JUNE 13,, X8S| JUNJOH 0RGAM1ZATION TO OBSERVE FLAG DAY Monroe-, N C.?Juniors through- , out the State *.vil3 observe two mi-! portant occasions this month ?- flag j h* uuy aiitl IV?? annua 1 memorial service.j M Corrunumentions "nave been scut to ? th<* several hundred subordinate I couriers by vnar;es-Fb IranjiHoii, of this city, who is now bringing his year as State councilor to a close. Under the by-laws ->1 the Stake organization, .Juniors throughout the State are required to observe flag day on the meeting nearest June J h i,rJThe flag of our country is the symbol of constituted authority and represents the ideals and principles for which our government stands," the State councilor says in instructing the councils representing more than 52,000 Then to observe the day. Memorial day will be observed on Sunday, June 20. Oh that day ail it -is of the State are expected to y virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned Sheriff of War tauga County from the Superior Court of said county in that certain action entitled Interstate Hardware Company vs. Joe \V. Mast and Louise Mast, 1 will on Monday, July 7, 193Q, at 2 o'clock p. hi. at the courthouse door of Watauga County sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the said Joe W. Mast and wife. Louise Mast, have in the following described real eslate Also a one-third interest in thel following: BEGINNING on a stake on the bnnk cf Gnve C.reckncnr the eld n.nd 1 which is four poles up said creek j from a black Walnut, corner of Cove, Creek High School lot and runs J -uorui ; decrees east 1 i poles to a| stake on the bank of said creek sol as to include the land that dam may overflow; thence crossing said creek keeping to high water mark to Don Stokes line, better known as the old Osborne line, keeping on the hillside and being on the west side of the dam to a locust on the bank of Cove Creek; thence keeping with the bank of the dam 20 poles to a locust; thence t.o the beginning and contains 2 acres, more or less. This June 1, 1920. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County. John E. Brown, Attorney 5-29-lt NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE I By virtue of an execution directed I to the undersigned from the Superior) Court of Watauea County, North i . ..iv/.ma, in tut; case oi ijeorge Greer vs. \V. G. Greene and wife Flossie Greene, I will on the 7th day of July, 1930, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the courthouse door in the town of Boone, X. C., in Watauga County, sell to the highest, bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the raid W. G. Greene and wife, Flossie Greene, have in the following described lands, I being lot No. 2 of the lands of T. S. j Watson, deceased: BEGINNING on a chestnut, the old corner, running west <10 poles to a stake, north 79 degrees west 12 poles to a chestnut in T. S. Watson's old line. North 1G degrees east 52 poles to a bunch of chestnuts on top of a ridge, south 50 degrees east with Hampton's and Watson's line 12 poles, south 40 degrees east 12 poles south 32 degrees east 1.9 poles to a sourwood, the old corner, south 47 poles to the beginning corner, containing 17 i-2 acres. Said lands described on page 269 to 271 in Book 37 in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county. This the 3rd dav of June, 1930. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff of Watauga County. Bv H. A. Hagaman, Deputy Sheriff. 6-5-4t \ ( V4EL i ) *'* ( 1^-0' >. it -. /?wt' ,u$ THE .W ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?KV ! I Nature Thought of Everything Nn(u\*c thought of even-thing whoa Xh.?. human body was tnade. When the j ! body i* about .to. become irJ. nature ] t?S H'unied danger simols to warn .lis. i Thus, if our cliildren grind their teexh i they sleep/ or lact r.ppetite, or f u'aer frditi abdominal puios. cr itnli : . the nose and lingers, we should i .v that they may have contracted i . Then, if we are w\?r:, \ve fcuy a J 1 le of White's CJream A'cruliftige and * ; ly and surely expel the >;. >rms. Thu:* 1 T'oid the danger of very serious 1 I:\Whi . 4? -.! Vcr vfugocosts v v . o ?. a b<. -tie, uad cur. be bought from 1 Said by Hodges Drug Company 1 I Legal Advertisements i | Advertisements appearing under ' this heading are payable strictly ' in advance. This rule applies to : all. Please do not ask the publishers to deviate. I 1 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE , By virtue of the power of sale con- \ tamed in o. certain mortgage cxecut- t eo to tne undersigned on the 24tb j dav of February, 1922, to secure the . sum of $1751.00 by Chanic Hardin , which mortgage is recorded in the , office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book Z at page 87, and default having been made in the payment of the money thereby j secured as therein provided, 1 will . on June 30, 1930, at 1 o'clock p. m. j at the courthouse door of Watauga ^ County sell to the highest bidder for , cash the following described tract of ^ land, to-wit: ( All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 210 acres, , more or less, situate, lying and being near the Boone Trail Highway about nine miles east from the town of Boone, in Stony Fork Township, County