BIGHT f-U,?no\?9V jhC IiS?A V?as> v? %aiv # vui Compiled by 1932! E.W. Pickard INTERNATIONAL Jim. 2?Japanese trc-ops occupies Chincho'.v, Muuehuria. Jan. y?Chancellor Bruening announced Germany could no longer RM reparation?. Jan. -0 ?Lausanne conference or reparations postpone-tf. Jan. 26?Council of League of Nations met and China demanded flru action against Japan. Russia antl I'Oland signed a uooagtr ssion treaty. Jan. 2$? Japanese marines seized Chinese qnnrter i?f Shanghai fine bloody La:, tie began. Jan. SC?China in League of Nations eounc.! invoked strong articles of covenant against Japan. Jan. 30?Japanese seined Part of forftfen ROftUflB ..< Snunifo r.*-, . tests of othnr nations. United Rimes ordered Asiatic fiec und re&uneht of infantry ;o Shanghai Feb. 1?Japanese warships shel'et the Nanking United States. Great Britain. France and Italy made concerted prow-si against Japan's course in China, and offered plan for peace. Feb. 2?International disarmament conference opened in Geneva. Feb. l~-Japanese r'cjtcu.-u peace Plans of the powers, battle in SbangHJgfck ha renew Full division of U. S. srmy ordered to Shanghai. Harbin. Manchuria, occupied by Japanese. Feb. 0?L*. S. 31st Infantry arrived in ShOLCgba*. Feb. 12?Japanese resumed tierce attack on Wor sung forts and Chapel. China demanded convocation of League of Nations assembly to consider the Japanese affair. Feb. 14?Japan landed 12,000 troops at Shanghai. Feb. iS?I.ensue of Nations council In n sharp note appealed to Japan to cease hostilities against Chiua. Secretary S tint son sent another protest to Tokyo. Feb. 17?Japan served ultimatum on China to withdraw her troops from Shanghai. Feb. 19?China rejected Japan's ultimatum. Feb. ::?Great Britain. France and Italy signed Mediterranean peace agree mcnt. March 1?Japan accepted League of Nations plan for peace parley In Shanghai, both Japanese and Chinese armies to withdraw. March 3?Both Japanese anil Chinese armies were ordered to cease fighting at Shanghai; Chinese were driver, back about 13 miles. League of Nations assembly met In Geneva to take up Sino-Japancse trouble. March 4?Japanese renewed attack on Chinese; League of Nations assembly demanded withdrawal of Japanese army at Shanghai. March 11?Beague of Nations adopted resolution condemning Japan's actions in China anil sotting up commission to deal with '.ho case. March 19?International disarmament conference adjourned to April 11. April 11?Disarmament conference reassembled. April 19?League of Nations commit; toe called oh Japan to evacuate ShangApril 20?Trns-Andean railway abandoned because of Argentina-Chili ,iiTBnn--jT V' 1 N J mm III " ^ -Viay it? ,i mi omricou ci&'mv peace agreement for Shanghai area. May 13?Ansrn'a appealed to League of Nations to savo her from ruin. May M?Mexico severed diplomatic relations with Peru. June 1G? sat) he reparations conference opened. June 17?European moratorium on Intergovernmental debts during Uug&nne conference agreed upon. June 22?President Hoover offered Gci^ovit^coiiictcnuu- plAri-tW?cut-world armaments by nearly one-third. July 4?Italy demanded cancellation of aii reparation:! win* jmfi agbis, -- ; July 6?Turkey accepted invitation to join League of Nations, July 8?European powers agreed to end Gorman rt7>nrntions with payment by Germany t>r three billion gold marks in bonds, but ratification was made dependant on reduction or v;ar debts by United States. July 13?New entente formed by France and Great Britain to aid Europe. .Iul.v 13?St. Lawrence seaway treaty signed by United States and Canada. July 23?International disarmament conference in Geneva, adjourned, ten nations refusing to vote for resolution of "achievement." July 2T??Poland and Russia signed peace treaty. July 26?Germany joined the Franco-British entente. -'WftTit .y?Anf??r?anro tw fj?-nowNov. 