V . VOX,. XXXIV, NO. 5 Free Military Training For Watauga Boys Citizens' Military Training- Camp Offers Profitable Vacation For Youths Between 17 and 24 Knoxville, Tcnn., March 12.-? Opportunity for a month's vacation with all expenses paid exists for Watauga county boys between the ages of 17 and 24, who will be the first to apply for admission to the citizens' military training camp to .,-.,.1 *--? t- - 1 w wuuuctATu uy two uzmeu states government at Fort Bragg. N_ C., June 17-Jttly 16, this summer. The ciimp will be conducted under auspices of the United States regular army. its training vvill stress American citizenship, self-reliance, initiative, team work, good fellowship and how to work hard and effictiyely. Many parents would pa;/ more than $100 for such training of a month for their boys. The boys attending will be organized into military companies and drilled as soldiers. The mornings will be devoted to the military training, calisthenics and instruction in hygiene and citizenship. The afternoons will generally be devoted to athletic sports, including baseball, swimming, wrestling, boxing and track events. The boys will be entertained during the evenings until "tattooa" by Motion pictures, musical concerts/and other forms of amusement. No obligation for future service iii the United States army will rest on the boys and young men attending the camp. All expense:-, including transportation to and from camp, uniforms, food, lodging, and instruction, will be provided by the government free of all cost. The onlv requirements for ariims sion to the camp hrc that the applicant be physically fit, ot good moral character arid able to speak and write the English language. The poor boy is welcomed equally with the rich. la fact, the quality of all American citizens regardless of wealth is a lesson many .? boy will gain from his contacts at the camp. Applications are being received rapidly from all of the southern States? except North Carolina, From present indications, it is said that the camps will pvohabiy ali be Oiled by March 31, ami if" so, no more ap? plications can be accepted after that date. A certain number of places have been reserved for the boys of North Carolina; but unless they arouse themselves and fake advantage of the opportunity without delay. they may find their places taken by boys from other states. Boys wishing tm attend the camp should immediately send their names and addresses a letter addressed to: "Chief of Staff, 81st Division, Knoxville, Tpnn.i" who is charged with giving" put information about the camp to residents of Tennessee and i\orui i.noijua. tui! mioimation about the camp anil an apfffiratfon blank will then be sent him". Boys from WAtiuga cjiunty who attended a camp last year aie: Allen S. Adams, Boone: Albert C. Farthing, Boone; Russell" K. Gragg. Boone; Robert 11. Yates, Voile Cruris. FOUR BILLION IMPORTED EGGS FOR BRITAIN YEARLY London, March li.? Great Britain's breakfast egg bill mounts up pretty h'gh, the citizens of that country consuming 5.700,000,000 eggs a year. Native fowls only supply two billion of these. The sum of money spcr.l by Britain for eggs imported from outside the British empire, which constitute -17 per cent of Britain's importations of this article of food, exceeds the value of all the motor cars, motorcycles, cycles and rubber tires which Britain exports. The imperial economic council wants something done about it. English hens laid 72 eggs in the prewar period to their present 10,000, hut the eggs are smaller at present. Denmark and China supply manyeggs to Britain. The economic council Wants home laid eggs identified so that the public may give them the preference. BAPTIST WOMAN'S SOCIETY SHOWS HUGE GAINS Ashevillc, March 9.?A 40 percent increase in the number of Baptist Women's Missionary Unions in the state during- the year was" the goal before the North Carolina organization yesterday as some 500 members from all parts of the state continued the sessions of the annua! convention here. Mrs. Wesley N. Jones of Raleigh, in an address oil "Growth," not only outlined this increase in the number of unions as the objective, but said also that a similiar increase in related young peoples' organizations would be sought.