GOVERNOR FRANK 0. LOWDEN, A LIFETIME OF ACHIEVEMENT Hon. Frank O. Louden Would 3e a Strong and Popular Candidate: He Ring* True?a Forceful Campaigner, a Wonderful Personality, a C < :i Ci i_\ _ li . _ o . n - . ivciu<-.r(i ear-old boy trudged behind his-- father's prairi? schooner across the unsettled country fi * wis Frank Orren L-wden. The piosicct family found a w Home >n Hardin county, or: the pr.ii: ("entra! Iowt. The (. nu-r i.ovvden farmed; the son helped and ;>t the viritv tlwe endeavored to secure nr. education. if is; opportunities were limited, as was ;h<* vase in pioneer communities, but by the time he was 15 he had obtained a teach* mse and then taught in a country school for five y? an*. An i ation was his goat. He saved his meager wage- as a teacher, and entered the Cnivi-rsity of Iowa when he was 20. II. didpped out for a yeai . ! ?? again when hi? mor.ev gave out but he kept up his studies and returned to the I'rnvt rsitv and was graduated at, the heat! of his class. The lust goal attained, lie fumed to another?legai trainings He taught school in Burlington and studied law rights and Saturdays and :.r that way i ompi'. ted the first year's law training. He went to Chicago in 1SS0 and completed the remaining two years* law work in r? year, and at the same time he worked as a Law clerk in order t?> finance his school \yorK. ne was graduated m iio'7 from the Union C.p1|e^ of Law (now XortlvweSTern University). and received first prize for scholaremp and first prize for ratcnv. White lav.vkm's ability as a lawyer brought bin; a wide and varied jteactiee. *he business men who employed him soon discovered that lie was .iiist as a Lie in the field of business as he was in the law. Thus we find him in his early 30s identified with several large industrial concerns as a director. and still later he s< v< . - a director in several large banking houses, as well as in a number of the largest and most successful business enterprises ill the Unicejtl .States Frank O. Ldwden had an enviable record as a successful business man before the dawn of the twentieth Century. His first entry into th< political arena in a promineht way was in 1;S'90. He was then chairman of the political action committee of the Union League Club of Chicago, and took a prominent part ir, the sound money airuudju of that year in behalf of William MeKin'ey. Four years late?; hi _ = ? a: peaking ability was called into r,ation-wide use by the Republoar parte. and he i/ceanie a national figure. In 1900 President MeKinjey offered him a high office m Washington, put he. declined. Always in the heart of this favrti boy who nad become famous there \vas the call of th< countryside In 1S00 he purchased a large farm in Ogle county, npnoi^ in thy Hock River valley, and to it he moved his family with a . of. ma kmc; ;t their permanent home-. They were so satisfied a-1tr. .Smn/ssipni Farm and with the wholesome life of the country, and he became : interested in farming that the k?:rnl nr??f?ssum was snO?> .iban. ti. an*1 far ntbre than a quarter of n eeistufy ih,- major energies ol" Mr. t.Pivdo.h, have been rluvot?;d in farming and to the improvement of Anier?B|3|F. irai; agriculture. Hi.- neighbors it: northern Illinois msiiteci on interrupting his farm program An '.' Hi m rafted him for Cany: ess. where he served two ami a half terms u ith ilistiuhtioii, Brilliant and popping in cpngrossiun^l citi-iis. Col. Cqv.der, plight easily have found in Washington the route ;ur political.preferment, but lie was more interested in the farm ami he refused another nomination. Retiring from Congress, He increased his farm acreago, encaged extensively tti planting forest trees, loo's up dairying ant! livestock breeding, and at the same time began the production of cotton on a large scale in Arkansas. Still later la- acquired farm property in Michigan, Texas and Ariroes. Today l)e is one of. the most extensive landowners in the United States and is at once one of the largest cotton planters in the south tind one. of the ftiurrdnbnt dairymen of the math. Not since the days of Xu.hary Taylor has another southern property owner beer, prepov-ii for the presidency. ,.iie! Loivderr.- busy Sue has n-t luinn --if t entered, lie ha., found lire- to devote some his energies 10 aiding his fellow men. He- if libers! for deserving causes. He aided largely in llu- uorele.pmcnt of a vocational or training .-cho-ji for sev< a] ed'ientional institutions. The young man sir ll ft gong for an education found ready sympathy in hire, because heretuPrribcred own hardships. Thf ;>. ?n- elected by the largest majority given to any Kcpubii. on candidate in that year. This after-clci-tion rtntemer.f. i* typical of the man; "1 do not wish," he said, "to prophesy an Augustan era for the state duriny my administration. ? do not care ta boast af high ideals. Hut 1 HUli have dttljp.itc views regarding certain changes in the administration of slate affairs. Many evils Have crept into the state government which I believe I shall be abic to remedy. i ant going to give UlinoU an honest, efficient and economical administration. I Will hold my appointees to as high a degree of efficiency in the public service as is exacted from men In the employ of the best managed private businesses.'