I BOONE 1 SKETCHES By J. C R f BRUNO UAUFTMANN, convicted kidnap-slaycr of Baby Lindbergh, has dropped from the public prints. Today he occupies a cell on "HentVi T-nur" > t ? New Jersey's State prison ... a drab, colorless f.gure, divested of the natty gray suit, the harmonizing tie and kerchief, the fetching smile and pleasing demeanor that were his during those spectacular weeks of the trial at Flemington. The church thief of Kamenz. whom twelve supposedly honest men and women selected as the perpetrator of America's number one crime, languishes in his dreary quarters . . . and readers of the daily press seek elsewhere for those sensational morsels of news which have become such an important clement in the Nation's breakfast . . . even as hum 'n' eggs! Millions of people concur in the death sentence dished out to the stolid Bruno . . . other millions cling to a belief that the condemned . . jnan has fallen victim to an inexplicable chain of circumstances. However J this may be, a giance at the expense ahect of the State of New Jersey, Sgjjgamich in its successful effort to atone a deplorable tragedy used seven hundred thousand dollars from its nnb lie funds, is sufficient to convince an Aycrage dumb-bell that Hauptmann was not on trial for the slaying of an ordinary child . . . but, to the contrary. was called upon to give his life as a sort of down payment on a crime which deprived the Commonwealth of A most unusual baby . . . the son of an idolized ocean flier, the grandson of a Morgan partner. Now, honest, * does anyone believe for a moment that Sew Jersey would have gone to all that trouble had baby Manfred, son of Bruno and Anna Hauptmann, suffered a similar fate ? -o CHARLIE JONAS, Republican representative from Lincoln Counis due a couple; of orchids at least for the magnanimous gesture which he casually tossed in the direction of Cameron Morrison one ! day last week, as a bellicose General Assembly debated the advisability of inviting the former; Governor-Senator to address a joint session of that body. Mr. Jonas, who as most everyone knows was t literally given a "bum's, rush" by the then Senator Morrison from the position of Unitcu States District Attorney, slowly arose from Seat Number 17 . . which, quite inci* dentally, was hand-picked for a Lincolntonian Democrat, and which, also. has caused considerable controversy. In essence, these ore the | words he uttered: . . . "Gentlemen, I if tiieres' a man in North Carolina : ~ 'J who has a right to hate Cam Mor' rison, il is I . . . but despite his ;-vnF many mistakes, he possesses cer fcc*?ii cicmaius oi s taxes* nuiismp, ana I, for one, think it's all right to let the old gentleman address us!" Sportsmanship of such rare quality is soothing to the scul of man . . . OBK and it's a safe bet that while "SwpC Cf Shir^"" "'oc I??arinw his pantaloons into smitliereens as he caused Capitol Hill to ring with illtimed invectives, a neighbor from over in Lincoln was spinning some strong yarn for coming political campaigns. o TRACY COCNCUJ, and Watt IGragg, Democrat and Republican respectively, are generally believed to be angling for the Ninth District seat in Congress which has been warmed for more than a quarter-century by "farmer Boh" Doughton, if and wher. the Alleghany County man relinquishes his hold on the coveted office. Seeing as how the primary ... if one should occur ... is only sixteen months away, it might he a good idea for these local aspirants to start familiarizing themselves with a few of the questions which are likely to be asked during the campaign. And we list a half-dozen of the very simplest . . . but, remember, the answers will have to be fairly accurate if rosy dreams of high position materialize: . . . Do you favor the Townsend plan of old-age pensions? . . . Do the teachings of Huey P. Long arouse indignation or praise in your bosoms? . . . Did you sign a petition condemning the McCarran amendment to the Work Relief Bill? . . . Do you expect to affiliate with your own political party or take off with a jackass bloc? . . . Are you in sympathy with that portion of the AAA which calls for reduction of the turnip acreage in Minnesota? . . . Should the Federal Government continue to dole out cash, grub and blankets to those who are allegedly unemployed ? Gen. tlemen, get busy . . and, be sure to promise the right thing! jLtx^vci, a licue aog or aoubtrui lineage who for the past three years has been an inseparable companion of Dr. B. B. Dougherty, was run down by an automobile Monday evening as he and his master strolled along Main Street. The kindly college president was deeply moved by the canine tragedy . . . for Tince was as loyal a friend as man ever had ... he wagged his tail sympathetically, unable to utter the words of humankind, as the man whom he'd chosen for his keeper was faced with sorrow ... he sat with under ! WA1 Ar PLUME XLV1, NUMBER 35 STATE MERCHANTS back m:donald:s