MARCH 1"). lid* Sunday Moel * Lessonr (By *EV. P. B. FITZWATEB. D.i>.. l>rawi 1 Moot!1,* 73?W* Institute of 0^R9.) ((?;. IMS. W?stera NrQT7Kia?cr Uniobi j Lesson for March 18 JESUS TEACHES SINCERITY LESSON TEXT?Mark 7:1-1? golden TEXT?Kc?p thy heart With all diligence, for on I o( it are the 1SEQe*( r.f life. PRIMARY TOPIC?Obeying God end Our Parents. JUNIOR TOPIC?Honoring God and Our Parents. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC?Sincerity in Rellfdvn. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC?Jesus 7>eno:mees Formalism. I. The Emptiness of Formal Wor- j ship (vv. i-7). The tendency of the human heart is j iio depart ironi the lire and to choose tlio more. form which is calculated to express tiie life. The traditions and customs adopted by men for tlte temporary Itelp of the spiritual life trequenily are crystallized into laws and made to supersede tile laws and institutions of God. 5. The charge against Christ (v. 2); This was that Christ's disciples ate jbread with unwashed hands. The charge was not on the basis of physical uncleanness, but their disregard of custom which was to engage in Hat thorough washing of the hands before I enting, as weli as washing tiie pots and vessels. Z Examples of empty forms (vv. 24). (1) Washing of the bauds betore eating (v. 3). They not only washed their hands often but diligently and 'intensely. (2) Washing of cups, tables, pots and brazen vessels. The ceremonial washing applied to the vessels as well as the hands. 3. Explanation demanded by the Pharisees fv. ill. Thev ashed Christ to explain why His disciples ignored I the tradition of the eiders with reference to ceremonial eiransiiig. t. Christ's answer <vv. 0, lie; declared that worship which centered Sin forms was as empty and iceaningloss ns was Bp service where lite i heart was away from God. This He : calls hypocrisy, etren such as foretold 'by Isaiah, tlio prophet- Men of his | day rande inucli of external ob.-erv; ance and of religious rites, while their j hearts remained unchanged. i J. Making the Word ot God of None Effect ivv. SIS). 1. How it may he done (v. S). It was done by punctiliously observing the j precepts of man, such as washing of jtiie hands pots, etc., while ignoring! , the commandments of t>od. '.ciilj is ; being done by those who make tntscit iuf liie externalities of religion hut at .the same lime are indifferent to the moral reqiiiretacntsAn instance cited (vv. t)-i:i). The law of God as given by Mores said, bHonor thy father and thy iimtii'ex, and whoso citrsetli father or 1110thior, let hint die tile death: hut ye say, 1 if a man shall say to his father or j mother, it is Corhan, Unit is to say, a |gtft, by whatsoever flion slightest be! prouteu ny me, ue saau ue tree, Bin; iye suffer him no more 10 do plight for : his father or his mother." The law of ; Cod demands of children that they ; care and provide for parenls in their jnced. According to an accepted tradition among the Jews, if a man shuuld j consecrate his goods or possessions 10 | the Lord's service by pronouncing over ' thc-in the word "Corban," which means ; "the gift," his goods would be thus | dedicated to God, and would not be available for help to his parents, it was possible, therefore, for a man to tie enjoying wealth while his parents! . were in UesMtotion. III. The Real Source of Defilement; . and Impurity (vv. 14-23). 1. Sin is moral and spiritual. Uni cleanness before God is not of the I body save as the body is directed by the soul. A man is not defiled by that 1 which enters his mouth but by tnat .which springs out of his soul. 2. Thai wfilcb springs out of the heart?the deliberate choice of- the will?Is (lie source of defilement (v.20). 8. A ifst of evils springing out of jtlie heart (vv. 21. 22). The awful list ; Is as follows: Evil thoughts, adulteries, fornica ; lions, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, iasciviousncss. en evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness, which all come front within. This .; catalogue includes every possible form ; of evil. Every one of them originate Av, J THE FUMBLE pi FAMILY By Dunkel ,{ .N p % Through Autoeastcr \v. Service '?I ? -^?2*: j* ". %??