, ' . MARCH 22.- 1928 Superior Court Will Convene March 26tJ Criminal aud Civil Cases Probab! Will Not Consume More Tban a Week The spria.tr term of Watauga hk perior court for the trial of crimim and civil cases, will convene her March 26th with. Judge Micha< Schenck presiding: While juroi have been summoned for a twe weeks* session, it is likely that hot the criminal ana civil dockets will b cleared the lirst week, as there ar no cases scheduled that will cor sume a great deal of time. Following is the calendar for civi cases: . Thursday, March 29 J. C. Triplett Ella Triplett 1 vs. W. W Beach M. C. Beach Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 2 vs. F. E. Duncan. VY. B. Hodges 1>. IL Holler, T.'F. Lovill am ,t. S. Lovill J. B. Taylor 8 vs. Z. A Robertson and \V. 0 Robertson, Trading as Glob* Realty & Auction Co. J. IX Thomas, T. E. Reeve and Walter Worth 4 vs. Sam Potter J. S Winkler, Adm. of E. F Lovill, Margaret B raw ley, W R. Lovill and W. R. Lovill, Jr j> * vs. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. G. \V. Sebastain . Matoka Law son Walter H Lawson 6 vs. A. H. Johnson W. L. Lenoir and M. R. Har shaw. trading as Lenoir Hard ware Company 7 vs. E. W. Thompson Sarah M Thompson Valle Cruets Bank 8 vs. W. W. Norman, VV. L. Norman Mrs. W. W. Norman and J. H Voncannon Commercial Investment Trusl Company 9 vs. H. S. WaKner and W. J- Wagnei A. B. Vanitoy 10 vs. Scott Swift Ed S. Williams A. W. Brown 11 vs. W. S. Wellborn N. E. Moretr 12 vs. J. K. Miller and Alice Miller Andrew C. Walsor. 13 vs. Mabel Watson Filmore Watson 14 vs. Carrie E. Watson Coleen Laws 16 vs. Jeff 5,aws I.. E. Taylor 16 vs. H. V. Taylor T. C. Norris and Joe Morris 17 vs. I... A. Greene i-. .-mams, * arrie ?. Adam? 18 vs. J. A. Wouciie It. A. Adams. Carrie E. Adams 13 vs Fi-idly, March 30 J. A, Woodie Clayton Hayes 20 vs. Agnes Hayes Elliott Daingerlield 21 vs. Mrs. IrT, M. -Schiltz W. I.. Greene; '22 vs. Wataupa Co. Road Commissior Abraham Potter 23 vs. Clarence Potter Sarah .Phillips Maliiyila Davis 24 vs. Amos Stanbury, D. L. Stan bury William H. Stanbury,' \V. A. Cowles, executor of .lohn Stanmmmmmmimm VERY LITTLE TO SAY but a lot to think about: A savings account can be spent at any time; but it is never desired more keenly than the time when its need is most imperative. Bank of Blowing Rock BLOWING ROCK, N. C. _ is ^rtrrrrrr^bury, deceased l>. M. Winebargcr i i 23 vs. ! Flank l.ookabiU. o. B- EairurC y' and \V. .M. Winebursrer S. V. Toratinson ! 26 vk. li. V,. Jackson, E. C. N orris and j i-i !. J. Winebari;tr il' W. C. Shell e 2T vs. :i Tiacy Council! a Merchants & Traders Bank j i- 28 vs. h A. 0. Keece, \V. B. Reeve. J. C. e Reece. W. H. Reeee e C. Rapao and fsolinc Proffitt I i- 29 vs. A. N. Brown and W. M. Brown; i! Peoples National Bank 29 ?. _ vs. . W. S. JVhitinrr and C. K. Hey- j Rood R. I.. Clay 80 vs. Mrs. W. L. Riles F. I. Stevens S1 > <; W. R. Winkler E. K. Oragir J 32 ' vs. J. R. Kaganian E. ,K. Gragg 33 vs. J. R. Hugaman pj D. .T. Cottrell 34 vs.A. R. Greene and J. T. Simmons Hardin Coffey. by his next friend. Blaine Coffey 3o. vs. W. A. Chambers S. C. Eggers & Co.. Reese & Williams 36 vs. Ze.b Earthing Taylor Motor Company 37 vs. Ford Miller, J, C. Miller, C. C. Davis and S. C. Ford A. G. Miller ' 3S vs. .1. F. Welch and Mrs. .I.F. Welch Mrs. Rosa Call, Adm. | 33 vs. Frank Welch Satin-day, March 31 W. J. Wagner, J". A. Aldridge and J. L. Wagner ' 40 vs. J. 1?. Jestice, Minne J est ice ?