TWO ilLUONS ARE NOV AVAILABLE TO TH! AMERICAN FARMEf Resource of Federal Intermedia! Credit Bar.ks Hardly Touched a Yet. Practical Relief Available t Every Farmer in tbe United State Who Will Take Advantage of Ur cle Sam's Fund. By CALEB JOHNSON Special Writer for The Democrat We have heard a jrreat deal abo; the Fi\e Hundred Million 'Dollar which the Federal Farm Beard ha at its disposal with which t? : inane co-operative marketing. W. heat v."-\ little these day about the Six Hundred and S>xt Million Dollars which the Federal Ir term^djaie Credit Banks arc authoi ized to lise for tinanei:'.^ individuj farther*. Here '* practical relief avaiinY to every 'aimer in the United Stat' who ca - take advantage of it. y? so little is known about it b\ faro ers centrally that there are -til $585,0(10,000 of this credit availaY. That is $85,000.00 1 more than T.h Farm Board has at its command. Within a few reasonable limits Liviu, ?xn\ uuuici . an,} wnri c, wj;s? va demonstrate that he can make pre ductive asc of more capita) than n has on hand, can borrow money fror the United States Government in t\v different ways, and by combining with his neighbors to iorm a co-opt; ative marketing association, unde the recent Farm Board lav*. be ca borrow in a third way All this has been told time an again, but there are still tens o thousands of small farmers who e thor do not know it >1 who have no clearly understood how to go abou getting the use ccf these funds. First, there is the Federal Fan: Loan Board, which supervises the operations of thi* Federal Land Bank.and those banks lend money on you land and improvements, taking a firs mortgage, at 5 ?>er cent, interest a sebuiity and giving you. if you wis it as long as fory years in. which t pa' off the mortgage in annual in stalments These loans are made on I for the purpose of making definit improvements to the property, sue as draining and ditching, fencing buildings and such other improve nfents as become part of the re;i estate and increase its value, an ?i ? _. - > - -- iffip art- 11 mi tean' <3 the improved value :\s determined b iocal appraise i s. But that sort of longtime nuntj gage borrowing *1??o? not meet th need of the farmer who could g into livestock 'eedir.?:. for example or dairying if he only had mo he. enough with which to make the necessary initial invest incut in calfk i nws. sheen >r htfgS. For those em other farmers who require help ti financing: their crop .seasons between planting and marketing, the- Federa Intermediate Credit system stand ready to help anil Help liberally. ! na-ntipn iVtsuing and dairying he' cause those are .wto lines of agri culture which are as yet not over crowded, - in which the Gove rumen "^ believes there is a go?>'d future, am in which the security in the shape o livestock is tangible and ea.-il; checked. The fanner with corn i? the bin, wheat in the elevator, cottoi or tobacco in the warehouse or an} other staple farm commodity whici he is holding far a better market c;u *ah? o borrow from the Intermed:ak Credit Hanks. He docs not make tin ioan directly, hut through a ioca agricultural credit corporation; aiu if there is no such local credit cor Bporalion in his vicinity, he can gel other farmers, town bankers anc :\\ ere bants, to join in organizing oiu for the benefit of the whole community. liow these loans are made has been described sq well by Mr. George M Wijb'oi*, presideni of the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of feuifr \:ille, My., which makes such ' aos ir Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennesseej. that 1 shall qxiote Idr. Wfiber's concise statement on the sub{get, f mav ariil thoi Yf ? Afrsrw..,.. himself a practical farmer, ami foi years ape-rated one of the- largest ami most successful sheep farms ir Ohio. "Intermediate Credit BatiK loans are designed r.o fi? the gap between farm mortgage loans and short term commercial loans, and to provide the worthy farmer with needed working capital at favorable rates." says Mr. Wilber. ''Such loans, however, are not made directly to the farmer but through banks, credit corporations and properly set up co-operative associations. Sin - "the 'twelve lnelrmc< ate Credit Banks now functioning throughout the "special notices FOR SALE?Four oid-fashoined hanc looms, fully equipped. For infor mation see Mrs. Arthur Mast, a1 V&lle Qrucis. N. C. It STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE?Re tail or wholesale. J. 1. Hickman Hudson, N. C. 5-8-5 SALESMEN WANTED?For Watau ga, Ashe and Alleghany Counties " North Carolina, who can delive the goods, for the best sellinj Steam Way Washing Machine Sells for $30.00. A money make for the right man. Must have ear Write me. Box 206, Mountain City Tenn. W. C. ALLEN. 