!?age two mRTRASKE^ IS ACQUITTED BY FEDERAL COURT Judge ISluu- flecking ttsniissf. Case Against Four-Square ?v"mgtiist Who l'leaded Temporary Insanity When Charged with Attempted Extortion. Other News ! 1-0111 Raleigh ami the State at lairge. By M. Ft. Dl'X.N'AGAX i Special Correspondent > Raleigh. X. C -Rev. K. H. Askew young "Four Square" gospel evange lest, was acquitted in Federal courl hero last week of a government charge of using mails, telegraph ar.< telephone to collect S20.000 ransen money in a kidnaping hoax he per petrutcl last August. He lir.d disap pearcd and v.-ritten letters to his wife demajtding the money in payment foi lii3 return. Judge 1. M. Meekins dis missed the case .r'ter the jury hat found him not guilty. It was shown that there were cases of insanity ii his family and that he had suf.fe.vec mental disorders, once while ill tin U. S. Navy. his wife, much -ride;* fchaj he is. was with him during the trial BrDOKT COMMISSION MEETS The State Advisory Budget Commit-sion met in Raleigh Friday to further plan the appropriations and revenue bills to be presented to ihe hex General Assembly. The c? remission composed of the two cflbunhen of Seriate and House finance and apprqpri aliens eo mm it tees and two member* at large, with Governor Ehriruham as chairman. is expected to submit a revenue measure that, will continue the sales tax in its present or modi fied form. It is ;dSb expected to include in the. appropriations "oili it submils a provision for hi creasing salaries of teachers and other State employees A STRANGE REQUEST Wanted: A r player. That i? the kind of request Gist ervene to the Federal Ue omil-?yaieiit Service recvnpy retiring Director Cap us Wayr.ick rertorts. The revest came from : an en ting place, a road house. Way up in. the Western North Carolina mountains. lTie oper.it-v h.-d been supplied with \vi i grosses by t he service ll&i .U-..V4 nhVucoX he sjjphfcart a l>oker player; -in hotfijra and honorable while- mar., a hie to hoi? his own. to p!ay for trie iiou.se" and direct the game. Director Way nick said he conk! not supply tlie man, that he had kn;;\vn an excellent negio "ckwj shooter," hut that he was now helping the State to build roads. STATE NOT DIST17RBED North Carolinians who know about this State's claim to the highway to connect the Croat Smoky Mountains and Shenandix?h national parka could, figuratively, rhumb their iio?es at the efforts of Tennessee leaders te have the order of Secretary Ick.es to build it in North Carolina revoked, and their announced plan of taking an appeal to President Roosevelt himself. For these North Carolinians know that President R?>osevelt was sold" on the North Carolina route long agc and feel that any effort to cause him to change would be useless. When the plans for the North Carolina route were placed before him, and for this achievement Josephus Daniels is given much credit-, he is reported to hav been enthusiastic and warmed to U\? Bya&iuiiiaes -which, for the future, evidently include an extension of the road through Georgia to Florida, and northward through Maine. The route has already been selected in Virginia and to enter North Carolina near Low Gap, passing near Roaring Gap. by Laurel Springs, Giendale Springs, Deep Gap and to or near Blowing Rock. From there the tentative route is through Linville, Pineda, near LmviUe Falls, by Ashford, near Spruce Pine, by Little Switzerland, Busick, 3ucy Creek Gax>, on to Mount Mitchell, westerly and bearing southerly to Oteer.. Sky land, over Mount Pisgah into the Pisgah National Forest to the juncture of Haywood. Jackson and Transylvania counties, there taking a northwesterly course through Balsam Gap, via Waterrock Knob and entering the Great Smokies Park near Cherokee, the Indian Village. Engineers are now near Roaring Gaip on their southerly march. TO PROSECUTE '"POT" HUNTERS Pot hunters and others seeking to kill wild animals for sale contrarv to checks CfcCOLDS yOIJ,'v'K LIQUID - TABLETS l,K A,)A< ,*ES Salve - - Nose Drops in 30 "?"<*?* ARE YOU INSURED? The only reason I don't mention life insurance to some men is that I feel they would rather buy than be sold. So some in when you are ready. FRANK M. PAYNE General Agent SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY Winston-Salem, North Carolina M 1934 Red Cross Invites Yo i the Stale will be vigorously prosecut&<! John D. Ciia'.U, Slate; iganje and inland fisheries coshmis-1 jj:. ne>\ in:,. .While- sunv: is increas- j ] in|t-:v [lientiial. there is iiot enough j Jyet {or unrestricted shooting ar.il the sport wi:. be carefully guarded for! :11 Siuntc.-s. not used by a few for! -mnii-pasi purposes. The major hunt- > i:ig seasons opened November loth in i lit? . .