The Watauga Democrat Issunt Every ThiVfidav by T-ae RIVERS PHlXTIMC COMPANY R. C. RIVERS ROP RIVERS pnl.Pth.--. .. I ' SUBSCRiP riON RA OvS. One Tear $1:50 Six :>IoniVxo - -75. Three Months .TO Payable in Advance Cards- of Thanks, Resolutions of Re spect, Obituaries, etc., ate charged for at the regular advertising rates. Entered at the Postof?h? at Boone, N. C . as Second ( ;ais. tcail niat.ter. THURSDAY, MAY >. 1031 Big Folks Mayor Robldns of Blowing Rock gives out information to the effect that number oi person/, of national importance are .iiifitctqd - visit thai popular resort rovvr this summer. and thinks that never hefdro have the eyes of the nation become ?b thoroughly focused on the r.orthwestej'n mountain-. Two of stage and screen are now sojourn n># nv t.ft?;- flock. arc posmveKy thrilled with the glob c< of tfc< hill's and njfhers from The s&ivx* pi<>t'es?:on arc likely to follow in their wake. Mayor Kr.hhins has; information which makes him think that even Mrs; Huove?. America's virsc Lady, will t>e a brief visitor there this ybav. . The Northwest : - just i to come into its natural inro' jtara c. ir.d the Signer the visiters'the better ihey like -tv; coiirtrv. The value of the visit of Aliss Ulric'and Air Llackntei could not be estimated. "The Way of Life" By UHUCE BARTON DON'T SEND IT Some years ago I met a niaiiySyho spoke as foiiows: "The boss issued a nu nu randun^ today with a look of new instructions. > r.v: of them were all wet. and I didn't hesitate to tell him so. I shot. a memo right back at him, and, believe me. it was a hot one. Said an h? man: *-i;,re<u-ived my first-business training under a v ise did bank o/f'.vtaL Or.e day letter cam..- in fiotu a vousionier win- t iuibc unreasonable complaints and a.-ke.i for an unwarranted favor. "I sal uy.-almost ail night draftlne: an answer to that letter. It was a V, beauty, and I took St in to fehe old fnk-xt witfj pride. His UwviiSjt ,-. .i : -i .... 1.. .. . e . ... 3 'YouVo PUT th.' case just right,*: hesaid. ';1%r peskier: - you-hav* Eileen Is SgiSd on soi?ii<1 banking prin fe . ^ eipk'St it .slatas our attitude \vjth dignify and lY>rq&. AH in all, if.-' u j -pf very fin** letter^ and I .congratulate you on it. Only, for Heaven V sake, don't send it.' " Afterwards. 1 'learned that the rear 1 ' i/.vst quoted a as paid year: the other is paid ?4O>O0fe Like every other man in business, i 1 receive- certain number of com- j &? mnhications whieh are both unkind j '. K^^BSndf unfair. Having red hair and ni fflSiraity quick; temper, I Uivd to iei! satin letters hois:, my temperature j considerably. Sometime.0 I carried j them around in mv >nir.d for several' days, forming red hoi oh vases in re-1 ply: I Now I p? r. much m-.-aii.i ivlok or. tho vrrivoi'S. i !. i:ol answer tliem at all. T can imagine one of my < rit^??rtvgiW2rK>wr v--- u: ics going 'down to tBe front gat6 every morning to meet the postman, looking eagerly for my answer, thinking up lie will say in his next outburst. ? Day after -lay goes by. and no an-J f\vei comes. The five that was to burn me up. burns him up instead. This method of cicahng with one's! enemies is certainly not spectacular Sand maybe it unmanly. If so, I can reply only thai; as t grow older the glory of being spectacular