' ?? VOL. XXXIX, NO. 33 Nathan Ward Meets Death in Auto Accident Blowing Rock, Sept. 26.?Nathan Ward was killed and Len Gragg was painfully cut by flying glass when the car in which they and three others were riding, left the Yonahlossee rood near Dixon's Creek Sunday night, turned over, and lodged against a tree. Just how the driver happened to lose control of the cur has not been explained, but it is believed that he was too crowded, with five persons in a roadster. The accident happened about ten o'clock. Mr. Ward was a member ox one of Blowing Rock's most prominent families. Surviving are his mother and three brothers and three sisters: Charles, Will and Edward ward ol mowing Kock, Mrs. Lulu Ricket, Miss Annie Ward and Mrs. Ransom Killian. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday ufternon at 2:30 at the Episcopal church by Rev. Mr. Richardson. School Opened Monday The Blowing Rock school opened Monday after a delay of three days caused by an unfortunate misunderstanding about the water bill for last year. When the bill was not paid on September 10, after what, the town officials considered ample j notice, the water was cut off, and; of course the school could, not continue without water for sanitary appliances. Superintendent Smith Hagaman came over Thursday and made arrangements for the water to be turned on, with the promise that the bill would be paid by Oct. 10. Prof. D. D. Dougherty, member of the county board of education, explained that the bill had not been paid because it was not properly mcde out. He said it was presented in a lump sum for the entire year; whereas it should have come under four different departments of finance. One part of it, he said,; was for water used by brick masons in the building work and should have been included in the contrac tor's bill; another part was for the! special summer school, for which the county was not responsible; " third part was for the meter, which, it was said, should have come under the deficit which the consolidated district assumed, and the fourth,-part was the water which the regular school actually vjsed. / The county board, it Was' pointed | out, could not tell how to divide the lump sum among the four departments, and. therefore, no action was taken dn it until the matter could be straightened out. Meanwhile, the school tried to open and 'found no water. Prof! Dougherty denied emphatically that fchere was any disposition on the part of the coun-'ty board to repudiate the Blowing .Rock water bill. Members of the district school committee said that the hills had been presented promptly to county hoard, and they were surprised to learn on the opening day of school that the bills had not been paid, especially since the bill presented on the first Monday in September bore the notation tliat the . ..1_> L . r . ff -J J-l- . LMl I waver wouio dc cut on !i- .vne oni was not t paid by Sept.. 10. The town officials in charge of the water works said they knew nothing of ividing the bill under four separate heads of finance. They knew only that the county board of education owed them a water till, and it must be paid if the service was to continue. They explained that if the school were for . the town alone, they wouid gladly donate the wnter, but since it is a consolidated school, with a large number of pupils from outside the corporate lines, they did not feel disposed to donate the water. Injured by Bunting Tire Dewey Story, who was seriously injured when flying rubber from a bursting tire cut his eye last week, returned Tuesday from Dr. Long's sanatorium in Statesville. It is now believed almost certain that his eye will be saved. Dewey was inflating the tire at the filling station of N. C. Greene, but he put too much air in it and it burst. A piece of the rubber struck him in the eye aud cut the eyeball in three places. Dewey did not realize how badly he was hurt until Mr. viiut'in.' saw diuoq running irom ms[ eye. Dr. R. B. Scales directed thatj he be sent to a-hospital, and he was) immediately rushed to Statesville byj his brother. Chief of Police I. E. Story and Mrs. Story. Town Geti Library Through the Blowing Rock Community Club, a library for the use of the school and of the citizens has been given to the town by a donor whose name is withheld. The library will be added to the old Lend-a-Hand library, donated several years ago, and the two together