TWO Republican National Platform R (Continued Frdin Page One) linder this administration a. high level oi wagcs and living has b,ecr?j established and maintained. The door of opportunity has been opened wide to all. 1". bias given to our people greater comfort and leisure. and the mutual profit ha? :ieen < vie* n* :n the creasing)y harmonious Nations be:v. t-n employ* s and employes, and th-: steady rise by uromotion of the men in the shops to places at the council iaKr? of the in dustjqte It r.;;-- also n made evident by the inoitasiri; enrolment of our? youth? in the t'^iSwSl <choois arid; colleges, the iricreaw in savings and life ihsurahce accounts. a: d by our ability. ;;s a people, to ? . the har.d of sucqox not only to those overcome by disasters in our country but in foreign lands. With all there has been a steady decrease in the burden of federal taxation, releasing to the people the greatest possible portion of the results of their labor from government executions. For the Republican party we are justified in claiming a major share of the credit for the position which the United States occupies today as the most favored nation on the globe, but it is well to remember that the confidence and prosperity which we enjoy can be shattered, ifnot destroyed, if this belief in tne honesty and sincerity of our govern merit is in any way affected. A con- ? traaarion of this great public peace of mind now existing, which makes for our material well-being, is only possible by holding fast to the plans and prim pies which have marked ' Republican control. j"r> .cord of the present admiui-siration is a guatauttt iff v. hat may i be expecte del the next- Our words ' have oi\eh :iijr<Je <k-e?i-\ We oftfer n<?". pi ?!rr.$f>F bin acypmfjIJsHnie^Tf. Public Economy The "i*. :niw :axpay- i ha.- a ' !! .,Ac-natih-aV i Tih: Vo be p? ;?u ?n>ni . ?.inx?eci-s?.ary :-&<i'liii ' Th>" 1.5 a j ri< r -'.it' :i].-?> a !' grovri^ lur.ifr. \\sih constantly -J-'[ ! 1* reaving '-r:;;.--. ;va: -:is ? pub-. ' lie h;r?fs. ii v.- are utjfe tp r-pvml wjSSrc and np.-c .r :h*:sc ve.^g^'jsa^iv^ j ?t is '?&%& rii$**%T$jk x-:.^ '!-ve ?avr 1 vi'tely. 'civa^imtVy %,S I St?"^S'fcr'.'?!ife. tax ue;. I of ifct cr.-it's -.i thvh-':u>tir, hut ...ft'-, .rntir.-.-'S -t-crsfc thy .x>-;c.pi>:v r.ior v -i.: v!tu::y itej-iirtctiL jwiitj} v.'??iu>. tforal cor.x:; : .! PvOi-ugBi- ( for K' Vst?:?itshr:i?-(t >f thir frtnoySHeciial \ pfini-ipk* -.if s-.?:tiil ?iirc.!jus?ath.i> ! R'';'5.' .ri^ar.u iffliB? - ...pi-sclOes: - > five .ip tnji tfeo tn- hay >0:. Fir.ancv ar.d Tax At Ion Tfp.i? iVi'i?;\5 (,i ih<> United elates . tyeuMin ....... --v:.av JleSioo;, sttEJjftis u:r; va .rt* anu \:nt-.;vpus.-. <L j j T(u tinaiKe-hef *ho nafu-j". have l.c-en mar.a{re.' ..htt: - ..unci .vjptrp-iesit. The > *i v.... . ; j .. A :... at) f:- 11:1-. . mediate arid svii.startir.i resuitxy 111 11(21 - the credit of our govcf fcrmv.ent viae at low ^ebty We -.vert' , burdened with & huge public debt. ajj : W oi taxes, which in variety,j:( and weight::-rxieerti-d anything in our , national !?;^HKe vast unfunded; , rater-government, debts disoigaiiixed j the economic; lifei yi the debtor na- , Pgjjtions ami seriously affected ovrr own,: ( S4by reason of the serious . obstacles , which they presented to commercial , ihtetjlinorse. This critical situation j was evidenced by a . serious disturb-; ence 'n r.u: ows rife, which made i'Pr j pr-empioyitieit T.tday ai! these1 P major financial ''Itebieins have been: solved. The Public Debt In seven yours, the public debt; has been reduced Ivy <^Cv4il.tiOO.OOO. From March. 1:121, to September, i lS"2s, -..ytr ilftvtri billion dollars of; Securities, bearing mSEgs rates of .interest, wi'l have been retiree, or refunded into securities bearing a low rate of interest, while Liberty bonds.: which were oiling below par, now' < oniaiend a premium. These operations have. resulted in an annua!. saving in interest charges of not less! than S-LTTi.I.KIC-.OOC, without which the most recent tax reduetic-r; measure would not have been made possible. The Republican party will continue to reduce our national debt as; rapidly as possible and in accord-1 i. anee with the provision ?T existing laws and the present program. Tax Reduction Wise administrative mar,?gt!,!. under toe Republican control cad di-: rection, has made po.