VOL. XLin, NO. 24. ORPHANS HOME AT BANNER ELK CARES rnn or omi nn nm run 53 LI1ILLHIL1> Superintendent Jane Russell and Her Assistants Have Created Homelike Atmosphere. Game Farm and Poultry Projects Conducted. Established Seventeen Years Ago by the Late Edgar H. Tufts. In the friendly shadow of Grandfather Mountain, 'neath the shelving comb of Hanging Rock, nestles one of the Northwest Carolina's most worthy institutions?the Grandfather Orphans Home. Here a family of some eighty-five mountain children, brought together from the remote coves and hillsides cf the Appalachian highlands, have found refuge. Here in this lovely setting they are given opportunity to gain for themselves UH cuuvuuuit, cuuivdiv respect mi the good and beautiful, and at the same time enjoy the homelike atmosphere which Miss Jane Russell, superintendent, and her assistants have created. A visit to Grandfather Home is indeed a pleasure, for here one truly feels the presence of omnipotence. Little girls and boys who only yesterday, perhaps, were grief-striken by the loss of a mother or father, arc again happy?their tears have been erased, and their faces beam with the glad smiles of childhood. Games are in progress, the larger bovs on the athletic field, the larger girls at basket ball practice and the tots engaged with cut-outs and toys. Miss Russell shows her guests through the modern cottages, each of which is steam heated. The living rooms are hung with attractive pictures, bright curtains adorn the windows, and potted plants add their colorful charm to nooks and corners. In the baby cottage, a well-equipped play-room adjoins the reception hail, tvhere the "little fellows" romp and play to heart's content. And the dining room is just too attractive for words with its tables of clear oak already set for the coming meal: bowls upturned on plates, silver in place, and centerpieces of evergreen. In the corridor outside is a long rack hung with little coats and hats, and every child "knows its hook." And the other buildings are equally as attractive as the "baby house." The lager children all have their meals in the central dining hall which is situated in one of the older buildings of the group. The kitchen that adjoins is scrubbed spotless, and everything, as the expression goes, has its place, and everything can be found in its place. A wagon load of milk cans on the back porch await the j? milk from eighteen blooded cows which constitute the dairy herd. Miss gj Russell says there is always plenty of milk for those who wish it, and that those who do not care for it are encouraged in its use. Nearby is the game farm where several hundred ring-neck pheasants, grouse, quail and Mallard duck are being reared. The woven-wire pens are watched with care by the larger boys, who exercise every precaution against harm to their feathered charges. Eggs are procured from the State Game Farm, hatched in incubators, nnd the small birds are kept in brooders until of sufficient size to be placed in the pens. And these pen3 are made to resemble, as nearly as possible, the natural habitat of the game b'rds?grain shocks in the quail houses, spruce for the grouse, and green vegetables for the pheasants. Ninety-five full-grown ducks fill the ail with their "quack-quacks" and come running from the pool as the visitors approach. A large poultry flock furnishes the home with Dlentv of gfrg-a Sawn birds for table use. A croup of boys has this work in charge also, and their prodigious efforts have been responsible for the building of one of the best flocks in the entire section. The productive farm lands yielded bountiful harvests of grain and vegetables during the season, and hundreds H -of cans of beans, corn, tomatoes, spinach and other edibles line the basement walls of the main building, and offer a valuable auxiliary to the food, supplies of the home. This canning was done by the girls, and .'hey take great pride in their contr ,tion to the home's larder. ' Grandfather Orphans ? ne was established more than enteen years ago by the late Re -id Ed:gar Tufts, who -at. that ti was in charge of Lees-McBae Co . It is supported by the Holston bytery, and during its years of ice has cared for several hundre- ountain children. Mies Russell hi een superintendent for about two years, and during her administration of its affairs many improvements have been made. Despite the prevailing