VOLUME XLl. NO. 04 1 Today and Tomorrow i By FRANK P. STOCKBR1DGE La Communists A group of Communist agitators! iried to hold a public meeting on the. rVe'ps of New York City's Hall the :ther day. They had neglected to ftain a permit for a public meeting I nd the police dispersed theni. They {-r iught tile police and some of them11M hroicen heads. Many half-baked thinkers see in that episode an ex. triple of tyranny. It was rather an example of the(J'n ommunists' lofty disregard for all 'll ie laws of civilized nations. Their! ln cord in Russia proves that their Pr -hole scheme of government is more >'. "rannieal than the worst of the j nc Czars. Every American citizen hasj^*0 ne right to agitate for a change in [m ne laws of the Constitution itself.1 '?? -here is no place in America forj hose who teach disobedience to the!"1. :.\v. ! lei Overproduction The best short phrase descriptive ga farming conditions was coined by i gr ;-.ie Secretary of Agriculture in a ; lasradio talk the other day. "Blind pio-'thi action for an unknown demand." ch v.ere Mr. Hyde's words. Every farm- j "C - has experienced the evils of over- sai odiution. The pendulum swings too; pr *.v each way. One year a short crop; mi -zings high prices; the next year pi" - cry farmer produces more of thatjtai mmodiiy and the markets are glut- : eh i?l at low prices. i in; For the first time in history inteil- its ent stops are being taken by our Government to keep farmers from nu mpetingv with each other and to; Nc compel them to work together to I St; ntrol production and to make farm- till ir.fT a profitable business for all en-j tui -a aged in it. j sit Mr. Hyde is right in saying that the j pa tanners of America face in the com-lies ? 'g .years as stern a test as ever faced j to :: r forefathers. in Civilization t ,','f Human progress consists in the j stsi multiplication of human wants and'oil the means to supply the new i pij needs. The man who wants nothing! on we call a savage. He is at liberty to i th< live in the wilds and enjoy life in j tin his own way. The process we call j He, civilization consists in tempting the \ a savage with commodities which ap-i pf neal to him so that he will exchange | of his labor for them. ' ga The next step is to teach him to \ ' W wank things so badly that he is wUl-j inc * ing to live under the rules of the lie community where they are to be had. mi The trouble-with. raanv folks in tei America today is that they " want Coi things without being willing to pay D the prices either in labor or in obed- He ience to the community law. The pQ old law*of the Pilgrim Fathers, "He | tec wtin .?? ? ?vTiR Mia not eat is j as not sufficiently enforced. Too many j sot parents are letting their hoys and: girls "have a good time" instead of' ^yil going lo work when they have fin- j no ished school. It is from this irre-[ na sponsible leisure class that most of the the criminals develop, according to ; the Police Commissioner of New, eh; ^ ork. I ins chi Nobility ar< In 11)13, when the unrest in the; tol Ha)kaiis was already threatening cer,_':th< tral Europe with vague mutterings j eri of the Groat War which began the j| u next year, Frederic C. Penfield. the \ American Ambassador to Austria- 5 Hungary, attended a tea-party "at 1 ? Kuda-Pest, given by the Archduchess j A Maria Theresa and attended by ma -1 nv of the highest of the Hungarian nobility. "If you were all to he deprived \ of your" titles, estates and fortunes, j As what would you do," Mr. Penfield {las asked. 1 bb There iv'oc tiinnnft /. ?* i ? CO Oiivtivc & KJI iX 1111111111' or | 'I'1 two. Then the archduchess answer- est 'T do not know what we would do, bu hut I can tell you one thing we would 1 tio not do." she replied. "We would not; thi complain.'