TWO WATAUGA TO SAVE MANY THOUSANDS BY NEW TAX LAWS As&csfed Valuation of $S,67H 521 Bore a Levy of 3? cents for Expenses of Schools During Past Year. Proposed levy of 15 Cents Wo aid Reduce County's Expenditure for Education $19,093. Kfticngh, N. C.IStax reductions of yearly ?lO.?H)O;O0i\ or $9,667,186, to b* exact, \va! result ro the landowners cI North Carolina for each of the years of 19 '1 'J and 1932-26 uoder the revenue bill which is r?.N< :it through th- General Assembly, according to a table;, of figures preparer! by the State Tax Commission. Th's table shows that on the assess* : valuation f $2;97S,719,226 for the year 19';o >n the whole .State, the 100 counties had a total tax* levy of $l4yl A 1 for current expenses of .-choc-is j>h the same assessed vai rate the total eyy will be > ^U"?S, by wnich It if s on v.har ;he f-.'Jcvy fov the i'c.\t -two voim:s will be *tVj'>7.1n which the tax rate was 37 cents for current expenses for the six months schoe! term which made the tax leCy for this county $32,111. The proposed 1 o-ceht levy on the same valuation basis wil! mean $13.0IS in taxes in 1931 and 1932. or a reduction for this cniintv of -.09:-:. "this aVfeunte it is pointed out, will be rcfle.-ied appreciably in the tax . bill of the individual Lax pay or in every county in the State. Two Are Saved From Burning Lenoir Hotel Lenoir, X. (f^--Firemhn rescued Russeli Presneii and Bill Ingram from nun n f t h?. AUft^f. b?cinc.$c diet !'!<'*. fires in the hist'-ry of Lenoir as the blaze wtefSSBBnt the Gateway Hotel and badly damaged the Gateway Cafe at 2:30 o'clock- Friday morning. The damage is estimated Ai. SltVJOO. Pivsne'l. owner pi th% norol and M. and Ingram. oit:p!o>\?c or tni cafe; wpre tvaplied in tb?a second story. Firemen -place;! a laddef tor the t\yo men to make ibejv escape. The cause of the fifv remained imId snive l. The blaze was discovered by Night Pojiocinari Walsh, who t urhed in ihv a!dv3g Tbjo^fiiv gained considerable headway and threatened to wreck the" etitiiv b?,sV5^ss~ Aifocky wi? ft re firemen, fightmg far five bdurs; completely subdued it. A second alarm occurred ar A:oh o'clock when the shTyuld.orin.g ruins flared up for the second time. |r-3 Plans for rohni'.di/m- tUd hotel were annparcecl by Prer-neit, owner of the building. MASONIC NOTICE Risgular Ct mniuriication oi ffi Watauga Lcigc No. 273, M A. r. & A. M? FRIDAY, e/(JjWM.\Y 2:trh, i} o'clock p. m. Election i Yticers. A!! A. K. SMITH, v.". M. GORDON H. 'WINKLER, Secretary. ?1 GiARi Itviiuee I and Xi'ir # I Join us in the General Electric Prof on a nation-vi GENERAL | ALL-.STEEL R Apartment House aod Coauaer NORTHWEST GARO BLOWING . -- , | New Ki^vanis^ Head^ ^ Wiili?.rn G Harris. \sj% An; . ! banker and executive of the j^Ktona? Thrift Corporation, Rains additional | honor. 22 MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN COUNTY Turit Out Product Valued at $204,928. Ill Wage Earners Are Employed. F o rsj'th Leads the State in Industry. j Tt&Ieigh. K. C.-?Watauga County had a lota I ?if 22 inanu.fact tiring n*h?eh turned out i in value oj nwinutactared i ' during tile year 1929. acco'dtng tn a table just issued by ! the North Carolina Department of ; l> rvati or. nnd Development. : The average number ,o7? and th. The wo.vldts tai-gost bank. Chase National -6T New York, j announced Friday that rffcouvc on i-funo 1. W would reduce- the in teres l ! paid -m ;?<> in pound inf.e*-tw*, or sav1 intrs, account, to 2 ptfv cent. annual; ly from the present rate of '? pet cept., compounded monthly. rj Ttps step loTfoVv^d TKut^dKy's aii I noumomeat that New York champ? 