&&&& : '< -- '. %-3sl ,: . ^ ' t In the heart anil when they become j acts of the will and life they defile the j : man. It is only when temptations and I : solicitations lead to indulgence by ihi! deliberate act of the will that theyi corrupt r. man. Children's Needs Children have more reed of models than of critics.?JonberL Christian Giving; Our Father has so much confideuce In us that He makes do hard, arbitrary rule for Christian giving, bui leaves It to the filial love avid loyalty of His children to determiiie how .much of their possessions they will offer to relieve the pains and sorrows "f Ihe world.?.1. H. Jewelt. Faith in God A littie l.iiLb in a gtcnt- God Is better than a great faitli ir. mortal man ?Methodist Protestant. The cost of living; may be coming:j down i?ut there are several places! in the mountains thai it hasn't reached yet. 1 Note: li would be illegal to publish this if not true. Forty-Year Goitre Removed Without Operation. Colorless Liniment Used Miss M. J. Little, Addor, N. C.s says. ''My mother suffered with goitre for forty years. Grippe and severe cough caused it to enlarge and worry her. She used Sorbol j Quadruplefor two months and her goitrewas gone. 1 will tell or write her complete experience." Sorbol Quadruple is not expensive! and is pleasant to use. Write Sorbol | Company. Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Soldi by all dmggists. Locally at Boone, Drug Co. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue of the power of sale. I contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned on the IStth day of February1, 1927. t" s'e-'l cure the sum of S1.8Q0.00 to It. B.j Jackson by E. O. Greer and wife. Belle Greer, which said deed of| trust is recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Watauga coun tv in Book 12 -'T pagv 443, and delfault having: been made in the paywent 01 the sums of money there by geeured as therein provided. I will on Monday. April 1b, 1928, at 1 a'vlock n. in., at the courthouse door ol" Watauga county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-witl Beginning an a hickory tree, John Miller's corner, and S. \V. Greer's line, running west .*14 poles to a stake ii! John Miller's line and R. T. Greer's lieo: then ' degrees .east 30J poles '? . stake on lower bank of vbad; then i J degrees east 10 poles, to i\ sassafras; then north 1 i degrees vast 20 poles to a locust; north 3 j deg Hex HI'- poles >ii ;i white oak J aiorphow ami Phillips' lint-: north :12 poles to " white oak corner, A. S.| Cooper's line; then south -it! poles to a rod oak slump and sprouts. S. W. ('.roar's corner; south 73 degrees oast to a maple, S. VV. dreer's corner; then south 3(: poles to a stake on lower bank of road; then running- so us to include said roarl west SO poles to a hemlock corner; then south 2!l '.i poles to a hickory, the beginning corner, containing 51) acres, more or loss. 'Ou;. ti.a -c -,c_ . , i ma i-ui tjii.v l-?i maicit, J. A. ROLAND, Trustee. Brown X- ftihghum, Atiys. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SATE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of :rust executed to the undersigned trustee by M. P. Critcher on the 24th day of July, 3 '.'2d, which said deed of trust it recorded in the office uf the register of deeds for Watauga county in Book 7 at page 517, to secure the I payment of the sum of $425.00 and default having: been made in the payment of said sum as therein provided, I will on Monday, April 'J, 1928, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., at the courthouse door of Watauga county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Being Lots Nos. 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, It! and 17 in Section D. and 24 and 25, in Section B. of the Mont Clement property sold by the Piedmont Realty Company and for more, complete description of the same, see map of said property on file in the office of the register of deeds for Wataujja eotintv. This 7th dav of March. 1928. JOHN E. BROWN, Trustee.; I KbbebQ'vnoT^U rxWN TO T =;,~AOfc Zkardaapb STORE- A L-A DlMEr [ GErT TO AT CARPET . PACK OFJl 9WE&P&3 I ORDB T - WURC Knt THK WATAUGA D KM OCR A T-?E"\ lit passioned youth (towing hintself to bis knees): "Light of my lite I! Light of my existence! Light of? j The Lady: "Aw, douse the glimmer. kid, and white you're down there will you buckle ray gaJoshe^. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having- qualified as administratrix of the estate of H. .1. Hardin, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them for payment within one year of the date J of this notice, or same will be plead j in bar of their recovery. All per-j sons indebted to the estate will cornel forward and make intraediate pay- i llKT.t. This March 8, 1928. MRS. H. J. HARDIN. 