5r: Wr;tt&w* i "My Be I $ * BvKATHLi \ * ?\W?VW1 V ve n'^MMtMVWtHWWW FIFTH !M? I'A'-MENT "A !i> >," Li's Mi K- -ait' ear'.'\ -::!y. Hut he liked her blind admiration. naverthelmsa. iiSffl ill.-, .war mother v..H:V": -ht rra hm> or-,? tlay. "fflrBSfli" r He sturei'. e-jfetfierol No; it; lie- .-aid. "She ?p!U a Beard the ether day," he sai.-i ;tfi> .' * Thought. 5J?.-ai; wlhiiui unni?t>sral yd -ht a -lardy. Iiaiee.er.dvi "id w.iir.r.i, helping with the ?c. >ii!v supply "i! itindlbig. ' Wh:t does your father do. .Joe-?*' Tho onTy veai \Tifjik Dad docs now * - r a ?o!f f.zxirtsQ at a country club," answered .scrupulously: "A gavd 7" she asfce< . wi<Jon*n? ;Igr y; . *'A earc-.oker *" It was a shame tVi.- (rase her. hut then sin- was such a simple little Ciiinibbetl. Joe reflected. Grimy hii it- face, jrriir.y little hands. nuki-colr - i d ati "on. md boois a size too bis:. 'l"-. ?k was talking:. . but she was jHiiU; a .- well. %ji5fl0He didn't have much maney. mind ;,M. but he did. Mackenzie was' in the . -;rithen. a.*i* they say he named ; son V-.r hihy." There was a familiar npjr about jjfetjlese facts; could she possibly be .-pcakim? of ;ht employer and p? His father? \Vhat 611 earth are you talking :r <n?t7" he asked blankly. 'Alerruj^' she answered readily. "Maekenvie was the brains, thev w. - h( was the 'Alack* ? but he's dead. lint Merrill is the soul ?>f honor he no! only has. the faculty of .i.iwin' .yobd met: about him. but he has made a small fortune out of tilt Miick. took care of most of her fanily. ar.' lias ken' several of her relatives - i- -{' jail for what they done in wartime* as wcjJH" .{no was staring at he r oddly, a -l..\s -mile -in eadintr on his iiaee. "\Vht> lanyht you that piece "KvVvoiio kr- ,vs ?hat." ? "Is?that He uninnetl. Kolayes of hi? t he. kept out of jail, eh? Tha' was probably I'ncle l?;v-; ipu: and younc Irv. lie leoked at her. nupsjntc in his | turn. | -.Id like to walk Mayen- In on tfroJ old man spine day? of bettor vet, j walk him into the .store and intro hire Moggie as tin fine, iudepeud-; nt irir! he's always taikiny about.'*! dor reflected "I'd say. 'You keep, sup-yestinfi- that 1 *rot out. somewhere iuuh meet a rta! girt?weU. she is; 'eat, :M aggie. Ai? slopbright off the floor of the Much intothe position of your opl'? daughter-i I R-hiw!' "! might hi off it. anyv;ay." fcw-j tho tights ran on. 'Maggie's such a: 7 little ifltfiJ. she'd enjoy playing.. tbeJ part. She's made up for it ami tarty it off like a coinediefme! ' itut he couldn't play any ' game's; with Maggie. The poor kid was fall-j in:,' in iovc with hitu fa-d enough as J it was. '*ti's probably her fii ci e.sh." Joe! : thought. watching her hot without a| sort of generous pity. "She'll have it had. But it won't hurt her, it hover hurts attyone. i>he was far evvougn irero any a\:-'f precaution now., aiy.ll events, as she! chattered 011 of everything she found; interesting, sometimes making him-uugh. 1 y -v- giving; him a prick behind the eyes that - j owed itself to a very ;diffe?:epi sen4|J - -nation. SSB'iggie ha<*. iH'Vf. 'bought of loBfy forV herself. Hev own affairs. indeed. were en, tit-ely, secondary. ? JM . 1 . ' f I ahjrost word and glnnuR.-JS MM! ggi you what. Joe. I hke you - hettei* shaft anyorio eiso .except ^ ; I own|;rn !y , V ; ' Don t hke too ?