The Watauga Democrat ESTABLISHED 1SSS Issued Evcrv Thursday by The RIVERS PRINTING COMPANY R. C. RIVERS ROB. RIVERS 53 ';'?r^v,v [f. ; Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year $1.50 Six Months .To Three Months .-10 Payable in Advance Cards of Thanks. Resolutions of Respect, Obituaries, etc.. are charged for at the regular advertising rates. Entered at the Postoffice at Boone, N. C . as Second Class mail matter. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 183! : " Boone Scores Again j A Boone Waiauit County have! again i 4 :: N--- lyca wi h gfok*? >' < tbots v:-:r- Who eaate %6 Che in ; t?in nietr< pol:s Saturday for tr - ran vgi seted by w' V-nik.1 I ' n who during *-be day mingled v. :'" the straug'ers. made ttiem feel perfectly at hrnv.i-, told then of the growth of the county's uv.-:> ies and institutions and sf.reiu; ofore their, a feast j?.:. for l-'j And that >yas not al:. Baone, which Ctiue to b-.-a:: .iful sotting is i-rc of the roost a*,tificiive town.- in the rhor.ruains, had ^washed hei face and combed her hair" in honor of the disfi.nguisned guests. Curb Itdes hadl been heatiy trimmed on the day pre-i vtous. treets had ' r, rwepfc with! meticulous uare, and vacant lots had rpcc-ivvd .. (hid'OUgu ciean'na. Thei rain of {he euriv morning gave to the, -ho city a f ShT&s.i and :M.a:k:s that: drew many flattering remarks cf ad-J miration from the assembled jtubvi-; tu.lev-v. Never ha^ cco.wi! been move.or-! deriv. Saturdays mit^railv- wi&ielS?! :t (j't ;'r drirkincrin this wn. <1- v.'eiiH s ?s tni?>' ethei titv. -island cciebrat.:efl i 'ays at--' aftin 1th. .dfi&wpB''1 %"se: iuclmid; re imbibe tcj foi-jrit. t'r.? Vei-I . tend ,ul. '-Sg| last war Colonel Wade Honored i '..'olor.ei W.wio il. Han-is. friend nf .h; lioiii.toittsan'' ibo r.iuni.iin r'-c-i has rervavi'jlJl for the ma-! ;ei n>!s ho has played in -he reilamatie.i af NpiKii CnMiaa's "J.ost 5'revHS inces," The tiic.-iivpMlr't^tux'fei,^ :-toei and 'Orevetev.-tiirh Span - is Ft", k! Ort'-i. tiii the ISOV}lit; Trail jflShjray j east, af Bciiiio -lioy hears 11 neat] { j bronite tablet inscribe.' with fnurj words: " -'he Wade Harris iirider." I Tens oi thousands of busy mortal >j daring the years to coine will dari> ^ ; rv?? memorial orictjc j arci ,iat sight q| the waiter recall toi mind the ir.valuable work of Colonel i Harris ; Sp his Charlotte Observer in .^obtaining for ncrthwtste.-n Sorth C ii' olina live highway fa-.ilitie.-: which haye-dcvhiifflcd ihe section into a plav Eautern Seaffiiill M . <dh*tr thousands wflj draw V;o'si?nifiSgJVi^e from the memorial . 3 ? but; mountain people who have known] \\ ade Han s for the past thirty years. 1 w ill bow in rev orange at the sight of his name. The Chariot It- editoi I as written enough on Watauga and hev channs ^ ^ ?. sjP?H' ; the people of .North Carolina Jmjrf the South have accepted his testimonials as the 5*oopei 'truth. Each nnhr.ier for the pastthree decides:'.h'e has sojourned ,, 'ii, the B?a\vi^g..R'ock cod.itfry, resting his mind from the journalistic worries* of nrertdin? months, and ga&i; '^r?ng inspiration |8r the labors of tbe future. He.' >;hz.< ton.Ued to the Keau- 1 r>--: ' W56tmtdin stream, the invigorating breezes have restored o henl-j thy pink ;o his cheeks, he has mind f * '' "-'r. jem'zeris f life region and! familiar with their peculiar | " >' And when the vacation periods were over and Colonel Harris war again seated at his desk, lie told through the editorial columns of The Observer what ?