REVENUE MEASURt Finance and Appropriations Bod ies Wrestle With Bills. Many Hearings Are Held. CAM MORRISON ASSAILS LIQUOR CONTROL BILL Young Democratic Organization ant Bob Reynolds Scored by Former Governor in Raleigh Speech. By M. R. DUNN AG AN 1 Special Correspondent) RALEIGH, N. C.?Comedy, tragedy strategy and beauty relief were giver in the General Assembly circles last week by the wet-dry forces, the beauticians and other groups, but the se rious business continued to be ccn tered in the finance committee han dling the revenue matters, and tht Appropriations committee, both ol which were battling all the week witl troublesome matters. The Finance Committee had be fori it early in the week amendment! coming from the McDonald-Lumpkir proposals to eliminate the sales tax ana me joint committees Heard Iron many groups during the five days ol hearings. Several corporations auc other groups opposed the amendment.' on the ground that they would throttle industries and activities in thi State. Directors of the N. C. Merchants Association, led by Willard L. Dow oil, secretary, endorsed the McDcnold-Lumpkin plan "in purpose ant principle," in resolutions unanimously adopted at a meeting here, before Which Ul. mil-IKriialu, v* "CrSJ'tl) leader of the plan, appeared The proposal includes a license (sales) ta? of one-fourth of one per cent on gross relatil sales, in addition to franchise and other taxes. Divergent views arc expressed or progress of the McUonald-Lumpkir plan, some, saying it is gaining in favor with the committee, others that it is losing ground. Hope is expressed that the revenue measure can be reported out of committee by the end of this week, hut many doubt If that can be done. The Appropriations Committee meanwhile, have almost finished their work and with occasional hearings of groups? a new one of $25,000 for the N. C. Symphony Orchestra now supported by Federal funds?is marking time. 11 lias approved appropriations of two or three million dollars more than the Budget Commission recommended, and may have tc back track. However, the Revenue and Appropriations groups will attempt to strike an estimated balance, Aftermath of Liquor Hearing Interesting aftermaths are deveionir.g from the hearing last week on oentiLor mil's liquor control Dill, former Governor-Senator Cameron Morrison, as chief spokesman for th? drys. jumped on Senator R. R. Reynolds, who defeated him, and the young Democrats, who, he thinks, contributed to that defeat. Later a joint resolution inviting Mr. Morrison to address a joint session of the Assembly was proposed. The Senate adopted it with one "no" vote (Continued on Page S) Meeting of Home Makers and Farmers The Agricultural and Home Economics Departments of Boone nigh School are joint sponsors for a meeting of farmers and home-makers to be held at the school building Friday evening, March 1, at 7:30 o'clock. The sponsors are very anxious for farmers to get together at this time for a discussion of some of their problems in the way of fertilizing, controlling insects and diseases, livestock improvement and the other things that you are interested in. Homemakers are asked: "Does your family get tired of eating potatoes, spuds and taters?" Maybe some one can tell you how to disguise them. A full attendance at the meeHncr in 1.^ standing- ears attuned to the aggravating questions which plagued the every-day walks of a busy man ... he attended meetings where wise patriarchs and not-too-wise youngsters argued matters of high finance, and maybe his understanding surpassed that of many a counsellor . . . with the simple, unpolluted devotion which is characteristic of the dog family, he trotted down Life's Highway. ... Of course, the death of Tince wasn't of major importance . . . but there's always an element of sadness when a fellow loses a close friend! Our symthy is extended, Dr. Dougherty . . . we once owned a dog ourselves! A baby son was bcrr. to Mrs. Nino Hughes, 27, on a station platform while she waited for an elevated train to take her to a Chicago hospital. J rAUG, i Independent Weekly Newsj BOONE, WATAUC.A C , > ! Crown Prince of Swat !) Wants More Money | i Lou Gehrig Expected to Ask Yank Owners for Big Raise Si ; NEW YORK.?Henry L,. "Lou" th ' Gehrig (above), ace slugger of the Dl New York Yanks, is now getting ^ 1 the attention of fans as reports in- * ' dicatc he will not sign without a ar ? big increase in salary, having wait5 etl years for Ruth to vacate the big 1 money throne. I ALLEGED ST0RE~ I ! BREAKERS ROUND ? n_' Justice Ilalm Sends Two Accused J'1 of Critchcr Store Robbery to j,, 1 Superior Court. <1! id ' | Ralph GiUcy and Grady Hartley, ' Bamboo feaiaehis. were uounci to the Superior Court by Justice Hahn last * Thursday, on charges growing out of ar \ the robbery of the T. L?. Critcher store at Bamboo several weeks ago. Jus( tice Hahn asked bond in the sum of 2G t one thousand dollars each for the de- th fendaiits, which could not be filled. Evidence presented by the Stale j was of sufficient strength to bring ^ the verdict from the Justice promptly j after taking of evidence closed, and bo . there was no argument by attorneys/ 'V?fi The case, which is attracting con-E siderab'e interest, came into being af- ? | ter the Sheriff's officers had found of the safe, which was removed !w>hi ar j the building, its entire contents unmolested, including among other val- ;fu j uables about rive hundred dollars in ^l'( currency. ea St Boone High School Boys .