w VOL. XXXIX, NO. 4 Great Smoky Mountain National Park Assured Laura Spillman Rockefeller Memo-' rial Fund Gift of $5,000,000 As- ! sures Success of Great Project 1 Nashville, Term., March (5.?With! the establishment of the G teat; Smoky Mountain National Park as-1 sured by the offer of $5,000,000 j from the Laura Spillman Rockefeller j memorial fund, the park commission' by unanimous vote requested Gov-: ernor Henry H. Horton to issue! Tennessee's bonds for $1,500,000 in! aeordam**' with th.-> aft r?f th?? legislature providing such an issue, j The Rockefeller gift will be made I on condition that a like amount is raised from outside sources. A total of $4,$tiO,QOG has already been raised by bond issues in Tennessee and North Carolina and from other sources. The maximum df the tract proposed foe the park is 701,000 acres. The federal government is ready to act in the establishment of the tract, lying in both states, as a national nark as soon as the designated lands are conveyed to the government. With the impetus of the Rockefeller iift it is believed that the remaining $140,000 necessary to be raised as a condition to the offer, will almost immediately be available. SAYS PROHIBITION CAN AND WILL BE ENFORCED j St. Petersburg, Fla.. March G.?j The prohibition law is a good law, it can and will be enforced, and it i here to stay. Prohibition Gommis-j sioncr James M. Doran declared be j tore the Anti-Saloon league's south-j eastern states prohibition convention here tonight. Introduced to an audience that; packed the First Baptist church as! the mail "with the hardest, job in tbej United States," Doran drew prolong-1, ed apptaus when he said ; "Federal enforcement is iust net-! lint; a (coot! flying start. Wo don't1 ask fov la vol-; all ivs ask is an even] break. Next year we expect to show | oven more impressive results than, the preceding one, else it wilt be time tor some of us Lo get out." WASHINGTONIAN URGES AID FOR BONE DRY CANDIDATES Mr. E. Moody ot Elborlon, Wash., in a personal letter to the. editor of The Democrat says, "I am still a Democrat, but that which is] more.important, 1 am for dry mentor any and all offices in this Conn-! try. Kindly advise your readers to, votL- for dry men regardless of poli-j tics as I think the prohibition issue 1 . is the most, important of ail." Mr. ; Moody was reared ir. Watauga coun-1 ty, but has made his home in the state of Washingtor. for many years.: ADVERTISING SCHEMES SCORED AT MEETING! Raleigh, March C>.?The fly by1 night advertising, which is now flooding the state, should be reject-: ed by secretaries of the North Cure-' lina Merchants association, R. L, i Powell of Durham, toivl the secretaries in the concluding; meeting: of: the officers' two-day session today. ; Reliable advertising, he consider ed, was just as necessary as the re-J liable news served by the ncwspa-1 pcrs of the state, he said. $2,500,000 IS VOTED FOR WINSTON-SALF-M SCHOOLS! ?' Winston-Salem, March 6.?-By a I majority of 1,686, the voters of Win-1 stort-S^lem today approved the' scho'ol board's proposed bond issue! of $2,500,000,000 for the expansion' of the city's school system. Onlyi eleven votes were ae.te.aily cast against the program, the others counting against it by failure to vote. COVE CREEK NEWS NOTES Sugar Grove, March 8.?The ne-. gro minstrel presented last week by! the Cove Creek high school was a decided success. More than $90} was raised for the benefit of the1 school. The preliminary debating contest} for the state tri-angnlar debate was' held on Monday. Eleven pupils en-' tiered the preliminary. The preliminary declamation ad recitation contest will he held -next Monday when one boy and one girl will be selected to take part in the contest sponsored by the Appalachian State Normal sometime in April. The Mountain City high school will present a negro minstrel in the Cove Creek school auditorium on Friday night, March 9. This program j was presented in Mountain City