-stem none, whieh includes) c unt.v.- of All- gnatty, Ashe, Watau;i. A very. Mitehe.il, Yancey, Bun-! coo:i- :i:i. i Henderson counties and other west of ohe.se. The season opens | m the central and eastern zones, em- j bracing uii comities east oi Uiose named. l>eeeftTnijr 1. Indications are that the largest group of hunters in years will be in the field this season. W.VYNICK RESIGNS Capus M Waynick, North Carolina director ot the Federal Re-employi meat Service here for 16 months, has resigned to return to his work as editor of the High Point Enterprise, fro which he had leave of absence, and the re-euipioyincnt work will bo merged into the office of Commissioner of l>abor A L,. Fletcher. Mrs. May T. Evans. High Point, arid William F. George. Fayette ville, who have been division supervisors from the . beginning, and S. F. Campbell, statis; 1 tic ran most of the time, will remain ! in, the administration of the work r un ier Major Fletcher. ; BANK DEPOSITS IXfHF.ASR . Bank deposits in North Carolina . n.-itiovui] and State banks have shown a remarkable increase in the pastt: few . months and at the same time there has been an increase, though not as marked, in the loans made by banks, Paul P. Brown, secreatry of the N. C. Bankers Association, says in a statement issued. Estimated deposits in the commercial banks of the State at the date of the last call, October 17, are ?300.000,000, as compared with $181,844,000 June 30, 1933, and deposits of 239,057,000 June 30, 1934, Mr. Blown states. The estimate is based on statements of some of the banks and if the percentage holds out for the eni tire State, the increase from June, 1933. three and a half months, will be SoO,000,000, or more than the S57,000,000 gain from June, 1933, to June, 1934. an entire year, Mr. Brown said. He points out that the big gains are in eastern banks largely, due to the tobacco and cotton prices. The loans show some increase, which is unusual for this time of the year, when j crops are being sold and old loans ucuig pa-Id on. ELECTRIFICATION PROBLEM The problem now in electrifying rural -North Carolina is that of financing -the community projects, David S. Weaver, of State College, who had charge of the survey made by the Governor's committee with ERA funds, states. The funds have been used up and the next step is uncertain, he said. The eight hundred communities will require about 511,000,000 to erect about 8,000 miles of transmission lines to the 34,000 homes ?wiring these and installing other appliances. Weaver said. The purpose of the committee was to ascertain where lines would be practical and aid with suggestions in the .method of securing connections with nearby towns or other power lines, and not to furnish -power. Some communities will be able to finance the projects and use power enough to justify power companies in extending their lines to these communiites. How other communities will find means of com WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVER > Poster ur Membership pipling elect rificaUon is a problem yet unsolved. Weaver said JKMJMKS lMl'KOVKD Chairman E. B. -J?"f ress of the c'.ate Highway and Public Works C'*mmissK?n. is reported to be holding the gains he made in recovery at his homo in Greensboro, following a brain operation in Richmond some three months ago. His color and respi ration arc reported good. It is bche is consci >us of what is going on around him. His condition is still considered serious. KAMI LIQUIDATION COMPLETED Liquidation has been completed for 53 of tliu J S3 State bunks completed for 53 of the 183 State banks closed in North Carolina since early in 1027, the State Banking Department having: collected 8 r per cent of the total assets, amounting to $7,192,265.29, but only 30 per cent of the total stock assessments, or $542,555.44, Commissioner Gurney P. Hoods says. Depositors and creditors were paid in full in cases of 26 of the 53 banks. An average of 81 per cent of all claims were paid in full. Mr. Hood reports. The gross cost of liquidation was 4.7 per cent and the net cost 1.6 per cent of the collections, Auditors received four-tenths of one per cent arid lawyers nine-tenths of one per cent. Eleven of the 53 banks have re-op jBu THE STAND. For I '465 SPORT ROADSTER $465 COACH 495 COUPE 485 STANDARD SEDAN 540 STANDARDSEDAN DELIVERY {to be announced soon) Above are list prices of passenger cars at Flint, Mich. With bumpers, spare the and tire lock, the list price of Standard Models is $18 additional. List prices of commercial cars quoted are f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra. Prices subject to change without notice. \ y Thursday?Boone, n. c. WIIJiKS COUNTY CORN WINS SWKKFSTAKKS AT STAT 50 FA IK Mot e than forty years ay-v. D. V. Nichols. .of Wilkes Comity, started growing and inipro\ a variety of o;rn known as Wilke;- Courtly White. This ycsir his gwu Quia ten Nichols, growing ihi saime variety, wen the ?