??- -= ?? VOLtfMK XUII, NUMBER 25. FOURASHEfoiJNTI BOYS ARE IN TOIL! ON ROBBERY C0IJN1 College Man Coagbt Saturday nig! Entering Barber Shop Placed i Jail. Tel!* Officer* of Three Wfi Had Been Taking Mercbandire an They Ase Arretted Sunday. Arreal Made by Sheriff Farthing. Car! Eastridgee, Ashe county youn mart and student at the Appalachia State Teachers College here, waa aj prehended about 2 o'clock Sunda morning after he had been sucecssfi in opening a window at the Sanilar Barber Shop and had taken a bottl or so of scalp lotion from the estal lisbroent Ralph Mast, an employe of the Hodges Drug Co., appreheiu ed Eastridge and effected his caj lure- He was placed in the count jail, and Monday 3t noon bad nc yet arranged bond for bis appearanc at the spring term of court. After East ridge had been capture it fa stated, be gave the officers th information which resulted in th arrest of Joe Ell or, Joe Robinson Ilm ard Graybeal, neighbor boys and fe low students at the college here, >vh were alleged by blin to have been or gaged nt different times in tukivi merchandise from the stores of thi < ity. The arrests were made Sunda by Sheriff Farthing and the last thre promptly executed bonds for appeal ance at .Superior Court, AH four o the men arc said to be members o Ashe County's most substantial fair ilie.^. The wholesale arrest of the youn students came as an aftermath of number of petty robberies which ha occurred at intervals for the past se\ eral weeks, and merchandise is vt ported to have been taken regular! from different ones of the local retai establishments. FOOTBALL BANQUET IS HELD AT BANNER ELI Banner Elk, X. ('. Dec. 10.?Th Lees-MeRae football squad held it annual banquet last evening at sove vXirty in the college dining hall. Th tables were decorated with holly an< red candles and places were set. fo forty. Under the direction of Miss Hi! and Mrs. Lanning a most deiiciou dinner was served. Prof. Leo K. Prit chett, principal of the college actin as toast m as teiv Toasts were respond ed to by President ISdgar H. Tuft: Dr. W. C. Tate, head of Grace Hos f-'HUI, V'JUMl VIlUl IV3 Prof. Lynwood Lnfferty, Rev. Mat ion Murray, pastor of Banner El Presbyterian Church, Prof. Glen: Poole and Harmon Flynn, this year Captain of the team. Edgar Green was elected Captain for next yens Senator Earnst, of Kentucky, guest nt Pinnacle Inn last sensor offered three prizes, one ten dolla and two five dollar ones tip be aw arded as follows: to Ihnse nrakitr; the most improvement in their (ram and contributing most to the moral of the team. The first prize was vot ed to Cecil Williams o? Appulachit Va., the second to Edgar Greene c Lcandcr, N. G. and the third was * tie between Jack Wilson of Mice f" ville, N. C. and Robert Hoss of E izabethton, ,Tcnn. Stars were awarded to Captai Harmon Flynn, Edgar Green, Jac Wilson, Charles Clarke, Ruber Hoss and Cecil Forbis. Letters wer given to Clyde Cook, Harry Greer f Ralph Nidifer, Adrian Buchanan, Ec son Howie, Cecil Williams, Ruber Agle, Archie Dillon, Horace Silvei Murray MeKinnon, Charles Stucklcj and Manager Sam Lankfovd. The banquet closed with the sinj ing of the school song, "'Away in beautiful valley." H$? * < sp m Miss Louisa Faucetto and Mis Kathleen O'Neal entertained at Christinas tree party in their roon j bHj at the coirdusiof. of the faculty meei Ir.g last evening. One room was de; orated with red with Christmas gree and the other glittered in white wit icicles and snow. The presents wer drawn up in the old oaken buck; from a well buried in snov/ and is HONOR ROLL, BAMBOO SCHOO Seventh grade: Dillard Kerlev an Di'.Iard Hampton. Fifth grade: Doris Kerloy, Oili Hampton, Selma Critcher, Zelma Wa I son, Vi'as Rogers. I " Fourth grade: Dora Kerley, Anii Hampton, Genevieve Cook, Max in Carrol, Rietamae Hampton, Aim ' .^Bowles, Marie Rogers, Dorman Cool Third grade: Cleo Watson and He ?5'r"' ry Taylor. 32; ,7 Second grade: Dare Bond, Vivia Bonds, Arthur Coffey, Herman Co: fey. Mark Cooke, Junior Rowley. First grade: Bill Critclier, Homi Watson, gfer.eyr. Hamilton, llnma Coffey, Herman Watson, Norma Critcher, Ed Cotfey. CLAWSONGRAGG Married at Mountain City, Tern I on last Wednesday Miss Fairy Gras 4l of Boone to Mr. Dee Cl&wson < v -Rtrtherwood. The contracting partii are tveil known in this section ar . have the best wishes of a wide circ V J. of friends. They are now establish* Spf' #t their home in Ruthenvood, If 5 Bethlehem r(By Phillips Brooks) O l;i(L ln?r? -f R..I.J.I How still we ?ec thee lie! jt Above thy deep and dreamless slee In The silent stars gc by; to Yet in thy dark streets shinetb t.d The everlaiting light; fcs The hopes and fears of all the year Are met in thee tonight. ig For Christ is born of Mery n And gathered all above. > V/hile mortals sleep, the angels kee y Their