HAKCU 24, Was I Today and \ Tomorrow I By FRANK P. STOCKUKIDGE REFRESHMENT In my New England boyhood a sigr frequently seen on country tavern: was "Refreshmen for Man anc Beast." You could feed your horse: and yourself at the same time. Horse: have given place to the automobile and the filling station takes the p'nee of the wagon shed, while the food obtainable along the highways varies as a rule, from bad to worse. Ask any motor tourist how many places he found to eat where the food t.as really palatable. He'll remember them all; it is no tax on the memWith everything else becoming L .-inndarclizod, the movement to stand^ ardize roadside food stations so that the motorist can be sure, before try "<g nis lucK, ol what he is going to get, was bound to come. One of the big oil companies, operating its own gasoline filling stations, has made a deal with a large restaurant organization which operates a chain of eating places in many parts of the country. Light lunches of good quality and real coffee are to be served at the filling stations. I can think of nofTiing better calculated to encourage motor touring. GOLD With their money depreciated and their nation off the gold standard, the people of England are showing their patriotism by turning in their gold jeweli v and ornaments to be melted up for money. One noble duke gave up his coronet, Worth $50,000 in coin but many times that in sentimental association. Of course, the people who are doing this get the bullion value of their gold in the form of bank notes, but it strengthens their nation's financial position because it puts the gold where it can be weighed and counted as a basis of currency, which is impossible when it is in private I hands. Gold is useless except as a basis of money. The debate on the Glass-Steigall hill, just enacted, disclosed the fact that only a part of America's gold reserve, the largest in the world, was available for monetary purposes, owing to a defect in the original Federal Reserve law. The new law remedies that defect, and we won't have I" give up lillt coronets, yet awhile. S to Ifi'Pn -our. I'nvmnfy i>sa?i?-s np ; ill suiiieient volume lor business needs. silver Tail! about restoring silver to its place as a basis of money is being heard everywhere. The latest move in this direction is the introduction in Congress by "eprcsentat ive Sorncrs of Brooklyn of a resolution for an international conference on stiver. I tun not sure that I agree with my friend Rene Leon, regarded as the foremost authority on silver, that the demonetization of silver by the British government in India in 1926 is at the bottom of all of the world's present economic trouble, but I do believe that the legalization of silver, up to a reasonable percentage of gold, as a basis for currency, would help to stabilize finance and business. At any rate, as I have often said, silver is something interesting to watch. t DUCKS It looks as if the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States would be one which would change the date, of Presidential inaugurations and eliminate "lame ducks" from Congress. As things are now, we elect a new Presdont and Congress in November, buy theiT term of office does not begin until March 4 the next year. In the meantime, the old Congress holds a set - aion in _ which defeated members. known as "lame ducks," still sit. This is a hangover from the old stage coach, horseback days of slow travel. It used to take three or four months to get to Washington. Both houses of Congress have agreed to submit a constitutional amendment making January 8 the date for Congress to meet with only the newlyelected members sitting, and the new President to take office on January zj instead 01 on raorcn -i. ITita probably cannot become effective before 1936, as i< is not likely enough states mil ratify it to put it into force for 1932. AMERICA While the "Star-Spangled Banner" is the official national anthem of the United States, many more people can sing "America," the familiar song ' Bud Cpm >n' Bub By ED S;J U| I KRESSY beginning "My country, 'tis of thee." That was written just 100 years ago, :r? 1332, by :hc Rev. Samuel Francis Smith; w>w? wns then a theiocrical student. Tie discovered an old Ger " * ; - - -- inn >. f Uomnc '*???" ?.