> had found up or. Daniel Boone is said to have blazed the trail through the wilderness which the Boone Trail Highway follows, and the pioneer sccut has been honored by markers more numerous than the plague?, of Egypt. Colonel Wade Harris has played a more important role fh?y on cr. - of- -11?h> m o u n tal n empire than did the doughty woodsman, and the people of Boone and Watauga rejoice in the great honor which has! been bestowed upon him. f "AS MUCH TO BLAME AS HE" ! fv A young girl came home in angerj |f; ,' one day and told her parents that a I young man on the street had spoken | to her in a disrespectful way. Her /. mother was as much angered as the girl when she heard the story, and both thought that the father shculd take the matter up. But the father said, "'Daughter, you are not an immoral girl; but let' ! ioo tf Jiyjou a fear ihiae? that may heip yo:i to loci: diflYrent!;. ai this matter. You are young and atciaclivc. and your dre.-.s 15 such tha; it ilYp'av.- a)l yostr charms of face and figure. Your at in.-, are bare almost to t!;e shoulder. your waist is cut so low that a stood portion of your shoulders and chest are exposed to view; your k'>" is e:in: autl narrow. and the edit in the front with your bright short pettic-a, and your I iotvto jUij'i'insa dicrievr 1 rti i i. almost to the knees; your dress is so cut that every Xina m" your fierure j is seen in hole relief. You went out in the street with youi companions abil saw this mar- and knew that he was a stranger; but you Iaciphed ait.! tossed youi head as you passed him. and perhaps made some light remark that h< overheard. "H?- ir, a stranger here, and did nof know that you were a mora! gii 1. for he would not think so by you: appearance. I'm sorry tbjtt this ha*; occurred, but, daaphtcv. you are as j much to blarne as he."?By Mrs. I' C. Garner in '"I he True American." I l AMEN. BROTHER! Good! I'- . Stute highway patro! or^njMpn has now started a war on the noisy automobile horn-, which many varieties have developed :n Charlotte, lately, onp p particular that give out a crashing noise that almost makes pedestrians jump out of their boots, and to thv merril meat 01 the blower. Next move should hi- suppression of the habit tf horns of all s<?rts stopping at the curb and 01 }atin'it' in pla. -- of or bell ?Charlotte ()^sofv.T. "The Way of Life" By BRUCE BARTON , ARE ALL THF. GLANCES GONE?| Y&d -rnr across all sorts f suib- ? prises in tfee course tflT a hn?tnv?? v*cck. Fife.insta*?cet the vjee-prblent r i a I'll?- ^hoir: sture ofgari waiter; was , tc!l;n^ pvj a hu- ii<. ss Ali i what ii?. von :iur"M' fee Thsed i' -nT The WBfHe ,crarjro- ., ' the : imranys p. vfonreh It is-V To to sort over a : *?*?>u'nfe t' ^hiw -: in or tier tVl tine il:\- v-n&j^yko vvoV.--"start at ana!! j v aL' :i. work ,^:;r&J ar,.: j"%&! ggps way vjifite elt?e. , TTtiVT The :ui:v;> rrp bi;?, but the j i* hard, a-ui only *he touehe. t sur-j /jy/?. The pe.rt -ff'.the Bible to which the. - i erp, r,:iai-.nt vcIVsT'cm! was the} Ke .liuir '.f the b:v?- Thousand, i-ivoj #? 3#'i S?S| hrngry pi-oife.j The J.ukH: ?aio, Wlpc'i them." flis 'dr.ojSi'U . who wore Sfrajgcnij n'.'oiS w.-.r agh.'.si. "We can't ;! > it." ! tln?y p-vtesud. *.vuu!d fijktgBoo nnnh nieoc;,'.'' j (Hhers urfeeil: "Sets.: them mvny.ffi .TAr'malty j hnyrwas .lisgSjterod in tie joi ov-.i ..- it h : ."v - illiiS lonvo? and '.we | fishe*. Saiii my friend: "All they hut! if. work wirh was \i'hsi that boy had. "So with our company." he con | tinned. "It's one of iho lenders., .vet ; there ish'i a really brilliant man in it. We've all come up from the ranks. "Wo can feet money to do anything iiiat we need* but mono; alone won't do it. "We can get materials, and equipment. But ail tec really have to work with what ?ur four thousand toys have. They are going to decide what this business will be in: the years to come.