mi JULY 10, 1930 LOCAL AFFAIRS Horn to Mr. unci Mrs. J. Frank Bobbins .Jr., on lust Friday, a hoy. Mr. Belai* Gray, of Slab For*. \V. r. ?>pcmltii? MiYL'nix ui'ja visiting with relatives in this wmmunity. Mr. Charles Farthing, who is attending: summer school at Chapel Will, was a visitor at his home the first of the weekDr. E. E. Gillespie, Presbyterian ministei of Charlotte, and the Rev Stone, of the Jefferson charge, were in town a few hours Sunday. K. C. Rivers Jr., Accompanied L> Mrs. J. F. McGhee and two small daughters, risited relatives in hedeli County over the week-endMr. Frank Winkler, of Sylvia, was a visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Winkler, in East Boone last week. Professor Joseph Robinson of Mercer University will fill the pulpit at Blowing Rock Baptist Church onj Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. R- L. Isbeli, of Ler.oir. will J ' nreach at .... >>Uo per formed. , ' L)r. ?. P. Mahlieson, of Charlotte,jj anil Mr. and Mrs. \V. I.. Mathesor-, j< of Mooresvillo, snont the lib ami the | remainder of the w eek visiting at the ; homo ?>f iheir lister, Mrs. Frank A. J Linnc . Mrs. B. N. -Moose hjvl 'laughter. < danet, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hudson, from Jacksonville. i Fia.. are at their home over at Pop- 1 lar Grove for the summer. Mr t Moose i.s expected to join the family 1 within the next few days* Rev. it. L. Tsbcll, of Lenoir, wil; fill the pulpit in the Christian Advon1M t Church in Beone_iit ll H.m- andst 11 SH > the evening at 8 o'clock. next Sun-i J day. Mr. I shell is a strong and most interesting preacher. The public cordially invited to be present. Mr. Ed S. Quails and family are spending a few days visiting w ith home folks in this community. Mr. Quails has for the past several months held a position with the Hack Sales Company of Columbia, S- 0., and makes his headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. Miss Thfc.ma Walsh, of Lynchburg, Va., is a visitor at the home rof her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Taylor, in Buone- Miss W&lch's mother was formerly Miss Sallie Whitehead, of Banner Elk. The parents are expected to join theiii?" daughter here today for a. Visit. Attorney and Mrs. H. Montague, of Winston-Salem, are spending some time at the Daniel Boone Hotel. The Montagues have often visited Boone before and are great lofers of this section. They have made many friends in and around Boone, "who are always delighted to see them return. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Ellis, of Shelby, part of the "old guard" who spend sBme time here each summer, arrived last week, and are stopping at the Gragg's, regardless of the fact that they have a beautiful summer home here. They are always welcome guests in this "neck of the woods '* The Democrat is asked to announce that there will bo a box supper held r.t _ the ^rhoolhduse next . Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, th?, proceeds from the same to be used ^ for the benefit of William Rogers; t 5?1 who lost his home by fire recently. * It is hoped that a large crowd will attend and help out in this worthy cause. Miss Ocie Adams, of Coshocton, Ohio, Mrs. Fred Wiler, formerly Miss Margaret Hodges, and Mr. Wiler, and Miss Hazel Woody of Ashe County, who has been visiting relatives. in that town for some time, arrived in Boone last week and will spend some days yet visiting here. Miss Adams is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Koby Adams of isoone. Dr. B- R. Lacey Jr. will be the minister in charge at the West Jefferson Christian Chautauqua which - will becin in that town on Thursday. July 17, with services at 3 o'clock. Dr. Lacev is a son of the late lamented State Treasurer, is. K. Lacey, and enjoys the reputation of being one of the South's most able preachers. It will be worth quite a long trip to hear him. From some cause unknown fire broke out in the pasture lands of John E. Brown on Rich Mountain Tuesday morning and before it could be gotten under control it burned over about fifteen acres. In the afternoon of the same day fire broke out from a passing