? VOLUME \LXI, NO. 19 Today and Tomorrow Bv FRANK P. STOCKBRIDGF. I - I Building Building operations in the Unitec States go by fits and starts. One year there will be a building boom then next year a depression. Oik reason i?- the difficulty of financing the spread between first mortgage money and the building owner's cap ital. oOTuc Chicago builders have a plan whereby the people concerned in the building industry do this financing themselves. Contractors, supply manufacturers, dealers in building materials, architects, and labor ar< to take a part of their pay in junior mortgage certificates, to be paid ofl in instalments. This plan will not re dine wages or profits, but genera!!} adopted will make building opera iiorts independent of general i'inan cia! conditions. * * * Boulder Things are moving In the II c.?vei Dam project at Bouldei Canyon ?ir the Colorado Hiver. Power lines ai< abouht to run to the site, to furnisl energy for the handling of the im r.iense masses of stone and concrete which wiij be required to build tin dam. Engineers arc- being appointed plans "nave bfien made for the towi to house the ten thousand workmei who will he employed on the job, bid: hove been asked for some of the ma tcrials which will be first required it takes time t?> carry out a grea project like; this- Five and one-hal' years is the lowest estimate from tru flay construction begins until th< ereat dam is finished. It takes a lc| of time to prepare to begin work. That is the difficulty about relyir.j upon public works to relieve a suirl den stress of unemployment?it take: o much time to plan them and pro vide for financing them that by th? tinu* the work is ready to begin tin period of unemployment may be al most over. &%%'. [f * * *, Sugar Tb.r announsc!n?nt by the nonart mcnt of Agriculture that the Fcdera sugar cane experiment station a Canal Point. Florida, has develop-?* a cane which yields a third move -ii gar to the acre thar. any previous!} known vanefyj and is at. the sam< time resistant to cane diseases, is o importance to everyone in the Unite* States. We consume several times a E, much sugar as any other nation ii ihe w or id*.-Our sugar producers hi?vhad difficulty in competing with for cign sources. The sugar industry ii Louisiana was practically wiped ou a few years ago. by plant diseases the Mississippi flood of p|!B almos finished the job. But the introduc tion of a new type of sugar cam _*rdm Java, known as "3?. O. J. 2I.3,1 has rejuvenated the Louisiana suga industry, which is now producinj five times as much sugar as in 1026 The new cane developed 111 Flor ido, called "C- P. 807" yields a toi more sugar to the acre of cane thai does "P. O. -I. 2VJ.!' That shb'uh meat), eventually " both': a reductio: in cost of sugar to the consuntet an better profits to the grower. 3l--a * *Fraud A Florida man shipped a carl 6a of oranges to a produce dealer > a/-.nr?u? a check tor $280. The Florid,', ma invoked the recently-enacted FiyJerS Produce Agency haw and haled th dealer into the Federal Court. Th proceedings disclosed the tact tha the net proceeds of the sale of th oranges was nearer $7(10 than $2b< The court ordered the dealer to na the shipper an additional $'163, wit interest- and to pay it before Nc vember -t or go to jail. It looks as if there is at last way in which shippers of farm pruc acts can got' the money due then State and local laws don't prote, thein: they operate in favor of th local dealer and against the shippr t " TOWNSHIPS Boone Bald Mountain Beaver Oair. Blue P Ige Blowing Roek Cove Creek Elk - Laurel Creek