*"OUR The Watauga Democrat Issued Every Thursday bv The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY R. C. RIVERS KOB RIVERS Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.5(1 Sir Mofxhs .75 Three Months .10 Payable in Advance Advertising Rats; or Application Cards of Thanks. Resoiu'ior.s Respect. Obii laries. etc., are charged for at the regsSJifi advertising rates. Entered at the Post office at Boone. N. C.. a? Second Class mail titarter. TH1T?IUV '.'T.IST > HIM MORE STRAWS iN THE WIND The Montgomery Aevertistr pr6-i ducts a .pie of interesting specula tion in its statement, that the .Hearst' newspapers Ktarted -aking ' -::a;v veto ! ] sixteen cities of the United States, het apparently discontinued it after the sixth day. Just why t'.te poll was so speedily abandoned is iv-t explained. A. the ory that occurs, nowev-.r, is based on the fact that Mr. Hearst is a political ncn.. Sriu'r., the enmity dating back to ar. incident -,.? some years ago when Smith checkmated Heasst's pohticai ambitions in N'-sv York by absolutely refusing to be; nis party's noir.5r.ee if the Hears* 'jemands were c- mplied with. Is it por.-ible that Mr. Hearst almiiilonc-ti the straw poll -o su'ifecrniy because it Hho ved a h-.-avy riep .r erance of sentiment .Smith in thele cities? Whether or t t there is arv>thir:^ . in this theory, >t is a fact that the j-ix tlayi of ;frav balJotin? hid show a total t llo.-iM1' f'?r Smith as compared with be "71 f->r Hoover in. ; liju.-v ,Ti.\'.vvn li... "H'L ; tit; arniiii 1 tJiem. A omvmrison with the straw /..> p.ih.'i) Ir. the _ sagne . cit-ie.- in * hd ' - :.m- length Cii t;r. i ; four years ago i ighiy interesting an.: p: .b;J y -' gnii'.rant at ? great j change f . c.tfmvnt from the , ll? r-at-Iican to ' r i?. mo 'atic s:ate. . The WW this year anil .a-*, eh alien. " in these cities i- abuiate.tf by the AdvertSSer aa follows: _ , Hoovct Smith Chicago 1 7:.22o:; 1 lvochi-.~i.-r 2.147 759 1 1 u coy Nor, available San Francisco . ... G.7C4 1,750 l.os Angeles 5,832 1,551 t Seattle ?,-??&. -14-"* 43 j i Baltimore ... ... 1,500 1,294. f. Syracuse 2.4o5 1.297' t Oakland 2,297 OBM t "It \vill be noted that GoVNrr.or.Vt Smith fed ilv. Hoover in such strong I Ketmhlicar. cities as Chicago. Bos- i tori; I'ittshurSh and San Francisco," says t're Auvertiser. "Only in Haiti- ;i iritn-e ami in Seattle did Hoover loadj t SiniT!; And ir. Baltimore the differ, | eticir in the vote was relatively small; while in Seattle fewer cotes by far A 3 wtiv east than in any other city. For ' some reason br other the c-o]iie did 1 very little voting in Seattle, i in 1924 she Democratic nominee 1 led ir, tin- iieavst poll ir. only two 1 cities. Atlaisr. and Washington. The > situation was exactly reversed in the p.-.i: thi.- year,?Greenville (S. 0.) News. ; , WILL NOT DESERT i HE FOLD Editor Watauga Democrat: I hear spYhe people say-nig they arc g " r to f top taking the Democrat. j! 1 hope i won't have u> do that. f don't think a life-long Democrat can stray away front the Democratic tanks and .tay out long. I think a man would soon get tired roaming the forests with the WHS hearts, such as ituh?. tigers, etc. irVoni now until the ?>tk day of next X.