train coming up Laurel Fork near town, and within a very short time a terrific forest fire was raging, and it was feared that some homes would be destroyed, but, fortunately, no property was 1 lost. Quite an area of land, however, ^ was burned over. Dr. Hugh Watson, who recently frraduatcd at the Richmond Medical C'ollecc and last week successfully passed the North Carolina Mcdicai Hoard. was a week end visitor to his mother. Mrs. Minnie Watson. He left early in the week for Fiemont, Vu., where he will practice awhile before leaving for New York, where lie will '._i .. l.' ;_ ._ u t i. t tor?c iitwri ire t* ui rv ,ij wjiC ot iuaiiuat- ; tan's leading hospitals. Thoroughness I seems to be tfce motto of the young f physician. The directors of the Watauga! County Bank met in regular session J last Monday afternoon, and the usual 4 per cent, semi-annual dividend was paid the stockholders. A round table discussion of the present financial depression was engaged in, nut it was the opinion of the assembly j that in the case of Watauga County, j a bit of economy coupled with lots of hard work will bring back normal conditions before longMi. and Mrs- M. W. Beach, of IVilkesboro, spent the week-end jn this county, having been called here on account of the serious illness of Mr. Beach's mother, Mrs. A. W Beach, of the Howards Creek sty tion. On his voturn to Mr. Beach arranged to be relieved ! from his duties with the Journal for , the week and returned to his parents. Although Mr?. Beach's condition i * regarded as serious, latest infprnsation is to the effect that the estimable lady is to say the least, growing, ho worse. Miss Earleen Greene Weds Professor PrRchett. The marriage of Miss Earleenj Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, Dudley Greene, to Professor Leo K. | Pritchett, of Reidsville. superinten j dent of Lees-McRae College, took! place last Wednesday morning, July! 2, at the home of the bride's parents,, at Leander, N. C. The ceremony was j performed by the Rev. \V. R. Smith j of the Banner Elk Presbyterian ] Church. Both the bride and bride-j irroom were unattended but, during the service, Mrs- Rosealia Schell sang "Because" and 'O Perfect Love." and the wedding march was#piayed by Mrs. Edgar Tufts, whose husband founded the Lees-McRae College | fiom which the bride was graduated ] :md of which Mr. Pritchett is superintendent. The bouse was beautifully deeo- , rated with Dorothy Perkiits roses and j i luncheon followed the ceremony. ( Fhe bride wore a dress of pale blue j , .l.ll'f, !it. - ?- * ' ".i tw, wiui a nice nai and carried j t bouquet of K Blarney roses, and her mother. Mrs. Greene, had a gown of 'lack and white georgette- The wed- j iing was very quiet, the invitatinos j Jcirig limited to the immediate fam-; ly with Mrs. Tufts and Miss Marga-i' ret Tufts of Banner Elk and president nn^l Mrs. Edgar Tufts of the , college and a few very close, friends. ( Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard left on a notor trip, and after their return thev will make their home in an ipartmont in Virginia flail at Banut Eik. Mils Wilhelm Weds Mr. Frank Perry. Bsnirur Elk?Mr-. fxhu Perry have returned to Banner Elk, to make their home, where Mr. Per-! ry is a well-known merchant. Mrs Perry, who was Miss Annie j Belle Wilnelm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilhclm, was married to Mr. Perry on the afternoon of June 25th. at five o'clock at the home of the bride's parents at Cleve land, N. C. The ceremony was performed by Dr. E. D. Brown of Statesvil'.e, N. p: The bride wore ?. blue ensemble and was attended bv her sister. Miss Blanche Wilhelm, as bridesmaid, while Mr. David Draugh on was best man for Mr. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Perry left immediately after the ceremony for an automobile trip, reaching Banner Elk on July first. M : V& ft Mus Erie Greer Honors Mis* Eula Hodges. Miss Erie Greer entertained Saturday night, in honor of Miss Euia Hodges, a bride-elect of this month. Bridge was played at five tables, the place for the guest of honor at head table being marked by a lovely corsage. Attractive bridge tallys were used. After several progressions Miss Eula Hodges was found to have high} score for the ladies, and Baxter Lin REPORT OF THE THE WATAUGA At Boone, hlorth Carolina, to the Coi business on t'le 30th KKSOL Ltians arid Discounts Overdrafts North Carolina Bonds g Banking House ? ? Furniture and Fixtures Cash in Vault and Amts. Due front Aj Checks for Clearing and Transit Item Due from Banks (Not Approved Dep Cash Items (Items Held'Over 21 Hou Liquidation Account TOTALl LIABU Capital stock t'airt in Surplus Fund Undivided Profits (Net Amount) Other Deposits Subject to Check Deposits Due State of North Carolina Other Deposits Secured by a Pledge o Cashiers Checks Outstanding Time Certificates of Deposit (Due on Savings Deposits (Due.on or After 3( Rediscounts 1 Bills Payable Christinas Club TOTAL STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cot G. P. Hagaman, Cashier, W. W. Director of the Watauga County Ban this day, and being duly sworn, eacl report'is true to the best of his know! - G. P B. I I (Seal) Sworn to and subscribed befo A. I THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?SVE ^Ssj^lfomCh Items from The Demorcrat of [ ti July 9. 1891 i 01 Two of R. Z. Lmney s sons visited ^ Captain Critcher during court. sc G. W. Olawson says he has handled 2.200 head of sheep this season and aj still has 150 for sale. j Jo Mr. and Mrs- James McGh.ee andjw their sweet interesting babe have q been visiting with friends in Boone j 1. this week. ; xn We are happy' to state that Mrs. C1 Captain Coffey is rapidly iinproving. j <1 which will give much pleasure to hci'joi many friends. lei R. Z. Linney went to the Beech j ol Mountain section this week. On his | vv return he said, "It is the best coun- \ w try I have ever seen." Watauga may 1 oi capture R. Z. yet. | w The surveyors of the Johnson City j $1 and Greensboro Railroad are now on ! ]?_> Beech Creek, in this county, survey-fe ing up the Watauga River. We under- j yi stand they have been ordered to sur- | fc vey three different routes from John-1 sc son City to Wilkcsboro- The first one ! \v they are now on, whic h will be tip the |SWatauga; the second up Roan's Creek ! I* ! M ney for the men. Miss Hodges wasjjr also presented with lovely matching pink cut glass sherbet apd tumbler sets, the wedding gifts ?>f thn Vfinet-I/ ess arid Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mattox- f. Following presenting the prizes, a , " delicious salad course was served. " Out-of-town guests of the evening ^ were Misses Ruth Rohbins and Elsie y Craven from Greensboro. Mr. and y Mrs. Guy Mattox from Bristol and * Mr. Phil Mast from Burlington. Oth- J. or guests present were the guest of honor; Misses Jtuth Benfield, Louise Coffey, Carrie Coffey anci Ruth Coffey: Mesdames Baxter Limn ", Fred Hodges, Russell Hodges. Paul Coffey. ^ and Messrs. Baxter Linney. Fred *v Hodges. Russell Hodges, Rommel Per- ^ tor and Paul Coffey. ' j Handkerchief Shower Given for ?J| Bride-Elect- jj; Miss Ruth Coffey entertained on iv Monday evening with a ioyely bridge fiarly and handkerchief shower, hon ring Miss F.ula Hodges, whose wedling will be an event of duly. The Coffey home was most attractive on hi< occasion, quantities of black-eyed Susans being used for decoration. Five tables were in play, and a Fourth of July motif was carried out in the bridge appointments. Mrs. < James Moore won the prize for high ' wore among the players, and Mrs. | David F. Greene drew the consolation. Both prizes, perfume and a can- 1 fly-rilled miniature cannon, were pre-1 seated, to the honoroe. Preceding the games, Mi?s Coffev 1 presented the Uride-elcct with an umbrella, which, when opened, was found to hole! a-shower of dtfihy; L. handkerchiefs in a variety of designs and colors. At the close of the evening, the hostess was assisted by Misses Car-j lit* and Louise Coitoy and Mrs; Sa? | tor i.innev in serving delicious re-1 freshhients.