SEPTEMBER 17. 1931 LOCAL AFFAIRS Mr. H. R. Hodges is spending th v.tvk in Tennessee. Rev. H. M. Wellman, Mrs. H. I Deal and Miss Ella Floyd, of Co\ Creek, spent Monday in Boone. Rev. J. Norton Atkins, of Sewane Tenn.. passed through the city la: Saturday and made a brief call wit friends here. _>uss Virginia smpiey, of waiiac: 1 Vai, loft for her home Sunday aftc spending several days visiting frieni in the Yalle Cruris section. Mr. Koy Keplav, a traveling sale; tnan with headquarters at Hafrimai Tenn., is the guest of Mr. and Mr: .}. B. Brewer for several days. Messrs- Hubert Coffey. A. B. Col and G. G. Page, who are engage on r.n engineering project in Maco County, spent the week-end in Boom Mr- Giant Hodges left Sunday fo Richmond where he will enter th school of dentistry at the Medic: C ollege 01 Virginia for the en sum college year. Mr. Blaine Trivett who holds positirn with the Standard Oil Com oariy at Ashevillc, spent the wee5? end at the home of his patents, Re*. iind A3;.. W. L. Trivette. Mi's. Pearl Hartley and ehildre! \ ft last week for Wilkesbo^o. wher Mis. Hartley has again been engagei as teacher in the city schools for th< coming year. Mrs. A. E. Hamby, who recently underwent an operation at a Stater villtf hospital, has returned tp_ he home in Boone. Her condition is sail to be greatly improved. Miss Annie Ruth German has gon< to Boone where she will teach hom< economics in the high school. She i the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M German, of Boomer.?Wilkes Jour nab Mrs. J. K. Mast, of Valle Crucis \ in town Monday and called u h The Democrat office long enough t( renew three subscriptions she ha; g been carrying for a number of years Mr. Joe Goodnight, son of Mr. am ^ Mrs. j. I.. Goodnight, of Boone Rout* \ 2, entered Berca College on Septem her > as a junior. Young Goodnighi is much interested in farm work anc will specialize in agriculture. | Mrs. Laura Tatiim, of Brooksule who has been seriously ill for sotih tihn. was taken to Long's Sahatoriun [ in States ville Sunday where she vvil p. -vS take tvf atment and perhaps undcrg< . a raajor operation. Miss Ella Floy,!, of Anderson. S C.,_ is spending a few months at the i nemo of Mrs. H. E. Deal at Sher wood. Miss Floyd has been engagc< ? as a matron in a Greenwood, S. CJ orphanage for several years, and ii enjoying liev first vacation in thre* years. Mr. Lewis Bryant, who has spen ; tKe past several months at the hom< of his father, B. R. Bryan, in Boone iust week enlisted in the regula army for three years. He was sen | to an arsenal at New Brunswick f N. X. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rutherfori Jr., who have been summer visitor Sfci .'in Boone, returned to their Atlanti borne Tuesday, accompanied by the! infant son. Gene Rankin Rutherford and by Mrs. Rutherford's mothei Mrs. J. D. Rankin. Court next Monday, and if, b; chance, you owe something on ou books, a payment would be mucl appreciated. Whether or not you ow the shop, we are always glad to se our friends. Call while in town. Reports reaching Boone Tuesda evening were to the effect that all year-old son of Mr. Howard Simpsor of the Sugar Grove section, is in dangerous condition in the Banne Elk Hospital after having nndergon an appendix operation. Peritonitis i said to have developed before the pr tient reached the hospital. Mr. A. H. Dula fo Blowing Roc sent by Mrs. Dula last Saturday t the Democrat man a one-pound fram of fine bright mountain-made hone] which was duly appreciated. Mr. Dul has devoted a great deal of time t bee culture and is