EIGHT 5 ? HILL DONATES FOREST h FOR DEMONSTRATION USEj l'hl'Iffl huhuc,vU ?C*m;5 vf forest land heavily timbered with a j \ variety of trees and containing over; 1 three million board fee? of .lumber ' has been given to the forestry Qe- ; part meat of the North Carolina Stale. College by George Watts Hill, young ; Durham capitalist and farmer. Gilt of the forest was announced by Dr. E. C. Brooks to the board of ; trustees at their annual meeting dur *; ing the last commencement exercises.! The tract will he under the super-)1 vision of the school of forest!y and! will be used for field, studies and demonstration our noses by agricul-j' Jural -Indents speciaiV/dng in forestry; work. The woodland is located seventeen j miles north ?>i Durham c"fl paved highway number 13 to Rpxhoro. It is :n the northern part gSdL* Durham! County au?l was formerly a p&rt of! \lr. HiiEs modern Quail Roost- Dairy j Farm. The area extends back to I lat River; is traveled by excellent crossj roads and contains a siding fioihi the' Norfolk and Western Railroad. Types, of timber including the bottom land. slope and upland growth- arc found, j The principal species of timber, according to a survey by Dr. Julius j V. Kotmann, head of the fo'estly department. includes Virginia pine, i tUK-itleaf pine, loblolly pine, white! oak, red oak. nuiple, cedar, dogwood 1 and birch. j Dr. Hofmam-i -ays a permanent ; camp will be established within t he ( : forest as soot; as possible. This will j be used by students while engaged in < practical forestry work. Student surveyors from the school of engineering will also usp the area for farm surveying. ? This gift is chamctcrived by Pros-: ident B,rooks as ere of the most ral- , liable ever made to the college. Not j. only will it help the college to de j veloo commercial foresters but. it also f, will he of untold value in teaching i the proper handling of farm wood- l lands, he says. THE YON AH LOSS FE OPEN ' i (Chariot^ Observer) it was neatly ten year4: ;>go that the State tuck over the scenic highway known as the Yenahipssee Turn- , nike, connecting Blowing Rock with , LinviJle, and at last it is turned over , to the public in improved condition. ; I U is a tarred gravel road and is , ready for traffic, but is to receive i a finishing coat of srrfcvel and tinin the fait. This highway has hei n < accepted by the Federal government as a section of the Park-to-Park Highway and was :he one required i link to make that system complete The Yonahlossee is a road tamed hi } story and is g- neraiiy rec-ogiiiz^d as , ] the State's ? on?l o? i t*evpl;UioT?.-Tr.fnrmatiC'n that it is now at the servioo til" the public in its, entirety wili bo ?-oo?i news to. ho?no : ya:uiks 'kiiu 'io ^ ! J. 6 0 1 Self-Serv ?? | Saving I nn Vm/r n - v-r * / JL VX Is the desire of evei ?and it's the one rea constantly given Fine; dependable Service ah J Quality comes first , J ity is of prime imports are concerned. Consid ing our prices and be a are based ONLY on qu ? X Grape Juice, Royal Pi _______________ t i 0 -j Q J VJfd|i6 j'uiCC) ?\Oyai a. \ : Shivar Pale Dry Ging * g Fresh Green Beans, 4 ; Fresh Cucumbers, 4 1 - :: ;; Fresh Tomatoes, 2 lbs, :: !| J. & E. Store Maintair | Service. Just ( I k : . - iVOMAN HAD BiG PART IN BATTLE OF KINGS MOUNTA (lastoaia. K. Q:?-Dun ng the i >rous day s of the war lor Ameri? independence. while men in the C Minus fought for liberty or. defeat were forced to hide themselves, fr Tory vengeance, their women til the fields and managed the far They, like their husbands and triers. weie hardened to the dise< forts ef pioneer living, and many cidents ol their pluck and brav have been recorded in histories that period. Oji October 7. 17S0. the day the Battle of Kings Mountain, m; '.vomer, waited anxiously for news loved ones who had joined the mo tairtecs in their search for Colo Patrick Ferguson and. his Tory 11 tia- That there Wfflilu be a desper battle they knew, but of the ti and place they were uncertain, last, about thret o'clock in the af1 noor.. mere was heard the thunc ous ncise of nearly two thousand pes incessantly firing as British : Americans fought. According to letter^ in the possession of her fi ily. one woman of Lincoln (now G ton) County, NVyr.th Carolina, 1 plowing in the field when the gi wore heard. Knowing that her 1; "and was with Colonel Campbc men xhe quickly unhitched the ho frim the plov and mounting, rot'c the direction of the firing. Oil way