-iVf-nWr > )!! he to.; long for good old Democrat to -Uv away, front the fold. .!. L. TATUM. Brook-tide, X. C.. July 2k. A CORRECTION In our last issue a stcny appeared; of the arrest of a Mr. Brock by the. sheriff on a charge of violating the, prohibition law. We undoubtedly misunderstood our informant as we have since found that, the arrest was made by Chief of Police Cpriand. Two very pretty girls met on the: street anu kissed each other raptur ousiy. Two young men watched the' meeting. "There's another of those. things that are so unfair." said one. "What is that?" said his. friend. He pointed to the scene. "AVora-i en doing men's work." Ted was discussing automobile experiences with a friend. "Every, time we have a breakdown I get my wife to keep saying, 'Auto, auto, auto,' " he said. "Yes?" put in his friend. "Yeah, and what she says goes," Bill ended. Hoover and Smith are busy considering their notification speeches. Prom unusually reliable sources it is learned both will accept.?Miami News. LOCAL AFFAIRS Mr. John T. Lovelace and wife of Shelby were visitors ever the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Ellis. Mr. J. 7'. Taylor of the M r C< pe.ny -pent Mondsy Abingdon. Va.. attending to some matters ot business. Bom to Mr. ana .Mrs. John Smith ot Hodges Gap, Tuesday. a son. weighing fourteen and a hail' prunds. Oat harvest is now in in ^"ac&uga and the crop is said to be extra good. in fact. eli grow:?# crops v. of' never bitter at this season or zrif. year. IUzXZ bis jitft ? (by proxy, oi ceruse.) to get his hav crop cared foe, .vhi-.h "Ail1, take wrae ktiJo time. Mo h ;t? to pcnsi a good pain oi Mar. week in Goc-iie. Admiral Anderson t*. S. X.. re red. wht ?oi 2i> years was common<> ; the Asiatic fleet of the America!! r.avy, -A spending seme time at VaJle Cruois. Mioses Ethel Bpuchelie and Esther Kii-mming. teachers in the Boone Demonstration school, are attending tlie second summer session at George Pealiody College for Teachers. Nashville. Term. Congressman Bob Doughton ivas i: Ivwtt? sA,'. ii county !a.-t week-end shaking hands and chatting with his oid i"rieryi?, and making new ones, it there &i*e~ in ore fc r hiip to make in Watauga. lie* says one of hi; Pzot. * : y i. Jom .< o? A she county taps been :r; town this week vi. i:= ng aViibntr triends. ?.i*v Jones has elec-.c-i as 'print:! ::oi of the a v - :b ?>; at 15 - vS-. ftleh . . open next Monday. Mrs. m&c Walch. fifcitt'er'v Miss ial) Whiteh -ad cit Banner Elk, *.\ itts aujrhtf.vl Mis.- Thelma. and i Miss Biilie Chewlingv all <>? iTtp;, Va.. is a Li ar-: for a ' w \vi?iiks alt the hod? of hei' sisiefc h^s, J. B. Tay lor, i:i Boone. TiifoUjrh Mr. C lyric E&jj&rs. local caH'-r. the R. K. Bdpgham corner Vj iwr.ed by \V. \V. Mast and on, has :.tvr. sold to Mr. Bland of "it Lauderdale. F'la., the prospecive buyer ?>f the Darie! Boone Motel. Hie cen.-idira'don has not been giv|sD >ut. M?: -. i; alnd Bob R? t< ?i o: Vrkai.-as and Colorado, respectively, law been spending the past week ilh homo folks and friends in WattUea. The former is a son of the ate. Abivr.. Kc>ten, thp.lutter of Mr. leorirv Rolen, who still resides at LionvilL*. Both 01 the gentlemen iavt- made good in the middle west" - |8 ; g Mi.-. Arthur Mast of Valle - Crucis tas an advertisement in this issue ailing atentiun to her display oi landrniatie and hand woven articles low being displayed in the Hahu uiluing. The collection is wohdi id and no doubt the good lady will Tijcy .1 splendid business. For m.anj ears Mrs. Mast's hand-woven rugs .aw i\on country-wide fame ami \ii< year the assortment of articles e more beautiful than ever before. . ' pus= | ~ 5.U' jHCj It would make unite a chantre in he appearance of the to\vn in this rnrnetiiate section if the weeds and :rr?ss were mowed from the site of he city hall and that surrounding he law 'office of W R. Lovill niu! he Carolina Store. By the side of tnved streets these forests of weeds ire very unsightly to the passers-by. Che little cost to the town would be nstgr.it icar.t- and the imerovemtrit preat. '' '' eg '' y_*'- - - . 