- There already are 2,413 Baptist. Women's Missionary societies in North Carolina, Mrs. Jones announced. L - ' I 5S 8*3 .. fm i - mmim* ^AlTj^L A Non-Partisan P BC i POLITICAL EVENTS | OF THE PAST WEE1 | Highlights of Politick! Activity I Both Major Parlies .Summarize From Recent News Dispatches j From Over the Country j Gov. Lowden Developing Strengt Throughout Country The past few clays have witness* a remarkable mobilization of h?o\ den sentiment In Missouri. It hi |u,on t I- jjSja ?.-w.... tu-iii me ut'Sinmi that the sentiment in Missouri mostly for the Ohioan. It no seems a certainty. Sentiment at the recent conve: tion of the Young: Republican A y soriation of Missouri was so stror I for Governor Lowden that it is ge; orally conceded that all of the 1 J congressional districts in Missou j outside of Kansas City and St. I.oii i will send Lowden delegates, with tl J possible exception of one d is trie i The new alignment in St. Louis pra tieaily makes the state unanimous Arthur M\ Hyde, former govern< of Missouri, was quoted hv the S Louis newspapers as saying th; Lowden is 100,000 votes strong than his party in Missouri, and th; he fell the state delegation shou he for hiui for the nomination. More than 1000 of the 1430 del gates to the Republican state co ventson in Iowa are under instru tions from their county convention to vote for Lowden at the state eo: veniion, and it is believed that nea h all of the remainder are friend to him. The only county in tl state to .instruct for any other ea didate was Dubuque, which has goi i Republican only once in 75 years. | instructed delegates for Hoove i\ There is plenty of Lowden ten) s nieht In Ohio, judging frmn the *c j unci choices filed by the candidal for delegates on the Willis ticket j that slate. Under the Ohio law, j candidate for delegate must inc I rate both his first and second chbic J on the ballot. Governor Lnwiios j name is not being filed in Ohio accordance with the time notion ; custom whereby candidates nhser the home state rights of each olht: j Of the 51 delegates or. the Wil | slate, 54 have declared their secoi i choice to be Governor Lowden. Tl j others are divided among Charles Fisher, Senator Curtis of Kansas a: Senator Watson of Indiana for so oud choice. The first two instructed dclcgat elected to the ll?2S convention a those from the first district in Nor Carolina'; Xhc district coiiventic unanimously instructed for Goyerni j Lowderf. It is expected thai tl other North* Carolina districts w ! follow with sim\!av instructions. : Ail observers are putting Ms nc.sota tiehiiitdjj in the Lcwd< column. It has been generally ec i coded that Governor- 'Lowdeir- vvou nave the delegates from four or fr i of the rural congressional district hut a stubborn fight wks cvvpeeti j elsewhere. State " Senatot Clau< Mclvcozie, who is general of il Li>ivdeu foixes;;ii^Min,h$^^repor that tremendous gains have bpi made during the past two we el ;r i:i=;?wjiayci I gi?>l IS CWJV Say LTlilL It j quite possible that nil the Minn solo iieTejSffips xv ill be for Lnwden Gnonin1 Lowdeu has filed h OKI's.inul declaration of Candida. . with the secretary of state of Nor Dakota, in accordance with the bit ; of that stale. His name will be t! ] only one on the Republican primal j ballot on March lSth. I An Expert in Government Charles Evans Hughes ir.troduci Governor Smith to a New York a ' dience recently as "one who repr ' sent-; to as the expert in govcr i nient."' When the petition held I i Hughes in the minds of the Amci can people is considered the for going statement becomes pregna with meaning. Despite ali that ct be said about nis religion and h views on the Volstead act, even h I political foes arc bound to cved | Smith with being one of the fe , men in America who can be class* 1 as an "export in government." : It is hardly fair to Governor Smii i to attribute his fame to an attitin on the Volstead act- and his religio Neither is it reasonable to suppo; | that had he not demonstrated qual i ties of honesty, ability and nobili : vi purpose rarely ioun<1 among tt public men of America, that 1 would continue to rapidly ga ground as a candidate in every sc tion of the country despite tl greatest handicaps ever throw across the path of any president! aspirant.?Hickory Record. Editors Back Smith to Win Mdxico City, March li.?A ca vnss of 100 mid-western Unit; States editors who are touring th ! country shows an overwhelming m I jority believe Governor A1 Smith < j New York will be the Democrat ' presidential nominee this ycai.Th; j (Continued on Page Eight! UGA Newspaper. Devoted to tin 'OXE. WATAUGA < OUXTY. XORTH i | News of Week in and About Blowing Roc * Much Building in Prospect for I sort Town; School Pupils to P of j sent Play at Cove Creek | Blowing Rock, March 1) ii I the coming of fair weather, bundtti ^ ; operations started here with a i us ' The town council has ordered tin s, j work the sidewalks be resume y.! April 1. About 100 feet of wall ,1S remain to be laid. I). W. Woo ten ? l?r Blowing Rock will have charge t jg the work. The original contract wj w let to Boyd and Goforth of Charlefci but that firm has sublet the contra* n_ to Mr. Woo ten. s.. Excavation has been complete* ,g the foundation' has been laid, and tl n_ \ialis of J3. G. Pitts' two-story bus 2 ness building adjacent to the San rl tary Barber Shop are now rising is Rob and Ben Greene have begn K? excavation for their business built t in?: on the lot adjacent to the Bar c_ of Blowing Rock. It will have tv. stories and basement ami will be < brick construction. None of tl ;t. rooms have been leased yet. but at is understood that several prosper er have been approached, at To Give Play .it Cove Creek Id The Blowing Rock high scho Dupils will present at the Cove ('ret e- high school Friday night the comet "Unacquainted With Work/* whi< c- had such a success fur pel formain ntt here last week. At the first perforr n- Alice, $34 was obtained Cor the ben r? fir of the school. The cast at Co! ly Greek will be the same as that whi< le performed here. p,. ^ Tuesday Afternoon Club -,t. A program outlining the life woi It of O. Henry was given at the week meeting of the Tuesday Aftevnoc Li- Ciub this week. The program \vi c- opened with Scripture reading ai es prayer by Miss Mabel Coffey. Mi in Ann Greene then sang a solo. \vhi< a-1 was followed* by a "Sketch of ' li- Henry's Boyhood" by Mis. I es Story. "0. Henry's Later Life" w the topic oC Miss Ethel Holshousc \v. ThF was followed by a reading? 1 oi:c of 0. Henry's stories by Mi re Louise fcenhour. Mrs. Greene tin favored the gathering with a mm Iks cul selection, and the program \v u', closed by the reading of anothc \xv Oi Henry's stories bv Miss !\-ai R . | Webb: !< 1 Personal Mention c Mrs. GJark Brown and child r< arc again installed in their hpn s, here, after spending a pari of t,! i'q j winter at Jefferson. They ma< thi the temporary change in order to I >n | located ncaro ther center of M or J Brown's business territory. -it,' !. II. Winkler, reinygehtativc ill j Blowing: Kock of the Chevrol j Company, attended tin- slate banqu ii-int Charlotte on Monday evening:, a u | compmiitil by T. H. Miller who \vi ji'.j Mr; Winkler's guest nn this pee hi | sioit. ,*e " Mr. and Mrs. Eroe.s'. Banner m i;I daughter, Ernestine June, left Mo ,,i J day for Durham, where Mr. Bann It, 1 wili he employed by the fluke Hi m! vcirsity during its extensive; huildit ts psugram. >nl Mr. C, 15. Prerette. who ir. ;s. i delegate to the state Republic! is! convention to meet in Raleigh t e-j April 11, will be accompanied to 1,1 . I capital by Mrs. Prevettee .-.nd dank lis j tcr, Louise, and Miss Lena Reeves ^ Old Fashion Mission ><*- Rally Here March 2 ry Dr. Charles E. Maddry, gene* secretary of missions in Noil Carojink, is conducting a serins i ;d mission rallies throughout the sea u- during the months of March av cs- April. lie will be at the Boor n- Baptist church on March 22nd. T1 )j i meeting here will begin at ) i-1 o'clock in the morning and clo: e- about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, m I Every church in the Three Fori m' and Stony Fork Associations ai is urgently requested to attend ar is bring q good delegation for eat lit church. The ladies of the loc w congregation will serve dinner at tl ?d ehurch. Come without fail! th P. A. HICKS, Pastor. ie n 100,000 CHICAGOANS PRAY se FOR POLITICAL DEL1VERANC li ty Chicago, March 9.?