I. SIX r?=?<V A fj #h bi ILLUS1 :' CO SYNOPSIS pi Palm ? ra Tree, aboard the \ach1 iiuinhow. is st:utle.< by a ham: I T.hiMi.st thrauyh the ;?:?rt i/f iter cabin. : [ .'. makes a socret ihvestiira: ?:-. ah . discovers :? siowav'ay. She is ,;i;.pn ;, pointed in his mild appea rinc? and: a1 fcells h*im so, Obeying his <.c>mnmzW! at t.'- glance at the door -she sbes a nuge. nerve. conpev-iuieu man. witn a ton-inch Knife heid Wljtvye'n grin- ( ninir. lips! BuffiEc. the.- stowaway, t xplains that it ; > a joke. 1U;t Pal- e\ myt.i is shaken. Next day. Biifjko at arid the brown man go up on deck. B The stowaway entertains them with j ti wild tales ;>f an abvenuav-somt- life, i\ which his listeners refuse .? elteve. Now read op: j !a g< What Mis. Crawford aid not ex- 05 plaih wa- I'M. the real ?uty. as she: ^ saw it. la\ ir: tlepriviny Thurston's; H| i< hu leg's c.f a chance* hi this less r-.ainpeu setting of Honolulu. to snap feiek Jo perspective. By rejecting both her lovers? d Van shortly after -John?Palmyra sr had gained a reprieve ivom that ri question as to whether she were in sli love with one man or .fust: dandy good pals with two. The peaks of Oahw sank l ack ?iito i ;> the rnona. the deep, deep ocean, whence they had risen. One day. two days. four, six upon a tempera- 1 mental sea; whole week of heavy# sk:es aiitl raia and storjo seemed ;<?| ! have carried the girl no further- J al A second week came and went: a | . . t i-i' aiM!UVi.?v -in.' Iiiu-4 . ? . .. 1..h? m<: fiyingf yacht. Udt. stiil no answer.! sl The third wfcf came and neared | ( ' f- ':<!. TntarniiUent now the breeze* r.hev touched the equatorial zone j t)f litrht and variable/-airs. A whc.lci da.v throijfth. perhaps, the Uainliowj p; v.v.ttid yearcely move. j in Slowly. ur:olusciously. I'almy /a j had .bjeen rspowlimr to the conditions j <d created by tip wily Mrs. OrawfoikK j As the hre<v..\ with each knot ?Vf ! wc^t'in'ji, had ! ? ? ?n sinking morojyi ican^yioasly into the lbldtlijunis, the; pi io eath . !' hi .hi Leciioi*: had stirred. I w, risen fresh air, conkta iir, tin til it j reached (he deep sweep of a nVaid f< | en's first; knovviedvred love fiiiwNy she wcoofcksh>? i: now. hi ,h is. belated r -cognition of love for j h< the man of her parent?* choice, Van m Uurfu Rutger, And she must have treated John ; Thurston ;d>ommrthjv. \V"iih each ni ?(LUCKY tl MARTIN A JOHNSON, H Explorer, Smokes % Lucky Strikes in T Wildest Africa "Once on the Abyssinian border my shipment of Lucky Strikes from America missed us, and I teas m 'iserable until the natives -Lr?II jut <>/! /iiiv? c jt/ilWVCM'UMI I'(MVrWULIUJJ the Kaisout desert to Nairobi with my precious cargo of Luckics. After four years of smoking Luckics in wildest Africa, 1 find ray voice in perfect condition for my lecture tour in America." "It's toe No Throat Irritatio Oifi2S, The American Tobacco Co., to HMWlHlMMMHlifflmifiimnifr' SD HA1 AMD AJE SE, 'RATIONS BY HENRY J py RIGHT 5Y CHATtLES SGRIR&2R3 onient that she gave herself movt 'l-vinei-iSiy to luve, her pity fo h>" rst?.u grew. But- v. h-r.. 0)1 the twer:t\-seeon? vrung ?4it Uvjin Honolulu?tumor a they wore to sight their firs , ?'.l?the hour came toe the forma t meemerit < ?' her betrothal, th< rl was radiantly happy. True, i?t 'ho moment when Mr< cawford <poke. it was upon the fac* John Thurston that Palmyra' es rested, and she could but ivino the flash of pain' there revealed ut no 'girl in love can. on her be othal night. long be unhappy ove to face ?f :i rejected suitor. 5o it was. that night, as Palmy n y asleep in her stateroom, her hod; inily moving with the lift and fa! the yacht in the mid-Pacific calm ere was a tender simic upon he [>s. And the tender smile was still Hn t. an alluring warmth am wetness. and beauty, when* thi ainhou. caught all unaware by ; tddcu Squall, came downi with ; ash upon the teeth of a reef?tha iou!d not have been there. On a craft such as the Kainbov tcrest natural.y centjiv about tin ivigatidii. \\hat better then for Mrs. t'rav :d in her amiable intrigue than U . up Van Purer, Rutger as a gen eman navigator? How more pleas itly important then. handsome aeeiu!. jaunty in his white uniform poised with sextant to take tin in or bent over the charts, witl instance and the Warn r>o Ids am abnyra? in .<? featuring Van as a vacHsS -he was ViO more than a faffly vera lient amateur?