-?' V "? ?' ~ .? ? > and in haif an hour had written the; words which are siiil sung, to fit the j tune. Jt was not until sometime after-; ' wards that the same tune was adopted in England for the national an' them, "God Save the King." ! Church Announcements ADVENT CHRISTIAN REV. J. T. GREENE. Pastor I Sun(ir.y School each Sunday at 9:45. Morning service at 11 o'clock. ' Evening service at S o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST REV. P. A. HICKS, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m., W. D. Farthing, superintendent. Preaching j at 11 a. m. and 7*30 p. m.: R. Y. P. iJ U., G:S0 p. m.; Brotherhood, 0:30 p. m.; mid-week prayer service on Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice on Wednesdays at ti , 8:15 p. m. c o METHODIST CHURCH 1 j REV, J. H. BRENDALL JR., Pastor a Sunday School, 9:45 a. m., J. D. c Rankin, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. d by Rev. Brendall. ii Epworth League, G:15 *>. ?n. q Prayer meeting on Wednesday at fi 7 p. m. ti Choir practice on Friday, 7 pm. si Calendar of Services at is THR IIITUPOAW l-ullor-u , St. Mark's Blowing Rock J] Service with sermon the first Sunday of each month at 11 a. m. Sunday .School every Sunday at 9:45 a. in. h Luther League every Sunday at 2:30 d p. m. Light Brigade Saturday before tl the first Sunday at 2 p m. Grace?Boott? g Service the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. ( and on the first and third Sundays of each month at 7 n. m. through the j L fall and winter months. Please note the change of time: Vespers at 7 p. ni. instead of S p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:15 a. m. Luther League every Sunday at G p. m. Ladies' Missionary Society meets on Monday after the second Sunday of each month at 2 p. m. Light Brigade meets on Wednesday after the sec-j. ond Sunday of each month at 4 p. m Woly Communion?Chrk'i Creek Service every third Sunday of eae^\ month at 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Luther League meets cy- J-y cry Sunday at 2 p. in. Light Brigade 113 ft 0 p. m. Saturday before the 3rd|JE Snndny of each month. |h Banner bilk I Services on the fourth Sunday oi ^ each munch in? o pi m. t, Wc do most heartily welcome the i public to any or all of these services. (J. A. Ycunt, Pastor K Cora Jeffcoat, Parish Worker Asrsv L. Fisher. Parish Nurse. G ! K WATAUGA CKARCF. !A I REV. G. C. GRAHAM, Pastoi ? Henson's Chapel?Second a n d p (Fourth Sundays, 11 a. n;. Sunday p School at 9:45, J. B. Horton, super- p intendent. Epworth League, 6 p. m. , Valle Crucis?Preaching every ? First and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. ' Sunday School 10 a. m., J. M. Shull, ' superintendent. Epworth League evtrv Wednesday night. Mabel?Preaching every Second _ and Fourth Sunday at 3 p. m. Sun- 3 day School 10 a. :n., Robert Castle, superintendent. Salem?Preaching every first Sun- 1 day at 3 p. m. Valle Crucia Associated Missions of I THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Leicester F. Kent, Rector g Valle Crucis, N. C. Rev. George W. Ilulbert, Assistant Valle Crucis, N. C. Captain William R. Smith, A. C. R. Linville, N. C. Services HOLY CROSS CHURCH, Vailo Crucis?-Celebration Holy Communion every Sunday, 7:30 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11:00 a. m. SAINT ANTHONY'S, Dutch Creek? [ I 'hllvnl. Npflnnl ... - V. . 1. .?n.5n ? v.n wvuuvi v?cijr u u iiuuj, a fW p. m.; evening prayer and sermon on first, third and fifth Sundays, 3:15 p. m. t STR1NGFELLOW MEMORIAE at S Blowing Rock?Evening prayer o and sermon every first Sunday, i 7:00 p. m. g ST. LUKE'S, Boone?Services as an- v nounced. 1 ST. MATTHEW'S, Todd?Morning <] prayer auu sermon, second and h fourth Sundays, 11:00 a. m. Church t school every Sunday morning at J 10 o'clock. r ST. MARY'S, Beaver Creek?Even- i ing prayer and sermon, second and t fourth Sundays, 3:15 p. m. HOLY TRINITY, Glendale Springs? 