and j was highly successful. The public is t cordially invited. y Prof. S F. Horton, principal of. the school is again asking patrons to furnish teams in order that the school" grounds may be leveled. \ MAT A Non-Partisan NeBOOM pffifKALlVENTS! OF THE PAST WEEK! i Highlights of Political Activity of! Both Major Parties Summarized j From Recent News Dispatches 1 From Over the Country Hoover-Norrik in Wisconsin Race I Nomination papers placing Her-j bcrt Hoover and Senator George W. j N'orris of Nebraska in the prcsiden-! tial primary race, were filed at j Madison. Wisconsin Thursday with? the secretary of state. Reed Enters California Primary Senator James A. Reed of Missouri, last Thursday signed his declaration of candidacy in the presidential primary to be held in California on May 1 and announced "we will fight it out. He entered into a race which is expected by his followers to bring a showdown among the forces in thai state of Governor Smith of New York, the followers of William G. McAdoo and the Reed supporters. Lowden I* Optimistic Chicago, Marelj 51?Frank O. Lowden, former governor of Illinois, was hack in his home state today tanned and clear-eyed from four weeks "riding and hiking" in Arizona, and with his opinion regarding his presidential candidacy unchanged. Lowden said he had signed a statement for the North Dakota primary at the behest of friends there: had "heard" he had the Iowa dele-| gat ion to the Republican convention and ''understood" other states wanted him as the party chief. lie hflS not made plans tor any speeches, he said. ?_ ( Tucker is Willing to Run for Governor Trvitig B. Tucker, district attorney! for the United States court of the] eastern district of North Carolina, will accept the nomination for gov ernor if it is offered bim. That information is given out by W. G. Bramhani. former chairman of the Republican state executive committee, and one of the leaders of the party in the state. There has becm mention of Mr. Tucker's nawo. ir? connection with the nomination for governor and Mr. Bramham says that Mr. Tucker would accept if nominated. Mr. Tucker is one of the most; popular of the younger leaders in. the Republican party in the state. He was prominently mentioned for the position of national committeeman to. fill the vacancy caused by the resignation ol" Johnson J. Hayes. Smith Molds Whip Hand in California Senator .Walsh's entrance into the California primaries under the guidance of William (1. McAdoo depends for ils importance on how imtehi of an impression Senator Reid has made on the Pacific const- T??* r?i?_ jority of ihe Democratic voters being wei in that state it was taken for granted that Smith would hold the delegation. Now, however, there is apparently a very slight possibility that Reid may split the vote with the New Yorker, leaving the dry faction for Walsh. This state of affairs is extremely unlikely, however, in view of the fact that Reid is practically unknown to Cnlifornians in general arid that they really believe victory is in sight with Smith at the head of the ticket. Governor Smith's supporters remember that it hasn't been so long since Democracy had a look-in in California and hope of presidential success is more potent than prohibition, even among many of Ihe drvs. Furthermore, indications seem to poin to an increase in the Smith prestige as a result of trie Missourian's liberal speeches. In the Rocky Mountain region and in the extreme northwest the NewYork governor has united fallowings. Idaho, where Smith sentiment was almost nil four ye.