21?Japan's case in Manchurian affair laid before council of Uengue of Nations. China replied. Nov. 23?European nations notified by United States they must pay wai debt installment and interest. Nov. 29?France and Russia signec treaty of nonaggression and conciliation. Dec. 1?Second British nota asking cancellation of war debts received in Washington. Dec. 2?France's second note ior w-? d debt cancellation received in WrnfIngton Dec- 6?Special meeting of league ol Nations assembly opened to eo.isldei the Manchurian trouble. Dec. 7?British war debt plea again rejected by United States. Dec, U ?United States, Great Britain. France, Italy and Germany signed Agreement to work for world dlsarmaDec. 13?French chamber of deputtei voted not to pay the war debt Install men.t due tbo United States, and Premier Herriot resigned. t Belgium decided to default Its debt payment to America. r Dec. 14?Germany returned to the . disarmament conference in Geneva. a Dec. i5r? If*?* Hntnln Tialy. f^itvia_ Lithuania. Finland and Czechoslovak a h pa?d their war debt Installments due tlie t'tii'.ed States. France. Belgium, " Poland, Hungary and Estonia did not :: paj. FOREIGN i Jan. 3?Maluitma Gandhi ordered civ- '* 11 disobedience campaign in India re- u newed ?tn?l was arrested. Jan. 13?French cabinet resigned. Jan. 14?Laval formed new French cainnet with Briand left out. Jan. 31?Japanese diet dissolved. Itebellion broke out in Catalonia. Spain. ? Jm. 33?Communistic uprising In i Salvador. a Jan. 24?British convicts In Darti tnoor penitentiary, fc'ngland. mutinied l> and but nod part o? xtie prison. (J Martial Jaw d-ciared in Salvador; government troops defeated rebels. Jan. 2S?Chiang Kai-shek became , premier of China. Jan. 30?Finland repealed Its pro- j hlb-.lion haw r j Fel>. 11?Premier Mussolini paid his i flrst visit to Pope Plus XI. Feb. 14?nicc.rdo .limiocz elected president of Com a. iillca I Fob. 1G?Pierre Laval's French gov- a, I orament resigned. u i Do Valla's i"..inr.a Vail party won . i Irish election. j ? , Fob. 2-1?Augustin hi. JUHtQ luziigu- ? Trotaky and 30 others for all time. Feb. 24?Spain's lirst divorce law n j passed. Feb. 25?British parliament passed i tl 10 per cent tariff bilL March 0?Eam'on dc Valera elected u l president of Irish Free State. j c. i Vo April 6?Mob forced resignation of N'ev. found land gtwornmefit f0 April 10?Von Hinrienburg re-elected i fc president of Herman v, i na April 13?^Getttiniiy ordered Hitler to disband his 400,(K J slmck troops. gQ April 10?British budget introduced, ]v continuing heavy taxation for another year. ! j, April 24?Hitler s National Social- , co 1st* won Ju elections in Prussia end ' Austria. i jQ May :?Two Ihflish scientists an- w nounccd they had split the hydrogen atom and obtained a helium atom. May G?Paul Dotimer, president of \y France, assas*io:*t#?d bv a Russian. in May S?Euscb'.o Ayaln elected presi- jj, dent of Paraguay. Rlcardo Jlmincz installed as presi- j,e dent of Costa Rica. Communist revolt lr. Peruvian navy j jn Quelled. j French elections resulted in wiping jn out Preirtlcr Tardieu'a majority by rad- p, leal Socialists an?l Socialists. May 10?Albert Lebrun elected pre3i- m dent of France - dor Dawes anouncod It - ii Cftuitig from .pb.w.iacy. Jan. ???Dalght F. Davis resigned as 'jvernor general ?>r the PnijippDies nd Theodore Roosevelt was named to iiceeeci hint. Democrats selected Chicago for their atlonal convention. Jan. 11?Senate pnsitfl Reconstruct o** Finance corporation bIT;. Jan. !2?Assoc'ate Justice c O. W. *m resigned. Mrs. Uattie Curjiway elected U. S. nator from Arkansas. Jan. 15?House parsed Rcconslrucat; Finance rorponatirn bill Jan in?Joseph C. Urew selected as nbassnjlor Jto Japan. JrttJ. i.? ??Gtll. U. ?J. sricvic-I president of Reconstruction Finance r|K> ration: See rotary Stimson rcaced him as chairman of disuhnaent conference tlelfc^atVon. Jan. 25?Wots lost. 13 to 55, In test [te in senate. Jan. 2"?Frank Fn D. Roosevelt rir.Vly declared a candidate r the Democratic Presidential nomi.liou. Jan. 27?Department oC Agriculture pply i ;u passed by house: salary creases prohti ; tod. Jan. 2S?Senate confirmed Dawes, nes ai:?l Couch as directors of Rensltuction Finance corporation. Jan. 