'V VOL. XXXIX, NO. 19 POLITICAL EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Highlights of Political Activity of Both Major Parties .Summarised From Recent News Dispatches From Over the Country Kentucky Will Back Smith Kentucky Democrats Thursday night went on record as favoring the mi nation of Governor Smith of New York for president by deciding to cast their 26 votes for him at the national convention. State Convention Causes No Bitterness That fhp Hifnivlnf onrl fVi<? A the voting: at the North Carolina state convention had no effect on the Democratic party Harmon and good will, was the opinion of party! leaders the day following the con-, vent ion. Senator Simmons. leader of the! successful delegation elected, declared that 'I don't think anything1 occurred in the convention that should; cause discord in the party." Senator Overman said that he no- ( 'iced no show of bitterness. J. Crawford Biggs, Raleigh, said, "There is no resulting bitterness ana the prospects for a great Democratic j victory this fall are bright." Third Party Will Depend on What Houston Docs Kansas City, June 19.?Third party prospects depend on results at Houston, It isn't so much a qquestion l a candidate as of a platform. The' Republican progressive wing is em-' phutically dissatisfied with what it got at Kansas City. Senator George Norris of Nebraska undoubtedly will be the malcpnttnt's choice for first place if an inependent ticket is nominated. The most frequent suggestion for the, vice presidency is a fXemocrat "of j the type of Representative Huddlestoii of Alabama''---a bid, of cr for southern support, and incidentally the first time I've heard the cotton state e*>hgressraaii's name mentioned in connection with a national ticket. Bul naturally this talkj will dl'on if the bi'inr.iJrnts o1' *"??? -? program she i?i-ogiessiv>e3 like the looks of. ' Gut here in the west i can be^in to see why Senator Jim Reed hns kept up his fight in the face of what "looked in the east like an over-} tvheliping trend in A! Smith's d'rec-1 tioii. ' Reed unmistakably is the popular candidate in this section, not only nmbnft Democrats, but of n great ll many Republicans, and in tost the: south condones on him he may yet have the Smith folks guessing. A\ thought in Washington tdiat it was ail over hut the ero-Stsit!t shouting:. m landing heiv I'm -tot so' saiw i2r. l'- r.i M Reed never is. t. safe man consider linked uvdii yon see him.in; 'liherpiogrtflsives seero a tittle tin-1 S! certain . .-ifceCDUig him. They're Very stleii.e'y IdkNaryhHaugemstic, r^.SI?05WPSw^ Stfi.! !t?':is for viMiet,' ti&uirh fSfEpteitf. it;-; t:: :? lavif i i"ci$?.vti<.n insto; .i rf pfcsrincj ai.joloii 0 rjg6-j :^ic;i_jn;si5- Jiui' h-,i:5eK- ^k-; -(Continued on Page Eight) ,. -j Democratic a The platform adopted by thsDem.icratie state convention a t iialotjc'n 011 -jitne 12, follows; Tne TJembtratio patty of North] Carolina, in convention assembled, reaffirms its devotion te the timehonored principle.- (if our party and ealfa upon the people to renew 'their. levotion to the institutions of our country and the constitution of our state and natidr. and recognizing the right of the people ir. an crderiy. "way to. amend the cor.stjtution of the! United States at their pleasure, we d.j.y *.'eeb.te that oar party stands iirmly for the enforcement of every provision of the constitution of the. United States, including the liSth . amendment and point with pride to the fact that, the Democratic generai assembly of North Cai-olitia enacted adequate legislation gparanteinne ??meuvrert enforcement of the iSth a mendment of the