Cove Creek. Miss Charity Kilby. of West -lelfcrsuti, spent the oast week-end .. *.'i Mrs \V. M. Winkler. Mrs. Guy Mattox. ol* Bristol, Tenn., is spending several days with her mothei. Mrs. Cicero Greer, in Boone. Mrs. Smith Hagainan. who has been suffering with pneumonia, is improving*, and her early recovery is expected. Mr. .1. Frank Moore returned to his home here last Saturday, and is now confined to his room, suffering 1 from an attack of influenza. The condition of Mrs. George Mo- ' . i... i - :n .? \i i ' lei/., \v :.U UWJI !tl I -'I ?? IIIMUIlSalem lor several weeks. i.> said t?-.; he somewhat improved. Mrs. Kay Boatright. of Kingsport J ( Tenn.. is visiting her parents, Mr., and Mrs. John W.; Hodges, in East ; Boone. Mr. Plato Moody, a ho holds a po- . sition in Raleigh. spent several days | ; !p Boone last week. He returned to , his duties in the capital city Mon-'i day. Mr. Luther Clay left Monday forj 1 Durham where he is to undergo a ton-j 4 -il operation at the Duke Memori;;' Hospital. He was accompanied by his 1 father-in-law. Mr. S. Stan bury. Mrs. R H. Spainhoui of Mot gar. ton visited her sister, Mrs. G. <" " WinkJci, Sunday. Mi-. J. Leo 1 .av- ' cmior also spent the week-end as a.'. Vilest in the Winkler !von<-. Miss H. /.el Mctii.ive le:\ last week; j Coil Raleigh. vvhefh! she is $?; :: position in [::< euioil'iii:' clerk's of-| ficej State Senate. She v/ill remain 1 there during- the remainder of the! . session the Geneva! Assembly. Mr. . 1. G. Greer and Mrs. H. S. | 1 ;"fev 'i-tnruL'd home the tirst of' the week a ftp] spending several days . vith their mother and sifter. Mrs. I. I'". Spainhpuv, who has been seriously ill for thv oast several weeks. Mrs. 1 SpainhhUrs nmditioh is said t< he \ fdvica!. Mr. $nd M . B. Vaughn arc,' ' now ungated m th? management ot the Ms v.fair Hotel at Charlotte, ad- ] cording to an announcement re- 1 oeiyed by friend? locally. The hostelry is Charlotte's newest and its owners m:iy be congratulated upon1; having secured il.e sci'vicer of the! i Vaughns. During February the Boone lhuuj celebrating She JSth [ nivorsary of the Kexali organization \vjfh ,T^{ sale ot* standard lines of drugsj and mandril.-. A message on page htrre gives a partial list of the of lornigs ami ti\e management sugPgests that readei-s chock tin- items needed and bring the Advertisement with them when shopping. Airs. Charms L. Yoitnce, secretmyj of the local Legmn Auxiliaiy. -ui-j nounce? thai the organization W.'lj ft he entertained at. "the i;omc Irs. j Karl Reeves. North W ater Street, j Tuesdu;- afternoon at '! o'clock. \ members and those oliyrfl>lo tV-r nam*.-! bership are requested. 16 attend. Air. Bon Goss. of West Jefferson, spent the latter part of last week in Watauga. U\> ing plans jfor a milk ront6 to carry local- butter fat to the Kraf t-Phenix cheese fa ctorv in West] son. ixit.C?&?iale? that many 'armfe luv interested in the propo iitioii arid is o.f the opinion that the -ptite will he established in the near | Df- Hu&KrWats/?ridgpfrrfe ?? first| pav* of the week vuntirik with his] nother. Mis. Minnie Walson. on K. f'\ 1). Tiu- yiitinp physician has. been practicing in Freemont. Va.J since graduation, having been li-j erscd bv the medical hoard.- ntf both t , Virginia anil -North Carolina. I-romj iK'ic he went le New York City where; , he, wiil Hip interne work in one ofj pic- :K\nntv\V largest hospitals for' rhe next eighteen months. Mr. L. S. Isaacs, owner of Isaacs" Department Store, has announced in an advertisement on page eight the first stock reduction sale in the history of es^oiish'nieTit. Mr. Isaacs explains that this aciion is. taken be cause of ill health, and theadvice j OtVphysicians .tie. refrain Tront active work. His offerings arc most att:vac tive, standard ?J^;&rid.s of merchandise ; being offered at perhaps the lowest; prices since before the World '\Ya?