\ w VOLUME XLi. NC. 32. 1 Today and ^ Tomorrow j I By FRANK r. STOCKBRIDGE M Cornstalks Ju&t as the invasion of the- Euro-j reaii corn-borer has put up to every farmer in the corn-growing regions he problem of how to get rid of his ornstalks and hold the pest in check.! lew inventions for the utilization of; his tarm waste for making paper =? md also a substitute for lumber have? : *>ecn perfected. New capital in large amount has ^ een subscribed to finance industriesj vhich will contract with farmers for ?. 'heir stalks, after harvest, send their . j\ ?wn'machines into the fields to gath-. ! them, and haul them to central] & loints where they will be manufac-i iireu into useiui products. This will :S lelp conserve the forests and will; tlso ad<l to the profits of the corn ~ rowers. . 1 Gas The International Red Cross -is c rcparing for the next war. One of fjj he certainties about the next war! {-" n any large scale is that poison gas! 'r vill he used on a large scale than so voi- before. War is no longer an af- SJair of kings and hired armies; it is ) " \ hole nations against whole nations. I he aggressor in the next great war vill not wait, for the enemy to as- " -emble an army, but will try to wipei 011 ut a whole city by dropping poison co as from the clouds. ; r^ What the Red Cross is looking for some means of detecting the most! dii ninutc trace of poison gas in the air la: ind a prize <?t ?2,UUM is ottered to pr he successful inventor. And we call do -his a civilized world! th ! cil Emotions !!! Anger, fear, worry, especially the 9' "after, kill more people than "Sal" le liseases, according to a report re-11" eiitly made to the New York Acad- ai .my of Medicine. There is no such: J0, :hmg as overwork, eitner of body ??. rind. The body, given sufficient! n>ui ishnient, wili quit of its own ac- i iord when fatigue becomes too 111 -.:vat, and a nights sleep will put ibltf? ack into trim again. Probably noj i umaii being has ever used his brain ,! ? its luii capacity. Men who have 11 -tudied that subject say that most;111 i* us use less than a quarter of ouri 0,1 lower of thought. a liat let worry, jealousy, fear of fif -^Sjs^-ono's joh. one'a money or one's a * 'u-fcetheart, creep ir., nod the whole ~ Picture is changed. The emotional 101 tortcien:-tires., beth mind and body. 1? which cannot go on without violent' na -timnlation, and the process of i!e-j th tav is hastened. Most of the deaths R'' t'roni heart disease and kidney trou-j th >Je are the result of emotional ten-1 f< -ion rather than any real defect in i mi the physical organs. ?f Life | \l With all the talk about the inc 1 eased average length of the h;i- of maVl life. the nf Q^iriinii- wrtill if?L I rln mains the normal limit or the human P? .eing. So Dr. Louis Daublin, medical CI head of one of the great insurance til compamps, reports. Only exceptional !UI wlxviduals live beyond TO, and in on American the proportion who die be- 1>U tween 65 and 70 is increasing. Yetj the average American lives longeri to than those of his father's generation ex aid, much longer than in his grand- on father's time. That is because the lei illnesses which used to kill off babies, ar children and young people of both a : Sexes are not so prevalent as for- is rnei.lv. a Every American baby born today j ho has a reasonable chance of living toi 55, which is the average length of fjl :ife in this country, as against 4S in Bi most of Europe. But the man who SP reaches 55 cannot count on more than fifteen years more of life withico any degree of certainty, and the} .; 'x-nance?iten years. in . sn ?Coal | Geologists of the Byrd South Pole RU Expedition have found coal in Ant- }>?| arctica. Great Britain takes occasion c.x to remind the United States that considerable parts of the land there arc |r under the protection of the British Hag. Trouble-makers, especially the | jyj sensational newspapers which prefer j.c war to peace because war is more fa "newsey," are already trying to lay!! the foundation for more intevnation-j ar nl strife. i a, If we ever do go to war against! jk; Great Britain it will be over ?nme-! M &.T-- - rn-^.r- . uung lar more important than a coal ; hod located where the temperature ;S. is always below freezing and usual... !v 10 degrees or so below zero. Even; su ,v if the coal were accessible it would j Ci , not be worth fighting over. Coal is bi losing its importance in the economic w; 'i scheme of things, now that oil has bl become the principal fuel for the A world's navies as well as the mcr- to ch.2"t TTlP.r'Pf - - ni ; v.v;-r5C I rBHH ? ?3SHBF!BEC&8B82EMClMEnMMM&a pj Governor Offers Reward he For Murderer of Johuson U! Information comes to the Sheriff CI from the Governor's offices of the R posting of a reward by the State of B \?. 