JANUARY 3, 1835 =========== LOCAL AFFAIRS * *? Mr. and Mrs Charles Zimmerma spent Christmas with homcfolks 1 Asheville. Mr. Lee Roark of Charleston, W Va., was a holiday visitor with hornfolks and friends in the county. Dr. William Matheson returnei Thursday from Atlanta, Ga., whethe spent Christmas with friends. Rev. J. C. Canipe and Mrs. Canipi spent a part of last week with friend: and relatives in Wake County. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Buchanan, o: Hickory, are spending a few days a: guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hortoi at Vilas. , Mr. and "Edwarrl CooVabill ant small son. Edison. of Wyco, W. Va. visited with home folks 111 fly.' count, during" tho hotidaw. Miss Ruth Blair of Winston-Saler left Sunday after having spent tin holidays with her parents. Mr. ant Mrs. A. D. Blair. Born to Mr. arid Mrs. Ps.ul A. Cof fey at the Hageman Clinic Sunday morning, a son, who was named Pau Armfield. Mr. doe Clay Mast, who is employe* at Morganton, N. C., spent the holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. N. Mast, on Cove Creek. Mr. L,en Kagaman, medical stu dent at the University of Pennsylvania, has returned to his studies aftei a brief vacation with relatives in Wu tauga. Prof. G. P. Eggers, who is taking special post-graduate work at Duk< University, is spending a few days with relatives in the community and county. Mr. Frank Winkler has returned to Sylva, N. C., after spending th; holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. i. Winlflpr in FT.a.cf TCrmnn Dr. and Mrs. W. Amos Abrams have returned from Kelton, S. C. where they attended the Comer-Wolfe marriage ceremony on Friday of iasl week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robbins, Vernon and Max Robbing returned Wednesday from Greensboro, where they opent Christmas v.dth *hpir dmighter and sister. Mrs. J. H. Mitchell. Messrs. Dean McBride of Ft. George G. Meade, Md., Robert Horton and Raymond Born, of Jarretsville, M<1., visited relatives and friends in Maryland during the holidays. Mr. Don Kerley, Miss Annie Lou Kerley ami Mrs. Roscoe Little attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. J S. Ferguson, at Boomer, Wilkes County. last Friday. Mr. A. E. South returned Friday from Charlotte where he took o son Stanley, to an car specialist for examination and treatment The ailment was not believed to be serious. Mr. T. D. Heffner of Murfreesborc spent last week visiting at the home of a sister, Mrs. G. K. Moose, in Boone. Mr. Heffner is working with the State Highway and Public Works commission in engineering capacities. Mr. nod Mrs. Joe C. Mast of Valle Cruris stopped briefly in town Friday on their return from Lincolnton where they had visited for three days with Mrs. Mast's sister, Mrs. John D. Abernethy. Mrs. Tom Taylor, Misses Pearle and Grace Mas', spent the Christmas holidays In Concord wiih their sister, Mrs. J. II. Hobby. Mrs. Taylor visited with her husband in Augusta, Ga., on Christmas Day. They report a very enjoyable trip. Mrs. H. Neal Blair lias returned home from the Baptist Hospital ir Winston-Salem where she has beer a patient for the past three and onehalf weeks. Mrs. Blair's friend.' are glad to know that her health is greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, t es ter Burnett and Dr. Strakhwosky, ali of Washington, D. C.. returned Tues day after having visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Harris since Sunday. Mrs. Elliott is a sister ol Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Frank Estes, Ralph and Marj Pinkney Estes, Bernice and Haze Gragg and Mrs. Jasper Moore spenl Friday In Charlotte and Kannapolis Miss Hazel Gragg remained In Kan napolis where she will