i n AUGUST 21, 1930 Mighty Haag Shows Coming to Watauga The Mighty Haag Shows, an oldfashioned circus with two rings andl'j a stage, and all the old-time features in abundance and many ".ew c-r^:, added, is coming to Boone for two performances, afternoon and eve, ning, September 1. This season is , the 47th for the shows on the road.i , They are offering as one of the many j features, a number of dancing horses that do the Charleston and Black j Bottom with all the ease of a finished human dancer* The beautiful j horses carried by this show, it is i said, are the talk pf every comnmn-| j ity hi which it stops. ; The menagerie, is composed of , lions from Africa, ferocious Bengali; tigers from India, huge elephants, jririan-1 ike-apes, monkeys and camels. The program under the big top-opens \ with a spectacular pageant entitled , "A Night in Asia.*' A multitude of people take part In this unusual and |} magnificent spectacle, which brings , to view many gorgeous gown crca- ] fcions and costumes from all four . corners of the globe. The band is un- j der the direction of Frank M&ister, ; the world's youngest band director. , It is composed of 25 men, offering everything from opera to lilting A jazz. , j . ST1LI. BLUFF HONEY for sale at;] the grocery stores. Warranted ' pure. 1 , NOTICE OF RESALE | ! Under and by virtue of on order ', j nf tn?. ? r* ^ < ^?jgss-?iwi vuun IJI wataugaj County. made in a special proceeding' entitled C. S. ITagaman, Administra- j < tor of .John R. Hagaman, deceased, et al, vs. William Ward Hagaman, j Woodrow Wilson Hagaman, Minors,I and Hunter Martin, Guardian ad ( litem, the undersigned commissioner c w?ll 011 the 2nd day of September, I 11130, at 11:30 a. m. at the court- i house door in Bcone, N. C-, offer 1 for sale to the highest bidder for 1 cash or on terms satisfactory to the i court that certain iract of land in ? Boone Township, either the land or I ? th?? timber threeupon separately or | together, f the estate of H. T. Johnson, de- pe cased, this is to notify all persons ta laving claims against ihe estate of th .aid deceased to present the same at 'or pay mart one year front the date fo Sere of, or this notice will be pleaded th: n bar of its recovery. And all per- th< Ions being indebted to the estate* of to aid deceased will come forward and m? bay the same .mmediatleyThis August 1 2, 1 930. J. E. HAilBTN, do M4-Ct Administrator. 8-1 IT'S v\ sst TO JiV iioimefn; xluc'tioii Chevrolet Sixe evrolet has produced and Wmm -cylinder automobiles? ^ any as any other manu- correct defective vision. 25 yeara r.tfve experience I have kept up-to ?te by doing Fcst-Graduate work, atinding lectures and taking special purees every year. TO SEE BETTER SEE DULA Have your eyea and your children'* res examined by a well known and tetble authority on eyes and vwknr. THE OLDEST, THE BEST JQUIPPED, THE MOST PROGRESSIVE EYESIGHT SPECIALST AND OPTOMETRIST. Boone, North Carolina SEPTEMBER ]>t-2n>I-3rd Parlor Blaclcburn Hotel DRTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST1, F.YE SPECIALIST DR. A. W. DULA Lenoir, H. C. EYES EXAMINED FREE THIS TRIP! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator the estate of W. F. Reese, deRRfifl. hit '* of W n fgntru rV:?.?>v jrth Carolina, this is to notify all rsons having claims airainst the este of the said deceased to exhibit em to the undersigned at his home Reese, North Carolina, on or bore the 8th day of July, 183,1, or is notice will ho pleaded in bar of sir recovery. All persons indebted said estate \viil please make ini?diate payment. This 8th day of July, 155"?0DEAN REESE, Administrator, hn E. Brown, Attorney. 14?It CHOOSE A sax g ft new record f# itoir on the The Coach. S565.f. o. b. Flint factory lodel can be bought for a small and easy monthly terms! Con for yourself why two million 1 I?"it's wise to choose a Six." r*s? Diftiingtaitthiiifii Fe sepower six-cylinder motor . . ;haft . . . full-length frame . . . c springs . . . fully-enclosed i. . . four I.ovejoy hydraulic sh . dash gasoline gauge . . . Fisher eel body . . . adjustable drivei gasoline tank in the rear . . . n< hi eld . . . and, for your protec horo 1 enrxTi/?a *x/x15r?*r MVA MA vjVi T 1VV pVUCJ* ^ Sedan Delivery . .