_ Tha Watauga Democrat Issued Eve.-v Thursday by The RIVERS PW#IN? COMPASS* r c. ewers rob. kiv mi Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year $1.5 Six Month'; ? _ T Three mjjailts .! Payable in Advance Advertising Rates on Application Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of R< sped, Obituaries, etc . arc charge for at the regular advertising rale Snt-tecl at the Postofjfit ax Boon c.? as Second C'ia-s ma ' matte THURSDAY. MARCH 22. IS2S r ~rr?zri- s :r. -?7-- - buy at home A community thrives ohe) its me chants thrive. Korne to-.vr. loiyir and trading is as essentia? to a etui mixmtv s growiu una progress as r streets, churches anvj schools, ft the duty of every citizen of a cop miiuity to make hi.-- purchases- ; home. Numerous "Buy .-it Home campaigns have stressed thi:- i"a? and have taught this important !e: .son: hut still there are >o;m* peopl who go elsewhere than their o\v honn? surroundings when buy in merchandise. The truth is that as Rood inei chandise can be obtained in i ? - r? as can be .secured through, the nail from any large city: and. as patros: age increases, the quality <>l" tfe local merchant's stock is bound t grow even greater. There are numerous reasons v.h you should patronize your; lioir, merchants. They have invested thci mand their future in cur town they pay taxes here: they give oir ploy?iv- ?-O M I> .IT1*. So Dnrw n an;! Jorint-r have dom mure in i.*.> ho'thing gair.e. for one .country which is hot equaU; valuable for the whole world We are learning thiit to hiv goo~d national is to be a good wort c the 11. ami lb.- applause cf mar. kind is quite vai halite us the nr platir.c of one's fellow ctizens. . T~ -J - - - a.- s . AH yi'jt-r >.e ?Hi .111' UUT /.VuUnU' and t.t magnify it, it is no longer n, cessary to go 'tut and kill somebod to aimer sonic other territory: it i better to tvr | ->' they xvili make the a: home. ; j - j Mr:-. Carrie Waiters. yrfco spent J ..'the ".viator months ir Lenoir with' ,1 daughter, Mrs. r. C. Robbing,j . . ' is . r ii m. i to her h*??r.e at Foscoe,t tor the jf'jmmcr. e.j . - - | r : .Mr.-. .T. W; Whitehead returned fcoj i ber home here Saturday after aj _ [ 'most pleasant x;sit covering severalj weeks to her daughter ir) Lynchburg,) Va. * \ j m; Vtx. L. S. Isaacs, >;f the logics'; v I Department Store, returned Satin-j ; 'jay from the markets. where he bought his spring and summer line merchandise. l? M?r. Chu.s. L Lewis and family! . }i i\ today for aohnson City. Term., ivhere their will make the?; home.] .Mi. Lewis having been engaged m s-. road construction contracts a ..-a- that, e l city 101 several months. n " Court next Monday and we are ex teniner to you an invitation to call | an if you are one of those who \ -- are still behind ok our books. If you e ?rot a. staienjejil be sure and bring:; !s; it nb.njr. j Robert Wofotz of the University j ? of North Carolina, and Frank Rob-/ o bins rind Prank Winkler of State College are at home for a few days" vacation. Xhb leave of absence vvijt take the place of the vacation here-' tofore _-r:i T-.t? ?j the students at t.hej r Paster season. i- Friend Lee fcst? r on?- of Waiau- ( ga.'v yur- ? School KaetsS" Watauga coun! I;, foi lb* ' Holast If year Lk2ti-27, j had kn coirplkriem of ill in the. _ ; hig'r: rvh\uk> ?>f the county, with an 1| hverajM uIlvtiiiaiK'c ' of T:k. The enivdlrnerir divided among the fc! ados a- follows: eighth. ~j ninth, tenth. 51': eleventh;. -'1. | -Mrs, \l,vrc>v American Red Cross; field representative of Charlotte,' 's| was in the city over' the weck-eh dlnurse for the county ?s in prospectj d! for the near future. ,.! We have had typical w inter woath yj er in Watauga since Saturday cveri[Lj ing', v\Vm the snow hegan to fall. It .attained a ?iopth of several inches, _ despite the fact that much of it melted as it i'oH. It continued at ,jr ^ urn ii i ucsusyt^jiii^iu, i _; when another downpour came, bjuit: ] not sc. heavy. Wednesday moi mPK,! then- are soma rifts in the clouds arid ,| it acrns the worst, at least has! ! liaSS'ed and that. better y.'cather cun-1 *ditior.s mat bo cxoectcdi ! : Last week a ovate containing three e|Dabs of eai'fitfOii hornes and one. .1 l.'