TWO The Watauga Democra ESTABLISHED 1S88 Issue*? Everv Thursday bv The RIVERS PRINTING COMi'AN R. C. RIVERS ROB RIVER Publishes SUBSCRIPTION RATES flr.t- Vpai" SI Six Months . . 7 Three Months _ . < Payablfl in Advaflct Cards of Thanks. Resolutions of R spect. Obituaries, etc.. are charg* for at the regular advertising: rate ~~~ 1 7; Entered at the Postoftice at Boon N. as Second Class mail matte THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13. ll>. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS The slogan "Do Yoni Christm Shopping Early" has .t genuine ii ;$EBBBS5S^ yc-r- homily it merely a reminder that if you deltoo long in selecting the things \< intend to give at Christmas you r: the risk ef raiding the things v? want "'an out of stock." This ye it means that jiu.tting money into culatioh new will hasten the r< to of "oniw] time?." Money passes from nne person another in e.'chargi for co:i?v >? ties- Everybody, of course. must ?: cid" for him?elf what sort of cei ruodiiies he filling to tah. 11 * change toi his money. jPhere a some things, the value of which hoyorvd uuestioj;. which ran bought cheaper hew than for sevei years. Theie are othei cornfh' which oi'ly a few can afford :i> t i..... 1 . 1 i/cm- vx -vn;v>- <1 axgriiu u'ui renue to fcpon'd- their"- mcney now we do it waist Us he. r.iiei'stopc as aiivo.catii fioitsh pending. But there an- sot thirt^ Which everybody need a; recognises'the need of. and if trieare boiTcrV.l r:o\s by all who van ' any possibility aft'.-td :< bay v. thing at ail. the fact that that mo1 cv has been put into circulation- agu will hast en the- dav when more of cars afford to buy luxuries. The first suggo.-tien '.hat has ?>r from P^eCdent II&ovc r's Qownassi< on V rimyi ploy mem is thy ;>h?p< ?-ai 1 Co!or-?I \ v ho-- Woods, at its rr a that a g; -ear nu .i-unai campaign repairing; arvd paiptir./v bo There* art* r^wr rioiis- s or other hud tliift iipe noi^i'iij^-neod ??f < ith re paiis ?r pair.linft. The ,uioih-; *pe Clint:- wh ': mu : ?. !. met h?would do it now. thai would hedp lot toward making i^'nvrii husine bettor. Such a program would jo immediate ejnnluy?m:ii t. wofkel in the building trades, ii would ntei added business for Junibei and har ware merchants. and by putting mo money into circulation would enah those who reeeiv it to buy more li trail v from merchants in other lint "Buy Nov,'' not art invitation reckless spending, init. we believe is sound advice io all why can spei anything at all. f DOING THINGS .DIFFERENTIA Sometimes a difficult;? situati can be altered by the simply prove of doing- things drfferenriy fro-vi V Bway in which they have been <hVr A cage in point is the feeding wheat- to cattle and hogs. gjChairman Legge of thb; Fedti Farm Board said th-a other day tli the feeding of wheat has become general That J t may absorb enough 'iSR, the surplus wheat to affect :prVcesr favor of the farmer. A few progr? sive farmer^ slated this Sgyei months a->o. when the bottom m dropped.out of the wheat market. If everybody, who is feeding be cattle or 'hogs. "would feed 'o>'h?; . ^ those who have tried it. assure they can m\'>duce more beef or po per bushei of w-hear fed than feeding: the"same amount of corn. . the present comparative prces of t two 'grains. us is oonomy. As U is written, fire&i is a spread of U than throe ?