>To!)ie E. Shackleford f 41 vs. C. E. Moore Dana Harmon 12 vs. Axie Harmon Mattie Thomas 13 vs. [ W. A. Thomas D. B. Bingham Carrie H. Binghan44 vs. II. K. Bingham * Jennie. Bingham W. G. Hartzog, N. C. Brovvn 45 vs. I BUI Outsells any inBuic] Motorists li almost as ma Buick motor c an *n rt ? -?-> U * i !fl ?\ J& | Buicks field TJfiifh mean when if is bad SED ANS $1191 to $ 199% sport model; Alipri<fs f. o. b. tihu, ifiVA.. t?rrrnnu7i/ to tfue Kulf Jmrtfti CALDWELL MO | lenoir, ncr" Children Cry far is apl-easant, harm- ^ less Substitute for s-dr Castor Oil. Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, ' especially. prepared for Infants in arms and Giildren all ages. I; To avoid imitations, always look for ti ' Proven directions on each package Till? WATAUGA DEMOCRAT- - Iv G .A. St anbury W P. iloii. trading- as Piedmont Realty *IG vs. J. C. Bj-owi \V. P. Holt, trading ar. Piedmont Realty Co 4 7 vs. F. C Ward ' United States Tire Co. 18 vs. F. C. Ward Michelin Tive Co. 49 vs. F. C. Ward E, C. Hodges 50 vs. Cleve Holler .1 *P^ HrileWnn ?'.< 51 vs. Bank of Blowing Rock The Noland Company, Inc. 52 vs. J. W. Todd, Robert Winkler, Marion Winkler [,eon Day 5,". vs. Lottie Day George I. Fox, Inc. 54 vs. M. R. Wilson M. J. Williams 55 vs. A. C. Williams, Dessie Wiiliams Tulia Teague 56 vs. Hiram Teague A. G. Miller 57 vs. E. S. Williams, Myra Williams Albert Woodring 5K jrjB vs. Alvin J. Cole Boone Chevrolet Co. 59 vs. "And by the way, Arthur, after you were robbed did you call the "Danrn right. Habzibah. Everything: I could think of." w'TrSave r Baby Don't let them die? br. ^Gear's Chick. Diardioes Tablets IMPROVED ?will protect them against wliite diarrhoea and bowel troubles. An intestinal antiseptic. Use a full can. If not satisfied, will refund your rooncv, SaMki BOONE HARDWARE CO., Boone T. L. MAST & BRO., LoviSl CK other 3 cars kfs field ke you invest mv dollars in :ars as in any e cars in -r y y s something zed by dollars COUPES $1195 to $t850 >$1195 to $1525 ix t.- W cdilrd. T?t* Q.hi.A.11. fisutnctpifn. !e, is u?ii'labia. j TOR COMPANY TH CAROLINA 'X /p ^ ^ /- V Physinians everywhere re-commend it. i'KRY THURSDAY?BOONE, N- C. 1'LANF. "LANDS" IN ! and 17th sired* TIMES SQUARE j 50-foot wing 'tjjjjfei ; rnanv tens of to i Now York, March 15 ?Uncltj Sam go niia Dallas. T? Ihar. gone into the y.re.ss agent l>asi-; 1 he lusetage *? ncss t-' advertise the air mail. There powerful trucfe! | is resting on a wooden base today! on its own wheel | 011 the "Island'* known as New York j truck all the way at Longacie Square between 46th1 through the tunm Sl%[ #5 MO MEARl MEM 1 | TO ?? THEY SATISFY and yet THEY'RE MILD . * * Fisher 8o<hm CH?v?-\>let ii the Iowcm prjced cm m tftr wor(it offering hjuhl?o?t and tteei bodies by Fuller. Adjustable Valve Tappet* it,. i . ? ....iiwfiumotor ei Sthe nrwChcrrolrt Ku tdiiiRaMc viKc Upped. "frtdir Strut'* Piston* Constant clearance alloy (lirtem d*sijjned with' two "inv.ir jurats" in ceclr, make the Ci'-ttmlct nio?i' unsoothcr, ujtthpir.r anil more powetfol Rugged One-Piece Rear Axle The rear a.