-Chicago it' protestant worshinners ??? - *ej God yostevday to deliver thevn fro in the corruption in Chicago politics c- J One hundred thousand persoi >e gathered in the various churches ; 'n noon and evening meetings ar a' called upon the Almighty to "clean; the city from the most degraded p litical situation in the historv of th community." n-i These meetings were politic id I Prayer meetings, Tliev were mee iisj ings where the sneakers called upc a- i the worshippers to go to. the halli of I. boxes ir. the April primary and ca icj their vote'for the good of the cit jv I and rid (,'oieago of crooked politic ? i ans who have only their own got I at heart. DEM e Best Interests of Northv C/ 5" 1.INA THURSDAY. MARCH * !?? //AGKcase BEGAN TUESDA1 Four Witnesses Heard First Da , Jr? Trial oi Watacgan at Wilke: Lh boro for Death of Dexter S. Bys ig on Christmas Day, 192.6 h. T Wi!ke?boro, March 14.?Huh f , Wagner for the second time in le* than a year, faced trial hers for hi *5 life, this time upon the charge l the doing to death oi Dexter i Byrd, the second man he is allege 13 to have killed at Fcscoe on Christ mas day, 192G. For the killing c -t E'art Moody Wagner received a sei fence of not less than 13 and no more than 20 vears in the state pei When court adjourned yesterda afternoon but four of the state 1 30 cr 40 witnesses had been c-xan ir.ed. Frank A. Linney cohductin in the direct examination, for the -tat nr.vl Will C. Newland and A. I 'k Brooks alternating with the cross-ej ? ambling. ^ Jesse L. Coffey, an eye-witness t 1C the killing, was the ftr=;t witnes it called to the stand. He testified tha saw Wagner retreat after shoo' j ing Moody to the rear of a fertilize | house and there appeared to reioa olj Ids weapon, lie said the first she -hj appeared to be aimed at Byrd's fac< iy the second at about, the waistline an h the third, just before Byrd sank t -e the ground. ?- The second witness. Shirley Ca c- loway, was also an eye-witness t ,r- the shooting. He testified that af -h , r the killing of Moody, he hurrie in the direction pf David \Vyke stoic in quest of help to take cai rk of Moody. He met Bvrd. told By; iy thai Wagner had killed Moody. A >*> instant later Wagner came up b? as hind him. having left the fertilize id < house and walked oYi up the railwn ssl iiiui Byrd said, ''What's the matte -h| Hub: what does all this mean?" 11 said Wagrie never spoke but swuti E. | his pistol from behind hb buck an 'is I hblding it?in both hands began shoo i'-1 mg. pf j Mr. Calloway was subjected to ss| vigorous cross-examination in whit 21*1 !u- v. as asked if he didn't hear Byi d-{ threaten Warner. He denied hen as iijjj* threats made by Byrd. of ^William ilcCoin and Ralph Stoi \e were the other two witnesses e amined, both relating* about the san facts as other witnesses with one ? *a two exceptions^ where they had eit io er not been pro-sent or were tod t\ ie away to distinguish between uhjec h> and persons clearly. About a hundred people are he1 i*. from Wataupa for the trial, a m jdrity of them be mgr. witnesses < relatives of the deceased and tl fit def en sect ft is expected that the defen: c-[ will have half n dozen or move wi ^ nea.se? to swear that. Byrd thrcatei a- c?.i Wagnor, so the defense is whol 'rdyinrr upon self defense to smi tdj their client from the death penalt u- J " J TAR HEEl. RESORT CITY j'J FAVORED BY J'RESIDEN *" J "AVoihiiieiori. March O'.--Of vav U1' ous invitation? far receirMi /< )R! this year's summer' White Hons 1C i President Coolidge tin lis one fro: ,,J the south. n? Ashcvitiv. N. C.. t-t i roost attractive. | Although a final decision has hi i yet hoe 11 reached, a residence offe e<] no later than Thursday by Ehili O S. Henry of Ashe.viile, appears to th president to iniite'the essential fe: lures for his 1928 vacation home. a' Zealandia, as the Henry niansio '^jis known, occupies iUO or 120 acri on Eean. atcher mountain at an alt tudc of about .>,000 feet, or abot 500 feet higher than the city prope; 1C The place also is close to Wasl le ington, relatively close to Mew Enj (> land and at a sufficient height to a: iei aUTe relief from the summer hea ! three factor's which will figure 1 cs the ultimate selection: t- Asheviile is only fourteen horn from Washington by railroad, an as such is looked upon by the chic a' executive as within a convenient di: lu tnnec -front his likely centers o operation this summer. One of th'es probably be Northampton, _\l::s? where Mr. Coolidge does nor wish t depart too far or. account of th condition of Mrs. Lemira Goodhui E Mrs. Coolidge's mother, who lis been dangerously ill since last Ih 's cember. m HATCH EARLY AND GET BIGGER POULTRY' PROF1 is Washington, March 15.?The d< rt partment of agriculture has mad id surveys which reveal the decide >e benefit of hatching the year's suj r- ply of pullets early in the seasoti. ] is was found that one hundred earl hatching gullets will lay. in a yea ai ahout 10,000 eggs, valued at moi t- than ?450, while the same numlu >n of late hatched pullets will produr ->t only about ) 1,000 eggs, stj The late-hatched pullets will leav v.j receipts in the seasons of lovvt i j prices only about half v large j >di the early layers. Maj 15 is as lal [ as i! is believe.! profitable u> hatel OCRA /est North Carolina is. lost; | Hoover Club Formed J Here Last Saturday \ 1 ; Republicans of County f avoring | Commerce Secretary for Prcsiy ( dent Organize i I dj Republicans of Watauga county | met in the courthouse here Saturday | j afternoon ami organised a Hoover-! 