Meat Camp No. 1 Meat Camp No. 2 -V - North Fork Shuwnwhaw _ Stony Fork ? Watnutca ' TOTAL Amendment Co Increase Supre * ' iATAl A Non-Pavtisan Ne1 BOONE, iiSWONGER WILL TALK TO COUNTY ]j POTATO GROWERS < i | State Horticulturist Will Meet With; t Watauga Grovers of Potatoes in i the Interest of Increased Produc-' I ( tion and Will Discuss Organization of 400-Bushel Club- Every Farmer \ Urged to Be Present. t I J r> > r | ??. i?. >ia?ynj;fr, ouitt' iiorucui-i i , iurist, will be in Buwtie oil V* icimcS-1 < ! day, November 19th, and at 10 o'-j 1 clock a. ni. will address an asseir1 jc , of Watauga County farmers. The- \ t talk will center around Irish potatoes; ; r and will contain a plea for ir.ei < j i production in this county, where the! r spud attains such a high degree of j ; 1 perfection. He is also much interest-! i . ed in the organization of a 400- i - Bushel Potato Club and will outline j 1 the plans for its formationIt is hoped that every farmer ip.j . reach of Boone will turn out for this! . meeting to the end that their common j interests may be forwarded. Mr. Niswonger is an undisputed authority.! and will bring a message calculated to better farming conditions, especially in so far as the Irish potato i i concerned.. State Teachers College Wins Two More Games i I The giant Mountaineers from Ap-'. * pahichian State Teachers College inj Boone. Saturday afternoon defeated; - the SeadojJs of Atlantic University,! (r to I), in a listless game on the At? lantic University field at Virginia, Beach. The local men scored late in; - the second quarter when Harris, half-i - back, took a forward pass on Atlan-j II tic's 30-yard line and ran for a 1 touchdown. Try for extra point fail-i 'led. The Anrmlnrhinn tonm nnlwoio-lio/i ! - and outplayed the Seusiders. s On the night previous, at Newport j - News, the Mountaineers defeated the' Naval Apprentice team by the score ; of 7 to 0, after battling for three quarters without a marker- The lone touchdown came during the final ( minute of play. The Appalachian team was given the ball on the*Maroons' five-yard line when Umpire : -Hosier.-ruled that an Apprentice play' er had interfered with a Mountaineer i t forward pass at that point. While their big brothers were wilt-] ~ ning their second game withir. a (lav by defeating Atlantic University at! - Virginia Bench, .the Appalachian J Teachers' third team romped all over ' the Booneville Highs here Saturday * and won by a 65-0 count. La Parco 1 scored fifty of Appalachian's total points. The State team scored at) - will and was never in danger of be1 ing scored upont.j from another State. The Federal -1 courts are not subject to local inm fluences; and the new law seems to Yhavc teeth in it. ri * * * ;! Education We spend more money for educan tion than for anything else. but a there are 'still hundreds of thousands il if not millions, of American grownn ups who have never learned to road! cl or write. The death the other day of} Thomas Young, whose occupation wuj that of ''public writer" in n good-] sized town close to New York City J revealed the fact that hundreds off d! persons in White Plains who could j n i not write were in the habit of going r to him to write their letters for them, p In New York State alone, by the ilj Census of 1920, there were 125,000 e persons Over ten years old who could Of neither read JncT write, and all but til 10,000 of those were over 21. Nor e were they all foreigners; more than ). HO.000 were native-horn whites. The y number is probably smaller now* the h 1930 Census figures on illiteracy are >- not yet available. But there were more than three million white folks a over ten years old, and nearly two \- million negroes, who could hot read in any language, in 1920, and the probability is that there are still ie three or four million illiterate citi ;r? -/ens. OFFICIAL VOTE ( St. Treat, j U. S- Sen. : Q ? ? 