-jrs ago, has already instructed her 24 /delegates fcr the governor, while Utah, Nevada and other states where the Mormons arc strong are expected to lollovv suit. The'tendency of the mountain states is manifest from the circumstance that most of the men who came as delegates tor McAdoo in 1924 are now candidates for places on Smith delegations. Should Walsh do better in the west than it now indicated, he may be taken up by the south with little enthusiasm, because of his religion and because of a senate speech in which he referred to the technical treason of southern congressmen at the beginning of the Civil war, for which expression he was taken to task by southerners. Judge Council States Position on Governor Smith From the Hickory Daily Record. ! Editor of The Record: I have hadj so many persons within the past fewmonths to ask me my views as to the j (Continued on Rage Eight) ? JGA wspaper, Devoted to the E, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH < Gas'css Motor Inventor J j ,-^uro CA CT CR"1 I.ester J. Hendershot of Pittsblind* wli*? has ju>t invented * "?ucTie>> motor, n tree energy generator which is claimed to get :t'> running power from the air. High Peaks in Western Carolina Raleigh. March I.?There are 1.1 mountains in Western North Caro link with peaks all rising higher thar 6,000 feet, ail within a radius of 5f miles of Asheville. the state depart nient of conservation shows and cite? as proof the United States Geologi ral KUVVPV. whieli +V>. figures. The publication of the (J. S. Qeij logical sucvey gives the altitude ol King, o? the White mountain peftki i:: New Hampshire as 6^303 feet and that of Mount Mitchell, in Noril Carolina, monarch of all eastern summits, as towering 0,711 skyward The iigures giving the aUinirii of the various peaks in the state art ;?s follows: 6,71 I feet?Mount Mitchell. 6,000 feet?Black Brother. 6,680 feet?Cdingman's Dome. ?;, >-lf> ieet -Balsam Cove. t ..?,636 feet?Mount Guya??&-,- r 6,620 feet?Black Brother (No 2). 6,611 feet?Clihgnmirs Peak. 6,6.0ll feel?Cattail Peak. 0,60U feet?he Contc. 6,600 feet?Mount Gibbs. 0,600 feet?Four unnamed peaks 6.640 feet?Richland Balsam. 6,500 feet?One unnamed peak (Mount Mitchell) 6,487 feet?- Potato Hill. 6.4 00 feel- Mount 6a11!?c (>,100 fuel.?Throe unnamed peaks one Guyot and two Pisgah. 0,400 feet?Waterracck Knob. li,:!k!> feel?Biaekstone Kuol>. 0,051 feet?Colo Mountain. f>,,"lf: feat?Roan High Knob. 0,300 feet?Five unnamed peaks three Mount Mitchell, one. Pisgal uV.il one. Guyot. So the United Stater, Geological survey shows 30 peaks all highoi than Mount Washington. New Humpshire, Searing: out the North Carolina department's claim to the -state's having the loftiest and most majestic mountain peaks east of the Missis sippi. JOHN DULA FOUND DEAD IN AVERY; NECK BROKEN John Dula, well known resident of Avery county, a former Wilkes citizen, was found dead near his home in Avery last week. His neck was broken and his face badly lacerated, indicating foul play. Mr. Dula v.-as an important state witness in the ease of Hub Wagner, who yet faces trial for on<* of the killings in Watauga county on Deeember 25. 192(5. Dula was the sou of T. F. Dulu. of Ready Branch, and was about 37 years old.?AVilkcs Patriot. (Information from Newland is to the effect that a coroner's jury returned a verdict that. Dula came to his death due to an accident. It is thought that he missed his footing and fell over the cliff, death results ing. It is also reported that warrants have been issued for a man by the name of Taylor Sn connection with the case. Taylor being the last man Dula was seen with. Taylor is said to be a notorious moonshiner. EDITOR MAY VISITOR HERE Editor Fred H. May of the Lenoii News-Topic, with his wife and two children, made an auto trip to the hill country last Shnday. They visited the fish hatchery, got caught in a beautiful storm, stopped a short while in town and left on their return after a very delightful outing. i : ' Diner (indignantly) : "Bring the proprietor here at once, there's a wasp in my soup!" "waiter : "It's no use sending foe the boss, sir. He's scared of 'era himseif '' % Sp'rajgnHg... < S-, ,.,' J'' , Ej 8a ?5 ? Suhr B Best. Interests of Nortlvvve CAROLINA. THURSDAY. MARCH S, %1MTONMAY | r HAVE OPFOSITIONl Uudentood that W. R. Bau^ess of j j Jefferson is Considering Making* J Race Against "Farmer Bob"' if! | A! Smith is Nominated. i ' Congressman >1- L. Do ugh to it of| the eighth North Carolina district,) is to be opposed for the seat in) congress by W. R. Baugcss of Jef-j ferson. well known Republican po!iJ tieian. according to word brought to i the city yesterday by friends and j supporters of the Jefferson man, | says the Greensboro News of Tues day. Mr. Baugess. it was said, has{ made no forniaj statement t>? having | an intention to run, but friends who have "'felt him out*' recently declare he is ir. a receptive mood. Mr. Baul gess, it is said, is a scrapper from j away back and lias a strong follow? j irig in the eighth district, which is | one <;i" those the G. O. P. forces v ould like to snatch from the Bemo> cratsc fire. | The report from Jefferson was I about the only political development j here yesterday other than the failure > of any sentiment for a Hoover club t to flare up. Hoover has many supporters among the Republicans in i Greensboro, but so do Governor Lowdeu, Vice President Dawes, Nick Longworth and others. In fact, the 1 G. O. P. stalwarts in Greensboro are ' about as evenly divided as possible with a number of them admittedly ; on the fence awaiting the passing of! the band wagon. They do not want to leap and then learn they are in ' wrong?plenty hi* time to be right. . they confess. j '! WHEELER SAYS DEMOCRATIC s PARTY MOST BE PROGRESSIVE j I ij Washington. March a,?Outlining) il his views on a vumpajgn platform,' I Senate* Wh( tiler of Montana, de2' elared today that "unless the Demo| erulic party becomes progressive ! apd litievfi! it will be wiped off the j map." He spoke before the Women's National Democratic club* and j avoided any reference to candij dates. The Montana Democrat, who | in 1924 ran for vice president on .j the LaFollette ticked, said (he Democratic party must take a fearless stand to protect the rights of the masses against special privilege, which he contended had been benefiting .under Republican rule. ANOTHER LITTLE WAR 44Another little war" that may, cost Great Britain much blood and money has burst unexpectedly on the empire Ibn .Sand, formidable! , ruler of nearly a?! Arabia, has in of-i feet declared war on Britain; is be-1 hind the attack on Mesopotamia aiuL has authorized attempts to impose 1 his hand of Moslem orthodoxy "byj j the sword" on the F.ngHst protected , j kingdom of Transjordania and Irk. 1! Indications are thai Groat Britain 1 will be compelled to enter the field I j against practically the whole. of! Arabia with a population of about} 7,000.000. ; ARTISTS' MODEL INHERITS FORTUNE. WON'T QUIT WORK! Philadelphia. Pa.. .March K.?JVtf-j ; gy Burns, pretty artists' model gets! 1 ;i I'm5 Kivl li/l.n' e.. ? ?1-? [ teaches.the age of 21. Visiting herj homo in Washington, Pa., she learn-: ' ed that hev grandfather, Michael .1.' . Burns, who died seven years ago had! , willed hev over $500,000. She said her new found wealth would not turn her head and that she weald vohtinae to work. VALLE CRUC1S NEWS ValTe tiiii'i'i. March Ti?Mrs. George Moose of Boone was a visitor iti Valle Crueis on Wednesday. Mrs. Monroe Herman, who has been sick for over a month, is not improving as steadily as her friends wish for. -A joint meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and the Woman's Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. T. H. Taylor Monday aft: ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Graves of . Yanceyvillc are visitors at the home c.f Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Burke. H. H. Yates is suffering front mastoiditis, and was taken to the : Banner Elk hospital on Tuesday. I M T? ffl-ivlpe Tirtvv t whn Vioe Krw.r. t seriously ill, is improving. M. C. Wagner and Willis Kiser'of Montcalm. \V. Va.. spent Sunday night in the valley. All the medical resources of Japan's capital arc engaged ih a life and death battle with an influenza epidemic which already has killed nearly 2,000 people and has attacked the country's rulers. More than ' half a million persons have been i stricken and the sick are dying at the rate of 88 a day. The emperor ' is suffering with cold and fever and! i Princess Hisa, 6 months old, is dectared to be ill with pneumonia. ' ' 3CRA . ... . .. .. < .. .. ... st North Carolina 102? Bifr/ied to Death ! 