will make a collection of some 500 volumes. They wlfTbf kept in the library (Continued on Page Five) ' MAI A Non-Partisan Nc BOONE, V POLITICAL EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK Highlights of Political Activity of! ; Both Major Parties Summarized; . From Recent News Dispatches * From Over the Country Hoover Upholding G. O. P. Policies * Washington, Sept. 22.?Herbert, ' Hoover declared eunequivocally to-! ( day that his campaign is not one of opposition, but one in favor of the! issues and candidates in the Re-! publican party. | His statement was contained mi J an uooress to a delegation Iron) ' Maryland, the first public pronouncement he had made since his ' Democratic opponent, Alfred E. ' Smith, opened fire on the Itepubli- J can party in his address at. Oklahoma City last Thursday night. "We are now in a great cam-i paign," Hoover- said. "Our campaign j is based upon our issues. It is net a campaign of opposition. It is a ' campaign in favor of the issues and candidates in the Republican party." ' Before the meeting with the ' Maryland delegation, consisting of 10 county and ward chairmen of the 1 Hoover-Goldsbcg-ough League of Maryland, the Republican presiden- ' tial candidate spent more'that, an hour aitd a half at the "White House ' discussing the general political sit- J nation with President Cpolidge, who! returned today from a visit to hisj ' native state of Vermont and New! : England. Beyond the statement that "the general situation" had been gene over at. the White House, there was no announcement con- ! ce.ning the conference. Smith Delivers Sizzling Attack on "Whispering Campaign" Governor Smith in his speech in 1 Oklahoma City last Thursday night deplored the injection of the religious issue and "whispering" methods into the campaign, defended his re/snrrl oo olitnf oM"*" XT?-.1 vt uu ?ui>X CAtl,UU?C Ui view I UIIV, * and urged the voters of the nation to make their choice in the Noveni her election solely on the ground : of what best promotes the interest < and welfare of the republic. ! The Democratic nominee directed ! an attack at former Senator (Jwen ' of Oklahoma who has bolted the 1 Democratic .party to support Herbert Hoover, assailed Mrs. Mubel Walker Willebrandt, an assistant attorney < general, as a dishonest" campaigner i in behalf of Mr. Hoover, and made! specific reference to the ICu Klux Klan, whose members, he said,! ' ' have the effrontery to refer to I < themselves as 100 per cent Arneri-[ i cans." i ' In condemning some of the cam- i paign methods used against him, Governor Smith declared there was "abundant reason for believing that Republicans high in the councils of 2 the party have countenanced a largej ' part of this form of campaign if J they have not actually promoted it."i " "They may, through official spokesmen." he added, "disclaim as 1 much as they plense responsibility . for draetrirtb into a narmnnl ? F3. - - ta^5?" paigh the quest ior. of religion, some- : thing that, according to our constitution, our history and our tradi tions has no part in any campaign for elective public office.":; The democratic nominee rebuked Mrs. Willebrandt particularly for her appeal to Methodists in Ohio to take a stand against his candidacy, and asserted that "by silence after such a speech the only inference one can draw is that the administration j i approved such political tactics." "What would the effect be upon these same people if a prominent official of the government of the state of New York under me suggested to a gathering of the pastors of my church that they do for rae what ; Mrs. Willebrandt suggests be done for Hoover?" the Democratic nomi nee inquired. "I here emphatically declare that f 'do not wish any member of my faith in any part of the United States to vote for me on any religious grounds. I want them to votej for me only when in their hearts 1 and conscience they become convin-; ced that my election will promote the best interests of our country. By; the same token, I cannot refrain j from saying that any person who] votes against me simply because of my religion is not, to my way of thinking, a good citizen." Smith Will Speak Either at Charlotte, Raleigh or Greensboro Raleigh, Sept. 22.?Governor Alfred E. Smith, Democratic presidential nominee, will probably deliver the speech he has promised to make I in this state at Charlotte, Raleigh or Greensboro, O. M. Mull, chairman of the state Democratic executive committee said yesterday. Definite word that Governor Smith will speak in North Carolina came today in a telegram to Senator Lee S. Overman from, Mrs. Henry Moskowitz, vice chairman in (Continued on Page Eight) ivspaper, Devoted to the ? WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROl \ Thousand More Ewes j sure Needed in Watauga , By W. L. WXNIUJSR. 