S FEBRUARY 12, 1931 |?P8[... SUCCESSFUL! I Mm; -M BOMEMAKING * \ "t^ B/GR.ACR VI AIL CRAY BROWNIES ARE FAVORITES :>V There comes, inevitably hi every | little girl's life the moment when her j ; sense of hospitality is aroused and she will want to inaki something ;itl i by herself to serve the little girls win* j y ? are coming over to play with her in | the Afternoon. Mother will undouhledty be appealed to ami. if wise, will i suggest the ever-favorite l?ro?vniesjV sometime * referred lo as baked fudge. Browni have the advantage of being extreir.ely .simple t?? make nutritious but not over-rich. and are always griH't *! willi murmurs of delight. j If I lie following simple direction-| / arc followed, good results can be ox-1 peeled, even by the liuic girlNvho has j had no previous experience. Uomem- ! bcr that all measurements should he j level and accurate. By using self rising Hour, no baking iibwder nor ssjlt I .V- ^tK ' . v.". j .i Little girls have to have tea parties. They like to prepare cookies themselves. This is possible by using selfrising flour which takes all the guessworts out of baking. This little hos tess is serving to her auests ar.ine punch and brownies inr.de by herself i with ready-prepared flour or self-rising flour. is required, us I hose ingredients have already l>ean added it. just i?n- right proportions hy the tnahufacturor before you buy the Hour. Such flour is easy "or children to use. There is no Measorln-' and nuxin?* of baking 5?o\vder or salt and success is easily assured. The flour needs only qrie sifting. Brownies. Vl cup butter \z cup sclf-rl^tng 3 su?'arc-s or ^z. flour cooking chocolate \ tap. vanilla cups sKtgar cup ??.!? niWfr i CBS* i- rs; add the twit or to the < hocolale stud iuelt over hot water. Add tile sugar and eggs, unbeaten. Beat until well blended. TlHMt add the i-emaining ingredients in the order given and when well mixed pour Into a greased and floured cake pun to liie depth oC onehal'" inch, Bake in a slow oveu (32r> degrees F.) until quite tlrni but not brown. Out into squares figgr.'' while still warm. These may he served with a beveruse Such as lemonade or grape punch, or in the place of cake with ice erenm if a more substantial collation is desired. SYSTEM SEEMED FULL OF POISONS" 14For five years T could hardly digest anything and I'd have such awful smothering attacks at night I couldn't sleep a wink. My torpid liv MRS. HFRNEY MASSEY er kept my system poisoned and I'd have such a swimming in the head at times that I'd jnst have to sit down to keep from falling. I lost weight until I was so weak I could hardly stay up at all. Six bottles of Saigon and Sargon Pills helped me in every way. I eat and digest things now that I believe would have killed me. I've gained back twenty pounds of lbst weight and Jiavc the strength and energy I had years ago."?Mrs. Hemie Massey, 8 Carter Street, Balfour, N. C. Sold by Boone Drug Company 1 Advertisement) EOR SALE?-Nice, large glmliola bulbs. Bulblets given free. Mrs. Ella Cooke, 20 Hardin Street ti FOR SALE?Dairy farm Darlington, Md., or would exchange for property in Watauga. Claude L. Mast, Vaile Crucis, N. C. 2-5-St ; "VERY LATESTS" Bv MARY MARSHALL siiCTSJvW j Fagoting may be done with ribbon, fiat; braid or;h^ scrips of material, or with ready-made seam binding !f; you use the strips of material, cut J them on a true bias wide enough so j that after they have been turned in about an eighth ot' an inch at the fC f /^Wi\ I ) W% i T%1U w /i ? i edge the strip is of the required width. Having grot the ribbon braid or strips of the desired width trace off on heavy paper the hiitterfly design shown in the sketch. Baste the strips in place, turning sharply at the corners. Next sew the corners i down with line overhandwg done] with thread to match the strips. Simple fagot, stitch is used here To do this, thread a needle with buttonhole twist or twisted embroidery cotton, begin at the left, side of two trows of strips and work from left to right, then from right to left, vecrossing at. even intervals along the edge of the bands of ribbon. The | twist in the thread is obtained by passing the thread of each stitch un! dcr that of the preceding stitch. If i you have never done fagoting; before you had best experiment a little m scraps of material to perfect yourself in the technique of the stitch, which is not at all difficult. Where a row of fagoting is to be done between a strip of material and a solid piece of material, the