TWO mo? WORLJ) BRIEFLY TOLD OuUtanding Happenings, of Week Gathered from Everywhere, Con* densed for the Busy Reader. General William Behan, exmayor of New Orleans and former commander-in-chief of I nited Confederate Veterans. but best remembered as the leader of the Grescei City White league that, on September I t. 1874, routed an army of 1.000 carpetbaggers and metropolitan police to end carpetbag rule of the city, died in his home in Xew Orleans early Friday after a brief illness. A move seeking to briny, togethernext year the armies which fought each other in the sixties, grew in favor among the soldiers of the south, as they arrived in Little Rock.; Ark., for their 38th annual reunion, i The Confederate commander-ii:-1 thief. General J. C. Foster of Hotis-I ton. Texas, -aid that while the mat-! ter would be left to the reunion, j personally he favored a joint meetin;; with the Union forces. Embodying the equalisation fee machinery objected to by President Coojidge. the MeXary-Iiaugen farm I relief hill was passed by the house Thursday night by a vote of 201 to 121. The measure now must ho hack to the senate for adjustment ??f differences with that body. which several weeks ago approved the bill J by a vcte of 53 to 2d. As soon a-: j these .differences, none, of which are) of major proportions. are smoothed; over the measure v."i!I be ready fori inspection by the president. Some! have predicted tha* lie will veto it as h< did the original McXary-Haui: 1! hill last session. The trend o: thought among ihej nation, especially ??f Europe. is inj rhc d'vectipn of v-innticiit peace, i according to Si>- i-Jsme itoward.f British ambassador t the United! States, who spoke ' h.-v.-iaiui Monday be ton- l hq world cortYreme orii !i inu : tioTu-i j .t-'.h e. Si!- Kstne] expressed th?- c?p*': 1 ,ti ; hai as the1 powers b-ftfedme ip.Pr . customed t<?l the idea thai wabelong: ;<> a pais' and barbarous age. they will itn doubtedlv ov able to altogether dis-j card the- naval arid military anna meats. However. this v. ill be aeoomphshid little by iittle, the ambassad said. Despot ism, cruelty and betrayal >f the public trust have been laid at the door the Miami, F(a . police force, following acquittal of Lelie Quigpr; fo finer police chief, on the? charge of tin- murder of, a negro. Completing a three months' investigation into the ..policies and activities of the department. the report -de glared iht police had wielded a despotism of such nature as to destroy the freedom of the people. Tortures of the middle aires have been revived the report declared, citing instances where pti-M overs and witnesses had been compelled to talk under druess and pain. With the pr.or.p-Nm of co-oporati in In v? n the onjinereial, industrial and b'.ancia! interests of the country to -ocure national prosperityity. its object, the Chamber of CoBPfehv.' of the United States hcuai\ its sixvet nth annual meeting in Washington Monday. Lewis K. Piers^p. -president of the oriranizavinn, opened tin* session with an adores?. reiterating the chamber's <ne>naad for a reduction of the corpoatidn inconv tax to 10 per cent. This position has the support of the ljGOO in: : ( ; the organization. Scenes of horror in the foreign -.v.: ^ ; - .niHiitri 01 i dvuun. rt:niin.r>< en l of the boxer uprising. followed occupation' of the city by Xationaist troops, according to messages reaching Tokyo, says an Associated Press dispatch of Sunday. .Japanese residents including women were were killed, same with apparently gruesome torturer Six bodies recovered bear evidence of atrocities. Details of the .Japanese defense of hastily erected barricades on uhe morning: of March 3 have arrived in Washington in a report from American Consul Bricc. For eight hours he Said there was general fighting, with the Japanese using armored cars and field artillery. All Americans in the city are safe, according to messages sent to Sanhgai by the National generalissimo.^ Urge Farm Day Washington. May ft.?Farm interests have asked congress to designate a national "Agricultural Day" to encourage consideration of the basic relationship of farming and agriculture to the well-being of the nation. Jt is sought to establish "Agricultural Day" as a legal holiday and the senate has already passed a resolution requesting the president to designate the first Thursday in October of each year. NORMAL NOTES Sixty courses will be offered to Students in the Appalachian State Normal summer school, beginning TunA ^ oc^nr-^inrr fr> >nnnnnr,<?TTH>nt recently published. Of these, twc -will be in biology. nineteen in education, psychology and English four in fine .pad industrial arts, foui in Geography, seven in history and social sciences, three in music, tnree in physical education, two