* ? 1 -? VOLUME XLI, NO. 30. Today and Tomorrow j By FRANK P. STOCK BRIDGE 1 Loc, Beauty s Beauty, like morals, is a question n of Intitudc; there is no rule of uni versal application. Shakespeare is the one universal author because he never describes S his heroines. Juliet was fourteen Wat and beautiful; that is all he says Leg about her looks. The Scandinavian | vefe ran picture her as a majestic blonde, lota the Kaffir as a coal-black Venus, the The Juliet of the Chinese has slant- t*an ing eyes; to the Spaniard she must Can ^ have the long black lashes of the Con: cow-eyed Andalusian Moor. Con It is a fortunate thing for hu- Gol( manity that tastes in beauty differ, the tsven the movies have not been able Leg to standardize the feminine ideal. | or < j | con? Steam The are The U. S. Aircraft Carrier Lexing- necc ton is tied up at a pier in Puget adct Sound, while her engines are turn- dept ing the dynamos which generate clec- cea? trie current for the cities of Tacoma quit and Seattle. This is a good use for Leg a ship of war. It Suggests a way of and making our Navy earn its keep. opp< It is also an illustration of what ar.d happens, sometimes, to water power, then Tacoma and Seattle get their nor- due rhal municipal supply of current from 1 SOct j hydio-clectrie plants which the cities' Unst own. The unusual drought in thejmur j Northwest reduced the flow of water ions and cut down the production of olce-jemr r ricity. The great power companies j on t regard waterpower as valuable only havi as ao auxiliary to steam plants, which ico v are already generating twice as much dauj current in America as all the,water- men power nut together, in most cast nriii more cheaply. ~ men anc, Aluminum lji:! port The commonest of all metals, more sal than twice as common as iron, alum- tent inum was a curiosity at the Cent en- as t nial of 187(> and only came into gen-| war eral commercial use when the har-1 pow nessing of Niagara Falls made the idem electric furnace economical. Alloyed] imp to give it strength, its light weight cd I make* it more useful than steel in fore hundreds of applications. The larg- dee? est airplanes are built of it. can Now a project is on foot to cast 44 automobile bodie? in otic pioce_ out tviei of aluminum. That will still further earl reduce the co"?t Slid weight of motor ^bu The lighter the csr. the le.ss do gas, the less Wear on tires. The time trie! will come when a serviceable auto- cers mobile will sell for not more than atte $250, and run 50 miles on a gallon and of gas. gre? bors War ex:? The only independent persons are men thoso who own land. The only conn- olin; trie , who people care enough about we them to fight for them are those yeai made up largely of individual land- igna owners. When the common people to F wet'.1 peasants only the land-owning to s nobles with their hired soldiers went essa to war. this In many states corporations are port forbidden to own land except for arra their own business purposes. The to 1 Government is trying by every pos- eloc f.- ?.? -11 -< -?ki:? 'g out ill eft nor Piedmor.-.h Sound Es- ' kimos, s< who will thinl.jHan reports, f'cc eat only'O think; anc that raw, as mer they do will be true to make a resi fire! Men who will. f93 Sensibl not too nar; continue to 011 4 oat whate'ions. Pick tin'digest and as ran] a rule wio is not opin> and happier <'m lives thaiimself, but wi worry about met their diet, view, as they. dati of.the State j E ""suggestions as t'TNT" Wa TO THE >o should be run. Asa -s stimulate interes^^yY Gre "" illing to recei' ing We are anxious fo?lona' 'f attend ?; ; the Farmers test?tore .sr old in -a; Boone on the 28th, 29th, and 30th ' of January. You are expected to be leaders in every progressive move- ij ment- You will need the information jjr to better fit you to improve the community where you teach and especially to teach and train the boys and F girls of your school to make thrifty posi citizens. am It will not be possible for a num- Sou ber of our teachers to attend, but E we have about one hundred teachers aire whose schools have closed. This will cna L he a good time to shine. out \ SMITH HAGAMAN, ligh f' County Superintendent, gan A. Non-Partisan Ne' BOONE flerican legion } conduct drive }r memberships! ! it Post to Participate in "Round- j p" Week. Hon. Joe Murphy to; peak at Courthouse Tuesday Eve- j ino;. J.inuary 28. Township Com- j littees named by Norris to Make | itensivc Drive for New Members. pcncer Miller, Commander of the auga Post l'lO of the American ? ion, was interviewed today with rcnce to the participation of the 1 post in the week designated by State Commander of the AineriLegion, Department of North jlina, as "Round-up Week." Post, imander Miller first quoted State inlander George K. Freeman, of; Isboro, as having said: "This is! -J* iL- \?