5100 for the apprehension and deliv- di } ery of the unknown person charged bi with the murder of Andy Johnson T lags during the month of July, 1920. M - th? nrp P viously offered by Watauga County J< W> in the sum of $200, making a total w F- - of $300 to be paid when the slayer ai is delivered and convicted. fd ATAl A Non-Partisan Nev BOONE, iOUNTY FARMERS * MOW INTEREST IN rOBACCO GROWING | ci ovcment Is Nov/ on Foot lor Num- sr Ler of Farmers to Plant Small Burley Acreage This Year. Seed Fur- finished by Virginia Warehouse, j in Meeting to Be Held Later. C< pi ~ ! ti j cl ARE YOU INTERESTED IN : ''j GROWING TOBACCO? m * j bi There will be a meeting: of ' G1 the farmers who are interest- p, ed in the growing: of tobacco : C)? at the courthouse in Boone on Saturday. February 15, at 2 J jr o'clock p. m. Two or three * \\ mo? ft-orr* ...jl] lie present to discuss the .crowing and marketing of burley c tobacco, and free seed will be " jc, distributed. If you are inter- i ],. ested, don't fail to be on hand. v.* i ' * * \v ! For some time a few Watauga1 e> rniers have been experimenting in m e growing of small patches of Bury tobacco. The results have been 111 decidedly satisfactory that now a: ai rong movement is on foot to secure e planting of perhaps as much as I ? 0 acres of the weed this year. The j y* ovenient is being sponsored bv the atauga Livestock Association, the, ily farm group, and later a Tobac- hi Growers Association is expected Wi be formed; bi Tobacco growing was to have been scussed at the Farmers Institute] >t week by Mr. Irvin B. Wells, a: -1\ omihenl railroad official of Ablng-i 11. Vu..' who is also interested in!'1 e Bernard Vann Warehouse of that .. y. Weather conditions, however, * evented the gentleman from com- J,r g to Boone, but Professor I. G.; j 1 eer, of the .Normal College, ha.> ] .J* eeivecj a letter from mm of much I tcvest to tiie scores of farmers who] . * o planning to grow tobacco this; | tison. He also sent along sufficient] baeco seed to plant about fifty! "V res of laud. with the complimentsI li bis warehouse. These seed will be ^ strihuted from the Boone Hard-! J ire Company after this week, and ^ ris hoped that only those who ac-! ally intend to plant them will ap- jn ?.;as the supply is necessarily Mm- |n id. the seed are packaged so that e parcel will be sufficient for two res and for smaller patches the J*1 ed will be divided so that they may j. j .ve the widest distribution possible, is lor those who are interested in ^ bacco growing to furnish their p., nies, ^?a Mv. 4Vc!!a, p iw.hnlf of e Farmers Warehouse, proposes to gj ve each of them a subscription to e Bufley Bulletin, a Greeneville, ?c inn., publication, \v h i c h gives gt >nthly information on the process growing hurley tobacco. Sim A meeting of those who expect to oi ke part in this new phase of Wa- at uga County agriculture is being fcc ranged and definite announcement Sr the date is expected to be made tv ring the month. Mr. Wells pro- gj ses to have here at that time Mr. yde Austin, president of the Aus- t? i Tobacco Company, who is re-j0f ited to be the best informed man ev the production of tobacco in the th rley belt. cb It is suggested that in a section of 64 tin try where people have had no ui perience in growing tobacco, that se e acre be taken as a maximum, un- in >s it is found that ample facilities tu e available for housing more, with ec sufficient.air space to prevent what w known as house-burning. This is si vital factor due to the fact that aii use-burned tobacco has no value. le It is expected that no less than 'ty Wataugans will raise some w lrley this year and some of the fa onsors of the movement are hope- le 1 that twice that many may be- ci me interested. Some have signified elr intention of planting as much q two acres, while many are talking j terms 6f BBBBRS n; mller patches will likely predomi-i ite until the results of the venture I p e established. j g, Watauga is said to be admirably-! m ited for the