TWO Normal 1 LAYS CLAIM TO 2 j CHAMPIONSHIPS; A.. S. N. 3. Boys unci Girk Hawj Successful Season, With Thrtej Losses Chalked Up A^ulnst Bovsj *nd Two Against Girl* Winston-'^ateirS JoaniuiTy;6 power f-J basket haH (eaR)iil ?f lb.i- ia> hum State Norjnail -vvkiiT /;r>'.vn iVem thi.ii r.-it/Uticair lair I *i Boone to hrizt"' t*,vo . hajKpit?v-j ' .*oys' quint; battling agaimt junior j ?t points a .-aim. which will show ? some extent. the yov.eiCui offensive attack >\ tic The games lost wcii- to Mars; ri'il. En v.:-. . I'. .:.-}'.? ? ;< a>tvn with a b'lliiant 21 U*j ' va?t;ory. The ?pt> I 'a\ ?' a .-.i-.'acly l*rar.?i: o' the irido*. sf&to.V . throughout. the: -11 i. < . .! ; h/ct! only ol'ir n a'i bad ell.;:at'-: tiji against tKyJU, vhc-i\ 1 hey wyopt into ( aoipla ll Col-] ;aa;v on ??& tail vtul iiv it four-day voitti Irip uhd cracked under ihe-fair trl lose !>. 1)2 to 13 game. The [ passing and defensive pifty of the; eluh outside ?C this one game \yasj remaryiibie mid nrov-d the big fen-'! u-ue. along with the powerful <>?-j tensive play, to win a eiaim. There is very little doubt ? - tt> :he undisputed claim on the state title by the girl team. The girls won over ('u)iowhee twice. Lenoir-Rhvne viie and Miuliell twice in the state race ami dropped two close battles the Ens'. Tennessee Leathers Coliece club The Sirst game against the Volunteer team was lost by one point, 12 in li. while the second went by two points, 2:; to 21. shovv-j inu: the par strength of the two reams. The forwards on the girts u-amj have roc-keif the basket lor a grand i total .if IHS ibiints in eight games,! while the < Si>se guarding of the c-iubj hold the opposing club U> only 130 j markers during the season. I ho v.ww c lost by the. girts This vein were the first for two seasons. Last year iliey marched through every college team played! ;u North Carolina. Tennessee and Virginia. without a defeat. Ak ;i whole. the season has beer, pile, oi the most successful ever vxnevieneeti hy ,i junior college in North Carolina ami the two teams, both boys and girls, have a wonderful reeofd, ore- good enough to lay a fine o'ahv. :m the state title. The record of the hoys' team ?o!-j lows: 52 Wilkes Ail-Stars 20 42 Wilkes All-Stars ... In 23 Mars Mil! College ... 32 57 Cpilosvhee Normal ... 13 32 itafherford College ... 27 23 East Tenr: Teachers . 34 42 Hatvossee College .... IS; 17 VVingJite Jr. College . at! 3ft Rutherford Co!le- e . . 2*t 25 Catawba C?go is 34 Wingate Jr. College . . 2d 11 Campbell College .... 03 i 35 East Tend. Teachers .. 32! 53 Piedmont College ... 31 j 42 Catawba College . . . . 30 j 32 fJiwasee College 20j 32 Piedmont College ... 29j 21 Campbell College ... let j 642 Totals 48? [ The record for the girls' team fol-j Is# -. . ~ - . ..J ii r,ast lenn. l-eacners .. 34 Cullowhee Normal .... 22 11 Lenoir-Rhyne . . . . . . 10 34 Mitchell College 16 21 East Tenn. Teachers .. 23 23 Cullowhee Xormal .... 17} 29 Lenoir-Khync . 16 35 Mitchell College 14 198 Totals 130 RALPH C. BINGHAM OPENS LAW OFFICE AT WILKESBORO; ' Attorney Ralph G. Bingham, who recently retired as assistant district attorney of the middle district of j North Carolina, has opened an office in North Wilkesboro for the practice [earns Wi * Lavs Ch ' '' The Xoric : Avi:i ili'tcen h iltks. Tho tea: fsae'lc Row??ft uhr ?fl >? - !. :: To If -:jui?v?n. center.. ''h.l'ij.-. forw. Stale Jin Mr ?i ??? ' V:; vht AJiiWiiiii.iiii!;! .-in',:.: > nii;.'. \:yv linck Rov,? -Loft ;?> rivrh* ? Front Kovv?-U>i! 1: CARD OF THANKS Tmrough the columns of The Democrat we tako this moans to ? >: tend our deepest thanks to the croud cit.i7a.UiS and friends ot the communil y who so kindly helped us after the disastrous fire. We assure you fh.Ml! viViii* Vr?rii/i-^?c<; o?i-5 oi?l greatly apiSvdeiateti and will ever be remembered. TOM .JONES ;at I had purchased the property of i\ H. ShulL on the Blowing Rock road m ar Boone. J did not purchase this property, as noted. ;t being. at the time advertised for sale under deed of trusr by J. S Winkler for March tU*28: W. Ft. WINKLER. 