&;\veU ds your-.s:s-' r- :'r-5-' huh? "Well i iik-.! some things about! g? you _as about Liz," she might finally decide. SJ The little figure drooped against, a length of drabpaintud brick wall,;, the Ismail, hard-worn hands. were cinr-ned in one of her rare moments^ of idleness, and hev absently staring; eves wove an unusual expression sorrow ami doubt. ToeMf kcavt prkk-' <<i hin. *1 hupc \c.u'iu pot l.vKimiintr-l . sumethintr that j-ou eati't " finish,,!.i;u;i.'i( !" he h|?u to himself move i thou gU. One day he brought hei a long envelope, which. upon opening it, in v . an expectant flutter. Maggie found f?ill of printed v'G's," large ami small! vtWfvoiri magaxines. am1 uewsnapovs. i> W, Joe, ci's*wfu! cute the way,1! you learn rnr!" die said. he. hi tray- ' ing eye.- luminous her whole Suing rousting toward hiin visibly, n;t -i.-t ihly. And she-presently reported thai ; her mother and sister had made dry. , yg&r/ half-contemptuous reference to the! } j^j?L$-Lfaet "that, she did not drop the ubiq-i t iiitous final consonant any more. i t She told hir.i that he had brought; i all hev luck.; i'< 14It was the day you first'*?she j't paused?"first came,*' she resumed \ III PINKY DINKY : r : POP, WHO . -ZtVJf THE. ?1-lSE.^T ^ ever Livep ?. ;st Girl" j EN NORRIS | I I briskly. decidintr upon her very, "'that I trot oil ihv Heel idea. And i!iei> 'member thai you ?ave me one that dgfcfj y-rina h<>:ru''V Well, I put It up \v the clock; and ue?-we just about live by that care. It's mack- a diffev.ice in Pa. an "it's 'dado a difiercnce ?:i me. an' in ever^tliin;'.- ' "1 <'t- h difference in you." he i^aid Isenou^y. "Oh, Joe. honest-?a" you?" ; Honest 1 db. * "Wei J. in i" erythinp. The way vou talk, the way you look, the way you ; act.'' he said. "Oh. 1 wlshf?" she said elatedly -*T \yisht yen could sec* the d'i'fer er.ee in ouy k iefcen! Pop an' I ask each I'vther, every n??ht 'is it ideal?" i Aral we won't >ro to bed unless it , is!" ; ft HQililmd him t mvo m< ? ' openly. << adoring. J?he thought hiu) brilliant, sb*ihou'^Kt him well educated. ih". i thought him wise and witty and lovi hole. when his own .failed him. And her laughter! The divine, the bailable gift of mirth had been givcit Hei?ioe first thougHl Maggie j pretty when find he sa?v her laugh, j { She lived in a delicious gii!e of it. Th;r. little soft touch <>n hi- coat.; that liitU soft giri-persdh jumbled; 1 iuauisi his shoulder for a minufx*. in! ; the crowded aisle, those black fringed; ye.- brimming with mjrth and afi'ec: rjoa -those were all darned agiee; able things, his thoughts woniil agree. A hundred times, a thousand times lie Heard her call herself lucky. W ith hoi usual eager rush she retailed a hundred reasons. Her health,! her wonderful family, her mother- ? described >a " genteel. ' licr 'dashing! aster, who had such a good j.ob, and hei; father? wiihoiu whose assistance; ! .Maggie's yearnings toward the yuival; life" vvoYdd have bee n o ushod in the : j hiui. and whose companionship meant j eryihiae tv> the washer of the | Johnson dishes and the keeper of the Johnson kitchen. "Rut yh>u"v?* had hard hick, doe.' ! she agreed pityingly. This vi!>;ed him. too. Or perhaps; the prickling, uncomfortable emotion; it aroused, was riot vexation, but) something deeper?something nearer! compunction. Of course he had had' a rotten deal. Hut for Maggie to bc*j j the one gr? see it! i "How do y<ai mean I've had hard : 1.. ?