\Sg| M v. It. F. McJdadc of the Isaac-{. Oopartmonc h'tet'C. Was tailed to; Mountain Citv Tuesday on account ?i" tlr.c fun era' >f great uncle. M? N'oah nioiiot-r . iti/en of that jilace. vh?M death occurred 1 Monday, fobmvino & ; brief illness. { Funeral services were conducted; Tuesday afternoon and interment was. in Mountain View Cemetery. Mv.| Wagner lived an active life arid car-', lied on hik:affairs until a few weeks; before his death. He was widely! known arid a leading citizen in bus:-' $::jz , v $3 n.ess MimcWit Miss Edmisten Celebrates Birthday Anniversary With Party. i Miss Helen Kdnnstcn. daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Abe Edmisten, enter-l 'BaaBKv.irv?" ^iaif?jcuai -irienus~ ai -iiw horae-r1 sip-foti Boone Route 1 Saturday evening* &'' >from 7 to 10 o'clock, the occasion being her 15th birthday anniversary.! Games and contests were enjoyed j during the evening, at the conclusion of which delightful refreshments) were served by the hostess and her] Guests were Misses Louise Carroll, j Jessie Critcher, Dolly Critcher, Grace; Edmisten, Ruby Shull, T.earon liamp-j ton. Haze. Hollers, Polly Hollers;' Monroe Critcher, Glenn Critcher,: Hubert Critcher. Joe Hayes, Virgil) Day, Bumrie Hampton. Darius Hamp-j ton. Craig Hollers, Height. Hollers, j Alfonso Elvod, Cedron Vandyke,! Wade Edmisten. Voyne Edmisten. j iVcman's Mission Society to Meet Next Mciaday. The Woman's Missionary Society yt Doom- Meiaedist Church will meet next Monday. February 2, at 2:30 p ni. iu the ladies* parlor of the church. All members arc urged to be pres-j s?ut. Visitors are aisc welcomeMrs. Rob Rivers Honored At Dinner Party. Mcsdajwes D. Councill an J ?smk| Robb:ns Jr. entertained a few friends at six o'clock dinner last Saturday, the occasion honoring the birthday! anniversary of Mrs. Rob Rivers. After the dcjtebtful meal, bridge was enjoyed for two hours, and the occasion v. as a distinctly happy one. Besides the honor truest and members of the immediate family. .Miss Marjmret C'lay and Mrs. .Margaret Winkler were present. Banner Elk Presbyterian Women Entertained by Mrs. Tufts. The Women's Auxiliary of the Banner Elk Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon at half past Beeo ill ifee home of Mrs. Edear Tuft.-. Th" interesting program wa> in charge of the Secretary for Foreign Missions, Aliss Fannie Lowe, with the officers of the auxiliary assisting. Th,> envelopes for the Self-Denial: Week were brought in at this time, the collection amounting to $?50.00; Mrs. E. T. Erickson and Mrs. J. E. Shell sang two duets very beautiful-, ly, with Mrs. Mildred Lowe Banner: nt the piano. At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed, ivith delicious refreshments served y the hostess. Vfr^. Charles Bingham Entertains | "\t Bridge Party. Mi. and Mrs. Charles Bingham enortainoc. at a chaiming bridge party I rhursdav evening. Seven tables werei ;i ranged in the living room ami mudc room: High score prizes were won] >y Miss Constancy Jshoun and Mr. lames Morton; cut prizes went to1 Mi s Ka liaird and Mr. Wi 1 > day no. Mrs. Biiighinfi was assisted, y Ml: > Winniv Thornburg in serv ing a delicious salad course. '0Vests noro Mr. and airs. Brant-' ? y Ho near. Mr. ami M?s. Will Faym . Mr. and Mrs. -lanus Horton. Mr. and! Mrs. (!ov Mondy. Mr. and Mi:. l)tt\e Mast. Air. and Mrs. It. N. Brooks.' Mr. and M?s. .lohu !\. Combs. Airs.; Stanley Harris. Mrs. Battle Johm ??n. j Mm. Hare Strorhor; Misses Wtima j Baird, Nancy Taylor. Ruth llingham.j Constance Shoan and Winnie Thorn-j burg; Messrs. .lames Mast. Howard! Walker. Otis Mast. Bob (liugrieh and; uordon Taylor. Delphian Society Presents historical Program. The Yonah'.ossec Delpliiaii Chapter held an interesting mooting' Tuesday it the IVmo tmtrat ion School. Every member was present except one. who Wits out of the city. After the chapter business was discussed and actfid uprtu. a .most interesting literary program was presented. The subject of the ua\ was "The Rise and Fall of ihe First Militarist Nation. Mrs. Savon acted as loader, and the following phases were dsicussed: " Sea-Ki lifts aiuF RassiU-?^* F. Critvhei ; "Assyrian Aseemk my," Mrs. Russell ITocltpcl: "Assyrian Triumph and Defeat," Mr.