15 YOUR C OUT < Don't loose your temper ai your car before you start out. Just a little work put on yc HOW ABOUT EXTRA TI ARE YOUR BATTERIES LET US CARE cm w.R.wi Ipgp & COIN BOONE, NOR1 THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVE in 1 wo (t a ni a fine c!aiisv on the State J>j?u;-: C-'1 Cook ma'iai.-'-. Kifper?, coach. I'arktT. forward; <';t\ guard: j???rUins\ M?l: \Vi!5i:it?>. v.?idr*J; Rok'jtk, coiUit rij lior College Girls C i # ^ gj -^TU . AS*^ V **% - ** ?f>w *#< s ' ; . WUMMmjU'JIUMWU'WJU'l l*c*?'.v,v? jy . _____ imI '? ?il vuni. >vith.Nsix \ |1? ?;~jt il U ;im . V?ly t 'i" r *? - ' ?m ] F:uw,v. coach; WUs .I?.?:: - !ivf'V?v. M: ijunrtl V iSiivr. if; ! r. ? '.'id U Photos C ?.-.-77=^=-^.-^-^ The first Cdroperative carlo t of j lime to be ordered by farmers of 'Caldwell county in l i)28 was unload- , ed last week. Fifteen farmers in.;' the county are planting sweet clover; for the first time this soring. --- - ??; SOUTHERN GIRLS j who are interested in going io the: j Northern Cities should take up a; ^ paying profession that they may he; qualified to take care of themselves j while there. The East Michigan Sanitarium ?nd[ Hospital i-^ offering a short course in] General Nursing. Massage and Diet, i Givls interested may write the) Superintendent of the East Michigan' Sanitarium; 151 Vester Ave. Fern- ? Uitie, Aliehignn, (Suburb of Detroit). || ( A representative. will be in: | ; Biovvinp Kick the ieeoml week in!* April.) j ? I | AR JF WHACK? id spoil your trip. Let us y,o car will put it in A-l condition. RES? O. K.? FOR YOUR CAR iNKLER m IP ANY sjgg :r? Dealer* TGr H CAROLINA ?. " " ?' -'- '? II ; RY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. ige Titles ? . ? ;e Title | O Tc * basket bail -b.: Ii>'V n?iijl?> Savs L forward: lJinso? forwai ,i; \V.?Urs. loruarJ. ^JTLC' liumpions 1 "When I tt&28? Th< i. : ?.iv .i.m.tO Col , ijlay. fi r-ich*. g,r.iifs, logins; .ui.i; on : rK? foi-.vanl; Sam;?.' lourtesy Winston-Salem Journal SCREEN ?0UR~ HOUSE EARLY E You might save money by . screening early and preventing' ' A. disease carried by flies. You can also save money by "V ^ seeing me for Screen Doors, ! ' I Window Screens, Door and Win- I dow Frames and Building Ma- W he trsruri. tha-t i u j Pricc I can make you!' screens, deliver and put them in for you if you prefer. j Opei: F. M. MALTBA BOONE, N. C. Telephone J | vTransmisstv-'alj !3*SS? Small 1 :j v Lighting ii v ignition j 4 CflHS *"* |v-Bafte?y 1 j Tires 1 _?? reu w. j v Upholstery tachedtother r? ?? of each of ou )? tioned used c; v Fenders guarantee of < v Fir.hifa definite ass | ^ , thousands o fir y dependable p< j BOONE HEEE0B33E If MARCH 29. 192K \ ream facco^,^! -r?p pnw^Ji F first started to smoke I xious to find a cigarette juld give me pleasure : taxing my wind or ir- lllllllf wMwIbI my tliroai. i soon American Tobacco Co., Inc. WORK T A REASONABLE PRICE \ guarantor that our Plumbing Work will give ilote satisfaction and that our prices are the reasonable in town.- i n you phone here for a plumber you knowtin? work will be done right ami at the right PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE t 7 h. in. to 6 p. m. every day except Sunday C. S. STEVENSON 17 Shop 13 Main Street ?>r ?co*omice/ Tr+nsportmtiim - on "O. K." Used Cars SC." tag at- salesroom and inspect our adiatorcap stock of O.K.'d recondi- MB r recondi- tioned cars. ars, is your SB quality and "e have the car you want urance of at the price that will f miles of pleaseyou?and our terms ;rformance. are unusually reasonable, to purchase with the lowest financing >me to our charges available. CHEVROLET COMPANY I BOONE, N. C.