5305 Little Gene Reese. 15-ir.ontks-nh! ton of Mr and Mrs. Lewis Reese of Cilas, suffered a broken arm Tue-g lay afternoon when a little neighjor girl ir. some way fell on the lit:1c fellow and fracturing his arm beveen the wrist and elbow; He was brought to the Watauga Hospital a here the arm was set and at last ft ports was getting along as we); as could be expected. Hon. Josephas Daniels, secretary of t'ne navy in the Wilson administration. ;c. tor ; Mis? Ruth Nea' ' Bullock and Miss Eugenia McL v-.a. i.unibeiton; Mrs. it am Hart, Mis? ; Ms:gie Kar.t. Alt. Hurry Smith, Mr. -1 Anderson and Mrs. Mhier. Johnson City. Tenn.; Mr. and Mr? Leonard , ctr. : i-th and Miss hCarl Leon. r-.i. H.'trh Point. Mr. B. Council! : ytstesday that r.t least ail poo-i .i! had Ho-* tuv.cit away during re ;-v. el-; because they had no ; ''oor.i for them. E.'iTRE NOUS CLUB Tic En?e Xous C.ub was tie- t borh'fiiiiy entertained Thursday aft- 1 moon at the hc-iae of Mrs. James D. liort' 7 at her home in Beat.;-. Bridge r wa< enjoyed at three tables for a . while, and the winner. Mrs. T. L. Briggs "i Wilmington. was awarded I a handsome prize. At the el 2sit?n of the playing. .Mrs. Russc : Barlow >: Lenoir sang SfV02;al o!6=. which v.vrt thoroughly ; enjoyed. The hostess served a n;>st delici- : pus two-course luncheon. 11 ? addition to the members, the : oilov.ir.g guests were present: Mes- v dames I.. L>overeaux pi Alabama. } Russels Barlow - Lei? Thomas L. I$ri?2"5 of A ilnir.w.o!,. James f Moore a::'' Miss Eiiiabotti Stroud of '< hapel Hill. The next meeiir.ir f he club will v be with Mrs. Russell Th .'lodges or. > Fib;! a;. rvfternooi:, August loth. PAUL WILLIAMS DEAD In the loath Mr. i'.t i Williams at his on Shul'..? Mb is ItF. L1.. the county loses ano'/er of its best citizens^ On Monday or last week. Mr. Williams wcht v. Longfs Sar.atanuhi in StatesvHie for an ope^atihh fM gall V stones, winch nerfoViried on I sday. in * he peg itiiin dtiier I complication? \v6re iound, which, taken together, proved tpo much for his weakened condition, and death : came to his seHcf ai ! ra. Thinsday. His main : brought Home T and interment, which was made on ! h's farm :\c 10 a. :n.. Sunday, Revs. Fobastair. L. C. Wilson . nd K. C. Hodges convicting the funeral in the cilice hi a Uti a*- assem ly < ! 1 clatives and fridlids. The editor - f this paper has }. .1 and had no better -V friend. There was . nothing in hi*makeup that on could di like. He went ;-h?n^ in the even *enev of his niouni the departure of a loyal ei hushsti'd and d* voted father. Peace' nto his ashes. H AT THE NORMAL u Last Saturday afternoon the f > senior class was given a picnic i?j tht'-uirh the though?fuh*ess of Prof, h; D. I), Dougherty. Quite a number f Vg u; the faculty also attended and en- tV joyed having lunch on the rock from pi whuh the town gets its name. The Si trip t<> Blowing Rock was ma le ?n a A large bus recently purchased by the w county to carry high school students t: from the Wilkes line to the Boone] ; high school. y v ; ri The usual Saturday night ent -r- h rn;itiuent was given for the st uilcht t' body at ihe Normal summer school, e: The :o!lo'iei>jjftf were recent visitors n at the Normal: Mrs. J. M. Dtrwnum, si Mr. ami Mrs. A. G. Feard and chil- h crer. ox Lenoir; Mrs. Chas. P.vstell " aati children of Birmingham Ala.;1 a rviHS -i. n. w uiMiiau vjuhiv suj'uiinteudi sit of Carteret County, Prof; t; -.7. P. Moore, principal of WaisU.i:- h liurgh schoc-13, and Dr. Win. A. c i"oof:, professor m Tank College, t: .file, BjraS The congregation at the Methodist a church Sunday night wss im titrate o in hating Tire privilege o: hoaSjvig; t l!cv. C. E. Jtozell. who is pastor of, :ht Methodist church at Chapel Hill- ' Tie gave the largo audience pre- nt y a Vely effective sermon. Rev. ilozell 1; has been suuph hot at Blowing Rock f \ for several weeks during the sum-: 1 nier season. ? c A number of the students of ?.lie: 1 -u miner sche? took a trip to Grand father Mountain -Monday morning.! i BEAUTIFUL LAKE IS THE t HOME OF RAINBOW TROUT : Messrs. W. H. Gragg and A. E.j1 Soutli have greatly enhanced the ; beamy of their residences on .North : Watvr street by the construction I 1 nearby ef a iake, which is led from! ! the crystal waters of Howards Knob; : am! which has become the home of' ! 'r about sixty rainbow trout, secured! 1 ; from the hatchery near Ruthervvood.; ' [ The fish range in size rem eight to! 1 of the beauty .spot have about 3.0001 1 - more fish still at the hatchery which ' will be supplied from time to lime,; ' . until the lit tie lake is well filled. A ' foot bridge has been built across the: gulch from the home of Mr. Gragg1 ' to his cottage, benches provided ; thei-eon, and tourists stopping at the, ; !j Graggs and Souths, as well as many ; ; citizens of the town, are enjoying a! ' rest in the shade, overlooking the [ lake. Late in the afternoon the i ' hungry fish may be seen often tak-; ing their food from the surface and ; visitors take a great deal of inter- ' :i est in their antics. Fish will not be taken from the lake at any time, it! having been built altogether for or-: 1 !j nsmenta! ourposes. I ^ Dr. U. G. Joner of Johnson City, Tenn , eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, will be at the office of Dr. J. ^ < B. flagaman in Boone on Monday, < August 13 for the practice of his i 1 profession. 2 i nv THURSDAY?BOONE, N. CM iastonia Rotavians 1 Will Visit Boone ?r. Anders anil Mr. Warren Hen? ? Monday Making Arrangements for ( Meeting to Be Held in Boone in . the Near Future Dr. Me.G. Anders ami Mr. Will C \ V'arren, of Gsscor.ia were in the J iti Monday to make arrangements ' or a piopo.-e j visit oi "he members 'j . the Oastonia Rotary Club, with c heir wives .u O maybe sweethearts. Boone within the r.c-r.l few jays. ' "bey found the local Hoteis pretty l, roll, crowds.!, hut a uiraKcr , rritar. members and olr.t: citizens ' aiSfctS the .ifith.y mmtiemer to J e&ye r. up thita, and the matter J be worked out. in a s,lis tatmar,iter. ?mij?Sljj . : :e wili ironi sucty t s* cen : pie hi to* p^rtjr, the ex- j u:r. number not vet given out. The elected Boone as its choice for ttle outing and our city in the ' :Ps is delighted with the prospect - ' t laving them. They will probably here the latter part 01 next ; i 5IGGEST FISH OF THE SEASON 1 CAUGHT BY GRADY FARTHING ; Yir. H. Grady Farthing holds the * a- n's record for the biggest fish ' from Watauga waters and ; he record is likely to hold good for . nary seasons to come. On last Fri- [ lay he took a black bass from the 1 .atevs of Middle Fork near Blowing ) : :k which weighed thirteen and 1 no-half pounds, by far the largest * 'n r. of any variety evci seen in this J <'.r:on, and the strange part c-f the 1 : is the big fish was caught \ ithout the use i a hook. The } :: : gfcllow dam vas being drained i . va.citory to the bin! ling of a new v -.