- >?? i .hick : ; "Oh. wcij. every \vay! You weren't kyaiseri for. I his ddr.d of work---and] | vou hale it, sjfad you keen thinkin that you'd rather ho .^nniowhores i ] bike. 'loirs' somethin/r .else, an* you| : like these givls here in thej Mack?" 'IgiSSgg muthe. cfefo vveil? I :he asked. 1 "Xi'Uv Ddh't know a darn thing! e.houi choking.'" Joe cbnlx'sspdi * '.Don't vein father help Her none any"'' Magpie a^ked 'Novel*. The olfi man is no more use around the house than a paper monkey!" -''Joe, I do think that's pretty hard on you! Who makes your hod?" 'Oh, anybody, kast night 1 had dinner with some friends of ours named Russell/* Joe volunteered. "And did she give you a good dinner?" "Oh. yes?she cooks all rigid/* Ah odd look came into Joe's eyes. "Herj .d lighter fvvas there//.. , jj "Dauyhter? An* her husband?" "No. Mill-?Milly's no* married." J 'The daughter ain't?" llllislfisjl Jffi "Nope. Milly's about?nineteen/-' - ! ?"?.', ?"? ? ^?W-She^ bea'uTifiil.y But be told himself that he must; sto.p this teasing whije he saw her uotienly daunted face, the gallant efforts she made-to appear quite her-! self. :;r:,V/:i,V| But life saw tha?j#her color had! Vibbed; and that: the little hand thai steadied the boxes was itself m>- j sr? :u'y. He felt oddly shaken. He v-drmed la his own business filled with a wretched sensation that he :uu?d somebody make' this up re Mngglc*. j Vkit-rrhahc, -the very making up' would carry the- mattei furihVjr, :aSfS ?v gad iTi ne fra enough. Ik- shook himself physically. He. rould not shake $ie .thought away,*' fie unlocky ?w;rh the roadster pnrfcVppfl ? few blocks iway, arid the. com- . fart ofdour of"r-tJift Stal&'s most beau- ' cifui homes o.hcK y? the; i outfett/i. He ;4 iiijhick.v-^-r-a Merrill playing awork, ie'*e in oho of th?- stores he would; hsgeiy own some day! More bewildering still, he was beginning to like this play work. v vin;ir | -ere moments \vii^nt. the Mack filled}.' lis soul with a deep content. .Joe rev- " pea in the rush aha hurry, the ah- 1 airditv and yet seriousness of evevy-fl hine that went oa in the Mack. Ev-j n Smith and Flenminjt" sometimes 11 ook Joe into their cowhsels, as they I * vandored importantly to and fro. ' * Wi?Q TO BE. ) I! f ME" ON) WHO^^/ j HE /> *v QLt 1| THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV . _ ! Joe's championship ^of Maggie? helped her from the very beginning: j?an obvious fact that made her still .more his abject slave. On a dismal. aarly January da> Maggie first up I pea red ia whut might have been call-; j od her normal form, he heard the* i congratulations that the busy girlsj j uung to her from all sides! and ion-. | gratuJatvd himself that he was part-' | iy responsible at least. She had done no mare than elee-j tidy everyone by discarding magnif-i Kfcently. and withbut permission, the} .iisfigUMng ticking apron. That was Jail. But the effect was astonishing, j Everybody looked at her, every-' ; body piaised her. ami * he packing-' room i>oys went mtwc like a row off I ten-pins. i It was >n this day that sheC said to Joe. with a carefully cat eless' , air: "I'd bet. -if; voii ieii in leve. Joe. it} > would be with a reguia? lady, would-j r-:'t it?" 