PAGE TWO Interesting jN Reported I Raleigh. N C.-?Civil Work." Administration funds expended in No: In Carolina during the life cf that organization, November 30 to March 28, reached the grand total of $9.962,468.70 for labor, only 1554.234 01 of which '.van spent on .State administration. leaving $9,633,234.60 which went to the 100 counties, an average of S06.332.35 to each county. Mrs. Annie L. O'Berry, administrator, reports. Tliis l'und went to pay wages of unemployed and about S3,000.000 more went to purchase supplies and equipment for projects In the various cities, towns and counties Since the OVA has ended, other forms of work relief are being arranged. Guilford topped the list with $563.1.59.58: Forsyth and Winston-Solem rvvvoeu ooix.^iwu: Duiia'iiiot' una AshevfUe got 5343,351.13, an J Durban SiSO,381.67 Watauga County received 553.058.23 a.s compared xvith the average of 506,34?.35 for each of the ono hundred counties ol the State, hire. O Berry reported. Crates, Ktc., Not Subject to Tax Sate? oil barrels, baskets, crates and other [lacking cases ard containers, when made to producers and growers, and contractors engaged in growing and producing, will be classed as sales for resale and not subject to the retail general sales tax of three per cent. Commissioner of Revenue Maxwell holds in a ruling just issued When such packing cases or containers arc sold for consumption by the producer or grower and not resold, they ate taxable a.s retail sales, the three per cent sates tax, the roveiiVfc official said. Schools to Receive Federal Aid Dr. A T Allen. Stale superintendent of public instruction, has beer, j advised bv Senator .1. W. Bailey ill | Washington thai. National Recovery Administrator Harry Hopkins had approved a grant of 5500,000 tor j North Carolina teachers. In advance of receipt of conditions. Dr. Alien said this fund would go to completing the salaries of teachers for the full eight months, a.s none of it can he used to -supplement the salaries that have been paid during th year This amount is expects! to bring: tinfund up to the amount needed to finish paying- the teachers, that much of a shortage appearing in the allotments. Marriage licenses Increase More than twice as many marriage licenses wee issued in North Carolina during th last half of 1933 than ! in the same period in 1932, or 13,-j 99S as against 6,458, as reflected in j the cold and unsentimental cash rt e- j ord of Commissioner j?C Revenue .A.] three for each license issued, or ?19.373 for the last half of 19S'_ and 841.994 for the last half of ^.953 While lilting of the ecinomic restraint is given some credit for the huge increase, lifting of the restraint nn icsinnfii .-?#* ~i -v ' - v* ,,i.~ given u;e i major part of the credit. The social I legislation enacted a decade ago, re- 1 quiring the bride and groom to undergo certain physical and mcr.tal examinations, including venereal diseases for the groom only, was r.t/ C.fcked in the 1933 session of the General Assembly, especially by border j county rep-resentativos, until that law was repealed, along with the require- : meni for notice of intention to marry j if either of the contracting parties was under 21 years of age. Watauga County showed 22 licenses before and 73 after the modification of the license laws for the two six months periods. State May Maintain All Streets The North Carolina Municipal League, organisation of city and town officials, will ask the next General Assembly to maintain all streets, de- ] signed as State highways, through I towns of less than 2,500 population and prorate to all larger towns and cities 10 per cent of the gross revenue from gasoline suid automobile lice.ise taxes: remove the restrictions on licenser, in municipalities ar.d remove the gasoline tax on gasoline used for strictly municipal purposes. Resolutions were adopted embodying these features, in spite of the f O of l""1 - tua.. uuvenior j^nrmgnaus ap- < SEE THI! It Means the I JL A ,.f genuine [ba^ y aspirin k 0 Vj When you go to buy aspirin, jusl remember this: Every tablet of real aspirin of Bayer manufacture is stamped with this cross. No tablet without this cross is 4; GENUINE Bayer Aspirin. Safe relief for headache, col< pains of rheumatism and Genuina flayer Aspirin Poet No) lews Items 'Yoin Raleigh Cannoii Court j shows Biabop James Cannon. Jr., of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, as he left the District Supreme Court where he appeared for trial for alleged conspiracy, having to do with the Presidential campaign between Alfred Smith and Herbert Hoover. peared before the league convention in Raleigh last, week and told them he was for the State maintaining the streets designated 03 State highways -had proposed it in his campaign for Governor but that the State is not ready to take over this additional burden now. He reminded that for every benefit given, the State must fax if5, citizens to furnish it. and ex| j.