raising of Buvlev to- g ceo. and those who have conducted 1 peifmcnts in the past haw been j g atified by the results. If handled operly, it is a sure cash crop and much interest is a statement byj g r. Wells that on the Abingdon mar- q it the last year's crop brought the i rmers $1;881,537.40. This mor.ey a] .ving been distributed over a small ea, the benefits derived are readily (<( parent. ?I- : 55 . . ,? i t-i r. jackson combs dies j J' in Virginia station: News has reached Boone ol' the! C dden death of Mr. A. Jackson: >mbs, former resident of Lynch- j irg, Va., January 22. Heart disease as thought to have been the trou- u e. He Was 68 years old. tl He was on his way from Baltimore ol visit Lynchburg friends and had t\ st walked up a flight of steps and t lined the landing under the shed, C hen. according to a fellow traveler, ; gasped, "I can't go," ciutcned the di iling. and fell dead. 0 Funeral services were held Jan- |> try 21th at 2 o'clock at Whites it ha pel Methodiist Church. Wards t< oad. Va. Surviving are a widow, P ertha Smith Combs, and two chil- F en, Frederick and Pansy; four a others and sisters, Daily Combs, J. i w . Combs. Mrs. Dora Barlow andi rs. Emma Shull, of North Carolina. Mr. Combs was the son of Rev. | ei >hn and Mrs. Comns, ot Cove Cieck, T as born and reared in this county, o ad had many friends here who hear o " bis death with genuine sorrow. fi JGA fspaper, Devoted to the WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH ( Vatauga Farm Institute Closed Last Thursday The Watauga Farmers' Institute, hich began its sessions last Tuesiyv had as speakers on Wednesday . F. Parrish, Extension Poultry Spealist of State College, and Profes>v Coley, of State College. Mr. Parrish's subject was "Poulv Production in Watauga," and his istvuetive remarks embodied the ire of the flock from the hatching jriod to the period of egg producon. The speaker, with the aid of tarts and illustrations, explained roper diets for flocks, the culling r inferior fowls, housing and treatment of diseases. He advocated pure-; red strains, and urged the necessity keeping blood lines clean if the oultry business is really to be devel-l ted into a big-money proposition. Professor Coley represented R. B. theridge, chief of the Division of arkets, Department of Agriculture, ho was scheduled to deliver an adB'oss on the second day. Professor bley used "Marketing" as his subct, and while his talk was more or sx spontaneous, the good advice hich it carried was well received by [e huge crowd which attended the ednesday sessions. The marketing epert advised the organization of a arketing association among the irmers of Wataucra. ami showori fho any advantages of co-operation nonjr the tillers of the soil. On Wednesday afternoon. If. R. iswonger. Extension Horticulturist, ate College, spoke on "The Grower of Horticultural Crops/' Mr. iswohger's talk was probably the spot of the Institute, for it dealt ith the production of cabbage, notoes. beans and other vegetables, nsicieied the biggest money crops iseel in this section. A review of s address is carried in this week's sue of The Democrat, Under separe heading. Notwithstanding the large snow11 of Wednesday and the resultant ndition of highways, Thursday, e closing day of the Institute, ought many new faces into the isenibly rooms at the college. In e forenoon Professor W. I.. Walls, the Patterson School, gave a num>Y of helpful suggestions about soil iprcvement and the raising of vaous c rops. Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of :aie College, and S. J. Kirby, Essnsion Agronomist, State College, ho were on the program for adaesscs in the aftemooii of-The elosg day, failed to make their ajinear?ce. dbej to unavoidable circumances, and in their stead the farm s were treated with other remarks i Mr. Niswonger, short talks by iss Coolcy, of Caldwell, and Miss i?\v, of Catawba, and a summary of . 'df. .th aL J nsfcitu t p_ bv Smith ataman, Superintendent of Wataui Schools. Mr. Hagaman summed ; the ienrBed?aR-Xnllow5M_ll )il improvement, using: legumes and her soil improving: plants- 2. A few >od sheep on every farm. ). A num;r of good hens on each farm. 4. et rid of scrub cattle. 5. Better urketing plans. 0. A good garden 1-2 acre on each farm. 7. Increase rcagc production, not acres, and jep on raising-. 