31?Railway presidents and units signed agreement for 10 per cent aire reduction for one year. Feb. 3?President Hoover announced iat Secretary of the Treasury Andrew . Mellon would retire from the cabet and become ambassador to Great rltain. Fob. ? ,:rdcn D. Mills appointed crelary of the treasury. Feb. G?Conference to check hoarder of money opened In Washington. Alfred K. Smith declared his willsniess^ to be agais*. tlio Democratic esidcntinl cundidate. Winnie Ruth Judd. Arizona trunk urdcrer. convicted and sentenced to :atb. Feb. 15?Judge Benjamin N. Carizc of New York appointed a3socie Justice of the U. S. Supreme court. TTouse passed Glass-Steagol federal servo credit hill. Feb. 19?Senate passed rosarv* credbtll. Fob. 22?President Hoover opened ie Washington bicentennial with adess before joint session of congress. Feb. 27?House passed $122,000,000 deral aid highway bill. Conviction of AI Capone uphold by idoral court of appeals. March 1?Senate pasr-cd the Norris atlf Injunction bill. <~*nt Charles - Al Lindbergh's baby as kidnaped from Hopewell, N. J. zz . voted 12 rtllHen .ish?? af form board wheat.'for. iobisa aha for brought strickentarOHSTw. March 5?House passed treasury and ?st office appropriation bill carrying 059.778 162. March a?Roosevelt won New Harapilre primaries from Smith. Anti-injunction bill passed by the ouse. March 14?"Homo rule" anli-prohlbton motion defeated in house, 187 to *7. Benjamin Cardoso sworn in as memn mC UtUiyutSiatcs Supremecourt March IP?Senate subcommittee rcartcu favorably; the Hingham beer 11. March 22?House amended revenue ill to boost estate taxes of the oalihy. Senate ordered department appropri:ions cut 10 per cent. March 24?House defeated sales tajc. March 26?House voted tax on beer aterials, imported coal and olL April 1?House passed billion dollar jc bill, with sales tax eliminated, out Ith surtaxes revised; April 4?Dr. C. O. King of University ! Pittsburgh isolated Vitamin C. April 4?House voted independence r Philippines. April 9?Lindbergh paid ransom, but idnapers failed to return his baby. April 21?Gov. Rolph of California ;r.ied pardon for Thomas J. Mocney. >nvlcted for Preparedness day bombI c n 101h ? n Ron T'ron^lu^ April 2D?Lieu t. T. H. Massle, Mrs. orteseue anil Scamcr. Lord end Jones >und guilty of manslaughter In Kahaawai inurdcr case In Honolulu. May 2?Supreme court refused to reiew A! Cap one's case; refused to conint to modification of the packers' rnsent decree of 1320; held Invalid .e Texas law* by which negroes were nrred from Democratic primaries, and pheld President Hoover's refusal to submit power board nomination to male after it had been confirmed. May 3?AI Capono taken from ChiLgo to Atlanta penitentiary. House passed economy bill after recking it. May rgh estate in New Jersey. President Hoover proposed 1% bll5n for jobless relief. May 18?Seiials voted against 2.75 ?r cent beer. May is?Kourt?j passed War departent supply bill carrying $391,587,000. astern hanker* and Industrialists obllizcd for trade revival. May 23?BUI legalizing and taxing ;er defeated by the house. May $5?Senate again rejected leilized and taxed beer. may ?oenaie pjtssea DHHon flol.r revenue bill, rejecting? sales tax lature. after President Hoover In per>n appealed for quick action. Juno 4?R. R. Reynolds defeated jnator Cameron Morrison In North arolina Democratic primary. ' Juno G?President Hoover signod the 9W revenue bill. Charles Q. Dawes resigned as preslsnt of Reconstruction Finance cor3rat Ion. Senator Hrookhart of Iowa defeated ir renomlnation by Henry Field. Samuel Insull of Chicago resigned i utilities chief and was succeeded 7 James Simpson. June 7?House passed the Garner vo-bllllon-dollar relief bill. Juno 8?Senate passed emasculated :otiomy bill. June 9?Senate passed 390 million rtiar army supply bill. June 10?Senate passed relief bill ? provide 311 millions in loans to a tea. June 13?Ganton Means convicted of ireeny of $104,000 from Mra Kvalyn cLean In Lindbergh case swindle. June 14?Republican national conantion opened In Chicago. June 15?Republican convention liopted moderate prohibition resubmission plank. IRY THUKSUAY?BOONE. N. C. j House passed this veterans' bonus | j payment bill, i J Five hundred million dollar homo I ; loan bank bill pastil by house. I Juno IS?Hoover and purl Is ro-nom} lnated by Republican convention. Ev- j t I ercit San?