SIX u? ; ---; .-= Miss Nobc i rsowi I By ELIZA BE'. 5 \UVn%UViVW^WiVWW%*WVkV SI XT HE NTH INSTALMENT "Ye,.' 4"How did y.v. manage it?" ' \V*r'!. / got the eiethe> fro mi the East Sole apartment. The janitor let me, have them?for a cdiioh:3.eration."' Erie finished with a wan grin. > ''Now* lion':. ?ro lip in the air. Di ctcvi " he begged: "hut I've simply. got' to make ' suggestion and you've got to {i-'t?=n to it. 1 want you to hawi a con?ii \ La t ion I?3f* faith - mil sc-e what they think : your . xoeriroe'in. 1'li leave the selett hjh :ot them eiitiiely in your own ':a,io<- '.Hf*1 i'h :h,,ir *?ts hl'v'slvll p"vV'"K- r h'-a'"'-? "tall ".-v cvjt>ul cation :.ow' "aoviKi exoOe ij :,/:thc- .success of lay experiment. That's why 1 didn't arrange ic- Bur I've, ** ' t-i." * . , j (\arrick admitted, '/end si her- you fee)-; that I'm wondering; dY ?;,c could 1 ha vev.YsHem' i<3y her Witho'dt her, kneeing ii-. < .ildBcilji havi' all jfouv1. ^Vr;-;' of i;> td-tSfiBt as iTieuds i D$iBurs,'?S It v.u- ) .sihU .low'lirvll irvtarry a;i$tnrtev '!? & !;< U;5 ;-- thai; a month . Mi). Agate aivl-ykiirai-.i/Mavt r amv ^Ia :k, \yuil cUvkC?v. fr-.t:U it -o.!;: !! ally Lhat he sea ned . 1 " 1 s- h it But ! *> yearned yffipar >! .<. f-.|trtnil?fcon*s :>rf feyenccs. a'rtb something, about rhu pla>sh.c?ad seen. gP'"i a< we'i a- her nnprcssyui .of a now' h.-'ok ' ) !'ao. and bi- i!'!n>s!. in her -.! pened. Be was vastly impressed, a- <*arnck had been. by the poise and, dignity of vh;> groping figure that nievej through sarh a fog. His vivid; imagmation njcttiyed himself as a| etim of this girl's experience, and the flesh of his scalp * ingled. Arrhmar la tec. u? the aaayi-lwi iting: room, the physicians, joined now hvt < arriek. passed on their conclusion; to Hamilton. They $bre very frank with him. D'-.Xo one can promise yon anything.* Hazard confessed, "except that the experiment will not do M'ssi fegL.':--:::Carpitigto!i any lasting harm. If she. had noT wrung a promise tn?;n von to the contrary, w? woutS suggest that h?.w manage?- jnsidenng those things, WHS? h- hetter, perhaps, to pro ebeci as Doctor Darriek suggests- Tin alun-natU'c is in let matters drag ali.i.v, anil ill thai ease you will ertafiniy hav- to take Mr. Henderson inttv.e the < 'hiesao SpsKi.u- nil;.!. w'e ran si aire oar expert,;j B?|Mr tihe day after t.tnt.n'ijoj if! j ffiisWraj weal her holds, as i think it j will. Heady for your part o! it.?"' "C"f roarse." Iltt.r Hmni!i tor Eric to Sersuade Eve to take anautomobile spin early j that morning:easy to drop unseen. 111 the hack of"the roadster, the care-j fully packed suitcase; easiest of all; to turn from the city's roar. flash out a&ross Ilong island and bring; up at a remote stVetc'n of beautiful seacoast. that lay simmer in? but lonely 1 in the sunshine. Indeed, it was al-i most deserted. Only twe ladies. She spoke with a great effort, keeping her eyes away from the water. "It won't be October till tomor-j row. and people bathe on this coast; till the ice forms," Hamilton remind-j ed her. "There's a bathing club called j the Polar Bears or something of the j sort." "Those nurses are almost too real-j istic," he muttered, v; "I don't th?nk I want to stay here, iakered. Apparently Hamilton failed to hear j the words. He stopped the roadster,} jumped out and offered her his! hand. "Let's sit down a little while and! PINKY DINKY' : : : ic^ 41*jnHS.: >dv From ! * ' i here I TH JORDAN I w w% u look at '..'it' f.ea." be casually sii?jrost; Je. As she re&ctantly descended from the ear he added, "You sortie comfortably n the sand while 1 park the machine on .he otheis side of that bank*' lie WOS noi sui e of his volt Cot Ills : - wa- :m-reas;n?4. lit cduid see tha Kve was shivering:? that a - \v t i wcr shook her et t hoVl'N as she now nivni-d and stood ktariiii: at ?tiy ocean. There was ii Lowboat rather far out?too far for her yip see what wfja in iu >hv followed its prc&rdss with iju Tokening breath and eye? that addj widened. F.ri" eot int< the roadster and 'started the engine. "It may *aki- a few minutes tui set his teeth ami r>!av*ed his part of Car rick's drama. The iffit hti-.nivn^lte was out j?? ?djrht : otViKi the bank, where CarHck, May-. , and Hafr.rd were atvaithnr hiiii kCr.ind another hath house. in f-nv nan.