constitution of the . r.tod States. Wo pledge the Deihoei itic party to the enactment' of such additional legislation as may be necessary tor trie better enforcement of the 18th amendment .and othr laws, against the sale of alcoholic liquors in the state. We denounce the Republican par-! ty for its failure to sincerely enforce the 18th amendment to the constitu-j tion of the United States, and call [ the country's "attention to the factj that the present Republican admin-j istration took, away the duty of en-i forcing the prohibition law from,the! department of justice where it prop-| erly belongs and placed it under thej treasury department, presided over| by the leader of the corrupt Repub-! lican party in .Pennsylvania, andj v . . , ... i y.r /A.TA1 A Non-Partisan N BOONE. News of Week in and About Blowing Rock Crance Greene of Cranberry, Win: Over Dud Vance in Fiddling Con test; Event W*a? Success Frcrr Financial Standpoint Blowing Rock, Jar.* 21.?Blowir.v Rock's greaies: i idalors* c vt v? zi t came to end Saturday nijrht v;i:.r| Clarace Greene of Cranberry de ciared the winner ever Eiiidiiti' Dili r " ?c*i?v*r vi oiuLi o-icy, iv-/in , wr.om some consider the greatest, fiddler hi the south. Third place was awarded to Jack Price of Bristol. The convention drew such crowdthat the school auditorium was not able to accommodate the people Simultaneous performances were given in the school and in the Carolina theater, with both houses packed to capacity. The performers wen. from one place to the other between their acts. The final total of the proceeds had hot been computed early this week, hut it is estimated to bo in the neighborhood of $300. The musicians who took part will receive a percentage of this, and the Band will get the remainder. In the string band contest, first place went to the Cook Sisters oi Ru Sherwood. They won ever the famous Ten nova Ramblers, radio en tertainers and Victor Record artist: of Bristol, who received second prize. Th>- Greene band of Boons Won third place. Mr. Calloway of Lenoir wen the guitar prize. I*-, the Charleston tsstr, Miss Shrouz of Lincoln*''v n first place but was closely pressed l:y Miss Virginia Sudderth of Blowing Roojk who was awarded second pri*/.-. Th best mar dancer was A. R. Greene of Shulls Mills. The other bunds which took pari in the convt-niio-. were the Mooresville band, the Ward band, the \V~esl Virginia l and, Cook's band and the Bristol band. The Blowing Rock B mi is now planning to Wve a musical Week ir August?not a contest, but merely ? week of entertainment by the foremost musicians of this part o" tin state ar.d of neighborir.it states. S r.. i 'aiinou. president of -the hand aid this i. ur.t to he taken as r definite- ar.roMi-.cnns-:-t. t.ut merel;, a plan that may materialize and mn> not. Thi- section of Wonderland Drill leading from Green Park hotel t. l-'ive Points, the rummer home o! Mr. Matthews, 13 to be widened and graded as soon as the weather wil permit the work. Tne road will hi widened to twenty four feet through out this section. It leads along th: Brow of Greene's hill and provides some of the best v.cws in the resort. A branch of 5i leads t- ,fhe top H 'he h'li. a favorite pieniC! ground. i his branch lead, how.'.-..-!, will i.u e waded unless the town uc'.s -so iteration irnn former jSpi^rrior G.-unevou-hi. i-i.sor. who owns lieailj ai: or the land, through ehiih ii pasAss-d't^^^-v' : ' jJKvo policial' guests Blowing F.oik vec'fiitij-t.Wa iq&ww Lito'doiTorlrdp. irioee./o?. Mr. and j.l|$< L. E. Ovr. ffcd Theitna iXtloifcg, J'-ieie '<$& }lv. and. Mrs. jg>&;V*^:iz. tConuhaed ori i'r.ce Eighth" ?g= ? . tate Platform turned the forces provided by ec-tigi'osi at a cast of sm5'f?