* ; C? The Tnari who fold tne of the inoi-; iri f dent was one of the noblemen at'Pe that party. He has a good job in1 ve: New York and only a few intimates know that he has a high title and a great estate in his native Hungary.; no Like the rest, he lost all, but he does co not complain. The Archduchess was \ Ava i ight. They are taking their medicine thi and smiling at the dose. That is true' wi nobility. ! ou lig Thrift th( Savings deposits throughout the I di< nation are showing an upward trend j ho again. They were considerably de-1 pleted for a while, money being with OI drawn tor stock speculation. Liftinsurance investments are steadily | climbing. Henry Ford was right when he said j W that most men should not deprive j fo themselves under forty in order to s to save. The old idea that thrift means | th< livinor o chiwfo/l ? " ? - me hi youtn in wi order to eke out narrow and bare ex- Mi istence in c5lcl age has gone the way be of the twelve-hour day and the ox- he team. Every worker today has a sur- th olus over normal living costs out of he which a small percentage ol' savings ab will insure comfort in later years. In ; the meantime. Americans are fortu-; in) nate in being able to enjoy a wide! an range of luxuries while still laying j t.ei something bv. ! Dt ? i A ROYAL ARCH MEETING in) There wll be a meeting of Wa-; er tanga Chapter, Royal Arch Masons,, in the Masonic Hall next Tuesday! Mi . night at 7 o'clock. Officials insistj ta A upon a full attendance. j da rATAl A Non-Partisan Ne\ BOONE 1ERCKANTSASSN. ^ ?0RMED BY LOCAL BUSINESS MEN: jo irge Crovd Attends Organization. it Meeting. B. F. Siler Makes Strong i Plea for Support of Home-Owned Stores, and Flays Practices of Mail. 'J Order Houses Temporary Officers'o Appointed and Committees Named, j n ; a Between seventy-five and one bun-! a ed merchants of Watauga County, d senVbled at the courthouse in Boone, h >t Thursday evening for the pur-jo ?i' of formtiig an ir.dependent m'er-: M ants Association. The large audi- i B ce was composed ox representative; p sines- men from every community si Watauga, and unusual interest j a availed throughout the session. ' it Mayor R. S. Swift explained the \ si cessity of organization among in- tl Ipcr.dcnt merchants, and told of the j u iny bene fits to he derived bv from si fa\ co-operation. Following these <-'i marks, he introduced the speaker the evening, Mr. B. F. Siler. of rij iza both ton, Ten n., who spoke at h ligth. using as his theme 'Loyalty ;v the Home .Merchant." C Mr. Siler, who is known as a? or-: 11 nizcr of much ability, told of the w invih of chain stores during thejh it tv-n J"5SFo aim warneci 01 the | iv real they offer to independent nier- j ri ants the country over. In true j n >ld Man" Fienderson fashion, he as-j M ile?l their "monopolistic" trade b actices, averring that the "home ? H'Chant contributes to home enter- ii isos, supports the schools, main- j tj ns streets and roadways, while the j a' ain store, often without a dollar h .ested in real property, reaps prof-1 which justly belong: to him." ? The speaker dwelt for a few mounts on the splendid citizenship of rtli Carolina, stating: that this ute ranks second in the Union for :? number of professional men it j l; ins out ot its colleges and univer-i^j ies. He stressed the necessity of j rents leaching their c-iiiiftren the J. sen of loyalty and the advantages e', be reaped by keeping their money p local trade channels. ?] t urning to maii order houses; tins nnessee organizer attacked the ality of goods handled by theni,!a. iting that their low prices were1,],! en made possible by the fact that! ison-niade clothing, mill ends, see-, ^ ds and irregulars were carried in j >ir stocks and dispensed at "cut-jlf. oat" rates to an unsuspecting pub-;t"c . Mr. Silei closed his remarks with L.( plea for co-operation on the part a, efteh and every citizen in the task f putting over a strong working or- ^ nization of home merchants. Following the address, a brief busiss. session was held, at which time! ward Mast was appointed tempo-jt. \V president, and IJnvd S nporary secretary. A by-laws and | pj nstiUltion committee cbmpuseu pi f p J. Cottrcll, W. H. Gragg Filbert j ^ ilshouser and T. L. Mast was ap- j inted: also an advertising commit-j t.{ >. The organization is to be known j q the Independent Merchants As- r nation of Watauga. J p Whether or not the association 11 establish a credit department has f. t been learned. Those who took ^ it in the organization state that n, ? chief purpose of the association to enable the independent mer-; 0] mts of the county to do mass buy- : w r, thus aiding them to compete with aj ain store prices on certain staple |c. :ieles. , t) A permanent organization will he | g, nied at a meeting Friday night in hi ) courthouse, when officers for the! v< suing year will be elected. The j ,, blic is invited to the meeting which !1 begin at 7 o'clock. j y she County to Appeal In Lloyd Parsons Casel-f hidpre T. C. Bowie, attorney for j 1! he County, stated in an interview j M t week that an appeal will proba- ; a; ue