-?: I CICV tllLII \ e it l ? ! lliu IIM'llVilll I ion's existence and we find great-! lenmrid being made upon us for lU'Uctive work, than ever before, ranks of our disabled comrades I constantly increasing making, issary continued leadership for, juate hospitals. The number of i ?ndent orphan children of ourde-j ed comrades is increasing, reing a large membership in thej ion to furnish funds, leadership! administration to insure them; irtunities to which their fathers'; mothers* heroic service entitles} n. The restlessness of our people! to adverse conditions in many \ ions of the State demands some; dfish organization to lead in com- j lity service. The growth of opinsubversive to our form of gov-' 11 opt require constant vigilance; he part of men and women who ng dedicated their liVes to scrv= of State and Nation stand utinted in the face of such move- i ts for strict adherence to thej ciples upon which our govern-; t Avas foundvd and i>> the observ- \ 1 of which it has been main ed. These and the supreme imance of seeing that the Uniycr-j Draft bill (which will certainly I to take the profit out of war, his bill provides that in case of I monev-nower as well as man-1 or shall he drafted). and other a!ids to ex-service men are so ['Hint: that the Legion has decide] :o put these matters frankly beevery ex-service man and en- j .'or to enroll them ill the Ameri-1 Legion before February 1. In the past |Ve have not really \ il to secure our membership so | y," continued Commander Miller, i t this year we feci that we shouldl so In order that our Post, dis- i t, division and department offi-i may devote their full time and ntion to these pressing needs, that the Legislature and Conis may know that our large memihip entitles us to speak for the erviee men." We now have more than 7,500: libels o? the Legion in North Cara, by far the largest membership have ever had at this time of . Commander Freeman has desited the week of January 26th ebruary 1st as "Roung-up Week" iccurc 0,800 more members necry to give us our State's quota year. On Monday, the 27th, the will set to work its committees ingir.o- for a meeting of the Post lie held Tuesday night at 8 o'k at the Courthouse in Boone, n Hon. Joe Murphy, of Hickory, deliver and address on the aims purposes of the Legion. On 1??..,...,,,1 V. ?1. will canvass every ev-scrviee i of the community to afford n an opportunity to enroll. On rsday active posts will assist less ve posts in this work, and on lay this post will send its cards special courier to the post adju. where they will be turned over he district conimander. Saturday district commander will personaldispatch these cards from that it to department headquarters, artment (State) headquarters announce the results over the 0 Saturday night. 1 wish to appeal to each and evcx-service man to attend our iting Tuesday night. I hope our sens will recall their pledges to hack in '18. and '19 and attend meeting on Tuesday, January 28, hat they may learn how we are rying on' in peace time the work started when obedient to the call lur country and inspired by their port, we served our country durthe World War." . W. Norris, post membership ofr, has appointed the following i as membership officers in their icctive townships for the year of 0. You are urged to be present January 28th, and help to arge for a county-wide membership e. also try to secure as many nbers. as possible before that vT'r \ loone,' ~Stuurt' -Barnes, Lionell rd; Beaver Dsns, Hill Eggers, tteece; liairt Mountain, Kalph U. er; Blue Ridge. Nile Cook; BlowRock. Fved Penncll; Cove Creek, F. Horton, Marvin Thomas; Elk, f E. Kouck; Laurel Creek. Dewnvuiiuger; Meat Camp, L. E. Wil, R. G. Burkett; North Fork, Clint mas; Stony Fork, Walter Watson; wneehaw, H. H. Shook; Watauga, 11 Taylor. 