3-8-6 A dministratrix. Sale of Land for Taxes By ?i<ier of the Board of County Commissioners, and by virtue of the power vested in me by law, I will on Monday, April 2( 1928, between the hours of 10 a. in. and 2 p. m., at the courthouse door in Boone, sell to the hhrhcst bidder for cash to satisfy taxes to the amount and for the years indicated, the lands of the following delinquent tax payers: Boone Township Laws, Don. 1 lots. 1925.. . $ 6.56 Logan, D. I- 1 lot, 1925.... 20.75 Little. It. r , 4 0 acres, 1-4 interest, J923-26 20.03 Little heirs, 55 acres, 1-4 interest, 1925-26 10.361 McNeal, C. F. 4 lots, 1925 8.20 Miller. W. B., 168 acres, 1925-20 101.25 Moretzj Miss Lohey, 2 lots, 1925 0.58! Morctz, Vilas, 2 & lots, | 1925-26 11.50 McNeal, A. 'P.. 4 lots (Winkler Addition), 1926 7.20 1 Mou-tz. Ralph, 1 lot. 1926.. 16.11 Miller, Marvin P., 1 lot, 1926 0.15 | Prevetie. Edward, 2 lots. . 5.40 ] Penny. Miss Josie L.. 1 !ol, (Winkler Addition), 1926 1.60 Penny. M. W., -1 lots (Daniel Boone Park), 1926 .. 39.60 Parson. A. F., I lot, Main , x?'*4V liceee and -/. W. McBride, 1 lot. 1920 . . 45.00" Koftevs, ('iiv, I lot, Oak street. 1926 2-1.72 Ketxer, I>. T,., 30 acres, 1525 and 1 !.'2(> 24.30 Stllftlclnry, .1., 1 let. 1025 - - 25.74 'Stevens. G. i lot. 1925 . 30.75 Smith, E. A., 1. lot, 1925-26 :i.7t> I SliitKi!!. W. Mv, i aero, 1925 16.92 J Stoi ie .lamos L-., 26 acres. . 12.06 Triplett, Thos. J lot, 1925-26 1.05 Three Forks Cheese Factory, 1-10 acre, 1925 11.40 Shearer, Kohl. heirs, I'J ! acres, i 925-26 13.03 ! Yannoy, It. G., 1 lot, 1925-26 > 1.55 ! Vannoy. W. C., 7 lots (near Fish Hatchery) 1926... 1.80 Watauga Hospital, 1 lot. i'925 *.... 55.83 WilsfflS, H. I- 6 lo Is. 1925-26 68.22 Wilcox, G. C... 4 lots. 1925. . 8.20 Warren, Charlie. 3 lots, 1925 8.20 Warren, W. V. 1 lot, 1025-26 v.70 Watkins, Mrs. W. H? t lot. 1920 1.60 Coffey, J- A.. 1 lot, 1925.. 29.32 Coffey. Mrs. .1. A., I lot, 1925 2.85 Harrison, K. t,., 25 acres. 1925 4.75 Grimes, .Tack 3% acres, 1925 22.90 llorton. Hunter, 2 lots, 1925 itlltt l Jf.SU Morton, CHm, 1 lot, 1926 5.4 1 Heeler, li. R., lieirs, 1 lot, 1925-26 12.45 Mitchell, Osia 2,4 acres, 1920 13:78 Whittington, G. 0., 1925.. 4.00 Brown, -Mrs. J. 95 acres, 1926 CO. 02 Sullivan, S. B-, 2 lots (Daniel Boone Park,) 1920 15.01 Kagan, C. C., 2 lots, 1925 . . 18.22 Johnson, W. R., 1 lot, 1925. 4.51 Sherer, Mrs. Roht., 1 lot, 1925 5.91 Reecc-, \V. M., 1 lot. 1926. 27.00 Shawoeehaw Townnhip Worley heirs, I <31 acres, 1925-2G 102.74 Ward, S. M.. 18 acres, 1925 and 1926 60.90 Robbins, G. W.. 26 acres, . 1925-26 50.86 Hicks, J. B., 46 acres, 1925 20.26 MeGuire, J. M., 6 acres, 1926 5.71 Broyhill, H. B? dec % 192 acres, 1925 4.31 EJk Township Wheeler, N. G., (i-1 acres, 1025-26 50.61 Hampton. W. W.. 1-i acres, 1925-2C 44.90 This March R, 1928. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County. u=\ L096- r-::T N/ ^UXPlN'V VErS? \ |(JJ -1 .POP? Jctpamgch-X nr X ?-V 1 "DROPPED A V J /;\< quarter- / Q '? / S^iiEvv. MAMG I i J'/ lb , / <:K \J if/I?\ 'ERY THURSDAY?BOOHE. N. C. ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION | j Having qualified as admmistra-j tar of the estate of Rachel Swift,J I deceased, {.his is to notify ail persons : bavins ciaimH against the estate ofj i said deceased to present then? for: payment within one year of the dale! of this notice, or same will be plead } in bar of their recovery. All per-1 ?or.s indebted to the estate will come' forward and make immediate pay- j vnent. This February 14. 1!?28. . ALFRED THOMAS, 2-1 G-6 Administrator, j NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE5 ]>y virtue of the power of sale! contained in a certain mortgage deed ; executed by Hairs ton Shu 11 and wife,, j Dakota Shuii. to J. L. Winkler on| the 15th day of January, 1!)2G. to i secure the pavmeut of the sum of j $3050.80 which said mortgage is re-] corded in the office of the register | of deeds for Watauga county in j Hook Z at page J 9-1. and default\ having been made in the payment of { the sum of monev as therein provided. I will on Monday, March 26, | 1928, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., at the courthouse door of Watauga county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning on a stake at the in - j tersectioti of trio Blowing Hock higli-j way and Winkler's road, runs south j 17 degrees west to a stake in the j railway l ight of way : thence north I ! 