.nte black hear pelt, shipped ' by; i H. ltryan of Edmonton. Canavia, and eunsigiied to this office, :?.r-. . i .vori in good shape. Tv:o pans ol . the horns were for R. C. Rivers, one j,! pair for .1. 1>. Council;, while Koby ? hi recite of Boo dp Route 1 chew the: l,;;r bear skin. dim,' us hoys ('*): | were never better pleased, as you; j: hit our number- exactly, and we! t' want to thank yon most heartily-' for ; your thovigbtfulness: Veu know.j ' J.ni, hay? writ be boys, even if they j r, j a; e jjettir.e a bit old. t! ... I Mr 'brrVnock. aged mother of i : X5r. B. K Bfannoek, died at. her: .i h.-.aie in Hiekoi-y last Friday. The j i-euVaitv; were brought to the old j r.-.i near Trade, lVnn., Saturday.. iin erment was made Sunday.! o.-attnorU and. several of his! ,1 iiuiei; accompanied the remains,! , r ii dcehite the fearfully bad day,! ,,i .m:\i-ku "i Ln?* relatives and irienps of the deceased in ami near Boone, y attended the funeral. Sirs. lSranr, is not dcfimlolv known, y' -h- wa:: almost. if not pinto. a !S hundred years old. The Democrat has almostTomplet-j ;(i the rather, large job of arranging! (w and binding the volumes of the pa-] ,r per since July, IS80. The little! ,r papers of the your.; long gone are most interesting, and, of course. ] they are highly prized by the force. ! it is quite easy now to refer to any' 11 paper for the past thirty-eight, e years. Come to think, that number. of years gets the best part of the] 1_ lift of the ordinary man. and for us: it has been a season of many joys] c anu fewer sorrows. The happiest part n perhaps, of this long period, was when the paper was "manufactured" on the old Washington hand press, 't with the little folks playing about the a shop. | THE LIVINGSTON CLUB j The Livingston Club met with ' Miss Margaret Clay last Monday aft m: WATAUGA DEMOCRAT- EVER erncfe n. The program consisted At is.; senary soviet v. Some husi- j X aess w as brought before the c!?l,i ' ami an effort veil I be made to sc-n . -" Monday. March at the ' borne " Mv. and Mrs. Amos Ward. si; i son. I ariton. j1 Mr. :?M inic. assisted by Key: J L. Norns, a J i brother of the groom, in the pr??s-j ence of relatives and friends. The. groom i:- the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Nonis and the bride is. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I). Coffey. The happy young cou?>!< will be at home a: the home of the j groom'*, parents for the present. j ? c. m. r. c. Major R. B. Patterson and Sevro- t ant Jar oh Schneider, of the United r S atcs army, were :n the county last week explaining- to the hoys of 17 t y?ars and older the advantages of t ie citizens' military training camp. < to lie held at Fort Bragg June 17-' July !?>. Last Wednesday Major 1 J'attcrson a?*eomp;?niod Mr. Smith l ] lagaman to tin Cove Creek high ? 5 h.< home .. BoVirie Frhle; a ; \ Mat < n When the \vpre assembled, there Won d lively discussions about art.it f mous Metrites, literature and $n *!: ! subjects. Then a number *>?' g: nit ami con. - w< re or>joy? <; ami Mrs. L.ivm-,- Mast, the winner.; . was pivs.nt.rd a lovely linen hand kerchief. FoHv-vving these the members wen 3>;vufMi into me wrung room wnen racist teiiitiling: Uinc h^fu was; ? served by the hostess. The next meeting oi the, club w iii be ?vU'H Mrs. Sarnvi- Mast on March} 2'bc- j;?