*ers elected chairman of na- J i ttonal committee, i ; June 17?Senate rejected tho bonus i . bn> ; Jane 20?House passed 100 million " . uOuii bill. liivIUuxn^ ?"" "?ou , plan for federal employees. I Juno 22?Governor Roosevelt called on Mayor Walker of New York city to answer charges against him. June 23?Senate passed Wagner two billion dollar relief MIL Jane 2-t?Senate voted farm board wheat and cotton to Red Crocs. June 27?Democratic national convention opened in Chicago, i June 2S?Federal economy bill passed by the senate. Jun* 23 ?Democratic convention i adopted plank advocating repeal of 1 ; Kightventh amendment and., pending | I r^jiapl Iftj-alt-Mi?>' Kof.r -.tnd winft. ! ! July l?Democrats nominated Frank lin 1>. Roosevelt for President on j fou:.*?i ballot. | I July 2?Democrats nominated John j . N. earner for Vice President. Roose- j j \clt t'flw to Chicago and waa formally : notified of nojiihailon. I July 7?Fin erg on ey relief bill passed j J by house. . _ Prohibition party nominated W. P. I ; Up9h for Pre* deiit and k\ S. Regan j { for \ !( e . :?1 lit. I | e?r"'r".nVf 'i.MV"v July !l?rresfdeut Hoover vetoed , ; the relief Ml*. July i??Senate pawed new relief bin. Jul> 13?Relief bill passed by the Ihoute. 2u?y !f??President lloovcr cttl sal- j ariej- of himself .and his cabinet. < July 16?Ctfn'sress passed heme loan i bank bill with {Filiation amendment, and adjourned. ; July CI ? President Hoover signed j emergency relief measure. interstate commerce commission np! proved merger of all eastern railroads. J except those of New ITugland. into I four &> stems. ; July 22?President signed homo loan i bank MSI. iJuiy 23?Federal grain commission ordered Chicago Foard of Trade closed j as contract market for 00 days for J , violating grain futures act. j President Hoover called conference j on shorter work day week. July 26?President Hoover appointed | ! At lee Pomercne of Ohio member of ; { Reconstruction Finance corporation ; i board and lie was made chairman. j iJuly 2S?"Bonus army" in Washing- i ton routed by regulars and its camps burned after figfit with police *n which I one veteran was killed and scores of pciioeme:: and veterans were Injured. Charles A. Walker of Utlca. N. Y., appointed to R. F. C. board by President Hoover and made president of the corporation. Governor Roosevelt received reply of Mayor Walker of Now York to the Seabury charges, denying all of them. Aug. 2?Bonus amy, gathered at Johnstown, Pa., ordered disbanded by w\ \V. Waters, its commander. Aug. 3?Secretary of Commerce Rob- 1 ert P. Lnmoht resigned and Roy D j Chapln of Detroit was appointed to | Kupooml him. Aug. 9?U. S. Attorney (?. R Q. Johnson of Chicago made federal district judge. Aug. .10?Army exchanges ordered to stop sales to cmllans. Aug. 11?President Hoover delivered his speech of acceptance and declared himself for change from national prohibition to state liouor control with federal safeguards. Aug. 15?Farmers of Iowa and other central west slates started "strike" for hisher prices for produce. Aug. 16?Second son horn to Coi. and Mrs. Charles A. JJndbergh. Aug. 18?Vice President Curtis formally notified of hi3 roncmlnatlon. Senator J. J. Davis of Pennsylvania and six others indicted In connection with fraternity lotteries. Aug. 24?-John Bain, whose twelve Chicago hanks failed, found guilty of conspiracy to defraud depositors. j Aug. 3d?OUaiiiCBo leaders. ) . uy rieawcVit-.' mooyoi. nuvVioti pian j i.fni?_.