1 While driving aroi.ni) over Watruga county, 1 have noticed that we, I ire almost out of cattle and have jut few sheep for the grass ive arc 'rowing. There are mere fields j row n lip with grass and weeds than iver before in the history of the :ounty. c What are we farmers going to do? t IIur money crop is our grazing. We I lave no cotton, no tobacco, not manufacturing interests. ?We must! J in some way arrange for some mon-! sy >-r-p- j * From experience, I find there is! lothing we can raise that brings as; epid returns as sheep. If you pay j ?12 for a ewe the wool will pay her ? seep and as prices of lambs bave ' leen for the past three years, the anibs will bring around ?10 which r' means profit for your grass. It isi . letter than bank stock or building 1 md loan. We are raising plenty of notaocs, cabbage, and apples, hut 110 >ne crop is sufficient; we must en- ' large our facilities for making b money. The county needs one thousand >wes and can easily graze them. I \ lave found where we can buy them ic live red at a good price. We can * >uy fifteen hundred from this party. ' l'hev are sold on a guarantee and 4 ire of fine Shropshire and Ilamp-! hire stock. The Watauga County Hank is 4 eery much interested in this propo- ' >ition and will give all the encour- j igemenl possible to help put this ' plan over. I am sure the other 1 janks will assist in the financing. I will he in Boone Saturday, v September 29, to meet all who are ' interested in sheep buying. Will Rogers Says: b The voters now go to the polls in] 1 in automobile but they don't curry j ( my more in their heads thr.n thei i rid tifner that went there on a mule, r i >o the old Bunk that you cannot , tool the voter is the biggest. Bunk j there is; he has been fooled ail his ; life and he will always be fonied.' t Ais the presidential candidate io? t the "Anti-Bunk" party J refuse '\a employ such old party campaign; i methods. I am Frank and Earnest, j The politician tells the people tbatj \ "I don't have to tell you people s what cur party stands for. We relyi < on your sober judgment. We rest i our case on your intelligence."] \ Then he goes on for two hours merei j telling them what his party stands | for. I I 1 don't care how smart their au-j i dienee was. 4hey couldn't possibly! j know "What their party stood icr."'"' The supreme court, with ull its di- < vided knowledge couidnt't tell you i what either parly "steed for." They Both stand for 'election." i That's about the only thing that you J ran safely say they are for, in fact c they will both "stand for" almost t murder, if they can only get, in. < we are more "smart Alec" than J we ever were, but we are no smart- J er. We read more and we hear s more over the radio, but the stuff ? we read, the stuff we hear don't 1 make us any smarter. j " For the people that write it, and] s the ones that talk it out over the! ] radio are no smarter than the ones that used to have to hand down the { dope for our old forefathers. v There is just as many hdlf jvits j voting Republican todify because f their fathers voted that way as j there ever was. There is just as | many voting Democratic because'j they have heard their folks tell | t about how the Republicans treated i them during the war. as there ever j was. t If the voter is as smart as they 't say, why do they have to tell him anything, why do the have litera- .. ture, and campaigns, and speeches? r Why dees each party have to spend four million dollars trying to buy t votes with propaganda? The oldest form Bunk in the s world is to say how "well informed f the voters are and that they can't he misled by our opponents." We } have bathtubs, airships, four wheel 1 brakes, reducing pills, manicurists, , men's corsets and prohibition. But I doubt if at any time during , the history of the world were we ( ever as down fight dumb as we are today. ?Will (Rogers. ] Jefferson, Sept. 22.?Clyde R. J Hoev of Shelby addressed the great- j est political gathering ever seen in Ashe county today in the courthouse , in advocating the election of Cover- , nor Smith, fle defended Smith's \ record arid pleaded for Democrats' , to remain faithful to the party. Aft- . er the address the following county ticker was nominated: Representative, T. T. McNeil; sheriff, W. E. J McNeil; register of deeds, C. F. j Neal; commissioners, Emmet Reeves. B.