--. .1. M. Caither; ''New Babyionia," Miss Elizabeth C,o\va;i Citv of Babylon,'1 Miss Lily Idalne^^ymns and Incantations." Mrs J;>n?cs Moore; Babylonian Literature,'' Mrs. John Hoi ton; summary by ihf? president. After the program, Mrs. Gai trior, chairman of tho Seminar Board, presented the topics for next meeting, which will convene February 3rd. Mrs. Isaacs Entertains Daughters of ih*? Contrrl> \\ Year at her home on Oak Street. When the erupts were welcomed a biisintw' rn ect; ng Y Vv?? shoei/?jVu: Y>hVt ii?1 for the work of Che chapter dui ir.e the year discussed; A number of betters were read from Confederate veterans thanking the chapter for Christmas packages, and inteies" centered about one from Mrs. Rcnr.ett, who is spending the winter at the Confederate Women's Home. Fayetteville. The program centered about V* e Imthdajs of Lee. and .Jackson and Mrs. Joe Hardin rendered "Robt-t'E. Lee/" by -Jefferson Davis; "'First Passenger on 'Robert E. Lee"." Mrs. Mack Lu*t?'*bU. The hostess, assisted 1 v her daughter Ruth sevwd V delicious ref^^hnieiit course. The next meeting is''"8?boduled held with Mrs. JoeHardin on February IL.jga Friday Afternoon Club Honored At Luncheon. Mrs. Thomas Coffey was charming hoste>s to the club members and a feJv guests, on Friday, the 23rd. at Watauga Inn. Slowing Rock, at a Iq o'clock luncheon. The guest.- wore ushered into the cheerful dining room where a bountiful and delicious luncheon was served in four courses. The tables were centered with attractive blue vases, each holding a lovely arrangement of blue and velL?\v flowers After returning to the living room many work-baskets were brought forth and sewing and pleasant conversation wove cV.^aged ir.. A v?ui ety of games were played, and humorous stories told, each taking part, and so much of mirth and good fellowship prevailed that the time for departure came all too. soon. Mrs. B. J Councill gave a toast to the hostess which was appropriate auu Cleverly composed iiiriiynrc;-vsiu?j members enjoying Mrs. Coffey's gracious hospitality were Meiaames Ed Coffey. Frank Linney, R. L. Clay 0. L. Hardin, J. D. Rankin. Tracy Council!, R. K. Bingham. B. J. Council!. David Greene, M. P. Critcher. D. Councill and A. E. South. Special guests were Mrs. Donald Boy den and Mrs. Thomas Coffey Jr., oi Blowing R6ck. Mrs. M. P. Critcher will be the next hostess to the club on Febru ary Gt'fi. ; : _l LOST?Brindle Collie Dog, year old, answering to the name of "Jack. 1 Finder will please notify E. B. Hard:n. Laxon, N. C. It HORTON GRACG ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT TURKEY DINNER 33 r. Morton Gragg entertained j several friends at a tuvkey dinner on Thursday niRbt at the Gragg himt on Water Street. The guests \vere_received by Mrs. V.". H. pragg, roog| er of the host, and following a br:c-t social period they were ushered the dining room, where places, were} found at the elegantly appointed ta-| hie. Turkey with all the necessary fix-, ings. was the main dish, hut many other creations of the culinary art' were sewed in attractive manner by; Mrs. Giagg", assisted by her daughter.! Helen, and Miss Pauline Carpenter.; At the conclusion of the delightful; and bountiful meal, cards were enjoyed for two hours. The guest list1 included Mrs. William Winkler. Mrs.! Mary Anderson. Messrs. A. E. Harris and William Spainhuur, with whom Mr. Gragg is associated in a! business way at Spainhours. Inc.,! and Messrs. W. H. Gragg arid Jinij Rivers. A kindly landlady inquired of the. young bride how she and her 1. I band proposed to spend their holi-i I day. : "Our plans so far." replied the; bride, "are tentative." "Oh, how delightful!'