\Ie oi' the CHevroler w a 5 orwypifcv: unit pxovtJ by millions ot miles of use. -t-.di Bearing Steering Gear rhv Steerinj; wtctwRism of the new j Chevrolet ? clue J vcUh h\l! hxM?in^? I tht m- ..Kni:. .Von-Locking Fo-.zi - Wheel Brakes ! ChevrWict's four' wheel'brakes |fn uon? lov LIi'-ii, iuvsan area ot '.S9t?q. in.anil are scjnratc from the. emergency ( Genuine Dueo Finishes %t0/sS All Checjfolet model* are finished ir. ? moJisii slu.l? of Kenaiac Dua> which ]T| Ouibtntni its luttrous new car beauty indefinitely. j Crankcc.se Breathing System A ventilating system which dearr the ^ crank case of vapor* prior to condomadds materially to motac life. C2 AC Oil Filter jjj .Strains out dire ami forcifpt material from the motor oil thereby Incorawng PO the life of all mwing parts inside rtae j ^Jg aooiur. Sp AC Air Cleaner ;r>. An AC Aif O.eantr I* anoth<er 6a??r u; aafrptiard >vhi?h remove* t<i>K *n.i I Ijrlt from the a5r ?irawr? info the I reior- in Srmz'iyiiptiL Shock Absorber | Springs he Gotulort ar.-J ?t<Jv otvr ,i!ljya,/? i- .i-w | tCX iufo.1 l?v Clifvrrt'cs's xrrakllipliit j at > ?ho<K absorber tjfhis.** u! parallel to | t!victnf. The To or RoiJ ) Safety Gasoline 7'anh The Coupe All Chevrolet n* ?JcU have * fatrtv , . , , Fhe mo t"-A m i.io rear ail J a vacuum Sevian Jut! ?-?om .vhirh n;surcs positive i The Spn olint.-cupp'v even on the ?t(cpc?( hillr. 1 Cabrioi ? Boone Ch Boor | .. ' y. : y'; 1 QUALITY A .rr3_,. THREE . a r.-Uci- with a' Modest M5/s: "l suppose I'm the 'Uii 'hat h-v> earn*. ti; ,;[-- (Iveatai jia! here tonight.** ' *"< ' tSoastf;:! Ben {5Jtler.tr> "I .-.uki. 1 ^Taltnrhett f. I'm;^hc worat ,,nKScd si" and ui&'.Ur the t.'ipj - towed Soh-t .; the < heard you. I \vas fust trying Stohi Hatlk-y Field; tt, ?&*. ?1 to Times Square. I aSmnmnkammimBi^^ NTHS +4* LY A MILLION HAVE CHANGED 1ESTERFIELD I i 'a/vv hergs why: We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used is Chesterfield cigarettes are of finer ijualityaml hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price. Ijccktt 4 Mvek3 Tobacco Co. f?r Economical Transportation eature of Advanced automotive Design! o matter what you pay for a motor car, you mnot buy more modern design, more proved! trformance or more advanced engineering an is offered in the Bigger and Better Cheviot! Every unit ot this remarkable car has been iveloped by engineers and scientists who are ecialistsinthat particular technical field,and quality, stamina andperformancehave been ovecl by tens of thousands of miles of testing the General Motors Proving Ground! Come and see for yourself! The more you know our engineering?the more quitklv will vou convinced that here isq'ualitvin design,ma ials and construction never before available such low prices! uring AC - ) fygj|gj^jj| ?m-imperial > -?-* ?* ..<cr J The COACH } ?" ?*"" , f I. tilu> Truck - -593 o *?rf ^ tmt <CtaM.?0?Iv v.- '/-i-ifi ^ Hf. ' LicKt Delivetv $ -?<-> ? <XT "675 X ^ <?ft?ssi*OnIy> f Ky ^ \V-/ Ail price* f- o. o. Fliat, ct DO 5 MkK;*?n tevrolet Co. 1E, N. C. 9 T LOW COST I i -.v.; -:iV . .:>'<' < : :'. ^4fc?#?SWi?#!wSS Mfim Egg' ): !{-;. .' $|p|; cM^H^ShSOS

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