SIT | My Exp? SUB 1SI3.- V?V1 By Benerul Joi < >3] Ndksv*pcx AllUuct. Waild tight* r--nt lit, 5>C4n^ir.Av.ja. Sc. roeuceicn in whole or CHAT'T t'K \XIII Continued i, V?t'c(je| t" these back-door m*. " . .> ' I c ?mj|lauit? and eriipha.-'biv.J the r?e-.-?->iiy of frankvit-s?, ul^^Vih-.vctiM'!--- in ail our dealInu.i. i tewEkh : ?m to HsVc ins: rue { tAxjiir zh&x if 'here was :?ny fault to 3- fed/;^r:rh our methods it snuo'd be h: dmyhtr >oy. personal at? ?ntii n. [ Hi agreed iyith me and <x '/ ($'/ ,; iy-td&?.<i ,*nd surprise that any cntrse have been ??fio\ve& On I thy there was no other lioweyer. than that both: \ CA?irip!aintr were made tor the puv;. V ??o?e .? ffc\umg out just the extent c>t '.?y .^uicpciiuezu authority. Gets Apology from Pelain i vi>ti;v ?. evasion a few days later :; It- '.vi I'.itain lijioiv very politely what { thought o.f Vhe impropriety of ilUs of th':n|r and also criticized him; than and there fo?- teilinjr anybody;? r n i & i r LilibAflf Red Cress C ever. Mr. Hansr, a* ht> btt-i jranjsj About the Plan tp.a.Uack tn.; St. Mijjjipf salient as the jKij^^Kehglyn Fy 9 th.- Ameriean army. ! was pleased with !\ ia'r.V apaioAy at]-3 n;s -t itc-nii.-ni that f.cte w?WB ite. nr. further rail] f this tiinn on his parti As a mutter of fuel. [ think the Krt-neh err sr.eim- iv t'esisrOo'd House ! as a sort t.f special arijChssa iol'. aim thought that they hi lay thr f.tun-! uutlr.r, tor a\; stpmroiieh fit^t hint jki'JH td .ilsr question o{ the simahmruui.'n.' Just before hi'- i-otuni tn t:l:y I'mtjC ed States Heine suhI'; .> my-that b'a.v ?i?l/ak sartt^'PrWalw "ami Secretary, at" \V:tr'iatom!-i' t.> leave' j the wheU- e,ti 'I '.i r> catvTinn !!k"B meat. Ass'r.ra'ic-j iris m m: was in;: it.i sense nt??ys{awil Wffi.Jt bad fail: i-M'ut this was .?ne fit-L". I - J'"Kfin.. his jr. France ! formed | fornict! si fyienOjliiir in :ht jkegiTiffl nir.s- .\hiyh c-nab;!i-.n ug (.S .i't*yuaa"r?ll j. muiU-i-.- ir.osi /v.'ciy a'ml '.'rnnkiy Be ; fcn-t: . .jit,i ton:.; ht afts; I at-j. ;i rai'-syri- tjjffi onnlnipnii's-' Tirol ! y nRlc ihonlti it iieeomi ?..?oos-' ii-.y t . reach Mi'. Baker or Mr. Wil-' (ffi soii. viri-tict. ' i : The Migthg Turkeys ' Immediately upoii my, re tutu :Toj| he&d ?'it;vs: a: Chauroont If comber J 7, Ti)17, General Harbord r?fior??a theve had been a shortage of un*ke\ s !< and. other essentials of a truly A?hvr-j ican ThankaKiving dinner, and i.ti :? facetious manner deplored the 'h??ai1-j ??3s?c:sv. ??f a staff at . \VasVungicn that i ; v':".y rdi'iy tr'eci$s. *$$$& j i He stated cb'&t :jtfcef shortage u'a.sjj which, hac1 bf-Tj i ; ^ -ar^fifevd- -in -'S-G-p.teniher for <ie:hcryi|| Kovertibt- r being buried nude. a'u latppj cargo thai touSd not be un-j>| loaded in urqi* The following cabieUij was a? written by Kavbovd: I "On September IS supplies forj Thanksgiving u-tre ovdtred. Your- ca-j b'iegiam st&ced mincemeat shipped on Montanar. There was no mince-, meat on Montanan. Mincemeat ar-l rived November 26 on Powhatan, underneath heavy cargo, which it was necessary to discharge before mincemeat could be unloaded. Result was mincemeat aboard ship Thanksgiving day. Sweet potatoes arrived on Dakota n and could not be unloaded unfit >Jr?wfwR&rS99 result,. scrn.Y-trGbps did not have sweet potatoes. It was necessary to buy geese to fill requisitions on account of part of turkeys i?- - -'?