w VOL. XXXIX. NO. 7 Watauga G. O. P. Split | on Hoover, Lowdenj Ohioau Will Rtceive 5H VdlM and! Commerce Secretary 8^8 in State t Convention at Ralei^'n The Republicans of Watauga J county will send a divided delega ion to the state convention, which J \ meets at Raleigh in April, according] | 'o actioT. of the county convention j / here Saturday afternoon, the delejra-j "ion being instructed to cast 5 vj \ votes for Lowden and 8V- for Hoover. The division over the contest for; the presidency caused not a rifflej iind there was no speech-making, it ; -.vus harmonious and snappy. Coiin-j ty Chairman \V. H. Gragg- called the j convention to order and asked Prof.! L G. Greer to preside. Messrs. W. ft. Gragg and \V. D. Farthing assisted Secretary J. C. Ray in making a rec ord of the proceedings. A rod rail of townships develop-; ed the fact that all precincts were j represented except Bald Mountain. The vote of the precincts stood: For; Hoover 07Vis and Lowden 10V.>. The county has a voting strength of I 1 in the state convention. Immediately after the vote was announced, delegates were named to the state convention as follows: Delegates Frank A. Linntey, T. E. Bingham, i \V. E. Tomer. H. L. Lyon. (?. C. Gob-! ra bins, J. E. Holshouscr, C. S. Pre-! If vet.te- VV. M. Thomas, 1. G. Greer. % W. Gragg, \V. H. Gragg, Mtssj Blanche Smith, Mrs, Pearl Luttrcll, { O, I-. Coffey, Alter nates i M. Critcher, Ralph Bingham, j Blaine Coffey, A. G. Miliev, A. W.; Thus. L. Younce, Joe Wheel-j Mrs. W. H. Gragg, J. P. Hodges,j Mr.-. F. A. Linncy, Baxter Linney,j Miss Euia Hodges, G. W. Robbies, 1 Mrs. O. L. Hardm. i r STANDARD TRAINING SCHOOL I AT BOONF. M. E. CHURCH] Kin- several years the leaders efj tie Ito?ne Methodist church havo| looked forward to the time when the , t fficieney of their Sunday school should warrant a standard training -tooi for its workers. These train!!. : courses :tve provided t>y the Sunday school board of the Western Nofw Carolina conference and are given only in Lhose churches that reach, in their program of work, a retjiiived standard of efficiency. Keginniiig next Sunady, April 1st.: at .'i p. in., and continuing through the week at 7:30 p m, a standard \ training school will lie Conducted in 1 the local church with Rev. W. K i " 1'oov;.. pastor of the First Methodist; church. Lenoir, Paul .1. Evans. L. L. "Evittte arid Miss t'orinnc Little, all ^ conference Sunday school workers.' .as instructor, in the several courses.j it is ho[>o y- 55J&jah vfc FISHING SEASON OPENS IN APRI1.?LICENSES REQUIRED " ? i The fishing season .will open this! year for brook ant! rainbow trout on' April loth; large mouth bass April j 20th anil small-month bass on June. 10th. acordfujg to information sentj out by the state department of ton- j serration and (le.velopmenx. A bag. limit provides that eight large-mouth j bass. 25 brook trout!) and 25 rain-, bow trout may be taken in one day. j Posters recently issued b.v the di vision of inland fisheries specifies' that it is unlawful to take fish from any of the inland waters of the state y- Ky use of fish traps, baskets or nets.: i A license is required as follows:! Resident, county, $1.10; resident' state, $2.10. and non-resident; 8.10.j ROAD FUNDS FOR JOHNSON CO. Announcement is made from! Nashville, Tenn., of state aid plans! for Johnson, Marion, Montgomery and I.ake counties, which include! the expenditure of $10(5,000 for! maintenance in these four counties and $130,500 for improvements during 192$. According to engineersthe state-iiiamfiinpfl litifflS i** titneai counties will be put in prime con-! dition with the least possible delay. I The 1-1,500 maintenance program! t for .lohnson county embraces 25.7! "miles of Route 34 between Sullivan | county and the North Carolina line, through Mountain City. Nearly half of this stretch is macadam, the rest surface-treated, sand and gravel. PARTY AT COOK'S GAP PMr. and Mrs. J. E. Hampton gave - the young people a delightful party I last Saturday nighL The cvehing' "was spent in dancing, after which! delightful refreshments were served.' The party was attended by a large. 