'house banks were reducing vatcsalj j h?wir.g t?Ti commercia! and^jgiiik posits, by,.Half of' ?.ne per eout. to tni ! lowest levyls on 'record, and was re jgarded tis*' par*. of the campa&u tc deflect surplus, funds from bank;I which-already find it difficult to tin i plby money at current ]ow, interest \ fedKftsSi* . 'vaSBM .-.-5 pni-3" .?wPj Mutual .savings banks in New \ or* fjpity five nowpaying from 4 to '1-2 \ per of-ni. The rise its saving* - soW Coo\)z ra lively by B e a w f o 11 jGoitoty LTi.w.t- tViis spring to no j them r,nc dollar a bushel above th< j package | YEAR 1NTEE mmm " . d Prices lefin em en is TOW a full 3 Years* Wax^ ranty goes to every pur- If # isserof a General Electric efrigerator. At the same me you willbcnefitby new low prices !us many refinements. Before >ou ly, check General Electric advangea point by point. Note the all-steel ibinet with special porcelain lining tat resists fruit acids ? new sliding lelves?an hermetically sealed dustroof mechanism?accessible fasteezing control?three distinct *ones f cold ? greater food storage space. rhy not have a General Electric Heigcrator now? Let us demonstrate le money-saving features. own payments as o -wm low as... * I mm 24 manths to pay) mam, broadcaat ermry Satardayl*vening. da y.B. C netucrk P ELECTRIC EFBIGERATOR 3?] Refrigerator* ? Electric Wuer Cooler* UNA UTILITIES, Inc. ROCK, N. C. THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?E> ?= Today and Tomorrow By FRANK P. STOC KBKIDGE Wheat Ray Long, editor of CesmopdUiar Magazine, who has jusi returned from Russia, in a speech the other day pre dieted that we would never see wheat again a-t as high as a dollar a bashel Wheats* importance in the ecouom ic scheme of things ; d ic to the fact that it is cheaply stored-and shipper and can be kept . h >m Seasor to season. When the United State: -t. - - 5 -- \vas su?i 3 pioneer :iu .m iim? u? great wheat areas of feissia, ikuitl America and Australia were till un developed;, \vheaf \\a profitabh crop in this counti\\ Today it is fai from being our imp rtant crop Minnesota, the greatest Hour milling - and once ' pn wheal producer. raised >J 1.000.000 wort I of wheat in !S2'9. a fairly nornia year, but so'.ci b\12f*,000,000 worth oJ butter. The Jcrsanvl for dairy. hog ant poultry ^pdncts is grawing; thai ; wheat is diminishing. it I were u wheat farmer 1 would put my laru into some other kind of crops or sel i ami pocket the loss. > A Movies - ?. All of the protests against the rep j'^fecntations of crone and vice in th<. ; movies seem to have had ivo appro ciable effect. | "Two (C row ley, New York'; jj latest "cop killer,7' ar. undersized undeveloped boy of twenty, has ad r.ii?tod that he get the idea of being a "bad man" from the movies. "Gangster" films are worse thai crime stories in the newspapers, be cause they reach the immature mint that does not read the papers. Chil . then cannot discriminate botweci right and wrong, and the gunman even though shown as a crimina i meeting a bad end. seems like a hev? Don W Kahili "Re I IIC! Now! Please! ? on your Adam Adam's Apple? tually touching voice box ?It ci When you con: you are consid vocal chords. Di harsh irritant^ ? ? Remember, L cigarette in Am elusive "TOASTI tain harsh irritc baccos. These e to manufacture] They are not STRIKE, and so Adam's Apple/' ii \y TUNE IN- Iflj The Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, mj every Tuesday, T hur%dayand Saturday evening \0 over N. B. C. no \ ivories* * iKRY THCR30AY? BOONE. N. C. to many o| them. X?.