depression, sufficient funds for the support of the home are still to be had, and while mapy economies have been resorted to in order to keep the budget as low as possible, everything is still running normally. Miss Russell states that during the life of Grandfather Orphans Home not one single child has left its doors to stop directly into the affairs of the world. Bach of them, she says, has just "gone across the hill" where A Non-Partisan N boon; 'i Early Edition Democrat To Appear Next Week | *~* The Watauga Democrat will make its usual visit next week, however in order that those responsible for its publication may have a brief rest for Christmas, it will be necessary for it to go to press Monday. Advertisers, news contributors and others interested are asked to cooperate with the publishers in observing their first holiday of the current year, and have "copy" ready for the printers during this week. It will be impossible to guarantee publication of organization news> advertisements etc., which reach the office after Saturday night. The Democrat is anxious that its Christmas week edition should render the usual service to all concerned, and feels that splendid cooperation will be in evidence along the lines mentioned. City Electrical Inspector Issues Timely Warning A warning to citizens against the use of cheap or unapproved electric lighting systems for illuminating Christmas trees in home during the holiday season was issued yesterday by City Electrical Inspector S. M. Ayers. "While electric lights are much safer for illuminating Christmas trees than the familiar old wax candles, all decorative electric lighting systems arc not safe," said Mr. Ayers. "To prevent a possible fire which might result in loss of life, especially among children, and which might also damage or destroy your home, the electrical inspection department asks that you use only lighting sets approved by this department. "Good sets which are safe are not usually more expensive than sets of poor or doubtful quality. Furthermore, approved sets are sold in this city. Lamps may be obtained in a wide variety of designs and colors, and by calling telephone 38 you can learn what outfits are approved." Merchants planning to use electric lights or appliances lor decorative purposes in Christmas window displays are also asked to get in touch with Mr. Ayers before doing so. The electrical inspector promises co-operating in the installation of temporary electrical circuits so that they will be safe, and the possibility of fire thereby reduced. * v ' The installation of temporary lighting systems by unskilled or unreliable workmen and without supervision by an electrical inspector is a very unsafe practice, says Mr. Ayers. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS BEGIN AT BANNER ELK ON DEC. 18 Banner Elk.-?The Christmas holidays for Lees-McRae College will begin on Friday afternoon, December 18th. The program for the week is as follows: Sunday, December 13?Vespers at half past seven in the Banner Elk Presbyterian Church. "Christmas in Song and Story" presented by the cabinets of the Loes-McRae Christian Association. Monday at 7:30?Christmas partv for Group A (older students) in the library. Wednesday evening?-Christmas party for Group B in the library. Thursday evening at 7:30?Alpha Literary Society play, "Dickens' Christmas Carol," in the college auditorium. Carols will be sung by the Glee Club on the campus and through the community at the conclusion of the play. The public is cordially invited to attend the vesper service on Sunday evening and the play on Thursday evening. - " HAhJD BADLY MANGLED BY FALLING STONE Mr. Charles L. Lewis of Sherwood, one of Watauga's county road foremen, was painfully injured last Saturday when his hand wa3 caught by a falling rock, while he was working on a crusher. The fore finger was crushed and the flesh of the hand iprioualv iRC.RratpH. Th^ npnHpnt occurred while atone was being prepared for use on the surface of the Beaver ham road. he or she entered Lee3-McRae College for further education. "It's the hardest thing in the world to tell a boy or girl that it's time for he or she to leave the home," continued Miss Russell. "We have two boys now who are past nineteen, but things are so hard this winter that we have decided to let them remain until conditions improve. It's the only home they have ever known, and it would break their