8. Make at least a nail surplus of each crop. 9. Grow ,o blades of grass where we are owing: one. it is estimated by those in position know that more than one thousand Watauga's most progressive farms attended the various sessions of e institute, and the co-operation of ie people of Boono in the staging the "farm school" was practically lanimous. Plate lunches w ere rved, free of charge, to all those attendance and various other feaives of entertainment were provid1. During the three days, the farm omen held meetings for the discuson of their own peculiar problems. id many helpful things were arned. The Watauga Farm Institute will, e are informed, be an annual afar, and its inception marks a redttey day in Watauga County agrillture, IVITAN CLUB ADDRESSED BY NATIONAL SCOUT EXECUTIVE Stanley A. Harris, National Seoul xecutive, addressed members of the oone Oivitan Club at their noon-day eeting last Thursday at the Daniel oone Hotel. Mri Harris spoke of le work being done by the Floy rout organisation throughout the nited States, and stressed the inv jrtanee of a reorganization cl coating in Boone. He advised the ivitans to get behind the movement ong with the churches of the town, id to re-establish the work which a :w years ago was successfully start1 here. The meeting was attended y a large number of members, and le program, which Was a most investing one, was greatly enjoyed. HARLOTTE EDITOR HAS THANKS OF INSTITUTE The Farmers Institute last week nanimously adopted resolution; lor?kino r.olnnpl Wti/ia ArflS+svv r the Charlotte Observer, for his venty-fiye years of service in pro icting the interests of Watauga cunty. The follows "Whereas, Hon. Wade Harris, the irtinguished.. editor of the Charlotte bserver. has for twenty-five years een a promoter of every interest 1 Watauga; has written many editrials showing friendship for oui eople. therefore be it resolved irst, that we extend to him oui ppreciation unstinted; second, thai e wish for him a long, happy life.' Three hundred independent oil op rators petitioned President Hoovci thoir drive w btain tariffs of one dollar a barre n oil and fifty cents a barrel on re ined products. ViHBiBi'B' SfeSS j DEM( Best Interests of Northwt :AR0LTXA, THURSDAY, FEBRUAR Tniswonger says HOME GARDEN IS BOON TO FAMILY J State College Horticulturist Delivers | One of Most Valuable Addresses to Farmers Institute. Urges Gardening and Points Out Advantages of Raising Vegetables at Home. Discusses Destruction of Insect Pests. Mr. 11. K. Niswonger, PI x tension Horticulturist, State College, furnished one of the high-snots of the Farmers' Institute last week when he entertained tht assemblage on Wednesday afternoon with a practical and straightforward address on the growing of horticultural crops, and point! ed out the manifold benefits to lie ! secured through the family garden, i The noted horticulturist had not ad; dressed an assembly of Watauga farmers fcrr. seven years, and expressed satisfaction that in that time [ interest had increased to the extent j that 100 farmers came to the ihstij tute, while his first gathering in ' Boone numbered 2S. "You are thinking differently." he said, "because you have been opened up by your i good roads, and you have come in | closer contact with the extension rwnrlcprs'' J "You foiks arc fortunate." he von-' ; tinned. "You arc not suffering from the standpoint of feeding yourselves. You have a healthy look, i Go down east, look at those tenant; 1 farmers. They have tip color in their j faces. They have no pep and don't war,: to work. Why? Because all I the\ ca- is fathaek. greaso and grit -J and a few eollards. The negroes die ; when the collards are frozen. You j folks are not suffering. Most every j j body grows a garden, but f doubt if < j you grow enough variety of vegeta-; hies in that garden. You have cab! bage. turnips, sweet potatoes, but : you doa't have them all the year: j around. If you increase the variety of your vegetables, and eat beets. I carrots and green vegetables, which) I put the red blood in your veins and make you want to work more, it Willi give you more money. A home garden of one-half acre is worth to you.) if you have a family of five, about $225.00 Iti other words, it" you would) jiave to buy from a grocery store! what you cuuid ?aise in a garden of ) one-half acre, it would cost volt $225.00. If you do that, grow your green foods throughout the summer, and a surplus that you van preserve, you make your living, which is an important factor. "These women would like to know hr.