* : "k Electrification !-; One vi 11 y tarjeer neighbor? h: the; I Becfokuv Hills of Massachusetts, j Major Hugh Smiley of Great Barj: rmgton. is making a lest of alt of the! ji possibilities t-f er.ectdeity or? they, farm. Major Smiley"? hens- work as- Icngi | hours- in winter as ihc-yi f and pavements for instruction or' maintenance machinery ami mate-' rials. ? Sti^K paym?t jits to public officials | . ari gai l< 1 in some? business circles' as "lawful graft." They are uishon5 est because such bribes arc added to j the cost of the j'l? and conic out be done over again?again - at the taxpayers' expense. 1 II would be int ' w ing if -ome live - newspaper in every county in the: i United Stat | Should start an im . quiiv as to how much "lawful graft"! 1 its ical ' ffi<*ials vc rot eived from 1> naviBR. coBtrattoi^ i t't Rasp rith Hai ach for a KY instead" Actually put your finger 's Apple. Touch it? your Do you knew you are actsoiar lorvnw 9 ? Tl*5c ? vaisi? jntains your vocal chords. j >ider your Adam's Apple, * !ering your throat?your f||i jn't rasp your throat with f Reach for a LUCKY instead 1 UCKY STRIKE is the only ^ erica that through its exING" process expels cerints present in all raw toxpelled irritants are sold -s of chemical compounds, present in your LUCKY we say "Consider your t Hi mm Ite^T^Co \ ' Mfrt* " 2 y;When! was "i : :n .Ww Eiiclar.d ' it i?ti:i the t-astnhi i?i aiavjit >U ?-jral families, and pr dv/oiy in the; citu > as well, fo dose att rr.e ch dr?*M ?(i; days v\cry spring with liberal' taMespconinls of a mixture of :u!(pbui auU For a generation or so medical men have laughed a: the old Vsprrng? tonic" .lea. -Vot medics? science hr.i wscovJied that this is :uio*.her of the ?4?-c*iHed foik myths that has so'id bajisi of truth back of it. Our finnd-i parents were trroiic ?ri thinking that, sulphur \v9.s the essential cart uf the 1 mixture^ but they were rij?ht in the. i-ica that "brimstone and treacle" had a tonic eficrt. It was the iron in; the molasses that did it, accord'rut io Or. Waltco H. Eddy. Xow i\t- keen cu?* children outgaj-i doors in the svr.shine a5 much as poswamsm Under severest factory tests th Ckanru CHRISTIAN TIN & META1 LET SCIENTIFIC FARM METHOD? youi Cufamj i Your "irsto Including the use of Sunshine Mellows rourThroot Protection?ogair ' "" " winter and summer, art) those j6; EE rays generated : " fcj :city. so thai the need ci' a split#; ismra;.- set as great as it \vj - Ant? w'e? rav- oeveinpeil pieasanlot ways 61 takirit iron into the system v. hen' we do need it. ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATES HAVE HEAVY SNOWFALL IVr.vei. Colo.? Snow ranirini.- a ttaee to neaiiy two feet til depth hinnbeted parts of the tnoantain states inst Fhutsday. Rain and srow which liejstn itiil'i r Tuesday in most of V,">ointiig. Colorado and Montana and parts 1 New Mexico was expected to p: sis nii/nodinte heoci'.t to crops in the jprouml and eliminate the accer :y foe early irrigation. f | * n j ^ ^}.>i i a ?jaB is roofing proved water tight ?Mrain OVED ROOFING -R-LOY?The Copper-Alloyed Steer :ro for rou to sec for yourself. It has feature* inable to sncyou leak.-proof. firr-pioof and rutection for jour builninfts. Lifr-time protusc t Ihannelurain is made of COF-F-LOY. I. an J coated with pute z?oc by the famous >. liasy to rut on. Pri(d arc rigbtL WORKS, Boone, N. C. > ENABLE YOU IO SAVE MONEY Jk c a Throat \ asted" Ultra Violet Rays ?Heat Purifies ist irritation-against cough