& Hear Secretary Wallace ' " The Daniel Boone Chapter of Futurc Farmers sent four of its mem- ^ Asheyilie last Saturday to at- Ru i tend the annual speaking contest sponsored by the b\ tv. a. in Uic Wen ^ tern section of the State. lis The boys made a very good show- b,j ing for the new department of Bocnc f0i High School but did not bring back "the bacon." ?"X They were among the eleven hundred to hear Henry A. Wallace, secretary of Aericulturo make his first w - _ , ? CIU speech in this section of the country. Douglas Harrison represented the in chapter in public speaking while in Johnnie Perry, John Farthing and foi Ruard Norris identified ana judge*! coi the seed. Robert G. Shipley, agricul- sai tural teacher, accompanied the dele- sal gation. er( Lenoir-Rhyne Players to cla Present Comedy in City pei The Lenoir-Rhyne Playmakers are in to present "Skidding," a comedy in its three acts, by Aauronia Rouverol, on next Monday, March 4th. at the Demonstration School auditorium. There Vi will be two performances, the first in OJ the first in the afternoon at 3 o'clock for college students. The second will be at 8 p. m. for citizens of the town and county. Wit, humor, pathos, are all com- La bined in the proper proportion in 1 If J H/l i ft* '' io a laugh in every line. Admission prices will be 15c to students for after- j noon performance; 25c for evening; 121 children 10c. res The Playmakers are being spon- Ne sored by the Lutheran Church of Ho Boone. Everybody is cordially invit- 1 ed to help make the afternoon and Fe evening performances a success. ou1 Fo T*- - \ir 1 of 11 lme tor oigiung Weed 3 Contracts Almost Gone 3" m Tobacco growers who wish to sign wh reduction contracts for this year must cai do so immediately, if they wish to share in the benefits, according to Mr. W. H. Walker. Mr. Walkes states that only those growing tobacco in Sh 1931, 1932 and 1933 are eligible to at sign, but is emphatic in stating that all the executed contracts must be in his pu hands at once. en \ DE >aper?Established m th :OUNTY, NOBTH CAROLINA, HIDING & LOAN STOCK TARGET OF WATAUGA SOLON ivift Would Make Prepaid Shares in B. & L. Taxable ThroxiRhout Slate. ROPOSAL IS MET WITH ! LOCAL COUNTER-ACTION! iff Opposition Develops in This Secion. State Organization Arranges for Hearing on Friday. A rather aggressive local opposition s developed to a measure introduced the General Assembly by Represents e Dean Swift of Watauga Ccun, wide]i would make paid-up shares Building and Loan associations xable, the same as any other pernal property. First information of e proposal was gathered by The mocrat from bulletins issued rough the secretary of the North iroiina Building and Lean League, id forwarded to all the more than ro hundred member institutions of e State. Subsequently Building and Loan offals, shareholders and others not rcctly interested in the organiza>11 began to manifest a decidedly iligorant attitude toward the Swift II. and arrangement is being made have a local delegation oppose the feiing before the Banking Comraite Friday morning. At the same time e State Building and Loan League, rough its legislative committees, is siting its house in order for a last tch struggle to have the nronosed j gislation killed in committee. Local Attitude lilding am! Loan as a community j id county enterprise has contributmorc to the upbuilding of this seein than any other institution, that 5 homes have been constructed rough its finances, anil that more an half of the people in Boone are mscd under roofs made possible by e agency. At the same time, only a vv business houses of the town have en able tc develop their institutions Ithout the aid of the association, lose opposing the measure point out at should there be a small amount tax-dodging money in the Building id Loans, the banks nave vast sums the same kind cf lucre, and that rthermore, if this money is forced om home-building' channels, it can sily be transferred into government, ate, municipal bonds, or an endless mbcr of securities which cannot be ached by the tax-gatherer, and the mo-builder deprived of its U3e. Similar proposals, it is found, have | ?.t committee-room defeat, and there no feeling here or in State-wide J ilding and loan circles that the aft pleasure can hope to survive. The bill, which was introduced last iek, is entitled "An act to require' ting for taxation