-sihV ;1 reduction oi over a billion eight hundred million dollars a year in the tax bill py of the American people! Four separate tax iedJorior; measures have been enacted, and millions of those leas* able to pay have bet.) taken from the tax roll's. 1 Excessive and uneconomic rates' nave been radically modified, releasing fo: industrial, and payroll e.vt pansion. and development great sums of money, which, formerly, wcnj paid in taxes to the federal govern t* mint. Practically alt the war taxes have I been elim:rated ami our tax system! has been definitely restored 1o a| peace time basis. We pledge our party to a continu-' ation of these sound policies and to j such further reduction of the tax burden as the condition of the treasury may, from time to time, permit We reaffirm our belief in the pio-l tective tariff as a fundamental and essential principal of the economic life of the nation. While certain Btgffi provisions iff The present law require re vision, in the light cf changes in ? - ? the world competitive situation since j its enactment, the record of the United States since 1922 clearly shows that the iundttihental protective principle of the 'aw has been! fully justified. It ha: stimulated the development of our natural re-; sources, moviued fuller employment at higher wages, through the promotion of industrial activity assured, thereby the continuance of the farmer's major market and. lurtherI raised the standards of living. and genera! . omfedt anc v-eli-bcirir of our people. The great expansion in tile .vt&l'.ii of nation daring the !a:t 50 years and, particularly in :be decade could not have been accomplished .ithont a protective tariff sy.-tetn. designed to promote tfa? vitai ests a I classes Tariff Revision have these benefits been restricted to any particular section of the country. They are' enjoyed throughout the land either directly or indirectly. Their stimulus has been felt in industries, farming sections, trade circles and communities in every quarto;. However, we realize that there are certain industries which cannot now successfully compete with foreign producers becaus cof lower foreign wages and a lower cost of living abroad, and we pledge the next Republican congress to an examination and ^ her? necessary a revision of these schedules to the end that American labor in these industries may again command the home market. may maintain its standard of living and may count upon steady employment in its accustomed field. * * * A protective tariff js as vital jtp American agriculture as it is to American manufacturing. The Republican party believes that the homo market, built up under the pro:eet:vi policy, belongs to the Arnc-ri an farmer, and it pledges its support legislation \vh;l h will give iris market to him to the fuil extent t his ability to supply it. Agricub lure i;vrives large benefits not only Jiiectly from' the protective duties levied on - competitive farm products of orujVrv h-r ikyliv... . . ly; t'i-'.r: the increase hi the nurohasi?u poivv)- American vt.rls men esnv'.! H iaojpTi'1>.s stimilaWy pr?.. J ;,cct0:!. v?hcsc be>tci.'ijs extend also , > jp trade. trans- ; loi-.riTii a anij othr activities. ! ' ' tariff ar: : ,'ja ,ias ;u. ' ho.! it-v.-if in the expatriktr. -.f our;,mm m -ok" a 'he past live : ;sw- Pj't -ipn-esue ex port-- lifivo! ne;r;wl front if s idiiVoiix of ?olm ' a i-022 to ;.-s fetUion dollar* iit I'.'tiT. Muring thi- same uoiou >;? ' ports save increased from 'J.) !.iliofc : ? !. ! i illion.;-. contravy to i%. i:ta-. the present tariff law has : no'.- hampered the natural growth in the expansion "if the pi elects of Vr.icficati agriculture, industry and rapine, nor has it restricted the ita-. aorta', inn of foreign romrnoilifiiis igSS this country can utilize with i . jeopardising; its economic structure, * Foreign Debti la accordance - w itfc c-ur settled policy red platform pledges, ilek <? ettpiemont stcreo'venta have been ne Sotiated >vith all of our fon.ign debt-; .Vrs v Hit the exception of Armenia a'id Russia. That with Franco re-;; mains as yet Unratified! Those with I!recce and A stria are before thej congress for necessary authority. Ifj ,v. . ... i - ?SEt u- tsats twp ;>* i t-uvu,' utTj.ii; pa?::),u<-i?j;ui jj*t- ill- ; eluded. the total amount funded is J S3 J -r-v!2,35-5,001!. We have steadfast-i !y opnused and will continue te op-. P":-e cancellation of foreign debts. We have 110 desire to be eppree-: siyesiyc or grasping. but are bold that obligations justly incurred! should be honorably Sis harped. We' know of no authority which '.could permit nubile officials. 'acting as: trustees, to shift the border, of the j tear from the shoulders of foreign; iaxnavers fh those of but own penpie. Settlement of Wcr Claims A satisfactory solution has been found for the question of war claims. Under the act, aj proved by the presides! on March 10, 1 f)2S, a provie-; ion w as made for the settlement of j war claims of rhe Cnited States and . its citizens against the German, j Austrian and Hungarian govern-; meats, and ;he claims of the tie-' tic-pals of these jrovcruments against :he United States for the return to its owners . f the property seized by. :r a:-,-n property custodian during the War. in accordance with our traditiurai policy for respect of pri-i ate property. j rr r? _ _ f orcigii i unties Yfe approv.