-rcsssd the belief that the time js ] not ripe for the State to take over j the added cost. Col. Olds in Hospital j With a body weakened by the i years of active life in North Carolina. I flip many years as a newspaper man and for several decades as collector (or the Hall of History, with a miml (hat occasionally wanders as he shows school children the sights in Raleigh, but with spirit undaunted. Col. Fred A Olds was last week admitted to Vtcx Hospital as a patient. He was tricked into going, just as he thought, for the night The nurses hid his clothes, hut they had to produce them the next morning, when he threatened to leave in his bedclothes. Then, when an orderly sought to tan- his exit, he, in his characteristic way. threatened to 'sock him in the snoot" if ho didn't make way ?,.i arhiOT w Hut sapbvsiclsr. finally arrived and prevailed upon him to remain, telling him he was likely to have a serious attack and other trouble if he didn't remain and rest. Although spiritually chafing at the restraint, he is still at the. hospital. His friends arc distuibeo about ins condition. j Grand Lodge fluids Sleeting The North Cai-oiinn Grand Lodge of Masons held its annual meeting ill Raleigh last week, the Raleigh civic clubs honoring the attendants with a joint luncheon. Roy F. Ebbs, Asheville. cashier of the Wachovia Rank and Trust Company branch, was elected grand master to succeed i cier i\ wuson, Winston-Salem. Killing Eliminates Candidates All candidates who filed notices of candidacy so they reached the office of the State Board of Elections after 6 o'clock Saturday. April 14th, and all notices not signed by the candidates themselves, were eliminated from consideration in the coming primary, June 2. in action taken by the board at its meeting Saturday. The main result '.s that W. L. Ward, WbrlhvUte, Republican, whose notice was signed by Republican Chairman W. C. Meekir.s. will not be a candidate against Calvin Z. Zimmerman, Raleigh. Republican, for the nomination for Utilities Commissioner, and so there will be no State-wide Republican contest and no State-wide requirement for Republican judges at the polls on primary day. This does not apply where there are local or > CROSS / IV Al ADTinu vbMUi FN fEm Of Bayer ? A Manufacture %/f Remember this for your own protection. Tell yonr friends about it for their protection. Demand and |ct Genuine Is, sore throat, / ' neuritis, etc. Harm Hie Hoart Mnmn w ?. *. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY district Republican primary contests. , out so far these are few and, essen- L tiall.v. Democrats will officiate at a Democratic primary -June 2. This decision also eliminates W. H. McEIwee, ITorUi Wiikesboro. Democrat. from running for solicitor in ^ the 17th district, in tvhich John R. Jones, Republican, incumbent and candidate, has Republican opposition; and Grant Bauguess, Jefferson Republican, from running for 11th district solicitor. Their notices arrived in Raleigh Sunday, a day late. Eliminated also are Sirs. J. tend- j1 say i'atteroon. Winston - Salem, Republican, candidate for Congress in " the Fifth District, and E. D. Dickens, J1 Halifax, Republican candidate for Congress in the Second District; also I,. I. Moffat!.. Troy, Repubiicau can- 3 didate for solicitor in the 15th dls- 3 trict. Mrs. Patterson's notice was signed for her by the first District r Republican chairman, and State J Chairman Mcekins signed for the two ' men. Protest was filed with the board * by Utilities Commissioner Stanley | Winborne against the dual filing for * his job?just to make a State-wide ' Republican contest to give Republic- ! an juuges ar every polling piacc. wo " protests were tiled against tlie other would-be candidates. The board heard a protest by U. S. Page. Bladen County Democrat, against the "crookedness" of election officials Because others to the controversy would not be present Satur day. the board decided to meet at Elizabciht.own Monday. April dOth, at 11 o'clock to hear Mr. Page and the others interested. Page, a former Dunn police chief, contends that they counted him out when lie ran for the Stale Senate two years ago, and claims to have plenty of evidence of corruption of Bladen election officials. He turned several affidavits over to Attorney General Brummltt. Caldwell County Was Once Noted for Its Rich Deposits of Gold i Lenoir News-Topic) Caldwell County, North Carolina, has the richest undeveloped gold deposits on the North American continent, said the Lenoir News of April '.'4, )911. On two of the tributaries of Lower Cre-.