K1GHT ivGRANDFATHER NEWS Mrs. S. P. Tow rise no died at her home, here Thursday and -was laid to rest in the McLean cemetery Friday afternoon. Services were held in the church by Rev, S. E. Gragg at two o'clock, Mrs. Gootgo ^hook who lias been U) for some time, remasiis aliout tho same. Dr. Hodge?., who has been attending hex; says that her condition is as veil as c??*.:kl be expected considering her age. Miss Effie Jay Fox spent 1 . week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green of Vjlaft. Mr. Troy Townsend former citizen ox this community who has been resibling near Lencir for a number cf years, has returned with his family to his old home idacr-. Mr. Marian Coffey baa also moved fco a place on the iands of Mr. VaTice Coffey across Dcrt't try to buy a thing1 too cheap Frorr- those vith tbioga to sell. Because the goods you will have io keep And time will always tell. The price you pay you will soon forget, And the goods you get will Say; ITIw price you will not long regret, ! ?..? ..i. _ _s-. - i km%* i u?u quamy you may. i Is* i ood or mineral, cAotTiis or wood, R^mcmher this advtcc: Don't lei ihe pd?J control !the good?, But good? control the prico. i WE WANT TO THANK THE ATTENDED OUR SALE LAS' PRICES WILL*B? II COME Af ! FIVE-TO-F "W'-ere Yos? UNDERPR1CEJD ?3gggf? i . in in mi in. imiaimi |,iniin , Him pn^ium main rWra Grandmother'* ** m, ars" I* mm i mhtL c, SPARKLE PEACHES Mince Meat n?ik gg[-."i>,i/r-i.V-,^5^r'' ~ " '' , " '' i 0 ^ <** ctHSSSTS Monte Pkje. '' X:'-/: M?n1a 10 or, fitted ^r?ke. L7e?e;nc:?t Assftrtfd Chocolates tJ6i 1 Christmas Mixed p|P g iu Cranberry Sauce FOR YOtTR^FRUIT CAKE Citron Peal . .Sp lb. 29c Glace Cherries % lb. 23c Glnra J'lnenpplo Jt lb. 35c A&P Currants Pkg. 15c Dromedary Peels Citron . . y4 lb. Pkg. 17c I Lemon or OrunKC J s? K ?) l>hE 100 1 Cider White House i Cluster Raisins Figs ?? lb oo Ea8 pkfr. : s --^=?: | 5 : | Grandmother's | 3READ j Pound Jg? | ppeci Loaf wv i L 50c ?L 35c I i ft pfe sc 1 onft; Large ?Qn S n?.r? Can laC I | VQn i far.fl3c? ? 4. ] 3 v- Cream Drop* IOC Cream* j| Gum Di opi ? ~lfi and ? Ul I <1C Cocoaaui I ? ? Hon Bons 11 si.2912 lbs. 35c | Candy 2 lbs. 25c | ; ;?: ; iL- < ? 2 17 OS. ?)A ? Dromedary Csua ?l5C g i NUTS MIXED CN4,- lb. 19c I PECANS lb 19c j ALMONDS lb. 25c | WALNUTS lb. 29c | j BRAZILS (V^ib. 19c | 5we?t Sg 49c | fX? 2 lbg. 25c I T $SJ . .lb. 10c 1_ /> -so. I? ic ituik l-ao ioc | _ | e Flour Pkg 29c f k?M i IUP Bottle 17C | NG 2 its. 15c I * hiladelphia 3pkgs.25c 11 c Rinao 3 H'jfra. 23c |1 Fancy | Cape Cod | Florida Boxed J c & Pacific S ! ? 1 THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT-?EV1 . i ' 'tlfcSl loan Mountain, Tean.. have been vis- I ting- Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Ji-s. Ellis McLean. Mr. L. M. Hodges, a director of he Banner Elk Bank, attended a bus-Jr nes5 meeting of the officials of the-j ar.fc at Banner E'k Tuesday. ( S Mr. and Mrs. McCoy have been on i oie sick lisi for several days. Mr. | vltCov is r.cw rtbic to be up but Mrs. j a MtaCoy is still confined to her bed. |? Due to the recent rains v/hlch Jess- {t pried fire hazards, the section crew j. operating oat of Valle Creek has been 1 educed to three men. ; t An interesting baketbail game wasil clayed at Grandfather school Satur-j layt between the school team and * an all-star team of outsiders. The school won by a small margin. Paul 1 Pox was the outstanding player for < ifce school team, while Alvin Shook 1 furnished the thrills for the outsid- t t Grandfather School will close on December 24th. A program for the t entertainment of the public is being ? elan neb by the students. 1 TOM THUMB WEDDING 1 The first grades will present a Tom t Thumb wedding at the Demonstra- 1 jots school Thusday December 17th ti 7:50 i>. m. Admission 10 and 15c. c r J , -Ml" II J I II I -mm Uh I I Harris Bro I Departm't ! ffl I * '- <~S8' -y ;: -'Jir , f ; I Fine Winfc COATS tf Ladies luxurious wii ', . r . $> v^oats, rur trimmed, ? regular $14.95 val | ue, now priced I $9.95 % i JjoSfiSk JtSSik WA $ ^ 36)1 &mr| fli ?Bi I niiH I DEPARTMENT ST sssssbssp 6RY THURSBAY?BOONE, K. C. CONOHY INJURIWV FLEET, HIGH WAVY OFFICER SAYS : Washington.?A high > at'iing atl- i tuuI k'oti/Iy saitl last ereek that the] idm'nistration policy of reducing rra-1 ,a! expenditures Vfas injuring the i "leel. 