-;x* * ' %axi. nut. aviivc, nutwitnsianaing ine fact that Thanksgiving supplies were ordered to arrive in France on No vember 1." Although we had treated this mat- ' ter lightly, I really felt regTct that some of our troops had been deprived of a homelike Thanksgiving dinner, and at the same time I was not at all pleased to have further evidence of careless loading of ships. Need Two Regular Divisions In considering the composition of ?Sp a- g hmmmmM: i w; ' Tlenees nl^l j BH Altai TT V I I < hn <9. PershlEtg g Cotth American ^ TT t-- fe M- I : r?tt prohibited. H J oar expeditior ;ivy for cos, it; was a I question whether we ou^ht to o-xraJt- < \ze hitrhc-r units by lining: tegular?i regiment?. with a proportionate aum-J ' her of new r.fricti'j. or utilize chejt wrmantnc commissives nor??tv;ol j ? of v.ho line for equitable assignn:er.' ' to the citizen contingents and leave t our regular orironizati ens to bo com-j Dieted from t-be relatively raw ma-- < teriai at our disposal and thus hisildj 'up ali eateirorlS of the army -hn- ?, ultanoousiy. I rvc"mMiondeo that i&g^lar ve?;i- 1'* inents at Honolulu and elsewhere be x relieved for this purpose hy National Jj Gtiani rcsrimpro-. Thus, iv^ular H troops nearly abprcxi- c mate the staihliaivis -i" our allies at tht start, and. more ittipt* riant still.'1 their use vvouki ?jirninjsh the chances| c of. re. in -t - luring par t'osr cr;ceu:i- [ ;.? tevi v.-;rrhe ne,myi Th< Phiel' j p r I ofoe. Ma'or General John Vj ?_ _?__ | : l|tto. TFNf^ I; WKfc&S MRU S ? 1 _____ i ' antecn Girls. P Paddle. agreed wirh my ^"uggestip.n, t ijli;. V.ho widely cr-navnt^d gS?.tiOt>g,Vl S? regiments n.ade their re- u placement somewhat difficult., and! o only the Third. Fourth and Fifth di-'t visions cattu* iu time for .seryijee earlyj v in 11'IS. the Sixth ana Seventh ar jn riving to take part ia the tall cum-jh pajgnsi jv - | LCHAPTER XXIV Tic progress <-f our psvparatK-n i " at at this lime ("Dpcejnbsr,; " 1 T 1 iva- far r?-.>n-. ; 0 lory, lis i''sis ii-eu W ai'riyrd troops' r!]u-.yV;;i that tiu-iv ius.u v.iii',iis uetcji' nut lip. in inir standards "ill France. I Ii was cvidi-ni that my so.. iilyI . mentation* weiv being disregarded.; Tris faulty mags ^Ri.? ihi-tu, | an extra aarPi-iryapair a,- nf training,'' officers ran in3? ie, Uic-ii ami- ! viil. 1 :y- ">i^ ,'f : I y I had urged ihat we low our. >:-;wn :. conception'.of training^; ^ emphasi'dh^ the rifle, and bayonet :is .-the .-iipreau:- weapon:-, of t"rie in-!., fantry soldier, arid inri.sti r- H>on i a . v vi. - >V ill".'. ?11*.'. The training of officers for lhe S( reneval staff; which alsp necessarily .k ria l to-Tie undertaker.' ?r: France. was Ql woii omier way at the general staff o; School, at Langres. JO miles south of ni Ghnumor.i, under 'he able dlvecUonj^j Of Major Genera; McAridrew ! ^ We were confronted wivh the task;*} of KufjgRii# up ap army 01 millions .? that would require as many trained\v staff officers as we had officers ii iho \vr?.ir vegul&r army at the be-j^ i^nhing of the war. To meet rhis; }Li urgent demand Washington -"was askk. } ,, ed to send over in advance i rnial';^ percentage of officers. from dir j jjj vision fivr iris*ruction, hut only a few"} came. My diary notes thi fed- -j owing. s: ki CKauiwont, V. ednesday, Jan. NV 2, 1918-?Both French ar.d Brit- y; ish pressing us for amalgama- ai tion. w Went to Marshal Haig's head- ti quarters Friday by rail, accom- ir panied by Colonel Wagstaff, and ti spent the night. Motored through V heavy snowdrifts out from Etaples; gangs of "conscientious ob- [ jectors'* opening up roads. Dis- i cussed wiht Sir Douglas possible j c shipment by