appeals to me less and less in comparison with the comfortable joys of peace. Life seems somehow too short for t controversy, and much of my income in these days is received not so much for what I do as for what I have learned not to do. Patience. I have leanied, is almost) as important as work; '.chile judgment uniformly commands a ranch higher rate than v.eli -intentioned activity. What is judgment? yon ask. Well, it's the iktle voice that whispers: "That would Ke brilliant, but don'r do it." Or, "That's a smart one; verysmart indeed. But, for Heaven's sake, don't send it." | Helps Along the Road THE GLORY OF GIVING What an example for the Church today ! "Take ye from among: you an Kecro^ - --offering umu ihw Luiu. wiiuaOcVer is of a willing heart, let him bring PINK ** ' an of the Lord." Let us J/: - remember that when we give to the cause of missions for the winning of souls and the building of a church m: in mission fields, we give not to a church or a mission society or to individuals, but we give unto the Lord, i and we must answer to Him both for the quality of the gift and the spirit of the giving. 'The people bring I much more than enough for the serv* ice of the work, which the Lord commanded to make." If the Church 01 Christ today with its wealth of A 1 Iter... frr-ru Thr, DcaxiJCiTRl %ji May 26, 1892 I Mr,. R. Pel*. of Liarille- is vis i c ri v. ;-* of .x1 Emma arid Jennie Council). < Boone M ore, of this county, ha? a ev;.' which gave birth tc four luivbs i a lew- day-- three ci which are ! living; and J -;nu well. Mr. I. I- Ccuuciii, cue of Ike fore- :no-t busings iHfen of Elk Park, spent a few day-; with bis parents in Booiti rc - ily. Captain LoviM, ?:iv.c l?s return : frog s he .State Convention, ha? been j 1 --:'v?reh with an acute a*-'; tack ;.f sciatica. j < Mi. B. u. who hp's been in j 1 the tn and i\ It. H. Co. for the post three years, is oi'fh an ;a vacation and is visiting rola-h fives in this county. j The new in j It beinjc erecie:1. by D. . B. J ' and Z. H. Cook near . Boone. .vi{] be gxeat convenience! to people. i. The Members of the Daniel Boone Alliance are requested to attend at-, the- next meeting on-Thursday. Jurc'i '--- as there i? important oiisiness attend to. L. L. Cvitehfcr, secretary. . ."ttme oi me young people went t<">1 i i'op;5v Grev; on !a?A Sabbath io;l preach intr. jPJpe c?nu legation at this ; pMce is Primitive Baptist and bedevil -j'. practice washing one another's 1 ' w ' a y? ar. r f.ey and of ibrs una its potential j wealth of spiritual power in Christ, {would lay her treasure at the fp??t Ja.t; Jesus the mission fields of the 1 wov'ut vpoiikl be speedily evangelized j land the mission treasury of the : church SveulfJ be overf!o\ymg. A great cry is going up ffpm many i parts of the Church of Christ for rejyival and blessing from the hand of j God. yet God ijJ-.s clearly given ?n straction in MnlaehL -May we^today ; Sjfifei- Him say with solemn voice; 1 ''Will a man rob God? Vol ye Have | robbed Mv. l$u? -ye say, Wherein. 1 . e ve ' ' ?i Th< f" h.. tithes M" ' j I offerings. Ye ,'are cur-ed \V:it|t aj 1 curse: for ye have robbed Ale. c.v en {this vd'o't 7:aii? Bring y, all jrW]| j .tithes Int iliy. . . that i h< re j i j may t?jt mpar vn/Mtyu- b'> and prove {} nie ?v he"'. v ith, - h the 1 <or.d ?