succeeding we in the venture. Misses Frances Jenkins of Bristc and Blanche Banner and Mrs. R. F Simpson of Sugar Grove have r< turned from a few days' trip to Cl< ter and York, S. C., Charlotte an Staiesville, where they visited brief] with relatives and friends. Mr. G. W. Phillips, of the Sugt Grove section, brought to the offic iast week some extra fine specimei of the White Elephant variety of. T isn potatoes, the largest wn I?av seen this season. They were as muc as ton inches in length, smooth, ar the largest one weighed one pour and seven ounces. Mr. Phillips owi a part of the farm of his father, tl late Dr. J. B. Phillips, on which tl potatoes Were grown. Mrs. Philip GTeer, of Zionvill mother of our townsmen, Prof. I. ( Greer, Milt and Cicero Greer, is very sick lady, and grave doubts a entertained as to her surviving ti serious condition. Mrs. Greer is wi np in 80 and the county has no bett woman. She is loved and highly < teemed by all who have had the goi fortune to meet her. I Ideal fall weather, Beautiful war I days and the nights just cool en.ou$ jto make sleeping a genuine iuxur j And the time of gathering in for tl *s winter is in full swing-?canning, pr j serving, pickling, drying fruit?tl r | amount of which lias neved bet ^'{equaled in Watauga. One busy hoas wife here in town told The Democrj this week that she has up. of variol Qy kinds of fruits and berries, 700 cai 5'C together with an assortment of jelll h equaling eight gallons. Dr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hodges wei ? engaged the first of the week i moving Into their newly-finishe js house on t)ie Blowing Rook row The walls to the building burned year ago were utilized and the r< : built structure i? a decided improve i, mcnf. over the original in the opi; s. ion of W. G. Hartfcog, local contiai tor, who did the work, and rcpr< scots perhaps the most modem res e dentin! structure in the city. Th d J building way completed and read njfor occupancy just forty-nine da> -(after Sir. Hartzog had been awarde t the contract* ?| s!| SOCIETY il Women's Auxiliaries Meel [l Ar Banner Eik. 1 Circle No. 1 was entertained at th ; home of Mrs. R. C. Loive Thursda afternoon. After the interesting pre grain, delicious tea and cake wa i served to the guests. e Miss Sue Hail was hostess to men \ hers of Circle No. 2 at her home th * same afternoon. During the sock (hour, delicious refreshments wev served to the guests. - Entre Nous Club Entertained r By Mrs. James Horton. * The Entre Nous Club and additior al guests were delightfully e.ntei tained by Mrs. James Horton at th B Critcher Hotel on Thursday eveninj J. The room in which tables were n< ranged for bridge was attractive! * decorated with a variety of sunimc flowers. After several interestin progressions of bridge were enjoye , Mrs. David Greene was awarded t lovely prize as winner of high scor > and Mrs. G. K. Moose- was presente ; a lovely cut. prize. Delicious refreshments were the; served to the following: Mesdame * Sam HorIon, James Mast, Cliff Mc Council, Paul Coffey. Lloyd Isaacs Russell Ilodges. Johnnie Johnston, M - P. Critcher, Ralph Winkler. Georg * K. Moose, David Greene, Brantlc; Duncan, .Toe Crawford, A. B Cole John Horton, Grady Morctz, Sum ; Hardin. Lucy Bingham, and Missc Virginia Wary, Gladys Bolt, Louis ) Critcher. Es telle Pye and Jane Elifl 4 son. ) . Recent Bride Honored at Shower and Chicken Roast. ? Mrs. Lucy Bingham entertained a - a shower and chicken roast at he I lovely home on Cove Creek Wednes , day evening, complimentary to Mtt 5 J. K. Mast, who prior