*nAnr>inl/> . rAAnvtpu : iscnu ;_J.L j Aug. 31?John; W. Poole resigned as j comptroller or the currency. Sept. 1?Mayor James J. Walker of New York resigned. Ilanford McNtder resigned as minister to Canada. ScpL 5?Farm board announced It would hold weat and cotton oft market until next year. Sept. 0?Railway executives voted for 20 per cent cut in wattes, effective February J. Sept n?Central states governors recommended federal financial aid Tv?r i farmers. Sept. 12?Democrats won governor- ' ship and two congress seats In Mulno election. American Legion convention opened in Portland. Ore. Sept. 15?American Legion voted for Immediate cash payment of bonus and for repeal of Eighteenth amondment. and elected Louis A. Johnson of West Virginia national commander. Sept. 18?G. A H. national encampment opened In Springfield, 111. Sept. 20?Wisconsin Republicans nominated W. J. Ivohler for governor, rejecting Gov. Philip La Follettc; and J. B. Chappie for senator, defeating Senator J. J. BlainoSept. 22?Capt. W. P. Wrlicht of Chicago elected national commander of G. A. R. Sept. 27?Representative C. R. Crisp of Georgia appointed to tariff commission. Oct. 3?Four lake states asked Supreme court to appoint commissioner to run the Chicago sanitary district. | Case of Senator Davis of Pennsylvania cn lottery charges ended In mistrial. Got. 4?Samuel and Martin insull, former public utility magnates, indicted In Chicago. Oct. 10?Samuel Insull arrested in Athens. Oct. 13?Brig. Gen. Harry Burgess resigned as governor of the Panama Canal Zor.e ar.d Lieut. Col. Julian Schley was appointed to succeed him. Nov. 1?F. Lammot Belin appointed ambassador to Poland. Nov. 5?Director of the Budget Roop began cutting down the national budget $150,000,000. American Red Cross reported three and a half millions aper.t for relief in past year. Nov. 7?Supremo court ordered new trial for seven negroes in Internationally agitated Scotiaboro (Ala.) case. Nov. 8?Franklin D. Roosevelt and John N. Garner elected President and Vice President, Democrats sweeping the country. Nov. 13?President Hoover invited Pr?Bident-eloct Roosevelt to conference oh foreign war debts when debtor nations asked postponement of payments and revision. Nov. 18?Helen Hayes and Frederic March voted best film actors nf the year. Nov. 21?A. Lawrence Lowell resigned as president of Harvard university. Nov. 22?President Hoover and President-Elect Roosevelt conferred on the war debt situation: E. S. Grammer, Seattle, appointed D. S. senator to succeed the late Wesley lu Jones of Washington. Nov. 23?Congress leaders in conference with President Hoover rejected his war debt revision plan. Nov. 28-^American Federation of Labor, In convention In Cincinnati, demanded the five-day week and sixhour day. Dec. 3?Conrad H. Mann, prominent Kansas City resident, and two others convicted of violating federal lottery law. Dec. 4?"Hunger army" of 5,000 reached Washington. Doc. G?Short session of congress opened. House defeated Garner resolution for prohibition repeal by six votes. Dec. 6?President Hoover In annual messago asked congress for sales tax and economy legislation. Dec. 7?President Hoover submitted budget cutting government expenses by half a billion. Doc. 8?Powers of the R P. C. extended for one year by President Hoover Dec. 9?President Hoover gave congress his plans for federal government reorganisation. Dec. 13?Move by McFaddon of Pennsylvania to impeach President Hoover voted down by tho house. Doc. 15?N. W. itfaeChesncy of Chicago nominated for minister to Canada. Dec. 12?Senate passed Philippines indapercrtMnrtft hill. Dec. IS?President Hoover told congress he was going to name commission on war debts and would seek cooperation of President-Elect .Roosevelt l?cc. si?iioohe passed Dili icgiuiAUii 2.2 per cent beer. Railway wage reduction continued for nine months by agreement Doc. 23?Congress recessed for Christmas. AERONAUTICS Jan. 23 ? Hawks flow from Mexico to Canada, ami return. 2.600 miles, in 13 hours 4 i minutes. Jan. 25?Eddie Stunson killed In crash ut Chicago. March 4?Harmon trophy awarded to Gen. Italo Balbo of Italy as international aviation champion for 1031. May J 2?Lou T. Re ichors took *.?