lutcen ii rne industrial Com- j g< ssion allows compensation in thej oi se of Lloyd Parsons, who was j pi led while working: on a school I ilding at Todd last year, intima- 01 n was made in the press last week a \t under a ruling: of the Supveme oi urt, J.he commission v. ill proceed j y< -the case and probably Grant com-1 <1 nsation to the family of the j01 ased. i t? Judge Bowie contends that negli-jir nee must be shown and there was i st evidence to show that the school j C rnmittee which employed Parsons; ii is negligent- in this case. He is of d? ? opinion that the Supreme Court w 11 stick to its former ruling:, reiving: that the plaintiff prove neg-j J, ence. Parsons was injured in a fall from ! J. ? roof of the school building and i id the following day in a Lenoir j spital.?Ashe County Journal. -D-TIME RESIDENT OF BOONE PAYS BELATED VISIT S C Rev. P. C. Holsclaw and son, R. J fi of Hendersonville, were in Boone I n r a short while Friday, en route! v Sutherland, Ashe County, where" jB ey will spend some days visiting i p <-L *-? hi hiu uiuusier s sister, Mrs. .J. 1.. si unday. The trip to this section was casioned by Mr. Holsclaw having c; avd from his sister a few days ago. V e first time in forty years. Until d received the letter, her place of p ode was unknown to him. zi Rev. Holsclaw was in Boone dur- ci : the days when Messrs. Spainhour R d Hill were the local school mas- ti rs, and he and the editor of The ri mocrat were schoolboys together. I a pleasant hour was spent in listen- j o g to the reminiscences of the rev- i h end gentlemtn. p After a visit in Ashe County, the a essrs. Holsclaw will return to Wa- ? uga where they will spend some f vg visiting with other relatives. t; . is JStawsr - JGA vspaper, Devoted to the . . WATAUGA, COUNTY. NORTH Cj Vill Liberate Covey Of Mexican Ouail Mr. C. H. England. State Gamej harden. was in Boone Thursday: ight. going over with local sports-:; ten and wardens the possibilities of [innervation work in this section and lying future plans for the propagaotvof wlcl life in Watauga County. Mr. England tells the Democrat iiat he is well pleased with the copulation being accorded the depart-? lent from all sections of the Stat?) nd thinks that the fish and game j re enjoying unprecedented repro-j uction. Within the next few weeks, e says. twenty-five to thirty pairs f Mexican ouaii will be liberated in ds county to fuse with the native ob While. Practical tests have! roven that this bird, although some mailer than the native stock, is of hardier breed and the in termi filing of the two strains produces a trongor and a larger bird than eiler. Notable results have been cbiined in all sections of the State nee the introduction of the new spe- j ies. i I According to Mr. England, the; ng-neckcd pheasants are to be atche.d throughout the State this' [ear. Eggs may be secured from the onservation Department by those | itcvested, provided they agree thatj hen hatched the pheasants be a'l-j >v. ?l to stray into hunting regions.; . f.r. ITngland had considerable cxpe-i ?1? *- 1 1 viiw in jiiiLosaiii raising wRen sec-; tary to the late Claude Kifcchm in; fashington. He says that the young:! irds are fulls as easy to raise as the rdinary breed of chickens and eas ;r than the Leghorn arid similar | pes. Eggs for hatching are avail-: ble to those interested, as well as'J terature on the subject. L~' iuilding and Loan in Stockholders Meeting The majority of stock in the Wa- ] luga Building and Loan Associa- 1 on was represented in person or by j roxy when thcl&tockholdcrs of that VsiiGTiion vamo "together m ;? marl 1 ^thusiastic session Monday after- i i)on,- transacted routine business and lectcd the hoard of directors for the resent year. 1 A report of the last year was read tui approved and satisfaction was npressed at the progress of the As- \ elation during the past and a do- ' dm illation was voiced to make 193$ ' le most promising year of its ox* tonce. .Ml the olu hoard of <lii ecu's were unanimously re-elected, ex- : ?pt J. P. Hodges, who having moved ivay was replaced by Ft. T. Gvccy; he following gentlmeen will conduct le affaii*s of the Association during io year, their vocations being Ks.cd 5 i give an idea of the stability.of the ' navel: G. P. Hagaman, cashier Wa- ' iiiga County Bank; C. M. Critehor, ] *-sheriff and furniture deader; R. L. 1 ingluun. superintendent of the State 1 arm; L. A. Greene, vice-|)iesiderit 1 TltaUgn County Bank; \V. L. Hols Duser, merchant; \V. W. Mast, I! iairmail hoard of directors Watauga ounty Bank, merchant and farmer; . T. Greer, chairman Board of v.