5 - ? g ? i 'l: ? j s ? j CJ . I 5 o ; ^ W : -r?.L : 87mi68 870: 593 71: 108 02 180 312H91 296; 891 -18j 237 46210; 213 j 183 215' 190 . 360: 308 372 307 18| HO 12j 141 | 154j 24 155 27 i 2391 182 246>-182 28; 26 26! 25 26, .S3 26 83 92 110 94 139 157 205 1551 29? 260; 335 261 334 2852:2740 2836:2755 me Court from 5 to 7?For- 946; Against JGA ivspaper, Devoted to the WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH Ci Jr. Chandler Returned Here by Conference The; Western North Carolina Conevence of the Methodist Episcopal "hurch, South, came to a ci ?se 1jii rrcensboro, Monday, with the read-1, njr of the pastoral assignments of j he various ministers. Comparatively e\v changes are reported to have' >een made at this session- I The people of the Boone church as veil as members of other denomina.ions are happy over the return of 3r- O. J. Chandler to the local charge. )r. Chandler has been in Boone for : year, ar.d is immensely popu Jar, )oth in church and community cir :lcs. 11c and his good family arc \ a? mly welcomed, on the occasion of .heir second assignment to the Boone work. The complete list of the appointments in the Mount Airy District follows: Presiding Elder, W. E. Poovey. Ararat, L. T- Edens. Boone. O. J. Chandler, supply(Teston, A. G. Lackey supply. Danbury, F. E. Hartsfieid. Dobson. Elmer Simpson. Draper, G* E. White Elkin. L. B. Ahernethyi > Helton, C- E. Murray. Jefferson, J. E. B. Jlauser Jonseville, C. A- Morrison. Laurel Springs, P. L. Smith, supply. EeaKsviue, R; G. Futile* Madison. E. E. Williamson. Moravian Falls, J. E- Hipp. Mount Airy. Central, C. S. Kitk atrurk: Rockford St., R S. Howe. Mount Airy Circuit. R. E. Ward. North Wilkesboro, .1. H* Arrabrust. Pilot Mountain, W. B. Thompson. Sandy Ridge, T. G Williams. Rural Hall. O. L. Bro.wn. Sparta, C. W* Russell. Spray, Seymour Taylor. Sioneville-Mayodan, A. S. Rapev. Todd, T* T. Hunneycutt. Walnut Cove, J. W. Campbell. Warrerisville, S- I). Schofield Waatuga, IT. M. Wcllman. Wilkesboro, T, C. Jordan* Yudkinville, T. A. Plyler. Student Duke University, G. R. 3affordConference Director Superanuatc Fund. C. S. Kirkpatrick. Oil Surfacing Begins On Other End No. 60 State forces began Saturday to place the oil tar surface oh the first link of the Boone Trail Highway beyond Miller's Creek. Work has been progressing nicely and yesterday the surface had been laid on about, two miles of the. road. Traffic has been turned over a short detour by way of the old grade while the work on the new grade has been in progress. The second link of the new grade to the Watauga county line has beer gravelled and a final of crushed stone is being laid. No date has been set for oil treating the second link. However it is understood that it will be surfaced in the next few months The load is graded to within two miles of the Ncy*" River Bridge ir Watauga eoriiity, where- hard surface road out from Boone ends. The wbrK is being pushed to completion and it is expected that the new grade will be open to traffic soon. The bridge across New River is practically compieted WiIkes- Journal. ? Len Hagaman Gets High Award at Wake Forest The following dispatch from Wake Forest under date of Nov. 6th, wil be of especial interest in this section -Leh O. Hagaman of Boone, at thi