spent sonu time with her sister. Mrs. Kermi Hinson. Attorney W. R. Lovill, who has beei ill at his home west of Boone for tin past three weeks with influenza. T; reported as considerably improved but not yet atle to return to his lav practice. The popular attorney, how ever, is expecting to come down towi during the week. Mrs. Floy Mast entertained at din ner on Christmas day the followinj guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cottrel and son, George, of Lenoir; Mr. am Mrs. D. J. Cottrell, Raleigh Cottrel and Roby T. Greer of Boone, Mrs. J S. McBride and son, James, of Boone and Dean McBride, of Fort Georg G. Meade, Md. "Uncle" Philip Greer, aged and es teemed resident of Mabel, has bee right unwell for several days, havin been stricken with a light attack c influenza or kindred ailment, but ir dications are that he is improving. , son, I. G. Greer, head of the Baptis Orphanage at Thomasville, visite him during last week. Glacier Bay Glacier bay Is in southeastern Ala9 ka. It was created a national menu mant in 1930. It contains 1,820 squnn miles of glaciers and Ice-covered peaki of the first rank. | ^ iirmoiI nrui Sh 1085, a-bodolod to roehe hit app neat Tuesday evening. ... He w have been, ct the turmoil and a hint by all. Scenes) dancers gay a of ywteryear. ! Friday Afternoon Club Meets I With Mrs. David Greene. | Mrs. David Greene was hostess ' j members of the Friday A:'terno< ' | Club for their annual Christmas tr ' I party. The lovely Christmas tree wit j the gifts beneath gave a pretty se 11 ling for the occasion, s I A short Christmas program w 11 given. Mrs. R. L. Clay read sever | poems. Mrs. Tracy Council! gave i reading and Mrs. A. E. South rci , j dered a group of Christmas selection : Mrs. D. D. Dougherty and Mr ; Greene played Sar.ta Claus and <li tributcd the gifts. Mrs. Greene served a delicious pa ty plate ar.d each guest was remen bored with a stocking filled wit ; candy. j Mrs. Joe I laI'din wm be iiyaivwi ? | the first meeting cf the New Yea j'January 11th. Mrs. J. 15. Taylor Honored i At Surprise Party. Or. Monday afternoon Mrs. H. i Perry and Mrs. W. H. Whitehead ga\ Mrs. J. B. Taylor a delightful su prise birthday party ai the home ( the former. The houne was beaut ifuliy decora cd with evergreens and potted plant ' Mrs. Taylor was presented a numb. of attractive gifts and after openlr them, a lovely decorated birthds calte with lighted candles was broupl . in. ' j A party plate consisting of san< I wiches, salad, ambrosia ar.d cake wt . served to the following guests: Mr i Jessie McGuire, Mrs. G. K. Moos Mrs. Charles Zimmerman. Mrs V : H. Wagner, Mrs. J. B. Hagaman, M and Mrs. J. B. Taylor and Mrs. C. 1 Taylor. HODGRS? TRIPLETT Mr. and Mis. Ira Hodges have ai I nouneed the marriage of their daug! . tar, Opal Katherine, to Mr. Em T.ipiett, Tile marriage took place t I December 22r.d in Johnson City. Te: , r.essse. Mrs. Triplett attended the Banni Elk School. Mr. Triplett, the son L Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Triplett, of Ma ^ ucy, rctuivcu i;:s muuiwin u'? , iachia.n State Teachers College. The will make their" home in Maine , where Mr. Tripiett is teaching. ADAMS?C AUDITA. Married at Bristol, Tenn., on Sate day, December 22, Miss ~.u'oy Caud of Bluff City, Tenn., to Mr. John Adams of Vilas. Mrs. Adams is tl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ca p dill, former Wataugans, and is w< known and much admired by mai , local people. Mr. Adams is a son I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams, and hi t Deen in the employ of the Boo: Transfer Company. He is well hr.ov [ throughout this section and is one the county's most industrious you) ^ men. i COFFEY?MOItETZ e Beautiful in its simplicity was t wedding of Miss Gladys Moretz a i Mr. H. L. Coffey, which was solei J nized at the home of the bride's pt ent3, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland More n December 26 th, at 11 o'clock in t presence of a few relatives and in mate friends. Rev. H. A. Kistler, pastor of t S bride, officiated, using the impressi II ring ceremony. The bride was beco: " mgiy amrea in a bine crepe dr< " | with accessories to harmonize. She ' j the only daughter of {Jr. and M !