> NORMAL NOTES ! I Interesting piojrrhnts Wert' given! c at chapel on Arbor Day aoti Si. Pat-j t rick\s Day, Friiifiy and Saturday. _ |i Rev. ( . !!. Mo so i was at the Nor-1 t mill during the past week, conducted., fc devotional service and made a talk I r to the students, I t Dr. J. D. Rankin accompanied the j I young lady debaters to Mars 11:11 j e College for the debate Saturday} h night, and ??:i his return reports thei u Normal lost to Mars "Kill by a vote i ?' of two to one. He reports splendid ; h debates on the part of bath teams,! ~ the decision being very close. Thei subject under discussion was "Mar-; d l iagi* and Divorce." s< Prof. I. G. Greer has been absent} li for several days at the bedside of his W mother, Mrs. . Philip .'Greer. at Zicrn-j . ville. V In Next Saturday bight the young la-j c; }jp< -fs'/fim bllllA:! ll.t.. avn iviwn'i* *' ? ? rr - * w he Normal to debate the .young: in dies here '.i!i the McNary M .: erii'fs iefirm reliol bill. ; ??? 1 ?- n FRIDAY AFTERNOON. CLUE e The Friday Afternoon Club was v delightfully entertained at the' f ritcher hotel last. Friday afternoon jb with Mrs. M. P. Critcher as-hostess. ' It was a rainy, dreary day but this' t was forgotten on' entering, as: c warmth nnd cheer prevailed inside, i 1 The St- Patrick idea was carried out> s in the decorations. Irish jokes v. ere _ a the occasion of much merriment. A * brief history of St; Patrick was given I " by Miss Ku!a Todd, Mrs. Gwyn of! Johnson Cay, and Mrs Snma Hardin j entertained with a number of Irish' songs. i As the delightful afternoon tvasj drawing to a close, the club n.enr-l bers and guests were invited to tindining room. The tables were at-J . tractive in green and white Mrs. i . Critcher was assisted by her daugh-1 ter, Louise. in serving a delicious! two-,cpur.;c luncheon followed by rnints.. Mrs. Gwyn of Johnson City,; Tenn., Mrs. Barker of Butler. Term.. I Mrs. Jim Rivers of Winston-Salem, . Misses Euia and Jennie Todd were) ; trie invited guests. The club will meet on March 30 with Mrs. Tracy Council! at her home in Cherry Park. MR. WHITING AGAIN STRESSES ROAD BODY'S INCOMPETENCE To the Citizens r>f Watauga County Care Watauga Democrat, Boone, North Carolina. The state of Michigan is lighting 1 its highways and each county stands its proportionate part. I The governor of New York saysthat county government is obsolete.! City managers are supplementing the old form of city government, J * The. city of Cleveland, Ohio, is being managed by \V. R. Hopkins in a i most efficient manner. I r What about the affairs of Wat V. THURSDAY?BOONE, N. <'. IU?0 . ?>;:n'y ? Bur. before ??ettwgl I i ' : - nr. <>i Hie eouwfcyk*! i flairs, I world like to..say fotnehi.oj-r abou: one branch ox 'bo work but pur-ticuiivlv interests all cit:-! ;'ens?road ere.e. env-r,?. At present w iviv?f three roadj oiur? f-sior?ei>. -eiec &sd o?- account! ; . promtnehia in their resnect-j ; ve "Jfebicte. The cupiniisfdoners j ucri the Tii*sl Monday in each "month) it the county courthouse. They iis? J on to coihjtlalnt from ai? over the j huuen districts. They o. k. and ;a;. the. bills for work done during j nc past month. They enmloy a. few i nen from the different districts to! i\ the road in their respective dis: i? is. But. th?s is what they don't 1 i... 7kn.. i. ...* .. i iv?. \i\"j v v.1/su muv a i ,'f receipts and expenditures (thevj ant give you any infonnation). ;J hey haven't any set plan to work by. J *il venture to say that half tlvc voadj noney is wasted because of poor di-'. ection. What constitutes good direction? First, a budget. Second, a capable man to carry} mu the budget. : What is a budget? Vji-wtr: A j iatonunt pertaining to receipts and : detailed explanation of how thej cceipts will be spent. This should M = published each month in the Wat-1 ' :uga Democrat. Advance informa* ion should be sent the districts; i chore work is expected to he done. What' about the plan? It ought .? be charted, but. it is hard to in-' ert a chart in a letter, so HI try and I. ovine it: i (a J Hie commissioners ought to i live a high-class man with road Lpowiedgs and experience?a good . jtiw and organizer?