and training of the j n, ? American troops with British. c; t 1 r\ - I - ? lancu ivm? anu v^ueen Ol II Belgium and their army at Ad- tl enklrke on Saturday. r; w As we have seen, there had been some talk of the British providing 1 p shipping to bring over American I si Iroops for training behind their lines. |e During the evening I spent with Siri 0 Douglas Haig, as noted in the diary, ii he presented his plans for training s? our troops. His idea was to place the ^ battalions as they arrived, one to 1< the brigade, in selected British di-|T' visions, preferably those serving on " the southern part of t^eir front, and n ^ l' ' ' f.-' ' ' ???<[''' Tnf. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVI i'.VA *.rr;-'-i:::.'.y inet as< the ?U2K)tr i>f battalions until the i?i visions? become wholly American. ! " Hoj/ing: to |io t the Brstivlbrri'efc-}. :?telNT/'|pi the qwesiion ?: f .ki.a.ce. j .Ivr \i :<;*:&' < u i-:..rfo;n?v. i rani not oft'o.-i -.:: ; - - bje'c t i to the pk>n. dnd: :t . :-:'< V of the ftiatu: - -.? .-specially these p;via>.mr? 't'o the j arlter war I oV the proiy$?&t& tfcffiSmng.j i! f< xhi i : .-' the Ottesiion was j ei't op&K ti:-y. luvzhtr cor.fei-eneoA Causer. Kir.c; to Wait I Wt B::. : :. r.. r. ! - : - the r > en l* te to r;ht Bellini*. | .t to pay nay respects " ? the kiaaj tnd :e?-n- A.- Sir Dtmg'as waa off j .< I;o!?kV.j.'V nij car \va.- atcatned t"' r& and we. t-avj-i-J togetherj c rv.??.;io-ri:fc-. where- c i>c-arde;i' tfcbj rhhnacl an-1 ! took a sneclrd. j casi.-t:r.y . rriv ctfr aiui one other, ir.u ! -, >>cet ded r any way. \Yi' We >". . Ademdrke, my x'cmmiriLn. at u Jiged. hour.: but t >,ttj .!> ;?-.*?i;i pulled i:? iiciij mnut -s ahead time. I was chanjr-j ng tnt-i my best uiiifvim?in fact,[ ' u putting on the right boot?; vlVen my aid Cotonei Soyd,1 stuckj as head fh at the dooi of my coin-'5 sartmcnt as said breathlessly : "Gen- 1 fifah we have arrived/' I knew it pniy too well, as the\^ tain had -Stopped and the royal band - 1 at.d ie was playing "The Star-Span-j .led Banner" in the mournful caUifico common tp foreign bands. Itr? as an embarrassing: thought that I K be iate. In another minute,| ^ . hen the orderly and myself were j trufffgling. this time with the left ;t, Boyd again appeared and said ]'-t j a stage whisper fcjgat was no doubt'.' eartl by the en Tire outside-] -V Sir. the King is hut there standing t the salute." That was tot much, 'ho humor of: ' hp situation overcame me. and forn instant all of us. including the ^ rde.rly, who rarely smiled. were con-: . ulsed with laughter. That did not; ,'j rip matters of course, and mean-:.' bile the band outside, which had . heady played the national air . *' though three times, was dolefully} spinning or, the fourth. ?hen I bur- ' iodly descended the steps of my car pposilo his Majesty, buttoning my j. vercoat with one hand and saluh- . ig wiirf the v.thor. At my appearance the band start :i afresh am!, as though they ban c. ist. begun. ran through our national! r.thom rather move vigorously, jv kticrcd up n?? dpitht at Ins; to see le in evidence. A fw months lktei had the courage to relafcij!' the inci- ' en I in all its details to their majes- 1 ies and they both seemed to on joy j immensely. ?? Kin; Decorates Pershing Alter inspecting the estort in conj- j any with the king he and I drove ,j a theii residence, where the queen. ? her most gracious manner, received is at the entrance. Wc had a very 1 hjoyahie luncheon, which Boyd hough* was