1 / ' ^ W :l;i; :i=-<: l':o\vn, middle aged - ! Pari; Avenue. Mow s S . v.!:?. w.i- battered into tin ami then burned tv> I M a b ;.v a f-cnd. v I p, New Fire Company ^ Organized Here As i: result of the recent i'larc-up! i between members of the board of al- i derm en and the volunteer fire de- J partnieut, a new organization has ] been perfected, with the following 1 personnel: ! Hook and ladder, Ed Greene, Ed ' Gullcr, D. L. Wilcox. ] ( Chemical hose?S. M. Aycr.s. ; Nozzlemen?Dallas Wilson, F.. W. i ? Timmons, Granville Norms. Drivers, L. S. South (nozzloman) Ed I lodge: . * Hose couplers, Stuart Winkler j 1 (signalman), Al Adams Rudolph 1 Mo ret'.. j 'r Hydrantmon?Ray Esivs and V. ' Fi Eox. t Chief of Police Garland i.s acting; j as fire chief nntil a suitable man! | can be located for this position. J ? r-u;?r -i \*?i...? v UICI virtl Klllti ALIUL-U iU'ljlvlity : " | morning that new equipment, rain- 4 i routs, hoi.nets, boots, wrenches, etc., r i had been purchased by the town 1 1 'board had already boon purcha- ed j and will be on hand in tjje near; 1 ! future. 'v$g| LAW ON FISH LICENSES > WESTERN CAROLINA GIVEN 1 Fifteen western North Carolina! counties are now included amongd ' those where licenses are required for i ail types of fishing: in trout streams,! I according to Wade H. Phillips, director and J. K. Dixon, assistant di- ! rector of the department of conser- j.f vatiou and development. I Although the "state; angler's law , passed by the li'"27 general assembly ; ? only required! 'licenses for those per-, J sons engaged in sport angling; or who i ^ fish with fori and reel or by casting,! a special provision empowered the; board of conservation and development to extend the requirement of a 0 license t.-> any trout stream in the state on < petition of county* commis- j sionc rs. ; 1 As a result of this authorization, * this extension has been made in the j s following counties: Madison, Clay, I a Gvnham, Mitcb.cl{, Surry, Jackson, 1 Haywood, Avery, Buncombe, Alie-I ? ghany, Wilkes, Ashe, Transylvania,}? Watauga and Swain. j * "The fisherman who uses only a j pail hook and lined' asserted Direc-i f tor Phillips, "benefits as much from! stocking the streams with fish as do] ?? those who use other kinds of tackle | C nncl it is only fitting that they should i help bear a part of the expense of J f populating the streams with more fish. t "Four of'the present five stateoperated hatcheries are located in the mountain counties and the larger f part of the benefits are derived a therefrom in the counties in which! they arc- and those adjacent. Part j 1' of the operating expenses of the j u hatcheries are borne from the funds s received from license collections, 0 and part of which also goes toward furnishing warden service by which s the laws are administered." - ^ c HAMMER SLAYER GETS LIFE ! Painsvilie. Ohio, March 6.?Mrs. * Yelma West, the blond hammer j v slayer of Perry, Ohio, will enter the; wuincu s reiormaiory ax i'uarysvMie ' tomorrow to begin a life sentence r for the slaying of her young husband, Thomas Edward West, son of c a wealthy nurseryman. She escaped c trial for first-degree mnrder this( morning when the state accepted a i plea of guilty to a second-degree 1 charge. e Democratic State Convention 1 The Democratic state executive V committee, meeting in Raleigh Tuesday niglit, fixed May "26 as the date s for precinct "meetings, .Tune for county conventions and Tuesday, s June 12, Tor the slate convention. \ The state meeting will bo held in the 1 Raleigh city auditorium r T FIVE CENTS A COPY MGNERCASESET FOR MARCH 13TH 'epori Circulated Here