36 degrees west with said right of* [ way 22 poies to a stake, E. G. Farth-1 iing's line, then an east direction with said Farthing's line 12 poles to j ] the highway; then south 33 degrees l east with highway. 17 1-1 poles to j the beginning, containing 11-1 j acres, more or less. I This 25th day ?>i February, 1928. J. L. WINKLER. Mortgagee. NOTICE OP SALE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina, Watauga County? In the Superior Court Farm* rs Hardware & Supply Co. vs. j L. S. South an<I V. E. Ballon i By virtue of an execution directed I to the undersigned sheriff of Wat-] auga county in the above entiUecn action. 1 will on Monday, the 20th j day of March, 1925, at 1 o'clock p. I at the courthouse doe;- of Wat j auga county, sell to the highest hid- i der for cash to satisfy said execution all the right: title and interest which the said L. S. South and V. E. B&ilou. the defendants, have in the following described real estate, iowit; Hcgtnning on a stake 55 feet from the corner of the Juna i usk a road and apple tree, and runs south 73 do1 grues. West 60 feet to a stake; thence north 19 degrees svest 200 feet to a stake in the edge of an alley; thence north 73 degrees east 6(1 fi to :i sthko: thence south 19 degrees east 200 feet to the beginning, being No. 2 of the Vi E. Ballon addition to the town of liodne. This 23rd day of February. Ii)2S. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the. power of sale contained in a certain mortgage \ deed executed to the undersigned on I the 21st day of February, 1925, to Secure the payment of $600.06 and default having been made i?: the. payment of $200.00 of said sum as! therein provided, f will an the 9th I day of April, 1928. between the| hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., at thej courthouse door of Watauga county,! sell to the highest bidder for cash the following! described real estate-, to-wit: Beginning on a stake at a small branch near It. A. Shore's residence, running north TO degrees east 0 poles; then south 7.1 degrees cost 7 poles to a stake; then south 15 degrees east :l poles t? a white oak; then south 09 degrees east 13Vh poles to a tiliickgum; tlienee south 75 Va degrees east 25 poles to a beech; then south 71! degrees east 13 poles to a stake; then south 79 degrees east 11 poles to a stake; then j south 62'/e degrees east 1 poles to; a sugar tree ip It R. Brown's line; north 63 poles to a stake in J, J. L. Church's line; then with said line ' north 84 degrees west 53 poles to a cucumber; then north 62 degrees west 8 poles to a slake its said ; branch; thence down and with the I branch 16 poles west 8 pules to a | stake; then south 11 degrees west I with branch 17 poles to a stake; | then south with branch 7 poles to the i beginning, containing 27 acres, more i or less. [This 5th day of March, 1928, K. m. MAKTJiN, Mortgagee. | \RDWA| --A NOTICE Or ADMINISTRATION Having- qualified as athrinisyrri tix ?:f the estate oi T. S. Watson, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims ayainsi, the estate of said deceased :?- present them for payment within one year j from the time of this notice: other-j wise this notice will be pleaded in! bar of their recovery. All xersons i indebted to the estate will come forward and make immediate payment. This 7th dav of Fcbriugy, 1928. MRS. T. S. WATSON. Administratrix. By TVivette & Corner* Attys. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by J. R. Phillips and wife. A. V. Phillips to L. H. Holler on the 2nd day of March, 1025, to secure the payment of the sum of $1100.00 which said mortgage is recorded in the office of the register of deeds j for Watauga county in Book Z, page 060 aim ueiautt havmp been J made in the payment of the kum of money therein provided; I will on Monday, April 9, 1928. between the hour? of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., at the J county courthouse door of Watauga! county, sell to the highest bidder fori cath the following described real es-t tale, to wit: J. It. Phillips' home place andi hounded as follows: on the east by j the lands of A. W. Phillips, 0. J. |4 Phillips; on the north by the lands j of A. P. Ward. L. D. ffarmarf: M. A. j; Ward; on the west by the lands of! W. H. Glenn and N. H. Shul|; on the south by the lands of W. H. Shall! and 11. S. Greer. This is intended to cover all the-1 land in the -J. K. Phillips home tract [ and contains 185 acres, more or less. This March 5, 1928. L. H. HOLLER, Mortgagee. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by I". P. Jennings and wife, Fannie M. Jennings, on the 25th day of June, 192d, which said deed of trust is recorded ir. the office of the register of deeds for Watauga county ih Book 1 at. page 44 to secure the payment of the sum of 81 ;x:;.j and default having heen mudc* in the ! payment of said sum? as therein | provided, 1 will on Monday, April :> 1028, between the hours of 10 a. I m. and 2 p. m., at the courthouse1 door of Watauga county sell to the 1 highest bidder for cash the followirsr described real estate: BuMtwSg on a stake on the north side .o' the old public road near ai j thorn bush, Ben Moody's corner, and runs north 4o degrees west with! I the Moody line 21 poles to stake in . i the branch; thence north 10 degree* : i east up the branch 7 polo: to a] stake . r; the south vide of the j brunch; thence south 17*2 degrees east \yuh the plank fence 20 poles to a stal on thO v.:e?t back of the load leading '. > T. P. LpvUPs house; thence south 7 degrees east with the j west side of the road <> polos to ai stake on the north side of the old j public road; thence south SO degrees i west with the north side of saiil road 5 I 3 poles to the beginning. This 7th day of March. 1928. JOHN" K. BRrtWN, Trustee. DO. W. LV. CALDWLLI. AT THE A?E OF 83 Counties girt; and -women no know how foolish and needless it to "purge" and ,vphy?ic" themselv to avoid sick headache, dizxinee biliousness, sallow akin, cold?, * ?oor, gsu&y stomach. They h*vo found that Dr. OUt WCJI'B Syrup Pepsin helps to esta listi natural bowel "regularity" evt for those heretofore chronietlly eo: etifiated. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup IV sin not only causes* a gentle, <*a* bovrei movement 1ml. best of ail. never gripes. sickens or upsets u most, delicate girl or woman. 15 sides;, it is absolutely harmless at eo pleasant that even 3 ?0So, Icve - 1 "-^r; r" - Special HARDV TURttr T V. ^ IMMIIII ; ,! SEVEN NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE B virtue ot the power of sale contained in :>. certain deet! of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by O.uis. L. Lev is ant! wife. Sarah Lewis, on the 17th day of May. 192*>. which said deed of trust, is recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Watauga county in Book 7 at page fvl 1, to secure the payment of the sum of and defaut having been made in the payment of sair sum as therein provided, I v.iil on Monday, April 9. 1928, between the hours <?f M> a. m. ami 2 p. m. at the courthouse doo? of Watauga county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following ?iscribed real estate: Being Lets Nos. 2, 'L 4, 5, 0, 7 and eight in Block B of Cherry Park Addition to the town of Boone, N. C. Fnr nmvn ' ? :-i: ? - ? VW?JIJ/>'JW ucatiipu<m 01 same see plat of said land whi h is of record in the office of the register of deeds for Watauga county. This 5th day of March. 1928. -JOHN" K. BROWN, Trustee. .John E. Brown T. E. Bingham Brown & Bingham Attorneys at Law BOONE, N. C. Offices over post office. MRS. E. T. EVANS HEARSE SERVICE at all hours Phone Central DR. J. M. GAiTHER DENTIST Office in Critcher Building Over Boone Drug Co. Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. Sundays and Night by Annointmnnt Phone 65 Boone, N. CDR. C. J. FARTHING DENTIST Offices Over Moretr. Furniture Store BOONE, N. C. Sunday? nr.d Nights tvy Appontirn-nt. IpRTfllFRirW. DULIT I'lirl AI.1S1 I t Hie best Equipment Obtainable. 5 1 4 Glasses Fitted Exclusively f p M*RTir> BLOCK, LEKOER, X. CJ b . It you *0.1 ir rruii! !' LA. >r's \IX riifcbt. V ? WATCH X'AiLlil' FOIL li,VTEK. * ifomen Need i Mild Laxative -Not a "Physic" w ish, billons, sick child gladly . ikes '?<? it. ef? 15ay >v largs 60-cent bottle at any ?, store that aells medicine >i m cite or "Syrup Peyhrixc,'' Montica)b>. Illinois, for a FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE ana it- just see for yourself. " Dr.Caldwell's I SYRUP PEPSIN " vmHimmmmm*' . SALE- TODAV, BACKS' FE-R A QUARTEg^jJ 1/ -11?|f I'LL TAKE TMPgE- X'll' ^ ^PACKC ?* *? s?rt(a

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