-F. Kilby and J. M. Scott. wM Jest Interests of Northw ,INA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER iomance Bounds in old pt^to ricc t Wai From . Juan That Ponci ti" l.t'On S Jut When He Oi? covered F' <a; America Aided i to Rite t' oaperilv Porto RiCo and its storm-swep fcpital, San Juan, are described ii he following bulletin of the Nation ,! Geographic Society based upon : omrrmnication to the Warhingtoi ieadquarters of the society from it dee president, Dr. John Oliver Li !orge. "Il was from the city of San Juahat the adventurous Ponce de I.cot u sail, like another Jason in searcl >f the Golden Fleece for the ful iliment of hie charming', if boyish [ream of finding the Fountain o: foulh, which, we all recall, resulted n the discovery of the soulhernmos ind of the United States, Fiorida. "The story of Ihe island's rise t< trosperity and well-being unde fmerican direction of its affairs con titutes one of the greatest romance! >f government in modern times. "P.ectangular in shape, with ai irea a third less than that of Con lecticut, a length of 100 miles, rn iverage width of 30 miles and 361 riiles of coast' line, Povto Uico ua i population of 1,300,00. "The harbor of i.s capital. Shi iuan, one of the finest, in the west rn hemisphere, has been dredged ti i depth of So feet and will oiijo; i ver-i ncreaa i ilg importance as : moling station for the transatlanti outes to the Panama Canal. "For a tropical land, the winte fiimato is unusually free from ex lessive heat, and the abundant rain 'all over most, of the island give egetaUon a perennial luxuriance Since it lies in the path of the trad vinris, with its mountains in the ecu ;ral portion of the island, the hu uidity is rarely oppressive. The mountain scenery is wild an, . ecutiful. The main range, kr.cwi is the Cordillera Central, runs fron :ast to West with slopes sweepiru jvvr a wiue area vownru me nom ind rising sharply front the south eaving in the latter direction ai tUuviai plain only ten to fifteei niles wide between the peaks an :h<- sea. 'North of the main range there i i fine foothill region famous for it scenery, the Sierra tie Luquillt vhere the Indians made their las ,tand. El Yunq'ie. ihe central pea if these hills, long enjoyed the re); Italian of being the highest of th aland, its isolation giving it that at tearance. 'But mountain climbers with thei iurometers, have forced it to sui ender its prestige to some of th leaks in the Cordilicra Central. E fuittjue is 3,183 feet high, while AI io la Pitfda, in thr central range eacbes a height of -1,398 feet. "One will find history and romnnc n every part of the island. Sai luan itseif was p. settlement half i ?.?4. t. e-..- e*%. ?-.? ;cutui) *]??- .fVligustine. r J8> he oldest town in the United States ame ir.to being, and a fail center lefoVe the Pilgrims landed at Ply iionth Rock it began to take on thi erabiancc of a city. More than twi ind a half centuries ago, before thi United States began to build thi Vhite House ir. Washington, Spaii tarted the construction of the Cnsi llanca, the government palace. "But it is the progress of Porti tico and Porto Rioans since the ad rent of the United States, barely -j prarter of a century ago, that fur lishes the most engaging and itiapir ng chapter in the history of the is and. Within a little more than : "ear of the cession of Porto Rico t< he United States by Spain under thi Treaty of Paris. Dec. 10, 1898 American occupation of the islam as ceased to be military and Jiai lecnme economic. "The six states of Central A mericr ?Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador if.cair.'igua, Costa Rica and Panami ?have ar. aggregate area sixty time; us great as that of PcrT.o Rico am i population more than four time is large; yet. their combined export: ind imports are less than hers. "The republic of Haiti, three time LS liner and aeavlv Vf" ir" :k nnm. OES, buys less than- one-sixth a nucli in the markets of the worh ind sends less than one-seventh a luch to the consuming centers o he earth. ""Certainly, only a' region favorei tighly by nature and developed in ensiveiy by man could stand out St >rilliantly in comparison with ad iacent lands. "Under the American regime th imount of sugar exported increase' sevenfold; coffee exports doubled i quantity and trebled in value an tobacco shipments have likewis wored marvelous gains. "If the forty-eight States of th American Union were as densel populated as ouv little jewel sparl lirg in its Caribbean setting, w (Continued on Page Five) "1 est North Carolina 27, 1923 ! Sunday is Home-Corning ! .; Day in Baptist Churches! I Sunday, September SO, will he J observed as Home Coming Day in I 51 the churches of the Three Forksj Baptist association. A special pro-j igrair. has been arranged lor the va-j rious churches. The exercises will] lj begin in the morning, with Sundayj !i school and preaching at 11 o'clock,! " followed by a picnic dinner at noon, j M The afternoon will be taken up with: discussions on various phases of J l! church activities. All members and | former members of all the churches 1: are invited and urged to attend 1 the services. 1 At the Boone Baptist church. Rev. Dr. Will 0. Gordon will be j the speaker at the 11 o'clock hour,1 ?j preceded by Sunday school and a historic sketch of the church by 1 Prof. D. D. Dougherty. '1 he eveni ins-service will consist of talks by 5' various-members of i.hc church, the r; full program being as follows: Morning Service Sunday school. 9:15 a. m. 1 Church History, by Prof. D. D. ("Dougherty. 1) a. tn.?Sermon, "The Newj j! Testament Church." by Dr. Will O. s| Gordon. Evening Service, 7:30 1| 1. Old-time singing. 2. "The men ar.d women that) 1 hove meant much to our church," by; ? W. D. Farthing. ' "New problems of our church," i c by Smith Hngaman. 4. "What my church has meant| r to me," by .! F. Moore. "I o. "L-auscs of baeKsIiding," )). J. "| Cottveli. s; Pastor Hicks extends a cordial! ! invitation to every member and k "every friend of the church to be " with us and help to malic this a " helpful day for our church." Fa 1 lowing is the program for the] fifth Sunday meeting at Oak Grove I Haptisi church. Sunday, September J II :;oth-. ; I : * AT OAK, GROVE Morning 9.30 1. rod-time songs by the choir. . 2. Sunday school. 3. Reading the histoty of the church. " .1 ' mi... KT_... m~* ? Q t?? >/va(uwii, * lie . | Church," by Rev. E. 1). Greene, jj 5. Dinner served on the grounds. |j( Afternoon?1:30 . j 6. Old-time songs. ej 7- Hon- to make our church more I friendly, by J C. Hodges. 8. How to improve our church t. services. Rev. W. D. Ashley. . | 0. What my church means to me, by Mrs. J. W. Greene and W. H M. Hodges. ' 10. Elements of growth in church members, by Cleve Gross. 11. Causes of back-sliding, by J. W. Hodges. ^ The public is cordially invited. 1 AT COVE CREEK, BETHEL AND * WILLOWDALE f Home-coming Day Will bo observ-i ed Sunday at Cove Creek Baptist! si church. The Rev. R. C. Eggers will )j preach at the 11 o'clock hour of s | worship. ij At Willowdale church, Rev. Levi] i] Greene is the speaker for the 11 i i o'clock hour of Worship. At Bethel church, Rev. G. W. > Trivett is the preacher at the 11] - o'clock hour. > Each church is observing home - coining day in co-operation with - the Three Forks association. An all day program in each church will lie l rendered by both local and outside i talent, which -will be worshipful, ; inspirational and profitable to all , who attend. j ? 1 ELKLAND NEWS Elkiand, Sept. 22.?The Elkland i high school opened on September 3 . with an enrollment of ) 20 pupils, i This number has now been raised | s to 140. 1 Messrs. Earl and Wade Miller,] i who have been in Wilmington dur-j 3: irig the past summer, spent last : ween W!rn uieir parents nere. tsari 31 has returned to his work in Wil-l ruington and Wade has entered 3 State college, where he is a senior. 