>( ]) sis. : I .. 11 not ' v ' 1 ttu winj dows iiv Hyav-dn, and -Mvir you out ; wn eHO'-t ? to ri i iVffljJs Let U3 >-ish (io<l for a --pint <-i iuioUty 8 ' < vistisn sToivattlsiti).. m f.6? thoj i jjin'n''.' of K'fftij' '.o abviuTwi In o\si lives, and let ivmvn.liwv that v.v lore not only- to V- 'vmpi.-n!.. -M Hfc ' * (truce, I?it ti ansmiltirs p! that nntfcfi I V(y till to whom vc uiuv haw the Hgjfagl? Vf ministry, wh,;-ti,t.'':ve-v, j or rar. May G.iii direct our hearts KHUaku iovfe of Crfui tinil into tho t I . siticecs t?S Christ in loving mi vice i i uitti) vh^lst unv.rRS. , ' : I1 ? A. ('. Anef.ti. i) THE PROMISED COMPANION j &it;I teach all nation?, linpliziriR in the name Of Father, Son and Spirit; The Stent, plad news proclaim. ; Anti ki, I'm with veu always. Wherever you may go -My grace will he sufficient For every trial vou'll know. 'if J And when you preach my Compel, ^Biffgiember I am there, Afitl^ncyir each word you utter, v In asrmoh or in prayer. My presence there is promised. *>;To all of those avTjc- preach a My own full (Jospei message. That I bid you to teach I i i Can you not feel that message Now beatintr in vr.ur heart* The precious living Gospel J * That life to men imparts? Go ye and live it, teach it, v My messengers are you, F If you keen my commandments. And what I bid you, do. ?F. B. Stone. K-'.: i The Family Doctor Bv DR. JOHN JOSEPH GAINES BLOOD PRESSURE All people have "blood pressure'*! of one son or anqhter. "high," "low" ov "normal." Each "normal" pressure is pecqJIaV to the individual; it is a gross error to believe that one's normal biood-prffssirre is 100 plus the age in years. A man may be 75; he should not have a pressure of 175, if his arteries are in first-class condition. If you desire to know a little more than your neighbor, then learn that correct readings of blood-pressure are "systolic" and "diastolic." Be cause the contraction of the heart, to force the b'lood through the body, is called systole; when the heart dilates,. to "diastolic .pressure" is, to me, fully a ^important for the patient as the systolic pressure. This diastolic pressure the heart must bear every second of the time; the systolic force is exerted at each pulse-heat, and gives an interval for the heart muscle to rest between beats. 1 feel safe in saying that a high diastolic pressure can alarm me quite as much if not more than a high systolic; the patient with a diastolic of 120 or more, must get it ^ down, or he will not live much over j two years, for, as said before, the a heart cannot stand that constant Vv'v; . HE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY ^ j A\K zxi.Wc*:-asd.-.thcy pci form the act wirh rati 1 emhily. On the morning ui the 12th insL, I he tlisti'Triy iv'.nr.i! am; ^-n by %aH '. & E'litop on Seech Creek, thi?; urn v. ?va5 robbefi <>i* i:v. 30 or iU fralions o; corn wmskey. and then j, the rogues apiiKt'i the torch to the! lOUSOi and the 'vh M- building. liquor, iud aP. was burned. His distiller. T. j 11. iVn-e!!. was su#puiored as being} the >y. liiy party. u.? Eaetop had turned him off tK'c evening before. Search instituted at once. and ? keg ifuil of whisky was found in j the woods no! far from wiier.fc. the J aouse had stood, isusnkior! was so strong against ifow^l! that ha >vas Seed to Boone where he had beer imprisoned for the ilV? 