in writing, and sixteen miscellaneous courses. These courses, the announcement says, are arranged specially to fit. til';'ds of working teachers who wish to raise their certificates. The faculty, assisted by the Boone Civitan club, is making preparations to care for an enrollment in c-xcess of last summer's record-breaking total of 1,020 at the session. Boarding places will be provided for all who wish to come. He: "I haven't the cheek to kiss you." She: "Use mine. \ onMianxtwnta-.?.] < . THIS WEEK j By ARTHUR BRISBANE | WHEN OPINIONS CHANGE THE HIGH PRICE OF BOOKS AIRPLANES AND EQUALITY AN UNWISE TAX The German and Irish fliers insert the words: "Thank God,*' or "Rv fhl? At " in IH-OPV message describing their safe landing: through foe and storm across the ocean after thirty-six hours of i danger. The professional atheist, unwilling i to believe anything that "has not ! been proved to him."' would find his j oiuions changing, in a big earthI quake. or above the ocean i:i a fog. Senators denounce the high price of books. Mr. McK ellar. from Tennessee'. | says: "Novels worth Two bits' can! not be bought for less than $2.. . ."i The price of novels is not so important. But the high cost of books; j containing positive knowledge, that! ; would enable uneducated millions j including many college graduates) | to educate themselves, is disastrous.! That a hook should be sold for j | four ov five time? what it costs to1 produce it. is :is bad for the publisher and for the author as for the reading public. When will American business, generally learn that big sales with small profits, as shown in the automobile industry, are most profitable. Lindbergh took young Pacific1 coast girls up in the air. in install-j merits. giving those charming crea-| lures something: to talk about i'oi-j ever. I Women may thank the good Lord for '-mutiny- the tlyiixg machine. Thty can Hy a v. the average as well; as ;;r.y man. and th< airplane is anothy toward real equality. j Effort to abolish the gpwise tax' or. iVio''lit s develops the feet; ha: the government collected a thousand million dollars from autoj | 'not>ih' ce.\?ners and spent only six 'hundred millions on hitter roads?, not fair to the men that i??i\ for the' ears; "war 'ax inciudo-.i." The war ended some time since and the foolish tax ought to end. \ company is formed to build ] seadromes, ocean landing: places to j be scattered over the Atlantic. The theory is that transatlantic air planes would laud, get fuel and start aghin. But by the time the Atlantic i. "doited with seadromes," planes will fly across the Atlantic as easily as they now fly across the English channel. ? In the second places, it jt is hard for filers in -m mm what foggy weather to find the Hawaiian islands in the Pacific, how difficult would it be for them to find a landing place "dot." in the Pacific? As hard as rii? <fir& i turtle asleep on the Pacific. Dr. Winifred Sachville ?toncr, who is a lady, says, 4,Man is superior , i?? woman, montaiiy. physical^, arj tistieally and psychologically i "That is iiot all traeT esp^clnlly | the ; * physically ai id psychologically" , parr ot it. But suppose it were ail j true. -Miehae! Anu'elo's Moscr is a | liner product than Michael himselt". ' But Michael Anp,elo made it. j \Vhutc*ver a man is* some \vi>nian ! MONEY TO LOAN If you need money see rious loans running f years and interest nev six months at a time, and property assessed 1 neighbors especially munity. T. J. RA | Yours l< \ T 5 In any kind 15 D..:u: i\/i-. UUUUlllg lVICll ;! Ceiling, Sid ; S; Casing, Step ;! Lime, Plastei : Sheet Rock, !; dows, DoorSi !; We Sell Good Good ji Watauga I !; "Everything to ;! Cellar to wwwwwumvwwwwww THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT? EVE \ made h:m. and the producer is Vnhbler than the product. Better be a cocoat*ut tree than a cocoanut. A Xouhg b y. hi^ spine straightened yr. a hospital, seems to have had his ir.ihd "'straightened" at the ; same time. Before the operation lie j delighted in pulling wings off flies. | and other cruelties. That is ended. A healthy brain demands a ; health \ : . The greatest musi iviiiii v.;;. .:c iflvHltxy* I1W21V Wi'.fi ja vio'n or piano out c*i tunc. MilI lions are ' that mi^ht be made I better mer. and women if trepanning could ei - pressure froni the top o? the brain. Lack of reverence might thus be eliminated. Didn't Use Parachutes "I heard rumors that there were! some disagreements among the crew j of your airship, captain?" "Well, that's true. But we didn'tj really fall our." j : NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION J Having qualified as administrator | of the estate of Mrs. Vickie Taylor." i deceased, this is to rotifv all perj sons having claims atrainst the estate! I of said deceased to present them fur! | payment within one year from this j date-: otherwise this notice will be ! pleaded in bar of their recovery. All t oersons indebted to the estate will j come forward and make immediate payment. This Mav 9. 