latter should be finished with a narrow hem which should be hemmed by hand before the fagoting is begun. After thc work has been completed, you should spread a slightly dampened piece of muslin over the work and Viress well before nullim*- the j bastings and taking from the paper. j .. .1 ^'ifl NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION SALF. All persons are hereby notified that I have this day sold my entire interest in the J & E Store to T. M. Greer and wife, Amelia Greer. The said T. M. Greer and wife, Amelia Greer, are to pay all the debts and obligations owing by said J & E Stove and all accounts due said store are to he paid to the said T. M. Greer i and Amelia Greer. | This 28th day of January, 1931. 2-5-4 I. G. GREER. W. PFJXACRA A SPECIAFTY If you liavc many of the following symptoms*, I have the remedy, no mall I.-4. 1-1 - I 1 * ici miiu jwur iiuui'ic iu? nccn uiagnosed: Nervousness, stomach trouble, loss of weight, loss of sleep, eore mouth, hurting in back of bead, shoulders or back, peculiar swimming in head, frothy-like phlegm in throat, passing of mucous from the bowels (especially after taking purgative), burning feet, \ ellcw or brown skin, burning or itching nkiiu rash on hands,, face and arms resembling sunburn, chronic constipation, (sometimes alternating with diarrhoea), copper or metallic^ taste, skin sensitive to sun heat, forget fulness, despondency, thoughts that yon might lose your mind, gums red and falling away from the teeth, general weakness, loss of energy, and look older than you are. If you have many of these symptoms, have taken all kinds of medicine, ami are still sick, 1 especially want YOU to write for my FREE booklet, questionnaire, and diagnosis. V. C. Rountrec, M. DM BOX 1150 Dept. 6-J, Austin, Texas IWiiRA * . _ - v = - . THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT- EV spimlOTicii] WANTED?To trade good young j en til? -for tar in horse. C. CFartUng, Blowing: Rock Road, Boone. N. C, 2-5-1 FOR TRADE"y7sALE CHEAP?Two ton international Truck in qood running: condition Prefer ex-j change for smaller true*;. M E.| Proffitt, Johnson City, Tenn 2r ; II 'O "N 'JUOOg Mpua (J v *uioiR ^03 pun oiuoo jnq *ojua\ J LuoQ *oouo jn uo:?Tn j? po.ipunu ' .iad sju"J3 <5/, je oScqqna Jo spunod punsnoqj oav? jnoqy?HTVS HOrl LOST?-One Meredith College ring, 192G. On inside initials G. B. and A. B. Findev please return and j receive reward. Dave P. Mast, Boone, N. C. It BIG HEALTHY FLUFFY BABY| CHICKS hatched from range-bred State accredited flocks. Barred and White Rocks, R. I. Reds. Let us do your custom hatching. $3.00 per tray of 112 gegs. We sell brooders arid poultry supplies. Wilkes Hatchery, North Wilfcesboro. N. C. 1-1-tf WANTED?Information from anyone that knows of a foxhound with red body, white feet, white blaze j in his face, white breast, end ofi tail white; a piece torn out of one ear. Lost the 18th of October. A~j liberal remard will be paid for the l recovery of this dog:. Notify Fred I M Deal, Lenoir; N. C. 1-22-It NOTICE I This is to certify that we have this I day sold our entire interest in thej Boone Chevrolet Company to W. Ralph Winkler. All accounts due to said firm,prior to this date are to bei paid to lis, and all indebtedness is to be paid by us. This January 26, 1031. L. L. Bingham, \V. T. Payne, ft A. E. South. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Annual meeting cf stockholders, Sugar Grove N. L. F. A. will be held at John E. Brown's office in postoffice building on Saturday, Feb. 11. Officers for the coming year will be elected. L. IT. HOLLAR, Sec.-Treas. H. NfBAL BLAIR, President iln*. r i I rsoticei Caskets and other funeral iuppl:cs, hearse, ambulance and embalming service now at your command at Banner Elk, N. C. F. H. STINSON BANNER ELK FARMS FOR SALE IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY, VIRGINIA o-? : ri) Where we have good roads built and paid for; no State tax on farms or i ... A ? n I i i?ti ?uiiai |?? u(ici iy - nu uncAbcucu I School System. The best of -Some markets and near large city markets; 135 ACRES?Smooth, level land in Sigh state of cultivation, splendid Dvoom brick residence. slate roof, large bank bain and all needed farm buildings, good as new; watered by wells, springs and gravity system. Fifty acres bearing apple orchard that will pay for farm; large packing shed, full orchard equipment? tractor, tractor disc, plows, "narrow's, sprayer, cultipaeker, mcwer. rake, apple crates and ladders. 