1 number of young folks and was; pronounced one of the most enjoy-! able of the season. ATA! A Non-Partisan Ne1 BOON POUTKAL EVimI OF THE PAST WEEK; Highlight* of Political Activity ! Both Major Parties Summarised: From Recent News Dispatches j From Over the CountryHow They Stand According: to the best mfonriation j jivaiijihln. tho niulim. t-K/. . ous candidates for the presidency ph; Tuesday was as follows: L.ovrden Iowa * i V 1 Missouri ."9 North Dakota. ? IS North Carolina i Minnesota 20 Total 95 Uniinstructed but claimed by Lowden: South Carolina, 11: Minnesota^ !?Total 14. Hoover Minnesota 2 Louisiana 1Q Georgia Ill : New Hampshire 11 Total o9 Un instructed but claimed by Hoover: Minnesota 2; icwa, 2; New York. 2d; Virgina. i5-?Total 45. Curtis Kansas . ..21 Smith Idaho S | Minnesota 24 i North Dakota 10 \ New Hampshire 6 1 Philippines R j Oregon 0 | Total 62 | Umnstructed but ciasnied by j Sioi Hi: Louisiana, 20 R^cd [ Missouri 4>?! J - came here to attend the annual state meeting of the educational association was made; hut it would amaze the state! if teachers friendly to Smith were, i given the freedom of speech. The] only person in the mind of the teachers appears to be Smith. Two prominent members, one a principal and the other the wife of a city superintendent, were against Smith and favorable to Hoover. . There may have been several hundred of] them, but the casual chronicler was] running into Smith men at c-nzyj turn ill the hsun when, the asseiai.ly was held. it is not believed by anybody that the Smiih sentiment is so much based on the wish to nominate him as upon the resentment toward persons who are making a fight against him. The discovery of such a percentage of teachers supporting Smith is not necessarily imi>ortant. Hut. the basis of their support is. The fight on him is making him friends.1 Ohio and Indiana Primaries May Set-' tie Fate of Hoover and Lo-wdrn j ' Washington special of March 2a to Greensboro News: Republicans who are supporting, as well a? those opporting, as well as those opposed, to the Hoover candidacy, are more than ever convinced that the primaries to Ivo halrl t r? Hhin fVio ? ? vtuv? mv laiiti {'rtl V v?* | next month, ami in Indiana the early j part of May, will prove of the ut-j most importance in the shaping ofj future events. The-belief has gain-i cd ground of late days that the secretary of commerce is destined togain by the apparent weakness ofj Willis, the favorite son candidate in1 Ohio. It seems doubtful whether! the favorite son is really the favor-; ite, for it is now believed that the negro vole in Cleveland, Cincinnati and other cities will supplement the wet vote generally that is scheduled to he cast for Hoover. The support of sueh urban elf (Continued on Page Four, Cot 1) JGA wspaper. Devoted to the E. WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH < Blowing Rock C. of C. To Publish Bulletin Publication Will Carry Information for Tourists and Will Carry Ad* verlitiug Matter Blowing* Ruck, March 2i?.?A joi news, fact and advertising sheet, be kricwn as the Blowing Rock J tin, will be at once prepared answer to the demands of tourists?, it was decided by discussion and vote, at an animated meeting: of the UIowinir Rock Chamber of Cnrnn-.m-.**, bold Tuesday evening: in the new school building. C. S. Prevettc and Grover O. Hobbins were appointed by the president of the Chamber of Commerce, H. C. ?d art in, to work with the executive committee of the chamber to prepare the publication, which will be printed in April. The Bullet? will sliPw briefly recent development in the resort town, answer a composite questionnaire, thus presenting the facts desired by prospective visitors here and will provide space for all the business people of the village, owners of cottages, rooming houses etc., to present- their accommodations in a brief way. All interested in inserting brief advertisements at a reasonable rate should at once secmembers of the committee or officers of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Martin urge*!, as no time is to be lost in getting the Bulletin printed, Mrs. Ben Greene. Mi's. Theodore Greene and .Mrs. Fend ley were appointed a committee on care of the streets and were urged to secure the co-operation of the town officials in keeping the streets clean and attractive during the opening season. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Greene were adder! l<> a committee, consisting of By? oum Crisp, Sponcer Greene and Howard Oxer,tine on beautifying the J- -r . ? ? K'.?ruuu? 01 uif LUWII. utm jonnson was made chairman of a committee rpeair Lonesome Trail just it in condition for early use. Tuesday Evening CSub The following program was giver by the Tuesday Evening Club nt it* niceting last week: Song3, "America the Beautiful/' pr.d "Onward Christian Soldiers" Scripture and prayer. Each member of the society wa> called, upon to report upon some historical character whom she. admire* and to tell why she admires him. The program was closed with the singing of "Dixie." Class Gives Initial Party The members of the tenth grade, which is the first organised high school grade in Blowing Hock, gave its first class party Friday evening, with the girls of the class acting as hostesses. The party was lie Id in the school building. Games and contests, carried out by the animated group of high school boys and girls, did not provide for a lagging moment throughout the evening: Delicious sandwiches, made by the girl? of h>' class, with iced drinks, provided refreshments at the close of the evening. ?,Te;?Ucv- ^1 vr.' ..iViWv'n vi uiv tui?b UK' YVlll'U Cannon, Lucille Coffey, 15yni.ni Crisp, William Kolshouser, Christine Johnson, Oprejn Knight, Eihin Miller, Luciie Reid, rem Rabbins, Elizabeth Sudderth ami Beuiah Wootei>, All were present except Miss Knight. Guests of the class included A. E. Mercer, high school principal; Miss Pearl Wehh, Mr. and Mrs, Rupert Gillett, Mary V/ooten. Bill Auton. Beii Greene. Max Cannon, Donald Greene, Fred Spann. Bill Lent:-, Paul Foster and Glenn Coffey. Delightful Party Mrs. ,1. A. Panel}*; Mrs. L. E. On and Mrs. Stuart Cannon were joint hostesses on Friday evening at one ot the mcrriestNpavties of the season, given in Mrs. Panella's apartment with more than a score of guests present. Dancing, music and radio entertainment kept the party moving briskly until refreshments were served late in the evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Rob Greene, Mr. Panella, Mr. Orr and Mr. Cannon; Misses Alice Council! of Boone, Mabel Coffey, Ethel Hoi ouuusei. i-/ucy winiams. Uomie Moody and Velrna Cannon; June Maronev of Boone, James Suduerth. Harry Tharrington. Howard Coffey, George Bobbins. Dower Williams; Kermit Boliek of Lenoir, Henry Conrad of Winston-Salem, Ben Greene and Ambrose Under down. Personal Mayor G. M. ^udderth and family and Miss Margaret Sudderth motored through the Asheville country last week-end. Mrs. Thomas If. Coffey and Miss Ellen Coffey have returned from a motor trip of 1,300 miles. Point? visited included Asheville and Pinehurst * Mr. and Mrs. C. S Gould announce the arrival of a daughter on March 21, weight eight pounds. Much interest is evidenced ir Blowing Rock over the recent announcement that a drug store is t; tConiV.vaed on Path Five) DEMC Best Interests of Northwest CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 2'J, 1! ?/!tauga OF I" / THE LONG AGOF ^ . | * .ppcmugs of the Town and County j Th/rty-five to Thirty-nine Years! Ago as Chronicled in the Columns! ' I of the Watauga Democrat. j Thutsday. July 4, 1889 ! j Cowlo? and Eames are still work- j r^.? irtfir for ?dld at Gap Creek. j ?* * hoi; John Penly and Mattie Green thii were united in the bonds of wedlock Mo last Thursday by Rev. Wra. Knight. j-a:, . o o T. A. Critchci*. postmaster at $? I Bamboo, says that the office will be ,->e j moved to the mill and he supposes it ! will, hereafter, be run by steam. ;in this ] Married, June 2\ at tie* residence 'J j of Wiley Norris oil Meat ("amp, sta j Rdby Green and Mattie Beach, -1. its !? Norris, officiating. thii * * * clai Prof. Hendren of Wilkes county the : has accepted the school at New River dtj I Academy and will commence Aug. cor ! 