'ot! liquor. His accomplice in the liquor tiaff'c, Roof Foster, was aisq in "jailj in re. and vrhf.u iuhed Concerning; thtvi burning, nek now eiiped That Dowel 1 j did, to his knowledge. apjjly; the | torch, after he and i)owell had pro-1 trured what liquor they war ted for-. Be retail trade- The ltig&or wthichj biased so much confusion if- our town i to which we v?ifcp in ur last is-j sue was sold 'pfi by ".'Striped i jdrtccht' \va e ssayit Ink-n from i the still house beiarc it \vjis burned.; A long- term ;r? the State's prison j iwaits then! if they do hoi pay the penalty of this high-han<k d crime: with their lives. Neither is much; too) '.ni for them. =?=== burden any jonger thar< 'hat. as a rule. if you have ah abnormal blood-! pressure, it .should send you to your j __ physician at : : ':> by his ad-' vice until ill! SAYS yvu ate w ell j ? enougn to nav:gato Tor yeurseii.j Many people stop nikini 'advice as} jspon as they get to in ;".-- ? i they an- s;. b.u$y, you kn ; anil, they | frequently make the mistake their . lives: by so ,io:rs-\ Mv experience has heert that kidney disease sends one's pressure up! 0,.' very positively. but there aiv ogives j_.' than kidney&r?.ifevi these tiro easier renv^diouj Yoyv physician will ,J set v i : i. a* (<> y -'u co'iiditiqh. ' j Medic;*, i "eubs?. are vipt saie to he ;:< :rusre<| in i- mUiiVws involving blood-1 . pressure.; THE WEATHER Weather report ?<>r we A ending M:.\ 38 a.-: < >;?>,-. '. ] r.;. Weather j," tjurer.n ApnakicH-'iiit State Teach -1 r, (- :!. ge. j. T. Wright. ohservu? -.1 . Average waSimum tcptriernturej; V.? degree*. j};; A - . .;\i minimum (.wpfi-ttiipe, r?l>L, it ^ r\i'-- i;,, A'.'.i.u,!- leuHVuitiire* i?0 Averat".' iaii;.- i,tin MsiM-ia-; ;ne, 13 degree*. Cirenusit dailj. range in toikft^a-1 me, 27 degrees: date. ISth. j| -fe Average tempern'uie at t; p. ?i. ^ timet.: cbservn'ion >. bl degrees. ' Highest temperature reached, 77'* legreofi; .lute, XSthl ,v', Lowest temperature reached, 83! j-j itjyjuw ; oaie. K?)(I. 'v; ' pjj Number iViChes of rainfall (ineluJ ;nf np- melted snow), 2.70. 15 Greatest rainfall in 2-! hours, I.f-2; ,j., late, 21st. Number of days with U.01 or iVore rainfall, 5. '15 Number of cloudy. days, 2. ; n[r, oNurnbiv of partly cloudy days, j>. i -;m IHiracthin of prevailing wind, north i;ie] vest. j pi, Dates of fogs, 20th. j Dates of thunderstorms, 17th, 1 Sth j c.js ad 22nd. j ,pl Other7 phenomena described as fob; ^ei ovr'i: Mr halo- on liith. i ^aj ... : v?-? 14 ; The Forsyth Rabbit G1. owers A:-- hie cciatiop. held a banquet recently atjL*srhioh meat from the domestic rabbi?j**ie ras sewed. The members plan to ex-: tr.o land their business. |y?j ' ' " 1 1 hoi r Mayor of Liverpool ; j British mayors believe in dressing the be part. Lord Edwin Thompson met forw Walker of New York, in the ricul beve robes. Stat THURSDAY?BOONE. C. Titer Eat Their II TrnriTWTMpT ;! ! !i' ! tl! i mil) l|i Ij.i i! iuiliiu ! 'lllll I ROW CIK fjftVWfe Vi.cE-? ^JDIMGTO Sww T;-:e HOL^df IF * .. ? ' ?"r=:;? ?: ; " OO-Bushe! Potato Club I Makes Good in Ohio Mi. W. J. Ha-?\pio:i. on- f W; : < - potato I'iu-mtha??.