1MAY 39. 1930 Hints for the Home By NANCY HART i | FRITTERS TEMPT SPRING APPETITE ~ f Kriiioiv ;tio out; uT those appetizing small tilings of %he table that add an air to an otherwise rather ordinary meal. Here are some good recipes for fritters for any one of the j three meals. Peach Fritters Dip halved canned peaches in sweetened fritter batter and then fry them in deep fat. Drain them thoroughly on brown paper, roil them in J powdered sugar and serve them hot. \ Cheese Fritters ' Add grated cheese to fritter bat-j Goes to Town Mone j J First Time in Months IAIK'S. ^ r; ^ i;v "I don't know what there is in Sargon. but it's the most wonderful medicine I ever took in my life! Today is the first time I've been able to come downtown alone in six months and it is duo to the wonderful strengthening effects 01 tit's re mark able medicine! ' For months my nerves were upset and I was so rundown that 1 was unable to do any housework, and hardly able to get out of the house. I was so weak 1 spent most of my time in bed. My appetite was poor, the lightest foods disagreed with me and 1 suffered continually with { chronic constipation. 1 am on mv jk fourth bottle of Sargon, my appetite is splendid, my digestion is perfect, I'm strong and energetic, my nerves are strengthened and my housework i? really a pleasure. Sargon I'ills have rid me of constipation for the first time in years."?Mrs. Alice Bradley, 855 Capp Street, San^ fbraT-visco. 1 Boone Drug Company, Agents ( Advertisement) ! SHENANDOAH j VALLEY FARMS Immediate Possession 270 A<:HES, fine, smooth, level, productive hind, plenty of fruit, well fenced, watered and timbered on Rood road three mile.-: this city, one mile school. Splendid eight-room residence, very large" hank ham. equipped to meet all dairy requirements. A real bargain for someone. *'2;500. 100 acres growing crops given if sold at once. 144 ACRES, this is an Estate?must he seen tu be appreciated, has large new eight-room residence with wide | halls and large porches; large tree shade in lawn on public road, verylarge new bank barn good as new, good wells and cistern at buildings? buildings cost over $15,000?some 10 acres bearing orchard, timber fori farm use, laud all smooth and easy j to Cultivate and very productive. 11. miles town; $6,500 priced for inline- I diate sale'. J 00 ACRES, near limits of this city?j good view of city and well suited for; sub-division?fine smooth level land,; good G-roorn residence, new cow barn 1 and silo, new horse barn, several j acres of all kind fruit, well fenced, j watered and timbered; stock, implements' and crops, $0,000. I have other farms, small or large. Write me your wants. NOTE THIS: We have the lowest tax rate in this or ^any nearby State. The best home markets, and near large cities with good rppds everywhere. We are not troubled with "hard times" or strikes. Railroads to us are a convenience but not a necessity. We can reach city markets of 2,500,000 in one day with trucks. Come and see for yourself. W. T. Birmingham 35 W. Water Street WINCHESTER. VA. x-iiNPwI 1J1INKY : ; rc-r, drop by spoonfuls into the bo fat. dram on soft paper and serv wir.h a little crated cheese sprinkle over each. Apple Fritters Pave and core several apples. Cu crosswise in thin slices^ so each wtl by doughnut shaped. Uip in leoio juice and then sprinkle With browi sugar. cinnamon and nutmeg. Final ly dip in the usual fritter batter an fry quickly in hot fat. Sprinkle wit! now tiered sugar just as scrved. Banana Fritters Bananas should be cut in roitm slices about an inch thick; or, the; may be cut in halves and split. Di in fritter batter and fry Orange Fritters Peel two oranges and separate int sections. Make an opening in cacl section just large enough