hearts should be ask them to leave." Grandfather Orphans Home has become a very tangible part of the hill country. Into its wide-open doors has flowed, for these seventeen years a steady stream of neglected, poverty-stricken childhood. The training begins?training in right-thinking and right-living?and fro 1 those same doors emerges a generation of young men and young women fully equipped to take their places ......ong the elect of the land. Modern miracles are beio" wrought at tv' haven of mercy in t: shadow of the ancient "Grandfather." lewspaper, Devoted to the E, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CA 7~rr" Heavy Dama^ in Early M 9/ A fire which apparently had its origin in the south end of the Masonic Hall, and which resulted in almost; the complete destruction of the Isaacs dry goods establishment, dank aged the Farmers Hardware Store to a considerable extent, partially destroyed the fraternal quarters, and threatened to raze an entire bttsmhsft block in the heart of the town, was brought under control Wednesday morning after local firemen and a company from Blowing Rock had labored for hours in a successful effort to limit the dcpradations of the destroying flame. The fire alarm was first sounded at 3 a. m. and the local fire squad was on the scene within a "very few minutes. The fire department at Blowing Rock, in the meantime had received word of the distress and in 21 minutes after the siren sounded, their men had been awakened, partly clothed themselves, and were in the midst of the fight. The Blowing Rock boys have the undying gratitude of the people here, as have the Boonej boys, for their heroic handling of the I serious situation. Nothing definite has been learned as to the cause of the blaze, but fire- t men are assured that it started <>"!: the Masonic Hall floor, for when they ! BANK MAY REOPENS AT BLOWING ROCK j Cuiiifir t>f Cioied Institution Give# I Out Hope of Early Opening Negotiatina Under WayMr. v,'. D. Farthing-, Cashier of the defunct. Bank of Blowing Hock, saysji that indications at the present time \ look promising for the early reopen- j ing of the institution, which poor collections and usual wsthdr.-1.wnl3 clos- t cd on November 28th. Mr. Farthing says that t'ne honk officials Itavci received information i from the State Commissioner of ; Banks, setting forth the require- i ments, and tbet, there is. strong belief that i will culminate iV the opehing of the . bank at an early dtilc. I A. M. Burns, Jr., is the liquidating agent now in charge. 1 i? ' 'i i AN EXHIBITION AT THE VAI.LE CRUCJS SCHOOL j Miss Basoni, the Home Economies! instructor, has held an exhibition at] the Valle Cruris School for the first three months work of the cighih and! ninth grades. The judges and friends of the school agreed that the girls of the school had done a great deal. The prises were given as follows: Skirts, 1 first prize, Nina Miller; second prize, Lillian Tester; E Dresses: first prize, j I'onnie Moore; second prize, Wilms IBaird; Pajamas: first prize, Elizejbeth Baird; second prize, Marine Langmaid; Aprons: first prize. Fairy Hollars; second prize, Maude Draughn. For the best luncheon set, Elsie i Wilson. Baby Dresses: first prize, < Fairy Hoiior: second prize, Marianne j Cook. Hot dish holders: first prize, i l'cnnie Moore; second prize, Ruth j Smith. Bags: first prize, Nina Miller; j second prize, Naomi Warhter. Organdy powder;puff ease: first prize, Lil- j lian Tester. Nannie Bunting received honorable mention for man's shirt. The ninth class has also done some ; very nice canning and preserving which were on exhibition, including beans, beets, chow chow, jelly and apple butler. The judges were Miss Dale, home economies instructor from Cove Creek j and Miss Dougherty, home economics : instructor from Appalachian State Teachers College; Mrs. C. D. Taylor and Mrs. W. W. Mast of Valle Claris. i The evening closed with a very artractive Christmas play giver, by the fourth and fifth grades under the direction of M:s3 Salley. FORMER WATAUGA MAN HAS HUNTING ACCIDENT While hunting last Thursday, Rev. J. L Norris of Maiden stumbled, and IU' save himself from falling, used his gun as a cane to catch his fallSome trash caught and hung on the end of the gun barrel and the preacher made a brush at it with his left hand and the gun discharged at the same instant, tearing the flesh from the end of the thumb of the left hand. During the stumbling he had, evidently, released the safety device and on making the motion with the left hand, pressed the trigger with his right.?Ma:d?n News. RALEIGH, N. C? PRIEST AMONG I GROUP ORDAINED IN ROME Rome.