to her mar ? riage was Miss Ruth Bingham. Th guests gathered on the lawn and e\ crybody participated in the rites o t hastening the plump chickens to - golden "turn." Sam Horton was espc > ci&lly adept in the procedure o r roasting corn in the husk. After e\ t eryone had enjoyed to the "fullest ? the juicy chicken and other goo things, topped with coffee and caki j a number of lively games were er s gaged in on the lawn. a Later in the evening a letter wa r placed in the hands of Mrs. Mas I which directed her over a oircuifcor / route, which if followed would lea ' to a treasure chest. Mr. Mast Wf also urired to search iOi the "not c v gold." The search revealed to Mr r Mast a chest of gifts from mombei h of the Cove Creek Dozen Club an e the invited guests of the evening, a e of which were tokens of deep esteei and regard in which she is held V her friends. Mr. Mast's search yieli y ed "booby" gifts. After a number of delightful gahn if indoors, guests departed at a lat a hour, declaring Mrs. Bingham Ir r ideal hostess. l* Guests at the enjoyable occasic s included: Mr. and Mrs- J. K. Mas t- Rev. and Mrs. H. Mj. Welhnan, M and Mrs. Sam Horton, Mr. and Mr R. N. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ho k ton; Mesdames Stanley Harris, Wi ? Payne, .Tames Mast, Maude Spai: e hour, Howard Simpson, Hattie Johi son; Misses Winnie Thornberg, Coi a stance Shout), Blanche Stokes, Ann ?jMae and Vera Sherwood, Blancl 'i Horton, Annie Dougherty and Ha tie Bingham; Messrs. Edwin Dougl ^ erty and Frank Payne. [' VILAS MAN INSISTS THAT FORAGE CROPS BE PLANTE d ri j:i - f fPL T . , rancor 01 ine uemocrai: ' I want to remind my friends w] have been calling me to see their si' ir stock, that it is not too '/ate to sei :c that garden and other patches y is intend to cultivate next year to rj r- This wiil cost" very little and will p: -e fov Hcelf over and over again whi h the old cow is convalescing. It id fine pasture also for the calves ai id sheep. Let me insist that you try ls this year and learn the real val te of ryeie in making my calls last winter found there was only five per cei of the farmers who had anythv e, green for the stock. I don't wond S. that there are so many sick, a DON J. HORTON. re Vilas, N. C. he ill FARTHING?SWIFT er Mrs. Will Farthing announces t !8- marriage of her daughter, Nam od Louise, to Mr. Clarence P. Swift, November 7, 1980, at Abingdon, 1 THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?-Et in JUSTICE'S COURT 'J1 The following cases have been tried] y- in Justice of the Peace E. X. Hahn'sj *e COUl*t sin?!P T>*, i e~ ocvat: le John B. IJvde, worthless chock. n judgment, suspended on payment of e~ check and costs: 41 E. B. Hardin, operating car without license, fined $10 and costs. B. F. Wellborn, worthless checks. es three cases, judgment suspended on payment of check and costs. e Charles Triplet*. Jr., failing to send n children to school, judgment suspend;t? ed on condition that defendant send ^ children to school from this date. a G C. Dickson, worthless check, judgment suspended on payment of check ar.d costs. y. Lester Wood ring, bastardy, quiJty: .. committed to jail for SO days. >_ Veri Watson, worthless check, judgment suspended on payment of e check and cost. v Klovd Tester, possessing and.'transi,s porting liquor, waives examination (! and bond fixed at $500. F. A. Wincbarger, worthless check; committed to Watauga County jail _ for 30 days; judgment suspended on | payment of check and cost. BANKER ELK NEWS Mr and Mrs. F. \V. Von Canon j e and family are' spend inn- a few davsl v in Wiimingtori. As they return home they leave their daughter, Louise.. .