*?Y^pstakes prize at the I State FS&ir* m competition w&th lbO ; other ewtrfes, for the .veoond sivcras- | i.sive time. J Through the years the Nichols fain- : ily has specialize/I in the develop- \ ! .neiit a .superior type of com, Don Nich -K. son of D. V. NidtioS.S, jjoihed a coi n -club at the age of i ; 14 years and began selecting his /seed i j according to the instructions of state i and farmers' bulletins. He exhibited his corn at the county j J show that year. K. S. Millsaps. then J district agent for the State College j extension service, selected the best ; ear from Nichols' exhibit and told j the boy to select that type of seed j | in the future. Wh" i he started, his corn yielded I Jan average of 47 bushels to the acre. ! ; During his last year as a club mem A . his * : 'd hud risen to 77 bushels ' fl | to the acre. 1 T ' an I Dwight N ( hols, brothers j 1 of i.vn, v : i t.'nc club when thev g : reached the re air. red age and started j 8 growing corn. When their sons; | - vo bed tlx age of 10. they too joined : jj j t!:o ?Tub anil saart-ed growing com i T:s: \ have shown j heir corn at *vuu- ; 't y. SLHt and national fail's, winning 1 a f each year. Quieten if the el- 1 dest son of Don XioJiols. V'or three generations, largely j ihr< u,_)i the teaching of com club! a the Nic'vfamily has made ! ! Wilkes County White -famous, says j :j. R, llarrin. State 4-H club leader, j NOTICi: OF ADMINISTRATION I North Carolina. Watauga County. Having been . ppointod administra: x ol the estate of Joseph M. Gai- I ; thc-r, deceased, by the Clerk of Supo- ; ? ' Conn Watauga County on the ' LV- 1 day : Aovomi'cr. 11)34, all per- : 1 s -us i wing s: :d estate are hereby n? t fied to < me forward and settle the same immediately. and all persons ' - ugn nst said < stale are 1 present their cla 1 To tb_- undorsigned adminisrta.tt*ix for nivmcnt within the next twelve m ttthfi or this notice will be pleads :d in bar of thoir recovery. Ti* '- "ii iiu .a* V. > ?--.-"I-mi" . .. . - J % * lllVtl , lUilt. MRS SARAH R. GA1THER, Administ rat vi x , Baxter M. Linnoy, Attorney 11-17-6 o.ned and are now operating-, nil re mnoted and uianred. Among Uu\m Ls the Bank of Blowing Rock, at Blowing Rock. N. C. (Mir! BOONE DRUG CO. The REXALX. Store | I 7 - - * - lit to one hig/ CHEVRi fS QUAL Is. \RD CHEVROLET Economical Transportation ~~1 TYUILT to the one high J JL3 Rtnn^pr/l r\f CkaiT^^l quality; combining notable style, performance and stamina?the Standard Chevrolet is nevertheless '.he ivorla's lowest-priced Six! . . . Features include Body by Fisher; Fisher No Draft Ventilation; Chevrolet valve-in-hcad engine; weatherproof, cahle.-controllcd brakes. Drive the Standard Chevrolet?now. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy C ONE RIDE IS WORTH W. R. Che J BOONE, NORT NOVEMBER 22, 19?l ^ V .,38^**""^ BIMINBSaiBL ErtMIlfcrmyt: \ - ; '. . ' "I >.?.?rr??J t.? smoke Cinieis beS . , ? .:rrrtiuu- uuMoejs auvi 1$ ? Qeli.^ic> > i tl.ivor. I found, in t* addiiiun, ch .t Cusels ^ivc rat a -^ ' " "llitr ohen ray t'.v.rfjy is low." 2f. - W if sst?r?te^3% If 'A *M g---' 'tedmm I Guessing Contest j j 1 On Knives! I 1 See Our Window Display of Ka-Bar Knives I GUESS THE. NUMBER OF KNIVES I IN THE WINDOW! | 1 The man or bov sruefesinrr the closest j x-j o Hi (number receives a leal good pocket knife. The lady or girl guessing the closest number will receive an extra good pair of scissors. PUT YOUR GUESS IN EARLY AS THE CONTEST WILL CLOSE ON DECEMBER 1, 1934. I L 1 Ul O ilMf U1VUI C Vjy Supply Company I 1 ii im inii iiiii|'j: i nil 'i^m p i iwili i ii i il in j ii 1 wiiiiiiaiiiiiiB n jl ! h standard of JLET^p^^ THE MA^TER^ CHE\^OLET Masterpiece of the low-price field DEALBft ADVnmsCMCWT IARGE and luxurious, the J Master Chevrolet is at the . same time unusually eco- a | AND nomical. . . . You will lie won ^ J w UP by the performance of its 80-horsepower, valve-in-head SPORT ROADSTER. $540 engine . . . the rich finish of its COACH 580 Fisher Bodies . . . the extra TOWN SEDAN 615 safety of its weatherproof, ^OTPF cable-controlled brakes. . and spoRT coupF ";;;; by its remarkable Knee-Action CABRIOLET 665 ride. Chevrolet dealers ask that SPORT S."D\N 675 you drive this car?today! , DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Compare Above are list prices of terms. A General Motors Value passenger cars at Flint, A THOUSAND WORDS ZZZZJ'Z'Z'k the list price of Master Models is $20 additional. * a Prices subject to change VrOiet l^O. without notice. H CAROLINA 1

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