-the hostes- hat earn that Peck-vser ,n tin- hack .'tram! s h a \i ' ?l uiuiBvcHUitioush lock up or. his work at every no inl lint ThP- sailing; master was a nuu iiii. siii-iniDOita'.u, jcaiour. oS hi wnjratives, touchy as to his <fig ty. Not limit rstamhnf Mrs. Craw u-cl's motive, he civ.)so to regard th? Tango meat as an ivhpatat-iou upo; s seamanship. hV?. fitness---'whvel . himsoli tlovihlct?longer *t? com ami Vim Soon discovered then that rhi ik ant! kulky old man was ohh i'aking an outward show; in roalit; Cream of the Tobacco Crop isted" n -No Cough. & . - THET WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV) D R. OSBORN AY LEE > SONS having; nothing whatever to do with t- the navigation, leaving the fate of the yacht absolutely in Van's own j i hands. A certain inability to take a stand; r in- anything unpleasant difficult, t? 1 ; '!1 lik?. up his mind and act in an j emergency, kept Van at rir>? from; telling the hostess. Later he continued with an. object. He knew she L. did not truly rely oxx him in. this L; showy fraud of navigation; he susu pected Palmyra was not deceived. . Knowing his xown weakness, he had . the weak man's fear of .-?:eiag lhatj r knowledge reflected in the l'acc-s of i others. Therefore, he would, with-' ,. ! niit :iid ?cr*it Uao 8ait)lii>yr t?. ?>?.! 1 | through the Line island groups. Audi j then, when a', last he told the girl.! | she could not but admire his j?-r j lormance. j On the rdghfc of the wreck, Van-; j m ally heroic in persisting against a j quacking unebnfidenee that kept himj often awake?had stolen on deck in j the mid-watch to reassure himself. His first glartce told him the clotiHsj were gathering for a squall. Like mof t uiiadventurqus persons, i Van rebelled at. being- thought timid.; Before rousing the aatch he paused! to make sure the clouds meant Wind, j As he studied the sky he gradually | became aware of a kr?v sound as of ] > an express train fai away. Startled, - he swept the sea: then laughed in - self-eoiurmps.. More than once lato, ly in dreams or waking; he had ijsprung up at thai fancied sauncl of; sj'ssiVn Th< yacht should not havvj ,, land aboard until late the next day.? call out there was ap island a-te<?.! ' i,f then- were ",onc. ivojuM be to! make himsell V uru. Stsirinir now up at the blackening , s.kyT again off into the gloom of sou. he stood, balanced in su.spence be-j Uveen his fear of storm and Iee-? I shore, and his dread of ridicule. For j this Jir.st time Van held life audi . death in his hands?and couid not . decide what to do. he sound of surf being; at its, iBii||jWi? after two i:ay>' calm, the; lirss 'jteatii !he -quail ivus upon J the ya? ht iwui-v Van' was <calva:uz-1 Jjized ijito action h\ discovering, | *j?Mo;ui oTi the port bow ii.dim lov.-i v jjtjr spmelhing against the sky ?-fche j . silhouette of palms. s; But w'.'n as the doomed Rainbow ~;j thus lay bet woe a hammer and anvil. v jshe could have been extricated had ' i apt iiaptiuri Peiioisbn himself gone! . CO pieces. In the precious lemahhnu nu> rents a bewildered crew tried fcoj execute incoherent orders, while the { yacht was beaten down upon the j waiting coral. J Following the crash upon the reef,! Thurston picked himself up and J scrambled to the clock just as a sea | came roaring aboard. Saved by a spring into the rigging h-J v.u\u d a j chance to reach Pedersen, whose I Condition be hiis sensed! Seizing fcKfe j sailing master he whiried him round; "You're drunk," he cried. "Or. or! | crazy." f The fitwaS^iii}o i-r?vi . H?hl in Thurston's eye. | below." ' ni take ehar.VTe," Thurston aniuou | The pumps showed that the tv 1. w as taking water badly. Such boats as cbhh! I.v launched were got ri'idy. The men obeyed unquestiouiuirly.! Thoy liked, respected Thurston. He: knew little of -idi>- but they reeojS r.iy.ed in his voice the quality of, command. During the hours which followed it might weii have seemed to Valine ra that the wreck had been arranged for the sole purpose of bringing out the difference between John Thurston arul Van Buri-n V.utger. Where Var. was sunk in self-aceusing misery, Thuison'a spirits were buoyant. The man was serene, methodical, busy. And he had action at last: intense vit.nl Ir. ftShefe. . VM save the woman ho lo'ed ho could forget, for the moment, that he had lost her forever. When Van was -soon sodden with; fatigue. .John seemed fresher with