- v. 'th a rawboat nr.d a l;f-i guard h a. ti rki*. 1 in h. : g>xc,vin? 0 F V. h*ui f011OW88 hlw nTirhv Have iFcPwred tlienSill: but i:i Hamilton'and (iarrick ha-i tight ! a.O'jii- i ?hat she won id iu-l do -.tBSgg^he -"rink, dij him aft* !" tha- "in- v\vdd look. 'Stijifi \ioibiiilu t1 rub dps*:, she .-tupted oM to sea ^ When t&e boat overturned -!'< i'ti in.; need the shrieks of the I'vr- Avomcoj on ? ji more ve.ilistie. Thoy imaginable. and my llvei must have byer. ba.ll\ om of ordei fcQag^w.v^y.>VAVir.wAYa-y7^ v? xvix^^..-\,iSZ22aaumm MRS. EI.LA BYRD for I was habitually constipated. A l?mes rheumatic pains through mj sides, back and lower limbs were sc intense I could hnrdiv wait I nepd f? lake -"da by the handful trying tc get relief from indigestion. Sinei taking Sargcn I eat anything in th< world I want without a sign of indi gestion, every rheumatic pain is gone I've gained back eight pounds i los and worlds of new strength and en ergy. "Sargon Pills got my liver to act ir.g right, freed my system of poi sons and overcame my constipation.' ?Mrs. Ella Byrd, o*5 Catawba Street Asheville. Boone Drug Company, Agents (Advertisement) : : : i ; i i : vieli-.vieu al rlv." ? vjhv SO B> iv , APTDCt ?=?' V ' a ' K HOM % |j? ?&j?l| 'v$MHS83^ THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E !but a cot, an alcohol stow with a kettle of hot water on it. a thermos ! bottle Jfull^f^ coffee, and a suitcase | containing dry underwear, stockings j and the gown and hat Eve had worn ! on the day of her memory lapse. Ore "! the nurses Was Miss Adams. The other, who had arrived from Chicago late the night before, was not so imperturbable as her professional sistei. The shrieks she st?l! sent after the swimmer, to preserve i the proper atmosphere, had the ring of genuine excitement. "I've never been so thrilled in my | life," she confessed to Miss Adams, ' \u so nervous- You see. I nurse* ' hcv for ten days, and I got very fond < '" her." i Miss Adams let her finish and then i sent forth another shriek. It was a ' J fine, full-voiced, far-carrying outcry, meant to emphasi/.- the difference ,: between nerves in New York and j those in Chicago. Notwithstanding 'J he' agitation, the Western nurse | caught the idea anil promptly topped j Mis? Adam;-' Shriek with a better 1; one. Emerging from behind the. sand I bank with his usso* Doctor Oar, rick griiincd nerv oiisly. 'j Hamilton turned to him in desp-i' at ion. '! ' ri . she m get tired lladn't 1 be tic j swim or.; irere. to be on the safe side?" "Don't be at) ass. A lif guard i? ijusi bohiod her, there* ? siiC'thei] 'jstro!!-- swimmer back of the capsize ! j boat, and Miss t'aningto*. -levself is catting thiough the water like a fish. What mm*- do y?i?i want?" *i want th.s i-vor. Hamilton _r1?.:11 1. eyes jrliiOtl :.< '- mini! held ore idea and only 'one?Ui" uo&rt ol reaching that cap1 < cov.Ul ' no figures in -ho w.;i m . u.' the ycung t'.sheroVa v ho had beer the oofs sole ocj? eu'oiiiil vva- a:; dp*. -neck on I the far side XHe ' 'a r i\ i - .continued : shriek. Kac was very n nr the upturned i l uat wh< r. :h lespomo a b?ng whistle li"!' shore tVa Mfe-savcr at. last put his back into his strokes and : reached her. Ad : mistake; miss/* i.-- eheertu!; on. repeating the lines : taughi Uim hi the guys ?? *. shore. , "There ain't no children there. There ; is only a man and he s all right. Thcie was somehting funtvv about hat. too, he reflected. If this was j only a picture, why had he been told ?< learn and speak these words? Eye got into the boat without difi iicuiiy ami rat ui ippingiu the-storm 'j blindly looking ahout her. Her com| panion, having helped to right the j other boat and resceue the oars, rowi ed her back to shore swiftly and in silence. 1 On the beach Miss Carrington found a waiting group of sympathetic nnd helpful strangers, who . ' ?