assembly of Wake Forest College stu dents this morning, was awarded the silver loving cup by the Gamma Sig ma Epsilon chemical fraternity foi the highest scholastic average ir chemistry made last year by a fvesh man' Hagaman's average for the sess ion was 97, whjle those nearest hinr were Wilson F. Brirt, of Severn witl 96.0, and LeRoy Lumpkin of Win ston-Salem. whose average was 96/ Young Hagaman is the son oi County Superintendent Smith Haga man arid friends extend felicitation: on account of his signal achievements OF WATAUGA COUt ' Congress I Solicitor | Senate | i rzr~ I \ if i ?!> '? U U : ] ! C ' : 2 ! _ I-36,: ! a =.1 i J i ? i | i ii - ! I ! | ! | 1 I ' ? | I a < ? I I j ? i 3 | j 1 J.. !>;! * i ifa a j j * | K J j -? ;| ? ^ I i 882 i 5341 j 10841 475 j j 1098] 457! 76. 106 , 88. 88i 8y 8G i 313: 86i j .327. 76; ; 329: 73' I 46 j 234 '. 471 239 | 48. 239 ; 223, 185;j 2611 1431! 256 147! ; 388, 291; | -163) 189; i 462, 188) 19 144, 18j 143; 18 145 158: 251 174 17 175; 17; , 253; 180 ; 247 176 274 170! 26; 25 ; 28 24 281 21 26 j 83;, 26, 83;. 26 83 j. 90: 140 , 98 131; 99. 131 j 158; ??2j; 158;!29ttfc?i57i 293 ;; 262; 330; 2641 329 260. 332 ; 2920 j 2655,; 3283] 24 0 l~3319T23!)T 986. Amendment Authorizing World War Veterans 1 n SB V iSV Mil DEM< Best Intere sts of Northwe; ^ROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER SIX REPUBLICANS ! ARE ELECTED TO N. C. LEGISLATURE | , i I Avery, Mitchell, Pamlico. Randolph, i | Sampson and Yadkin H^ve G. O. ? P. Solon*. A. Turner Grant and I Roy A. Harmon Only Member* of \ Senate. Other News from the Tar t Heel Capital J By M. R. DUNN AG AN i Raleigh, N C?The * 'irreducable minimum0 of thirteen Republicans 1 in the North Carolina Legislature, ' ten representative* and three senators, achieved in 1923 through the 1 charged gerrymandering of senato- 1 rial districts by the late Colonel A. D. Watts, was still further reduced f to eight Republicans, six representatives and two senators, as a result * of the election last week, which proved a landslide for the Democrats of greater proportions than liie 1928 Republican deluge. While the Democrats were winning r more than one hundred Representatives and a dozen Senators for an ' almost exact even number with the!1 Republicans in the National Congress ant! carrying many hitherto rock ribbed Republican states with t'ne election of Democrat!'' governor* and! other officers. North Carolina De*r.-j] oerats made inroads that surprised; even the most sanguine party lead ers. They elected a full Democratic delegation to Congress and 1 ! of the 150 Representatives and 4S ofj, the .*>0 Senators in the State General : Assembly, and reclaimed county governments in more than twenty coun-j ties. < The only two Republican Senators!1 are A. T. Grant, Motksville, veteran representative of the 2 4th District.]] composed of the Republican counties of Davie. Wilkes and Yadkin, of which Davie went Democratic and * Wilkes elected a Democratic repre- 1 tentative this time, and Roy A Har- \ men, of Elk Park, from the .'10th district, composed of Avery, Madison j j Mitchell and Yancey counties. The six counties having Republic- \] an representatives are Averv. Mit- * chcli. Pamlico. Randolph, which,' elected half of the Democratic ticket, 1 Sampson and Yadkin, where- the Re- ' publican lead of 11 votes is being! contested; Some of the counties!J that have bcen-Repuhlican since _theJ ! Civil War swung to t he Democratic j column "last week, and some of those; ' remaining in the Republican column are there by greatly reduced mSjcri-l ties- All of the counties