0 Evening prayer and sermon, sec- J ond and fourth Sundays at 7:00 t ; p. m. I f MOTHER - THIS -V-lDEA of BEIN ) I S&M Pwgoop ah "WE < t has ho A \ THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV March King Passes John Philip Sousa, world-famous j band leader and composer of popular march tunes, died suddenly at the ! age of 77 SETS NEW RECORD The Scott cheese and butter fac- j pry set a new record of milk pur-1 hase last week when 14,787 pounds) f milk were purchased in one day. | 'he milk supplied steadily increases j nd every day finds milk from new j IIS* (ItllPlN on tnwin r\ f fhn Mlliatt: ' A pasteurizer was installed Saturay. Pasteurizing milk is necessary i warm weather in order that the uality of the cheese may not be aficted. The factory has a refrigeraon department, where cheese can be ored indefinitely without ill effects. A churn of the most modern type also being installed and the first utter was to have been made, last' [onday. Tyrrell County farmers are curing j ams this winter for the purpose of eveloping a trade in this product for "!e future. T. & W. N. C. MOTOR TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Schedule Effective March 1, 1932") iEAVE BOONE FOR?Vallc. Orucis, Banner Elk, Elk Park. Roan Mountain. Hampton, Elizabetlitoh, Johnson City?12:01 p. m., 8:00 p. m. Cranberry, Spruce Pine. Burnsville, Ashevillc?12:01 p. m. Chattanooga, Knoxville, Morristown, Greeneville, Kingsport, Appobichiy Norton?12:01 p. m, and 8:00 p. m. Greeneville, S. (\. Greenwood. S. C.. Columbia, S. G., Charleston, S. (\. Augusta, Ga., Jacksonville^ Florida?12:01 p. ni. FARES FROM BOONE: alle Cruris, N. C. $ 0.50 an nor Elk. N. C? 0.75 Ilk Park, N. C 1.15 ijizabeihton, Teim. ? - 2.u0 ijfiiibfii/j 'v. ? i-lo nruee Pine. N..C 2.20 lurnsville, N. C. 2.80 LshcyiUe. N. C 4.1 5 Ihattanooga, Tern. 7.75 inoxvilie, Tenn. -- 5.25 lorristown, Tenn. - 4.15 rceneville. Tens. -.25 dngsport, Tenn. 2.85 nualachia. Yn. 4.25 orton, Va. 4.25 -reenville, S. C reemvood. S. C 7.15 olumbia, S. C 8.40 harleston, S. C 11.15 .utfusta, Ga. 8.15 acksorvilie, Pla. 13.90 tfQUIRE OF TICKET AGENT FOR FARES AND SCHEDUI.ES TO OTHER POINTS. EVERGREENS?!? tell I as low as 25c each, also other 9 shrubs and flowers at new low B prices. Write for catalog. . I CHILHOWIE DRUG CO. CKilhowie, Va. | Lep! Advertisements Advertisements appearing under this heading are payable strictly in advance. This rule applies to all. Please do not ask the publishers to deviate. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution directed o the undersigned Sheriff from the Superior Court of Watauga County >n the 1 2 th day of February, 1932, n that certain action entitled Watau;a Motor Company vs. J. A. Miller, rill on Tuesday, April 12, 1932, at o'clock P. M., at the court house loor of Watauga County, sell to the tighest hdder for cash, all the right, itle and interest which the said J. A. filler had in the following described eal estate at the time of the docketng of the judgment above referred o, to?wit: BEGINNING on a chestnut, the Id corner, and runs South with C. P. fcNeil's line 20 poles to a white horn; east 26 poles to the State lighway; thence north 80 degrees I -I uu icu\ 1* [ \jvjn '-if AM J\~ ERY THURSDAY?BOONE. N. C. east with highway 4 poles; north 6 degrees with highway 4 poles; sout 78 degrees east with highway I1 poles: south fi9 degrees cast witl highway 28 poles to a stake in th . oM road, C. F McNeil's line; rorti , 7S degces west with old road 71 pole jto the beginning, containing 4 acre i mere or less. I This the 12th dav of March, 1902 L. M. FARTHING, Sheriff By 11. A. Ilagaman, D. S. 3-17-4 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of the execution issuec to the undersigned Coroner of Wa tauga County from the Superioi Court of said county on the 28th daj of January, 1932, that certain action entitled The Watauga Chevrolet Company, Inc.. vs. F. C. Ward L M. Farthing, J. W. Ward, W. J. Mast and W, Hardin Brown, I wili on the 13th day of April, 1932 at the courthouse door of Watauga county between U7e" hours of 10 a. hi. ami 2 p. ni. sell to the highest bidder i'ox cash all the right title and interest wnicn ine said VV. J. Mast has in the folic wins described real estate to wit BEGINNING on a stake on the bank of the highway and at the forks of the road leading to the Wilson place, runs south 12 degrees west with the east side of the Wilson road, crossing Brushy Fork creek 52 poles to a stake near a hickory on the bank of the road; thence south 62 1-2 degrees east with the Hartley and Wilson line 18 pedes and 6 1-2 feet to a stake; then north 12 degrees east crossing Brushy Fork creek 52 2-5 poles to a stake on the south bank of the highway; thence north 62 1-2 degrees west with said highway 18 poles and 6 1-2 feet to the beginning. containing 60 acres. BEGINNING on a stake in the road at Campbell's gate and runs north 31 degrees east crossing the creek 32 poles to a stake; thence north 29 degrees east 25 1-2 poles to a smaii hickory near the hollow and branch; thence north 7 degrees west crossing a branch 39 3-5 poles to a stake in the old line near the top of the ridge; thence west with the old line 49 poles to a white oak, the old corner, now gone; thence south with the old Councill line 81 poles to a stake in the road on the south side of the creek; thence south 79 degrees east with the road 16 poles to a slake; thence south 59 degrees east with the road 11 3-5 poles to the beginning, containing 25 acres, except all the lands from 20 feet above the barn at J. W. Ward's line, straight course to the old Council! line back to the highway, including house and bavn ami about 5 acres. TIm* MmMi 11. 