vB y9DB^ LL Druid Sheelipu, Q the very beat quality, f _ jfl regular 10 cent value' M JN(y on BSMB 19 m I 1 I | ALL DAY SAT. JAN. S With each dollar purchase we will H pounds of Pure Granulated Sug aMnffimP 3 for only The Market's | LADlliS BLOOMERS | |* Ladies Raycm Bloomers R ? Regular 1.00 value 6 Jf mkn'sTK"shirts"" I Men's Broadcloth Shirts, col- 1 lar attached, regular $1 val. ? I I QIIU RT fknMEBC I 9 IU1IUU ULUU1?1D1U3 I fk | Silk bloomers and step-ins, a 1 \ J? , ? jj Bj i special group sold for 1.00 9 g 1! S9c 11 [ Full 81x90 sheets, 1.00 value 1 BR 2m I 79c i Pillow Cases to match, 19c "jp I iff Boy's PANTS ?|l Sill Wcd*Fefc'4th'9 A*M* ti |Si To the first ten customers intcriot ll | ?r store w* will seU s rtfiilsr l.OO \ 1 P*'' 'K,T t 'OB? "bsli Pants for I |j\^ 25c ^ ' Iffi < ?I?c?if??a?e?mm?a??ccw ???cw jnjr HM ^ *** MB| mlg? y IM|& ;-s BK- BRM ^5eh aBB^L ' NOTHING It I I MEN'S SOX "C MEN'S FANCY SOX. ^ 31st I 13 cent value, at IQ?[ 5rll s I MEN'S PLAIN SOX. ^ ar B 10 cent value, at ^ i [free flour P1\1Q Thursd Jul I (3 At 9 O'CLO Gone Down --! Men's Clotiif n MAN- '0 MAN, WHAT BARGAIN Here you will find hundreds of fine Suits well-known manufacturers, tailored in t test styles, handsome linings, made froi finest materials. You will buy at least t these suits at these prices: ONE LOT OF MEN'S SUITS^ 12.95 to 16.50 values | ^ SPECIAL GROUP of Men's ! A fine suits, values to $24.50 1, Is CHOICE OF ANY SUIT in 4 ?* this group, sold at 27.50 M MEN S OVERCOATS- J Jl A real Bargain at 22.50, now. . . JL JL? MEN'S PANTS, 3.95 to 4.95 value MEN'S DRESS PANTS, 2.9S value ' HE BARGAIN EVE* | BARGAINS V? B OVER 10.000 YARDS of Piece G ^ B sacrifice p?ic?. EACH ART ^ I Flat Back Crepe all new shades < B 1.95 value f vrttif Print*, regular 25c to 39c \%\%\I |"w \mM \h Curtain Scrim, real valuer, to l\l\l |,0~ -? j2 ] JM 11 Romper cloth, tub fart, fwann^ |? I teed colon, 18c value C jM |M II I Defiance Chambray Shirting, m ["? /f tp d BOY'S OVERCOy MTWA I Vaiu" up ,oa i f/JW /M 4.45; 2y2 year* # ' g to 7 H?> Urge VOu ran H0 Mk ImH i RESERVED! We have opened wide the thro J" now and the coming season. T J Q S BRING JOY TO EVERY TH1 Ay Folks. 1 realize we are pass- j 1~. ft 'n? through a very critical per- |hI Mr >od right now, and that every- | m the ft one ?* practicing econoru/ from | C m every angle, so 1 know that 3 WO Ol w you wjjj we|come tltis sale as ! K never it*. the history of Boone I has coch a far-reaching and HH wholesale reduction of price* fl| beer, poniblc on such wonderful new merchandise. Come, see and believe. Compare our pri- H ccs with your muil order catalogs, we know we are right on fl every item. ! will make your trusty pocket book dance with y;g|3B delight. These are real give a- M way prices. THOMAS RAY "'The World's Selling Ace" | a-1 "mSSIS" I Iffll V White Broadcloth, in 1 Neck band only, $1 2.98 # value M 2.4ft ^ ? IT of A CENTURY I INPiECE GOODS 11 oods thrown into this great valae-giving event ??.t ajj ICLE LISTED IS A GENUINE BARGAIN ffi ?|OC Pure Linen, regular SOc quality Q^C I . A UO all color* L9? *n moa1, rt*olmr $,0? 79c I r 9C Druid LL SSeeting, fall coast ^7C I Best quality f H J C\C Jasper Sheeting, a good grade (T1C 1 1 cr?f irl I 1C I 9-4 Sheeting, full 31 inchew wide Cj|AC I . | II J tr?4* iJJ 1 ? j 'j ^TS M M mm Mfe, gg > 98j HARRIS IT.' ? tLT" ?B| Z-___... M -We insist On YQUaM r ' 7-)!%!S!v2&?tMEi IH|B gcflfisB! I^BHHD nm SH sub - ui ? S - Every Single item|| ttle and disregarded the speed, iimiyf] hen come prepared to buy, for the i yo *IFTY HOME IN THIS SECTION,, | _: ? : c il: Ai . y*yc-away |jriicd. liverymillg 13 TTa^f JARY 31st, FILL YOUR FLOlS ,OX; IT COSTS YOU NOTHING?ALL WE ASK I fjf WORK SHIRTS ' lEN'S DEFIANCE CHAMBRAY TQC hirts, 75 cent value LMUltd b\LK f1Uv>t F LADIES RAYON SILK HOSE 1AC t, ReioUr 25 cent T?I?t FINE CRADE RAYON SILK HOSE ?M\? J* SO c*nt value . J J W*' BROTHE) Boone, Noli