to admi ot' passage for seeds, which shoul be removed. Dip sections into b&tte and fry in deep fat. Drain, and sprir kle with powdered sugar. Serve hot with orange sauce. Pi mien to Fritters Drain canned pimientoes and wip as dry as possible. Insert in each small slice of American chces< Sprinkle with salt and pepper an dredge with flour. Saute in buttei first, one side and1* then on the o,thc until thoroughly heated and chees begins to melt. Serve on squares c buttered toast, garnished with pai sley. Or dip in batter, and fry i deep fat. WAITRESS: Don't you like you college pudding, sir? DINER r No. miss. I'm afraid ther is an egg in it which ought to hav been expelled. Over one hundred club boys an girls of Gaston County have bee examined by the county physician i the contest to select the queen an king of health in that county. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCl ur ^11,000.00 WATKIl SYSTEI BONDS OF THE TOWN 0 BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA. BE JT ORDAINED BY THj BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF TH TOWN OF BOONE, NORTH ( ARC LIN A: Suction 1. That in pursuance o the provisions of the Municipal Fi nance Act (Section 2918 to 2965 Volume >, Consolidated Statutes o North Carolina), negotiable bonds o the. Town of Boone, to be known a "WATER SYSTEM BONDS," nr hereby authorized to be issued in ai aggregate principal amount not ex cue ding Fourteen Thousand Dollar ($1 1,000.00), for the necessary ex peases of said Town, to-wit: for th purpose of paying for the construe tion of a water system for the Town of Boone and its citizens. . Section 2. A tax sufficient to pa the principal and interest of th bonds hereby authorized shall bo an dually levied and collected. Section 3. A statement of the deb af ifchc; -Towr-cf-Bsfins-has been?r, r 3outh 54 degrees west 10 poles with sc i- the road to a/stake; thence west X a! t degrees north 13 poles to a water ,j, oak; thence south 3 degrees west 8 poles; thence south 32 degrees west lv 12 poles; thence south 26 degrees ti p west 27 1-2 poles to a bridge across a) a pine branch; thence south--14 degrees f( | west 20 pole3 to a stake ; thence j d | south with Laxon Creek 19 poles; thence south 7G degrees west with .j- said creek 3-1 poles; thence south, 37 e j degrees west 24 poles; thence south j} ,f j 2c degrees east with said creek 31 j 5 _ poles to W. M. Brown's line; thence n 5ast with W. M. Brown and Arlie Brown and W. L. Greene's line 144 to a white oak, J. J. Brown's corner; lrnence north with his line 50 poles ,r I to a maple and a blackgum, J. J. tt '.Brown and Harriet E. Clawson's cor- e< ? ner; thence the same course 22 poles d; e to a small hickory; thence south 70 s: degrees west 30 poles to a Spanish yoak; thence north 77 degrees west is d 29 poles to a hickory: thence north n 15G degrees west 27 poles to a chestn nut; thence north 4 degrees cast 44 h; d poles to a maple arid a chestnut; ?' thence north 12 degrees west 22 ci . | poles to the beginning, containing 75 M j acres more or les6. al. This the 1st day of Mav, 1930. C r. L. M. FARTHING, ^ Sheriff. Watauga County. t; By H. A. Hagamur., Deputy. * 5-8-4t " ol ..I ? ch ? NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE it y. North Carolina, Watauga County* in gl the Superior Court l? 'fore the r< f Clerk: J. R. Pen ley vs. Mary Ann gi P- - R^hhinc W A. Story. F.. H Sf.orv. ih | Lawrence Story, R. L. .Story, v. I Blanche Story, Delia Story. A. C. in f Story, Heitg at law of Alice Pen- a s! ley. who married Bert Story; Joo 2 ^ l'enley, Ed Penley, Wade I'enlcy, li n I.other Perdey, Mrs. Hattie Oxen- re .. dine, Carson Story, Doris Story, w s Ileirs at law o? A. IVnioy, trading as Trivette and Comei, vs. ? F. C. Ward and H. 3. Perry. 