-u structure. Mr. Farthing . - there together with some other \ : ?rtsmtn and lighted the fin- t : i 7i a small pool of water . darn . He jumped in 5 no. aft. r a desperate struggle stir- !" . ded in capturing the bass with his . : i which r%v : ecJ s IV-. Ij ral rb- . cuts from the spear-iikbi ins pe.-alipr to this particular spc-'s i . After the fish was brodgr.t t-- t . n and dressed, i*> net weight .i- elev and a ha ? po liuh; A ^ cf.ei i.:ca ?-f the size of the bass is e ga i by the fact that a man's ? : o-d fist co-.?M a-iiy be inserted,;* i i > mbuth. iji'mjnji KovK, Aug. i.?Another rare this one v.. iu-hintr 15 1-2 .y was <: uj*ht h? Xov. rivei* be- _ tKd .Snyder lake which is b^Vng 7 i jtrrie.I to lAiild a r.cw dam. The fish n i hy Mr. Andrews of Ly-mphi.-. Tenn., a puest at Mays'. -w Manor. The kiss, escaped r. the i one i?tk< to the Snyder 1 the j. >udtates -\ -. ye open:, thence ijit the fiver. (. CLNTY WELFARE BOARD IN , SESSION HERE THURSDAY The county board of pukiic -.vol- ^ ire iie.:i its monthly meeting at the a surrhnuse here iast Thursday afleitioh. The report of Mrs. Smith a up:, man. county welfare supervis". showed: visits. 81; letters writ li, S; miles traveled, ISit. The t:e of Mothers' aid work being done i this county was highly commended r c the state department of public elfaro. 'Tile local hoard feels that ,, i.t purpose of this fund, which is rovided hy the state and county, iould be more widely understood. , hd in this connection the board rakes this statement in regard to ic uufppse of the mothers' aid law: "The idea incorporated in the vaous mothers' aid laws that have em passed by forty-two states in j ie past fourteen years is that moth rhood, in its truest sense, is of fiahciai value to the state. It seems ) trance that tiuv.uch the veal's we - - aye been admonished to visit the (t idows and the fatherless in their I ffllction and to minister unto them t -rand that s i* response has been to -v the children immediately and ut then: in an institution it space ~ oUid be found. The mothers' aid v.vs ave proof that citizens have eaUz^d that to break up a honte. of ny r > t is u 'delicate social-surgical peratiop, hut to break up a home or poverty alone is a crime. "To give a widow a definite sum T/money Snce a month to cava lor er children is only the letter of the ... The spirit takes in the realiza ion of the mother's and children's i ack of the father and fill that his havacter and presence meant in the lome The mothers1 aid fund can-j tot supply this need, but the super-' ntondents of welfare can, through Tiendlv visits and with the assistnice of the county boards of welare, help in every way possible to r.ake the family life normal. "The mothers' aid law is not prelect, Already several amendments ire contemplated, but it is a big step, tovwhi d in child welfare in North >. Carolina. Whether it is succeeding: in the various counties administering I t depends upon the interest taken ir. the work by the people of the counties. Well administered it is capable >f much good, poorly administered it is dangerous. "At its best it is a wonderful. constructive agency, capable jf taking its place with the best of i .i... e : u ^ LZIU 1UI VUilM"! V III? II1C tllUU", hood of the state." Mr. James L. Story of Plainfield, N\ J. with his wife and small son. is spending a short vacation with rela-| tives in this section. Mr. Story has been a resident of New Jersey for; several years, being