- the foreign policies of :!,e administration of President Cools idge. T,Ye believe they express, the, still of the American people in work-' ing actively to buiid up cordial > understand'ny that will make world peace a permanent reality. We endorse the proposal of the secretary of state for a multilateral treaty proposed to the principal poweis of toe world and open to the -a: - tares of all nations, to renoanee war as ar. instrument of international disputes, the sirst step in outlawing war. The tide has stirred the. conscience of mankind and trained widespread approval, both of governments and of the people, and the conclusion of the treaty will be acclaimed as the greatest single step I in history toward the conservation of peace. In the same endeavor to substitute for war the peaceful settle- j ment of international disputes the! administration has concluded arfcitratton treaties in a form more! definite and more inclusive than' ever before and plans to negotiatei similar treaties trJth oil countries| THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV willing in this manner to define their (xjiicv peacefully to settle disputes, in connection with those, we endorse the. resolution of the sixth panAiBericars conference held at Havana. Cuba, in 19:2s. which called a conference on arbitration and conciliation :.i meet in Washington during the year and ejepress out- earnest hope that such coof. -v wili be greatly further the principles of ternationa! arbitration. '.it shall continue to demand sumo respect and protection for persons and prone:-;, of Aisericab citizens in foreign countries that c cheerfully accri l in - country to the persons una property i svens. Th commercial treaties, which \ gotifciy and : sc still in the pieces* . f ??jj: ofir.t; wi, &v* based on sti t jostle: arn ug ri al ions, equal opportunity fox trade and commerce on the rnost-favored-narion principle and are riropiified, so as to eliminate the danger of misunderstandings. The object, the aim of the United States is to further the cause of peace, of strict justice between nations, with due regard tor the rights of others in ail international ikaiings. Out of justice grows reaco. Justice and consideration have been and will continue to be the inspiration of our nation. The Republican party maintains the traditional American policy of non-interference in the political affairs of other nations. This government has definitely refused member ship in the League ol Nations and to assume any obligations under the covenant of the league. On this we stand. In accordance, however, with the long established American practice of giving aid and assistance to other peoples, we have most usefully assisted by eo-opcraiibr) the humanitarian technical work undertaken by the league, without involving ours* Ives in European politics by accepting membership: * * Civil Service The merit system in government s,eryi.Ce wriginatvv? with ami has been developed by the Republican party. The great majority of our public -eiuet v ,.i i Of i1 - -1 "V. -vnuctl through and Maintained >ti the gov-! eminent setvib ernles. .Steps httvc already ht|?i taken by tht tan ,-yngrei* to make the &jSKce! aw.iv attractive as to Wages and re-! tirent m ivi!. ges. and Ewe ccmO'er.-d aat ha- been done as a step in the : liireetiori. Agrirolti-rc THi! iikiiv p. ddem is r. tti-} ri-jhii! in scope and. > .- tf.'xh, if. rec-i ejenised by tie Hepuh'.icar. patty,' which pledges its strength and en-! eicy to the fjiutia'i jcu the saaif. i Realising that tfikciy fanner-! are facing fitolilehtk difficuit liar, those, etiie;. are the portion of ma'cv titer baste inbu.-it ica, '.he fury is ar-vix.i? 'a aid ia every v.'py possible.; Matty ' f onr fanners are ?t;h aping through readjustments, jeijc .-f the yei-,. directly following great war. Aii the farmer?- are being EPfd. en to rr.i-et new and pe'ndex- j ing eotjifitiiftis created by foreignI competition, the complexities of do-j ntesric marketing, labor probhnn?. and a' steady increase in locai and state taxes. The genera: depression js a great1 basic industry Inevitably reacts i,t?n the conditions of the country as a whole, and cannot tie ighorjaS- : Is a matter of satisfaction that the desire to help in the correction of agri-j cultuia) wrongs and conditions is not; confined to any one section of ouri country, e.r any particular ;:tc.'tryThe Republican party ar, I the Republican administration. partron'ittiSjy during the last five years, have- settled many of the most distressing problems as they have arisen, t-r-ri the achievements in aid of agri.