(? from Harbor Grace. N. F., on soio flight to Dublin na.l Paris. May 13?Re i Pliers forced down near Irt?anci and rescued by steamship Roosevelt. May 20?Amelia Eufln.rt (Mrs. G. P. Putnam? began solo flight from Harbor Grace to Paris. May 21?Mjs. Amelia Enrliart Putnam landed near Londonderry, Irekind. the frst woman ever to fly across the Atlantic alone. June 1?Army balloon No. 2. piloted by Lieutenants Paul and Bishop, won national balloon race. -June S?S. T\ flausncr started flight from Now York to Poland. June il? llau-sncr picked up at sea after floating eight days on his plane. July 5?James Mattern ami Dennett Grifflri started round-the-world flight from Harbor Grace. N. F. July 0?Mattern and Grifllr. crossed ocean In record time, landed at Berlin and departed for Moscow. July T?Mattern and Grifiin made forced landing 50 miles from Minsk. July 22?Capt. Wolfgang von Gronau of Germany and three companions flew from i>rmnny to Iceland on way to Chicago. Aug. 2?Von Gronau arrived at Ch:Atig. IS?Prof. Angus to Plccard rose In balloon to record altitude of 65.7? t feet ? vor Switzerland and Italy. Cupt J. A. MoliisoH began flight trom Ireland across Atlantic in Moth plane. Aug. 13?MollisoTi landed In New ttrTrnNwjcic. compic'ung nr:-t wesiwani | solo flight across the Atlantic. Aug. 32?Mrs. I?ouise Thnden and Mrs. Frances Marsulis set new women's endurance flight record of 8 days. 4 hours. Aug. 24?Amelia Barhart Putnam set new women's records by 19-hour nonstop (light from t/OS Angeles to Newark. Aug. 25?Clyde and John Bockhon started (light from Harbor Grace to Oslo. Norway, and were lost. Aug. 29?J. CI. llai/.iip act new ooastto-cdast record of 10 hours, 19 minutes. Sept. S?Major Ilnoilttle set new land plane speed record of 292.2S7 miles y.ii hour iit National Air raoc-a lr? Cleveland. Sept. 11?Mr and Mrs. G. Ft. FTutchinson, two daughters and crew of tour crashed oft coast of Greenland while (lying to Europe. Sept. 13?W. Ulbrlcht ar.d F.dnn Newcomer, pilot a. and Dr. D. M. Piscull hopped o'l from New York on nonstop flight to Rome end were lost at sea. Nov. 14?Roscoc Turner sot new record o? 12 hours, 33 minutes, for flight from New York to Burbank, Caltf. Nov. 18?Amy Johnson completed Eondon to Capetown flight In record time of 4 days. 6 hours, G5 minutes. Nov. 19?Memorial to Wilbur and Orville Wright unveiled at Kitty Hawk. N. C. DISASTERS Jan. 2?Fifty killed in train tvrcck near Moscow. -Jan. ?British submarine lost near Portland with crew of 161. Feb. Sv-Sanliazo. Cuba, badly dnmU (; : li ' uy Cttluiqiiuivtj," aiK ii'lllCd. fffth 4 i'l.V'Anltan Xrillort KV-.AXOlO*sVcmcf vuevorship at MaitusTlodK, Jra. Feb. 26?Thirteen persons killed by avalanches near Seattle. Feb. 27?Mine explosion at Pocahontas. Va.. killed 38 men. March 12?Island of Hand a Neira In Dutch East Indies, nearly destroyed by earthquakes and volcanoes, with Brent loss of life. March 21?Tornadoe3 In Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee killed 353 and did great damage. Maroh 2: Tornado hilled 9. Injured 50 In Alabama. April 14?SI* dead, 57 hurt. In blast in Ohio state office building at Columbus. April 25?Tornadoes in Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas killed nine. May 2?Nearly a hundred killed by typhoon in Philippines. May 6?Two million dollar fire on Cunard pier. New York. May 16?New French liner Georges Fhilippar burned in Gulf of Aden; ?2 lives lostJune 3?Earthquake killed hundreds In Guadalajara region of Mexico. June 7?Eleven killed in apartment house fire in Cleveland, Ohio. June 17?Explosion on oil tanker at Montreal killed 29 men. June 19?Hailstorm in Oonan province, China, killed 290. July 7?French submarine Promethoe sank off Normandy coast, with 63 men. July 10?Explosion of ammunition depot in Nanking, China, Killed 50. July 13?Three million dollar flro on Coney Island. N. Y. July 26?German training ship Niobe sank in storm; 69 drowned. Aug. 4?Six million dollar fire in Chicago packing house district. Aug. 13?Forty killed In south Texa3 storm. Sept. 9?Fifty-six workmen killed by steamer explosion at New York. Sept. 