of Watauga, State of North ; Carolina, and being bounded on the ' north by the lands of H. L. Gentry and T. A. Greene; on the east by ] the lands of Lee Greene. H. E. Clawson, Chanie Hardin; on the south by the lands of Will Brown; on the west by the lands of N. C. Brow?!, R L. Gentry and J. II. Brown. There is vi former mortgage on this land to the Federal Land Bank of $4,000.00. This Mav 29, 1930. RUBY H. SALMONS HEAPS Mortgagee John E. Brown, Attorney G-5-4t DEMOCRAT WANT ADS PAY! NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by R. E. Ludwig, of the City of St. Peter; burg, State of Florida, on the 31st day ot--December,- -11*2-7, which said mortgage deed is recorded in the of- ' fice oi the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book 12, pages -TT"'2?c, ,"tu- Entire the =tnn--nf-ffii- ; 000.00 and default having been mude in the payment of said sum, as in said mortgage deed provided. I will, 1 on Monday, June 30, 1930, at 1 o'CIock P. M., at the courthouse door of Watauga County? sell to the high- * est bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: TRACT NO. 1. All that tract of land lying and being in the county of Watauga, Watauga Township, State of North Carolina, and adjoining lands now or formerly of J. P. .Coffey, W. D. Clark, Lenoir hell's, lying on both sides of the Yonuhlossee Road and beginning at a chestnut tree, J. P. Coffey's northeast corner and runs north 80 degrees west 20 poles to a water oak on ridge, thence north 00 west 31 poles to a chestnut tree in the Lenoir line; thence with said line south 46 poles to a stone: thence south 79 degrees oust 61 poles to a stone in J. P. Coffey's old line; thence north with the top of the Blue Ridge 37 1-2 poles to the beginning and containing 16 acro.s, more or less. The said tract of larul being the same conveyed by J. P. Coffey* and I). P. Coffey cm March 12, 1901, by D. P. Coffey to Thomas Steven Coffey on May 15, 1909. TRACT NO. 2. Ail that tract of land adjoining the tract above do scribed in said township, county and State, adjoining the lands of VY. D. Clark, D. P. Coffey and the Lenoir heirs, lying on both sides of the Yonahlossee Road beginning on a stone on top of the Blue Ridge, D. P. Cof- ' fov'? -1 . Hnr....i, "1 Jj S. WINKLER. * 5-22-11 Commissioner. v Makes life Sweeter Children's stomachs sour, and need an anii-aeid. Keep their systems sweet with i Phillips Milk of Magnesia: When tongue or breath tells of acid condition,?-correct it with a spoonful of Phillips. Most men anil women have been comforted by this universal sweetener?more mothers should invoke its aid for their children. It is a pleasant thing to take, yet neutralizes more acid than the harsher things too often employed for the purpose. No household should lie without it. Phillips is the genuine, prescriptions! product physicians endorse fof general use; the name is important. "Milk of Magnesia*' has been the S. registered trade mark of the Charles ff Phillips Chemical Go. anil its^predecesa- r Charles EI. .Phillips since 1875. PHILLIPS r Milk ! of Magnesia j I THO^e ) ARE KNOT > HOLX^AND I tap?^ ' "hey ^ / (are hole* NOTICE OF ACTION itate of North Carolina, County of: Watauga, in the Superior Court. j Town of Blowing Rock vs. C. S. j Prevette and wife, Ella Prevette, i T iW--Coffe.v. Trustec; and Ceorge j Ail persons having an interest in j ertajn lots, and buildings situatedi hereon, located in Town of Blowing Lock, Watauga County, North Caroina, said land being listed for taxes iuring the year and 1027 in he name of O;'-Prevette and deeribed as follows: Two Town Lots n Town of Blowing Rock. North 'arolina, and on one of which is loafed a brick mercantile building, vili take notice that an action entiled as above has been commenced n the Superior Court of Watauga ounty, North Carolina, to obtain udgsient on the Town Tax Colleeor's certificate of tax sale together vith tax receipts foi the years 192C md 1027 in favor of the plaintiff n this cause. All persons haying an ntcrost in said land will further take lotice that the plaintiff is asking hat the amounts evidenced by the aid certificate and tax receipts be leclared a first and prior lien upon he property herctolore described, md the plaintiff is further asking hat the property be sold by a com-| nissioner for the payment of said I unounts and for the costs of this irr;<>n. All persons having an interest h the above described property are required to come into court and set >p then claims in said action within .ix months from this notice, upon jain of being forever barred and foreclosed of the same. This 2nd day of June. 1950. A. E. SOUTH. Clerk Superior Court Watauga Co. frivette & Holsh.Qiiser, \Uys. for Plaintiff. G-o-lt NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE >iate of North Carolina, County of Watauga, in the Superior CourtG. Mi Sudderth vs. R. K. Bingham and Jennie Bingha'rn. By virtue of an execution directed o the undersigned Sheriff from the Superior Court of Watauga County, n that certain action entitled as i move, for the sum of $125.00 and nterests and costs, I will 011 Monday, luly 7, 1930, at 1 o'clock p. m., at he courthouse door of said county, ell to the highest bidder for cash, dl the right, title and