% vuiiiMiiMiuaciA, a on11 u.. i * rown, lawyer; Grady Farthing}!1 irmor and coal dealer; 13. J. Cot- * ell, merchant, and \V. 1). Farthing,VI lerchant. ; This hoard of directors must pass 1 ii every loan before it is made and ; ill safeguard to the best of their 1 lility every dollar entrusted to their 1 ire. Associating officials feel that 10 past record of the institution, to- 1 2ther with the high personnel of the ' oard, will justify the continued fa- '> 11* and loyal support of the citizens * t' Watauga County. 1 1 RGE LARGER COLLECTIONS FOR THOMASVILLE HOME o the Baptist Sunday Schools of hree Forks Association. 1 am in receipt of a letter from r. Kesler, general manager df the 1 [ills Home (Thomasville Orphan- i ?e) in which he is making an ur- \ feiit appeal for us to increase our ace a month collections for the or-1 ' hanage. I quote him as follows- ? l ''Unless we can move up a little : a .our once a month collections, we te going to be in a serious finan- < al condition at the close of the ear. We are nearly twelve thousand I liars in debt when we should be 1 1 lit of deuc, with something in the ?easnry. This is serious, but noth- j' ig like as bad as conditions are with ' >me other institutions. In South arolina, for instance, they are send-; ' 10- back* children to relatives in i to save themselves from an over- * helming debt. "We are having more applications .ADIES' NIGHT TO BE THE BOONE CIVIT "Ladies' Night" is to be observed;? aturday, the 22nd, by the Boone ivjtan Club; when wives and "girl i riends" of members, along with a 1 umber of especially invited guests, 1 ill be entertained at the Daniel oone Hotel. The banquet, which is lanned to he elaborate, will be irved at 7:80 o'clock. Among the guests will be the prinipals of the four high schools of ; anu vm; mrec stu- ; ents from each school who have ' repared the best essays on "Citi- ? ensnip" in Civitan Internal lOum's t on test, sponsored locally by the loone club. During the evening's en- j < irtainment the twelve essays will be] sad and judged as to perfection by j committee composed of members j i f the Ashe County Civitan Club, i eaded by Ira T. Johnston. Gold!: lizes of $10, $5 and ?2.50 will be; warded the writers of the three 1 inning papers. The essay winning] irst prize is to be forwarded to Civi-!. *n International, where it will be ] DEM< ' - * Best Interests of Northwc \ROUNA, THURSDAY, I'RBRUAU HOSPITAL PLANS 1 GO FORWARD AT NORMAL COLLEGE Present Plans Call for Completion of $55,000 Structure this Summer. New Laundry Building and Basemen! at Demonstration School Will Complete Building Activities at State College for Year. iftr. R. F. Coffey, resident engineer at the Normal College, i now making preliminary plan.- for the construction oi" the State and community he?pita] as authorized l>y the last session of the Legislature. ft will be remembered that S2b,000 vas set aside by the assembly as the nucleus of the hospital fund and the effort is being made to have that amount supplemented by a substantial donation from the Duke Endow merit fund. An application has been made and favorable afction is expected early enough that work may be started on the structure by the time spring [weather opens up. The building is expected to be of modern brick and fireproof construction and will cost approximately 000. Necessary equipment, it is said, may be secured tor about * io.OOOi and the nlant will be thoroughly modern in every respect. L present plans materialize the building will be ready for occupancy next summer. Under the terms of the bill . izing the .hospital, the institution will! be conducted strictly as a community benefit, and no, profits from it? operation are to be sought. It is to be open to the residents of this section. as well L" , .. to L1IV CWTCpC StuJents and fees arc to bt* based u pO.U actual costs of operation. The spring building program at thej college also calls for a new laundry | which is. to be erected as a part of the building bousing the heating and j power plants. The new structure will j be of brick, one story high and will i cost abouir SS.OOO. No new Jnundrv] 2?piipmer.t will be added this year. Ml*. Coffex. will begin soon the j work of excavating for the basement muler the