'Mow do yov mean. regtOar young lady?" >< ? asked. 4"We?l. ! moar -y? a know, a?aj : nice so. * of nr.i:ing Maggie ' } floundered?"I mean?" she began i 'again drepei ately?"mean, for in-j ; stance, that there (are loi. of girls i this store that you couldn't; call! voffog ladies!" she said, turning scar-, I let. "No. you might call thein nice ! girls.'' Joe conceded. "and vou might | call them smart girls. 15ut no, youcT : hardly call them voting ladies.'* "Like : che.,,1 -..w! JjHUJtfl inns.' 'said Maggie. "Yep. I guess school tcac^ei-s d 1 librarians would be young ladk-s ail r:ght." Jfle laughed, "f.cavc it to you t'> thirl: a thing 1 ik that!" he said.! "My auht was a school teacher, joe," she said, 'Mac. how would a! person who wasn't u lady get to 1>? one? Somebody must d eoniinoncdd. once, yoii know." "Well, reading the hacks of new papers and magazines about mar. ncrs, !*??' one thing." "Thai helps a lot, and tr be, al ; ways looking for the right way t, | do things. lo be quici and .fflfttb and listen to the way nice personsneak. And thyn, of bourse, Uteres always the rule that a lady puts the, feelings of others before her own thinks of others first." "Nice things all join together, don't they, Jce"" be said, is: deep, thought "I don't get you; Miss -Johnson." "Here's what I v.as tiiinkiu'. Imst ' Sunday tn church they said sotoi thing about helievlh' that you have a good thing, an' you have it. Not v-ili have it, hut have it. An' that's like the, idee I lift?i wrote that un on the same card. It was in my prayer book, an' 1 got it straight. Now,]; those two things go together, don't they. Joe?" "They do." he said, struck- "Bui I think that you were smart to fj*ee that. Maggie." I rcXHNUKl) NEXT WivKK Kake -l.ucinda paints and now- : deriy o good deal, doesn't she? Bosfch?Vos. when you kiss her it's \ just like eating a marsh mallow. 1 DR LAMBERT NOW ENDORSES SARGON "I was Spending the winter in San Antonio, Texas, when ! first hear.l of Snrj'on. The treatment appealed to DP.. GILBERT S. LAMBERT = 1110 because of its thorough scientific 3 background. I decided to try. it for 3 a very bad form of chronic const-i- E pation. which J was entirely unable 3 to correct with ordinary laxative? 3 and nui-ratives used in general pvac- E Cite. .. = "J was aL>o subjectyto^syvore bib 3 iou.s attacks. My complexion had be- 3 Tome yellow as though I had jfioiu- E lice My appetite was below normal. ~ VJv food did not digest or assimilate. 5 ausing gas and indigestion. I was = [cfs'hg weight and strength rapidly. i 3| "Three bottles of Hargon and one i s ic.vtlc of the Pills relieved me. en-j-s Lively of these'^iroubles and I no!3 onger have any liver or biliary symp-IE :oms. 17; fact, 1 am in better phvsi-lE ?al tone than in years. ! j3 "Sargon undoubtedly represents [s: i real advance in the field of medi-jH ine."'?Dr. Gilbert S. Lambert, SanjS Krancisco. ?Advertisement. ** * # ** rHUSAi rw \ WAS 900 YEARS J > PINKV/ M\ fi ERY THURSDAY -BOONE. X. C. Make Farm Repairs With Cheap Materia! ' - - r' ??ith outierijti^ vf. all kind.- m\v a price aitvi labor cheaper than in man\ yeas-si many North Carolina farmer: may find it convenient to make per vianent re pa ins about their place? before'" the rush of spring \v?)rk be;j Ins. New buildings needed mav be . instructed now at a cost much er than the last few yeras. * -Many of our fa< ra buildings have tuf'ferc-d severe deterioration in the ?'