-k. four miles southwest of Lenoir, over $100,000 in gold has beer, taken from its branches. Nine miles west of Lenoir on the Littlejchn property the alluvial deposits have been washed several times for gold and the surface on the hills bus been hauled on n sled to the I , ? - -- i\ hranches to be washed. One pit drift yielded Si .TOO in gold ca a surface j. not larger than a wash basin. : ji About 115 years ago a man prospecting struck a rich shoot and took. ~ out $8,000 in four days, the largcs? ' ' nugget having weighed 119 penny weights, 18 grains. He hid the place and it has never been found. Mr. Geo. \V. dackson. a practical miner, commenced to open up the property last summer and in prospect work from October 1 to December 6 got $1,311 for cVay dtuiior iie eapeiiueu in It,- j bor. On the tributaries of John's River, j farther west, gold has been worked from all its branches in the Plney section. Before the war hundreds of negro slaves were worked in the alluvial deposits in a very crude way. Since the war it has been worked over, giving good returns to the poor white, with only a rocker or torn. One nugget weighing over 28 pounds i was picked up in John's River township a few miles from CoUettsville on the C. & N. W. Railway (see U. S. records). Until the discovery of gold in California in 18-19, Western North Carolina produced over three-fourths of all the gold mined in the U. S. Now it only wants development, to locate and open up the rich veins and lodes to make it the best paying mining section in the United States. VILAS NEWS Messrs. Bogle, and Marvin Cole spent Sunday at Banner's Elk. Last week Messrs. Oscar Brown and Vatigbt Mast left for Cleveland. Ohio, seeking employment. Master Sanford Brown from the CCC camp at the Globe, spent the week-end with his parents. Mrs. James Harmon, of Bristol, Tenn., is spending a few days with her son, Mr. O. J. Harmon. The following visitors were at the home of Mr. J. H. Brinkley for the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Isaacs of Heaton, and Mr. Russ Brinkley, Miss Melvin Brinkley and Mrs. Rosedna Frantb of Elk Park. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hicks recently rnAVidrl frAiv /"*Tru"*- :-i* *? ?.-??? vjiaiiiLi: sr .?? ;lti, George Sawyer. Karl Sawyer, lay Stiko, Mrs. .1. T. C. Wright. Wilkes, Ojlct Dyer. Paul Gregory, kimcr Huffman, Dorothy Stewart: 'adkin. John Triplett, W. T. VanHov, larvin Ward. Other States: Florida. Norma Nelle uliard; Illinois, Claud Smith: Maryuid. W. H. Qrayheal; Virginia, The- fl ~ .. . ? You Register Yoi in Life I Regis You wouldn by register* guarantees Plan means for each poli Company d< olina ample The Registe this Compar legal reserve old line life i is evidence t give its poli absolute safe For full part call one or c FRATs SECURITY WATA' Ml!. c. b do: Boone and Blowing ] MR. c. s. PRE1 Boone and Blowing 1 MR. JAMES B. F.I Boone, N. i MR. IwST- :_j-- _ Si J las Wood: West Virginia, Jesse louck. LGED PATRIARCH IS OXLV AFRAID OF 'HE DEVII. Zion, 111.?Wilbur Glenn (Two-Gunt 'Olivia. G4-year-old patriarch of Zion. joked his enemies in the eye Thurslay night and announced he was fraid of Satan only. "I'm going to lick my enemies litre i) a frazzle and then go out to prearc the world for the coming of Saan and the end of the world," Voiiva aid. "I have divine information," he anE See the 0 There's no question . PURINA STARTENA mak They weigh more. They have stretch and frame. 1 It'sthis difference thatST/ six weeks that has brough TENA as being America' BOON Lir Valuable Mail . . . W nsurance Be Sure You ( Additional Safety of a tered P t't hesitate to send a mill ;d mail, because the g its safely. Our Registe ample safety also. Unde cy issued, the Security L ;posits with the State of securities to mature the < :red Policy Plan was ii ly voluntarily. It is in add s requirements under w nsurance company must af the Company's sincer cyholders, and their be sty. iculars about our Registt >ur qualified representat rK M. PA GF.NEP.AL. AGENT LIFE AND TRUST G UGA BANK BUILD!NG- - BOON F,, I ASSOCIATES (CAN MR. J. HE.VK Rock, N. C. Banner Elk ai VTETTE MR. E. A. Rock, N. C. Banner lKTHING MR. K. C. Nenla WALTER. W. BR V AN T, Boone, N. ) APRIL, 28; 1934 nounced, "that Satan plana tc take over the world?probably in September--and I plan soon to atari a tour of revival meetings against the forces of evil." The militant head of the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church said he would kill a few men?in scif-defense, of course, if he had to, to maintain his absolute control of Zlon. Pictures you will want to keep. Delightful series of exotic paintings, in colors, by Edmund Dulac, in the American Weekly, the magazine tvhlch comes with the Baltimore Sun | day American. Buy your copy from your favorite newsboy or news denier. k difference! ihout seeing the difference es in chicks at six weeks, are better feathered. They ["hey are sturdy and lively. VRTFNA makes in chicks at it the reputation to STARs best for startle "* chicks. E.^C. " rhen You Invest let the olicy ion dollars pvernrnent red Policy r this plan, ife & Trust North Carcontract, litiated by ition to the hich every operate. It e desire to neficiaries, I i ;red Policy ives. lYNE DM P ANY J. c. Y VON" CANNON id New)and, N. C. . gauiltney Elk, N. C. T. TEAGTOB atA, N. C. c. ? [ *