Demonstration School building. ThO space thus provided will be used for seven classiooms, a! gymnasium, and some space will he left over for general basement purposes. The cost of htis project will be about $5,000. STUDENTS OF BLOWING ROCK SCHOOL TO PRESENT PLAYS 'Ms Three oo^-ay-l com dies .wili be ?ivei\ by the students of the fllowin?r Rock High-School in the,Blowing flock Highftchool audltornfm oh "Saturday evening. The public is cordially nvited to enjoy the comedies and :he stunts between, guaranteed to >rovoke In "A Bargain's a Bargain," the ?iayers will he Misses Lois KlutzC Margaret Sndderth, .Mae Tester; Duke Bolick, Bynum Teague and William Lent/. In "Mrs. Mason's Poodle" the girls of the tenth grade u*e the actresses; and in "Jerry"-he pranks of a fun-loving hoy perpetrated on his sister and her absent-minded professor, all brought to n happy ending by Aunt Huldah's arrival?the players are Virginia Coffey. Elizabeth Walters, Lemuel Dragg and Omer Coffey. These plays art the first of a series of public entertainments which will he given at intervals, ending with graduation on May 2. Funds from :ho plays, to which admittance is 25 and 15c, will be used in meeting expenses of the school for which no State or county funds are available. GRADY FARTHING SELLS INTEREST IN COAL YARD Mr. H. Grady Farthing, one of the principal owners and founder of the Cash Coal Company, has sold his interests in the business to J. Walter Winkler, who has been associated with him in the enterprise since its beginning. Mr. Farthing releases himself from the coal business, in order be able to devote the major part .?f his time to farm activities. iio\Vr than ever before, certainly the r.cfc c):itrfjisiRgr type. If \v?? chnuhl; lave to cut^clown, it will he at the xpense of a great deal of suffering. Let me urge that.'-we do our best [luring the next.few Sundays to relieve the situation and help these .hildren he comfortable. I. G. GREER, Moderator, Three Forks Association. OBSERVED BY A.N CLUB SATURDAY entered in National competition. It is understood that names will be removed from the essays, and numbers substituted, thus avoiding even Lhe suggestion of partiality in the iudrrinjr. The speaker of the evening. Ira T. lohnston, of Jefferson, will discuss 'George Washington? the Citizen." Mr. Johnson has gained an enviable reputation as an after dinner speaker and those who attend the Indies' Night banquet will undoubtedly be delighted by his discourse. Other features of the program, ivhieh is to be .rendered under the direction of President G. P. Hagamf n. include music by Blanche Smith's Orchestra, and vocal selections by the Boone Colored Quartet. A round of "stunts" has also been arranged by the program committee, which promise to provoke much laughter. About seventy-five persons have signified their intention of attendhospital.?Ashe County Journal. OCRJ ;st North Carolina Y 20. 1930 Marion Reese Dies In JtSoone Sund Mr. Marion Reese. prominent | izen of the Beaver Dam sect i passed away at his home in Bo 1 Sunday, fpFowincr <l-> illness of m; ! vyeelus' duration. Funeral serv ! were conducted from the Bap Church at Mountain City, Tenn., 1 Monday, and interment was in ; cemetery in that city. Deceased 1 i OS years old. Mr. Reese was a native Tent scan, having been horn and rea iii Mor.i,tain City. Many years he moved into the Beaver Dam ? i tion, wliere he was a prosper farmer, having amassed a considf i ble fortune, as fortunes are rat um! in this action. He >v?s a mi j her of the Baptist Church, was ' Odd Fellow, and was ever active all worth-while affairs of his c< nuinity. county and state. He 1 never married, and is survived one brother. \V. F. Reese of Ilei ar.d one sister, Mrs. OHie Madi of Fennsyivania. and a large rJ ber of nieces and nephews. Under the terms of a will wh was probated Monday, it is lead mat M,uuu was left to In; used ; the Baptists of Mountain City i their present church-building" f gram. $500 was set aside for ; fencing and 7--b???,rtificaimn ....of... ! Reese graveyard in Mountain C: I and the real estate, consisting three different farms, is to be di\ ed between the near relatives. With the passing of Mr. Etc Watauga County has lost otic of finest and most substantial citizen Doughton Is Fighting For Veterans' Reli Hon. R. L. Dough ton. member Congress from this district, is who heartedly supporting- the Rankin b for the compensation of (bsah