< at Red Springs, N. C., where she again enters Flora MacDonold Coli lege. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lowe and famd ily are visiting relatives in Conover e and Hickory. Miss Frances Si.inson arrived last week to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Stinson. Mrs. Paul IIein.eman and sons, m Paul Junior and Robert, have rcturned to their home in Omaha, Ne- j e hraska. Charles Von Canon and Ronda! Hardin Jr. icft last, week for Rome, (Ja, There they entered Darlington ;r College. Lawson I). Tate, son of Dr. niul { j Mrs. W. C. Tate, entered Duke Uni- j ;l versity. Also their daughter, Mavlyn Q leaves this week to resume her stud- i (l ies at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, j Ga. n Dr. and Mrs. Tost of Bristol; Dr.! and Mrs. Addison W. Bairri of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Oiiver . of Luke, Md, were recent visitors at : [' Lees-McRao College. e y MAYOR S COURT Lee Tongue and Roy Miller were ft arraigned before Mayor Moretz on s Tuesday charged with an affray, and e were fined $J.O each and the costs j l* of the trial. An appeal was taken to the Superior Court. | SPEC * Two 5-cent Pencil TgJ 'i LIMIT 2 TO New shipment of ladie d Good assortment of S1 i- Children's Anklets . lS A good selection of ' ^ the new I OUR SPECIALS FOF ,f 25c prints for only. . . a 19c Prints for only. . . d THIS IS FOR TH m Get ready for Winte ,y lL ti- the cc ; FIVE-to-FI Under Priced t, J S. - r" ; iOBHRnHMHBBmfl re- " n IC le Our Ledger: d are Full r of Romance ed VJ npHEY tell the story < X business, better ed ;jcj ?success in full mea ;s i Savings Account. ^ i Your Savings Account uc a fuller enjoyment of li I l our Patronage H tit. ng Watauga Cc iie ?-v. BJMSpn[|^S^KT)| |tt|A|A||UJB||D fa. rERY THURSDAY?-BOONE, N. C. HONOR ROLL FOR SECOND !l MONTH BAMBOO SCHOOL; Following if the honor to!! of Baro-j ?'CO Sehool for the sccop month of| ihe school term: jj irst Grade. Virginia Criteher. * Mabel Hampton Dawn Hampton. ^ Mary Bowles, Flossy Yates, Jack * Cooke, Bill Critohp, Norman Critcher, Hadeti Cooke, Homer Watson. ^ Second Grade: Dare Bonds. Vivian C Bonds, Artie Walker, Mack Cooke, Arthur Coffey, Herman Coffey, lun- t' ior Bowles. Coy Hartley. Third Grade: Henry Taylor. Fourth Grade: Genevieve Cocke, ^ A J ma Bowles, Dora Kerley. Maxine * Carroll, Anita Hampton. Ritaxae C Hampton, Marie Rogers, Boyd Cook, Darman Cook. * Fifth Grade: Martha Hampton, Selnia Critcher, Orlie Hampton, Dean ^ Bowles. i Sixth Grade: Cecil Hampton, Le- J * ona Hampton, Willie Hartifpbn. j Seventh Grade: Diliard Kerley. jr Mesdames Elsie Hagaman, Mrs. j Cliff McConnell and Miss Gladys; Ilacaman made a shopping trip to I Leaoir Tuesday. "SPECIALNOTKir1 PUREBRED ESSEX PIGS- ?for sale j ac September 21st. J. 8 j Xon is, Route 1, Boone. N C. 1 vj STRA YED OR STOL.EK?Shuph'.-v?! \ I puppy ycar^ old; white feet, blaze jj in forehead, J;111?_ white spot ' '1 back of neck the size oj" a dollar. I| White holly with a bobbed tail and i brown back. $5 reward. Ton? Be shears, Harley, N. G. ltp j CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness ac.corded us during the sickness, death and burial of our husband and fa- j ther. May similar kindnesses be extended to each of you in your hours of sorrow. Mrs. J. J. Coffey and Family. FOR SALE EXpfSGH: for good calves or ewes, Ford Truck. For a real bargain, see tit once D. L. Greene. Ziorvillo, R. F. I). 