2 horses, 2 wagons, beds and hay ladders, 1 potato digger, on good road near a large town, cold storage, apple and cider, plant. Price, $100 an acre. 116 ACRES?Large brick residence, good as new. large porches, full basement, spring, well and cistern at house; poultry plant, capacity 700 hens and 1500 broilers; new barn, new double garage, included in sale; two good horses, J good cows and full line of farm machinery, good as new; 4 acres fruit, 7 acres timber, 20 acres blue-grcms pasture, balance in cultivation, school and church at farm, two miles this city over good road. Price $5,000, half cash. 270-ACRE DAIRY FARM?Smooth and level; new 8-room residence, a large bank barn, meets dairy requirements; all needed farm buildings; wells, cistern and never failing spring at buildings; plenty of fruit, 10 acres oak timber, 3 miles this city, good road. Price $12,500. This is a REAL BARGAIN for someone. Qr? apdcc r. ..,.1 lar, large poultry house; new barn, silo and all needed farm buildings; 2 wells and spring stream through G acres of truck bottom land; ten acres timber; four miles thi3 city over highway. $3,500, one-half cash. 50 ACRES?Well located, right at school, churches and store; good 7rocm house; cellar, lafge porches and new metal roof; -good barn and other farm buildings; large spring in lawn near house, large shop suitable for auto repair; located in a good community, on hard road seven miles this city. $3,000, $1,000 cash. WRITE FOR FARM DESCRIPTIONS?TELA. ME YOUR WANTS W. T BIRMINGHAM 35 Weil Water Street WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA ERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. Legal Advertisements Advertisements appearing under this heading arc ""payable rlrictljr in advance. This rule applies to all. Please do not ask the pwbi^Thers to deviate. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator "f the estate oi NVyatt Hayes, this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned within twelve months from date, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of | their recovery. All persons indebted I to the estate will please come forward and make settlement. This January 15, 1931. H. C. HAVES, 1-22-Gi Administrator1 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Under and by virtue of an alius execution directed to the undersigned sheriff from the Superior Court of Watauga County in that certain action entitled T. L. Mast and Brothers vs. \V. H. Bingham, for the sum of $131.95 and interests and costs (less certain credits). I will on Monday, March 2, 1931. at 12:00 o'clock noon, at. the cqfirthouse door 's; Boone, N. C., sell to the highest b. 1der for cash to satisfy said cxvra-' i tion, al! the right, title and infc> est j which the said W. H. Bingham has or had on the 22nd day of October, j 1929. m the following described leul i estate, to-wit: ! FIRST TRACT?Adjoining the ! lands of Enoch Perry en the north, i on ine soum by will tireer and others, and on the east by S. J. Price, on the west by S. J. Price, containing D 1-2 acres more or less, and being a part of the 1. S. Bumgarner Home Place. SECOND TRACT?Adjoining the lands of Jasper Pagan, S. J. Price, Cicero Greer and others, containing one acre more or less and being a part of the I. S. Bumgarner home place and lying on the south of the public road: THIRD TRACT ? Adjoining the lands of A. D. Adams, \V. II. Ringham and others, containing six acres more or less and being the same iand conveyed to J. H. Hayes on the 1st day of October, 1020. This the 2nd day of February. 193). I,. M. FARTHING, Sheriff. By II. A. Hagoman, D. S. 2-5- It NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP All persons hereby notified that we have this day sold out entire interest in the Boone Feed Company to J. R. Gragg and Charles L. Younce, they becoming sole owners. The said Chailes L. Younce and J. R. Gragg are to assume all debts and obligations owing by the Boone Feed Company tc. all persons or corporations. All debts owing to said firm are to be paid to the said Charles L. Younce and J. R. Gragg, trading under the firm name of Boone Feed Comnnnv This 10th day of January, 1931. W. D. FARTHING, :M 1-22-41 HOWARD MAST. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage deed executed to O. G. Mitchell by J. C. Hodges and wife, Julia Hodges, on the 14th day of March, 1022. and default hav. ing been made ni the payment of the money therein secured, and therein provided, I will; on Saturday, February 14, 1931, at 1 o'Clock P. M. at the reourthouse door of Watauga County, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real est ate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake in the road near a sugar tree, Brown's cor JJj? . .1 it -l- _ -J -i r .1* i:c-i ami i uu^ auuui uuoui pOICi to a stake on top of a ridge or. south l?ank of road; then south 8?> wes! along the road six poles to a stake at the old saw mill setting; then south crossing the branch 9 4-5 poles tc a buckeye; then north 8G east 8 pole; to a beech; then south 40 poles tc a beech in the Bill Miller line; thor north 77 east 11 poles to a stake ncai u birch; then south 89 east 22 poleto a stake in the Little's line; then north"26 v> est with said line 12 poles to two water oaks. Little's corner; then north with Little's line to n chestnut. Browns' corner, then with Browns' line to the beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. ^ This the loth dav of Jan., 19ol. J. F. HORTON, 1-15-4 Assignee of O. G. Mitchell Adults Contract Children's Diseases Adults cap, and do, contract many chUdreo's diseases. And, usually, they suffer from them much more than children do. For instance, many adults contract worms. an aiiment usually associated with children. Sometimes they suffer intensely and take expensive medical treatments, without reali 11 xins- that worma arc the cause oi thnr troubles. Yet. the^ symptoms are t he same as in children, loss of appetite and weight, grinding the teeth and restless* sleep, itelling of the rose and anus, and abdominal pains*. And, the same medicine that suyelv and harmlessly expels round and pin worms from children will do the same for adults ? White's Cream Vermifuge, which you can get at HODGES DRUG COMPANY Dr. C. B. Baughman, Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist, Johnsot I City, Tenn., will be in the office o j Dr. J. B. Haganaan in Boone, on th< first Monday in each month for thi practice of his profession. I0-17-t! ? - ? - ? ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE I Having qualified as the Administrator of the BwtBM Mrs. Lester j bounce. deceased, late of Watauga I County. North Carolina, this is to no. tif\ all persons having claims ag&ii the estate of said deceased to exhibit! thorn to the undersigned or his at-j torncy within 12 months from date J otherwise this notice wjli be pleaded| i7i bar of their recovery. All persons! indebted to the estate will please come forward and make settlement. This the 13th day of Jan., 19511. V. E. VOUNCE-. Administrator. Trivette & IJoishouser, Attys. 1-15-6 NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT | North Carolina, Watauga County. The Watauga County Rank vs. ?1. F. Moore. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 17th day of .Innsmw l.tl.'Ll li? A IT , ~ ^ VJVUII., VICIR of the Superior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, for the sum of S2,285.G0, due said plaintiff by note, which summons is returnable before said Clerk at his office in Boone, in said County of Watauga on the 17th day of February. 1931The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk on the 17th day of January, 1931, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable before the said Clerk, at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the telie.f demanded will be granted. This 17th day of January, 1931: A. E. SOUTH, Clerk of Superior Court. John E. Thown, Atty. for Plaintiff. 1-22-41 NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Watauga County: Boone Hardware Company, Inc., vs. J. F. Moore. The defendant above named will take ! notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said deefndant on the 17th day of , - ? - - - - ? ? I January, 1U3I, by A. E. South, Clerk ! of the Superior Court of W'ataugar j County, North Carolina, for the sum jot" -VI.731.OK, dua said plaintiff by j account, which summons is returnable before said Gterk at his office . at Boone in said county of Watauga on the 17th day of February, 1931. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk on the 17th day I of January, 1931, against the prop. erty of said defendant, which war? i rant is returnable before the said Clerk, at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This 17th day of January, 1931. A. E. SOUTH, Clerk of Superior Court. John E. Brown, Atty. for Plaintiff. 