tliat Trial Had Beex> Continued Until Spcciaf Term of Wilkes Superior Court is Without Foundation Solicitor John I;. Jones informed ?he Democrat ever long distance eiephone Tuesday night that the lub Wagner murder rase would be ailed for trial in Wilkes superior ourt next Tuesday morning. It was reported here Sunday that he case nvould he continued until a pecial term to be called in May, hit the soiicitor said there was no puna'ation to the import. A special venire of 100 Wilkes ountv men will be ?ummonrd hv sheriff Ellidge and his deputies icxt Saturday to be on Hand when he trial opens. W'aunev will be ried at this time roi the alleged laying of Dexter Byrd On Christnas day, 1020. He has already been dated under sentence of 15 10 20 cars in the state prison for the laying of Earl Moody. About eighty wit cesses from Yatauga couiity wili go to Wilkes'ioro Tuesday for the trial. 'DR. CLEMENT" EXONERATED N TORCH LIGHT MURDER CASE New York. March 0.?As quickly is he had appeared ?r. the picture by lis unannounced surrender to the jolice. Louis Clement Van Nordch, ili.is "Dr. Louis Clement/- was leaved todn> of connection with the laying of Miss Margaret Drown, governess Mew fork, March Dr. Louis Element, who was sought by police or questioning in connection with he killing of Miss Margaret Drown, joverness, who was burned to death m a New Jersey road, surrendered o police today. Detectives working on the Brown ase said repeatedly since they bepan their search for Dr. Clement hat they had nothing by which to rennet t him with the death of the joverness and merely sought him in the hope that he might furnish inJjacmatioh which would aid in scrluion of the crime. , Dr. Clement walked into police H a ."quarters and announced hcvanien to give himself up, saying h< . .v.?. >.Ht hat; police wove seeking: him. 3L1ND FOR 30 YEARS, WOMAN REGAINS SIGHT Carper.tersville, Ind., March 8.? Vftor SO years of blindness, Mrs. Lirrie Sillerv, seventy years eid, ees a grain. Awakening- from u nap, Mrs. Sillevy, who lives on a farm, uddenly began to depict various obccts in the room. The cause has iaff!ed physicians. ZIONVILLE HAPPENINGS Zionville. March 7. ? The friends f John M. Hodges will regret to earn of his death, which occurred !> March i>,t. Funeral services and ntcrment were at Union church, "he children present during- his iekness arid death were: Hart, Roy nd Charlie Hodges and Ivlrs. '/an. )avis of Bristol, Teim., Mrs. J- D. tout of Neva, Teim., Mrs. Lawsoii. saacs of Lynchburg, Va.. and Will lodges of Mabel. E. G. Greer returned last week rom a business trip to Cincinnati, >hio. Mr. Greer has two daritrh+erc esnling in Cincinnati, Mesdames lhas. Isaacs ami Dana Farthing:. Mrs. J. C. Jones is quite sick at he present time. M. \Y. Eller of Butler, Tenn.. was ransacting business in the village uring the past week. Mrs. W. M. Brown and son of Iristol, Tenn.. were here Friday to ttend the funeral of Mr. Hodge. Rev. K. C. Eggers filled hi3 apointments at Zionville church Saturday and Sunday. The Sunday chool, under thq superintendfendy f 0. R. Isaacs, is progressing nicely. X. W. Thomas has been on the ick list for the past week. E. H. Yilson is filling his place as R. F. D. airier. Two small children of J. A. 'astic are confined to their home rifh mumps. (a...... u"?l.- .. i unv.iiiidii i> iiicutvigui 1.1 IIUUIC; gain after an absence of several nonths. G. C. Greer and Hunter Grogan f Mountain Ciitv, spent the weeknd with their families in ZionviUe. C. T. Warner returned Saturday rom a Florida hospital where he las been taking: treatment for several months. Claude Grogan with his family lave moved to Sutherland, where ic has purchased property. Miss Vera Byers of Silverstone pent Monday night in the village. Howard Greer is rapidly recuperitir.g from his recent illness and vas able on Monday to accompany lis. brother to Boom* where they ire opening the Greer cafe.

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