-.Y we are to :?'i these things. In growing vegetables, you should grow them quickly to make them * crispy. Ygu v/cmen-- are?iVir.tnnn.to hero in getting your husbands to put on all that onn-hnlf novo ?ovr?ml Irvn/lc of good stable manure. You need humus in the ground* a certain amount of nitrogen. Your success depends on the amount of humus as to the texture of the subsoil. The first consideration in your home garden is your soil. You ought to grow some potatoes, some greens, different kinds, and have them throughout the ; summer; kale, winter spinach cov| erod with straw and you can cut that t green throughout the winter. Grow I asparagus, sweet corn and tomatoes. "Our food specialists have got this | record out so you can know how . much a family of five requires each ! year. They say a family of five i throughout the year, to have a :>al-; \ auced ration should cat thirty bush els of green stuff, like turnips, let1 tuee and spinach. How many of you ; do that? You will eat eight or ten I bushels of potatoes. You ought to i eat about five bushels of sweet potatoes, if you serve them every day; . one ousnei 01 neans, so many of corn. "'You should rotate your crops in I the patch. Don't put your tomatoes | and potatoes in the same place ev. ory year. They arc of the. same jt'ami ily of plants and disease follows t'uin: ily lines. Rotate your lieans. put . something else in the bean patch. ! Move our cabhasre to another part of the garden. Grow rye, Ret humus i in the ground. Your vegetables will ; be more hardy. They will resist dis! eases. A good vigorous plant will . help you in fighting pests." Jlr. Niswonger closed his remarks , with a recapitulation of the different plant diseases which the gardener must combat and a complete outline of the treatments suggested will be carried in the next issue of i The Democrat. William Howard Taft Retires From Bench . William Howard Taft resigned .Monday as Chief Justice of the Su. j preme Court of the United States. "I and President Hoover promptly apj pointed Charles Evans Hughes to .:succeed him. Despite his failing health, the sud;jden voluntary ending of the public . | career of Mr. Taft with its span of L j forty years came as a public surprise I out little more so than the selection ; of the former Secretary 01 Stale ??..! his successor. >i The resignation of the oiiiy iv?an t; to be both President and Chief Jus i tice was presented to the President 1 just before noon by a son, Robert :j A. Taft. He had brought it to Washrjington from Asheville, where Mr. : Taft had been resting for three weeks after a recurrence ot an old organic ailment. -j Accepting the resignation with re luctancc, Mr. Hoover determined to > I name a successor as speedily as pos1 sible so that there might De tne min imum of delay in handling the business of the court. v-f -e OCRJ :st North Carolina V 0. 1930 Prisoner Takes Issue With News Editc* 4 \\ liiiain Sanfuiu Jarris, Bel * I known as Watauga's "unknown I oner," who was the subject of a iu*t* .itorv appearing in last weeks Demo jrat, has voiced his objections to th< | manner in which the story was han ' died by this paper. -Jaryis, in orde to keep history and his "record' straight, sends in the following ex planatory letter: Boone, K. C. January 30, 1930. ! Mr. Bob Kivers, B< one, N. C. i Deal Sir: Will write you a few lines/in re : gard to some mistakes I noticed ii The Watauga Defocrat, concerninf Watauga's unknown prisoner. Con tiavv to prior information, I was placed in prison here on October 9th instead of September. 1 gave my name as Jerry Broad way instead of John Broadway Speaking of my identity. I was no i identified until the first of January 1930, when my father, I. L. Jarvis | of Iredell County, paid me a visit and after receiving my consent, re veaied my identity by stating thai he was very much surprised to find ! his son in orison. Sheriff Poly Wykt was una hie fro learn m v Idonfritv nn til two weeks iatei. Contrary to the forgery charge 1 am to face here during the spring I term of court, that charge has beei nolle grossed. I will be transferred U North Wilkeshoro in the near future to answer to the charge of store breaking: instead of highway robbery. The name of A. C. Watson wa> used to a bogus check here, instead of C. E. Watson. The