-cuts a bushel berwe the ;p?"tces of wheat and corn on -t Chicago Board of Trade Wheat Kalmornially cheap, corn hot much t low a normal pried for this time year. The only reason why com usually fed to livestock and poult ? instead of wheat is bet aiisc corn so much cheaper. At anything H the same price, wheat is the mo profitable ^eed. The genera't feeding of wheat } stead of or in combination wiih coi through this winter, would do mo for farm relief than any amount new legislation couid accomplish. Sossamon's Sayings By LtiROY SOSSAMON ICKABOD IN SLEEPY HOLLOV The sky was black as ink. The stars were hid from view; Between the folds rvf mv r.M pao* The wind came whistling: throug The hollow seemed scarcely to breatl And mv heart missed one Ion drawn beat When once a solitary Weed Entangled with my feet. A whine came from the distance. And I stumbled over a log? Falling into a puddle of mud, Because of some farmer's dog. The trees shivered in a fright And the sound of falling leaves Mimicked the ryme of a skeleton dance Under some poor miser's eaves1 found the rain soaked trail again And run with all my might, Till in the distance, nearing home 1 saw the welcome light. The branches still reached out lor ri The devils raved in hosts; ^xaSH fat, catching the know of .1 frier.dl door, I bade adieu the ghosts. "Look at the lovely radio set I g( today, dear, and only $5 a month." "For h(. months?" 1 ? - ? 1 J Will Aid Jobless | rcder? k ^ ^^ t.-n, of *l"! Columbus, Ohio, appointed Mid-West i i regional representative of the Pre*^ t j den!'* UnemoloYn:etit Commission. .ir. I ? Sunday School Lesson ! '"i| key. SAMt b. E; n. i>. 1 ; ; l? Sunday School Lesson L ^ for November 16l!) '' THE BELIEVING CENTURION- A GENTILE WHOSE EAITH JESUS COMMENDED Matthew ; >i. 5-13 -a! ___ , o Sjg: IK-' a \vi?v rnhffi indeed who is: ^'"1 able tit iiiVt- a -!n..o esHmjUe ?& ; * . m--. All klmlf oi 1'ir..- in the Jtw I?f nee n led while r.~v.s > ;; > in; ] i the n 1 hi 1 I : - Mi;;y 1 ' Teat'ht i "<* j e* had' a rijrh't to e>:ne<-t Oi"/best > <?'- j '? * : front His di-Wore.. and 3ej;flSafied one day when. ; truth. lit?; 5 bv'hftd try ? mnrnetfri tile faith of a li". ; >-j isptn ' hodfarinn above that, a-cii >..| j1 ; any ? His own school urfiflich. 1 ; !' This Itia/i v as iVi-ni lie, -L -s,,- ? " >' have the sin-v nxtiivtv* tmva?*! \ j himra^-'ifid ot; or .low^i- So the elders; * 'V-'; "T the sy'^o \\m\ soujrht to1 Mpdead th<r ra.-e in their joint lioholf.!1 J>'j tht (h nlnrioi- tnaio-s ini-oraL <h : appreaeh i ? -! -vtV.y y1 j ' I hhn.-o]i" with the sivk mar . lt'-:> Slot true t!uv _in nrotm^iof! |||* d-jeive.- are frdilflfflfttis ?&* .'being ip (he;/ ' V j nresehcy KB- Ilofl?ie we ,ii4> th?'j ! more aware of oo?- own worthies.;, j rt-iU-'S- in. eo.r.immdn. The very hgf <" e.ntit! ii|h is dut?nldv l at'' enter, it. Then ?;l$? k ilffl hv'l-eaMi.n Relief hele ' e, trhis Rnmlni < vnhma?;iier eiv-. - Kb-, > 1 aider- . .i,l -.hey ai ?dmy$3. v. Inohee; I sx ho follow> thtcugjji with fff| cjifr nr.' ve; aotS&JcSus" mus? have sttiM greaitrv ~M u'hortiy in thy TO&jtVv of tho spirit ; rnT'Tbvrefore in" hoidness bi i-i i* waS that heallne ho -ef-1 , re; f* --ted' "through tho word of His pftw-fcjl jle| 01. Sac* ;aiir iti rewarded. and tho' b i sorv ant. ?)?;on?!C.s Wvi! forthwith, is., litis act o! suiuinit* faith vasme- 1 to nhetic and gave evidence that .Jesus;; it was to bfia'.no tho redeonu-j of ?natWj,;l nd kind regardless of the imiicidtial- i , : *4The Way of Life" i R> BRb'CS BARTON oi "QUO TA MAD" rai A fam-ws adcerti.-dntr Sgcrijt was rat "talking: with me about In.siness in the so United States. of) Tt'wOiis .funnier* to piepare the utl^v^nsn^ sevprai 9 i?-j facturers, and to" iyanfetilt.*'-with them | cljon their sales prebUnns^ Ho goes ?t j home eyery night all tiviid out. He! j sayp he doesn't know anybody >ri| e:'j ousme>:s who is getting any r?;ftl turJ 1 it-{out of it. usj "I'll give you \v.\ m for ftj vkj^typieal day," he said- "1 com-: down; by i to my office a little befot e nine, and j J At there is. the sales manager of a shoe j he Company waiting f oi mo. His pockets j' lis; ate full of charts- His company's* *ss sales are 20 per cent, ahead of last] cn year, hut he is satisfied? Not for a' he Jrhinute. Vie must set the mark for is ne.vt year 50 per cent, ahead. ie-j "Then I go over to the office of a. of {food manufacturer. He has justl isi cioseo tip the host year of his history.