'ines aggregating $800 Were im?d on four Greensboro, N. C., men ;sted in Georgetown County, th Carolina, on the estate of Isaac Emerson, Bromo-Seltzer milllion: of Baltimore, last Sunday, on rges 01 nunting Ui SfiflHEBB of a season, and hunting with a it, Alfred A. Richardson, State le warden, announced today. JGA wspaper, Devoted to the , WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CA First Fari Next "V Harbi Urge Farmers of County' To Attend Farm Meeting The coming Farmers Institute will be a fine opportunity for farmers to get much needed information on better farming, especially soil improvement. Every aCre could, with reasonable, proper treatment, be made to produce t twice in money what it is now j producing. Gpme, you can't iosc. You can j gain in information and in operation , and therebv help yourself, your family, your neighbor and your county. H. J. HARDIN. t As a dealer in livestock, and knowing what it would mean to the county if wc had all the farms stocked with high grade cattle and j more of them. I want to urge every farmer, large or small, to attend the Farmers" institute to be .held in Boone next week. It :s an opportunity to get information that wc all heed just now. ARL1E W. BROWN. It seems that the Farmers' Institute should appeal to every farmer w.'.io wants to improve his soil, grow better crops, have better livestock and have a better knowledge of marketing. Never before h?.? a faculty of highly-trained people ever come to us for three days. If the people of this county will take advantage of the opportunity it will mean much to them. B. B. DOUGHERTY. 1 have just learned of the Farmers' Institute which is to be held at the Appalachian State Teachers Collope on January 28, 29 and 30, and want to congratulate the farmers of Watauga County on having an opportunity to hear trained men discuss farm problems of our county. 1 intend to attend every meeting because 1 know that it will be worth at least ?150.00 per ye-r to me to learn how to prevent and cure grubs and stomach worms in the few sheep which 1 own. i sincerely hope and believe that every progressive farmer in Watauga County will attend every one ot these meetings. BAXTER M. LINMEY. In our opinion no more forward step looking to the best interests of Watauga County has been taken in several years, than the campaign launched by the citizens of this county for better livestock, more production and greater economy along all agricultural lines. As a result of these efforts we .Save called together some of the best heads in North Carolina to discuss with us the all-important questions of livestock, horticulture, soil improvement and marketing, which we believe will ultimately place Watauga County in the high position she deserves to occupy in the farming life of North Carolina. Our county is sua agricultural and liv^itArlf ??J L. perity will be measureil exactly in proportion. to the degree of success attending her agricultural endeavors. We helieive our farmers prosper in proportion to fc'ie intelligent thought they give their problems, and the Farmers Institute next week offers a free and equal opportunity for all Wataugans to receive an authoritative education along every farming line. A more intensive farming program, in our opinion, will result in several hundred thousands of additional assets to the county each year and thus increase bank deposits, Building and Loan subscriptions, and promote a financially independent citizenship. Our officials are practically to a man, not only interested in farming, but are active farmers themselves, and they consider the problems of the farmer their individual problems. Meet us at the Institute and let's have a pleasant and profitable time together. W. H. GRAGG, Secretary. Mountaineers Defeat Campbell College Appalachian State Colleec defeat ed Campbell College by the score o/ 25-17 in one of the fastest played games of the season on Friday night at the College Gym in Boone. Campbell College dreW first blood by rcgsitering from the court when Reeves shot a lor.g one. Campbell