2t FOR SALE OX EASY TERMS--One second-hand one and one-half 'or, International Truck in good repair, with cab and lied, practically new tires. Garr Brothers, Phone 5104, Johnson City, Tenn. 9-X7^4te Dr. C. B. Baughman, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Elizabethton, Tcnn., will be in the office of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on the first Monday in each month for the practice of liis profession. HALS I )lets 5c CUSTOMER ?'s Hose, seconds, 15c weaters 49c up 9c "Aetna" Shirts in all ' colors. t THIS WEEK ONLY 21c 16c IS WEEK ONLY r! He is just around irner! VE STORE Merchandise >f homes built, starts in ucations, travel abroad sure?all through the | with us will guarantee ife. fill Be Appreciated >unty Bank WENTY-EIGHT STUDENTS ON HONOR ROLL MILLER SCHOOL Twenty-eight student at Miller Consolidated School earned the right o have their names placed on the onor roll for the second month cf he school term. Their names follow: First Grade?Albert Baker, Ralph lorris, Gladys Norris, Lois Norris, Coy Norris, Howard Taylor. Second Grade?Eve 11 Moretz, Eselle Norris. TKi^/l r:?Q,io?ir>?-i ? ^ v.uuv MWVV l-iyuciiiiainer, triby Miller, Eula Moretz, Vernon loretz, Jessie Morris, Wade Coffey, lattie .Coffey, Elsie Baker, Myrtle larroll, Perry Carrol], Clint Carroll. Fourth Grade ? Letcher Baker, 'auiine Taylor, Annie Wall. Fifth Grade?Philip Moretz, Ray [ouck. Sixth Grade?Blanche Miller and) red Carroll. Seventh Grade?Liilie Wall, Fay? [ouck. During Court Week wi to visit our store and pi ware you will need thi large, including hundr use. We would call y< seasonable numbers, si Ranges, Heating I Parlor Furnaces, Si Guns, Rifles, Ami Coats, Shell Jackets ber Boots, Heavy O' rows, Grain Drills, F Sole Leather, Ruhb< vanized and Roll R ing, Barbed Wire. Make it a point to visi where you will find s< a real saving. Two or I ectric Radios at prices Farmers H Supply C What a great joy has c< wonderful French beauty and preserve the charm tl Be < f&H H . .. , .... .... _ r>h1^ iiiairfi ?i i ^nrar ^ % v ; ^ ' . t ' ; --j FIVE An Outstanding Event Scheduled for November The Rexull Store's One Cent Sale will be held this year on November 4-5-6-7, and beginning or Monday, November 2nd, will be broadcast over e network of 17S stations, the largest radio advertising program thus far known to industry. This broadcast will continue for the entire week and in this State will come through WBT, Charlotte; Station WPTF, Raleigh; Station WWNC, Asheville, and StaWRif: r.? ts be on the isme days throughout the United -States and the Dominion of Canada.. Boone Drug Company, local Rexall agents, have already placed Jhcir order for merchandise for tb** ja'c, and promise to have the largest and beat display they ha\c ever had during the eleven year* they have conducted these sales. s especially invite you 8 rice any items in hards fall. Our stocks are eds of items you can ?!Tr qHpnhnn fn o I - V*?. Ukvvy|.tll\/|jk Uv./ M 1 V. Vf nch as: Stoves, Heatrolas, tove Boards, Shot munition. Hunting Shell Belts, Rubtrershoes, Disc Har'otato Bags, Paints, sr Heels, Etc., Galoofing, Wire Fenct our bargain counter ?veral useful items at three second-hand Elthat will interest you. = ardware & iompany gg sme to women in these products that build up !?at men so much admire. . "Why, you look just I lice a girl." This is indeed a compliment, coming from the man I who means it when he says it. It is heard and. deserved frequently , fitlflt file Annat h 1 Beauty Treatment COBhC to America. CLE ANSIN6 CREAM IACIAL ASTRIKGE*! NOURISHING CREAM SKIN TONIC IACE POWDER FOUNDATION CREAM lodges Drug Company