} ry And we try to figurq. out how ho! is can do twice as much again! ke "I Vuneh with rhe officers of a ee re :m*nt company. If they w old d get. to-j gether with their '" .competitors, and' n- agree to curtail production just a lit-, n, t!e. they could all make more money.', re The price of their product might | of have to be raised a trifle, but I doubt'; it. because the sales expense would be that much less- tint will they cur- i ? tail? Never. Every year must showj bigger figures. The quotas must go ' up and up "The trouble with this country is that we have gone crazjr on the subjcct of volume. H'c fi"c quota mad. f As he talked I recalled a conversation I had some years ago with an American who represents a French manufacturer in this country, h; "I have a heart-breaking time with le that Frenchman/' he said. "Every ? year I go over there and plead with [him to double his factory! Wo con hi i sell twice as much of his stuff if he i would only turn it out. And do you know what he says? lie just waves his hands in French fashion and spatters: 'Why should I double inyj j plant and work twice as hard? 1 and | my family are making enough money. !We have a good time. We enjoy our lives. Why should we work ourselves Ito death?' ' That seems to us Americans a very terrible utterance. It is treason to the spirit of modern business. Of course, a man should force his pro- j j auction, and his sales, and force his' own poor mind and body until he dies at the age of sixty with an or- 1 le der book in his hand- .1 Somewhere between the French atIy titude and our attitude there must 1 be a nan-way point thai would coin- bine the best elements of both. i "Life," says the Bible, "is more >t than bread, and the spirit than raiment." It also asks the question, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his * THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER) iwh Or. in modern linguAgr, what's me isc of killing v-jurseif bv being quota sa4 Gold Nuggets | YOU TAUGHT ME r'ou taught we hov; to smile iVfceu sorrow bowed my head, !fou taught me how to laugh iVbep. hope had seemed quite deuvii'ou taught me. how \cv sing Yhen grief had stop pott my sons And called me hack to life and love. j To hop* and carry on. You taught m<? hew to live When shatlows dimmed my >s:gh? And taiight me how to see again j Diie clear and shining kghliVhen light shall fade forev'et ; ri i'm ont ' PayJiving .skv 1 And 1 have reached my journey's endl Lord, teach me how to die' ?Davis daemon. l iMiDM V? ITS GA-Ijsr AND < CURE Many - hy and over-sensit&re peo-j 1 Ic- ke-.p their eye- turned inward soi ng. examining themselves, lashing j iricmseivis with hard c:u?cisins. that hey become practically unable to Luro vh'iir eves outward. They cannot -< - ' uitsi-.h world and it? ; oo.A as they really are. I'neir selfsorptien. having their minds fixed ntinually on themselves. their real >r imnginipv defc. their humiliat r . xperienoes, ilu ir faiiui es to measure up to their ;se<-iai standards, is. ihe very tiling that makes them ijykw'arci. Christ rainejy miserable vht u others ail around them are or foxing: ih.etiise^as and having a good f:-' Emerson -ays. "Give me a! hough: and iny hands and lees and *os?V and face will go right. We arc iwkvvard for want ? ' thought The nsni? ai5ou is scanty and does not i pcrive r.t extremities.'* J Av: ear-nest, all absorbing thought, .vh'ch vjLl take yur attention off 'v ' - - ' best remedy for the lv ;wardness <f s.e'1 A ;i?jr ' and interest in the! eat >ii?es.ti< 2v- >: th-- day. anil a j ?? oul in I t*rec; jp . :>)<; you ;ueot,j v*' i help u driyv \ ur, <? )'' mil ? ;' [ :.u.r ' ?you "I' 1,1 TV* hii h<l?jStfTSfffl'iim?*'vrncr.1rrc&gSBta? t:.