EIGHT HUGE (TALiAN CLOCK. DOES EVERYTHING BUT TALI Messina. Italy.?The world's Ian: est and most complicated clock wil soon be erected in the belfry >>f th? cathedral here- It \vur r>urV<^ .si other clocks, including even the la mons one o? Strassburg for the o*igi 2 utility of the movements and the va riety of its signals. Among the features of this grea clock, which is to oe built by a: Asiatian firm, are a cock which crow at dawn, midday ami sunset, an 01 nainentar lion that wags its fail a mid-day. opens month and emit a a series of roars Two traditional figures of Migfyp folk-lore. D.nu and Ciarenza. appea every quartet of an hour and strik the clock's bell. A. tiu- hours. l>eat reaps in the time with a fickle an then disappear- behind a door. The cb . k will tell the days of th week with a mythological figure ar 'tearing ' 1 each ; e. I'hi.- \p ?!1 ^ rani.- the clock or, Sundays, th Moon on Mondays. Mat - or. Tuesday juercai y or. ?> C'unQSUU> >. o. Thr:rd:ivs. \ emis on Fridays, an Saturn on caturdays. There will be u r.iiir.^er of Bibli cal -scenes whiv'n move or ccrta: 'Mtiays of .he Year and notasvy i Ea? tor and OhiastmSs. The clock will tell presides th hours, the lay.-- of :.h?? week and th month, the jp bases <f the moon, tf| seasons and the year. The great clock, which it is ex . e^cted will hi >n position F>*.therv s-f the year, is d ie * the initiative 6 the. archbi-wv.o ?>f Mcssir.a . .An ?e!B Paine. - - UNCOVER OLD DATA ON EARLY TEMPER A NC F WOM\Va.Hhir.iti rt- -? - May 11, ISol .1 hand red yi'aS 8|b. tin: Mow Yor Temperance Society held lirmelding, and'road its fiVst. reperi.'.jjj the effects of lienor on the natitfi Vnr.uded r- this report a- an ft) iji-al Hf'thc cuiiii?l_v on thii^duty o providj!!!^ -afe r?-ftvshmen- s for fin men at ?'in-s,grand thus savidg tros oa ntoiioU:! yov.nu: Ryqii from the legfid nCtM iiy - . to th ip iiiebriatinj: run for .-unpsii or do in way of showing that drinkm wis an evil, the" report ?ave instane of a shipwreck iii which a ho^shca >f rum w as saved an?i divided anion tiu 111 persons who comprised th crew of the vessel. \irotv-eiirht uran freely of the liqu.n and every or. rff: Jne'm perished. The ivnfiSnffiSj; 1 merely soaked their feet an.i iegs i rum by turning; it in their boots, an they ali survived the storm. Another example of what a siicce> icniperanee could be was cited .in th rase or the first ship to ever sa Sayj v.ithout any supply of liquor excel mi^nm inctiicbfe '.hcsi. The?vaptai reported ar. ex ed lent voyage wit hot dissension in the crew, and claime cud of coffee went further i stead vine: the men than did a nil T,. repdrt of the society was con ?'jpb?j?d- by- a -ta:ement urging. th: the government on festive oecasicr "taijfo effectual memsarev rn oVever the illegal sale of spirituous liqiou , :it booms erected around opr putvfl squares." This eontufv-.dd repovl of the XV York society "recently \yas v cpili.lisiu' by Lhe l fii(ian TmiU' JUlCEi . Wacihincrl :i. HOL1 AND GRAVES FEATURED iN NEW ROLES AT PASTIM. S&ck licit an-! R&lnh. W?> sat-fftlsKr? ri.i.ia.i tth.,1 ,-av other 111-..!,-!' tn< caul in hi;, a via .\*.:su hmarii>y' -mvv 'Flight.'" ; " Artnvsfer -:hei: to ?xHe*v "u si H f^oluui \ -ia's son sat ional cbfj wjiv: aSroh ixfaenng "Hi'ti'ijIsland,"' whiv h'0'.i oieri to: compSffl-JiS T'jis't : m T!'.eatio Wednesday for n tw? Tie Sa>mr.i Desert, IS nJSSgl .Be: - A hPtitns, Morocco. Aljric: and the grim Felony of French Gn ar.u provide the baeT^bund for drama that offers an a mo a at of thri t:equal to tno past Columbia hits i'ei Turing the most popular team players. The thvihsj however, ate c au enti reij vlifferent nature. Messrs. Holt ami Graves portra two advenutrous Americans serein in the famous French Foreign L< gion. Dorothy Sebastian is seen s the vivacious miss, who forms ih apex of the triangle which transfcvir a carefree friendship into h bitts enmity- The transition of the pk graduates from light tomedy to grii drama h u'l'l:r r up in a ei:maxM powerful intensity. Pompous Manager: Jones, can yo tell me why ali the clerks call r.i "Appendix?" Clerk: Well. sir. they sav you :V: easily irritated and nobody know what use you are. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMEN K North Carolina. Watauga Count; in the Sunerior Court: Dudie Council! vs. David Hamilton an _ Johnson City Buick Company. f T'nc uelcmianv-. a&Vt named v.'i take notice that summons in the abov f entitled action was issued on rao 30c day of April. 1930, by A. E. Soutl Clerk of the Superior Court ot Vj tauga County; for the sum of?8203.0 and interest from April 30. 1930, ciu said plaintiff on account of damage to car, which summons is returnain before said Clerk at his office in sai county on the 28th of July, 193( against the property of the said d< fendants which warrant is returnabi before said clerk ar. the time an place above amed for fhe return o the summons wheiimn] where the d< fendanfs are required to appear an answer or demur to the complaint c the relief demanded will be granted. R This June 28, 1930. A. E. SOUTH. - i t CJeik Superior Cour RHEUMATISM FREE?To any one who sends me .* stamped envelope with their addres and the name of the paper in whic % they saw this ad, I will send an her !^.r -rscipe that romnlftdv ru^co me of bad case'of Rheumatism?absolute! ty free. Robert Lee McMinn, 14 Cei ^ tral Avenue, Ashevilie, N. C 1 ~ ~ ~ T "VERY LATESTS" By MARY MARSHALL j ? , iii A Fapvut jt iiiivdltv </f Sticks of _;the sort that poor little <rn ls in the i story book gather when their parents . j are too poor to buy wood, and these . selfsame fagots were sometimes ^ used in ciisseross or parallel arramren i raent to make small fences or ;>alsl so no doubt came our use : mmn Ujti g.-f- / {: fcpi ||g|) 1 : . {' the won! ' i w to indicate a j ? .omihu an nnr : om'.u oidorv j 2 Pitches as use ?i co connect two strips] J ]-J !' matiTia!. No ? km.\w wher. ,vf!l ,J- wiirn this sort emtn oidery was J 1 V :'! ir.vc!itr<i i>iit ;t \va dmihtltss a | 3 - j.-'very lontr time a*ro atul has always! j J! hov? well ::!-.* ?i :r France, tin- home 2 " O.f almost ovr, sort of fnu- hand j 0 ') work. ' ';y-:jjjll i Needless to say fajrjrot'iujr car. ih-v low remain o:t of style, and this i ^ soaspr o has i odic up f. > a revival. < 1: I- used on nian\ of 11-,, sinar- new J dresses from France and is s??mei imes ; < eon or* the fetter sort of dresses: < ~2 iiTad?5?ir,- the ohtntn. of the J 11 new collar aiid cliff, sets show fa?- < " a tiny lunv.M-n strips of the materia1. 4 11 \ pr r.'vd vatt-.-r drer. may haw a J 11 hand white oi andie attache?) hy ? .. . v. of :\ow--.,w. ... colored piv't-'C * l"! may have a hand of >\'hite pique at- \ ' ':i' I;; ti i?> t-hu Vvay. -Tho -skv.i ch i F,h - a diess of printed ''Kiffon within \\ '.ire of plain colored chiffrfn attached j \ s hy a row ,.? fayirotiivr lone with fine j ? ' ", rope si'k. } If you are legating ipgfctbes tw.;l " >tr?ps oi material, then .cut a strip 6fH : paper, mark \\ off in straight J iUmI lilies. ami 'hen haste the stnp^j.'^ ( n! 15;;.:i- which >e?MV blind j < stitched in :i bias <>v straight foid- . J aad firmly* or; it, a quarterly ? ii. . t! : pa: . n< re or ! :V> \o,u .vau.1 ? 11 on tk > faggot .'.a- stitches..; ".* Aa - in tl . turn the; . :ft !'i-ock v>n)v.'.;- side o.ub; arid;h':md snfbh ' . hem down ho mate* iol .on the: xv vr >r.g <Uh-. 11 rhwcra: t'agj/.otiivr >; .si tches aiv i ;l ** shown. At the Ivft i simple i'nggwtiivr . u'j Ihhiv ' he ihreuti-up the left side JI" *?i* the opening jjetv.-onn the t.vo j , nieces of material, bring it down a ... . ; :' hrbiigh "" fv< m the under side. Now take the ] -I thread hark to The left side cf ma * tenet, P^bing the needle under the srir.cn already made. Pring it up from l:: the- ifridir side add down again to the! j right, parsing the needle under the' ** ? stiijah just made. You ran under-j 'stand jusr.:how to do this by looking: >T ar diagram, which shows the. ? thread much enlarged. 