5 J for-President olat, v/ifch T. E. Biiig^1 bam, attorney, as chairman. No oth ;s.er officers were elected, but cundi-' if! dates for eacli township were named j 5.[as follows: d Boone, Dr. M. Hodges, G. B.1 l I Millar an.'! C ^.T ('nitr?V?r?; ,f Blowing Rock, G. C. Bobbins. Lee? Jtobbins and Arthur Moody. " Meat Camp No- 1, R. A. Greene,] j Alex Greene and Charles L. Lewis, j y Meal Camp No. 2, John Penley, Wayne Miller. Watauga, George Robbins. J. F. pr Coffey, G. M. Hodges, Blaine Coffey, e B. W. Farthing. Jm Stony Fork, J. S. Welborn. G. M. | c. Greene. Laurel Creek, W. J. Farthing, W.t w L. Winkler, W. J. Barman, J. L. ;s Glenn. Rut us Ward. L< Shawnechaw, Holye Shook, Albert j L. Mills, J. C. Hubbard. ,r Beaver Dam, Hill E'jxgers. Raleigh j Johnson, E. J. Farthing, g Cove Crc-ek, 0. M. Greer, A. (1., 2 Wilson, Alfred Thomas, j North Fork, J. AI. May. F. M. 0 Thomas. Bald Mountain, C. M. Blackburn,! t_ T. Watson, Tom McGwire. f, In craning the meeting, (. hairnum [. Bitighiim argued that it ihe Deriibcj crab; nominate Al Smith, ih- b* can?s; didate will have a poor show:"". in e North Carolina, and llie Itepun. us will have an excellent opportunity to ! ,, carry the state with a man as popu-l Jar with both parties as is Hoover.! iY The same sentiments were expressed v by other speakers, among them being j y S. C- Ejrgers, G. 0. Bobbins, W. D. [q Farthing, l>r. Hodges ami other's. i . j 1{| PARENT-TEACHER MEETING * The Bdone Parcnt-Teaehcr association held its regular monthly ;i meeting Thursday afternoon of last .^vSv.eck in the Demonstration school' i! In: :!.i i.,<> .-. if i-Am r. jarid Unichn a present) The meeting was imned by a; .v most impressive devotional service x_ conducted by Prof. WilUford. lie.-, mediately following the dovotibhalj period the hit;); school students, pn-j der the direction of Miss Greyhiil, ,r rendered an interesting program, consisting chiefly of a croup of readings. These programs, arranged re and sponsored by the various teach-; ,, ers of tin; school, prove a most do )V lighr.fui source of information of the, R work being done in the school by' the students. .c Dr.. 11. B. Dougherty, president of, j.. the Normal, made a roost interesting R talk along- educational lines, giving lv the historical background of public school ivork in Booho from the time when the did school building stood; hack of the home of Mr. J. S. Stan- ! 'city, then Lo the r.UI Watauga acad-i ,'?ir win, h stood hack of the Bap-1 T ihtf parsonage. an to the present; day. In'ctlii: course of his address he; i- stated .that Til:years ago there were; >r j only l et) people in the Boone district etj'att'd ch children of school age Tie ' *{ painted a vivid picture of the mar--' re eelods growth in educational work: in the town, district and county, >t comparing, cv rather contrasting the r building^ and present-day equipment: li : u-iln tKrv l>i,:l/Kttrrc unil nrnnWrSiiMf e\f' ? yu?- ; ,t 2'.i vears ago. In concluding his; i- talk'. Dr. Dougherty urged a morej progressive spirit, on the part of the n people of this district, and a more is hearty co-operation on the part of I i- all to the Appalachian State Norma' :t for teachers, in the building of I c. which he has been a most indispon-' i- sable factor. C- Mia;. Smith Hagaiiiun, president; of the association, expressed to Dr.' t. Dougherty the appreciation of the n organization for his splendid contribution to the cause of education: s locally and throughout the state and ' d for the address delivered at the f time. 5- The minutes of the last meeting, f were read and approved, and the' e various committees, the membership, j picture, playground and the ways' o j and means committee, were asked to e j make reports. The ways and means I ?, | committee