^ of dollar*, inv The ?)ui ^ - vf :.:o:y emer.t inn a mi-,": pontics! organization Si the RepuWifira party, instead 11 a polite force honestly endeavoring ,o perforat their duly. Republican Corruption Denounced \Ve denounce the UepuVlicaa parly in the Cr.i.ed States for its widespread corruption iwi the administration of the national covet nr.it .u. and in the election of senators and Kiemla is of the house ofrepvesentnlivos of the United States, "re denounce their "looting ?i public property of the United States and v.'e view with even greater &!arr>: the prostitution of ihe vita': function? of our y t cin:nent for merceuaw pvur* t - . iv i? ojawiisnea ir.'i. it.-- K publican party not only -sold the oil properties of the United. Stales, but that ihoy have ?o":t! leg'tilalit'-n and the cottcio' of administrative boards, set. rp to serve the people and ner cessary to the administration of the government, to selfish groups, for campaign funds with which to perpetuate its powers in this" republic. We denounce the Republican party for not having brought to justice and punishment tlio.se who corrupted high officials of the administration. and in contrast we point with pride to the administration of our country's affairs under Woodrow Wilson, and rejoice in the fact that the utmost* scrutiny ana investigation by the Republican party absolutely failed to disclose the slightest abruption or graft during the diififContinued on Page Three) $H9j??i! UGA lewspaper. Devoted to the WATAUGA COUNTY. N S? H CAR(J A Republican ^ residen a', v ! \ BsEf ittl H HERBERT REUNION AT HISTORIC OLD THREE FORKS JUNE30-JULY 1 Tr.roi Frrks Baptist church, oM?--t church west of the B':ue Ridge, will I t host to a'.i the Baptist church 1 os in this county and to those in parti ot VViH.es and Ashe county at n ? .. i ? | V VMUA1.U IVUIII'JH IU UC tll'IU Ull I tirday, 'June SO. aiul Sunday, July J. Saturday afternoon the address of > welcome will foe delivered by Rev. F. : C. Watts, pastor of tne church, ami I then the older niluEhei's o? the con ! Kreghtfon wili engage in a ireuerai ? discussion of old times in the mountains. The sermon Saturday niehii will he preached by either Rev. Isaacj Miller or Rev. Ed Girem-. rjjig Sunday morning', aft1", a sevwujji; 'i by the county's oldest luirttsrer. |)Kay WeiiinKtor. Swift, an 'address lv> ir'Srauh llngranmp.. moderator iff the. - Three l-Vvits association. xviil'.i.s'KeaSa; on the subject, History :<!' the Run-, : tish;Churches of Waianaa. tio.c y 4 4 ?>iecUnijtr will tye>;&r ed.-'oiyk i '.lie ytroinsda S'onuay- at i-2WO,; f oiiowii.y' is the proc.';:&)'. i -> the-; t've days' service has Veen ^ruriredcJ ij Sulo.U... ( f, QiOK .?. ni.?.aVeiccivc address by; !Rov.Waits. C | it &?m -p,'.". ur ?.CnseussV r. by. oldc. people. -1 :t>0 p. m.?Adjvir.rn meat. r(. v . -'V'' : . Si. ,1 Eev. E<?. Greens. Sunday 10:Uv iVi^?^ori^ ! lO.aV a. ni.~-^:auiav-scl:6'.! ad-; ; Pvoi. 1. G. (!,%: j i i ;:>0 a. ?n.?3e?m'r*ii Uy >v y.- \Velr^ ' "'irjton Swift. . f mo p "i.?Karer. i 2i(t0 ?!-?Aroiriiss 1 y IVor.. } Smith Hagarasn, sn'.i.irt!: History ? i ' the Baptist Churches in Ws ,r.v.s*; '! C<>Sjr. i?"; v"S':i'-P p. m.?Adiournwi: " g ? i> COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE Lovesr of the national pastime I i?*. Watauga county, met fccvc iast Thursday night and otganhed a ! foir.'