1; State Highway No. 69 from Todd s: to West Jefferson has just been i treated with tar and rock, and is in excellent condition. The same i treatment will be given the highway - to Boono, work beginning this a i week. Mr. Herbert Estep has returned to State College, where he is a sophe omore in the engineering school. . d Mrs. M. M. Wall is seriously ill in n: a Statesville hospital. d| Rev. Mr. Winkler, who is to nse \ sume the pastorate of South Oak I Baptist church, has moved into this e community . yi There will be a pie supper at the :-i Elkland high school on Saturday e! night, September 29. Tire receipts j will go to the general school fund, j Everj-one is cordially invited. I . FIVE CENTS A COPY ,. ....;,j 1 :- ' . RBULiOFPOUT FAVOR HOOVER Over Twr Million Votes ?.re Cast in Six Straw Polls Without Showing any Wide Lead; Smith Gains on Hoover The results of the nation-wide presidential pull being conducted by 2,000 country newspapers in every section of the country, if it sheds any light on the political situation at all, '.vouid indicate that the race for the presidency this year is to be an unusually close one. To date the score stands: Hoover 503.176; Smith, 556.104. The combined results of this poll together with those being conducted by the Hearst newspapers, Yonkers (X. Y.) Herald. New Y'ork Daily News, the Pathfinder and the Farm Journal total more than two million- Of these votes Hoover has 1,182,192, and Smith 1.090,537. In the nation-wide poll it is indicated that 101,232 former Democrats are voting for Koover and 05.056 former Republican? expect to support Smith. The new results considerably lessen Hoover's lead, which he has held consistently since I the voting began several weeks ago. A week ago he had almost 52 per 1 cent of the vote east, while this week his lead is only six-tenths of one per cent, representing a change of more than 30,000. In the combined six polls the Republican candidate's lead represents 51.8 per ! cent of the total vote east. It seems that those who in the past have ma\ie election day figures from straw polls, will have difficulty in surmising this time which, way the wind is really blowing. FLORIDA VILLAGE OF 400, WIPED OUT BY STORM West Palm Beach. Fla., Sept. 28. ?Pelican Bay, c village Of approximately 400 inhabitants, was wiped ! out by the- hurricane o? last SunI day and relief workers returning' tonight expressed the opinion that I :r -c o-_ ? ' 'c - -*33* u mi;,, ui uie :nuiiUlLnnus, survivert. A rescue expedition. jwnetiated a point opposite the little settlement today and found 200 bodies, just ! across the water front the destroyed j village. They did not. reach the vil| lege itself. | The village, nettled on one side ! of a bay leading into ;he lake, had | been overlooked as rescueis plunged l into other stricken areas, until yesi terday when Governor John W! Martin asked what conditions were | there. Today the story was unfolded, J when a relief expedition reached | the side of the bay opposite the setj tlcment and beneath piles of debris found the bodies of 200 of the village's inhabitants. With the Pelican Bay tragedy unfolded, the death list tonight was i said officially to stand at 1,000 j with SO per ter.t of the victims ne- j Officials estimated that the final count of dean from the. storm would reach 1,500. Bodies of 724 victims i have been buried here, 71 of them i white persons. A. }. GREENE REAPPOINTED ON COUNTY WELFARE BOARD Prof. A. J. Greene; of Boone Las been reappointed a member of the Watauga county board of charities and public welfare in recognition of his services during his former term. The appointment, which was made > by the state board of churities and public welfare, is for a term of three years Other members of the county hoard are Rev. James P. ; Burke of Valle Cruris and Mrs. I. G. Greer of Boone, whose terms do t not expire until 1029 and 1930. The duties of the county board } are to advise with and assist the J state board in the work of the county, and to act in a general ad: visory capacity to the county and ' ' municipal authorities in dealing with | questions of dependency and delin1 qcuncy, distribution of the poor .1 ! funds, and social conditions gener: any. ; : The law provides for a meeting of ; , the county bourd of charities and gj 1 public wlefare at ieast once a month. '- ? HODGES GAP NEWS ; M5s3 Kate Hodges will leave last of the month for Baltimore, Md., I [ where she will 'spend the winter ; with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hodges spent \ the week-end with Mrs. Hodges, j aunt, Mrs. Alice Hayes, on Brushy : Fork. Misses Rita and Saliie Hodges J9H and Messrs. Jerry Wilson and jig Claude Isaacs spent Sunday with Miss Clara Greene at Deep Gap. 1 Bliss Rota Hodges has harl as .gag her guest for the past week, Miss :f\ Clara Greene of Deep Gap.

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