had a five-point margin before the Mountaineers counted. Hinson and Fulkerson rang up two pointers and O'Hare tied the score at. five all with a foul shot. From this time on the Mountaineers took the lead and were never headed. The first half endfcd with the score l'J-U in favor of the Mountaineers. The second half was slow with Campbell College outscoring the Mountaineers. Reeves was high scorer for Campbell and led the attack, K. Hinrc!t Icd.tHsL t'pdi'v for' the Mouira taineers. Canipe, captain of the Mountaineers, played a fine defensive game. DEM( Best Interests of Northwes iROLINA. THURSDAY JANUARY 23, tilers' Inst Veek is Ha inger of Pi Three-day Farm Educational Course to Be Held on January 28th, 29th and 30th at State Normal College., Complete Program Has Been Drafted and Approved. Dr. E. C. Brooks to Be the Principal Speaker Other* From State College Will Bring Valuable Information to Watauga Farmers. Practical Demon-' s*irations and Entertainment to Be ! Furnished Attendants. Definite announcement was made' Monday of the program drafted for: the first annual Watauga County Farmers Institute, which is to be held at the College Auditorium next Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday This important meeting comes as the culmination of several months of agitation on the part of the Watauga Livestock Association, with the co-operation of eight other institutions, and in the opinion of business and agricultural leaders, is likely to usher in a new era of success for Vocal til lists of the soil, stockmen, poultrymen; dairymen, and all others who : engage in any branch of agricultur In the early days of the Watauga , | Livestock Association, the holding >1' ia farmers institute was laid down 1 a or.e of the definite goals of the J organization .and through the co-opc i at < 'i of~Il\e fdUowiUg instiuuions.C' tV.e dream has become a reality : State Agricultural College, Appalachian Stat e Teachers College, Watauga I | County Bank, Bank of Blowing Rock,; \ ! Peoples Bank. Building and Loan As-j : soeiation, Civilan Club and the Wa-j 1 j tauga Democrat. I J j B. 1>. Dougherty, CI. P. Hagaman,! j Granville Story, \V. H. Gragg, W. W. | : j Mast, Hanison Baker arid Smith Ha-' ! j gaman were appointed as a commit-1 J too to work out the manifold details |j for the assembly, and the lirpgrayn | they have drafted and which has been 1 approved gives promise of ,three days j of agricultural .cdueatmn which_bavo _ i been arranged with an idea of solv- j j ing the intricate problems confront- J ing lh| average mountain farmer. The principal address of the threedav session will he delivered at 2 ' o'clock Thursday afternoon by Ey E. C. Brooks, president of the State , Agricultural College, and will end 1 the first session of the institute, which, according to its sponsors, is j expected to he an annual affair hereafter. At the opening of the first session j on Tuesday morning, P. M. Hen| dricks, county agent of Caldwell, one : of the most able farm authorities of j the mountain region, will discuss j "Watauga County Agriculture" in a I general way, and will speak specifiI callv on the "Production of Daily 1 Prnriiin** ?' P ! agent of Ashe County, also a known ! ! : authority, will discuss "Sheep Pyo- ' j duction for Watauga County.'* At i the afternoon meeting of the same day Mr. Turner will speak on "Beef * j Cattle Production." On Wednesday at 9::i0 a. m.. Mr. j j j C. F. Parrish, Extension Specialist! j of State College, Raleigh, will dis-j 4 ! cuss "Poultry Production in Watauga j J County," and will be followed by a]5 j discourse 011 "Marketing." hv R. B. ! Etheridgc, chief of Division of Mar~J ; kets, Raleigh. In the afternoon H. R. J i Nisw'onger, Extension Horticulturist of State College, will give in valua- j i ble information on "The Growing of i Horticultural Crops," including cab- J bage, potatoes, beans and all kinds | of vegetables and flowers. Charles J j Baird. county agent of Avery County, j will speak from kindred subjects. Thursday morning "Farm CropjJ1 j and Soil Building" will be the topic 1 ; discussed by S. J. Kirby, extension * I agronomist; State College, and J. L. I 1 Walls, teacher of Agriculture, Pat-j( ! tfiimn SeKobl will 