at present in: the employ of Mr. J. D. Loizeaux. i Kis many freinds are glad to see him1 again. , Pa (to his bright infant): "V> hat's! wrong?" Son (twelve years old): I had a: terrible scene with your wife." Probably about, as near as we sme in this country to the quaint! >)d-world custom of cabinets walk-j eg out in a body is Hoover resign-, ng.?Detroit Nev-s. CL'R LANDED IN JAIL ON I HIGHWAY ROBBER CHARGE a : -j, -y-. r; tj Four young men. Jim Welch. Clay i Sfeurch, Leonard Church and Lonnie j hurch. all residents of Wilkes couu- j y. except the first named, were odered in the county jaii here Tr.eslay night, on a charge of highway obbery and viola ting: the prohibition aw. after having looted the proper- ( y of Rev. Edwin Frazer, evangelist >f Winston-Si !cnv -\t a p.>int on the 3oor:e Trail highway near the Wilkes ;otLTity line. Re*-" Frazcr. who i^ now a guest at ~n-y Daniel Boone hotel, ha.i just nosed a revival meeting: m North ' IVilkesboro and vj as driving to Boone 5 :cr a levy days. A truck was going iheari of him camying his tent, synvi hooks at. I other equipment 1 . ::u was m the Watauga county 'one a Bodge ear occupied by the ; foui ] i-ouftg Pion drove a long side, hailed ' :he truck driver ant) at tempted to rtop him. He kept going, however. -ntil he reached the Taylor orchrds Stony Fork, where the car ; )?:ssed the truck and blocked the ' oad. A half gallon fruit jar filled ' vith whiskey was produced and the /igfiwaymen demanded that the coined man and hi? companion take a Iri k. They refused were then irdered to get out of the t ruck. J \gaiu refusing, the Church hoys and , Welch cut the roper, with pocket [chives with which they had effected :he surrender of the truck men, .vhich held the load. As they pil- , aged one of them took occasion to rurs the minister's Bible, the song t >ooks were torn and thrown away mil an overcoat, stolen and the sroperty destroyed as far as was jorsible, after which the truck was liKw- i to come *?n to Boone and ' he pillagers returned into Wilkes. Rev. Frawer knew nothing of the J nciilsr.t until he arrive! in Boone*. T antini" Sheriff Farthing had 1 een notified and with ih. jyuty Slier- ; ff Poly Wyke set out to capture the ' id. leant-, with no. other infovma- 1 i"i" than the description of the car ) n which they were riding. By in[t?iry along the road; however, they y oo>i learned the names of the boys 'ho had driven along the road in aj )oc.gc- car. Going on to the Shoinker old place in Wilkes county. . he\ created Welch, who refused to :ive them any information. Later, ov.--.t r. they came upon tlie car and thye< former occupants at Buck'' Churdh's placed When Glay ' burch was approached, he at hint to make a getaway, but " hen captured told the whole -tovy - :id all '- ? promptly lodged in !: county basfcile. Xo arrangelents have been made for hail. a i it-it. tnuittiita t boom: baptist church Rev. r. A. HICKS. Pastor Suioiyy school iftlh a. ill.. \V. R. ~ ragg. superintendent. preaching at 1 a. m and 8. ft. in. B. V. P. U.'s meet at 7 o'clock. I lid-week prayer service Wednesday 1 t 8 o'clock. ' You are cordially invited to attendi ' 1! these services. advent christian church < GUY VANXAH. Acting Pastor ' 3:45 a. m. Sunday school. (Classes ( or all ages.) 11 a n\. Morning worship. Ser- _ roii: "The UapBHost Man in the V Cc.rid." S:00 i). in. Evening worship. Sertoli: "The Unanswered Question.'' Regular prayer meeting Wednes- _ ay evening 8 p. m. Visitors are always welcome. BOONE METHODIST Rev. C. H. MOSER. Pastor (" Sun. teele, church lay leader; H. G. jiiSs Start E Have? Did you ever "'airy water Yes, all of us do who see water and do not Eee the r enough show we enjoy is can come only after the pi START SAVING I WE INVITE YOUR I WAT7 ^ "Home of fj HAVE MONEY! Le?'