1 tuGuu?sair. - - - - '' - _ v - - - -jgl By virtue of an execution do ected|E the undersigned Sheriff: u oove, for the suih of $251.5C and ? tercst and costs. I will on Monday. 1 me 2nd. 1930, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the courthouse door of said conn- _ . sell to the highest bidder for cash, ? satisfy said execution, all of the gbt, title and interest which the j id F. C. Ward has in the following! ascribed real estate, to-wit: Being that certain tract of land ; Brushy Fork in Boone Township, id being bounded on the north by le lands of F. C. Ward, on the east ' the lands of Andy Greer, on the uth by the lands of Ar.dy Greer id W. R. Billings, on the west by le lands of Pauline Hcnson and iing that tract of land lying beV'een the Boone Trail Highway and t ic J." W. Ward lands. From the ? >ove is excepted the lands hereto- t >re conveyed to A. Y. Howell and i B. Cannon. < This the 1st day of May, 1980. j L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff, Watauga County. < y II. A. Hagaman. Deputy. ( -fcs--4t j : fVlUK 1 GAUEEp 5ALF. By virtue of cue pOvter Xri : rJc | j lined 111 a certain mortgage exeeut- j 1 to the undersigned on the 18th , ay of August, 1924, to secure the ' jni of $321.00 by Orrcn Hayes and j ife. Cassie Hayes, which mortgage recorded in the office of the Keg- , ter of Deeds for Watauga County * 1 Book Z at page 333, and default, aving been made in the payments , f the sum of money thereby sc- , ued as therein provided, I will, on j Johday, June 2, 1930, at 1 p. m.. t the courthouse door of Watauga ounty, sell to the highest bidder for j ush the following described real es- . ite, to-\vit: "? BEGINNING on a stake in the | (1 road, near a bridge and at the d mill race, and runs north 81 1-2 : grees west with the middle of the 1 ;ad 11 poles; thence south 80 de!*ees west with the middle of said < >ad 14 poles; thence south 70 derces west with said road 4 poles; ienco north ST 1-2 degrees west ith the road 1-2 poles to a stake said road, near a walnut, and also corner to the mill lot; thence north 1-2 degrees west crossing the creek \ 3 poles to a stake at the highway ' tad; ihence north 79 degrees east 1 ith the south side of the said road t ) poles; thence north 80 degrees 1 1st with the same 22 3-4 poles to a j ake in T. L. Mast's line; thence j ulh 8 degrees west with said line ) pales to a dead cherry, Mast's cor- j jr. on bank of old mill race ; thence 1 tuth 30 degrees east with the old 1 ill race and T. L. Masts line, and e school lot line, 1 1 poles ti the ipinniiiK corner, containing :i 3-4 ' res more or less. Tills May 5. li>30. ? r\ riHAJl'TlAXT ? W"."j'.-irv?u i vin, 8-4 Mortgagee. DEMOCRAT WANT ADS PAY! i ? n^u^- j mm* ? | DR. CALDWELL'S THREE RULES TW r,?T??-.TT0.11 *u - -* ^i. v/niuucil 'TttWllCH Uir- ICBUllS VI ! instip&tion for 47 years, and believed j iat no matter bow careful people are their health, diet and exercise, con* | ipation will occur from time to time, j f next importance, then, is how to treat I when it comes. Dr. Caldwell always is in favor of getting m. close to nature i possible, hence his remedy for constiitson is a mild vegetable compound. It ,ii not harm the moat delicate system ?d is not habit forming. The Doctor never did approve of dras3 physics and purge*. Be did not believe ey were good for human beings to put to their system. XT?? Syrup Pepsin for | uirgelf and members of the family in j nstipation, biliousness, sour and crampv omach, bod breath, no appetite, head- { hes. and to break up fevers and colds. ? ;t a bottlo today, at any drugstore and j eerve these three rules of health: Keep j e head cool, the feet warm, the bowels ' ?n. For a free trial bottle, just write I lyrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, Monti cello, j Itnoia. HH \_*? J l MOTHER I \\ lv7> ( not 60.N 1 A?. \sk Your Soldier Boy How "Coolict** ? Gof Such a Hold. He'll tell you that the baitlofrents .f Europe were swarming with rats, j vhich carried the dangerous vermin! md caused our men misery. Don't' *?