name of Scar face A1 Capone was used once, fob lowing some acrimonious remark from the crippled officer, after hi asked me if 1 could walk to town with him. Sir Editor, I wish you would translate this mess and publish it in yom next issue. Yours respectfully. SANFORD .?ARVtS. Now that the request of William Sariford .Javvis, erstwhile the "unknown prisoner," has been complied with, the news editor of The Democrat most humbly apologiv.es for the many discrepancies made in the original story. And we thank you, William Sanfqyd. for your solicitude in , straightening us out on the tangled rddails of ynuv somewhat tangled ext istence. j Cove Creek Banner Purebred Township Recently The Democrat suggestec Thirtr - Watauga Township likely, iec the county in the number of trior ougKWed hulls imported since tin u v e* t o r-k~ movement- got u nder way reports having come from that sec tion of the purchase, of five of thi animals. Mr. Hoy Adams, of Cove Creek was in to see The Democrat Monday however, and says that in his township there are nine purebred sires, 01 almost twice as many as Wataugs has. Six of these are Herofords am I throe Shorthorns. Mr. Adams says j that the distribution of the animal' is such that the scrub in that sectior ! is now practically eliminated. MOUNTAINEERS TO PLAY ATLANTIC COL LEG I The Mountaineers of Appalachian State College will meet the Bulldog: ; of Atlantic Christian College tonigh i on the local floor in what promises t( ' be one of the hardest games of th< j local schedule. The Bulldogs have I been going at a last pace and bav< j been clawing up opposition dowi I Suite in their conference circle an< ; now lead the parade. Monday the} 1 handed Guilford a severe trouncing j and early in the season they admin istered a heating to the High Poin j Panthers, which indicates that th< ! Mountaineers will be hard pressed t< ! top the hunting. The Mountaineers, at times, hay? i flashed a fine brand of basket ball j h?t thev will have to?exfcend them 1 selves in the encounter tonighL? S. | far nothing hut hard games have pre j vailed on the schedule, and no lel-u] ; is in store for the State team, fo i a journey of twV? days will be in i itiated on Friday when they will faci I the Cullowhee team, followed hy : visit to the Bittmore floor to fan | the fast-stepping collegians from tin 1 mountain region near Ashevillo. j So far the Mountaineers have sue cessfullly repelled the invasion o j their court and have been stcaclilj j improvini: in their play which i ; somewhat new and still in the stage: J of development. However, with ev. : erv game new experience and valua . ble knowledge is being stored up fo ! the future, apd the boys should im prove. ; The games with Lenoir-Rhyne an< j High Point, leaders in the 4,Littl< | Six," were two of the best game j ever to be played oh the local cour j and victories in each encounter lead j one to believe that basket ball in thi i section is on the up-grade, j The Mountaineers will play ever; i member of the "Little Six Confer ence" on the local floor, with th ! exception of Lion college. The piei i ent schedule is the hardest ever t ! be arcempLeu Ly.tliS Mountain ccrs. i ! BUIUNG AND LOAN TO ELECT NEW BOARD OF DIRECTOR A stockholders meeting of the Wa tauga Building and Loan Associatio has been announced for Mondaj February 17, at 2 o'clock, the put , pose of the session being to elect board of directors. The meeting wi be held at the building and loan oi Ihaives building, and a full attendance i urged. sT SI.50 PER YEAR /APPALACfflA WINS : TWO GAMES FROM :| LITTLE SIX TEAMS "! Lenoir-Rhyne College Defeated b? Score of 22-17. High Point Co? lege Turned Back 29-21. Loca Team Featuring Beautiful Floor Work and Passing in Games WillConference Members. Aooaluchiaii State College defeat ! cd High Point College Monday nighj on the local floor by the score of j I 29-21. The game was fast and ox Pj citing throughout, with High Point *! maintaining the lead early in th? ~ | first half, but the Mountaineers be j gan cutting it down and 'finally, aft'' er a double foul. Canine tied the score at 14 all to end the half. In the second half O'Hare placed j the Mountaineers in the lead with a short "crip shot/' and they were never headed. At one time they Had ; a ten-point lead. Walters, at center for the Far:Withers, played a fine game on of, ; fense and defense. -Johnson was the j