-These consisted of halves] of cantaloupe simulating floats, | which were filled with ice cream and j whipped cream, decorated with tiny j flags arid accompanied by wafers and ] fruit punch. The guest list Included the following members of the Maids and Ma- j trons Club: Miss Hodges, honovee,j Misses Ruth OottreH. Erie Greer, Annie Dougherty. Ruth BenfieldJ Louise j Go f fey, Carrie Coffey, Mesdames j James Rivers, Raul Coffey, A B. Cole, Baxter M. Linney, David F. I Greene, James Moore, and D. B.I Bingham: Additional guests were:] Misses Knthprinri HhimEll Critcher. Elizabeth Itueker, Barbara Weir, Louise Pearson. Mesdames Robert F. Coffey and Russell D. Hodges. J. G. Shields of Halifax County harvested 100 acres of Abruzzi vye with his new combine last month, and reports a saving in time and expense. She: You have a hole in your stocking. Second She: I'm not wearing stockings. That's my vaccination. CONDITION OF COUNTY BANK rporation Commission at the close of g day of June> 1930: FRCES ... $(>65i0fsG.38 _ *31 _Jjm 57-o2 11,000.00 17,500.00 4,300.00 I >proved Uepos. Banks 54,890.11 s? 2,252.45 ositovies> 2,184.31 irs) 246.75 t - JSS 1,157.44 $758,680.76 -ITIES ; $ 50,000-00 SEE 50,000.00 11,579.86 142,814.00 and Any Official Thereof 13,525.42 f Assets of depos. Bond._ 5.23G.52 1.447.76 or After 30 Days) iill 310,529.14 I Days) 70,191.81 34,500.00 70,000 00 , 856.25 j $758,680.70 inty of Watauga: Mast, Director, and B. B. Dougherty, k, each personally appeared before me i for himself, says that the foregoing ledge and belief. . HAGAMAN, Cashier W. MAST, Director t. DOUGHERTY, Director, re me this the 9th day of duly, 1930. D. SOUTH, Clerk Superior Court. l>": , V7r7_":3,' 'I * ||Mn|Biifi0!(aBmRCK?3KanKpsapqHS?S?M|w R\ THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. wEarfyftkr. > Mountain City, then down Cove icek; the third by Mountain 1 *ity ox Laurel Chip uii'Oug'i Ashe The most practical route will be ilecfced. From Superintendent I. W. Thom* annua) report we gather the folwing school statistics: Number of bite children between the ages of and 21 years 3,955; 2,980 males, 874 females; colored children 192, ales 898, females "i03; 2.013 white lildren were enrolled in the public :hools with an average attendance 27 1-2. Thirty-eight colored were, trolled with an average attendance 13. There are '31 districts for hites and 0 for colored schools. The , hites had 59 schools taught, the col cd 2. The whites have $5,070 orth of school property, the colored 105 worth. Eleven weeks average ngth of school for whites, 11 weeks >r colored. Salaries for male tench's for white children $20 per month, males $19; teachers for colored (bools $15. There are 55 bouses for hites, 5 for colored schools; $3,17.31 was apportioned for white and T2-80 f(?r colored school children. Irs. Tracy Councill Entertains ntre Nous CIul?. Mrs. Tracy Councill delightfully .terrained the members of the Ene Nous Club and a few additional ? ? ti ? i-rriiyo auenigun at ner >me in Cherry Parle. FoU? tables ere in pi ay. When scores were tal(! Mrs. Cliff McConnell held high. rs. Paul Coffey second high, and rs?. Sam Horton was awarded cut ize. At the conclusion of the panic ic <-ards were removed and a cleli (jus salad course was served. NOTICE TO EX-SERVICE MEN Say, Buddie, don't forget that merican Legion meeting, Post 130, ill meet next Friday night. July 11. o'clock, in Legion Hall. We are anning on having a Legion picnic the near future. We also hone to able to give you some "dope" on o new veterans' Li IT, passed recently Congress. Every ex-service man in the counts urged to conic* and help plan a ai good outing. Spencer Miller, Commander Charles Younce, Adjutant !COME HERE ? FOR COOL REFRESHMENT S Now that warm weather is Q approaching, you'll approeiate a cool, refreshing drink Q or a tasty sundae now and H then. Before you choose T your headquarters, examine Q our coo!, sanitary fountain X and notice the prompt, cour- U teous service. W Rnnne Drue Co. Bl X The ^&%a?iL Store ft D BOONE, n. c. O la JTHF WOW,L,g5TA5G?s7cHA.N QF|sv IV7S I l^j^JlHDIVIDUALLYOWNEO PauG STQREsPr^Ji | 55**^ a oriiTitgin* "^THEATRE Hd "Place ov Good Shows" "riday and Saturday, July 11-12? . loam Crawford, Dorothy Sehastiam, Karl Dane, Ricardo Cortez IN "MONTANA MOON" Seal Romance, Real Cowboy*, Real Musical Hits and Real Entertainment. (ALL TALKING) k4onds?v. Tuesday. Wednesday, July 1 4-15-16 AL JOLSON IN HIS LATEST ALL-TALKING LAUGHING AN!D SINGING PICTURE "MAMMY" MATINEE EACH DAY Tr~T^ ?. r Miss Carrit Coffey Hostess at Bridge Party. An enjoyable affair of Wednesday evening was tlie bridge party given by Miss Carrie Coffey, complimentary to Miss Madeline Lambkin, attractive guest of Miss Ethel Bou-jt,^ | \ lit* If t', <111 Vi 13.1 liUlU lJLVUgl.0, J.