4-17-4 Dr. C. B. Banghman, Bye, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist, Johnsoi City, Tenn., will be in the office o1 Dr. J. B. Haeaman in Boone, on th, first Monday in each month for th? practice of his profession. 10-17-t BABY CHICK BARGAINS?On Ap ril 29th and for month of May, wi offer our very best quality chick at $12.50 per 100. Barred an< White Rocks, ft. I. Reds. Stati supervised, blood tested. Write u or phone your order to 120. Th. Wilkes Hatchery, North Wilkes boro, N. C. 4-24-4t | A Motlcrn Helen ^ ' M v > . Vu;. 1.1^ \UiJ ? . ]cf' i ri\iv i I < I reeks > America to he the most per-' : iy|i< hofii m the ; U. S . rivalling the tamed Helen oi t| T i ntry, under the same management i a> each of the twelve Federal Land e Banks, hundreds of co-operatives and t agricultural credit corporations have .-( taken advantage of the opportunity ill for obtaining financial aid for their i- member^ and bringing a measure of ej prosperity to their respective comn i munities. iThe organization of an agriculgjturai credit corporation for the spe-} cific purpose of discounting farmers* i- j notes given for agricultural purposes n wan intermediate credit Banks can he eii'ecfed with but little effort d on the part of any interested group, f You draft corporation papers (model form will be sent you upon request) t spo.-if lying perty statements and -> i approveort v : > " ?>! - ?* ; loan requested; all notes, statements . mortgages, of eo .rst\ must havo ?,l&he approval fo your credit corpora ;j lion ami the Intermediate Credit ! Bank before loan is granted, uj The present rate of interest for loans obtained from the Intermediate s ?"retin Bank in Louisville is ;> per t. Loans are made to run from -IsJx months to three years, depending .j'on the kind of commodity offered. di: corporations may charge not ? Lvi exceed 2 per cent. < 2 1 -^percent, vj i on livestock loans) above" cost of r j ihortfcy ot them, j '"Federal Intermediate C r < d i t - i Banks are particularly adapted for 1 the making of dairy loans, being aufr I thbrr/ed to ledjscouht farmer's notes ! ,-vrUivd by dairy cows and to accept , monthly payments upon such notes. . Payments may begin with the first . month after purchase, due credit for j i interest and principal being allowed, i Thus purchasers of dairy herds are . placed in the very favorable posi^ "The Rats Around My Place Were Wise," Savs John! "Tried everything to kill them. Mixed poison with meal, meat, cheese, i etc. Wouldn't touch it. Tried RATSWAP. Inside of ten days got rid jof all rats." You don't have to mix RAT-SNAP with food. Saves fussing, tther. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP, j lay it where rats scamper. - You will : c-'";',"'' sli!cs- ? >< . use. n'7,r-' C,ul ?'!ara?feed by Boone X'u' Company, Boone; ilo.Ws Drue - ornnany, Boone - D. P. Coffey, Blowmg. JrCociv; t? ___ __ ; . j #j to Good X y Grooming Q r 0 Lavender, that old time O ' ft fragrance, brings new ft r X charm to these modern X X toiletries, refreshing Lan- J > O glois Lavender Toliet Wa- D 0 'er' f'ne Langlois Talcum, ft , A cooling Mentholated Shav- ft > X ing Cream and other es- X f sential toilet goods. Sold ? 2 y only at Rexall Stores. Q O Boone Drug Co. Q 5 ft The Store ft B 0 BOONE, N. C. Q r 3L a|THg WORVP^TAWGEST^oSAnTo?^ THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E I 23HB5SE IS3I tion'oi' being able to pay for such herds from the proceeds of their dairv products. "*ln the case of the farmer raising, breeding, fattening or marketing livestock, the Intermediate Credit Hank loan is especially attractive at the present time. Though this sound Jiir.sscirtg plan ne may-oLta t n ca?]i to buy feeding cattle, hegs and sheer at prices now decidedly favorable. He will profit as the livestock industry profits and, according to R- Q. Smith, secretary of the Ohio Livestock Cooperative Association, 'The opportunity for livestock interests was never greater than