17th. I A V V gre ; Farmers from ali parts of the ^l*e county report the corn as .doing but NtvC little good, and fear the great *~y amount of rain has injured the small tov grain crop, while oats and * grass tX( are tine. ! * ly , . wil b. spencer uiacKuum, who lor ^ac the past few months has been at (j(. Statesviilc studying law under Majhri Bingham, has returned home and! will remain until September, whenj.SU he will apply for his "sheep kin." j i- t-iSc i Wanted Durins July and Aug-! 'ust I want 5000 young elnekep.5 a( j : ,Jt at VOc, and t'ny ifiin'.- amount ofj.cm . tfggs fur which I will pay lOc^pcrj plf dozun, and will .sell you goods low.j in cxcimjige for same:.?\V. >V. H.dis- an claw, Vilas, N. C. fJli ( ! ? Of. To give souk idqa of the amount a'* of rain we have had (or some time sa: passed, we quote the language of the m< Elk Park mail rider.: lT have been Oo Veined on every day for the. past six va weeka,*' m< *. * ' th John liftniia of Ashe county has an rceeivM the appointment of deputy *pk , coVlecvoi for the counties oT Ashe, tlv Alleghany and Watauga. Capt. E. F. >vi ! Loyill has held this position for the "v post four years, and goes out of vo with a fine record; having dischurged his duty fairly and honestly to all men. Wo can only hope that Mi - j vy Flitrdin will make as j?ood an officer.) Pi: I'sJ&j * V {Hi Marked at the residence of the j c^' "bride's mother oil "Howards Creek by J Rev. i. W. Thomas. June 2th nl aisti j p. i>:., Joseph Haver, arid Miss Ann i l'* I Norris. tili r .'., ;;. | en MGeorge Finley of the Watauga a 1 hoi;f:i/ stnppea at tiie Coffey house gffi one night this week, and says there 01' arc UI5 visitors at Blowing Bockl July 11, 18S? ' CO! I Some of the old war-srurred Con-l h? j federate Veterans met at the court-i l'? I house in Boone and organized a j Confederate Veterans' association, j C" ! Capt. Jordan Cook was made chair-1 t?e j man and D. B. Dougherty secretary.; Kf ; 1 Captain I.ovi!l explained the object j n:o of the meeting. Robert Farthing j 1111 made a talk and spoke of the old J Vai Confederates in a way to arouse : '" ! sympathy and enthusiasm. ' * DC -John Eh-od has sold tils river farm' to u Mr. Va'nnoy of Wilkes county, j mr s.s.euu. Mi. ttlroti will remainon the place until November. j I *" * " I | Two new farmers' Alliances were j ^j( j organized last week -one at Kite! .Valley schoolhouse. with \V"m. Von- j j.(. I cannon president and J. M: Hyatt J . secretary, and one at Phillips' schoolhouse, with I- W. Farthing president and I.. 11. Farthing secvetar>" __ wh July 18, 1889 j", The Farmers' Alliance will soon' p(j take the county if it keeps on organ- j jt izing. A nnmbc-r of Alliances have j j.n heen formed in Watauga already and , fju in a few weeks every section will have one. Well, we are pleased! ga aboot it, provided it stimulates the| farmer and makes him a better! fie. farmer?more prosperous and inde- j pri pendent. What can a county be | de without a good thrifty farming, ch class? M. er Mr. T. A. Critchcr of Bamboo Da : proposes to give a site on Cook's Gap as; . to anyone who will' build a hotel ar: i on it. There's no finer place in the j . county for a summer resort. So August 1, 1889 Cr i On .July 28, some 100 Alliance po men with others assembled in the i courthouse in Boone in thr- forenoon : - and listened to an able and instruct- j br i ive address from Major W. A. Gra-; v?;i ham of Lincoln county. In the aft-'up emoon a county Alliance was or-' Rt )CRA North Carolina >28 edmont Festival To Open Thursday P. M. ? ; j[ st Program of a Scries of Four :ntert&iumecU Be Given at the Courf.hou?e Thi* Evening at & J ^ n bringing the Piedmont Star! itival to Koone, the citizen:- of the! 