-olub baseball- league. The ciij-j' cuit is composed pi the fclinwinsr; teams. Mabel. .fohit Combs, manager: j * Kr-.uboo. Fens F.lrod. manage:: Cove: ek. Gov Rnighara. mar.n-.. r. and ; Boone, with A. E. Karhby as it." pilot. Mr. Ira Aye!... ioea' eleetiioiar.. was elected president of the'.1 [league, and a schedule of games is*-' how' being perfected. The first series of games between : h*i.., .1 it-, o-. ! wtc viuy." ?a.- psg;cw ufsv r. uti> *{ . with the following results? Mabel IS,, i 0. The clubs composing the league ' ; have played a number of games this: 1 summer and fans who journey to the i ^ various diamonds are promised in-j teresting exhibitions. j } Standing of the Clubs w. l Pet; Mabel I 0 lOOOj Bamboo 1 0 1000 , Cove Creek 0 -1 .000 i Boone 0 1 .000 Games for Saturday, June 23 Boone at Bamboo. J \ Cove Creek at Mabel. Wtadssae^o^.T^er.. Ipk'3; ' ' DEM( Best Interests of NortKwes lilNA, XHUKSDAi. JUNE 21, .1928 vial Standard-Bearer / ! I HOOVF.fi - ' W. R, LOVILL. IS EIGHTH DISTRICT ELECTOR , ? " T I : -r.t'a. e!eclt>rs elected at the Dia-.'-rmic state o<;' rentier last . Tc?sday are as follow*: As iarye: Terry A. !.yor>. Cuesbetiand, Tu'd Clyde B? Mousy, Clave-':! iand. Firs* district: Stan icy Winbouvne, ' Hartford. Secorsd district: Sumter Burarxvyn, ' ' Northauiptitr,. Third district; George Ward, Dap'itt. Ffiurth district: T. T. Tborne.:' Nar-h. ' Fifth district: Basil M. Wstkii:=, ' Dtirnam. S:\;i: district: E. K. Bryan, New Kan- Vet. : = U ^ SivtMU district: T. C. Bat'Vy, , ;SP1 l5 ? WMSs' If? ; i'.. . v.rrl.S: V :, R. Reynold!:, jvi: v sr. ?.ffir_ W:r iN<J I ii" S ; * whi ii. Ci.--. .iv-... < . >:. .' Th t i&iirfcer :^!,V 5IK< A:f.-.i-.> SKawojfcji is j a f?? vtv.- > . ith par,5!r. ; aim Viva. \\\ T. ,>< <!. Mj?. i- ".; . 'Jotmsoti ani Ch?.u> :-r. have gope to Vftguiia iiViid: v.ith |8. -iSK| ?&; C'ha vie/ f. Karris MSSffc^eW;. \v.veV-.< outiua:., jfe ' ei Ho'-.-y Ma$; has iiegrui axcHMpr-.s1 fCi- ^ ve i-n -v. The si'r is f^wwa A. J. Mast null. i>i. ?.$? Mnast. fi Thy iritie csiV: 61 55r. :>a<i Mv.-\ f| P.ahih Fr-iks'-sor. of Vilas has beer.'jS 6inTO,-S!;V. : > , several vinys.?1?-.; : a Charles iiiujrham we ; States Witt isf-r v .-tV. uyifesh'.e.-s. ; u .. Sj?:.r Kiugn&n: cf Flianlyetinor.' y S'?r?iy6%?- ievsnji? day*!; or. Covi i, Creek. . r< !S HIGHWAY PROJEC lS AWARDED TUESDAY p Raleigh. .""in.i'TO?Lv.vr hios receive'.' to'...y for- 1-5 highway j?.>- t; pi'Cts t: ES: iiishv.ay cammi'siev. :i iyilt foiinahy let 'i'luir.-1a\ toiwlf-d n v.tr SI,6uh.i 'X P-i-is ran about as"; ti expected. Frank Page. jSfc-.ums-ioiier. o mid. The projects ir-eluded VU.7S o rriilcs r.i roadway or.d twe i .' . He was a darky or. trial for mat ing whiskey. t '"What's your ahie ? " asled the a iudge. "Joshua. sub." c "A>e you the Joshua that marie n the sau stop?" si "Naw, suh?I'se da one what e made de moonshine.'' j Teacher" "Can anyone tell me the| E meaning of the word collision'.' No o one knows? Well, it is when two fi things come together unexpectedly, g Now car anyone give me an ex- c ample? AU right. Johnny, what is l it?" p Johnny: "Twins." d ..*??.- jL,~MwjJmsrye* )CRA it North Carolina : ,._^r~=-_,-, . . ~~r'"-'?~~?=^= Centennial Campaign Meeting at Cove Creek )r. !. A. Campbell of Campbell College Pleads for Adequate Support of Christian Colleges in State; More Churches Raixe Quotas Dr. J. A. Campbell. president of lampbel! College? ancf also presiiioiif ? the board of trustee.