which went! ; to that coiumn in 192S are now hack, in the Democratic fold. Josiah William Bailey's majorit?' for U. S. Senate over his Republican ' opponent, George M. Pritcbard, will probably reach 120,000, largest in the history of the State. In the Ninth | Congressional District, the only one in grave doubt. Major A. L Bulwin' kle defeated Congressman Charles A. I donas, Republican, by a large majority, and Zelmlon Weaver redeemed | the Tenth, winning easily over [ Brow alow J.?ckcuii, 1C o pi;hiicn:j, thus reclaiming the two districts;L carried by the Republicans in 1 9 2 is and giv ine the State a solid delegation of ten Congressmen, with two Senators: Throe Candidates for Speakership Shift of 29 members of the House of Representatives in 1929, including! i one independent, to the Democratic! column in iy.S I, ? part of.-which. expected, has brought about tedcu-' bled efforts among the four candir ! dates for the Speakership of the next l House among the new Democratic : members- The candidates, Willis; > Smith, Raleigh; ft. R. Moss, Spring . Hope, Fred I. Sutton, Kinston, and ; H. G. "Tobe" Connor, Wilson, are . out after I he new votes. AU have numbers of pledges oi5 . support, hdt it is pot safe now, with; . the possibilities of trades and shifts, to make a safe prediction. Only eight members of the 1920 i Senate will return, but several of ! the new members have had legislative experience ir. one or both of the houses before. Three ^candidates are f mentioned for President pro tern of 1 . the Senate, to serve with the prcsi(Continued on Page -SI 4TY IN THE NOVEMBE Represent. Clerk Sheriff b !| ! _ :i - I ' ? 5 2 S ; S i - 1 S S 3 , :i:! s ;.?; -! i S | 1 t? I ? 'j ? .5 i; a 5 c : Js : i .? | = - l 3J ' >? ^ ; a 1 s ? j I * f-'J '< ) S? - j ? , s ;10o7 ')?;! 1080 ,S1 forei sou io 1 ?'l 2!l 91 8?i: 87 87 j' 327 76! ;{27 75 323 7- , 2ni ?1? 19 238 ,G 2,1 L ?2l! 143 : 258 144;I 201 147 j 460, 188,; 461 191,: 158i i94j , 18: 14o 18 i45i 17 146| J 18 100 21 174 ifi;. 229 1v?- 258 169' 246' 180.: : io 28. 24 23: 24 28, 84 ; 33 70 28 81 02 Mo 102 130 103 128 ico 159; 2931: 160 2:'2 li_ j3 1 830j) 253| :339i: 259 3351, j 3298;2391. ~3286;2?ijP3157 Classification of Property?For 908: At Rnmls?For 1029; A trai n st 721. )CRA >t North Carolina 13, 1930 * Students of Agriculture I At Cove Creek Organize " li A local chapter of Young Tar Heel'*-* farmers was organized at Cove Creek /y ligh School on October JO, 1930.jl rhe following officers were elected: j ^ President, Albert Michael; yice-pres-j dent, Hardie Moody; secretary, Ray-j T\ nond Farthing; treasurer, Thomas! Vesnell; reporter, Robert Dunn; ad-! ;isor. Mr. W. H. Walker. These officers also make up the program committee. The purposes for which this organization is formed are as follows: 1- To promote vocational odticaion in agriculture in the Cove Creek! "'j High School. | 2. To create more interest in the!'". Intelligent choice of farming pccUrlsfcd pations. : To create and nurture a love p', )f country life. 1. To encourage recreational and ^ educational activities for students in Ideational agriculture. . 5- To promote thrift. 6. To encourage co-operative ef- . fort among students of vocational ? tgricultiire- y 7. To strengthen the confidence ' the farm boy in himself and his ; kvork- V S. To promote scholarship among Kbidepts of vocational agriculture. f 9. To develop rural leadership. ",j Mews Items from the Cove Creek Section Hi Misses Ruth Bingham and Annie Uougheny of the faculty of |lje Cove tn 'reek High School attended the dis- th aict meeting of North Carolina tea- V1 hers at High Point Friday and Sat- ?c' irday. 