-VJ/H--I lar bride-elect of the month. Th*' reception hall and living room1 of the home were used for the games j and were attractively decorated with] ;? profusion of pink roses. This decorative note was also carried out in! the tallies which were in the form of uink roses- The two high scores of the evening were made by Mr. and; Mrs. Baxter M. Linney, Mrs. Linneyj receiving as prize a lovely chiffon handkerchief, while Mr. Linney was awarded a book. To her honor guest' Miss Coffey presented beautiful gifts, Miss Lambkin's being a small! manicure set ano. Miss Hodges' a Japan est pottery vase. Following the games, the ho^* served tempting refieshments of chicken salad in tomato cups, saltjnes, olives .pimiento sandwiches and iced tea. Miss Coffey was assisted] in entertaining by lie? sister, Miss Louise Coffey, and her mother, Mrs. E. S. Coffey Those playing were Misses Madeline Lambkin. Eula Hodges, Ethel i ? "Nowhere Can You | Talking and Sii 1 THF HARftl It - o sses V! IIAVb!! Ai BLOW PRESE 2 Friday and Saturday, Julv 1 2 EDDIED -J THE RAIN ? "BLAZE C ' < Don't miss seeing and hea ^ Monday and Tuesday, July 2 THE PICTURE YOU HA i LILLIA H ROD LA ROOUE, CONRAD d "ONE ROMA ^ A United Arti 0 Wednesday and Thursday, . ? Joseph Schildkrai t "COCK OF ' ~ Genuine entertainment as p <; Roxy Theatre ir T J. 6 Self-Serv SchoOi have rolled around ag today a few special p I* ,1 - " * (supplies tnat will be i occasion to mention a I eery items for your ap PENCIL TABLETS NOTE BOOKS NOTE BOOK FILLE LOOSE LEAFE NOT SALAD DRESSING, SALAD DRESSING, heinz~saeax)1dr1 8 J. & E. Store rend I to the people of this s< nnpratur) Kv Wafnuora s-V -othe goods it offers are I k. _j 1: j x ii xy auYCiuocu ui atiuo. . I a customer it will be I pay us a visit. Howev ient to do this, we wil (telephone orders and ? fey, Mr* and Mrs. Paul Coffey, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaither. Mr. and Mrs;. IX B. Bingham. M?-. and Mrs. Baxter M. Finney, Messrs. Remmel Porter, Frank Winkler and Hubert Coffey. NOTICE CF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT 'North Carolina. Watauga County, the Superior Court: Dudley Council) vs David Hamilton and Johnson City Buick Company. The defendants above named Will take notice that summons in the above entitled action was issued on 30 th day of April, 1330, by A. K. South, Clerk of the Superior Court of Vfatauga County, for the sum of $203-00 and interest from April 30, 1030, due said plaintiff on account of damages to car, which summons is returnable before said Clerk at his office in said cownty on the 2Sth oi July. 1930, gainst, the property of the said defendants which warrant is returnable oeforc said clerk at the time and place above amed for* the return of th" summons when and where the defendants are required to appear am! answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This June 28, 1030. A. F SOUTH. 7-10-41 ( Jerk Superior CourtSee or Hear Better J aging Pictures" t NA THEATRE i 1NG ROCK * NUNC J 1-12? > t OWLING F : BOW MAN ? J V GLORY" ? I ring this entertaining star. O 14-15? > VF. BEEN WAITING FOR P V N GISH ? | NACEL, MAKIE DRESLER r NTIC NIGHT" = ists Production O ' ? July 16-17 > at and Myrna Loy r THE WALK" r | 7S J roven by its long run at the ^ ? : New York City O ?E. ice Store l Days ain and we are listing >rices on some ot the veeded. Also we take few of the regular groproval. 4c gB RS 5c E BOOK BIND'R 10c 3 oz., each 10c 7 oz., each 20c SsiNG, 8 oz 25c 1 TTT~ ^ ers a superior service irflA** I*" ? * V1V/11 v li id U W IICQ1 311(1 I i County psopk stud the standard nationally you arc not already to your advantage to I ,, er, if it is not convenI cheerfully receive 1 make prompt deliver- I