-.ltare STe properly a part of this record. The Republican congressfe* have- been most- respoh&ree in ttt matter of agricultural appronrlations, not only to meet crop emergencies, but for the extension and development of the activities of the department of agriculture. Cite L-oan System The protection of the American faimcr against foreign farm competition and foreign trade practices has been vigorously carried en by the department of state. The right of the farmers to engage in coilectire buying and co-operative selling as provided tor by the Capper-Vo. stead act of 1822 has been promulgated through the department of justice, which have given most vais able aid and assistance to the heads of farm organizations. The treasury department an-1 the proper committals of eongress have lightened the tax bm-tk-n on faming: eom-nnritie-. and through the fedeTal' farm loan system there has been made available to the fanner* of. the nation $1,850,000,100 for loaning purposes at a low rate of. interest and through the intermccv ate credit hanks $055,000,000 of short terra .redits have been made available to the farmers. The poi-Loffide department has systematically and generously extended the ratal free delivery routes into even the moat sparsely settled communities. When a shortage of transportation facilities threatened to deprive the farmers of their opportunity to reach waiting markets overseas,. the president, appreciative and sensitive of the condition and the possible lots to the communities, ordered lilt reconditioning of shipping board vessels, thus relieving a great emergency. Last, but not least, the federal tariff commission has at all times shown a wiflingness under the pro ERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. visions of the flexible tariff act U Rid the farmers when foreign compe titionj made possible by low wagi scales abroad, threatened to deprive our farmers of their domestic mar k"ts. Under this act the president ha increased dark'.-: or.1 wheat, flour, mil feed and dairy products- Numerooj other farm prodiK-Ls are now being investigated by the tariff com mis sion. We promise every assistance ir the reorganization of the marketing system ef sounder and more ecdno hdcal lines, and where d i vers: neat ipjr i? needed, government financial as distance during the period of trarisi licir. The Republican party pledges itse'i to the enactment of legislation creating a federal farm board clothed with the necessary powers to promote the establishment of farrr marketing system of fanner-owned : ami i on trolled stabilization eorpoia*ions or associations, to prevent and control the surplus through orderly distribution. We favor adequate tariff protee* tier? to such of our agricultural products as are affected by foreign c< rapt t ition. We favor, without putting the govc rpment into business, the estabj lishsnent of a federal system of organization for co operative and orderly marketing of farm products. The vigorous efforts of this adj nrinistration towards broadening our J exports market will be continued. Trie Renublican party pledges it{ se'i: to the development and enact. merit of measure; which will place the agricultural interests of America or: a basis of economic equality other industry to insure its prosperity and success* * * * Highways iei the federal aid road act. ad by the Republican congress :! 1P21. and supplemented by genappropriations each year. road -tv sction ha- made greatei* advar.eemerit than ruany decades rir?-v:ovis. Improved highway coraitior - is a gauge of ou> rural deve!oii irts ar.d our commercial activity. We niedge our y.pport to cont ' : appropriations for this work ( u r.?;:. ate with our nbeds and We favor the cohkti;ucr Hon rZ :oa$s and trails in cut..-national i"resT>* necessary to tMv ;,)>? iroi>o.n and utilization. In ap]i: print l-m* thereto* :h. which in* -u lends would pay if taxable v- vi; be considered as a contiollim* . ?rr rfSl1 ' Labor i'ln. labor record of the Ropubli party -"nr. is unchallenged. ivor 32 of the 72 years of our untionai oxisVt n< Kepubiier.n administrsitibns have p,retailed. To-day American la* ' " tttj'oys the * wane and the i.)i- ;---1 rvantlard of living ;hi;ot;ghpat The world. Through the saheneks ft'?d soundness of Reimbiicfen iv.'e the American work-nan !5 pair'. a 'lea- wage" which allows coiiifoit for himself ana his dependents, and an opportunity and leisure for advancement. It is net surprising that the foreign workman, whose greatest ambition still is to achieve a "living wage, ' should look with longing towards America a.