11 ( Mr. W. II. Walker, vocational at1-- x ' icullural teacher at Cove Creek took y? twenty-six members hi.- class to Roonville in Yadkin County last week er md. The occasion for the trip was to ? ittend the Boonville High School and 'V 'omniunity fair at that place. Mr. *u Walker's brother, Ralph, is the vocational teacher at Baonville- The ! ' oys had a wonderful time in every ,n vay. They attended a negro minstrel Y* 2nd fo.QtbalJ game besides the acti- ^V*J cities in connection with the com- Jh iiiunity fair. We expect to put on a ,] community fair next year and one j 1 ! air pose of the trip was to obscve :.nd get ideas that will be useful here. As there is no football at Cove Greek. basket ball gets off to an early start. We have already played Trade high school and community [n team three games, winning two. Fri- ' ? day last we played Fleetwood high a.* school, winning with the score of 11! i. Friday of this week a double hea- tc der, both hoys and girls, will he play- ^ ed on the local court. The visiting ; teams will he from Butler high j 151 Dr. ,1. Henry Highsmiih, State high} j school inspector, was a recent visitor i** r.t. the school- District. Supervisor A-jB L. TVachey' of the vocational work, was also a recent visitor. The aolicultural clasps '-e p 1 ?ik ' quite a hit of work outside the school tl among the farmers of the commun-.si ity. They have eulled several flocks' v< ci chickens, examined anil treated a i f large nuinbe* of sheep, ^elected seed i.:i eovn and have done demonstration jV work of various kinds. VVc feel that; p this department will mean a grb&tjp deal Co the school -and ci>mmupit\. | A An interesting trial in Moot Couvtjtl was conducted in the auditorium^-of v: the school building r few nights ago.l h The attorneys, both 101* the inbSe-j/Sr cation and for thr defease, were stn-j e; dents fro iv. the Appalachian State: Teachers College. Messrs Howard Wil- y son, Casvcvens, Dickson and Williams ; respectively. The defendant, indicted) on a charge of vagrancy and nan-1 support was Robert Yates. The wit-, nesses and their responses to the! y cross examination of attorneys nrov ' ed very interesting. Music was fuvn-j*' ished, before and after adjournment of couvt by the Smith Sisters orehes-j tra of Boone. Halloween was observed by the{P school with a wic sniper and pavty- jSl Several side shows and torturfc tell-fy ing booths furnished muc h merriment About $2?5 was realized from the Sale of pies. ^ The junior class is preparing a play j J * The College Hobc" which will be'*' presented about Thanksgiving b R 4th ELECTION Register ; Coroner ;i Survevoi ii i : ~? ~ (j I ~ i -?! s I s; ~ S ;i c ! s '' C I G ; ? - ;; 2 ' M ' v j S j o ; yij'lpri I !? v ; s p hi.* Til ! z ii a I ? i ? . . ... ijlJl* lH ^ j 2 j 2 ? % 7?^j^^pl '28. 74; 326 |ei $ 8-C 8 '7; 240 47 240'! 7- 7b ' 32 S3! 143ji &j ,? 2?! 4 1631 iw 156 107 i ir' ff'! 25 10 ? ?- ,0 , ,. I gfc iSu;, 4 JO; IIO.I iO; i-iO I ft 143 . J L75, 18- 165 261 373. 18 16 >48 178: 253 144 260 173 , 25 281 24* 28, 24 2S 24 2 26 S3 25 83 25 84 5 100 131, 07 132 98, 132 . 1C 158 203.: 158. 293 _ 158 203 If 262i, 352', j 25y.j 335i 20i, ,58o.i 25 292; 2112| ,;12S1";T3S7, ; ""3279:2414 j 32< . jainst 064- Amendment Soiicitorial Di i ? * MSB?! $1.50 PER YEAR C NSON CITY MEN UTS OF BOONE LI> ON THURSDAY vex c "ivc Tennesiccans, Expert* in "gS ley Growing and Curing to . Lu Wit-S Civitans Meet With Far?-rs at 2 o'Clock in Courthouse. Boost Johnson City as Best Market for N. C. Tobacco. T\vt nt\-fiv<: Johnson City ^Tenn.) erch^nts, Lankc. i and !