14?Fifty-five men killed In wrecit ul x? rencn foreign I.efiion train In Algeria. Sept. 26?Earthquake In the Balkans killed about 235. SoDt. 27?Hurricane awent Pnri/? Rico", killing Beveral hundred and doing vast damage. Sept. 30?Forty lives lost in cloudburst in Tchachapl pass. California. Nov. ft?Disastrous storm in southern Cuba: 2,500 killed and great damage done. Nov. 14?Japan swept by terrific typhoon: scores of lives lost and many towns and villages wrecked. Dec. 5?Japanese destroyer capsized In storm: 105 men lostDec. -7?Fourteen coal miners killed by blast at Madrid, N. M. Dec. 9?Explosion in coal mine at Yancey, Ky.. alllcu 23. NECROLOGY Jan. 1?C. O. Ise?l?i, millionaire yachtsman of New York. Jan. 2?Gen. Paul Pau. French war commander. Rear Admiral Cameron Winslow. U. S. N., hero of Spanish war. Jar.. 6?Julius Rosenwald, Chicago philanthropist and capitalist. Jan. 9?Frederick O'Brien, author and traveler. Jan. 17?J. W. Langloy. former Kentucky congressman. Jan. 18?Dr. J. G. McClure. president emeritus of Presbvterlan nary of Chicago. Jan. 21?Eytton Strachey. English biographer. Jan. 24?Paul Warburg. New York banker. Jan. 26?William Wrlgley, Jr? of Chicago, capitalist and owner of Chicago? Cubs, in Phoenix. Calif. Alfred S. Austrian, leader of the Chicago bar. Jan. 27?I^ewls Cass l^edyard. noted New York lawyer. Jan. 30?William Hodge. American i actor. Feb. 4?Hyrum G. Smith, presiding patriarch of Mormon church, at Salt Laki* City. Feb. 5?John R Vnftrhlo ? chem of Tammany, aged 103. ! Barney Dreyfuss, owner of Pitta- j burgh Pirates. Feb. 15?Minnie Madder n Flake American actress. Sfe?ry..A ?B,a'Cc Chicago capitalist, ni5?i i. ? !lI ^gar Speyer, former British financier. janizary ti. is;: iFeb. IS?Frledrlch August XXI. former king of Saxony. Fob. 23?Mme. Johanna Gadski. j Wagawlan royrano, in Berlin. Feb. 24?Dr. Willy Meyer, noted nur1 seen. In Near York. l Ffeb. 2S?Dr. A. B. Ch?ce, chancellor j of Brown university, j March 6?John Philip Sousa. noted i band director. March 7?Ariatide Briand. French ?Laiusu March 14?George Eastman, tounder and chairman of board of Eastman Camera company. In Rochester, N. Y. March IS?Chauncey Olcott, Aiuerlcan singer. In Monte Carlo. March 15?Former Congressman Richard Bartho'dt. in St. Louis. March 22?Charles Livingston Bull, naturalist and painter. March 2S?Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary of the treasury, in Washington. April X?L>r. Evan O'Neill Kane, noted surgeon, in Philadelphia. Representative a. H. Vestal. Indiana. Wash !?>;*?? ? April 2?Rose Cogblan. actress, at Harrison. N. Y. April 11?Joseph Loiter, In Chicago. April 14?William J. Burns, detective, at Sarasota, Flo. April ?S?senator William J. Harris. at Washington. April 22?Gen. J. W. Keifer, former : speaker of the house. In Sprln&Qeld. i Ohio. April 24?Bishop Frank M. Bristol ' church. In Moubclatr. N. J. [ May 2?Leo Hammond, pioneer In I aviation, in Jacksonville. Fin. j May 4-?Rear Admiral C. M. Chaster. U. S. v. retired. May G?Paul Doumer, president of France. John W. Seott, Chicago merchant. May 7?Maj. Gen. Enoch R. Crowder, In Washington. Albert Thomas, head of International labor bureau, in Paris. May s?D. M. Rycrsnn of Chicago, steel magnate. May 13?Andreas Dipnoi, former grand opera singer anil manager. In LI oily wood. May 10?Capt. Robert Dollar, dean of American shipping industry, In San I Rafael, Calif. May 17?Dr. B. J. Clgrand of Baj favm in., founder and president of | National Flag Day as relation. May 20?Admiral V s. Benson, U. b X., retired ' May 23?Lord Inchoapo, British shipj ping magnate. Lady Augusta Gregory. Irish drama; tist. I May 2S?Edward F. Swift. Chicago I packer. May 30?Rear Admiral John Hub: bard. Juno 1?Former Congressman Wllj liarn D. Rotas of Iowa. Juno 2?Hugh Chalmers, pioneer au! torSnMle njamifacturer. at Deacon. ' N. Y. June 7?Dr. W. W. Keen of Phlla| dolphia, famous surgeon. ! Juno S?Viscount Brentford (William Joynson-Hicks), English statesman. June 13?Wiliiam C. Itedfleld. secretary of commerce