* And ho did all that, tipob. assaying the duties of the office he weni to A-.::k oh Vny things iirt the program lie had promised "the people. Before fe hnl, office days', houses of the general assembly had passed hi?, coiisoiidatlbn act. combining: 128 commissions. boards and bureaus inrie major department?, with ;* icspoVisible head over each, de> Voting his entire- time, to their business. iiit- jtit-y ?tovo government urder the Lowdcn plan was the I>epavtvnc*Tit of Finance, which was given vise duty of preparing a stale budget, The firsi. major budget in the Unite J States was developed the iivst year of the I. in* den a dinir.istVatibn under the terras of the Hciatibh aec, ar/d as a result the taxing body was able to reduce the state tax rate /rom 00 to 60 cents. And this was in war-time, with costs mount ; ing skyward. When Governor Lowdcn was inaugurated, the state treasury contained $52fto82, and the stale owed a host of people. When he left office f'oui yean later, the treasury had $15,132,658.03 and did not owe a cent except for bonds. It was in this period that state taxed were reduced 33 1-3 per cent. There is no parallel in American history to this achievement. Illinois was blessed: with a broad ahrt constructive program under Gov Loudon's leadership. Ho was responsible for the development of htlaiic waterways; the abolition of private and unregulated banks; a general re vision of the revenue lays.; a reduction in the cost of elections; on a TcquaU corporation code: a cpmpulsorj. employes compensation act, a state housing code; reorganization of the state and municipal pension system; encouragement of (to-operative marketing, and a program for forestry development, His ad mini st ration was the high-water mark of slate government in America; he was the bustanding state executive of a generation. Back to Sinr.issippi after his service in Springfield, Governor Lowder has fov Sown WearS iAvatj i-hTCTriYid ix?iAt?'A- *-rl - ,, ?jg-,,. ....v...iUvu Muntiturn rw ugtiLuivuiai jaut'iems Hi; has served as president, cf the Holstein-Friesian Association of Anierita the largest purebred livestock record body in the world; president of the I' American Dairy Federation: director in the International Livestock Reposition. and director in the National Co-operative Marketing Council. Ir this severe farm depression, his voice has been raised from the Atlantic tc the Pacific ir, behalf of the industry of agp-icnlfiire, and through his efforts ij the eyes of the nation have been directed on that problem. He has pleaded with America tc work cut and adopt a sound national policy for agriculture. because ail of the great nations of the past have fallen when they permitted agriculture to decline. Throughout his lifetime Governor Louder, has been a staunch advocate of the cardinal principles of the ftepublican party. His regularity and his Republicanism have never been questioned, and yet partisanship has never into f red with proper independence in administration. His policies on the protective tariff, on sound and efficient government, on public affairs arc- m keeping with the time-honored platform of the party. Frank O. Lowden has never been a candidate for public office except tto carry out a definite constructive program of advancement. He declined high office under McKinley. He was twice since offered cabinet positions. His state wanted him for a second term as governor, but his program had been carried out. He refused the most exalted diplomatic post in the world?the ambassadorship to the Court of St, James. He was nominated for vice president over his own protest, and he declined because his field of service to the nation lay elsewhere. (Political Advertisement) THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV j MODEI. A FORD BRAKES GET ! TRAFFIC DIRECTOR'S O. K.S j ~f- have received several :u-l I qu tries recently with reference tfej j artire-s in the press rc-la-' ! live t<- the brakes on the Model AI i Ford car." said Mr. Russell D.{ Hollies, of the Taylor Motor Con- \ J pany> local Ford dealers. %. (\, whose opinion in the J 'imiivi r-Uv-U(U aci (K im ?UIV j tion Jr. regard to the brakes on the? ne^\ car." Below is Mr. Ha r laud's letter: "lr: reply to your request for an \ .pinion in regard to the braking system your new Model A ear. we have discussed this matter very carefully with automotive, experts from the bureau of standards aud after a thorough test find that inas-j much as your car is equipped with j adequate brakes with independent | foot and hand voittrois. we are sat-i isfied that it compiles with the Dss-j trict of rohimbia traffic regula-l turns'." OBITUARY GREJ2NE?.Joseph Greene died at.} bis home in Eubank, Ky.. January j 1S: He, was married to Sarah C.! (Jreer.e, Sept. 20. V879 in North! Carolina. Ele von children were; bom f'j this union, seven living and i four dead. He is survived by wife' and sewn children, three boys and four girls. He joined the Baptist j church in North Carolina in 1880. \ moved to Ncvaj Tehrii, in 1899, ! thence ; ? Epbank, Ky.. in 1019. Has beer. an active worker all his life, i Ii?- loved to help hi.s fellow man, a| j great comfort and help to the sick. 5 ? J hi last work his life was to help build new church hear his home 1 at MbKinney, Ky. He is the first f person buried in the cemetery near the church he helped to build and love.'i sc* well. He lived a life that when tne r.nui call ;amc he was not afraid to answer. Thus ends a useful life of service. but his good acts and works will live on. Peace to hV ashes and a blis:?tu> hoir.e in heaven is the pravev ? : relatives and friends, j R. M. GREENE. i .3?-- -K- .Vvi'v/-' "^>: ci.ta > j ;|?I"> ?|j|> i * y.; ?#v'ir s " " WtBS^SKBSm 1 Mm S::SBlHW&I If ! ^^UHB^BR u '" iNaSrew ' ' S^V-VL ^SBS^. ' '"^v-: 1 5/J -Ton Coi 1-Ton G-B IVi-Ton , 2-Ton (rices Cars?all s ~ : 895 constantly < : ls? world by j And with tei Delivery speed, ope >mplctc) . $770 . u b. Detroit) prices, ser\ Let us sho> body and dh ;CONNELL MOTO BOONE, N.C. ahamBi TRUC MARCH 15. U>2* 7 moke I . ' ' ' -/'I 7. . < . . sure "? r -i on re out ot me beginner class. | snels are made for tokers who know heir cigarettes !amels '/V/ tvalk ri utile for a Camel' II?WMH>WPIBMBImmwmm?nrM?wwa??mMwwnini IT? M >rking mile on mile, day apacity loads, all roads, s . ? . to do this with tainty year upon year usual stamina. >f stamina in Graham rucks and Commercial iizes?is being proved )& the roadways of the ust such performance. this stamina?power, rating economy, low \ ice. v you the right type? iassis?for your business. R COMPANY BOTHERS *1/* c ... Track DMitet of Dod?e Bro?i?eT?, lac, ' * ~- 1 I