-- the goal of his desires. " ' The party favors freedom in ivago cor.tract;;, the right of collective bargaining by free and responsible agents of their own choosing, which develops and maintains that ptiposefnl co-operation which gains its chief incentive through voluntary agreement. Railroads Prompt and effective railroad service a', the lowest rates which will provide for its maintenance and low a reasonable return to the in vi.v.or- sr. they may he eneborsged to advance nw. capital for acquired development has lone been recogr.isi ed by the Republican party as a necessity of national existence. * * * Merchant Ma-ir... I The Republican party stands for the American built. American owned and American operated merchant ; marine. The enactment ox the White-Jones hill is in line with o ; policy which tho party has loop ad; vocated. Under this, measure, sub siuntial aid and encouragement arc ; offered for the building in American yards of new and modern ship! which will carry the American flag The Republican party docs not he lieve in government ownership ci operation, and stands specifically to: 1 the sale of the present governrnen vessels to private owners when ap nionriate arrangements can b i made. * * * Mississippi Flood Relief The Mississippi valley flood ii which 709,0ii0 of our feliow citizen: were placed in peril of life, am which destroys'* hundreds of mil ; lions of dollars worth of property \ was met with energetic action by thi Republican administration. During this disaster the presiden mobilized every public cr.d privati agency under the direction of Secre tary Hoover of the department o commerce and Dwight Davis, thi ! secretary of war. Thanks to thei ' joint efforts, a great loss of life wa i prevented and everything possibli ;' was done to rehabilitate the peopb -j ill their homes and to relieve suffer 'j ing and distress. * * * Lsv; Enforcement We reaffirm the American consti tntional doctrine as announced b; George Washington in his "farewel ! address." to wit: " "The constitution which at an; ; time exists until changed by the ex j oiicit-and authentic act by the wljoli people is sacredly obligatory upoi ?!!." -* * ! ssssfiiiKsE kkS > The people through tlie method! - provided by the constitution have [ : written the eighteenth amendment j ? into the constitution. The Republi can party pledges itself and its nonii-; j nees to the observance ant! vigorous 51 enforcement of this provision and of 1 j the constitution. Honetty in Government We stand for honesty in goycrn" meni and for th eappointment of of- 1 ! ficiais whose integrity cannot be 1 <|Uesticned. We deplore the fact that ; any official has ever fallen from this standard and that certain Amer- ' 1 lean Citizens of both parties have so " fai forgotten their ditty as citizens 'i ' as to traffic in national interests for ' private gain. We have prosecuted 1 and shall always prosecute any offi- j 1 ciai who subordinates his public ' duty to his persona) interest. 1 The government today is made up i i>i iRousanciS 01 conscientious, ear- i 1 nest, self-sacrificing men and worn- ' '; eri, whose single thought is service to; 1 tr.e nation. 1 i We pledge ourselves to maintain and : if possible to improve the quality of i th;s great company of federal em- I ; oloyes. j ' Campaign Expenditure* Economy, honesty and decency in ! j the conduct of political campaigns ' are a necessity if representative government is to be preserved to the people and political parties are to ' hold the respect of the citizens all' | large. 1 ! The campaign of 1924 complied J with all these requirements. It was ( a campaign, the expenses of which ' were carefully budgeted in advance, ' and which, at the close, presented a ! | surplus and not a deficit. There will not lie any relaying of j resolute endeavor to keep our elec- ' tions clean, honest and free from j taint of any kind. The improper : use of money in governmental and j 1 political affairs is a great nationall' evil. ' ' ' immigration j ! The Republican party believes that' ' in the interest of both native and foreign born wage-earners. it is nee- ( essarv to restrict immiih-nonr iT,-.. i restricted immigration would result] hi widespread unemployment and in the breakdown of the American ! standards of living:. Where, however. tr.o law works undpe hardship j i l.y depriving Hie immigrant of tbej ( comfort and <?>cie*y of those bound by close family t;<-s, such modificn- ( , tier. should ho adopted hp will "f- . ford relief. ' ? * ' *A*i < We piedgo ourselves to round ott r.rtd Mr i lit air. the navy in all typos.; of combat ships tho full ratio; _ ; n.