quit:- gay. especially .hen I became hold enough to air u' dreadful French., y After lunch ling Albert, to my surprise, said he ished to bestow upon me the Otv.ev f the Grand Gordon of I-eopohl, and s I hesitated. saying that he wav lit permitted to rocciyp^foreigu decrations, he insisted that I should ncepr it conditionally, which of course, -us lilt- oniy thing to uo. b'oyd was goorated also, in the afternoon the king, with is: cfflt St staff, took me to hjs G.j nd then t > th< front- j 1 i the iimitevi force with which th r osltions were field- It consisted < . , , : I.iy re;h in in the ej dvervyhtdniin^ odds. It was th .. . ' Be'lgia s e? \ ig from within the Garihan lines'! t the risk of their "fives, 1 While ?t: wove driving King Al-J ert related with much aiutiseiYientj Vine incidents of a recent visit oyl party of our Congressman, and inftffied whether3;t v;as customary in.J ;v country for them to be on ia-J lid some of their> had called him! lb* rt and one bad slapped n?m on] \e back, saying, "K :m>;. you're the ght sort of fellow and every body! Amoriaa admired you.*' 1 exph mod? him that our cGiigressrnen were; iore >? less privileged characters at >me and that they only meant to ' wik the?. familiarity did not of lend I im at ail. Dining my brief visit 1 was par-* cularly impressed by the ox'fromei r,ipii< ify oi' the home life of the ng a^nd oueen, living there, as they ere, in a very modest country place itbiri sound of the enemy's guns alio I most \vitli'fTi ' Thy* r, n-mCr* At'r^nl ent into the trenches to cheer the! oops, and the fine bearing of their' lajesties through it ail made them outstanding heroic figures of the; ."oild War. CHAPTER XXV Returning to my headquarters at haumont December 31, *917. I was ot surprised to receive the following I able from Secretary of War Baker. 1 view of the numerous suggestions iat had come to me regarding vaious plans for training our troops ith the French and British: "Both English and French' are ressing upon the President their deires to have your forces amalgamatd with theirs by regiments and comanies, and both express the belief i impending heavy drive by Germans ?mewhere along the lines of the Vestern Front. We do not desire >ss of identity of our forces, "but egard that, as secondary to the meettg of any critical situation by the lost helpful use of troops at your | 2RY THURSDAY?BOONE. K C. Sishop Chaiies E, Brem. oiuroand. The 'difficulty i* cours - to determine where the drive o iiives of the enemy will take place nd in advance of some knowledge *>i hai <;ues;i-w anv vedistrRMUion o our force.-: would he difficult. " l i t President. kovydvy v, desire on to have li/ii authority to us? he forces at you - ammand as yoi I'eem wise in cornectiovj with tbi .Vend; and British commanders it liief. it is st:2f:r.;.-te.i i'-.y vour coniuerati r. thai possible places migiii e selected. for, y '.a- forces ncarei oi the British _<? tlcL.thfj lei; Fine?, which would epahic- ycui vhrov strength in whichever dilation seemed most necessary. "Tins suggestion is not. however, resscd beyond whatever merit it has y ur judgment. the President's? s >!t ui-p -se hying to acquaint you with representations made here an< authorise you to act with entire -edv>m to Accomplish thy main purose in nund. I is Ip?pejl that cornicle unity and co-ordination of avion can he secured iii this matter in ny coi'forencc you may have witi: 'r^nl'h and British commanders and ne Jj%, act ton that may be HggCT ' 89 The foHoivinu: cable also was re(ived from \Vashinjar\bn which howeu 'be dotGnninalion of the touch to carry their v--:-\nz'i ?