-a good 1 nixer. the right man could enlist < hbwsands ?>t* dollars of donated 1 ? <><* j (b) A good road outfit?truck?, i oc.k crusher. portable type; scraper.! ra&oiinc shove?, air compressor and Ivill; etc. The road outfit j hould he i .. sponsible to the super- j i )i-eP(!ent and the superintendent to! < he ;:v?lilt 11 U's:ot his-' ; . earn district is alio tied its i;ve road tax money. The sarnj dtal tax for all the district's should'. added up and divided by the niim>er of working days, pins expenses, j ,, fill,I ????' -.vlvif i /.v- I imiiime constitute^: then organize < fit the daily income. .Suppose the"; ;i\ rbccipi$ amounted $25^00 >er year and paxy there are 300]^ PidvVn/c days. :t would *i?v c you! per day t?? spend and thisfil v " id likely be divided as follows-: 'im};?!ssi-im*kv>. .f? . _; sui^ijitdu-| : l. T:1. $1,0 per day and i'xponscs; ' pad force and expenses, $00; other} < \nonses..'$h. , ? .We will say that the district of i ! \':itan.r;t has $1,500 to its credit,1 it' ) /odld bo entitled to 18 days* v. rk' i iy a most efficient force. Hove!; <>;?!.i the IS days he stretched into, hrec times )x days? By tho superntendent coming into the dk irictywo months in advance and getting! . he citizens enlisted in piling up5 ork along the ryad side, in getting j hem to furnish different material i ' or the good of tho cause, and finally ! niist their trucks arid teams, free, U>' ' aul gravel that could be loaded: ' .it,h a gasoline shovck The right! 1 uperinteh'dent might make one dol-kj j ii worth three where now it's the!, everso. At present there is absolutely no/. Firection?the commissioners hire! oiiie one in each district to do a ! ttlc patching; no ione inspects tho, I -ork before the work is started, nor J I hecks it. aftenvards. Think of run-; 1 ine: a business that way! No cost! s ^sten:. ho cheek, no supervision?: othmy but an oral order to sbrribS * i.f/en to fix the road in his district'; j ad the iiiil will lie o. It.'d. Good roads to Watnugo county!" leans more than rood schools be-' ' iiuse without the roads the schools | | an'l he operated. During the winter months the; GSrhfiSS of the county is shut down, i ecai.se the roads won't permit of i rucking; figure up the loss to the; iti .cue en the same basis as a mill ! igtiers its loss under a period of; hut-down and you would be amazed . its proportion. To illustrate: Watauga county has ! Pastime - THEATRE THE PLACE OF GOOD SHOWS" : ~ri day-Saturday, March 23-24? Ken Maynard IN ' The Devil's Saddle Monday, Miich 26?Tom Tyler and His Pals! liN "The Texas Tornado" rue?day, March 27 Jack Hoxie IN The Western Whirlwind Wednesday, March 28 Billie Dove IN "American Beauty" Ffeursday, March 29 Tim McCoy . IN Fhe Spoilers of the West SIX FIFTH SUNDAY iV THE THREE F Following is Ike full program of field at Shnlls Mills, Meat t!ainp. Boo and Bethel churches in ih< Thre? 1 n the Stony Fork association, on SatiiJ Saturday, 2 !. How do Baptists Work Together? Regions Beyond? '> W?vTv Jr. Rnr.liVf IV,. ..I-'? Sunday, \ 1: The Deacon and His? Work. 4. Sermon?John 3:10-17', suggested Kelovr are given the place? and s SKulU Question 1 - . . Question 2 ?. .. - Question '* . ....... Question 1 . ? ML Lebanon, Cturk's Creek. Beth sengers. Meat v Question 1 Question. 2 1 7 Question l\ .. - Question* 1 - ProffittV Gvoye, South Fork, Elk messengers: * Booi Question 1 . _ . . . Question 2 Question 3 ? 1 Question J - Biotving Rock. Samson. Middie Fo Fork and WiHowdnle will send messer Laurel S Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Pleasant Question 1 - ? Question 2 ? . _ ? Question 3 ? 