-ast few yea?*;i because of the low farm income as con;oared with the high cost of materials and labor." says A. T. Hoinian, ?gi k-tihurai ? ? gineer at Stale Ctdlojrc. vFaune.desiring to make pernior. -nr repairs i* to bund, tier buildings so ladty needed have been disconrayed from <ioia.it so be car 4t>. of tbc expense. 9owew ; . prites are lowei :??\v a?:d lit may lie the best pnss-lde time to make these, necessary additions ami I repair.v." Mr. lloiman says tbc-jv a>< nfflr.y .nxceilevt plans available free throuyhl hi* rolinjl- f;i vvvt -iWnl; ... ~r>er:i v ushinti" to construct new b?ild ngs. These plans have bco;> design ' ; !h< doomJ"ient of agricultural cng'neeriiifr at state Colilge ami :??> :'-o planned ih'af tic* res tilt* ny buildi.i.s will I??- efCfcient and economical. Good buildings ire essentia? on ??vtv\y fai 3'Ir. llolnian. It takiv iess feed tV> maintain livestockj in a comfortable, -anita-y barn. Corn toiS& arc less vvhtn the grain is. stored in a rat-proof 'crl(j as cont-j liarcil. to leaving it in thy field or j undci some makeshift shelter. Many! tons of good hay tin* damaged each ivinter anil spring because i is at-J low: i" stand exposed in stacks;] Cotton is iovv in t'lice. hut v.*i 11 he worth less if it it; exposed to the effects of rain am! weather, he saVs. "I'vr found packing! -pai'e." -m' "Yeah T "it has ?nly one drawback." "W,Hat's rh.it V " "Therer- :? ear in itV' t |llllllllllllllllllllllililllilllllllllillllHli!l 1 illilYIi | CfleDt11 " ! I . WSIVT* = See the new, improv =E Goodyear All-Wee | AT THE LOWES | IN HISTO = All types and size | Central ~ D1STF I > E Boc | LEE MAST SERVICE STATIC? llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllllllllli V si I UOT 0f= ( ii) ) v he-mi ? "ar-f ?\ a. ? anc jjiu if ; ? " ; i Church Announcements | | ADVENT CHRISTIAN KEY. S. E. GRAGG, Pasiut Sunduy School each Sunday at >- i*:45i Morning service a*. 11.o'clock. m ----- Mw 1 FIRST BAPTIST W'. REV. P. A. HICKS. Pa*to? . , School Itt.. 1- ' . ?Vi!fr:?t. superintendent- Preach iiic j ? jat II a. m. ami 7 r- ?n- E. V. U.Txfaf < j tl ?>. nr. Brotherhood BrO'J p. m- Mid- , I treeK orayer service on Wednesdays: at 7 ''iff a?. Choir i-actio.* on Friday. 7 rn METHODIST CHURCH UK. <>. ) rH.\\DI.!ii:. Pastor J ! Jjiiinftiy Scbobly *15' c. m., J. D. > Rankin, Superintendent. iVeucUfiul at H a. n?. :md\7 !>. !??. ~i | 'by Dr. Of mdirij Kpwor'.h Leagues 1 " p. in. j ' j ?rap aKCtir.p: on xVcdn?-7:~diiy aljrj 7 p. rr. I I'hoir practice on Friday, 7 n. m. i -j LUTHERAN CHURCHES St. Marks. Bailey's Camp j T Pr? ael . - service the fir-t Siimlay of r. month at 11 a in* Sunday IT Viiscil BSdnv. -utmc su'pcrioten- i Ideal. j'f Grace East Boone 5?vic(' o\erv second and fourth f) Sundaj a( II a. ml; rind every first land third Suudav at 8 pi in. Sunday School dyery Sunday at 3:45 ;s. in.; 1 1 'rofes.-or C L. Sawyer, su peri liter-; dent* Luther Leajrue. meet.