'Pi. * _r 1 . ff:_. < u.t i tie view 01 uut ui uxiicers niai nore money is needed to maintain xn adequate navy had been presented before in mild language, but Rear, Admiral F. B. Upham, chief of the eau of Navigation, said flatly that igbt purse string had been a "severe )low to our navy." His statement brought the difference between President Hoover and :ome in and some out of the navy r?to sharper relief. So did the introduction of a measu.t by Chairman dale of the Senate Naval Committee :o build the fleet up to the limit of :hc London naval treaty. In the immediate background of :be controversy between Mr. Hoover md the Navy League is the Chief Executive's view that a reduced budget ior the service will not injure its efficiency. The navy budget sent to Congress ioday threw additional light on the President's idea of navy needs. It totaled $343,000,000, a decrease )f $I7,J01 .o!>3 from the 1932 appro / V. - ? ? c-tij thers i'. >, r ;j&t 'i/ x" ^tore ^ % ;: ,... " , . ~==-y=?=== I, -'.-j.;- - >#S0? ;--;-,cr?--V^Ere ,.. . sr CLOTHI1 ^ f Any Suit in Our I Stock for Oni $9.95 1 OVERCOAT Ten Men's Coais, resulai wid ?16.96 valuca, for ; $5.00 Tw'ewty--five Coat*, vegula to $22:50 values* 'fb: $9.05 pit | Practice FOR THE k f Silk Ho.e 59c Boxed Handkerchief* 49c Book End* 93c Table Lamp* ...... -68c r-. uioTtiE, up from wc I Pitckef. Books up from 79c l LADIES SHOES?la Sti-np Pump?, specik! for only fV'. J . FOR THE Gl Scarfs, up from 49c Belt Sets, Ytjpr from. . .98c S^spcndiri, up from . 25c Funcy How, up from Tic?. up from 25c LADIES' NEWEST STYLE Reduced to Men's Scout Shoc-a. Winter Weather, 1 RIS B ORE BOON S "t : ' - trastv.'s; - --_;= i^u. t. 11 ?c pruitiens and 550,000,000 less than the servile erigraadly retmested for ACT OF KINDNESS COST MEMPHIS MAN HIS LIFE | Memphis, Tenn.? George R. Moseley, 72, paid with his life last week i for an act of kindness-. fie died at a hospital of injuries| sustained when hfl stepped aside to allow an aged and crippled negro! woman to board a 3!reet car in advance of him. As he stepped hack, he was struck bs> a speeding- automobile. His was the 42nci traffic death of the year. Forty-two traffic deaths! were recorded here last year. OPERETTA An operetta "On Christinas Hill" will be reneclered by the children of I the grades at the Cove Creek High ! School on Friday evening: December j 18th. A small admission fee will be| charged, the proceeds to be used forj purchasing equipment looking to the! j standardization of the elementary de-j ; part me nt of the school. I : 1 j FOR SALE?Twenty-five pure bred| Poland China pigs, 2 months old.! j Also 2 year-old steers., and 2 short J horn cows. J. J. Miller, Koutc 2, i Boone, N. C 1 I - ' J. se,f ,''T _ ^ ^ y ^ Old Si Head 1? ^ & * ..STyt.ES 0P ]^ ^ ^ DSSTTNCTrON" Entire | fk.^ $12-25 on!y , r $iu.i>r, |?|| ~ r only \\ VVJ ^ , , J Gifts! I LADIES Garter*, up fa-ftm. . .10c ^ fUndknrehieG And S&fe Garter Set* .79c igjS Bed Spread* ...... ./.79c Luncheon Set*. . . . . $1.69 Table Coven. .% . .$1.25 Teweli, up from 10c S1.98 ENTLEMEN . Shirts, up t'rssn . , . . . . 49c Garter*, up from.... 10c V * Tio PSn? 50c Handle', hicf i, up from 5c A.h Trcyt . . . . 10c HATS iPRiCE A" 1 , just the thing for deduced to $1.29 ? 1 ROTH E, N. C. SANTA'S I 1S31 WILL MAOE TOO LATE Cleveland-?Executors of the vast 50 estate of ibe late Samuel Mather reveaicd late last week that bequests I of millions of dollars to charity, provided in his will, are invalid because the will was maue loss than one year before his death. Mr. Mather, who died October 18. left an estate estimated by his friends to be worth close to $100,000,000. Approximately $3,000,000 was bequeathed to charity. Read the Ads?They Are. Messenger* of Thrift! 11 i Girls! Put Curves On That Flat Chest Here is the way to fill out your chest and give your body the pretty curves you want. Just take Vinol a few weeks and the results will surprise you! Vinol supplies the body important elements of iron, lime and cod liver peptone. It makes you sleep bettor and gives you a big appetite. It aids digestion, makes new red , hiood and helps to round out your figure. Get a bottle of Vinol today: you'll bless the day you sow this ad. Hodges Drug Company. ?Advei tisement) anta Claus' quarters! A * + V *V <* 5 * : ' .':.7 '.. ' i M ? 'if, i M M . ;3 ?hhm ' i^BBNK ! ^MmIw SlSll^jl^ | * ff 'I )resses | I: _ ' r\ rx I *52 ?**uies L/resses Ke- iffr duced to H Price | IERS 1 iEAIMJUARTERS j|