> Moretz and is a young woman of pi e sonal grace and charm. The groom is a son of Victor I" Coffey arid ia engaged in business n Detroit, Mich. g After a short trip to differ* >f points in the State, the young cou; >- left Saturday morning for Detr* A. where they will make their home. it ? d COVE CREEK NEWS ITEMS Quite a number of young people this community spent the holid* visiting home folks: Mi3s Annie Sh wood from Salisbury, Misses Lou Johnson and Ruth Sherwood from J ? palachlan College, Boone, and M ' Susie Glenn from New York. Misses Jennie Love and Juan WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVES outing-^Happy New^Yca/^ ia folkB. the firat picture of young Mr. c&raiice ou the stroke of 12 midnight ill be startled, s all yoang new years j boating, wishing all things good from : 1 ad a New York New Year street crowd j I ^; Confidc-ru of Future ^ r- " DETKOIT ... A new portrait if study of Henry Ford made at his home which shows the automobile t- magnate as he appears today. His 3 faith in the future is best shown in AT ills program of spending millions t " enlarging his great plant to make f 1935 his greatest production year. , LV it 1 a Worthington of the Cove Creek High i School faculty spent their vacation in la: Florida. s. I Miss Mildred Griffin went to her e,' home in Wingate for Christmas week, q V. Prof. W. M. Hunt of Appalachian r. College spoke on "Christian Citizen3. ship" at the Cove Creek Baptist Church Sunday morning. |_ Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mast and i two children spent the week with a- Mrs. Mast's parents in Wilmington. I- The many friends of "Uncle" Enoch ie Swift and of "Uncle" John Mast will >n be glad to know that both these aged in and highly regarded gentlemen arc somewhat improved from recent 151?r nesses. of t- MATNKY NEWS a- The people of this section enjoyed -y a delightful Christmas and a happy y. New Year's Day j Misses Launa and Uevola Carender, Howard Edmisten and Tom Carender spent the week-end in Wilkesr_ boro. 11 Miss Carrie Edmisten has been visC. iting- her relatives at Beech Creek du le ring the holidays. 1 j. The girls and boys of this communal itv started back to Cove Creek school oy on the 31st. of Miss Okie Fxird spent Saturday as night with her uncle, Mr. J. L. Trip ne ie". vn Misses Lois Baird, Effie and Lula or Baird of Granite Falls spent Christog man with home folks here. They were accompanied back by Denni3 Baird who hope3 to secure work in that town. ho Misses Carrie Edmisten, Levola Can,j render and Leta Tester of A. S. T. C. returned to school early Wednesday lr_ morning. They spent Christmas with tz home folks at Matney. _ Misses I^Luns and TxivoIh CflrenHer gave a party during the holidays. Many interesting games were played he and delightful refreshments were ve served to the following guests: Misses m_ I eta and Gladys Tester, Carrie Ed^ misten, Edna Erie and Mildred Green, Frances and Laura Farthing, Eddus Shomaker and Christian Scott; er_ Messrs. Harry Michael, Hal Sc^tt, Wheeler and Louis Farthing, Louis j Hartley, Paul and Haiden Fox. and ln Shula Aldridge. ;nt The heart of a mouse beats over P'e seven hundred times a minute. >it, DR. WM. M. MATHESON announces the opening of the ofot fice