*i> [MCy;JiV ian/jar*i<l<?, lakyn\ if lio Fnrroor, tc-:Uii>e of succ''-5-'11 <the -?<"GBu7rht?l Pom to t'tyb in the; ickcyo Stnio. Thp -w ry Kit? -.vrit-1 n in ronlv to. an : , .r;, on troj tnr't el* 1 f pt i sons v. t- . had liitok* ^ e cliti). ;in<i contnrdH vtiv.el i;ifoi?;ta. I " >n a?= to besl moths-civ ??) pipclin-my j ' o sputk i: f<?51ovys: "Tboro \voy<?-24 nscu yvjio ;aaub liio a !b-BtT?hc I Fofi| -.? '?$ul? ;r. th'js'i IS', y.;IV. This is A?vf-1? moio :::i ivc: i' in th.' daft i" lifJH. 'ni:<!! of ihft iner. ?iiatuj iho club j\.t- Sic;; tirjs?. i'?\ent\'-two of S?e en won which thfeyj y.vcl thorn r-ecftiin^ the i'0teit< j . p. T?v prow tnesr '>r. Mao. ,i:-? .-d. C'kvor ?af the favored j vp.f'v plowing down. Both vcd > trel etaver being about equally P"P-' ' br. Foui ivi: .1 -v1 "lyirn:v :;nd t: alfalfa. Fliaiuoor. of ihe men usei! nun*. ..nying --ix that did 5<8to?<! I y. Tlvo'ao: not t.upiiv!) per jfc& vn>d >i? -ix to -'0. loads.Tiie;>i.ver- 'j, i? TfaitUir.v. anplx ii by the 81 nien .'-I is 1.04: iwiiA. taking an eves aire \ thv used by ail ->f the! ru. kayo a 3-18 7.7. Xloiv racn eseiij 2 2-15 than any other enc- feni-| Si er. AH o; the fertilizer was ap-j a e<l in the rev. a! the time of niant-i a arid varied iron- f.iio pounds to <1 O'.i pound?. Several of the men used ? uhle- strength fertiliser. I Five men treated their seed and ill X 1 not b eat. Seven planted in April, r in May and .1 in June. The aver- S ft > planting.. .was. 31-1 :hes by 3.4 incnes. The average plh of planting was 3 3-4 inches, e average seed per acre was 23 " shcls, varying from 17 ,tc>'29 bush- J per aero. The average number of t ays was 10 1.-2. The average num. D - of cultivation?; i 'x_3 +U-. ^ rrow, 2 1-3 with the cultivator and 1-2 with the \veeder. Twenty-two o n used the "Kusset seed and two ;d home-grown. Fifteen had ccrti- ^ d seed, six used seed one year m certified: one used seed two irs from certification and two had ne-growa. The 24 men represented conn ties. There are 22 counties p ,fc now have ?.t least one member ? the 400-Bushel Potato Club and ii s is the first year that there has \ been at l^ast one Cobbler grow- \ rerSSraljftBjS ^ g . fig::<&/; si avernor Names New Board of Agriculture <i.: j S'u tolciEh. > ". 0.?Governor Gardj" has ai!'.:ri;r.u;! ihe appointment ' b the five aemis of tie .Stale | 58 of Agriculture, to serve with j Commissioner cf Agriculture, liam A. Graham, as provided by ft act passed by this session of the eral Assembly, rt cognizing the ^ main divisions of agriculture and eaei:.? ~ as oj. mc titate. bu he new board follows: D. Reeves us md. Flay wood County, general th ner; J. G. Str.tcn, Martin County, ?* icco grower; Charles S. Young. ca reiand County, cotton farmer; Q} rge Watts Hill, Durham, livek, and D. H. Bridgers, Duplin XV! nty, truck farmer. ws he old boaTd consisted of ten stl ibers. representing the ten Consiona! districts, political units, *r' a proper basis for representing re: agricultural interests of the on e. Governor Gardner said, adding he had named the board with 'a , believing "it will co-operate to no fullest in every progressive and sti 'ard-look:ng movement in the agItural development ol the entire w "eads Off f llf lift i?r!Nv J* Church Announcements J U5V ADVENT CHRISTIAN V UEV. T. CIvEENK, Pa w >Sui3<-:ty School each Sunday al ' ;45> MorTiiHf service at 11 o'clock.; ;vei:wnr service nt S 0'9'ioek. ; EV KIRST BAPTIST UEV. 1'. A. HI( KS, Pastor j'iih Sunday' School 'A. 1-5 a- m -J. T.: C. j Ch t'ricM. suMeriptendent. Preachihiy St i 1 i a. ni. an? l< p. ?p. ; B. V l*. $ # j$Jl> p. Brotharhocrl. 