^fgi When we had this conversation business Was booming ana all big industries were employing more people. Since then we have had a heartbreaking period of unemployment. But. pood times or bad times, the! sen-eh for ability goes on. At the! bottom of the depression the nresi-j dent of one great industry asked me; if ! knot-, where he could find a: i wonty-five-thousand-dollar man. J'bc president of another said: "We have installed a system of compulsory jienJtoi:-. We roust make sure that this, business will continue in the future-! to be run by young men." The size and the set-up of businesses change, lmt their message to youth is just the same: "C'cme on withyyear five loastkitd two fishes All.we .have to go on is what you boys biiYO.'y""? i Sunday School Lesson KEY. SAMUEL. U. PRICE, D. D. International Sunday School Lesson for September 6th TURNING TO THE GENTILES j Acts xii, 42-52; Romans i, 14-16 j Genuinely good people can have a |, difference of opinion. An argument jj that will always remain a part or* his-j tory occurred over John Mark at? Perga in Pamphylia. At that point itj became necessary for Paul and Barn-} abas to proceed into the interior and the handy mas1 of the ;cr#iigeiisticf party declined to go with them. Perilous times awaited the determined j evangelists are they went forward on 1 this first missionary journey. Many Jewish settlements had been j made in Asia Minor owing to a ays-tem of colonization developed by An-! tiochus Epiphanes. A synagogue was easily found in Antioch of Pisidia.1 There were no less than ten Anti- j ochs founded by Selucus Xikatov and; named after his father Antiochus. We 1 need distinguish only between those! in Pisidia and syria. Marked atten-j tion was given to the address of Paul * on that first Sabbath. Many begged that the visitors tarry with them and THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?El Uncle Sam Pays i ' I. I 'l rT7 7 J_U3| AOTOC^S^ E Pv.< ?eu; tha t cochin^ about Jesus icbv's: be ins the Messiah on the following .' ab'>::t.h. This v.a< done anc r i . -Ko .,t !?' read with i'-hv for all the details. Meanwhile the Jews fea\v the Import of this aev' teaching and if it pviwaaSd their long established s>s tdm would to be mot lified. JO) Pau" "iugnt that many items hac v fulfill. ;i. ieaidusy started persecution iiiiid Pa ;1 made the dcelar Uou i at r. v. he wa^ fn o to tun to the Gentiles, for in his sfon at D&mas - bo had : espe cially set apart as their ainbassadoi on 'rehall' of Jesus 'Christ, hi pro > .- riian as the message: were accept i by the Gentile... persecution wai increased by thSfjeivi? and Pa il am Kan-abas had to do pari in order t< save their lives, hut they went for ward reb'ieintr. .jg ? i Helps Along the Road A BOY Nobody knows what a boy is worth. A boy a I his work cr play, A hoy who whistles around the plate Or laughs in an artUss way. Nobody knows what a boy is worth, And the world must wait to see. For every man .n ah honored place Is a boy that vised'to-bo. \ M :.r Nobody knows what a bt.y is worth, A b->\ with his face aglow, For hid in his heart there are secrets |HV deep Not evfeiV the wisest know. Nobody knows what a boy is worth, A boy with his bare, white feet; So have a smile and kindly word. For every bov you meet. ?Exchange. RELAXATION AND REST There is a rhythm in all nature-? an ieterna? rhythm in ad life like the rise and fall of the tides. The trees Know- u as tnoy lie dormant in the ^EAVE -with ? fSAFETYl ! ^^"druc store ! t ? A o J A part of every wise X * * * Camper's Equipment ? | | ! GYPSY CREAM | t * < Relieves the itching and ? burning of black flies and J # Other insect 1?'.tpc?"be?t. frash, poison ivy ? moth itch. Sold only at Rexall o J Stores. Get a bottle at J once. + * * ; One Size, 50c * ! : Sold only at Rexall Drug <> Store*. 4> : BOONE DRUG CO. f % The REXALL Store ? mumtcmmtM r~r? ERY THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. Homage " . ": . , : J? ~~7 JlSsL ?J3 i; 5 ^ ; winter and feel the sap rise in the i spring; flowers know it as they bloom'j i rind vest and bloom again; birds on j ? the wing fly and soar ami fly again, 'v y nien ignore this law of nature .I'i.'h a wise God gave to all living I thing*. Kclaxaiinr. and rest are part of We to Jit ?f iifr and vh.u wo ignore i thd ihvtbm is broken and choppy - ;;nii no ionger fi-r.v.; .smoothly in ae < . n'anev with God's oian. Quietness i if hot just do in,.' nothing-?it is real-' - y creative vriviiy?that is if Jfc' is : ck1, :?i God. We all of us need t > call upon God I - :1: >r? 