~" fen n rtif'eatrohs v.duchrakselF--,on[i'vbhs A"I I?i May. r.fnn: vo'u. Om I -SekrUM. 1' |1 COMMUNITY SINGING Of recent y&firs n ureal deal has iif'-n said >ings, J v.l nany ovfehiuiri-avt- my held- vCWfreticaily nothing ,could po -filter 01 !i JjJ ?oitv 'from a < nitura! viva-noun. than lr'? (ypmunrtrO,i ar:< and the into. bund jazz. with < fil ho kin Hy hid of ? heap sentimental V.Mn pi:: H, has '<iin 1 niM to vitfiito. thc astv of -pt-Miih' who haw some apk%ihi:itiiin ??t" mask' and _V? load asl-iy those who d|$ not have much begin with. As a &tjbiiVcr-i rritant L>!^M ho trommiuiiiy sing, properly con- ??aB iucted. can V< r^adc to dp a groat 5*^4 leal in the ilpye^pment of taste for IV real music and the elimination of u much thai when analyzed found lm" ;o i c nothing more than noise aiid uinnibaiistiy emotionalism. J:vvy ?From Masonic Journal. the: jori non The Family Doctor By 1)K. JOHN JOSEPH GAINES 'ion ALWAYS GOOD ?. In these hurry-skurry days, when Mr. Everyman keeps his on the Aohk Avhiln1lift.:ulijifeiltirie his' akimpy'j breakfast, s.*>, ius pal to he a second! late at his next -I ndt strange that, the same "hieand-j run" expert clean overlooks the cause J [>X disease, as wcl! as the best mean?! >f its prevention ar.d cure. Beyord an, ?juestion of cloubt. th? factor of RKST js the physician's most dependable asset in correcting; human illsi, Marty ailment- of very sex ere uhai a? tor ai really eiiri d 1 y enforced rest, while poor unscientific, imdcpmidahU- ^ugehiig takes the credit! ! can ascribe a hidden virtue to my dose of pills, if they make my patient so infernally sick that he has to go to bed and get! wcill For, your >ick man j-irataadR-: does the *. hing last that he should I have done . . I To cure a fractured hone, we pfar^l the fragments ir. proper position and 1 keep them there till REST does the I repairing. Carry v further: Shattered I nerves, for instance; rest is the ab-(B sdlutely imperative thing. Nerves are M shattered by over-activity^ remove I the cause of the trouble?get owayiH from it. Rest is the cureMany medicines are employed?tojB enforce rest, to compel peace and I uuiet in patients that are so far along!I that they are clean out of sight ofjl land, nautically speaking; then thejI SPECIAL NOTICES J LUMBER' LUMBER!?If you wantjl good Building Lumber or g o o d ; I Chestnut Shingles, see or write J.iI E. Maltha or S. B. Bagbr, Vilas, \ I N. C. 7-G-4t ,| STRAIGHT SALARY: $35 per wcek'll and expenses. Man or woman with II rig to introduce POULTRY MIX-jl TURK. Eureka Mfg. Co., East St-ill Louis, 111. itjll i aw jnuny handling a full line I of flour, chop and cottonseed meal, II at the lowest prices, and the best I feed in town. Every bag guaran- I teed- See me. W- W. Shore. 3t II Dr. C. B. Baughraan, Eye, Ear, Bj? No*e and Throat Specialist, Johnson = City. Tenn., will be in the office ot IW Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on the first Monday in each month for the practice of his profession. 10-17-tf "J FOR SALE?Good cooking apples, IJ 50c, unsclected picked apples, 75c. 1 b Well-sprayed, ^ clean fruit and a J? number of varieties. Rich Moun- ?J tain Orchards, R. L. Baldwin, Man- S ager, Zionville, N. C- 9-25-8t THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. i Lei Ih Hope The* | :lA A o"roc.A5"* c? nan drags iin n; a.;)n re '?\nh h.-' nidos or, worst*. Xo otkov ak< rna kl't him? Th' lesson ''" J .- - I tVl> wisely ; '11v nf time aduttvd you ;\?r vest:: trifle with immovable ia?vs'T | tho >t<?!>iindi:- that asv _aJ>Use?f |iiiesr.iy -nwer permitted lo rest?Jj average hound imn know- bow }i^sg stoma.-h bettor vhiuiaverage liushK'S.-:. man doe??it.'sK o^Eanast is a good thing, but or.UT: ?>i u \V:'I Sink LM?r:<llUr; i . tjondt to r.\??rw.?rK. To ! :?$*?-* to'. 