overman ocviviv? i-iduy Mi.-.h- v V/alch < ' afxiduvlt..- in vht: uny Hayes cm:?? . 4i? l/urnortim? to ub ihtiule Hi- clvx'w that Mr, fayes, while solicitor.. pe mulled open violation'* of- the prohibition aw in his The affidavits ,vre inclosed with a letter from Cdgar Tufts of liantw Klk. who . ret-? Ovnman . "May I call your special attention i) the affidavit trotti Mr. S. B. X > er of Cranberry.*' 4 Mr. "I'mft emphasized Mr. tester's worn statement because it aHejred ha? Mr. Hayes, as solicitor, was an actual ev.e witrie " the fact that : "That in the fail of ti?2i.I made . trip to 'Ron Eli house call ng: J en EUor fnVn? the dooi to my car, 'distance of ' feet, and asked for nre-half gallon ? f whisky, a html o k hi. The half aallon fruit jar conainimr tiie Whi:ky wa- brought Co i>\ car. tmcovyfed in nuill basket, M-.-.t'.L- within three feet of the -e eitor ?"t the said uiytrict. Johnson . liay< . and delivered to my cay yjfch holdtu - kth.d without fear ?m he part el 15 r. Eller. That jdjmsipl . iinvt > v. a \ -hiry -in Ren EilerT ).))?)!' Ml 1 . V?i* li:i orned u> ddf; ;u i penod f% i -?*' iii U\% ha&.ht ;re V?v -toe h.BjmaejyI:?. . i' li'l', i?' V > Ha? V. . ' il?v =S I tuatlvV: ami 0. K. ltiVt!j;?ry . A! i>? kVnnet- &/K',/ \ a?'?m?vykc! ;?-: * ad T1'/- I?. >?\1' .!o? Bantu r. *.\ the nrui- u-rr^t -i Jtero& ' eicSlk thai?*-1 ?pe Viv(ai\ :uti XK'manui xUi- Bvm 'j . Fh:it t uin iiiJ'enood that in I ?01* he. j^tik".- with h:v sort, Ruy;eoo ?Icr. mBm voix romncted tor selline ).u\\io?, in vVaiaitga ri.or u.un, and th.it he said Q^n Kite* was pu*. U tORii ?>V $l?l foe two your- to thow thjet- ho had- tu*\u$jr<*en i) the iujuo? hv?s.*;no*s. Thai in ijfn 4 lohnson .i. M;:\i , w as elerieh vo.klor and isitO'.i to > said EMer iYeimntl> and idr several ^HdVmers >asi. tool; his iiurry vVcr to visit the eiid K'-ki nut at a* most every (? rr?a A coon he Would sjH-hd .several u-^liis v.itr. :*he sa'ii Kuer. eau! fch ft ml. iiigfrt-' Thftt tfe ah? I'j.'kr has; :* rumulalvo conkvdeVamoiuir oi pi okc-rliy. i-'n.t i '; ii,i TOiwvt' r,?:\ umii w i r. om.aury meliigenoe could have --pent ?s aach ttme at the in,me of the said Slier as I he saUi > av i-pontijy vitboMi knowing that he was enraise>5 In ti.e iitiuw hssiiic.ss. That re was never indicted by the stvhj la.ro- tioritif* his entile torn-, of" 12 rears as imlicito'r. That the soid "!kr s nee the - aid Moves won- nut s solicitor has hfeeu ipctcti arai ohvicted and is now servility a term n A eery county jail for' -a-lane ii[Uer. That, throuyli the inficvtiee f the said fiayo.s, and others, 1 am .-/.ooy'v r. for mod that Enj.-ono "filler was apioi?rtcd eiork of the superior court f Avery county." Senator Overman had all these *tidnvits tjjert today with the saV- '-Sc; emmiUee of the senate JiidieiMy J ornmiltee. The hearinp in the esse .iil beein Thur.ci.iy moir/nfc, .hint; ry Mr. Hayes v.il! he repvcsoi ; d before the scooial contmiUoeby ??l C. Wlnnd. of I.enoir. i.os Anyvl.s, Ui i . --insanity till be the ainv.vi pleader) by \\ iV ism fi. Hickman for hlr. confessed bdnctmn sn?l murder ol Marian ' crker, it wsr antrountsed tbday by lis attorney. -?orovn:; VValrh, who vvr.r; ont bene bv the mother of the Iff. var-o'i youth to dcfewd him. Aftor stjAy of California ricna! codo. ire ir.san ty defense wa? .-.otlfced by he attorney as '.Ire basis of hi? fight 01 H: km a t --vito toh! affieev? that ho SI 590 rsoposn obtained from tht \ 'end girl's father .roant maiv en hire. bar. the child's r yht to live. Walsh. eho arrived yesterday from Kansas i'ty. Krelimar.'s home town, snen'. ho dry closeted with Cos Ahtteler ffioia1' and in Hickman's roil with he prsonor. lie raid that a nigh J." s lamination of the state's nena1 rode fforod four oosGb.le avenues of o Va. !*tio.y ar\ ho pointed out. "Gni''y." 'Insanity." "Guilty ard Insane" ot ' Vet (TU'-tv and insane." Tho last >'o- Would rcor.irc lirst a tr al as to - ;1' or it(. o^arec of kidnatwiny ?a -- tfef'-v and 1st r a sonarsto trial ?a,, .. oithSr the wtiii - .. i:"f ^' j\-1~. i