7 ?>.'ro.; k ptn/ j . ^rcice <?? Wednesday* J |j& t S h.'P p. w. , ^ jfrall Choijj practice on Friday, 7:15 p. tn.I ^ -V'/rtT^tv" C"'-,'^W- ' I ftSfflf' METHODIST CHURCH '' 0. J- CUANftLSK, Ikiator V*5 Sur.du;. tWKtiol, a.' wV, >. D H" tank'H, .<:'ivv,iuen<W-M. I'v-achii.i: av 11 a. in. and 7 '.p. m. I 7 iy Dr. P'uaaiiU r Spu-nrth ! i.aciK-, ft. IS n. ?. i Prayer mealing on Wednesday at! -VI mm . p Choir pra.:r cf> r?n hriday. 7 p r.v J i*n. ! . / j 4a: LUTHERAN CHURCHES St. Marks, Bailey's Camp vn< Prt-nvhing service the .first- Sunday j ? : month at 11 a. m. Sunday] 'ch?..?t e- ? r Sunday at VnX5 a. hi,;] ihndshav-, superintendont. j Grace-?East Boone SeiGoe on the second and fourth'] in mi a of each mouth at XI a. m.,!e;S ,ind on the first and third Sundays} or. t ,8 n. m. Sunday School every Sun-\-to lay at 9:15 a. in.. Professor G. L. M lawyer, snperintendent. The Luther ba .eague meeta-every Sunday at 7 p. *h I. The Woman's Missionary Society aeets on Monday after the second Sunday of-each month at ^T.'J p m. gg Holy Coromordon Congregation Clark'* Creek pr Preaching service the third Sunday f each month at 11 a. in. Sunday Ichool every Sunday at 9:45 a. m.; aj 'crry Townsend, superintendor.t. Lu- ( { her League every Sunday at 2:30 k-, ? - Ue Banner Elk Station Service every fourth Sundav at 8 *> 'clock p. ni. To al: these services the public- lls . moat cordially invited. "" J. A. YOUN'T. Pastor. to dii WATAUr.a CHioor ?; in REV. H. M. WKLMAN, Pastor j ;a Hensor.'s Chapel?Second and] pj, ourth Sundays, 11 a. m. Sunday uj chool at y.45, J. B. Horton, super- . it<"udent. Epvortb I,eogue, 6 p. rn. Valle Crncis?Preaching every :,?P irst and Third Sunday at 11 a. rn. e!l end ay School 10 a. m., J. M. Shull, voi :penr,tendent. Epv.orth League ev- to v Wednesday night. 11> Mahei?Preaching every Second ; th< ad Fourth Sunday at 3 p. tn. Sun- , jjn ly School 10 a. m., Robert Castle,; ' perintender.t. ! , [. Y. Physician Tells I Tfi Of Sargon's Powers,T Dr. G. if. Warburion, Graduate ] iinous Believue Hospital Medical pci dlege. New York, was so convinced ent the great good in Sargon that he tor cently declare J : R. "It is not what we eat that counts. Jai t what Wt? 1- -T u?ij;on neiys I5r? get more good out of our food. Pa us aiding the natural building up De enduring strength, firmer flesh, del lmer nerves, improved brain pow ian and a sense of physical wellbeing. Ian >u eat with a keen appetite, sleep dai th a new peaceful soundness and of ike up with a feeling of renewed sab -ength and energy."' 19! While those who actually benefit clo the use of Sargon marvel at- the to suits of this triumphant compound, fol; ly the trained physicians who have wit en retained to examine the formu- i can understand why Sargon is Bor w considered one of the great out- par mding health giving lemedios of 1 e age. Thi Sold hy Boone Drug Company, idvertisenient) MAY J.SWI =? By Albert T. Reid Pc-v? AUTncif;"_L^~ '__ Salem?PveacHmg every first Suny at 3 p. nv alio Crucis Associated Missions of THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Leicester F. Kent, Rector Holy Cross Church. Viilte Cr?cis - i; Sunday ntevning, 9 o'clock; eh ration Holy Communion, lr,t, ?i. 1th and 5th Sunday*, & a. m.j, preh School, Hi a. m. it ? m:. r*... t r> t . i-i ikuiuity B nimiun, uuicn crcen arch School every SraUay, Sj ySt. Matt/.