she was joined by some of neighbors, who were enua'.lv anxi tor acy.'s Of the outcome of the 1 t?e. These hardy women, guided by noise of battle, reached Kings Mo tain late in the afternoon. Ti cfopnod on the edge of the Hat ground, and removing their volu nobs underskirts, tore them into b, dages for the wounded men. T1 Assistance was timely, far the An ican.5 had no such luxuries as m< iiic chests ahd first aid kits ami their scanty provisions. After battle those who wore too ha wounded to be taken on the huri march front Kings Mountain w left in homes in the surrounding trict. where they were eared r nursed Hack to health. Another interesting story is t m:ch of the powder used l?y mountaineers at Kings Mountain i made by an englishwoman who li >n what is -t 1 It known as Pow Creek, in Tennessee. An Ameri ri'Tieral who found out that she kr no trade of noward. JJ ate | ? iig NOTICE < State of North >lina. County of J* cr. i Watauga, in the Superior Court icr- '" before the Clerk: R. K. Reins, ad, i_ j ministratei of Mrs- M A. Bingham j deceased, vs. Lillian B. Brooks. +4 Lundv Xobl-. ? M. Bingham, W. im-i Bingham. S. Bingham. Roy J* ;;-s. Bingham. \*;:*r ia Bingham, G. F. 44 ivas Bingham Jr-, 1:. F. Bingiham Sr., un? Liu \ Bingham (wife of Luther jXJ ius-j Bir.glmni) ami Geialdinc and Mar- 04 ll'si} tin Luther Bingham (minor heirs J ,T>t.| "f Luther Bingham), heirs at law XJ . >, of Mrs. M. A. Bingham. 1*4 t .e The defendants above named vviil'X* her i ta^\ r,?Mse that an action entitled X* r>i:> as above has beer, commenced in the < >at ! Superior Court of Watauga County, j North Carolina, to sell real estate to Xi ? >- ?- * - 1 1.... 1 ^ TJ . man.tr itssets ui [i?> cvu'.s, ?uiu cut: j .said defendants will further take iio-!Tj Pn'itice that they arc required to ap-;*4 j pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of .suit! county in Jj nn~fthe courthouse in Boone. N. C., on *4 al?";the l^th day of July, 1930. and an- JJ K|n i swer or demur to the complaint, in "V.'~ | said action, or the plaintiff will ap- +? " J! ply to the court for cVie relief dej mand'ed in said complaint. ^4 This the 10th day of June, 1930. < y'>; A. E. south. ; Me<* Clerk Superior Court Watauga Co JJ E t";2 8 m i NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of two certain deeds of 4 hat! trust executed to the undersigned the trustee by C. L. Dula and wife. Eer- +4 ivasjI tha M. Dal?, one of said deeds of rod j trust being; dated the 14th day of J* den April, 1920. and recorded in the of- +4 ran i"ice of the Register of Deeds for;44 lew 1 Watauga < ounty in Book " at page r a 1212. the other being dated the 4tli *4 the day of March, 1927. and recorded l?a- in the office 01 the Register of jedjPeeiis for Watauga County in Book *4 tajf,. page 27ii. Said deeds of trust seen: curing the sum of $1,500.0.0 and ^4 uri- $i?00.00 respectively. I will, on iai-! Monday. July 14, 1930, al 1 p. m- ~ v<- a, i?e courthouse door of Watauga ere- County, sell to the highest bidder for | _ cash the following described real es- ? tale, to-wit: ^ BKCIIXX'IXG on a stake on the ^ 15 5l.de of Boone Street, on the jp ? corner of lot No. 13 and runs south ^ v- i degrees east 38 feet to a stake; I thence south i west 13\? feet to a ^ Tls?;?k, tlieiice norlih ?4 W/)?t about J I 82 feet to the corner 01 iotnNo. io; Sk |thence north 9 east with the line ? ^ f h>t X\?. 13. Ill .<> feet to the be dr.nine., and being lots X'os. 10, 11, J divided i?y the Carolina Land Coin- j : uiiny, ami savveyed t>y i.r. L.. ostein, j ^ Ji This the loth day of June, 1930. 4 Z W H. GRAGG, Trustee Bingham, i.inuey and Bingham. Attorneys <1-1 i?- it i 4 Z NOTICE OF SALE < j Under and hy virtue of ah orderL J -f U*i? Sum-rim Court of Watauga! < ma le in a special proceed < man, admit < J Lstrator of John R. Haagunan. do ceased, et-al, v. William Ward Hi?r ^ gamau, wood row Wilson flagamai . ^ ^ minors, and Hunter Martin, guardian ad the undersigned commis- i t sior.ev will 011 the 21st day of July, 4 *, ! at il :30 a. m. at the court jhouse door in Boone. X. C\, offer \i J1 for sale to the highest didder for 4 + cash or oil terms satisfactory to the court, that certain tract of land in ^ Boone Township, either the land or 4 + timber thereon separately or togeth | er, and more particularly described ^ J las follows: 4 II FIRST TRACT: Lying on the wa j tors of Baird's Creek. Boone Town- ^ J| ship; beginning on a white oak, Wal- 4 ^ > woi