( rato bring disease into your' i/>md VVhfn you see. the first one. i tec IC AT-oNAI*. That will finish the a;: i. :;k. Three arcca, oi/v, vuC, $1.2v. | Sold and guaranteed by Boone Drug! Company, Boone: Hodges Drug Com)anv? Boone; D. P. Coffey, Blowing *ock. " of ce Legal Advertisements 1 to AdvertisftoieDU nppsanng ?xtder Bt this heading arc payable vtriclly in advance. This rule applies l?> pll all. Please do not ask the publish- Pp ers to deviate. P1' NOTICE OP EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution directed ?j o the undersigned from the Superior "ouit of Watauga County in the case N< >f Peoples Bank and Trust Company p. C. Hodges, assignee, vs, Ralph 1'olvard and F. L. Norris, I will on Monday. June 2, Ih.'JO. at o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door of Waauga County sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution di the right, title and interest which Ralph Colvard has had in the fblowing described real estate: BEGINNING on a bunch of chestnut sprouts ?>n the bank of Brushy pork Creek, and near the road and iord of creek, Bessie Hayes' corner, ,f and runs north 82 degrees east with - * Bessie Haves' line 16 poles to a stake ^ n the highway road: thence north 72 degrees west with it 7 poles to a stake; thence north f>9 1-2 dp*r.rci?s_ f. vest with the south side of highway 13 poles to a stake ai the forks of 3C :hc road; thence south 10 degrees p' ?ast with the old road leading to Laurel Fork LI poles to the begin- ()^ ung, containing 72 square rods. This judgment was paid in full fyy ac E. C. Hodges and the Peoples Bank ind Trust Company transferred to lim all the rights, privileges and in- ^<1( erests to E. C. Hodges. L. M. FARTHING, *>-7-41 Sheriff Watauga County. ju NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE ?e itiitr* of North Carolina, County of Watauga, in the Superior Court: I). B. Bingham and Carrie Bingham vs. lli K. Bingham, and Jen- ^ nie Bingham. cj( P.y virtue of an execution directed ia\ o the undersigned Sheriff from the Superior Court of Watauga County, n that certain action entitled as ? ihove, for the sum of $41).00 and ntcrest and costs, 1 will on Monday, Line 2nd, 1030, at 1 o'clock p. hi., it the courthouse door of said counv\ s?'ll to the highest bidder for cash, ill the right, title and interest which he said defendants have in the fol- ku owing described real estate, to-wit: su BEGINNING on a stage in Frank 'ayno's line, on the hank of the Lo- wt loir road, No. 17, in the Town of de Uoone, N. C., and runs south 15 docrees east. 141 feet to a stake ut the a.s' itrcet: thence with the street 23S I1* *cet to a stake at the intersection j he >f the two streets; thence with the P1' tree! i 35 feet to a stake in the cell- ,s or of an alley; thence with Payne's #ni* mi- zsm xeejS to the beginning, and ? >t-ing known as the Dr. R. K. Ring tam hospital property. From the ipove is excepted the following proprty, which has been allotted as a tome stead: Bcginingg on a stake at Highway sTo. 17 running by Maple to Apple ree northwest of house; thence oiith to stake in his line with cener of hall: thence a straight line with ente>- of hall to a stake at Highrav No. 17; thence with highway to he beginning. This the 1st dav of Mav, 1030. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff, \Vatauga County.; Iv H: A. Hagaman, Deputv. V-S-4t A suit cf clothes is new just as v* long as it looks new. Our modern h< dry cleaning methods keep <:iothc3 pi looking new. They help you get 10e more service out of the clothes 1 you buy. ; u To the man or woman who is I interested in economy, wc offer u an economical service which will fc save them monev in the long run. HI-LAND DRY CLEANING CO. J Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Hat j Blocking j N ~ ' i ~ K\\x ? f JIL-" ^ i L rilifTWTrWtlTffli^TllWrTIrfglTirTT'Flif IMWlTTITi SEVEN JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE. N. C Office*. p^tofuC^ i ra#?? 65 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrate: the estate of Ida Waters, deaaed. fate of Watauga Covntfr, vrth Carolina, this is to notify rsons having claims against the e*te i?f said deceased to exhibit the? the undersigned at his office ? ?one on or before the 1st day *f ay, 1031, or thi* notice wtlJ fee eade.j in bar of their recovery. Ail rson-s indebted to said estate wRI ease make immediate payment. This I day of May. 1930. JOHN. B. BROWN. Administrator of Ida Waters; Dec. 7 f?t NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE >rth Carolina. Watauga County, in the Superior Court: Alfred WaUoa vs. Claud Smith, American Wbolesal Corporation, Eagle Manufacturing Company. Abinydon Soti-xn Company. Kin view Montgonaar*' Company, Farris, Fuller and Greaihavr Company, the Cox Hat Com pany. Proctor-Gamble Distill hag Company, Mitchell-Povrer* Hardware Company, Besxley Shoe Company, Causey Shoe Company and C. X. Dula. That WHEREAS, at Spring Term, '80 ol Watauga Superior Court, dgment was rendered in favor M e plaintiff and against the defaults for the sum of $41.06 and s??d dgment being declared a specific n for said sum of $41.06, and the sts of saie, upon the following deribcd lands, situated in Watauga vunty, North Carolina, and in Meat imp Township, adjoining the land*; F. A. Linney and others, known as n Claud Smith land, containing 2S? res. more or less. It further appearing that the unrsigned was duly appointed a tru*i* to sell said land. NOW THEREFORE. pursuant t? id power of sale mentioned in said dgment, the undersigned will proed to sell said lands at the courtuse door in Boone, North Carolina, public auction for cash in hand. Monday, June 9, 1930, at 2:3f m. to satisfy said judgment, infest and cost o?~ sale, hs of iafe-"r isure of mortgage, as directed by v. This the 5th dav of May, 1930. W. R. LOVILL, Trustee. FOUND AT LAST The famous Q-623?Guaranteed lief for Rheumatism, Sciatica' and imbagtf?is now available to all fferers from these tortures. Q-623 is a prescription of a fa?u? specialist that has done wonrs for thousands of people when iny other remedies have failed. We k you to try this famous prescripm ns it is absolutely guaranteed ? ifi you. A few doses usually stop 2 pain and many people say "it worth its weight in gold. Reconi?nded by Boone Drug Company. When Food Sours Iota of folks who think they have ndigestion" have only an acid condition kich could be corrected in five or ten mutes. An effective anti-acid like hillipa Milk of Magnesia soon restores i^vautuia (V UV1 UUtl. Thillips does away with all thai sotir?ss arid (ras right after meals. It pre mts the distress so apt to occur two Efts after eating. What a plca?ant reparation to take? And how good it is >r the system 1 Unlike a burning dose soda?which is but temporary relief ; beat?Phillips Milk of Magnesia pena-ii7.es many times its volume in acid. Next tir?o a hearty meal, or too rich diet jjjj&g wrought on tho least di scorn rx. try? PHILLIPS r Milk of Magnesia : By Terry Gilkison * f^rWU 6M!lKli/?tWWlfc,Vl|> * 5 UTILE AEO?6|A POVJE C A. >PAPE AND HOE ?LANT A PARPEN FULL OF LH OREV1 OPTO A PATCH OF WEEW .C,3?.; ; ^ .-.-.u.'?SS