1928. T. C. BA1RD. ' fx-] Q_r> Administrator.' How much to paint this house? , p?VEN if you save more than i a dollar per gallon on cheap paint,thecost chart ' shows you will save less than four dollars on the house ? Suh~Pro&f Paint is a quality paint that outlasts cheap paint 2'A to 11 'See our cost chart proving how Quality Paint saves | $210.24 in five years. i PAOUrt'C LJ h DlMU A DI? f. SUPPLY COMPANY Boone, N. C. 7-wTiri AT 6 PER CENT : me first. We have varolii three to twenty er paid for more than Real estate security, by yourself and your the bank in your comY, Newland, N. C. j V/A'AWWWAV.V.W.WM > Serve __ of Lumber or % erial, Flooring, I; ing, Framing, ping. Roofing, r, Wall Board, I; Paint, Win- ;! Harflwarp plr ? Material and Give !; Service ! number Co. jj Build a House? !; i Chimney" j; wuWVVWVVWVVVVWMmiM RY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. i TRUCK DRIVER HAS NARROW ESAPE ON LENOIR ROAD ! ennir, Ma h.?Just how Yanct I Anderson escaped death when his | runaway trucki loaded with lvnnhei I and baggage, turn 200 yards this side of Baily> Camp ycsterday will forever versa In a mystery. Mr | Anderson was operating- the Smith Kirby truck, heavily loaded witl uiii:htr and biurgasse en route Crbnl r:i >\\ -v.- Rock t"- Lenoir. The accident was caused, it appears wher the clutch slipped out and left only the brakes to hold tlie heavily loaded truck down the mountain. Mr. Anderson was unable to gel Kutf i ^Co*ornicaJ f <* This Gar baa been carefully checked 11 shown by >' mart* below jj^f^ V Motor ] v Radiator I rp$g] vRcar Axle ^tSjpS V Tr ansmissionl |??^H _v'Starlin^ j V | vTpholstery | our ex "wi One 1 One 1 One 1 One 1 One I On IS One 1 One 1 One 1 Boon* Q U A L r I Sl : NOV ! Our stoclf ! for inspection. ;J Fertilizer ! Plows am ; Paints an ;! Lime yoi j! Lime. Cemer I SPECIAL?< BOON EVER1 Slogan: "I j iwvwwvwwvwwwwwvw the dutch back i:: gear and was > powerless tc keep the truck fron gathering speed. Within less thai i 200 yards, momentum had bp corn? >[ so great that the truck with iU heavy load was rounding curves >?? ; two wheels. In the 100 feet befort it finally landed into a bank, :i nar . ? ? wly missed a Florida car contain ing .several persons. Just aitei 11 passing this car the next curw WW i j an inside one. Mr. Andevson trie( j hut was unable to negotiate this one i! As the truck swerved across tin I road the soft dirt on the cdje "*va: S struck and in a flash the track *.vit? :i - load Was thrown into the side <> : | an embankment. The cab aroun< vith Con) During the last nine _j, rolet cars were deliv Aj Spy than in any similar tory?andmostofthe the trade-in of the put a result, we have at tl of used cars that havt ditioned ? and whic the red "O. K. that and make your selec _ 1 ? mocks are complete. ceptional Used < th an OK that < 926 Chevrolet Coach . . . 926 Chevrolet Coupe . . 925 Chevrolet Coupe .926 Chevrolet Truck . . . 926 Chevrolet Truck . 326 Ford Coupe [925 Ford Coupe 1925 Chevrolet Touring 1926 Chevrolet Touring & Chew? BOONE, N. r Y AT L w.v,\Vkm\\v\w.-.v/A-Av, pring Tin V IS THE TIME TO PRE FOR PLANTING : of Grass Seed and Gard Prices right. Distributors of the depen d Repairs of all kinds. d Oils, too. IT* lar>rl fnr Koof >-? ? V4 UWb IV/OUllO it for Building, too. 3ne large Chick Brooder IE HARDWA 'THING IN HAR >lant More, Grow More, ; wwwwwwwwwvwwwwv MAY n>. 1U2>> ?? - "5~ = | the Oliver was shattered into splir 11 tors. ami some of tin boards th;.; i made up the load went clean ore: | the engfine and struck -nto the bank 5 on ahead of the truck. Mr. Anderson suffered a broke; v or dislocated shoulder with a few - oiSjv minor injuries. High Return Price * Green lwith newspaper); I see here where one oi Charles Lamb's letters sold lately for S750. Som< price for a letter! ,j dayboy That's net so much, i f j oner pa*<{ mure than that tor a leti| ter I wrote myself. Hdence I 9 f ty days more new Chevered in this community period in Chevrolet his:se ne w car sal es in vol ved chaser's previous car. As bis time a wide selection ; been thoroughly reconh may be identified by counts" tag. Come in tion while our used car Car values counts" . . . $350.00 $300.00 . . . $250.00 . $350.00 . $250.00 $200.00 150.00 . . . $225.00 . . . $250.00 Diet Co. I c. O W COS'T /WWWWV AWAV.VMV.WAW :| ne :pare j; en Seed is open || dable kind. ; We have the j I , Special Price ; RE CO. | :dwaie :j Have More." j| ;i '( WtfWMWWWWWWWWWIft

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