high-score man for High Point with j three baskets and one foul, totaling ~ I seven points. , I 0. Hiiison and Q'fiarc shared her r; ors for the Mountaineers with nine r I points each. Canipc and Pvattc 1 played a fine guarding game anil th*. \; former bagged five points. M Tile line-un: Appalachian Posit. High Pt. K. Hinson (.">> F Ludwig (2 . Carpenter (1) F_. -Johnson {1 I Canine Co) _ C? Walters (4) .J n'Hare (t?) C._._Mulligan (2 Pvatte CO _G -.Morgan (2> ; Substitutions?High Point: Aitker. (l), Tilnian (1), Finches (2). Api oakuhian: C Hinson (9). I The. Appalachian State College Mountaineers defeated Lenoir-Rhyiu College in basket hall on the local floor ors last Thursday night by the score of 22 to 17, and thereby re,; venged for the early...defeat in Iliek.; ory in January. T&g game was fast [i ami exciting, and was well playei . j throughout, featuring good passing ,: and shooting. The If ears took an ear .! i- lead and managed to hold the leaci i during the first half hour with z. jji four-point margin. The floor work I i and the shooting of Ritchie featured , for the Mountain Bears from Kickj cry. However, in the second half. ' the kjbjintaineers took the floor will I rejuvenated enthusiasm, and by dint i of some igsr pushing lied the score i at 1 I all eight minutes before the H -i _ .? ' - u?usu ot mo game. After a time-out i perior by Lenoir-Ithyae t? organise Ij their defense, the Mountaineers went 11 ito the oad with a ion*? basketball - l ie- Py ait v. Cali h>V\Vu ike 1 a! "sr.C'.V 'Miird" through the hoop to add the ,1 margin, and finally, Hinson came ith rough with a two - puinter- Vi^ili? f if teen-foot line to increase the lead to six points. Pandemonium reigned , ] in the stands as the crowd caught the , | spirit and fight of the Mountaineers. -! ;"'?l to cap the climax. C. Hinsor. turned one loose for another twoi 'jointer to give the locals a substan1 tial lead. The Hears came back strong > with a fast passing attack and cut tjdowu the lead to five points, when i Winecoff caged one from the ftooi j and followed it with a single foul I try which was good. The Mountainj eevs then played a defensive game to . j keep the lead, and the game ended j with the score 22 to 17. i Ritchie. Miller and Kisev played .! fine ball for the Bears and kept the . locals in hot water to hold the slim J margin of a lead. Pyattc, Canipe and ' G. Hinson featured for the locals ; i with some fine shots for points that "k j spelled victory, jl The line-up: j; L-*noir-Rhyne Mountaineer* . . Riser (2) K ,. K. Hinsoi: ; Lent-/. F Fovtiuei I; Ritchie (b) _C Canipe (4) l' Miller ( \) G Pyatte (C> , I Lemon (4) ?G_ _ O'Hare (3) >1 Substitutions-?Lenoir-Rhyne: Lewis. Dephines, Clohniger, Winecoff, 2. f Appalachian: C. Hinson. P. Cfimen , i ter, Livingston arid Fortiner. ' Tam Bowie Bucks New v Compensation Statute E? 1 Though Tam Bowie. Ashe Coun * ty attorney, had advised the county ft} school board to ignore the Workmer.s ft| Compensation Act. according: to Industrial Commissioner T. A. Wilson's - j statement, the commissioner Tuesday I" i ruled that the board was responsible i' for half the payment of a death claim sj recently contested before him. 5 Lloyd Parsons, a workman, was -I killed while repairing the roof of the -j Elkland Consolidated School, run r j jointly by Watauga arid Ashe counties. The first question for the comjir.issiciier .to decide was. whether or 1 not the man was legally employed ft | by a local school official. The work, S' however, was of an emergencv na 11 turc and it was necessary that it be S] done at once, Mr. Wilson found, and sj he decided that the employment was legal. S' i The Watauga School Board had -, accepted the act and tatoen out com?! pensation insurance, it was found, ? j but on tin; 1 ccoinuicdwt'.cr. o? Mr o j Bowie, the Ashe board had neither ! accepted it .or rejected >t; hut. simplv ignored it, stated Mr. Wilson with | out going into Mr. Bowie's arguments S | in behalf of this position. Dependants of the dead man were I- ] given 350 weekly payments of $7.20 n j each, and the two school boards were "> | each ordered to pay half. a Seven farmers of Carteret County 11 are fifteen hundred dollars richer -' this week through the co-operative -! .,k:H..-.er.t of 7?. lire hog- Th? h^ is'brought top prices with a total of | $1,551.18.

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