-oruled i'"i the United h'tates bv : the Washii.oroh treaty for tho limitation <il naval armament and any a-- e'/idinetit theret... Women and Public Sirrsice r uiir year rap., at the itepublican ' nations:! convention in t'levels nd; women mewgjty of the national committee .vfcvc tveiiiomod into full. : association and veroit&ibtlity in par-! ty management during the four veam which have passed they havd i carried With their met: associates an ! espial share of all responsibilities : and their contribution to the success of the 1924 vampaig tits well recog; nized. The Republican parly, which from I the first has soua'ht to hrir.rr this He Iyeloprnent about, accepts whole-' I heariedly equality on the pavt of i 1 1 women, and in the public service it \ j ! can present i\ record of appoint-! ] FN ANC Vic ho IN AVI r j .... And what ar You never dreau] t f could pack so man; ... .Thanks to Vic the smoothest rid , . . . . And notice? will?that luxury i every physical iten beauty?lines, c.olo 1 equipment.... T1 hour in the Victor? phone us for a dem _j PRICES?Touring Coup p., Slf)4S: 4-dot Sedan. SI 170; DcL SI 170; Sport Sedat f ? I MOTOR i e A. D. WI1 Boor '9/teVlCT V BY DOOGI , <qSOTWl>3TANDAM> MX t*7i TO t ; ' ' ''" ' ^ ''~"^* V% -' Z'.li.lT':'} .? v rJv^V;',>' JUNE <zh 11*28 matic, Judicial treasury and other governmental departments. W e earnestly urge on the women that they participate even more generally than now iu party management and activity.' National Defence We believe that in time of war the nation should draft for its defense not only its citizens but aiso every resource which may contribute to success. The country demands that should the Unite*} States ever again be called upon to defend itself by anus, the president be empowered to draft such material resources and such services essential commodities, whether utilized in actual warfare jr private activity. * * * Home Rule We believe in the essentia! unity >f the American people. Sectionalism ir any form is destructive of national me. tne ieueral govern11 em should zealously protest, the J national and international right of ' ts citizens. It should be equally tcalous to respect and maintain the rights of the states and to uphold the vigor and balance of our dual -y it em of government. The Republican party has always given its energies to supporting the government n this direction when any question has arisen. There are certain well defined federal obligations such as interstate tommerce, the development of rivers ?nd harbors, and the guarding and tonservation of national rcsourcc-s. I'hc effort which, however, is being lontinuallv made to have the federal 'overnment move into the field of itati* activities, has never had and oever will have the support of the Republican party. In the majority if the cases state citizens and officers are most pressing in their desire to have the federal government take over these state functions. This ;s to be deplored for it weakens the sense of initiative and creates a feeling of dependence which is unhealthy ami unfortunate ir. thc vhole body politic. There is a teal need in the connivy today to revitalize fundamental ^ principles; there is reai need of reiTonjfg tin individual and. local sense if ret iwisibility and self-reliance; her, a veal need for the people inec- more to grasp the fundamental 'act thai under our system of gov. .-.nmcnt they are expected to solve itany j.'ohiem* thenist ithrough 'n?*iv nVimiciual at?d st-itv jjrovetur ut:us, ;ml X'.r '. anhut the ?idencv hut is common to turn to the :.! j^jvcrnmeht as the easiest tnd 1 .r<ie?somc method ?.>? v tv: " SCREEN YOUR HOUSE EARLY Vot: might save money by icreenir.g early and preventingdisease carried by flies. You can also save money by seeing n?e for Screen Doors, Window Screens, Door ?nd Window Frames and Building Ma- ; teriaL j ) ! can make your screens, deliver and put {hens ir. lor you if you prefer. F. M. MALTBA BOONE, N. C. ' TT^T r- ~- ' i nv vj vy i >THER fory \ m\ M url * ^ CTORY SlXl i hour it 'Will be! .... ied that sixty minutes y safe, enjoyable thrills tory design you'll enjoy e you've ever known -rnougn cf course you is equally apparent in i that affects motor car rs, interior artistry and % le car of the hour, as an 1 will prove ,.. . Telelonstration. Car or- Roadster, 5995; ?r Sedan, 51095; Debuxe ,u.xc 4-passenger Coupe, ?> 51295?/. o. b. Detroit SERVICE CO. .SON, Mfcnager IE, N. C. OK.Y SiX BROTH ? RS 91C K*m TH? SIKiOR SIX <1495 TO >1770 -?" !?r?

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