-"The French-. timha.-sulc.r called r> the Secretary of War today and rial him a dispatch from M. C'.em iicc-.iti to the el'teei that Genera Yrshin?r and Genoa! I'etaiu had eniViT/'d as to the wise loin el' sea :<nino A inert car, troops by aUacbim heir regimental units to the Freiicl livusibn before eomrmttgte- a part o 25o Itexall Sbnvinn Cream and 25c Rexull Shavinfl Lotion SO?- Value Try this combination if you wart a fast, smooth shave and a face free from all aftershaving irritation. Both for 2@CJ ~ umirrirwr rs^ats-^jp wtr ratragisni 25e kli'n/o Liquid (Moutb Wash) free: with the purchase of SOc Rlrnzo Dental n Creme m ^ ysc With this combination you can promote the natural whiteness of your teeth and the healthful purity of your mouth and breath. ? Both for SOC I f N Save with , :r.v Live :? ar, American made S&i$K<'tr accu^-wa; igMf { "M. ( :?-n?^cicaa>''' cabh.srTn?foftifc'-"; ! '?<? cfirci General Pecshmg ha'd. : I9HTO Hm^S1 j . VT^kduiiat ''iv^reraivrtt alter g|.C'^c.e ' ; -:*ii' the ^ibjvety tut ^^r.'oSS^gB^ )' t^^yeyed to M. CJe:a#hc6au;V,tb*! f.p?>.-;t? BgJfojtt&i. apparent;. ^sjjto mi$uiide*fctattdfrig;. ha? . which; j the Stecveia^jr of War ?vj:i /he j to ?.:,c.; Ceae'rh! Fetching i-.-^-aVor j to clear' op % placing:' hiroeeJf j comruahicat'on .\yifjh Al.' Clea-^jiveda ; and ienorr:r:?- ihe{i reiti :f of the iiij terviyw, ' The French u*8R- actio.-, as :><Uf lined, above ar being s-afco- for A:i?erIjS ica.n tro^p*..'than it ^vbrJii be a giy?' j Ihem at ouegg[z}n indep<;iveenf place j in the thic. %cd wry rcro'ntj/r' i that the Secretary of War here uCti [ cept their view arid e on/Mend it tO ; | you. 7 his the .Svcretary of War is I I net '.vi-iinjr to <bj, -.le-ir:ri?- to leave | the matter wholly v.-'ir ::? y- iii (I -; j cretion after f?K of. j the smpoitanr t kor.ects the j te:\" P?irshin? Replies to Bakc-r 0 i , ' ,.j The following extract from :ny ca..j hie of ./annary S cofiveys ti e main point!? <> ' mv icply: r[" . . , The r'rench have not been en 7 j.fPely frank, as unofficial informaJtjon indicates thVy really want to . rnrr.rporate '.?r rp^ ?n^into tkrir J oivisions for such service in the . trenches as They desire. Ax to our j j instruction, a certain amount of work ! with French troops is beneficial. and! . ' this we are having a:.: expect to! . have. . . . Have expressed a willing-] A noss i,: aid in any way in an emer-j J exists *:?o us 1 o break ;ir c.ur (iivis- I j.ituis: and scatter regiments tor sew-! ! ice a mo tilt French ar?| British. e>pc. eialK under the guise :' instruc' ; tionv * ; it tuus apnea red quite clear thai I the French were so intent nn their apian that Premier Clemenceau pre-: j sanijtni to cable Washington as t- hew .jour units were to he handled. Upon; i the receipt of the cable from Wash- ', || ir.gton about the disagreement he-j ( tween I'etain and myself ! wrote at I j once to M. Ck-meneoau, quoting the j cable ami adding: i 'May i "not suggest to yourMrfi j President. the inexpediency of com| miMiice.tmg such matters to Washington by cable. These questions J must all he settled bore, 'eventually, their merits, through, friendly I conference between Genera' Petaiivj and niyct-ii, and oahtas of this sort, , arc Very likely, 1 fear, to convey Use 'I irojm>ssioo 'of serious drsaycive merit between ...- when such Is nfct the . | ease. .