-?Thirty-one young American priests were ordained last week by Cardinal Francis Marchetli-Selvaggiani, vicar of Rome, and said their first masses Friday morning in St, Peter's, St. John Lateran, and other churches in Rome. Among them were Louis Rath, of 'Kaieign, N. C. jifi-,'- ;i,t 1 Best Interests of Northwe ROHNA, THURSDAY DECEMBER *es Entailed orning Blaze arrived on the scene the floor was already failing down. The room was ?ccupied by a session of the Eastern j Star on the evening preceding the fire. Mr. lsncas who for a number of years has operated the Isaacs Department Store, one of the most moderr. dry goods establishments in this section was in Charlotte on a business trip at the time of the conflagration, retained home at press time, but has not made an estimate of his losses. The entire stock of merchandise however is believed to be a total leas. The amount of insurance in force was not learned. A nominal loss was suffered by the hardware store, which came from water in the basement of the building, however no figures were made public. Damage to the Masonic Hail included, besides damage to ti e building, the loss of furniture and ah the records of the organization. A par-' tial insurance coverage is reported in both instances. The. postoi'fice building which was in the same block was undamaged, ?.s was the Watauga County Bank. Total damage to the buildings are estimated at from two to three thousand dollars, but individual damages have hot been estimated, MTAI MAM WINS ger per Vo [ Record in Suliti of Inwrftltcc Durins the Year. Gordon Winkler, local life insuriiice agent, has received word frmn he offices of the Pilot Insurance Co. to the effect that his superior salesmanship is being rewarded by that ompsny in allowing him to be a guest on an extended cruise to Cuba. Only about 50 agents, have a inns;-ad sufficient business during the fear to entitle them to this honor, unu Mr. Winkler is being congratulated upon his fine showing. He will fl*Tt from here about Christmas day Ufa "e'Spectis to return shortly after the first of the year. Many interesting features have ;iecn arranged for the voyage, honoring Pilot's blue ribbon agents. FORMERBANNER S?f If MAN ivroe AT juiit! mto ill ELIZABETKTON . , ( . rinley VV. Ricbal-ttl Succumb* lo Brief Ulnes* in Tennessee City on Thursday. Was Well Known in Western Carolina. Survived by the Widow end Two Children. Funeral and Interment Friday. Finley W. Richards, of Elizahetliton, Tenn., died at his home in that uty at 12:50 hist Thursday morning-, following an illness of several weeks'! duration. Funeral services were heS it the home, 314 Rose Street. Friday morning at 10:30 and interment wns made in the afternoon at Banner Elk, NT. C. Mr. Richards was horn .Tune Itlth,: 1876, at (Jranite Falls, N. C., moved] to Johnson City at an early age, and was married to Miss Millie Suether, of Lexington, N. C., in 1831. For many years he mode liis home at Banner Elk, N. C., and had been a resident of Elizabethton since 1916. He was a traveling salesman by professiri, and his work bad carried bin; into practically every section of Western North Carolina, where bis affablef disposition had won for hi in a ho3t of warm friends. Surviving are the widow and two children, Bouck Richards of Concord,' N. C., ar.d Mrs. Roy Barkley, of F.tizBbethton; four grandchildren, Helen, Lola Mand and John Franklin Richards, and Peggy Mae Barkley, and one. brother, F. M. Richards, of Spruce Pine. Active pall bearers Were: J. Wilkie Edens, John Sulnhin, YV. W. Hampton, F. W. Ward, Sexton Dungan, and Major Hatlmway. Honorary pall bearers included:] Hnrry Burgie, Berchel Taylor, Pres-i tor. Jennings, Wiley Jenkin3, Pauli Barr, Judge Bumbnm, Henry Voncannon, Fred Voucannon, Bob Banner, Bynum Banner, Bob Lowe, Bob Cook, Dr. W. C. Tate, W. W. Mast; and C. D. Taylor. 