>i:.\nezc men ill arrive in Boone Thursday Tnorntr at ahout I 'clock 'on a j?ood~ ill tour in ti e interest of the tolcccv market of t.hnt town. Harry iw, secretary of the Johnson Citv lamber of Commerce. and H. Ciller, also of t .. t citv, were in v,.no EVi?iu?r ..... tail? for t.heir visit; invitations have ren sent out to Burley growers in e county anil it i.s expected that a rge crowd will bo on hand for e meeting which takes place at 2 clock in the courthouse; Several exsrts in the curing and marketing the weed will be on hand, and ad esses and demonstrations will he yen which should prove of great n"fii to farmers who have: just rently turned then, attention to toicco culture. At l2:4o p. m the visitors will the guests 6f Boone Civitari Club r luncheon at the Daniel Boone atel, following which the party will into session with the farmers at e courthouse. Mr. A. L. Brown, of e B lrley Tobacco Bulletin, Greenelie. Tcnn.. will be on hand, and nerously offers a year's subscrip>n to that journal to any farmer 10 is not already receiving it- Sounils will also be distributed to ose who attend by the "good-wills." The John Sevier Colored Quart. famous for their vocal accomishmonts. will render several selec>ns. According to the Johnson City ironicle, much of the best tobacco the district has been raised this tar in Western North Carolina, iiero some sections have just started e growing of this cash product. Che natural market is Johnson ty." the article continues, "reached t fine roads, and mutual benefit is : pec ted to result from marketing ic crop there, where incresaed t'acilies have been installed " It is estimated that moix* thars orra nulled and fifty acres of Burley is been grown in Watauga this year id the *juality is said to bo exceptor. ally fine, Every grower is urged > meet with the Johnson City visors, who will he prepared to answer 11 questions pertaining to curing, ' ading and marketing. - P?| unior Order Will Hold Meeting Monday Night There will bo an open meeting of io .Junior Order held at the Mamie Hall in Boone on Monday, Nocniber IT, it 7 :d.O p. m., to which .e public is invited. Mr. R. L. Loveiee, i0|striri"''Pepu:iy '-Mr.! Chas. /. Snyder, Chief Organizer, will be resent, and will discuss the princiles of the Junior Order United nierican Mechanics, its growth iii ie State and Nation and the adantages of membership. To all who avc belonged to the Junior Order t any time, a special. Jpyitaiimi |j? xtchded/ATAUGANS WILL SERVE ON JURY AT FEDERAL COURT Federal court convenes in Wilkesoto on Monday November 17, with ndgc Hayes presiding. There is a iill docket and the cerm is expected "> run into the second week. The following Wataugans nave been Limmoned for jury service during the arm: Roy Johnson, Boone; Geo. Henon, Vilas; John Wilson, Sr., Zionillo; Z. T- Watson, Brookside; J. ELeece, Mabel; Mack Waller. Todd: J. Vagner Harmon, Beech Creek; W. V. Campbell, Vitas;; W- M. Baird, latnev: Robert Swift, Sherwood; ^ Villi am Walker, Boone; Edward Harin. Shnils trills ?, ' County Commissioners i i jj ; ; ; : !; -?- ' ? -v ; fU : e 6. i 7. S.I m ! f.i.l S ' S fe. S r > \ m ^ r 2:io?3}icsc;"Hi75: 7^7 2 :l' 9 87 93 ; 87 ,2. *87 5; 324 326 , 79 74 : 76 7 47, 47;' 240! 238i 240 b 251 255' 145 144 146 3 163: 461 i 192j 190 190 '7 17 17 145 143 145 i9| 169 1701 20 19, 22 0 248 254 1731 165, 174 s, 28 28 24 i 24, 24 !5 25 25! 84 84, 84 >2 102 09 131 131 i 128 is 158 160 293 285: 293 7, 259j 252; j 333 j g??5?W | >7|32C0|3280| j2421 1288712424 : SSBggf I ;;?ii stricts?For 1016; Aarainst 786.