under President Wilson. June 19?Robert Love it* head j of Union Pacific, in New York. . June 27?Gen. F. E. Bamford, hero of Battle of Cuntigny, In Charleston, W. Va. i Vice Admiral DeWIlt Cotfman, U. S. N.. retired, j June 29?Dr. G. F. Kunz, gem *i pert. In New York. July 2?James N. Gamble. Cincinnati manufacturer. Dr. (3. K. Burgess, director of bureau of standards, in Washington. Former King Manuel of Portugal. July 3?A. II. Scribner, publisher, in New York. July 6?Kenneth Grahamo. Scottish author. Dr. Joseph Lcidy of Philadelphia, neurologist. July 'J?King C. Gillette, safety ra| ror Inventor, In Los Angeles. July 10?C. C. Goodrich, tire manufacturer. in York, Maine. I July 13?Fergus llume, British au1 thor. ; July 11 Alice Dnrber StonhAn* j American artist. I ' ? - CUM. - - l(ur<)k?l _ ? ? j Plumer in London. n .. BtiieV Field of Chicago, In London. July IS?Jean Jules Jusserand, formor French ambassador to Washington. Thomas Arklo Clark, former dean of raon in University of Illinois. July 22?Florenz Ziegfeld, musical comedy producer. July 24?Alberto Santos-Dumout of Brazil, aviation pioneer. July 26?Caleb Powers, former congressman from Kentucky. Fred Duesonborg of Indianapolis, 91Cn44i automobile nmkvr; Auk. 4?James Oppenheim. American novelist and poet. Aug. 5?Dr. J. Paul Goode, noted geographer. Aug. 8?James Francis Burke, general counsel of Republican national committee. Aug. 11?Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago financier and philanthropist. Aug. 18?Junius S. Morgan of New York, In Switzerland. Aug. 22?Wilton Lackaye, American actor. Aug. 25?Mrs. Edith Rockefeller MdCormick in Chicago. Aug. 27?C. A. Waterman, senator from Colorado. Sept. 6?Sir Gilbert Parker, British novelist. Sept. 20?Dr. Frank L. Billings, famous physician, in Chicago. Sept. 27?Former Senator John Sharp Williams of Mississippi. Oct. 2?David Pingree, wealthy lumberman and philanthropist, in Salem, Mass. Oct. 4?Gen. Sir Rudolph Slatin l Pasha, in Vienna. Oct. o?Congressman J. Charles Llnthicum of Maryland. ; uci. o?uarvan Jf. itingsley, head of New York Life Insurance company. Oct. 11?William Allien Smith, former senator from Michigan. Oct. 18?Maurice Domier of Munich, builder of plant flying hoat DO-X. Oct. 19?Lindley M. Garrison, former secretary of war. Oct. 10?Marquis Bon! do Castellane in Paris. Cel. 29?Horace Kent Tenney. noted Chicago lawyer. Emmett Corrigan. American actor. Oct. 30?Harold MacGrath, Amorlcan author. Field Marshal Lord Methuen of England. Nov. 1?William Morris, New York theatrical producer and philanthropist. Nov. 2?Will Levingcon Comfort, American novelist. Nov. 16?Dr. Fenton B. Turck, eminent physician in New York. . Nov. 19?United States Senator Wesley U Jones of Washington, i Nov. 20?Dr. H. J. Doerman. president of University or Toledo. Delmar W. Call, noted manufacturer. Robert M. Cutting or Chicago, president-elect of United States Golf association. Nov. 25?Dr. F. L. Pat ton, former presidont^ of JPrlnceton university. Nov. 26?xv. A. Va? V AikdiiburB, Philadelphia journalist. Nov. 27?Will II. Low. American artist. Nov. 29?Congressman J. C. McLaughlin of Michigan. Nov. 30?Gari Melchers. American artist. Dec. 2?Louis J. Petit, Milwaukee capitalist. I 1/PU.~Q-? Vliomoul utuuvvonDr. ities magnate, In Chicago. C. R. Breckinridge, former American ambassador to Russia, in Wendover, Ky. Dec. 6?Dr. J. C. Van Dyke of Rutgers, art authority. Dec. 6?Eugene Brieux, French dramatist. Dec. 7?F. T. Lovejoy, foreign steel magnate of Pittsburgh. John H. Niemeyer. American artist. Dec. 8?Henry Kitchcll Webster, novelist, in Evanston. 111. Dec. 10?It. B. Williamson, vice chairman of federal power commission. Dec. 11?A. C. Lorlng of Minneapolis. head ?0f Pillsbury flour mills. Dec. 18?Congressman Daniel 3. Garrett of Texas. Dec. 18?Edmund Vanco Cooke, post and lecturer, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ernest Howe, noted geologist. In Litchfield, Conn. Doc. 19?Clarence Hi. Whitebill, American operatic baritone. 03 by Western Newspaper Union. fl