118 WATAUGA STUDENTS AT APPALACHIAN STATE COLLEGE In statistics relative to the enrolment at State Teachers College, published last week by The Democrat, Watauga's total of 118 students was omitted. Registrar J. M. Downum, in calling attention to the omission, says he believes that this eour.tv has e lsr ust North Carolina 17, 1931. Only Six More Shopping T% T .M ^>1 u nui Lnristmas j Only six more days remain in which to do holiday buying, and again ihe Democrat is a good index to the splendid shopping facilities of this city. The Christmas messa -\-s ftom the merchants bring good cheer and news of the lowest prices ufferAd perhaps, during this century. Peruse these advedtisements, learn all about the service your home merchants are rendering, and resolve to do your trading at home. At the same time the merchants of the town, while well prepared for the last minute rush, would greatly appreciate early shopping. Mutual benefits arise from selecting your gifts before the congestion always incident to the last couple of days before Christmas. Highway from Town to River Nears Completion The contractors arc on the last lap of the grading on no. 60 highway between Boone and the New River bridge, and the weather permitting, it is now only a matter of a few days until they have completed the job. The construction work on the two _ - f - ?? ? oi roan nas i>een very heavy, in fact some of it being about the heaviest wc have seen in the county, much stone having been blasted out, with deep cuts and high fills. But the major part of the time the weather has been fine and work has continued almost unbrokenly, and a beautiful addition it will be to the now far-famed Boone Trail Highway. PROF. T. E. STORY INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCiDENT Professor T. E. Story, principal of the Wiikesboro School, received scalp wounds and minor injuried Monday night (December 7) near Brooks Cross Roads when his car overturned in the road. Professor Story was driving toward Wiikesboro when he met a wagon traveling in the middle of the highway withut 'lights. He dodged the wagon. but in making the quick turn his car completely overturned and ^topped upright. Passersby picked up Professor Story a?d brought he and his car to North Wiikesboro, where he received attention at the Wilkes Hospital. His injuries were found to be of a minor nature and he is back on the job in the school. He had been to Raleigh where he looked after school business.?Wilkes Journal. I nrAI Ff.PfTOiri AWC AT work ori grace"ho'spital Ayers Brothers, local electricians, last week i.cre awarded a contract to install the electrical fixtures in the new Grace Hospital building at Banner Elk. The Boone men had already wired the plant, installed nurse calls and telephones, and the new contract, which will be completed within the next forty day3 is the last to be let by officials. The hospital, which is of seventy bed capacity, will be opened about the first of February. LOCAL JUNIOR COUNCIL OBSERVES LADIES' NIGHT A ladies' night, program was given by the local council, Jr. O. U. A. M., in their hall on Tuesday evening, December 8lli. Mr. Hill Hagaman cx-! 1 tended a warm welcome to Juniors land their ladies, following which talks were made by W. O. Robertson, I Howard W. Mast and Clyde R. i Greene. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mack Luttrel! and Mrs. Bynum Greene. benefit musical closes >f The musical program in aid of the Banner Elk State School fund, was brought to a close Saturday night the 12th in the high school auditorium. The engagement had been announced as a contest at which cash prizes would be offered, but owing to the fact there was not enough to meet expenses, the artists were awarded merchandise, which were later exchan ged for cash at their option. I'/, Featured on the program was Miss Minnie Greer of Watauga county, the girl violinist, who in addition to her violin numbers, contributed several vocal selections. Mr. Ray Bvcndall, with his guitar, accompanied by Mr. Lewis, created -.uwrrtrat ut ineir mwauan selections. In addition to these string musicians, taking part in the convention was the HaTd Thomas string band, featuring the old home musical instrument, the washboard; the Grandfather string band, featuring hanjo and guitar music. . The contribution of the Greer sisters, famous mountain girl musicians, received a good hand, especially the duct by Misses Wilma and Minnie Greer. The concluding item was dancing by several young people called from the audience. OLD-FASHIONED MOTHER" There will be an interesting play "the old fashioned mother" presented at the Reese School Wednesday night December 23. The public is cordially invited. pplff T 91.50 PER YEAH