^V R*. h j. !f, Clcmrnceau'i Reply f M. Clomenceatfs reply, translated 1AVE with SAFETY E ONE DRUG ( pur rexal!"p^Og~sto? BEAU! V4 Nature am This June Toilet Goods means (or proper care at g CARA NO Ml Three Beauty Cream for the Price of Two (UAd Cream Shin Cream If Bleach Cream j! [ jfc'f 1 J ^ ! Jw Vanishing Creai \-i? ' Cleansing Crear Just what you need to keep your skin clean, cmt> firm and unblemished. Select three. AJLI, 3 for $2.?? Just Arrived I Mp:; \ Kewl?31 Swlm-Kaps For real style in mermaid mil Yf \ \ J nery, wear one of these hea * J J fitted, Krinkle-Krepe bathi: ~ / nats. bee the latest styles todj -/ 35cto$l?<x JSTorTZZ? GI* rViCiKCfClfa T*?e Handy Lord Baltimore !' ' ua^. Portfolio 111 ya 50 linen sheets mounted on *!' pfl pad?24 envelopes to match. p K Takes np little room in desk L' r-W8 orW- 50c I. Bt _ Safety at your Rexall ; it. 1 r';> :! fUl (.'oii! i.jf.-'.'.t;r in Ann.i b-an ! iii' -is I'.tmmta.-ii *?? Vhis li"v. ; cv>:r, it Via- to ir? Jfe-riiri'govES ; fJHtacr: ; .it I nooro/^j tiysoil'. I - nb'toi r? ;i,(- um'<t>'f Ft ante.vv:>i.>, ?( ,,;y v-av 8?u i||&t?|gi either with the Sec.-. ;a>.. 'v. war or vilb fiu I'residtnt ?>J$V Vnited "ii mifi ! vv-.iy' that later on I -ho'ilu havev--eii the American tfox emmet.:. wt 1 in- ' ! . :'v$! "i'"tl tl.;> jM.irt. that I ha-, <. <: ?ne 1 n.? thing cf the >ort. I have hr.t au i norizeti i m- amoassam-: to reau as a or pari of my dispatS^i to the Secretary of War. I regret that * lid sc. | but I do Sot disavow anything !hat 1 wrote. Mi am giving you heie the exp'aj nation which I owe yon and I am i going to exercise all the patience of which I am capable in awaitlug 1 the good news that the American commander ami the French com maniier have finally agreed on a question which may be vital to the outcome of the war." As the French wore dead KftbfflOKS getting oar troops under their control it is more than probable that the From h premier, feeling that their plans were not working out, sought tcieate seme distract in the minds of our administration ai Washington against my management of things in order to pave the way for insisting that we were entirely wrong in not consenting to amalgamation. However; at later meetings with Clemen ? :?;* and Petain thi a^cged differences were seemingly settled am-.cably. a? indicated in my cable of January 1 i. which follows: "F t chief of staff. Have uow definite under nan ding w ifh French satisfactory to them and to me that J9 our divisions now in "France shall complete their training as already begun. Fri the future divisions arriving in zone of French armies are to have period of training with French, each 5-. 1iV..ti-Tf . .. . 1 ?v?yj? "wjw'u. 'Ve?i ruft'kicntly cxMfivnved by uiBHtnu' '? .a, S'U>^ ?M^r AV it-h Ksfinoi'. out i t;'v:sious .tlx- to !> ? unite,l under their ; own Piminn^r mid will ;>)a<-o<f ] m our out, xx'toiv" < nNTINlt.fD \c.XT UKI1K ry is i % Care | t Sate provides tke Teatly reduced prices E L?? j S 25c Gentlemcn*a > After-Shaving Powder FREE with tho purchase of 49c Harmony Bay Rum | This combination will assure I you of * face that feels as smooth, well-groomed and comfortable as it looks. ~ lloth for 49C j ?i.S? Sbarl Single Compact lj. Choice of Four Shad** ' d. of Powder iig Roche Wo i.ivh t [y- JRactveite Dark D iS'nlurelle F.ccning i ^ J~ae compact with is Cots! design in silver and sfld k. a ^anty. The powder ^ j) smooth, fragrant and lonv U h* PhWd of ??1 0001 the compact and vour M appearance. Sale Price 98c Dreg Store ^

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