'nan we do. to give Him a - arger pact in our daiiv lives. We are >1 r prose to worship Him from afar; I turn to Him only in limes of deep > I happiness or sorrow, while His plan ! v us is a daily, hourly sharing with ' > fini of ourselves ami o.ur problems. U< hrist shared so with Gcd and His I J i: fo was one of perfect rhythm?j | work and rest and play, jg j The first step for carrying Himi '1 S \ pst \ I ^ \ w e<v\ V VC& ( 1MJI gas7oTls, greasi I Centra A. E. Hodges, Manaj ?By Albert T. Reid I is I : j w< ipK /d<S!S\ t!n i ' J' ba: I !rec ^Wjh il 1 Lt . fot with us into all wo tin is to learn to tei rest in Him ami as lie mere and mi n;oro tills our hours of rest, we will thi find ourselves sharing: aiso our work and pla\ with Him. Di Relaxation and rest mean simply is i lotting go of myself and taking: hold die of God. Oiiiotly opening the grates of trs I my spirit to IIis Presence and letting: II''i! peace flood through me. fr< Helen Hromlde. st; Ck ?? ei.* The Family Doctor By lilt. JOHX -lOSKl'II GAXNES i nu : Ms M03E KiRST AID A small lev sn't worth a that dec -n't try ? climb the shade! jfee -a 'lie Vftai' i.iwn once in awhile.! n.,il Xatora'Iv he may fall in his effort! 1 ;' ? sot somewhere that he doesn't ho-lmt ' A''le outs 1)N sfaljj'- i'| | iS "f' ": sl'Ocd,|R? s=- . _ something J . got" - M^fej o "0v>tV\ MS J, 0^\\ V ^^ tl'eS W|| r>*> lo% fu# "ng;wsh1ngxndpol IpRECOj ?er Boone and Bio SEPTEMBER 3. VJZl ? J9| rce; he runs to mamma howlijsg jfl first aid. )on't fear fraetuie of the skull m a trifling? injury. Don't fear eding to death. Wash the wound h clean soap and warm water, ntr clean things always. DOX'T UR PEROXIDE IX A SCALP )UND at any period. After washas above, paint the wound with dure of iodine; smarts a little, apply it freely. Dust freely with cum powder and apply a loose idage. Keep the wound dry until ovcry. St For a "crop" of chiggers, get at i early as possible, before they .'c bored in deeply. First a scruber with good soap and water; dry, I apply the buir-i-cide, whatever .i have. I use a mixture of carbolic i\, one dram, spirits camphor, one nee. menthol twenty grains, and ;e-\vater. enough to make four rices. This can be daubed over the ions freely allowing- it to dry withL wiping off, v mS Sunburn is not to be sneezed at? has been accompanied by big doses the ultra-violet ray?a blessing ir. guise. The orcide of zinc, a dram the ounce of rose-water ointment II soothe the inflamed skin in time, ep out of the fierce sunlight until ^ For a child's "busted toe," bruised, n and bleeding, soak the foot in .tor with a teaspoonful of carbolic id?-or formalin?to [be pint. Make member clean. Then apply soft L'ssing of carbonized or borated vasne nr.d wrap comfortably. And. O, green apples! Colic! A big of milk of magnesia quick. Who ilild object to fifteen drops of parotic for the pain? IES-McRAE FOOTBALL SQUAD BEGAN PRACTICE ON SEPT. 1 Banner Elk.?The Banner Elk otball squad began practice Sopnber 1st in order to be ready to let one of the hardest schedules is team has had. Coach Zimmerman attended the ike Coaching School, in duly and ready to put both old and hew can late.-- into rigorous and valuable oning. iJJ [The Li-es-McRuo team will suffer .Ml! the los? of oi" its OtUtndir-g nu n; The places of Marion onto, ail State end, and Fred D'.ekKm, quai levhack. who goes to Daison in September. will Uo hard to I. Others who are not returning. Boh l'rice, center: Charles Estes, kle; Moody Morris, guard, and icfc Crumin. guard. Irs spi.e of this loss, Coach Zi:n vmunn has a eery optimist,. out >k on the coming season, Wk . t iterial and training he feels that ? team \v?ll he ready to meet tin ?st formidable foe. ;ad the Ads?They Arc Messengers of Thrift! -BnS!PK? ? '?!PK?<k .-,s5r! >. ,-;Tn-r? Snss*ts#Sr life 4,0' islTlN^SERVTCE 1PANY wing Rock, N. C.

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