World War veterans, in order tl the soldiers who cannot be reel nixed under the present law, may compensated on account of injur i vreiv'uhBjVlr._Pouo:bt??n---!eels .tl the measure referred to offers 111 I promise of the much-sought reli It was drafted by Hon. John E. It: kin. member of Congress from IV sissippi, who is a member of the Co I mittee on World War Veterans L i Slat ion. A letter received by I j Doughton from his colleague will 1 of "Dear Mr. Doughton: "Please accept my thanks for y< j kind letter of recent date pledg I your support to the Rankin Rill, R. 7825, for the relief of our i compensated disabled veterans of World War, and also for your pearanee in person before the c< millet- urging the passage of j measure. "This is the bill the hoys \yn Letters, petitions and telegrams pouring in every day from the men -of -North Carolina ? every other State in the Union, u ~ing that Congress pass ttli> bill > mediately and do justice to these j compensated disabled veterans of | World War who have been so le | neglected? | "Other bills have been inirodm | by members of Congress touching riotis phases of this question. M; ! of them have been intverdueed | doubt in good faith, but many of I rtViWvviiV. ?vw?%. disabled, believe thai a great mi of these bills are merely introdut i.y members who -are at heart opp ing the Rankin hill, or rather opp | ing it under pressure from the 'hi i er-nps,? and are seeking an alibi I their eonduct. Petitions have to ! fo me from North Carolina w ! thousands of names signed to th . urging the passage of the Rankin | and protesting against the atxeni now being made to side-track it other legislation less meritorious "It is, therefore, more than gi ] ifying to me to have your leti i coming out like a man and suppt | ing.whole-heartedly this measure the relief of uncompensated vet ans. I am not surprised to rece : your communication, i have been i the Veterans Committee ever si it was organized, and I know t ' you have always manifested the ke i est interest in all legislation t | tended to do justice to our ex-sc ice men. "Assuring you of my very ki est regards .and best wishes, 5 j thanking you again for your siipj of this measure, I remain "Sincevelv your friend. JOHN E. RANK I ( Editors NoU?A misundersta ing in Watauga has grown fr the publication of the bill as in1 duef'd by Congressman Priiehayd, publican, last week. The Demot ! did not wish to leave the impress that the measure was passed?fo ! lias not been?and so far as is km has never been reported out of ! committee.) ;LOCAL EDUCATOR ATTENDS SPRUCE PINE CONFEREN Professor S. F. Horton, princi di the Cove Creek High School. " j a guest at a banquet given last W nescjay evening at the Topliff He | Spruce Pine, when high school p j finals and superintendents from j over this mountain section gathe for the purpose of forming an org ization, designed for the developm of student personality. Mt. Hoi was named a member of the ext Jive committee of the tentative VI j si?r.a!iH' Conference," which "will } { a session in Newland on March S. Nashville. Tenn.?Thomas Hen* 1 son. chairman of the state democr executive committee, has issue" statement in which he said that * ' Hoover democrats will be welcoi back into the partv fold and wil permitted to participate in the fo coming August primaries." Tenne. went lor Hoover in the lost presi< tial election. VT 53.50 PER YEAR 'I REE HUNDRED" ay ! RMERS ATTEND ? 4 MCCO MEETING any a ices 'tdst; Ab _2 on, Va., Warehousemen Aeon < a Enthusiastic Audience of the 1 uga Men on Growing and jSVas ? eting of Burley. Free? Seed l_ _?buted. Large Acreage EilCi> pected to Be Planted to Weed, red Mure than three hundred Watauga ous! ^airrlpr? w-<'' are interested in the >ra_ growing of tobacco, coming from ev ?as-' ery sccf-*or- county, met in the ; couithouso in Boone last Saturday at^l at 2 o'clock p. for the purpose of hearing a number of addresses by toI hacconists from Virginia and Tenjm Lvasj ncsseey ;>v : i. \ . \V ells, vice-president of a fco:&CI_ hacco warehouse in Abingdon, Ye,., on. cJ.