today.' '"Approved commodities on which Intermediate Credit Bank loans are available include tobacco, wool, corn, wheal, canned fruits and Vegetables, j raisins, cotton, rice, barley. rye, flax, beans, honey, hay. br,?omrorn, peanuts and Other nuts, maple syrup, olives and olive oil." The Federal Farm Loan Board, in the Treasury Department, Washingcon, 1). (*.. stands ready i.o furnish | any farmer information as to the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank doing business in his territory, and iron j that bank he can find out whether I there is an agricultural credit cor: poration in his vicinity which he car j join, or obtain assistance in organiz ir.g one. This is practical farm relief whict only too few farmers have yet taker advantage of. though it has been ir operation since 1923. i ^ i ; . ! H I : : v $ ( . 1 " i: I : mgmm I' v 1 RUfc VERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. Mr. R. C. King Tells a Wonderful | Story About Rats. Read It. [ 4vFor months my place was alive | with rats. Losing chicKens. eggs, t iced. Friend told me to try RATSNAP. 1 did. Somewhat disappointedj at first not seeing many dead rats., j ' ut qipt * tew days didn t see a live I ijOK. What were not killed ate uoi j >; around mv place. RAT-SNAP sure I does the trick.7* Three sizes, ooc. doc, \ $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Boone ! Drug Company, Boone; Hodges Drug ! Company, Boone; D. P. Coffey, Blow ?"ng Rock. DON'T FAIL TO SEE j . 'SUNNY SIDE UP j JANET GAYNOR 1 and CHAS. FARRELL ALL-SINGING. TALKING AND DANCING MUSICAL i COMEDY PASTIME THEATRE MON.-TUES.. MAY 12-13 I ??? ???? II I HI I I for CAMELS satisfy yo pleasure. . . . They 1 tobaccos, Turkish s ness, delicacy of ta In the famous ( wished for in the p Billions of Cam< have won the loyal any other cigarette. Don't den Ca SflwwaEPaERKsr' Church Announcements' ADVENT CHRISTIAN RKV. Si K. CKAiXi. Pastor Sunday Schooi each Sunday at I 9lib. Moining. ovrviee at 11 o'clock. BOONE BAPTIST , REV. Pi A, 1M\, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. nu, J. T. C. j Wright, superintendent, Preaching j at 11 a. in. and 7 p. in. B. V. P. U,*s j p. m. Mid-week prayer service on j Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCHES St. Marks, Bailey's Camp Preaching service every first Suncay at 11 a ri. ; Sunday School ev erv Sunday at 9.15 a. m.: Miss Syn-' thea Moretz. acting supcrintedcni. Grace Boone Preaching service every second and fourth Sunday at 11 a. ni.. and vespers every first and third, Sunday at 7 p. m. Sunday Schcooi every Sun- j day at 9:45 a. in.: Professor GeorgeL. Sawyer, superintendent. Holy Community, Clark's Creek Preaching service every third Sanday at 11 a. m. Sunday School every! Sunday at 9:45 a. m.; Cicero Town- j sendj superintendent. Banner Elk Preaching service every fourth T7* rn p 1 e as r ur desire for a cigarette tha bring you an . incomparable 1 ind Domestic . . . mild and 5 V " ste, richness of quality, deli: lamel blend you find everj >ursuit of smoking happiness ;1 packages filled to the bri 1_L!^ * uicuuMiip 01 mure smoKers m y yourself the I, Ml \ : ^ MAY 8? 1930 BS vrT-t^\'"" '-v4V; ^Krr Sunday at 3 p. m. To all those services, we most cordially invite the jmolic. J. A. YOUNT. Pastor. 8$ WATAUGA CHARGE REV. A. BURGESS, Pastor chapel?second a n a Fourth Sundays, 11 a. mi first Sunand third Sundays 7 p. m. Sunday Scheie! at 9:45, J. B. ilorton, superintendent. Epworth League. 6 p. m. Yatle Cruris?Preaching e v e r v Fiist aim Third Sunday at 11 a. in Sunday School 10 a. m., J. M. Sbull. superintendent. Epworth League ever" Wednesday night. Blowing Rock?Preaching every Second and Fourth Sunday. 7:30 p. m. Mabel?Pleaching every Second and Fourth Sunday at 3 p. m. Sunda.. School 10 a. m., Mr. Moretz, supt intendent. Salem?Preaching every First and Third Sunday, 3 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH DR. O. J. CHANDLER. Pastor Sunday School, 9':-15 a. m., J. D. Rankin, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni. by Dr. Chandler. Epworth League, 0:15 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7 p. ni. Choir practice on Friday. 7* p. in. St ure t is all smoking "V jlend of choicest velvety smoothghtful fragrance, fthing you have m with pleasure than ever chose uxury of iLS C 1930, R. J. Reynold* Tobacco JL, Ccum. Wmitoo-Selem, N. O