- of WaWo oresl College. delivered one of the tro?lgest addresses ; the cehten;:a! campaign at the Cove (.'reek baptist church last Thursday- night. )r. Campbell urged upon his hear rs the importance of Christian edu.ition and the support of Christian institutions. He stated that one of he greatest things men can do is the statdishmer.t and support of such Institutions. One of the greatest' iceds of t he world to da y f he said, is . thoroughly trained ministry and his ;s possible to the greatest excnH .nrsU' :> - ilo^wJroft^n^! ehool. lie emphasize i his belief in he Baptdiicti'ihe are. in the in.epemience of the Baptist >ci -tate institution ran ?i!i the art* that the ' hristin" ebilege ooupios in the training fox Christian t-adership. Tie..1 is rtiSfv in or, ducatioa thai- r.erl books. there nust be a moral and religious atiiospfcere. The spirit of a v. -.stiiti ion. is x-el'iecteii by its affairs ami cachet's will weigh heavily ir. the ormation of true Chtisfiiit.' chareter. To iiiu.si.rate the type . f school upporteci by the Baptists at North arolina. Dr. Camp.be-i his own ehooi. Bates Creek A cue:'.;-. no a Jamnbeil College. . ci . t.iffernit ,lhsmnces of the . " .h < " the i-.-titutior and the .t.hr . liven pt'i-vj, uir.tr its rami! x. .. -aid hat he began teaching tner i: i.?R2 a a Sk5'} house. SO rr-iies ftfo'tn a aiin-au. He ho-.- s.-ev. it gti.w to i> l&OO.OO1) p';a".* with a-i modern 'OUtnnienl. Hundreds young men ?<: young v.-eiU'n hr.v-. us:- t.ut 'rem this institution better fuopimn: o "live lives of usefulness bvcltusv < : he. kii-.ii of twining git en t'.xein.. Dr. Caiiipbci". elosei! hi- Rd-kcs- by aging the ropresentftiyy.-s. :,f the fhivi Forks Assrelaiio!. pv.eaent ,-yi >ut forth their bv>: en.k atv:-- to r.suvi- the uuotu allotted c. then jeirsg' raised before the eau-rnigv loses. At the meeting, Thursday high-, rihairman I. i,. Greek aSked l'< f. to ,ot"l- irum rne several jrro'ap iv:i:rw<?r..u Thi-sv report* shoved Usti: i.-vi ta! churches had already sul?i ri' c.i thc-iv quota and other ai r vo i report. Speakers wer* a! - ttnuiUttoed for different churche last strday. - SS.v?$1 JESSE JAMES CAUGHT! Ktlsburjth. 'K-a. Hiift JtU?A 'tfmesitkv if-: the BHftgfS of \v estrr.it ieutiv ,t,v. fefe Jahws, 'S&S SB tictf.u* hv;*:* jg wm&m. fu taking S7.fs>yr^;? nyif: vsiii._ EiRST HAJR CUT AX ?i 1--:.. :.. .. G. O. P. $ati The text of - the Ceput-iicar niati'. :n a; adopted-,aSaht Esa?a< City mvootion iVJov.-g; jggS; The lionu'nik-an mB| ?r> nation:.'; ->n\ratio" asseii-.-U-rt, presents t>le people of - thy Italian this , -:'iv. of its prmsSwbased or. a :-coV:; of itk nccomplis^iiipnts, arid sks anil awaits a v.c.v vote rcon;<jence. Wo reafir.v.'. . tn- dh.-'tic-n tVe eonstir. dot "he CnUr.f SStds an? the. principles and <rs>tijtior. of the American system of rj-.rescntativr ?ovvi<ixoent The Natirna1 O<ln*:nstraiion We endorse w;tfc.>v.t <i?a:i?ication !? record i-i' .the Coc.liiice adminis y.iwn. T5:-.- r-??-r-ru of the Republican pay's a record of advancement of -.< nation. X- of Republican atioual eor.vcbtipns have for o? of 72 years since ".he creation of ..: party t>i"?n i:k chief ^x. uc'vef tiit Inited Stale(i'r.uer Rewtiblit ;.n dnspir&ior. and irze':;. uYU'.et RepulsHcan cvovuiive li action the- continent nr.- Seen our..; with steel mils, the oceans nci great rivers have bee:- i >:neci by inais. waterways have been deepiied and widened for ocean conireree. and with ail 3 high American :andard of wage and living has been stablished. By unwavering; adherence to sound irincinles through the wisdom of epuhiican policies and the capacity f Republican administrations, the nundations have beer, laid and the reatness and prosperity of the ountry firmiv, established Never has the soundness of Reubhean policies been more amply emonstrated and the Republican. lT ? FIVE CENTS A CC>i?Y ____________ HOOVER ,CURTiS GOP CANDIDATES Opposition to Comroerci Secretary Vanished aa\d He was Nominate*! Or. f'srs; Baliot; Lowden Withdrew a: Last Mosriebt ;i Hjbj ' H / -- :etary of eom, mere* ir. v. < < ':>*?. cabinet, and Sena* ? m -. - R. Curtis oi Kansas were rio/r a president, and vice president- cvspectlv y. at the Republican ratio r.ai convention in Kansas City last ' eek. A singt.