announced that $27.S7 is: had been collected. The library com-! ;-jmittee suggested in its report that a i subscription list be made in the | near future for books greatly necd] ed in the school library. TConcluding the meeting a vote ;-!was taxcn to determine which grade; e should have in its possession the pic-: d ture for the coming month. Tha >- majority voted in favor of the fifth, ft grade, which had the picture lastj y month. The next meeting of the as-! r, soeiation will be held on the second' e Tuesday in April. ;r e A curator of a certain zoological garden was on holiday. He reeeiv-i 'O. e.l a note from his assistant: '"The:r !:.mpans.ee is sick. He appears to ts! l ino for a companion. We don't. .e; kn.avv what to do pending your ro-' n' j FT.T5 CENTS A C OPY HHFsioii MOUNTAIN PARK ivuA-'Ay ffi " - f:V- ' " \vVyA$-Atsured by Recent Gift of J5,000,' "" OOO. Cover* 700 Square Mtic? of Mountain* ir North Carolina and Tennessee The gift of $5,000,000 by the Lama Spelmah Rockefeller Memorial to the drear. Smoky Mountains National Park fund announced last, week, insures the east of a great national park rivaling the national parks ot* the west and is accessible to three-fourths of the country's inhabitants. in magnitude the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will compare with the Yellowstone. Yosenute, Grand Canyon and Glacier National Parks. The Great Smoky Mountain park will embrace ?m? square miles of mountains, scenic country in eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. The park will lie within Jackson. Hwain and Haywood counties in North Carolina, and Sevier, Mount and Coche counties, Tennessee. The Rockefeller donation makes certain that the ?10,000.000 goal sought l?y those who conceived the idea of the (?reat Smoky Mountains National Park will be reached. Nearly ?5,000,(ji)0 has been raised by public subscription and by legislative appropriation ir? North Carolina arid Tennessee. The ? 1 p,00.Uei; Memorial is said t 700,000 acves. of which *>00,000 acres are o: \ pain forests. Approximately hall" the prescribed aiea lies in North < aroima and naif in Tennessee, KnoX-vi'le. Tenr.., ;p\d Ashevilltt are the largest cities adjacent to the park territory. The park area has e if htn its. borders a score, of mountain. nc:iks d,00G feel high Or- higS| ilundreds nt" peaks tower above 5.000 ieet A recent survey of the projected nark reserve's wild animal life showed that there were more than 3.21)0 ret! deer, arid that black bear, oik and smaller game were to be found in abundance. The tract contain;, m?r.. than t00 mils. of trout streams. ZIONV'ILLE NEWS .Ztor.viliv. j'-iareli 1 t.?Airs.. Reeves Uirinian has beer, rente t.hitt for the past week, but is somewhat better now. ' , . .C tah': : i MI. v\- i lv.euvrs oi pie >>. N; S.. was a visitor over the voekciul at the home of .1. A. Castle. Mts. Wade Recce spent last Thursday v\l;h hex* mother, Mr:s. Smith Eg rev? at Sutherland. Fleet Greer, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Greer, left last Meek for Richmond, Va,, where he joined the army, shipping: for Panama. Ho was accompanied as Car as Bristol by .Spencer Greer and Charles Wilkinson. Mrs. Law son Isaacs and two small dmighetrs of Lynchburg, Va., returned to their home the latter part of last week, after spending a few daVs with Mrs. Isaacs' mother. Mr?;. .1. M. Hodge. Gus Norrisv after spending a few months with his father here, has re i wi iicti ms vvui h. in rermsyivanui. Mi. ami Mrs. Shelton Penn anil children of Bristol, spent the past week-end in the village. Miss Blanche Greer is off to Mountain City this week, where she '' has work in the store of Smyth & Son. Mrs. L. L. Madron of White Top, Va., spent a short time in the village on Saturday. Mrs. Harrison Greer and children of Hickory are speniiing a few weeks with relatives here. Mr. Greer came up for the week-end to be with his family and to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greer, who are in very poor health. The death of "Uncle" Mark Winebnr.ger which occurred on Friday night last, will be learned with genuine regret. For several months Mr. Wincbarger had been in poor health but his death was wholly unexpected. Mr. Winebarger for some time had been making his home with his son, 7' D. V. Winebarger here. Mr. and Mrs. \V. 0. Greer and -"d IV -VI. Greer of Boon? were visitors in the village Sunday.