'ii are presenting four great > ups of musical artists. The firs ! pe these will be given at the court-! inj ise tonight, the secomi Friday.; d Saturday and the final number nday evening. The entertain- ge iment will begin each evening at] wa 'clock except r.aiurday. when the I ?r it has been .set for 8:30 A com- j tie te program of the entertainment . four ever.'Tigs will be found in' th< advertisement on page eight ofjth< s edition. j tb; Che Piedmont Star festival is a ! s*> te institution, numbering: among, artists some of the greatest in 1 en ; country. The cost of this high 1.1 a ss tenteruunment is guaranteed by i co various business interests of the; RO ,T and the people of . Watauga ; wi irity should feel fortunate in hav- br brought to their doors this ag i of gation of musical artist *. Tickets\ tei on sale at both the Hodges Drug E? rre and the Boone Drug Col, ;i'"! !l a group of young ladies of the ; ke ra. A ticket good for the fourjoo tnings may be had for only $1.50 ' re bought singly the price is slight i th higher. A glance at the program nr I convince you that < before y? : the Piedmont organr.atio offe. - such an attractive schedule. i th ; W CCESS WITH COKN j DEPENDS ON PREPARATION " v*-' S" 1 a X': 7 .v'r A' ftnleigh. March 28.?The secret bo in corn growing dejitemjs on V; *efi>l land preparation before w; mting. ye 'With the increasg of livestock on m farms and the attention good yc mors are giving to diversification j 10 crops ir. the state a( th'U time, an equate supply of corn is essential/' pi ;s C. K. Hudson, Of the farm do f, lustration department a'. State I,Uege. "Coin is one of par most \< ilia hie crops and nothing is oft ^ >i!Q importance with it than j o rough plowing, careful disking: d :MU'quatc harrowing before ci in ting. Often, it is wise to disk! i? -land before plowing so that it w U not plow up in clods. In any Fi em, it should he disked and bar cm Wed kmnediatcly after plowing! d before the moisture dries out." j $1 A goed, mellow seed bed should prepared at the expense of early . . mting, if necessary, suites Mr.1 uison. Good corn growers knoiv'eci e importance of this. The North Carolina oxDevhst n \ d< ition advises tin- use of from 100; 50O pounds 01 a high-grade for-', w ir.er in a divided application if the; >p is not to he top-dressed -.with/an j/\y: plication of nitia'te of soda, ff; > socia is to i>e used, then all ttic; w. lev fertili-.v.r might i?<- put in un-, r the corn before planting.* The I w< la should bo applied when the j ;n is about knee high and before itjds nches to tassel. A .good applfcm n is recomiuundtid. ( cb Mr. Hudson advises early cultiva h with the use of the harrow or v. edet*. This destroys the early nyth of weeds and grass and saves isture. As the corn prow's and the j op vts develop, it is unwise to cultste deeply because the tender root- w: s arc found r.ear the surface. j cb )DGE ANNOUNCES NEW ? . SPORT SENIOR CABRIOLET - - ; ' r.h Accordidg- to an official announce- bnt received from the factory atjdi troit by Cliff McConnell. of the'1)4 jConnell Motor Company, local dge dealers, a new sport type; s*; nior Cabriolet roadster is now in J fduction ami shipments are going Bj ward to dealers as. rapidly as pos le. | jo The new car is equipped with wire >'f eels, the two spares being- carried the sides, resting in wells in the! iders and held in place l?y nickel-j brackets extending from the cowl. I T'is an attractive companion car to; itoclge oeniov sport sedan intro- 81 eed in January. 1,0 ? ft nized. ; ri The following v:oro elected of- pi ei's of the Alliance: J. E. Ftnley, th isident; Jordan Cook, vice prosi- pi nt; 1. W. Thomas, secretary and r.aplain: W. D. Norris, door keeper;' hi L. McNeil, assistant door keep- j to ; D. F. Baird, treasurer; H. A J as ivis, secretary, with L. H. Michael oi jistant; Smith Norris, sergeant-at ms; L. A. Greene, business agent, fi * * * i 11. A new postofficc by the name of fi lo has been established on Meat t'r imp with Jonathan Moretz as a stmaster. sc " * * ' t< Married at the residence of the h; ide's father, Tuesday 7 p. rn.. Joly'vl . Mr. H. A. Dobbin and flips Era- U t Miller, both of this county, the' D sv. J. 1.. Henley officiating. i ir '" -"S' ' ' Jffik T FIVE CENTS A COPY mcJmwm S SUPERIOR COURT ilh Judge ScKenck Presidiug. Rapid Di$po ition of Ca*et Being Made; Harmon Get\ 6 to 8 Year* For Bank Robbery The sprint? terra of Watauga suitor court convened Monday morn? with Judge Michael Schenck of ?Kdei"^or?v?lie presiding and SoHoir John R. Jones of Wilkesboro osecuting ?os the slate. Judge hnek's charge to the grand jury is brief but to the point. Bis hoitcmph&sizcd three outstanding du.