every hour. . It had been decided to leave the women in the cabin where they had been penned, rather than risk the ugly surf that broke about the after companion. But Van, in his self accusing frenzy, was conscious only that he had placed his betrothed in the hands of death, that he must save her. He rushed toward the cabin coinpanionway. Before anyone noticed, he had thrown it open in the face of another sea. A second later he was swept down its steps by the flooding water. Catching up Palmyra he struggled back and out again on the deck. Only then, at a warning cry, did he seem consciously to perceive what force it was %hat delivered these blows. Stopping short, he looked back. A crest reared above the j wreck, gathering itself like some I her, that he held her safe. Never did I she suspect it was to another pair of 5RV THUKSI?AV?BOOKit, X. C. j arms she otted her life. 00 Of aU those revelations, tbesti 8 j manifestations oi the \^^k?ess of 3 j Van Buren "Kutger. the strength of fl | -John Thurston. the giri noted none- I [ On the night of her betrothal she B | would scarcely have been like, under 9 i any e>vcr?nistanees. to draw oompnr- B I isqns. And here darkness and grop- R I ing confusion and the voice of wal- I ! ers conspired with Thurston himself ? j ro hide the truth. 3 Palmyra's love weathered the K ' storm, unquestioning, serene: ? ! animate beast for the spring. van, B hoaxt)v stricken, stalled one way, an- ggj other: stood frozen in his tracks. In an instar.l the sea would have been upon him. From thai slippery listing deck both man and girl would, ir? all chance, haw been carried overboard to death. hi the blinding roar, ail she knew was that Van's arms were arournd (Continued Next Week* "Ten yeais ago ' arrived in the lev. u with only one quarter, but that quarter began my fortune at or.ee/' "You must have invested it very profitably ,M "1 did. i telegraphed home for ipr.ory." SOUTHERN GIRLS who :\\e interested ?n going to the Northern Cities should take up a ^ay'ng; profession that they may be 'qualified to take care of themselves while there. The East Michigan Sanitarium and j Hospital is offering a short course in I General Nursing, Massage and Diet.: ( iris interested may write the j Superintendent of the East Michigan I Sanitarium. 15) Vester Ave. Fern-j dale. Michigan, (Suburb of Detroit). (A represent ati ve will he in! Blowing Bock the second week in \ April.) \ Just about this time of the year everyone needs a tonic to brace him up after the rigors of winPEPTONA j E* ' Our Best Tonic ' ?, It's pleasant i;? take. WiiJ not disturb the stomach. Gives you strength and P< Witt enrich youi i>ioodf i Am extra lai^e bottle for ; $1.00 Boone Drug Co. The ^e-fcaiZ, store BOONE, N- C. _ IkJiI* 111' WE HAVE YOUR NE Plows Harrows Fertilizer Drills Planters Wagons Harness Seeds I It always pays to see us nee Farmers Hare Everything i V- Miv '' "' ' V;$' /. ' '"' - ''/-V W"igifrs;' '* * . ; ?? ,-.- jy MARCH 22, 1528 ^ Real Estate We car. sell yon real estate, we have prospects for ;. r>u inker ol houses in town and .some farrosl too. .Selling is good l.wt with us and wi- will <fcf quick results. WESTERN N. C. DEVELOPMENT CO. .S.C. EGGER5, Wgr. Office Over Watauga Co, Bank USE OUR m AND GAS " ' Whc-r. your 01! and gas runs out, try buying: from us. You jrei FULL MEASURE and the host quality. Use good oil and your repair bills will bo less ! We spake only .1 reasonable charge I'or keeping: your car in order so? LET US CARE FOR YOUR CAR *SSk W R WINK"! PR em* &gljp & COMPANY ?|pS OgfeajJ1^^. BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA ^^BPSSc? EXPERT PLUMBING WORK AT A REASONABLE PRICE \Yc guarantee that our Plumbing Work y/ili give complete satisfaction ami that our prices are the most reasonable in town. When you phone here for a plumber you know that the work will by done right and at the right price. f PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE Open 7 a. rn. to 6 p. m. every day cxcep'. Sunday ^ ^ C, S. STEVENSON Telephone 87 Shop X 3 Main Street ___ L i? EDS Binders' Hardware Paint (we got it) Carload of? Cement yg Fencing Nails \y all kinds Sewer Pipe ills Roofing i first; we are here to serve you. Tell us your ds and we will do the rest iware & Supply Company I n Hardware and Associated Lines 1 . ROONE, N. C. ? <

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