-.ew's, Church. Todd mvh School every Sunday* 10 a. ; sr-rviet every Sunday 11 a. hi. t, Mary'i Church. Beaver Creek vvices l?t, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sunys, jig 1,5 p. m.; Holy Communion t: Sunday* 3:13 p. in >ly Trinity Church, Glendale Spring rrites (lloly Communion) each r. Sunday. Ivp, ni. Avery County Missions I Saints Church, Lin vide; .Banners k, Carey's Flat, Ncwlandr. ro. S.ewieeiv as ar.imnhcd*) Gapin William A. Smith. .S'ovviees at the $trtn ? jTe!si?v .;Me>ylB8f episcopal Church. Biuv^fgp: . k. Sunday evening at 7.30. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power or. -ale titained in a certain deed of trust ecu ted to the undersigned trustee , the 1 Oth day o? October, i'9'29. secure the sum' of-' $1.6,7m25 by F. . Maltha and wife, Martha E. Mrdt, which deed of-tiust is recorded the office of the Register of Deeds r Watauga County in Book 14 at. ges 4S-lb, and default having been ido in the payments of the sum of Kiev thereby secured as therein ovided, 1 will, on Monday, June 22nd, 1931, at 1 o'Clock P M. the courthouse door of Watauga nmfcy, in Boone* N. C., sell to the ui^aSL --- - - - * * < * inv-oi Miiiucr lor easn me TOlIOWmg, scribed reai estate, to-wit. Beginning on a rock in or near tn E. CnudiU's line on the north nk of the road running th.-nce a rthwest direction with Said road the main public road, thence same section with public road to a stake the outside linei thence soutli with id lino to three chestnuts, the betning corner of the ninety-six-acre tct granted to Harvey 0. Pennell 1350; thence same course to a ike in James Cook's line; thence >t with Cook's iine to the public id; thence with said road north a stake in the line of the old ninesix-acre tract, Caudill's corner; ? nco north 4 5 east with Caud ill's e to the beginning, containing I ifacres, move or less. This the 22nd day of Mav, 1031. G. D. BRINK LEY, Trustee, yetle & Holshouser, At.tys. 5-28-4 rOTlCE"oF COMMISSIONER'S SALE By virtue of an order of the Sudor court in that certain action itled J. S. Winkler, Adniinistraof E. F. LovilL dpconsio/l vo w Lovill and wife, Lucy Lovill, nes Brawley and wife, Maggie iwley, Frank Brawley and wife, aline Brawley, dated 5th day of cember, 1925, appointing the un* signed commissioner to sell the ds hereinafter described, and said d having been sold on the ,16th ? of May. 1931, and a raised bid ten per cent, having been made on d bid. I will, on Friday, .lune 12, >1, between the hours of 10 o'ck a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m., sell the highest bidder for cash the lowing described veal estate, to^ying and being in the town of me on King Street and known as t of the E. F. Lovill office lot. rhe bidding AvilJ start at $330.00. s the 27th dav of May, 1931. J.'S. WINKLER, Commissioner.

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