* exclaimed. Hie landlady. "I'm sure you'll enjoyi ramping- out more than anything vise] you could do." J ISAM 1 LADIES' DRESS! Do not miss this opj tunity; you can purcf a dress at a tremend saving during this sa Sale Prices $1.95 to $13.95 LADIES' HATS GREATLY REDUC During our Great St Reduction Sale we offer a special grouf ladies* dress hats at give-away price of 1 ONLY 98"= a 9H H| JH Kat LAD?' COAT! A limited purse can complish much for yc this collection of fasf able winter coats. Sale Prices $3.95'? $17.95 :RY THURSDAY---BOONE, N. C. Items of News From The Watauga Circuit By REV. II. M. WEl.LMAN ; **T)iks day do I remember my Jc rru- r.c~ been quite- two year< ye*, as was the rase with the Chief Butler, but it has been two months. 1 promised Ye Old Kditor when I first tame to thi-i section to fiimish him with a copy ?o news items from time to time as had been my custom elsewhere, and he was lvind enouyh to insist that I do it. The delay is not caused by hot having something to write. for there has been plenty, but just simply in hettihjj started. We have been kindly received by all the churches and many of the people. There awaited us on our arrival a hijr. trem rous pounding and it has bec-n added to from time to time. We have met all of our appointments and found attentive, if not always kir^e. congregations present; There has been very little sickness amonjr our pepSlc; and no deaths S'? far as we knoie. We had our first quarterly conference Tuesday. December Uth. at Voile Crucis with a ^oud attendance ar.d jrood reports for that early in he year. Oh New Years' eve we had a watch unity at HensoS's Cha?iol. which was larfTo'y aU Departm , present. This nas just one of sev-i ierati such occasions which we hopej j to have* during t hp year. . j I All those'-who. are interested ijrvj ; making this pf.rt of our work wortit while .vil please lei the pastor know of anything of especial interest from i \\ to weei". sf iiuM -;/Cwyi jtribute something that will be wor-' I thy of a place in the very valuable j j paper that .noes into so many homes' j of our people. GENERAL LEE'S ATTITUDE ' TOWARD WAR At this tune wnen many are work-j ; injf for world peace and a warlessj Id, it is to be regretted that some of our military leaders "glorify" war.! Now, was i- the last thing to "glo-! rified"; it is enough to be cdm polled j to justify it. At its best it is; sternbusiness, and at its worst, >? ';;s nil; that Sherman culled it. Can any one: imagine General Lees glorifying war? He was a blaster of warfare j ami his brilliant achievements af-j jtWfled ample opportunity for him to* I "glorify" war; but. instead of glo-j ; rifying it, he abhorred it. General Hunt says that, while in Mexico, Leel earnestly strove "to heal the differ-i ! ences between General Scott and} ! some of his subordinate officers, lie? was a peace-maker by nature." "War. of which he was so supreme i ; m ister, was to him abhorrent, only 1 "iLCgiJbJ-O- :tc ;? di.i;.o npi'iisLsltv in iln I l"en;H* of h'?mf and fireside," says* a! aya^roaLnsBgiiB'ini ?11 wmimmmmmm BB3K53MSmr^#'wSat CUSTOMERS >n account of my declining d by my physicians to (lit- I | i*e mercantile Dimness ana first bis STOCK REDUCyal support which the good suga County have given me r business here, ustomers in appreciation of vantage of buying the best the market at even beiow great stock reduction is on. baits; just honest values in bad elsewhere at the prices crelv Yours, Lloyd S. Isaacs ductions stock of men's and hich we will sell at during this sale. OMAFC onur.o , regular $6.95 Mi 4.95 MI 3.95 Ml 2.95 is on Boys' Shoes! HAR 'S SHOES AN tor.k of the leading Six 50. Sale price: $1.95 . j 2.95 3.95 J 4.95 ] ^ lOUS GROUP OF AL VALUES: router*, tale <2.45 to $3.95 ^ ^ reochet, tale $2.25 to <3.95 IY/IE 1XWMM. 1 L< 1 1 I L< ?1S^ Id bloomers ics^ ent Store one _ , * writer. When the Federal hoses were driven hack iron* the Heights of Btedcricksbiftg, an officer said . to him. "Isn't it splendid?'* He replied, "Yes. but it is well that war is sa terrible, or we mi^ht become too lend of it."" u vnc y? ?iia Veiler?* diitiiig war, he said: ' The loss of our gallant officers and men throughout the army cause me to weep tears of blood and cause me to wish that I could never hear the sound of a gun again." ?D?\ H. H. Smith. 7~ r;V Harry, wearing bis first pair of pants, went down t