of the late ^ DR. J. M. GAITHER lie for the practice of General tp- Dentistry. [iss Boone Drug Company Building, Boone, N. C. ita V THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. MAKI.N'(i SOAP AT HOME |' Qu^sUon" Can cracklings be used i o make soap at home? Answer: Cracklings make a very lutisfaetory soap for dish washing or 1 i aundry purposes. Dissolve one pound j )l" lye into three gallons of water for I lach five pounds of cracklings. As c oun as tlie solution boils add the j racklings and continue the boiling i intil the mass is the consistency of lOney. From time to time Lake a small T lortion, place in a saucer and leave j or a few moments. When this portion j iccomes solid the cooking is complet- j cl and the container should be re- t. aoved from the stove. Pour the soap nto small cups or moulds to harden ij :.<! set in a dry cool place until ready j j or use. 1 p BETHEl. ITEMS Mr. ami Mrs. Grady Smithcrman -s ir< in with "Aunt" Alice Pal- j C ner. (* M-*. ai'd Mrs. Don Campbell and j t ' Zir.nviile wp.rfi the week-end V :uests of Mr. and Mrs. Paui Norrls. J1 ' i Mi. n.. amun ot tsoone made in interesting talk at Bethel Church c Bsst Sunday. Misses Kizzie Mae and Madeline farthing were the guests of Mrs. iames Sherwood on last Sunday. Mr. Ed Anderson of Gait, Calif., ind Mr. Will Anderson of Vilas were he week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. toy Anderson. Mr. anil Mrs. Carl Harmon have lioved into the Ray Wilson house. Mr. Earl Harmon of Roanoke, Va.. | uc spending the holidays with home'olks here. Mr. Fred Moore made a business rip to Laurel Fork one day last veek. Miss Lucile Harmon, who has been 11 school at Valle Crucis, spent the lOlitiays with her parents, Mr. and llrs. Harley Harmon. ] Air. ar.ri Mrs. Roy Brown of Valle Jrticis spent Christmas at the home )f Mr. Frank Vines. Mrs. Waller Tester and two sops, Ted and Doughto.n, visited on Hcwirds Creek last v eek. Mr. and Mis. Bud Billings spent Christmas with homefolks at Vilas. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Kenson of Bea-1 .'er Dam visited home-folks here on | Christmas j The George Washington Bridge The George Washington bridge, between New York city and Fort Lee, N. J., Is 8,700 feet long, with approach, and has a span 3,500 feet long. It co3t about SGO.OOO.OOO, including the land; construction liegnn May. 1937, and was completed in fictoner, 1931. M. S Arney of Burke County hreshed 11,200 pounds of Korean lestedeza seed from 34 noren or no no rage of about 330 pounds to the icre. special notoes iTRAYED OR STOLEN?Two summer lambs, from my bam in Boone Thursday night. Reward for return to Kenneth Linney. Itp IAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families Write ioday. Rawleigh, Dept. NCA-23-SA, Richmond, Virginia. l-3-5p jEARN BEAUTY CULTURE?Now'S I your opportunity to learn this pleasant and profitable profession. Positions now waiting for trained operators. Expert instruction. Write for booklet. Hinshaw School of Beauty Culture, North Wilkesboro, N. C. t-3-4c IT AND FOR SALE ?Beautiful upright just like new for balance owing on same. Terms to suit, or special discount for cash. Act quickly to secure wonderful bargain. Address Box 234, Wilkesboro, N. C. IVANTED?Representative to look after our magazine subscription interests in Boone and vicinity. Our plan enables you to secure a good part of the hundreds of dollars spent in this vicinity each fall and winter for magazines. Oldest agency in U. S. Guaranteed lowest rates on all periodicals, domestic and foreign. Instructions and equipment free. Start a growing and permanent business in whole or spare time. Address Moore-Cottrell, Inc., Wayland Road, North Cohocton, N. Y. WANTED?To sell or