- roll cat! in the convention teid wish impressive finality the story of Hoover's overwhelming victory against a united field of rivals: A foregone conclusion ever since the convention met, his nomination became a reality icug before the roll of the states.v.-as completed The fin? count disc/ serf the allied candidates against bin in complete route. Lowder, of Illinois, h;- nearest ebinpcHt ' in delegates strength amassed liefoie the convention assemble.:. .vithd:ev. at the '.art minute, saying he would not care to bo I a candidate fx farm relief piauk adopted by the convention. The rational convention began balloting for the nomination i" i the presidency Thursday right at IC:40, with six .uiab:- bef' ' It. those of Ii< over. <"i bulge. Watson: Gof." and Norrls. I nt.- North Carol';.. ' ' ewas sufficient to nominate Hoover The office-; vote v.a.: as follows: Hoover, W * > . (' .? 4 . IV.. ~ a? T-v o.? *>"; i- .i-.ir. vsmtvS'jii. t. ; Dawes, I; - C? . 17,.; K? : is, - Goff, IS; LiAVlie;.. ~4: Hugh s. I: not v -j; 'i he ; :i.' ; ili-'.-isary for ;; noriination. considering the absentees, was > ! :i. t"r.airi nun - then declared Hoover the ..RepubVieal. nominee for prt'sn en:, ur.'i the c: uventior ad.Liurhed yntii Friday me ina, at vhifh Session Senate- < tis was :.i mil at? fa rite i i RepI'tVs.e.o'.a' w Ti'sen > : ncotieut, G? Fal'.-r *.' JiaSsat-ht:.?u s hi. i-iei. civ. ";i: nomt avi-'*.-. !>? . i jjSlle.l 1.0.12 of the 1.".-'.' vote? in tiie eopver.tiofl, and the ivt rti.-.v au.iourhi; Friday | aft. . r.ovr a' Vmck. LANGS TON WILL NOT ENTER SEC-CND RACE "Pber. v.i'.. be no se. < ; primary f, th? i-v.enant gey moi-ship," i . no .Tbhii I). lt.r,ng-sron .-uuner-up ir: the rcvum state Oem, .'ratio pri.11:1. v, said in Raleigh Thursday, and RLnar..'. 1. i-'our.tai: . of F. igecombe, ; speaker of the U>27 !oc . r house, j ifit the c, i-tifienle tife state aril ol ii!e<th hs >. . - buredsy. FOUR DIE IN ELECTRIC [on a I 1*11 form | ,Pl V rfc?;in^. Po?.-i., N-- i vftv f-Ji.ar.'h <'. ??v&i'i'sp?jrity . ah<? I'ctttWWTOcnt ?Vrvr.,<j VilV ,-.&r peo-^^B .nil- a' r... rno:v.v-'ar] 'ranty of rtot-jeiii^arhy of /$&? iaiM it-.tv a- v,,v* can t e -river. . the pieivierjto irtiShtaift and ..- .litinov,, fhe Ccolidgsj policies. This prc-aus, w civ* mtv. vr.". faith- ' fully p?ri?n-:-:. ??' ?* Tr.flc: ; a .'.-ainhr.-afire-. tbo country re?; :! ;i-;' lifted fvch? the depth- : - .veat d-.'.pi'easier t". a I level ef Scttac-.iay .:ltas t^cen rs:.?Si; t . liiyrity of k priri- -."J' : ripie :i ssvf.-r-wett. A ?:andnvd cf character in public svr.';ee ha? been eet'-vhiishec nr. ' ; chl-i' , ? cmive : given ;'n? people of the 'V i,' a : st&biiily and < <?!:i'ider.ct so nil hav i'.-lt encouraged U- f.v.eeed or- t . ? tindertj.Kir.ss in trade -inT commerce. A iV-ezgr policy Based on, traditional jfcaericah posis-.tior. end carried . if wit.ii vision and sioaclfnstne?? has ; on ended American influence thru1 out the world and everywhere pro- A 1 mat; n and protected American inj terests. The mighty contribution to general well-being which can be made by a government controlled by men of character and courage, whose abilities are equal to their responsi, bilities. is self-evident, and should I not. blir.r u? to the consequences j which its loss would entail. t (Continued on Page Two)

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