1 . ' i experiences alone this line. The sub-1 ' i jeet for the address by I)r. Brooks j i in (hi afternoon has not been u.i-j* I nounreil. j ; | "The Growing and Marketing of j | Tobacco," especially a3 would effect | j j the mountain farmer, will be dis-! ' j cussed some time during the sessions 1 j by the farm demonstration agent of Joliusun County, Tenn., who has 1 demonstrated the feasibility of grow- 5 inf North Carolina, in which the of-! i: "icial asks that as many representa-1 h ive sportsmen as possible meet with | I: tini in Boone on Monday evening ati b J or 8 o'clock for the purpose of or-; ranizing an Izaak Walton League, ?.olonel Bullock, from national head- r quarters, will be present to explain a r.ne organization and its Junctions. | i: Mr. Baker is making every effort 1 h lo hare as msr,y sjwrts^c:1. as- *>???;-li blc meet with these gentlemen." All >re urged to attend, as Colonel Bui- ? lock can only he here otic time, and * >nly on next Monday evening. h 1 j s i News Notes From the | J State Normal College | (By J. M. DOWNUM) v The Appalachian State Teachevs a College has completed more than halt v the winter quarter. The enrolment h it this date is exactly 101 more than t vere ever registered before at this li late and 50 more than at the close >f the spring term last year. No pre- 1 :etling regular term has ever equaled t ast year's. There are now on roll r >85 students, about one-third of D :hese being young men and two-thirds r roung ladies. The authorities are t gratified at this unusually good en- r umiciii, ana are planning to m?.KC ? his the very best year, rendering the o jest service and most helpful in ev- c ;ry why, so -i. to prepare the young i icople to render the most, helpful e service to the children of this and t >ther states. A very interestig basket ball game I vas played on Saturday night be- s ween the young men's team of the n Appalachian College and the team a vom Biltmore, in the college gym- ri lasium here. It was a close game 1' hroughout, the visiting team leading luring the first part of the game, h rut the A. S. T. C. young men soon 1 aught up and went ahead and led f ill the rest of the game, closing with ? i score of !\2 to 29 in favor of the o Appalachian boys. c On Saturdaj' at the chapel oxer- a rises a very appropriate and well Y Presented exercise was given in honor n >f Generals Lee and Jackson, Miss c Gladys Payne giving the History of r latksnn and Mr. Houser of Lee, both t reing expressed in a fine way and reautiful and appropriate language. \t the close Or. Dougherty expressed limself as unusually well pleased .vitn the manner in which these fine l ,*oung people did their par.t, and com-?-1 iicnded them most heartily for spienuiu pta^iiurt. Dr. B. B. Dougherty and Professor Herman. Rfegers"-returned on Friday from a trip to Cullowhee on a 1 natter of business. i VESSEL DRIFTS AIMLESSLY ACROSS ATLANTIC OCEAN , Details of the remarkable expe- ] "lenoes of the crew and passenger? . :>f the sailing vessel Neptune, which \ in forty-eight day? drifted clear . scross the Atlantic from Newfound ! land to Scotland, were told recently I , in London. The ship, whose home port is St. \ lohn's, Newfoundland, was within 30 1 miles of it when severe storms swept her out to sea. The lighthouse boat Hesperus brought the Neptune into j Tobermory, Scotland, on Thursday. : Captain Joe Barbour, of St, Johns, ; said: "I was quite ignorant of my position, for our usual route was scl- , dent cut cf sight of land Tt wan a \ terrible ordeal and we never expect-1, ed to see shore again." 11 "-"if--' $1.50 PEK YKAK iiHDAYOFBET FR iSRLIN TOPIC Ai" CIVITAN MEET rogram at Thursday Luncheon Meet Centers Around "Father of Thrift** and His Teachings. Talks Made by Several Members on Thrift Week. "Poor Richard's" Maxims Recited by Members in Answer to Roll Call. A "Thrift Week" program of unsual iterest was given by members f the Boone Civitan Club at their eekly luncheon meeting held last hursday noon at the Daniel Boono otel. With President George Hagarnn presiding and a large number f members and visitors present, the elebration of Benjamin Franklin's bthdav was entered into with spirit, acli Civitan answering to roll call ith one