-o an official of the Norfolk and am- *V?stern Railroad, v. as introduced, i:auituiMii- me purpose c? ilch meeting, told the audience how ned +-? ban&JB and market the crop, by Civdo B. Austin, president of one in > f the bin Warehouses at Greenevilie, >ro- Term., followed Mr. Wells on the prcthe The speaker went into the dethei tails of preparing the plant bed. the ityV! preparation of roil, planting, cul of vatiori, curing and marketing of the rid- crop lie stated that tobacco for .the farmers of Watauga County sse,j would be a good cash crop, as a side her; line, but did not think it wise to is. attempt production on a large scale, certainly not until the farmers had ! learned the business. His advice was that each interested person plant gf j about one acre. Tobacco. Mr. Austin stated, has n; made on a ten-year average about (lt." j -S250 per acre. The farmers were ill j much interested in the speaker's dis]0(j i cussion, as was indicated by the many u?| i questions from every part of the au{-,7r. dience. be I C. B. Vann. another Greenville lcs warehouseman; Mr. Cozart, Abinghat! don warehouseman, and I. Baker, ost; agricultural field agent oL Lhe Ixoref. j folk and Western Railroad.*\vere also an-i present. lis-', A large number of tobacco seed ui- packets were sold to the farmers folSff-; lowing the meeting, and a quantity dr. i of tobacco literature distributed. he If the tobacco crop, which i< practically a new venture for Watauga, turns out as well as the first meot>U1* ing, predictions are that the harvest i?g, will be bountiful. H- _ , r? ?. - the ] rsoone f iremen Extend mi- Thanks to Blowing Rock hinj One of tli" most enjoyable- occa|n; | sions o? the w inter season was a reU1.C j ception tendered thai Boone Fire Decx" pnrtment by the Blowing; Rock Fire ! Department >? the Blowing Rock y^' ! town hull on Tuesday night, the lotii !,n" i inst. The entire fire company, with jVl~ | a number of the ladies of the town, * ^ j Mayor and ex-Mayor, were present, >a" ! saying- and doing everything: possible . j to make the occasion enjoyable for c?'| the Boone boys. A line chicken dinva~ | ne.v was served to the queen's tuste? ln-' \ and, better still, to the tire fighters' taste, Jhe' ^ .genuine good time was enjoyed ' by the Boone hoys, which they sinanm-omni.. .,?a u>. L-eu ! T.*?T - "'^1 "V vi.cav pitrs*lOS_ i ents want to express to the Blowing: lt)s_. Bock fire brigade, the good women, 5 Blowing: Rock band and citizens of forithe town, appreciation for the me i ith Blowing: Bock has a well-equipped iem fire de part mm it emi loyal life fightBilliprs, backed up by the town poverr.pts'i nfeiit' and good citizens to the limit, for Our boys returned to Boone at a late hour and had just arrived home when *at- they were aroused by a file alarm :er, in Boone. Eyeiy man was immedi>r? lately at the scene of what promised furl to be the worst fire ever suffered in ;er-' Boone. A call feu Blowing Rock's ivejfire department was immediately oh i wired. In less than twenty minutes nee from the call they rushed their enhat pipe to our city and were ready io en-1 play their hose on the five that hat i threatened to wipe out the entire rrv- j business ^section of the tov\ n. Our city feels under lasting oblind-1 gatibn to Blowing Rock for their inihd valuable aid. Roys, when you need ibrt! ^ ' ; will hum. BOONE FIRE DEPARTMENT S n(i PRINCESS CAFE PASSES TO NEW OWNERSHIP [><._ The Princess Cafe, which for some. rat iiiuc nas oeen operated by a Mr. ;ion Whotstine. has changed hands. Mrs. r 'John Greer and Roger -VW MeGuire >\vn! heihg the new operators. The prestlie I evl- owners have thoroughly remodi eled the interior of the restaurant [and had their formal opening: yesteri day. Mrs. Greer and Mr. MeGuire iCE I have had much experience in similar [pa] lines of business, and \l is expected svas that the cafe will enjoy a fine pated > r?nage under their managership. tel.' ,irj DIE IN ALCOHOL EXPLOSION all J Elizabeth, N. .7. Feb. 1 J).?Five :red i workers were killed and 60 were ran-' injured, more than a score critically lent in a gas explosion at the alcohol ton j plant of the Bayway refinery of the jcu- Standard Oil Company. Many of the ?er- j injured were burned about the face midland hand<s j?r?d doctors feared some would lose their eyesight, j The blast was caused by a ruprler-ituie of a gas line. The escaping gas a tic I coming from a maze of coiled pipes \ a on the property, was carried by the 'the wind to a forge full of glowing coals med used for heating rivets for workmen I be engaged in new construction nearby, rth- Several of the injured men said a sseo sheet of blue vapor could be seen Jen- escaping from the alcohol plant just before the explosion.

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