interest which he said defendants have in the folowing described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake in Frank kiyno's line on the hank of the Leloir road, No. 17. it! the Town of Joone, N. C.. and runs south 15 denoes east 1)1 feet to a stake in the treet; thence with the street 288 eot to a stake at the intersection of he two streets; thence with the treet 135 feet to a stake in the cener of an alley; thence with Payne's ine 290 feet to the beginning, and leine- known as the Dir. It, K. Biiigiam hospital property. From the hove is excepted the following propfly, wii'iuli has allotted as a lomestead: Beginning on a stake at Highway 7o. '17 running by Maple to Apple i ee northwest? oi ncruse; thence outh to stake in his line with cener of hall ;-rthonce a straight line 'ith center of hall to a stake at lii-hwav No 17- ?? ' ' .... . . , TTT^.iV-\v~?we lilgllray to the beginning. This the 12th dav of June, 1930. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff, Watauga County. ?y H. A. Ha gam an, Deputy. -12-4t READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS 6 6 6 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 0 minutes, checks a Cold the first ay and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablets t\ suit ci ciotnes is new just as long as it looks new. Our modern dry cleaning methods keep clothes looking new. They help you get more service out of the clothes you huy. To the man or woman who is interested in economy, we offer i an economical service which will save them money in the long run. ; HI-LAND ! DRY GLEANING CO. j Dry Cleaning, PrMiinj and Hat I Blocking ~ ?y - 1 I (SOTtA 6.ik6oy JULY 4th "SWING HIGH" NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION iNOI*ill '.HlUiUia, Culii'ty C"' i "iilli'tJJIi | in the Superior Court: Watauga County Bank vs. A. L. Ji'pbit. By virtue of an execution direr feu to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Watauga County in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, the 7th day of July, 1930, at 1 o'clock p. in. at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the said A. L. T'ipiett has in the lands not embraced ill the homestead exempted heretofore laid off. now owned or owned by the said defendant at the tithe of the docketing of said judgment, wherever located. This the 10th da\ of June. 1930L. V. FARTHING. Sheriff. Bv II. A. Kagaman, Deputy Sheriff. 6-1 li -It JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE, N. C. Offices Posteffice Building Phone 63 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain d.pnd of 1 executed to the undersigned or> the 26th day of June. 1926. to secure the sum of $1-183.38 by F. P. Jennings and wife, Fannie Jennings, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in llook 7 at page I'tO, and default having been made in the payments of the sum of money thereby secured as therein provided. I will on Monday. June 30, 1930, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the courthouse door of Watauga Countv, sell to the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wii: Ail that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, containing I acre, more or less, situate, lying and being in Boone Township. Watauga County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Heni Moody and others, hounded as follows: Beginning on a stake on the north side of the old public road near a thorn bush. Hen \ Moody's corner, and runs north 13 degrees west with the Moody ii/u: 21 poles to a stake in the branch; thence north 40 degrees east up the branch 7 poles to a stake on the south side of the branch; thence south 17 1-2 degrees east with the plank fence 20 poles to a stake on the west batik the road leading to T. F. Lovill's house; thence south 7 degrees east with the west side of the road sixpoles to a stake no the north side of the old public road; thence south 80 degrees west with the north side ginning. \{ This Ma\ 29. 1930. JOHN E. BROWN, Trustee. 6-5--It ! SAME PRESCRIPTION I Hr WROTP IW 1RQ9 ! r ? - i When Dr. f'aidwell starts! to practice medicine, back in 1S75, the needs for a laxative were not as great as today. People lived normal lives, ate plain, wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh air. Hut even that, early there were drastic physics and purges for the relief of constipation Which Dr. Caldwell did not. believe were good for human beings. The prescription for constipation that he used early in his practice, and which he put in drug stores in 1392 under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended for wonien, children and elderly people, and they need just such a mild, safe bowel stimulant. This prescription lias proven its worth, and is now the largest selling liquid, laxative. It has won the confidence of people who needed it. to get relief from headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indigestion. loss of appetite and sleep, bad breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevers. At your druggist, or write "Syrup Pepsin." Pep'.. BB. Monticello, Iliiuois, lor free 'rial bottle. : : By Terry Gilkison CHOKE | FOB. WILLIE LK5HT HE ptDN'T KNOW TOW6?R'P 6ITE/ ^E?/> Alf ,4 J/t/OLf-i stezc pdiht IT ? .jj ___________ ?