-; over;. f School every Sunday at h:J5 a. m.; Sunday at 7 p. in. Vesper service at M 7 o.;cl 'ck p. in. Holy Communion Congregation 11 Clark's Creek i'r*. aching service tfte third Sundayj ! a month at 1 I a. m. Sunday Sch:n : every Sunday at 5) :-i5 a. m.;; f, : nsend, Superintendent. Banner Elk Station Sei < c e very fourth; Sunday at, 15 ,l pMcvh- p. m. gV I t;' :llllliilllllllllillllllllllllllllliil!llllllllll!IIII!l! : WITH I : . V' All If : v n CfM? ft ad St> it' S Kat'^sitn Tiitic for 1 Prices are scraping bottom.. Now i worth for punctures and delays to of, old tires. Slippery fall and win traction. New Goodyear treads w? ever in winter-~about TWICE as They will still he like new next sprii huv! _ lifetime Guaranteed- Fi Superior to many/ of the first grfcfli higher. Values only Goodyear can ?: Year round service. Standard llallottns i St, ed Goodyeai" I SERVH ither 1 read ;t prices radiator, p y 1) this ir part * | prcciate yo ;s in stock. g I Tire Coi MBUTORS fOR WATAUGA COUNTY V. R. Winkler, Manager me and Blowing Rock, N. C LOCAL DEALERS: i, MaWl. N. C. A. T. A. McGUlRE. Todd, N C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHUiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : : : :l: : : : : fM/\T A GREAT PlRT?P/W PRESENT* 'ST ?AV? <3CTTT N WHAT CAKE ' f, (^XVyjM^i . , # ' . VI , .. JANUARY 2ih 10:U To a?I trese services the public ?> most eordiallv inv>t-?di?^M? J. A. YOUNT. Pa56;?r|C WATAUGA CHARGE I'.KV. H. M. WEI.MAN, l iistur Hehsoh's Chapel?Second and Fourth Sundays, *1 a. m. Sunday School at I*:45. J. B. Morton, superintendent. Epworth League. f> p, m. Valle Cruris -Preaching; every First ami Third Sunday at II a. m. Sunday School 10 a- to., J. M. Shu) I, iupcrintendent. Epworth League ev Wednesday high Mabel?Preaching every Second ?nd Fourth Sunday at p. tn: Sunfay Sehool 10 mi5. Robert Castle, upcrin ten tie lit. Salem?Preaching every fiist Sun t;?i* at ' p. w. THE FARMER FEEDS EM ALL he politician talks and talks. The uttoi play* his part; he soldo r glitters bti parade. The goldsmith his art 'he scientist pursues his germ O'er the terrestrial ball. 'be sailor navigates his ship, l?tt tlie farmer feeds them all. 'he preached rounds the pulp t des The broker reads the tape: the tailor cuts and sews his doth To fit the human shap file dame of fashion, dressed in siik. Opes i'orth to dine or call, r drive, or dance, or nrorroxrndo But the farmer feeds them all. In- workman wields his shiny tools, The n ire chant shows his wares"; h? aeronaut above the clouds A dsz?.y journey dares, at art ami science soon would lade, And commerce dead would fall the farmer ceased to reap and sow, For th< farmer feeds them all. ?Anonymous. Mis- Peaehblow: 1 hope you won't . el hiri because i refused you. Mr. I'.veaker: Not at all' Not "t U! 1 assure you. 1 feel honored. pos ivelv honored. I'd rather be rejectd by Cam than anyone ! know. rire Buyers! ( costs more than it's rss got the last miles out ? iter roads require full ? ?ar down slower than slowly as in summer. ttg?this is the time to ^Mfind&s: | ill Oversize =Ej e tires selling dollars >ffer! Free mounting'. ja iiadard Cerds CE Is Our Motto :k your battery, test youv cJjust and mount chains; = of our service and we apur business. STANDARD otor oils and greases use ;sy card with us. j?? npany | A. GREENE, Deep Gap, N. C- ^ : By Terry Gilkison NKY D/wi/v i M N Gits' ^ t ?*<> AUt W4T /T7V At A,,)* 7t?s KY- OH, He GOEi TO iLHOCL > PILL tHJMt NYITH S LIKE* TO ALT Tiie ecOL f AUK AY* KNOWN A* "LiiM'ME B?1.^$*wsBP?E:?$E>'- bw? 1 - ?

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