133?. i. B. HAGANMAN, Coroner. fd. J-nSiAat-.J? , John- B Rmwn Attornevs for Piaintiff. 3-17-11 NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Watauga County, in the Superior Court before the Clerk: Mrs. Bertha Eggcrs vs. Floyd Efjgera. The defendant Moyd Fggers will tnke nolice than an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Watauga County by the Plaintiff against him for divorce and the summons in said action having been returned by the Sheriff "after due diligence the defendant not to be found in Watauga County." Now, therefore, the defendant will take notice that he is required to either answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court on or before the 25th day oi March, 19.72, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 25th day of Feb., 1932. A. E. SOUTH, 3-3-4t Clerk Superior Court 666 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 666 salve externally, make a com plete and effective treatment foi Colds. Most Speedy Remedies Known JOHN E. BROWN ATTORNEY AT LAW BCONE, N. C. Offices Postoffice Building Phone 63 HI-LAND UKY CLEANHsG CO. Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Hat Bio clang Phone 60, Boone, N. C. gjfr r ( what, BOODlE,worn \BE THE. ADVANTAGE etiNo " j NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 01 By virtue of the power of sale coi hjtained in certain deeds of trust exi ",cuted to the undersigned on the 171 ^ | day of January, 1925; 3rd day c ? | January, 1928, and on the 18th da ^ j of February, 3 930, to secure the slii sj of $500.00; $1,000.00 and $700.00 1 s the Watauga Building and Loan A: sociation by A. P. \Vard and v/ifi Roxie Ward, which deeds of trui are recorded in the office of the Ret ister of Deeds for Watauga Count t in Book 5 at page 84; in Book 5, pag 377, and in Bock 5 at page 508 rt j spectively and defaults having bee made in the payments of the sums o , money therein secured as therei ' provided, i will or. .Monday, Marc 28. 1932, at 1 o'clock p. m., at th courthouse door of Watauga Cour ty, sell to the highest bidder for cas the following described tracs of Ian. ! FIRST: Beginning on a stone o the west side of College Street an ! at ine cage of fluwuru JJtFeel, an . runs south 2 1-4 degrees west wit . the west side of College Street 23 ' feet to a stone, corner of the cemc , tery; thence north 72 1-2 degree [ west 132 feet to a stone near a smal ' dogwood tree; thence north 19 dr grees east with the line of the ceme tery 50 feet to a stone at the corner Ihence north 2 i-2 degrees ease witl ! the east side of a J 2-foot alley 151 feet to a stone at the edge of How ard Street: thence south 87 degree: east with the south side of Howart Street 112 feet to the beginning. SECOND: Beginning on a stake a the corner of Howard Street ant street leading to Barnett's store, rt-n? with street due north 50 feet to I stake; then south 84 degrees east 6t feet to a stake; then south 50 fee to a stoke in Howard Street; thei with Howard Street north 3*1 degree: west 60 feet to the beginning. This February 26, 19-32. W. H. GRAGG, Trustee John E. Brown, Attorney. NOTICE North Carolina, Watauga County, ii the Superior Court: M. A. Mnckie f Administrator of the Estate o Enoch Minton. Deceased, vs. Eliza bath Miller and husband Will Mil ier, Cula Watson and husband W M. Watson, Coin Minton, Lillic Minton. and the heirs of law oi E. F. Minton, deceased. The defendants. Elizabeth Milef anc husband Will Miller, Cain Minton Allon Mini-mv T 5MW? heirs r.t lav ;;f F. F. Minton, in thfl above entitled action will take notice that. in action entitled a? above was instituted in the Superior Court o', Watauga t ounty, N. G., l?y the abovi named plaintiff against the Sbovi | named iiitCeii.uaills for ire uUruuae vj selling the lands of Enoch Mintor of the estate, and the cost ,>f nHmiii