? DEVELO S'f- '-'My-- A AUGUST 2. 1925 =uu::--==Tr=r = ?~ rarthiug. chairman board of stewirds; airs. Paul Coffey, snperintenir-nt c? Beginners' department; Miss Vnhie S'.ar.bury. superintendent of 'rimary and Junior departments, " reaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., iv the pastor. Wednesday evening at S o'clock, nid-week prayer service. We welcome the stranger at our Joor. LUTHERAN SERVICES Rev. J. A. VOUXT. Pastor St. Mark's?Bailey's Camp ? .-aching on the first Sunday of iaeh month at 11 a. m. Sunday ,chool at 10 a. m. Grace Lutheran?Boone Services second and fourth SunJays ui each month at 11 a. in. SunJay school every Sunday ai 9:15 a. rp. Vespers "i: the first and third Sundays at 8:00 o'clock. Services K. iaj jv, fv.-s rv?;,..v., jc.u in i.?iu u(iiavv;^?i vjiwiv" vr. Main street, opposite Daniel Boone lotel. Holy Communion Church Fourteen miles west of Boone, known as Clark's Creek. Services on third Sunday of each month at 11 m. Sunday school every Sunday M a m. COVE CREEK BAPTIST Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the pastor, Dr. Gordon, will use for his subject, 'The Spiritual Significance )f The New Birth." Special music a * feature In the evening at 7:3U o'clock* there will be held a special evangelistic meeting. Our welcome to ail: A cordial greeting, a comfortable seat, if it should be- hot. a fan to keep you cool, and a hymn book to ioin in with the song service. Come thou with us, and we will do thee good. Special evangelistic services will >egin at this church on the second i.nday night in August. Dr. Gordon, vho is an experienced evangelist, vill do the preaching at which time le will deliver a special series of vangeiistir sermons, especially prepared for this meeting. WOMEN NOT ALLOWED TO WEAR TROUSERS IN IOLA, KAN. lola, Kan.. Aug. 1.?Chief of Poice Cus.tei Davis beiic-ves that nouses are all right in their place, but!o not belong on. women?at least, tot in lola. Davis issued an older prohibiting vomen from wearing trousers in the treets of lola. ami sent two women mt of town because they wore wearri>r ove rails. atWIINC. KUOM OPENS Mrs. .j. G. Cook ha.; reopened her Kiwinvr room at the Dav idson Dcmrtmcnt Store. Shis is a first class canist.iss .nil will render the best if service. CARD OF THANKS W e extend the gratitude of our tearts to every one who visited our .i:me. helped us and showed so much kindness and sympathy in the death nit1 tio.se boy and brother, Albert F, Wilson. When jtfe shall have eeas;!. "... hope cheir spirits will be gathjred together in the abode of Wad's hi:d ren. J. FRANK WII.SQN, 1.. I.. WILSON AND CHILDREN. "OR SALE ('HEAP?Or.e second hand range, with hot water boiler. Also some water storage tanks. H. C. Martin, Blowing Rock, N. C. TEACHERS' MEETING There will be a teachers' meeting n Boone Saturday, August i, 11128. Ill teachers who are now teaching n- who expect to teach in Watauga his year are expected to attend. The meeting will be held in the demonstration building and will berin at 10 a. m. SMITH HAGAMAN, County Superintendent. - fONEYl for the elephants?" the shovr. Many carry the eal show'; because the sureComfort and Plenty. This ractice of economy. lEGULARLY NOW SANKING BUSINESS VUG A Ve Thrifty" >P Our County RAVE MONEY!