iivi, aiso tne uominon scuren ^ corner of lots No. 4 and 5 of the m J late Thomas Hagaman estate, and ^ runs as follows: East ?0 poles to a ^ black oak; north 44 poles to an ash } in branch; east 40 poles to a white ^ ? oak; south 52 poles to a stake; East i 14 poles to Dugger's old corner; and ^ continuing the same course one hun- ? + ured poles to a stake in Green's line; i north 70 poles ro a stake on top of J the dividing ridge between the wa- ? + ters of Baird's Creek and the waters M of Brushy Fork Creek, then course J northwestwardly 160 poles more or m ? less, following said dividing ridge to ^ J its extremcst height, to a stake and jj J runs south 32 degrees west 28 polea m north 53 west 50 poles to a maple ^ on bank of road ledge and branch; J J north 67 west 2S poles to a stake in m Walker's line; thence course (south ^ 7 west) with said Walker's line to J ^ the ueginriiug, containing 110 acres, ( more or less. a j SECOND TRACT: Beginning on a gum in Thomas Hagamans' old line, ^ on the west side of Raven Rock ^ J ;:idge road, and runs west 40 poles; + south 40 poles; west"60 poles; sduth ^ 25 poles; east 100 poles to a stake 4 J in said Hagaman's old line and runs + with same to the beginning. < THIRD TRACT: Beginning on a 4 J white ak. corner of Thomas Haw I man's tract and runs west 48 poles;|^ south 40 poles to a stake in said 14 ? Hagaman's line; runs with said line west eighty poles crossing Raven ' j Rock ridge to a stake; north 140 4 ? poles to a stake; east 130 poles to a chestnut corner, thence to the beJ ginning; tracts two and three to- 4 + gether containing 40 acres, more or less. This he 17th dav of June. 1930. 4 Z FOLGER TOWNSEND, 6-19-4t Commissioner. JULY 4th ! jr "SWING HIGH" ; ' THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. NATOR SIMMONS MAY GET FEDERAL JOB AFTER MAR. A Washington, D. ?it \vj?> statec re Tuesday on good authority thai nator Simmons cdiiid have u f** ion attei March 1. if he wants it esident Hoover \vil? have a few n-{>ni tisaii plotvS thst time Th? e Governor R. R. (ilenn was ap : i ! ; ' ! ANN' ? i ; We can s ; machinery and > [ MOWER Schwob with f FORKS, HAN We can also L ormick and E To an or F Farmers T TOO^ L/iij i There's Fiddle Boone, We are expecl dancers and a given in keepi old fiddle and on the 4th and The money d< Izaak Walton preserving the to all c.ontesta judges. There banjo and dan We are expec states and fee finest music tl convention in For further inf of the followii I'oinU'tl to the Infevnuticnat -Joint Commission sifter he was through hoMing off sec in the State. The- eomi mission jobs ate itnioh sought after, t Friends of Mr. Simmons realize that, !:!:e inm? r>>Mie SnK. he has . made fame hut not money by his lowr srevice here. Ht will tro ??ut ? of J he Senate a poor man, as did Mat "W. Ransom, Zebuloii i>. Vance, SPECIAL OUNCES upply your needs in any i tools at very attractive pr S, RAKES, GRAIN CRAI our or five fingers) SCYT DLES, Etc. furnish you repairs for Ma Deering Mowers. yone interested in buying a take this season we have a attractive proposition. See us before you buy. Hardware & J ^AAAA EN. FC / 2 Another Big, ' :rs Coni TO BE PULLED OFF I July 4th IN THE EVENINGS ting a large army of old-t big time is awaiting you. ing with the attendance, rosin up your bow and n 1 5th for a big time. irived from this conventic League of this county, fo wild life of this region. Pr nts in keeping with the i will he contests for fid< cers. ting some bands from otl i confident that we will r hat has ever been pulled this county. ormation communicate wil ig committee. W. H. GRAG( J. W. BRYAN, G. H. WINKL1 Committee for Izaal a .TUN'K 19, 1930 f and other distinguished men of the South. Senator ^minions would be a good man foi the Tariff Commission and that is the sort of work he likes and knows. Sales of wooi ai in*: j?cc?l> u^lv ~*Yi Western North Carolina by farm agents this spring amounted tu 141,o2S puuOdS" ? f y ' I 1ENT I I of the following ices: ft j: DLES, (Genuine * J HES, SNATHS, tt ssey-Harris, Mc mower i very Zt Supply Co. | (fsjfmajasiitamimi )LKS! j Old-Time 3; cntion N \ j and 5th i| ime fiddlers and Prizes will be i so tune up your < * neet us in Boone < > >n will go to the i r the purpose of i y izes will be given i decision of the < y Hers, guitar and < ^ her counties and % lave sonic of tire ^ off at a fiddlers < ' th either member < > "* L x> < er, <; c Walton League * i a aaaAAAAAAAAiB '