2*4 Question 4 ? _ Union, Zionville, Rich Mountain ai Bet> Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question \ Beaver Dam, Forest Grove, Timb Uilead and Fall Creek wjl! send mes Ell The Stony Fork association has a list church. The same program will ! citation to the churches in the Three -end delegates to Elk and request chill Three Fork- .i.-soeralion to rend dfctpg crs are: Question I r Question - . Question :} Question A i n>od many portable saw mills; a i mill protjucing 100,000 feet per i nontli has a payroll of approximatey S1.S00 per month. When thej , roads become impassable this mill is. .dosed. Take the revenue from farm iroduqts that is stopped, it would be n Unresting data to.follow this up;, iitd sec just what our bad roads are I , mating us, because if our exportsj , 5eke,-..a ~ec cfi ?- t. ? i un .JVI H/l IJCCVJHJ or, January, February and March, die inctune to the county has been cssened that much and more p'ariculnrJy does it appTy to the citizen.The commissioners say Uloy vjvep't the- money to do much. The ; , toir.t is, if they went about it in the ittht way. enough interest might be j moused in each district by the aid >{ a competent superintendent and i good road force to accomplish in a !ew years with little funds what | . " tIAVEK For Your Let us tell you how 1. WORK and EA! 2. SAVE and HAN START SAVING RE WE INVITE YOUR V j WATA taffig COUNTY HAVE MONEY! Le**? DEVELOP ^ y^ MARCH -2 IEETINGS 1 1 ORKS ASSOCIATION tb<- Fifth Sunday meetings to l-e he, tJiuxrel Springs, Pleasant Grove > Baptist association, and Elk church ' ? day and Suhdiiy, March, 28 and 2??: :00 P. M. (1) in the Local church; (2) in the a* iftJifift Mi? **.' v ,'i &&? 'Jg( Kf!35?j??iTX ra?KK? 3 m ''JK*. iSiiffl? re iWZ? lA-.' v'<- ' ), . . " " .V , ., / ..W ... , ;V;Z 00 A. M. V as a text peakers: miu >-.L. M. Tsivettc, I. A. Bumgariver ... _ Mrs. I). P. Cpffey Mis. M. - . Williams, P. A. Hicks ? 1 L. A. Wilson any and Alt. Calvary will send me.s"anip _ . J, R. Isaacs, Wade Norria - Theodocia Watson isjp R. K: Shores, S. C. JGggters f 1 E. J. Farthing \> Knob and Howard's Creek will send tie 9 G. P. Sherrill, W. Y. Perry ? Mrs. S. F. Morton ? __ A. R. Smith, W. S. Farthing L. A. Hurst rk, Three Forks, Oak Grove, Brushy igors. prints - . _ H. Winkler, J. A. Williams ? ? Mrs- I. G. Greer R. C. Hodges. W. M. Smith 4 - - - L. C. Wilson Grove Carl Farthing, Smith Hagaiuan Mrs; Ray Wilson G. W. Trivett, D. J. Cot tr ell r- W. Swift ad Cove -Creek will send messengers, tel W. d. Farthing. W. D. Farthing - ? Lucy Moretz . _ W. F. Sheiwodcl, A. J. Greene It. C. Eggerif er' ii Ridge, Antipch, Zion Hill, Mfc. rangers. G. P. HAGAMAK. i> CI MAST. W. \\ HOWELL, / !. M. MAST. A L). 1). DOUGHERTY, SMITH HAG A MAN. W. Y. i'ERIlYj Committee, C o 'J. ppointed a meeting at the Elk tlnpu? carried out. They extend an inForks association that are near, to. relies in reach of the meeting ill the sites to Ihese meetings. The speak*-, . _ I. G. GYeer, Newton Cook ftuth Proffitt, Mollie Wheeler __William Jones, Rill .Tones, Jr. ? G. W. Brown iriginaily would take ;i bond issue to iccompiisk. Take, tor instance, the Vaiie Crulis-Wowing Rock road. 1 am satisfied that if we had the right equipment and superintendent to direct the work, enough free labor with the rlistpiet tax allotment would put this rood in passable condition. Surely it could he accomplished in the near future if not at one working. it looks as if the situation was up / to the dummirkionm-s Rnvft m?o \ reply by telling us what hiis boon accumulished since they organized nnri r villain their methods ..f handling the ?v?a<> fas money. It is as serious l matter as handling the funds of a jalik and there ought to be as good a theek and 'he citizens ought to understand the accounting. Respectfully, W. S. WHITING. lONE^I Failure to get a fortune: RN 'E. GULARLY.NOW INKING BUSINESS U^|A^ Our Couaty KAVE MONEY! , i : : i. < -