\vcd a solicit ide for her welfare it would have surprised her if she had nor. been past reasoning. Kour of thein were men and two were womau. the women who wore the bathing suits. These ladies hustled It May Be undent When Children Ciy for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby ig Iretful. No sooner taken than the little ino is at ease. If restless, a few dropa toon bring contentment. No harm done, lor Caatoria ia a baby remedy, meant t lor babies. Perfectly safe to give the i 'oucgesx, iniant; you have the doctors' .j vord for that! It is a vegetable pro} luct and you could use it every day. But y t's in an emergency that Caatoria means s nost. Some night when constipation I r.ust be relieved?or colic pains?or ^ ?ther suffering. Never be without it; lODie mothers keep an extra bottle, un' >pened, to. make sure there will always be Caatoria in. the house. It is effective 'or older children, too; read the book hat comes with it. ~ Pinky, \ f AW, EG, L.UE JU>T 1/ POP^ THERE'5 rr"""' BACKY A LOT OF ,e PRor* A ) REAWN4 CATION "N S F'R' H5TANCEHF; COONTftYthing and rubbing her down With] eo.Mv-e towels and feiviiig her hot oof-; fee which it appeared to be their i pleasant habit to carry about with! their and urging her not to talk. They aiso redressed hoi- in drv gar- j "MMits---fortunatelv her own. She had an odd feeling of having entered | the bath house in garments that were I not her own. The two women explain-) ed that these must have been bath-! lag clothes. The clothes themselves { had strangely disappeared, ar.d she i wyiK new wearing and gold] one-piece gown. . . .% But where was | she? What did it all mean? The four gentlemen who had so opportunely been passing along the shore in a big automobile insisted oh taking her home. |"i m . . . ai . . . the Ciaiinnu, I think," she managed to bring ouL ?T>ut . . how . . . aid T get here? I _ . . mev..J\ nVaoHt ?-> *-?!-? . I wnlk." ' - " ' " "I j __ . _ Mow f .". Rakes i; j; IF IN THE J t ' DF \ Look Over voui < . < > fore H Boone ;: I yj ELL J\J*T COME. FROM O A B?E ^TUNfi ME ^ ^?>_ ^OT ^UMSV'RN POIWM jvv <~v LE65 -Af f&g AND 5CHI /T^> \i?JV 1 14 A FEV I ^gBEgBgj|^^pi^|^^p^^BBS8Mw lANS -Know Your OH) I-Mil ttv HOYCh ft KANK They were vague ahoiit that bill obviously they were also men to b< trusted, and one of them said he was a doctor and made a fuss about colt and exposure and insisted or. hayinj soon as she was back ir. her bote rooms. It was all a dream of course . . a chaotic dream with something hor rible in it. - . . There was a vounge: man in the group with a tragic sor of face. . . . The face haunted her CONTINUED NEXT WEEK Mai v?ilvSo" nevcv iei|sonvone he age. Marjorie: Yes, I've noticed that But her age is beginning to tell 01 he MgBHjflMHHH "But T don't trust you sailors. Yoi have a wife in every port." "That's a gross exaggeration. A the moment I swear I have no \vi?i in either Yokohama or Barcelona-" VWAWVVWVS) ers, Tec and Sweep ===== MARKET, SEE US. M .fcKlINU?INUINfc, lit. 1 1 : old machines and see e ay Day. Complete line ? -jay tools too. Get read} Hardware C "The Friendly Store" ______ UT IN THE COOW-rW-V WHERE ' OM THE NOS>E AN' \ ON AAM BACK AND ON fAV AR.HS ANP 4P NOVM I'M SACK. HOME OOU> <50?N' TO VTART^ jg' i v ^ > ' > AUGUST 21, 19.50 ^ State! ||!1| ] ? J .iFn? Tf] [ j Adults Contract Children's Diseases 1 Adults can, and do, contract many i; children's diseases. And, usually, tbey ; suffer from them much more than children do. For instance, many adults contract worms, an ailment usually associated with children. Sometimes they suffer intensely and take expensive medical treatments, without reaiiJ ; that worms arc the cause of their troubles. Yet., the symptom.! are tho '1 same as in children, loss of appetite and weight, grinding the teeth and rest1 jss sleep, itcning ot the nose and anus, r| md abdominal pains. And. the saino racririira tuutsurcl and harmlessly exF ': and Bin. worms from children i 4'fiSjr me t -r adu-ts ? White's V.v..:a ?ertiiJ'uj \ w hich vuu can get at MH?gl ' <-? - - i ' ' - ? ,1 Sold by Hedges Drug Comrmry t i.? READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS r iders Rakes.'. : _ < * [cCORMICK < ; ER J > ibout repairs be- ^ :>f hand J ? :: #, ompany I : By Terry Gilkison VinSu^ Jingle^? AUM/W* POE* WRONG WWW TO SREU-IVYEXK. BOT WRITER rr