> of the inquisitorial body: 1. ssing upon all bills presented by e solicitor: (2) Presentments to ^ solicitor?-violations of the law at have escaped the notice of the licitov. of which the member.-, of ti grand jury are cognizant. Hilpha.sized the fact that the grand ry composed of eighteen citizens, evening twice a year, there can be habitual violation of any law t.hout their knowledge and ir? ingirg such cases to the attention the solicitor they can aid very marially in suppressing crime. (-! i camming county r.voperty. seeing at the jail and county home ate pt. a samtnr\ condition; that the urthouse is kept in repair and cords of the office re that the criminal docket would completed by this afternoon. Harmon Get* 6 to 8 Years Dewey Harmon pleaded guilty to mpHeity in the robbery of the p?-e Orudis Bank last summer, and v- given : sentence of six to eight jars in the state pcisoh, Troy Carp m i'.s now serving a term of five ar- in connection with the same bberv. Liiivillc Eggv-i-i must do a dozen bnths on the highways of the state r manufacturing liquor. and Oouy Woodring puast do two t.? three *ars in the slate prison for store caking. 0,. ' Olhcr Cases Fiank Shore . disturbance, $".!.? and fcfcs. Frank Shore-. o&nyin.!?: concsaWri ^Upon, taxed with the costs, rank Shore; drunk$1.00 -.irul sis. I.inney Maltha. driving; oiv drunk, ou and costs. Finney Maltlut liquor, $50 and. - " \Y. H. Brown, assault, $1F and st?>. j " ]; r-j'] \\. A. Chambers, assay U with \t;(!y weapon, costs,. Frank Bingham, operutmy. car it h out license, s:iv.?r. and posts. Xoilie Isaacs, ahandotuent, taxed it'll the eosts. Fred Harmon, carding concealed inpon, $50 ami costs. Fred Hat-moil, assault with deadly uappn, taxed with the costs. Albert Hampton, assault with latlly weapon. $100 and costs. Hiil Greene liquor. S50 anS sts: Joe Brown, parrying- concealed tapon, $5 and costs. Gary Story, abduction. costs. Glenn Ol&wson. liqour, ?.2? and SfcS. V;. ; f - ' : f; The court Wodnesdny morning ts engaged in hearing- the assaii5t urge against Charlie Critchey )R. FILMORE BINGHAM DEAD t>r, Fiiroove Bingham, 72. perhaps 0 last one of the "old school*' of lysici&hs left in Watauga county, i>d at his home at Amahfcha Sunday tornoon. following a general deine in health covering a period of veval years. For more than forty years Dr. rsgham had ministered to the ills the suffering in Watauga ami adinin'j. counties. His most active kars of practice came before the Kent of the automobile and the sod roads into this mountain cou.ny, in fact such thing's Mpd not been ought of. Although the roads un1 recent years were merely trails id vhc only means of locomotion a ddle horse. Dr. I5ingham was faith il to his fellow man. Through the erors of the winter weather the petitioner went, never questioning ie solvency ot the patient nor comairiing. at the snows and sleet. He mdered medical aid, consoled the jreft and acted as general counselor ? his patients and, perhaps as often ; otherwise with no reward or hope r reward. He loved his fellowman. Funeral services,were conducted oni Henson's Chapel Monday after[>on. The house was packed with iends from over the county and lose adjoining, who paid silent r.ribtc to therr fallen comrade. The n'vice was in charge of the pastor, ev. K. A. Taylor, who was assisted r Rev. \j. A. Hurst' of the HnptLst uivch. Short tributes were nsr.d by on. r. A. LUiney and Rev. L. A. . ^ ' interment was i the cemetery near the church. |