$595 1 Ton Light Delivery With Ca Chassis $365 . k Pnccs f. } Roadster Delivery $440 Flint, h (rick-up Ux Jgf >owJpi ET SI] rolet C olina iSS AT LOl ERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having- qualified as administrator of the estate of Caroline Isaacs, deceased. this is to notify oi! person* who have claims against the said estate to - ni-fsorit. them within twelve) months; otherwise this notice wiii he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please come forward and niakv settlement. This August 8, 1930. L. S. ISAACS, 8-14-6t Administrator. Her Children a Joy "When I was not more than 13 j years oid mother taught me never > to take spells of Biliousness, iwh- j gestion and sour stomach lightly," j says Mrs. C. E. ITanck, whose home | M is at 1310 Boyle St.. in Houston. ( "She started the taking Hcrbiiie I hen, and what a blessing it has been (or me! i\fy four children are always well, with good appetites and a big store of energy. Any time one of them gets a little sluggish, breath is bad or I see the tongue becoming coated, I give liim a taaspoonful of licrimie." ^ Herbine is a vegetable liquid so concentrated you only have to take a teaspoonful to get results. Herbine does nothing more, than keep the stomach and bowels active so gas can not constipate you, make you bilious, dyspeptic or suffer from sour stomach, sick headache and indigestion. Sold by Hodges Drug Company ?.?_?. ' 3 ^ I ! down payle in today, tuvers have aiurvH . 48-pound . four semifour-wheel ock absorb" hurrlwnrwl -'s seat . . in-glare \ V tion, a new Chassis $520 b $625 o. b. factory lich. Special sent extra }o. V COST Legal Advertisements L E IV^-ap 'jSggg | |r Advertisements -appearing under ' ? this hcauir.g are payaSlcs strictly i C in advance. This rule applies to n1 all. Please do not ask the publish- In erx to deviate. a< e ; ' iS NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ^ Having qualified as administrators C of the estate of Mrs- W. P. Pendlcy, cf deceased, this is to notify all poisons l^' ! who have claims against the said es- . tate to present thern within twelve iri months; otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All p1 persons indebted to th6 estate will al please come forward and make set- , Clement. L>This August -1, 1030. T. H. COFFEY, a* G. M. SUDDRETH, 8 7-6 Administrators. 'J1 th ( NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE }6 By virtue of the power of sale con- v< iained in a certain deed of trust exc- Ci| cuted to the undersigned on the 1st day of March, 1929, to secure the sum of $790.00 by E. B. McQueen, which deed of trust is recorded in B; the office of the Register of Deeds __ for Watauga County in Book 13, at page 231. and default having been ? made in the payments of the sum of money thereby secured as therein j provided, 1 will on Saturday, August 23, 1930, at 1:00 o'clock p. nr., at the court house door of Watauga County, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, towit: .tujoimng me lanus 01 J- w. winK-|| ler, J. S. Stanbury and others, BEGINNING on a stake in J. S. Stan bury's line, Lucy Cullers now Graffney Norris corner, and runs south 01 west with his line 10 poles to a stake, his corner; thence south 46 east 14 1-3 poles to a stake, John R. I lodges corner; then north 61 east 10 poles to a stake in the said J. S. Stanbury line; then north 2!) west with said line 14 2-3 poles to the be ginning, and containing one acre, more or less. This the 21st day of July, 1930. W. E. COMER. 7-21-4 TrusteeNOTICE OF TRUSTEE*S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in two certain deeds of trust executed to the undersigned by R. L. Clay on .June 30. 1926, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for \Va.ta|iga County in Book 5 at page 232, an 1 by George F. Coffey and wife, Emmr. Coffey. May 28. 1927, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book ", at page 311 to so- to cure the sum of $2,000.00 to the ail Watauga Building ami Loan Asso- n*(, ciation, and default having been ttii made in the; payments of the sum of qJ money thereby secured as therein ^ provided, 1 will, on Saturday, August 23, 1930, at 2:00 p. ni. at the court- ar nouse agar 01 tvatauga County, sell la the highest bidder for cash the gr following described iraci of land, to- eo wit: Spi of Same being lots ryes, fi an ! 7 of (i, the J. E. Cox lnuds of Blowing Rock, North Carolina, as surveyed iiy O. 1. vt Stine, Reg. Surveyor, the plat of said n, lands being of record in the office ,?c of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, to which map and the record thereof reference is hereby made for a full description. This July 22. 1930. .W II. GRAGG, Trustee. | John E. Brown, Attorney 7-21-1 j NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SA1.E j By virtue of the power of ca\e| contained in two certain deeds of ICJ trust executed to the undersigned fojgj secure the sum of $2,000.00 to thcj Watauga Building and-l.oan Associa tion by R. I., ("ay which deeds of trust are recorded it: the . fficc of 0 the Register of Deeds, for Wataiiga County in Book 5. page 111, and . Book ,7. page jll! respectively, and default having heen made in the pay- | ments of the sums of money thereby seemed as theiein provided, I will, on Saturday. August 23. 