1 ?r j In the center is a more elaborate . l? stitch. Tha thread is carried from ? '' right to left; and then buttonholed ] ; back. You can make the buttonhole . ; stitches ck?s<: togethei or far apart. 7h,- rcsuit i: a prettv sort of ladderv k?j Tl;e iv -< jv-.-; shown at The right similar; Make a very loose ladder - la ross from left to riprht - Then pass 11 j the needle and thread in the fold 6f? e j the cloth forming the hem edge for j a quarter of an inch. Bring it out, Si catch it in the center of the complet3' ed ladder, take a stitch in the left I margin, and buttonhole back again. - i The result is a ladder of x-like fig-1 i ures. r PASTOR'S FLOCK IS PAYING y ALIMONY DUE HIS EX-WIFE 11 Kansas City.?The congregation of is: the Rev. Carl C. Walker, tablernaele j pastor here, is paying his alimony. ^ | His wife divorced him and the Rev. j j Walker left town without attending t'j to the forinality of paying her aliq ; monv. . j Last week. Mrs- Walker and a depcJuty sheriff descended on the church, "i armed with attachments. They took *j 193 chairs, a vacuum cleaner, an el^ ectric refrigerator, a grand piano and a xylophone?not to montio? q :~]well^tfdrn shotgun. ] , I Snn/lai' +V?o r?nwfwnw<-?r?T? mon?r?ffOrl rt j (.V,J".-"v v-.v i-?"&v?-buav... r | very well without the xylophone, but [ 1 the singing was a hit off key without ' j! the piano, especially as the congre- , j cation had to sit on the floor to ' sing. J Monday the sheriff was to auction , | off the church furniture. Several buyers were on hand. One admitted ] _ he was a bootlegger and wanted thei! refrigerator to keep home-brew in. But the congregation had had en- ' a ough sitting on the floor. Just as the i< auction was starting a delegation arh rived and offered to pay Walker's ; b alimony in return for the furniture. , a Mrs. Walker got $150, her iawyer y got $200, and the church signed a ; j- note for $500, which is what Walker , still owes his wife. ~~""vHKBjay^ ~~ gfiBMT-" ' >yggiwyi<yB'r1 ^-rT-'g , THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY THURSDAY"?BOONE. N. C. Notice of Call of j the Democratic Convention { for Watauga County I BBS j The Democrats of Watauga County are j hereby called to meet in Convention at the | Courthouse in Boone, on Saturday, August | 30. 1930. at 1 o clock p. m. for the purpose | of nominating candidate for the various \ State and County offices, and to transact > [ such other business as may come before the | | Convention. | The I ownship Chairmen will hold their | ! I ownship Conventions at their respective | polling places on Friday, August 29. 1930, $ 5 at 2 o'clock p. m. ? ? 4* Fverv Democrat, both ladies and gentle- ? J ?> : men. are earnestly requested to attend these ?: t meetings and participate m the proceedings. i I 1 ; I his August 16, 1930. I I J. L. WILSON, Chm. j j Democratic Executive Committee ; t ? deluxe with 5,000 other i] ^ . 9 . . erling tire meecha S e 1 herli 11 g America we have joj -n the entire factory ;jv t" p*7*2 ular seiberlinc th 2qvk Aa . ; . carma^actl We Can Sel1 You Seib 31*52* ill*? teed for One Year, L ???S IS:? 33x6.00 20.35 Before Y< Central Tir W. R. Winkler, Manager SPECIAL PRICES ; are fine as drawing cards, hut, we wish to quote some of our regular every day prices, 1 he prices quoted below are effective every day: mroil /-?rvT Txxnr?r?\r t-?/^ ^ rN r\ ^ rr^rL^ni LUU1X 1KI LUU5 ?5Uc ROYAL ASTOR LARD 14c 1 GOOD FAT BACK 16c CARNATION MILK, Tall 10c CARNATION MILK, small 5c PEAS AND CORN, 2 cans 25c SUGAR 6*/2c GUARANTEED FLOUR $1 to $1.20 "A Trial is All We Ask" 4-4- ?/~v 11 V^iUlU Cli JLI1U&. | ^dependent seib- regular nts throughout t .. -v. J neo hanbs to buy Seiberlmg out-put of reg ses at less than !>? *5 i irer's prices 28x4.75 7.55 r T* n 29x4.75 7.g5 sa*lmg Tires Guaran- 29x5 00 7?? 5 Incondlt.onally, at 30,4.50 0.3S t ?k Them Over 30x5.00 ?.|J >u Buy "1x5.2" '> "5 I 0 ! PPF

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