of "Poor Richard's" philojphical maxims. The variety and uiijui wi tiiese wist: sayings oi mc Father of Thrift" provided many lughs. The program committee, composed f George K. Moose ana J. Frank loore, had worked out an excepionally useful round of discussions, rordon Winkler, one of the town's ?adiiio- insurance men. read a vai able manuscript on "insurance," xplaining in detail the investment idc of the business. W. II. Gragg. secretary oi the Waluga Building and Loan Association, olio wed, centering his well chosen emarks around "Own Your Own lome." Mr. Gragg went back to the ormation of the first Building: and ioan Association more- than one huTired years ago in Philadelphia and raced the growth of that homeuilding institution through the years f its remarkable growth. According > his. talk, the United .States, though omparatively small on the map of he world, is the greatest home-own?g country under the sun, and that his feeling of ownership is one of he stronger. I safeguards of oil! resent liberty. "A man will not ight for his boarding house, his ooming house or his rented house, ut when, you encroach upon his ig'tit$ in his own home, you are gong to get a good 'scrap' on your ands." Mr. Gragg closed his timely alk with a poem on home-ownership y \Vuj| Mason. George P. Hagaman, cashier of the i> ! ? s ? XiOVtlira IM1IIIV, UftCtl SUVtrUI uinutea explaining the family budget ind safe investments. The local tanker used as the foundation for tis arguments on budgeting the famlv funds, the National budget, the *tntc budget, and the county buu^ jet, averring that these recently ;.nineurated governmental institutions tad saved the tax papers untold thouands of dollars, and that the same nethods, applied in the home, would >ut each and every household on a ound and secure basis. The siieaker irged every wage-earner to live withn nis Income and, ii possible, to lay iack a little each week for the proerbial "rainy clay." Mr. Hagaman's dvice to investors was that they inestigale before buying stocks or onds, reminding club members that he safest investments do not earn luge interests. George K. Moose, manager of the >oone Drug Company, used as a heme for his three-minute talk, "Fitancc and the Bank Account." Mr. loose recounted some early expeienees irr the business world as tesimony for his arguments on systenatic business methods, and advised he use. of a bank account as a means if keeping track of expenditures. He losed his talk with a plea for thrift. mpressing trie necessity of system, conony and, oftentimes, frugality in he business world. T. E. Bingham, of the law firm of lingham, Linhey and Bingham, poke on "Making a Will." Kis renarks, while more or less of inforiutive nature, were sparkling with huior. and provided one of the most ucid spots on the program. R. F. McHade, manager of Spainlour's. Inc., used the theme, "Pay foui Bills," as the nucleus for a e%v minutes' talk. A dollar paid on bill, according to Mr. McDadc, '"ill liange hands many times in the curse of a few days. In other words, , dollar naid to the doctor enables lim to pay the mill-man: the milklan to pay the grocery-man. the groeryimm to pay the landlord, etc., nany individuals being benefited byhe transaction. "Sharing With Others." was the (Continued on page eight.) riiggins Will Seek to Succeed Porter Graves ?: ~\ % State Senator C. W. lliggins, well cnown attorney of Spai-ta. accordng to authoritative advices, is ex >ected to be a candidate to succeed >olicitor S. Porter Graves, whose re irement was recently announced. Vlr. Higgins has served his county n the Lower House of the State Legislature and last winter represented his district in the Senate, and las a record of fifteen years of successful !ej?l practice behind him. rhe district corujinats Ashe, Allt rhanv, Surry, Forsyth, Caswell and Rockingham counties, and Mr. Higfins is well known throughout the territory. Close friends of Mr. Higgins th?nk it likely that he will be unopposed in the primary, and he is' expected toreceive the backing of Democratic leaders all over the territory. Solicitor Graves retired on account of ill health, after having served continuously for 28 vears. He is expected to return to private law prarVC3