1930; at i 2:00 p- fii. at the courthouse "door of ] Watauga County ..-i-d to the higher.tfj bidder for cash the following: de-? 1 scribed tract of land, to-wit: BEGINNING on the south side 01 Boone Street, corner of Story lot No. | 20, and runs south 84 decrees eastj 75 feet to a stake, corner to Lot No. 1(>: thence south 0 degrees west 112 ^ feet to a stake; then north 84 dc- 1V grees west 75 feet to a stake of Lot.. 8 No- 20; then nurth 0 degrees east! f with Lot No. 20, 142 feet to he be-1 ? ginning and being Lots N?> . ] t. 1# J I and 10 of the Cox property as sub-, J divided by the Carolina Land Com-;,;, panv and survpved bv G. T. Stine. 1 This Julv 22," 1080*. \\\ H. GUAGG, Trustee John.Brown, Attorney. 7-24-1 i ? : 1? A suit cf clothes is new just as long as it loofcu^new. Our modern dry cleaning methods keep clothes lnokiner new. They help you get more service out of the clothes you buy. To the man or woman who is interested in economy, we offer an economical service which will save them money in the long run. p HI-LAND < DRY GLEANING CO. Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Hat Blocking I iBPBPwraMHBwI NOTICE CF EXECUTION SALE mw By virtue of a?* execution directed the undersigned from the Superior omt. of Watauga County in the rse of Eugene T.rivette andW. E. omer. trading as Trivelteand Co?er vs. F. C. Ward and xl. rs. ferry, ondsman, for the sum of $251.56 tid interest. and cost, less credit of tftO.OO, 1 will on Monday, Septemer 1. 1J?30, at 1 o'clock p m. at. ie courthouse door of Watauga ounty sen to the highest bidder for ish to satisfy said execution ail the ght title and interest which the said . C. Ward has or had in the follow ig described real estate: fl Being that certain tract of land i Brushy Fork in Boone Township, |'d being hounded on the north by ie lands of F. 0. Ward, on the east v' the lands ol* Andy Greer, on the uith by the la?ids of Andy Greer id W. R. Billings, on the west i>y ie lands of Pauline Ilenson and betg that tract of land lying between e Boone Trail Highway and the W. Ward lands. From the above excepted the land heretofore conryed to A. Y. Howell and ?, B. annonTnis the 1st day, of August, 1030. L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff Watauga County. y H, A. Hagaman. Deputy 8-7-11 JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE. N. C. Offices Posloffice Building Phone 63 jum A Sour Stomach In the same time it taken a dose of sods bring a little temporary relief of saa id sour stomach, Phillips Milk of Mag ma iiaa acidity completely checked, .?* the digestive Organs all trssqsilisedi ice you have tried this form of relief ai^wilLceatfe to worry about your diet id experience a new freedom in eating. This pleasant preparation is just aa od for children, too. Use it whenever a ted tongue or fetid breath signals need a sweetener. Physicians will teil you at every spoonful of Phillips Rtilk of agncsia neutralizes many times its riume in acid. Get the genuine, the ltoc Phillips is important. Imitations > not act the samel Phillips r mat of Magnesia DR. CALDWELL'S THREE RULES | l)r. Caldwell watched the result* of jgwjgj onatipation for 47 years, arid believed hat no matter how careful people are i their health, diet and exercise, contipation will occur from time to time. >f next importance, then, is how to treat t when it cornea. Dr. Caldwell always ras in favor of getting close to nature, us possible, licnce his remedy for eonstimtion is a inild vegetable compound. It an not harm the most delicate system nid is not habit forming. 4ft The Doctor never did approve oi draeic physics and purges. He did not bcucvwhey were good for human beings to put into their system. Use Syrup Pepsiu ror i*oursoh" and members of the family iu constipation. biliousness, sour and crantpv itomacli, bad breath, no appetite*, headiches, and to break up fevers and colds. Set. a bolliu today. at any drugstore and jbaerve these liirec rules ot health: l\eep the head cool, the feet rearm, the bowels open For 3 free trial bottle, just write "Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, MonUcello. Illinois. 6 6 6 '.elieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 0 minutes, checks a Cold the first ay and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablets T? " " democrat Ads. Provide a Short-Cut to Better Business.