'nr.i<^r^ f. j i)T/nit\%V.v;". OOl'GHTON'S BIG LEAD (Stalesville. Landmark) oygccssmun I inughl.on iod thefl itessich iu the hvd-'.i voting with j J5 vote?: and he had the largestI 'irit y in the county {frcdel!) - ! d'-. Thai isn't unusual for Mr. iirhton. lie generally leads the: jtfessioii in the voting. He has: ed this district in Congress fori nty years ana when he came be- j the voters for the eleventh time: * gave him an overwhelming maty. When Mr. Doughtoa was first limited for Congress, in liUO, the] net was represented by a Repub-j n. The district was so close that] as doubtful, with Republican ten I cies- In fact it had sent Republic-) ^Tt The days ar< 1 i he on the p Furnace or and winter . FURNACE an teed for f See FARMERS I wWWVW.V.V.V?V?V.V.V,' Sir Thoma Lipton Sail u^nSBSBE^^SSS^& Y Have Not Died In Vail SHpllt Wmmm 111 ujRS to.-Congress for three terms o ?<! four. Hc^inning with his first or. didaoy. \jgj .Houghton has carried ,t dish -. ' i yjiavly. with varying u i . iti* notwithstanding ?he Kepii . ins . ? .;t their and b( ogair.y* iii;n at different times. 1',t2i> Mr l>.>u?rhton carried eve oi'Snty in tin- district with a to] liirij-.n ify of IhijOO, fn .thedebacle t.'dS hear every county in t.he d i hi rejected Hepublicans in whole, hi par*. Hut Mr. jftSdghlor; came o ??i In;, wreck with 1,200 mu.jori ? oinitioshithat were electing RepM iieans didn't forget Mr. Doughtc This y. ar he has cairied every eon iy in the district for the second lii d estimate of the majortiy aemimt was aro.ynd 16,000. There's a reasou fhi Mi Dmu ion's popularity. He'? one of I folks, a plain man of the people; o of the folks in reality and not affectation. He was a farmer wjh he was elected to Congress and is a fanner now- He is an Industrie and faith tul representative of t people and the tolks believe in hi That's why they eontinue to vote i him?why they havegiven him su a tremendous majority this year a er he has served them for ewer years. That is a tribute worth livi for, it is something of which, to WES e growing shorter. "The umpkin." It is time to Heating Stove, you wil We offer you the ANCf The fire back in this f ive years. And the price iss before you buy your ! equipment for the wint it will nav vmi ? ? J HARDWARE & , _ "No place makei tising except the i coining money ? Jrrms of the WA' wwwwwwwwwww NOVEMBER i.'i. l?::a ^ 7 ~ ' By Albert I. Rett! U\ V\x iHvll v ' \ M proujJi and Mr. Doughton baa 11-1 cause for bride. DEMOCRAT SUBSCRIPTIONS .1- G. Reese, Ed Sherwood. Mrs. M. . ! '. B. ' on, G D Bjinkli hi Boone Hotel, W. E. Nagama?:. j ( . Wilson, Rev. ,L A. Vhur.l. Ralph ial Undoes, V- J. Tiivotl. John < Guy, of; Mrs. K. B. Fox, Miss Fannie Taylor, is- i F- V. McGuiro, K. Sr< Oulvurb. Fred 01 Oxentinc-, 1.. F. Moody, Airs W. A Hayworl.h, \V. H. Mast, G. \V. Failv., dill. Mrs. J. K. Mast. Hidden Dav.s. tfy-iJ. F. Anderson, B ;& Bugger. Fhas. >n. F. Flier. JS E. Billings., Mrs. Joe L. in- Royall, Rev. S. Taylor, i. M. Hat tic mon. Mrs- T. A- Belk, F. M. RiehariL. at Mrs R, A. Coffey, Hartley Hunt, Leander Norris, L. Snyder, Frank I Ray; Vie tor Farthing; Mrs. F. P ?e Phillips, Mrs. -J T. McNeil, A uncj Wagner, J. <\ Stinson, Mrs. Adrite* Grimes, Mrs. Jesse Greene. John T_ .Shuil, W. 1). Rogers, J. R- Greene. , Let F. Greene, Rev. J. N. Atkins, 1. T. Kondrix, J. A' Love, J A "Lay, ' , * B. Ford, J. E. Watson, East. Coast Utilities, I. N- ForperAng, \V, N. Rani - - ? i i;??. or ,Sg ??$ c^i Dr. Slicem?How ?s young Mlr*V? Schmidt doing since his tonsil operti?ty| tion? n?j % JSfice Nurse?As iiffectioii&tely be I car. ho expected. > I i frost will soon I buy a Parlor I 1 need this fall IOR PARUDR " urnace is guaris right. beating er. | SUPPLY GO. J MWMV. W.V.V.V.W.V.V.*.V.\ i money without adver- ; mint." Is your business ;! Use the advertising col- ' r AUGA DEMOCRAT i; t ^WVWWWVVWWVWWWWWVW. \

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