1-22-41 ? : NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of a certain deed of j trust executed to the undersigned trustee by John Johnson and" wife, , Cora B. Johnson and Nancy Hayes to secure the sum of $500.00 to Btffi-I jamin Harrison, and rdefauit having been made in the payment of said sum, as in said det-d of trust proi vided, I will, on Monday, March 2, 1931, at One o'CIock P. M. at the courthouse door of Watauga ? County., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described veal es:" tate, to-wit: ' BEGINNING at the mouth of the > old house Field Branch, and runs with the meanders of said Elk Creek i to a locust, an agreed corner between k .Joel Hayes and G. W. and P. G. Car( rill; thence with an agreed line between Joel Hayes and G. W. and P. 5 G. Carroll to a stake in the line of ! the old 200-acre tract; thence east ! n ith said line of said tract to a stake near draw bars; thence south 32 dei grees east with the meanders of a , branch S8 poles to the beginning, . containing 65 acres-, more or less. This the 2nd day -oil Februarv. 1 T. E. BINGHAM, Trustee. ' Bingham, Binney and Bingham, - Attorneys 2-5-it A suit cf clothes is new just as long as it looks new. Ouv modern dry cleaning methods keep clothes looking new. They help you get more service ont of the clothes To the man or woman who is interested in economy, we offer an economical service which will save them money in the long run. HI-LAND ; DRY CLEANING CO. 1 Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Hat * Blocking . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN North Carolina, Wataujca Comity: This is to notify ail persons tlipv Charles L You nee and J. K. Grape. have this day iovn!?*! a psrtnorsh'* for the purposes of carry ing on ? general feed, flour ami grain store ;*i tjif?: inuTi of Boone, North uCarolina, and to carry such othei articled of merchandise as shall be mutually agreed upon by the partneio, each party contributing fifty per cent, the stock of said partnership, said partnership to be known as BooneFeed Company, and is to run foi a period of ten years unless soone ' dissolved by a mutual agreemei t h tween the partnership. This 19th day of January. 1931. CHARLES L. YOUNCE. J. R. GRACG. 1-29Unintentional Suicide Many people arc slowly poisoning fkl>mwJtWB ir.ct- to Oliriliu n- if .? J?--J *** ? >"?=J drank iodine every morning for breakfast. They are daily absorbing the toxin?, or poisons, created by accumulated waste matter in their constipate I digestive systems. Sooner or later disease will conquer their weakened lx>diea. If you have headaches, coated tongue, bad breath, no appetite, bilious attacks, you are probably suffering from self poisoning caused by constipation. A relief for this condition is Herbine, the vegetable cathartic which acts in the natural way. Get a bottle today from Sold by Hodges Drug Co-, JOHN E. BROWN i ATTORNEY AT LAW BOONE, N. C. ' Offices Postotficc Building $ Phone 63 t I <"? ' ,for ANY BABY WE c:in never be sure just what makes ail infant restless, but the remedy can always be the same Good old Castorial There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation. and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. As often as Baby has a fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can't sleep, let Casloria soothe and quiet him. Sometimes it's a touch of colic. Sonic time constipation Or diarrhea ? a condition that should always be checked without delay. Just keep Cnstoria handy and give it promptly. Relief will followvery promptly; if it doesn't you should Too Much ACID MANY people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they cail iL It is usually excess acid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way. 'he quick, harmless and efficient way, is Phillips Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for I 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms disappear in five minutes. You will never use crude methods when you know this better method And you will never sulTer from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Gel genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia, the kind that phvsicians have prescribed for ovei 50 years in (urrcrtir.g excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle?any drugstorc"Ylilk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark of The Charles it. Phillips Chemical Company and ils predecessor Charles H. Phillips since 18i5. W. 6 6 Liquid or 1 ablets Cure COLDS, HEADACHES, FEVER 666 SALVE CURES' BABY'S COLD D*- -J--1IJgSvttC&TA* .