istration. Said defendants will fin ther rake notice that they arc iC quired to appear before the under signed Clerk of the Superior Cour of Watauga :if the Courthouse a Boone. N. C, on April 10, 1932, un< answer or demur to the petition oJ the plaintiff within 50 days from tin date of the institution of this action which action was instituted on th< 7th day of March, 1032, or the ie lief demanded will be granted. This the 7th day of March, 1932. A. E. SOUTH, Clerk Superior Court L. M. Abe r n e t hy, Atty.T Granite Falls, N. C. 3-1G-4 EXECUTRIX* NOTICE 1 North Carolina, Watauga County. ' Having qualified as Executrix o the estate of John F. Hardin, dc ' 2 ceased, late of Watauga Count? North Carolina, this is to notify a persons having claims against the ctate of the said John F. Ilardin t - exhibit them 10 the undersigned si Boone, North Carolina, within twelv months from the date of this no tic or this notice will be pleaded in bs of their recovery. All persons indeb r ed to the estate will please mah - immediate paj'ment. r This 19th day of February, 1932. MATTIE C. HARDIN, Executrix of John F. Hardin, decb 2-25-6t A DOLL* ' Clip this coupon and mail it with ; THE CHRISTIAN Published by Thr. Chhisti Boston, Mass , In It you arill ttnd the dally good no? aa veil u department.: devc.ed to *oi flmnri" rdiioatlrin. rad'n. o?<* Yw t , fearless an advocate of peace and pr< and the Sundial and tha other foatur< Th* Christian Sciknce Monitor, B Please send me a six weeks' tTlai thame, pi ?T% p ? _ c : , <lV>?n) LA.A.4.A.A A A A A A A A-A A A A J SEVEN a / ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE p_ Having qualified as the administran John Morris, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said de? I ymnr- ) ~i- 4-l?~ *UJ m ?- ? ***** "" mm 01 dereigned for payment within twelve months or this notice will be pleaded I in bar ci' their recovery; and all perj soils indebted to said estate will make r I payment of the same immediately*. * j This 15th day of February. 1932. ,'e? G. H. NORRIS, Administrator ,_jj. E. Holshouscr, Attorney. !2-18-6t j! /E c| (Jq> ) ' ! C&, \=?h ;! ( IW d\ \\? \4y i Restless ^ ;| CHILDREN . ; /CHILDREN will fret, often for no : apparent reason. But there's always ' Castoriat As harmless as the recipe 5, on the wrapper; mild and blund as it i tastes. But its gentle action soothes a ) j a youDgster more surely than a more J powerful medicine. , I That's the beauty of this special .' children's remedy 1 It may be given the I tiniest infant ? as often as there is j need. In cases of colic, diarrhea of ; similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated longuecallsforjustafewdrops i to ward off constipation: so does any I suggestion of bad breath. Whenever j children don't eat well, don't re3l well, l] or have any little upset?this pure , vegetable preparation 's usually all f that's needed. . | j lrH lilli plF When 3 food sours ABOUT two noiirs after eaiing, many people suffer from sour stomachs. - ] They call it indigestion. It means that j the stomach nerves have been over' stimulated. There is excess acid. The 1 way to correct it is with an alkali, which ' neutralizes many times its volume in , acid. i j | The right way is Phillips Milk of " j Magnesia?just a tasteless dose in water, '"lit is pleasant, efficient and harmless. 0 1 i, .1 :?l, n.?,i r> it. Ii i. la 111c vjuiuit uiciuuu. ixcouit.i almost instantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another e | when you know. iv Be sure to get the genuine Phillips t- Milk of Magnesia, the Kind physicians e prescribe to correct excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle?any drugstore. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the TJ. S. Registered Trade Mark of The Chcrlcs , II. Phillips Chemical Company and its predecessor Charles K. Phillips since JS75. - ? ? *-w V yr-v T g v v y T T.y.,~ tR'S WORTH : $1 tor a six weeks' trial subscription to 4 SCIENCE MONITOR ; IAN SCII.WCC PUBLISHING SOCTXTT . Achusettr, U. S. A. i rs ot the world from its 800 special writers. < nm's atid children's Interests, sports, must'-. ?> ? ? elad 'c 'Ytlcorr.c lr.to youl iu?u?c ?u ' rtubiUon. And don't miss Snubs. Our Do*. , aclc Bay Station. Boston, Mass. < subscription. I enclose one dollar t$l). < iease print) * Address) ????? < (State) < AUSE TWEM I P omv>) jjBE GOOP FROM k^ll; ||september\ 4

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