trade for young team, late 1934 model Ford pick-up, 3,100 miles. Good shape. Vance Cook, Bamboo, N. C. l-3-4p Dr. C. 3. HaughmaD, Bye, Ear, Nmc and Throat Specialist, Elizabethton, Teen., will be in the cilice of Dr. J. B. Hagaman in Boone, on the first Monday in each month for the practice of his profession. WANTED?Experienced white girl for housework. References. Write to Mrs. C. J. Spor.ce. Montrose Court Apt., Johnson City, Tenn. 12-20-3C To All Young Men! The old year is ending. The new one is waiting for you to take out your life insurance policy. FRANK M. PAYNE General Agent SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY Winston-Saiem, North Carolina LOCAL INSURANCE AGENT ! < GUEST AT ANNUAL. BANQUET J i H Frank M. Payne has just returner! i I ror.i Winston-Salem where he was t fuest of honor at a complimentary mnquet given by the Security I.tfe ] mil Trust Company to the leading !; rroriueers of the company for the i rear 1934. i Mr. Payne, who is general agent ; or the Security, with headquarters , n Boone, had the distinction of stand- a ng near the top of the company'3 < iroducers throughout the entire Sou < hern States. I In commenting on the company's rogress for the past year. Vicepresident and Agency Manager T. D. ?Jair stated that 1931 was in many \ espects the best year in the com- t lany's history; The new paid foi in- \ iurdtfee amounted to nearly >9.009.- I 100 and the companys insurance in ( orce was increased over St,000,000, <. he largest gain in insurance in force j i vhich the company lias enjoyed in t he past ten years : i Twenty-two general agents of the ! > :ompany and. members of their a gen- i i REINS-STU | THE FUNER ! Licensed Embalmers Arnbullance Service PHONE BC 1 Get Oiii I Oil Tf] 1 Before you buy a new i tomobile tire. Liber trade-in allowances < these fully guarante tires. USED TIRES, All Sb in Stock, Up from 50c L. 1 hc iviaiiiiai (Modern Aul Plant In T1 . . . with all work g Expert vulcanizing. J I truck tire mold. We c and guarantee work. MODERN STEAM ELECTRIC SIMONi; COMPLETE BA1 PARTS AND v FREE ROAI BRAKE LINf We solicit the plea ing the motoring tion, during the Ne each and every on ronage. I HODGES AUTO S BOONE, NOR1 ASSOCIATE MOUNTAIN VIEW SKRVIl D. T. BROWN SERVICE S' PAGE FIVE :y organizations attended the meetng in Winston-Salem and were unanimous in expressing a reeling oi optimism over prospects for business in the year 1935. The Security is one of North Carolina's strongest liome companies, and s unique in its method of offering -egistered policies, thereby providing ts policyholders with unusual safety ind security in their contracts. Speakers at the banquet expressed satisfaction over the progress of the sompany during 1934 and predicted i-ven greater achievements fos the tew Year just ahead. CAI'.D OF THANKS I wish to express through the colimns of The Democrat -he sincere I?ar!_I<S of TTiVself a;l<) fft'mUv trx all rvi-i" >ari5>ior,t'TS for the r.ic-e dor-etiorv:. jro-u^Iit tfcfj narSbB&gv he fore 3Jl#.?*istni<ss ao?1 giro tor tiiii Jilwiy itj.iivkajals for' their generous gifts cluing the Christmas season ar;d from ,irne to time since wo moved into heir mkisL. May poo's inchest bivshngs be yoors --REV. H. A. KTSTLER. RDIVANT AL HOME I Funeral Directors . . . Day and Night ONE 24 I i r Prices 1 te G-3 I n The Most l :o Servicing | lis Section I uaranteed absolutelv. I ust installed a large ?5 an repair any size tire p AUTO LAUNDRY ?ING & POLISHING 9 fTERY SERVICE \CCESSORIES > SERVICES NG SERVICE sure 01 again servpublic of this sec:w Year and thank e for this past patTIRE CO. I JERVICE I TH CAROLINA ' DEALERS: CE STATION, IAXON, N. C. TATTON, SHERWOOD, N. C.

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