watch of wondering love, ll O rooming stars together y Proclaim the holy birthif le And praises sing to God the King, j- And peace to men on earth, e i- How silently, how silently, )- Tlie wondrous gift is given! y So God imparts to human hearts >t The blessings of his heaven'C Ny> ear may hear His coming, Hut in this world of sin, d Where meek souls will receive hsn e still, C The dear Christ enters in. JV [- O holy Child of Bethlehem! O Descend to us, we pray; i- Casfr out our *in and enter in, g Be born in us today, is We hear the Christmas angels y The great glad tidings tell; 0 Oh eorae to us, abide with us, Our I^ord Emmanuel! c K Republican Convention ? in Chicago Next Juiw d The Republican National Commit *r tee selected Chicago for its natier.a y convention at a meeting last wee] that heard and applauded an endorse mcnt of President Hoover's adminia tration. The Illinois metropolis won the con vention on the first ballot in a con test with Atlantic City, the o;tly a the: contestant for the place. The meet ing took on the aspect of a Hoove n rally as Chairman Fes& in the open ? ing address, lauded the President' policies. F It was indicated that the 1932 con 11 vention will be held on June 14. s Jim Rivera Remains !- 111 From Irtiecfcior >, Jim Uivers, one of the mainstay: I1 in the Democrat organisation, ha ^ been rather seriously ill at his boon here since the first of last week, fcl a lowing injuries received in un auto mobile accident a week previous t< . that time. A ear driven by Jim fig '' ured in an auto collision near Norti Wilkesboro, nnd while he was con ' siderably cut and bruised, it was no . j believed he '.van injured to any. ex "j tent. He went along with his usua work, but a week later up infectioi developed in a cut on the back o the head, and since that time he ha: been seriously ill. It is now believer i however, that the poison " is Unde a control, and that he is showing siow but steady improvement. " BS3?$ NEWS FROM ROMINGER Mr. Dewey Rominger is takinj treatment in the Soldier's Hospita at Johnson City. c Mrs. Martha Mast has been eon 4 fined to her bed for some time. Sh I* is some better at this writing am 7 hopes of her recoveiy are entertain r c<'' Our school is doing fine aithoug ' our assistant teacher Miss Alice Mas had to resign on account of her hcalt' and the principal, Mr. M. H. Norri is oufc"> this week as he became il but bis son is carrying on the wor fir.e till Sir. Norri3 gets able to com back. Miss Bingham took Miss Mast' , place. lJ The roads in this section are a' Jneat impassible. Theie has r.ot bee St a hit of work dohctfon them sine '. the state took them over. 8 ;jp Mrs. Etta Rominger has been o >t the sick list for the last few days _ The sportsmen are having a goo time chasing foxes, killing rabbit! and catching possums, ft seems tha L some are interested in sport and pro d tccting wild life while some wh claim to be sporisraen do all the e can to destroy everything. Bevar t- of unlawful trapping boys. Rev. Talmage Watson is pnttin a up a new dwelling house. e Come on all ye old timers tha ia used to write news items for th It, Democrat. Let's help make it th n best paper out. It has been a "hog killing" tim n here this week. Nearly evcrybod f- has butchered some. -r INSURANCE POLICIES ARRIVE y The life insurance policies recen' n ly purchased by building and loa shareholders to cover unpaid portion of installment stock, have arrivoc and the secretary would he glad i s. those buying these ijbjicics iwouh :g call at. his office and secure them. ,f : ;s C. W. Henderson of Gneiss, Ms .dj con County, produced an average o lej 113.7 bushels of corn on two acre id of land by using good seed and fci | tilizer. Jewapaper, Devoted to th< IB, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH C E!r r how, ? FOB 1 3) ..'jgj -jjjg G. OROFFTflALK , LNBICTED; RESULT j OF GAVIN'S PROBE - Federal Grand Jury Rtfurno Billi Against W- H. Foster in 57 Couixii l for Alleged Soliciting Fxir.d& froir Federal Office Holder*. Is Secre1 tar? of State Republican Committee. Dqocaii Not Indicted. t Two trim bills against \V. H. Fos 1 ter, one containing 35 counts, the i other 22 counts. v?ere returned b\ r il_ . -..I: ?"'- i tri cuv giiMiu juiy jiis jcnuerai cwurt u a 1 Greensboro Friday. Kach count char iigfes the secretary and treasurer oi r Sic- State Republican Executive Com , inittee with unlawfully, wilfully ant feloniously, soliciting a certain am ount. from n postmaster who at th< time of solicitation Was in the. post i? office building in which his officia .1 duties were being performed. SgJames S. Duncan, slate liepufclicnr - chairman, whose, name had been link e od with that of Foster rs under in :i vestlgntion by District Attorney B > X. Gavin, was not named in a tiui bill. ii In every one of the 57 counts ag it ainst Foster, the Federal employei h from whom illegal solicitation is char s ged, is a postmaster. In many of then I, the amount is not named and is dc k dared unknown to the grand jury e -In others amounts are named run s ning fiom ?2 to $30. 