V - 1 DR. k\: SHERRILL NAIWELVRESIDENT POLITIt^, GROUP Former Watauga County Man Signally Honored at Atlanta Meetings Received Early Education at Old A. T. S. Is Now a Teacher at Clemson College. Book on Criminal Procedure Recently Published. Dr. George R. Sherrill, former Watauga man, was elected president of the Southern Political Science Association at its annual meeting in Atlanta late in November, according to information received here last week. Dr. Sherrill was born and reared in the Beaver Dam section, a son of Mr. George Sherrill, and received his early education at the old Appalachian Training School. He received the Bachelor of" Arts degree at Wake Forest in 1921, and the Ph. D. from Columbia University, New York, in 1928. During regular session he teaches at Clemson College, Clemson, South Carolina, and for the past four years has been a member of the Wake Forest gnmmpr cnhnnl fni?:ilt:v ? . "J His book, "Criminal Procedure in North Carolina as Shown by Criminal Appeals Since 1890," was recently published by the University of North Carolina Press. Other officers of the Political Science Association elected at the Atlanta meeting include: Dr. John W. Manning, University of Kentucky, vice-president: Harriet W. Elliott, N. C. College for Women, secretary; and Dr. D. W. Knepper, Mississippi State College for Women, treasurer. The officers arc to serve for the ensuing year. The many friends of Dr. Sherrili in Watauga and adjoining counties will hear of his election to the important post with a great deal of interest. Carolina Store is RobLed of Small Sum of Money On Monday night some party or parties, without the fear of the law before their eyes, broke into Carolina Store No. 1, entrance being made through a window in the rear of the building. No merchandise, so far as known without inventory, was taken, but the cash drawer \vas rifled of about $10 in fractional coin. Ifc appears that there is no clue whatever as to who the robber was, and most likely the offender will never be apprehended. DELPHIAN SOCIETY The Delphian Society met on Tuesday afternoon of this week at the regular place of meeting. A number of very interesting reports on the life and work of the artist Giotto Were given by Mrs. Eggers, Mrs. Moose, Mrs. Russell Hodges, Miss Rouchelle and Miss Todd. Miss Cora Jeff coat was leader. During the session the chapter expressed very deep Iff J sympathy for Miss Dale, who has just been called home by the death of hdr father. After the program the society adjourned for an informal social hour. Hanging over the fireplace with its bright blazes was found a stocking for each member filled with nuts and candy. A gift also for each one was uncier a small Christmas tree. Later the entire group went to the I home of Mrs. J. M. Gaither, who was absent from the meeting, bearing her share of the gifts from Santa Clans. The next meeting will be held on January 5. WORTH WHILE CLUB A very enjoyable meeting of the Worth While Club took place with Mrs. Zeb Farthing at her home on the Blowing Rock Road Friday afternoon. After business, a program on the life of George Washington was rendered, Mrs. W. C. Greer conducting the discussion and making the principal talk: "George Washington, the Boy and Youth." His famous rule for behavior, written at fourteen, was read, and their author's precocity enjoyed once more. Mrs. Farthing, assisted by Mrs. William Winkler, served a delightful two course luncheon. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting, which is to be held with Mrs. D. J. Cottrell on I Dec. 23, at half past seven, at the j Cottrell residence on College Street. YOUNG TAR HEEL FARMERS The Cove Creek Chapter of Young Tar Heel Farmers met December 11 in the high school auditorium where they were entertained by the. History Club. The program consisted of a play giving a part of the life of Lincoln. It was very interesting and the agriculture boys enjoyed it. It is always pleasant to visit some other club and hear their program. Sometimes the program committee has a hard time preparing something interesting for the weekly programs, but this idea of the clubs entertaining each other adds interest and life to the programs. "She says she thinks she could learn to love me." "Yet you do not look happy." "It is going to be expensive. Had her to the theatre last night, v",h a little supper aft< vard. The first leason cost me ?25."