'file bills d< 3 not so state but the practice ar.nounc i- ed by the cominittee officers whei n the probe first, started was that thi e collections are on a monthly basi U from such officers and most of thi n amouiits cited in today's bills ari the monthly amounts sought. Chair d man Duncan declared that such pay :, menu are voluntary and letters nam I ing amounts c&e were simply state >- ments from pledge cards executed o c free will by Federal employees, y It is not known precisely when thi e charges against Foster will be take: into court. He gave bond in the sun g of S500 ir. each bill. Federal cour adjourned Saturday until after th. ,t holidays, and it was intimated b; e Judge Hayes that it may he Febm e ary 1 before it resumes sessions. B CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDINf * Members of the immediate famil; of Mr. and Mrs. McD. Wagner, o , Brownwood, together with a host o more distant relatives gathered at th t- home of the couple on the 16th am n spread a bountiful turrkcy .dinnc is in honor of the golden wedding an I, niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wagner f The event came a3 a complete sur i prise to the honor guests, and the: were going about their usual dutie when vehicles carry' ~ about *n tr iters arrived. Ror.si Sr vV.if the fixings was incliif a feart and a gene-.'" - enjoy-d. Mrs sister of Mr BaSsSitif _ & i Best Interests of Northwi ABOLINA, THURSDAY DECEMBER CONGRESS PASSES OUT BIAS CHEER i TO THE SOLDIERS 1 $200,000,000 Goes to Veterans as a 1 Result of I lie First Piece of l.egis1; lation Sent to the President by the I New Congress. Bill Comes From ! House and Goes Through the Sew{ ate Quickly. i World War Veterans got a $?00, 000,000 Christmas appropriation Sat' urday from Congress in the first iegi islaiion sent to President Hoover at this session.: '- 1 ' ' - The house resolution appropriating ! this amount for loans by the veterans 1 bureau on the soldier bonus cerlifi eaten wont through the senate quiek!: ly. The resolution also carried an item 1 of $3,925,000 for adjusted service and dependant pay. The icgislalior i was the first of the Democratic house - to be acted upon by t'lie Rcpub'ucar - seriate. The Senate also approved the house ; resolution appropriating $120,000 for the federal employment service. li el iminotcd a provision restricting salarr ics to $2,000. - Democrats May Hold Their Convention Firs! Encouraged by the'brightest prosr I pert. for winning the Presidency in 2: many years, Democratic lenders have ^started a movement,, it develops, for J, | holding their convention in advance - of the date set by the Republicans. The fixing oi June 1-1 as the date " for their national pow worv, Rcpub'.v " i cans gave Democrats anBppovtunitj ' I to take the offensive. Present irnliea [ tiens am tbnt tlie mineritu nnrtv wil ! also nominate their candidate in Chi 1! cago. J! Democrats represent themselves a' ' being convinced that the part of po e litical expediency lies in the parts ' placing itself on tbe offensive fron the very beginning of the 1932 cam paign. Whether or not this plan will hi J followed up is not known, as it ha; y always been the custom for the partj j in power to hold the first convention f and place the issues before the pea I P'?1 r "TEXAS RANGERS" HOLIDAY ATTRACTION AT PASTIME "The Texas Ranger-" which come y to the Pastime Theatre as a spec-ia r attraction for Friday and Saturday '-'dramatizes the hrilling exploits o: OCKA est North Carolina -I - ? ?24, 1931. | Merry Christmas In keeping with the season and j out of ? feeling born of genuine good j will and fellowship, the publishers of (the Democrat wish to extend to their / * ?.? i many mcnoj, rrotn t?a;ines* *nd per| soxta( f??e.ir a sincsrft Merry Chritt> ( ran.9. Your paironage has p:ovif 0,iLU UiUUlV .iUVIVVb wests uuu moiii | cocoons. mm Mrs. Davis, first grade entertained j the school with a most delightful chapel program Friday morning. Their program, consisted of songs, stories and selections by the toy orchest*r^fe^<&j The whole pvegram was excellently a| rendered, and gave evidence of care-tfij fui training that Mrs. Davis is giv- -lij - ing hcv pupils. i 'e'The Writers Club .elected officers i for the month of December as fai-'g* lows: James Clawson, president; I-swt ; i-enee Grahalo, Vice-President, Jas.Sg. i Krider, Secretary: Avery^Mctluivo, Treasurer: Waives Examination; is Held on Two Charges R. B. Portci- waived examination, > Saturday when apprehended \v:th a small quantity of whiskey- and was iy ;