paid-up stock in lilding and Loan Associations." It lows: The Swift Bill he General Assembly of North Carolina Do Enact: "SECTION 1. That at Uie time of! i annual listing of property for tax- j ion, each owner of paid-up stock i any building and loan association ; Nortli Carolina shall list said stock taxation at its par value in the juily wi>e*c the G-.vr.cr recidcn, and id stock shall be subject to the ne rate of taxation as other prop:y in said county. SECTION 2. That all laws and .uses of laws in conflict with the )visions of this act are hereby relied. SECTION 3. That this act shall be full force and effect from anil after ratification. HERIFF MAKES WHISKEY HAUL tfge Copper Still Falls Into the! lands of Officers. Much Beer | Has Been Destroyed. A. large copper still together with 5 gallons of beer constituted the suits of a raid made in the bend of w River east of Boone by Sheriff well and his deputies Monday. Last week the same officers, with deral revenuers, captured a large tfit just over on the Wilkes side, ur thousand eight hundred gallons beer was destroyed. [n addition to these seizures the erifi reports the capture of ttvo istol men. their automobile and ten Lions of liquor. Those arrested, ;ose names are not given, were inrcerated. TO ASSIST TAXPAYERS Mr. <5. H. Holmes, collector of the ate Department of Revenue, will be the clerk's office in the courthouse day Tuesday, March 5ui, for the rpose of assisting income taxpay5 in preparing their returns. Moa e Year Eighteen L.ighty-ii.ij THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 19c Radio Dancer Offers a J1 I M i 1 oranu-iiew Idea Sally O'Brien Uses Miniature "Mike" to Catch Action \\ VKaajtV \". CHICAGO.?Sally O'Brien, radio ' lap dancer, above, went into her s act with something new this week, r A miniature microphone was sus- * ponded from her leg to catch the t detail steps of licr tap-dancirg. r I li EARLY HEARINGS 1 FOR POTATO BILL'; J a Quick Action Promised 011 Meas- r ure Introduced in House by v Lindsay Warren. * WASHINGTON. D. C.- Early hear- ? ings were promised on the potato 1 control bill introduced in the House J Thursday by Representative Lindsay * Warren, Democrat of North Carolina. c The measure, which would make potatoes a basic commodity, was re- j ferred to a House agriculture subcommittee headed by Representative Garden of -Kentucky. Warren said hearings might begin some time this week; * The bill, as introduced, was ap- proved by a committee representing I potato growers in 21 states. It was drafted by the Farm Administration, j 1 Growers would be given sales quotas j i and all potatoes sold outside the al- j(lot.menls would be taxed 75 cents a < hundred pounds. I Warren said so far opposition has ? come only from those who always t have been, opposed to agricultural M control legislation. ? Hcvvue hopeful of oarlv approval t by Congress, saying quick action c would be necessary if the bill is to have any effect on potato prices this | year. Warren has been joined by Representatives from Maine, Idaho, Wisconsin, Virginia and South Carolina in fiorUt mow - ' ? vw liliknu ut?. 11ICOOU1C i?-W. j - ^ A. R. Barlowe Passes t A. Russell Barlow, prominent Be- 1 nolr resident and well known to many i P Watauga; County people, died Sunday i ? afternoon after a long period of dc- ? dining health. He was 51 years of h age. v Funeral services were conducted il from the First Baptist Church Mon- ? day afternoon, and interment was at ? Lower Creek Baptist Church. Rev. R. E. Hardway of the First Baptist was in charge, assisted by Rev. A. A. McLean, Presbyterian minister, and Rev. W. R. Barnes of the Lower Creek Baptist Church. A large number of friends and rel- ^ atives attended the funeral and the ^ profuse floral offering attested the high esteem in which Mr. Barlow was , held. F Bom on Zach's Fork. August 11th, 1883, Mr. Barlowe was the son of the late W. Horton Barlowe and Elinyra Suddreth Barlowe. As a young man he was associated with the * J. M. Bernhardt in the lumber busi- J1 ness, later becoming carrier of the mails on Route 1. Lenoir. For 26 years ^ and 10 months Mr. Barlowe served r his patrons faithfully and was always s considered an accommodating carrier. s 111 health forced his retirement last s fall. In addition to these duties Mr. Barlowe operated a sand pit near Lenoir r and was a successful farmer. Ho was a member of the First Baptist Church of Lenoir. Surviving the deceased are his wid- 1 ow, nee Miss Texie Horton of Vilas, c Watauga County, and four children: c Scottie Sue, Myra Olene, Jewel Jean- 1 ette and David Horton Barlowe. * Those attending the obsequies from v Watauga County were: Mr. and Mrs. 8 D. F. Horton, S. F. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Horto". T M Horton. Mrs. I N. L. Mast and Miss Beulah Mae,t Henson. a RAT ght !5 $1.50 PER YEAR MERCHANTS MEET; l AIIh ANTI SAIPS UIAVA/ 111111 ui vuijyj T| ; PROPOSALS SQHtt .oc;r. Business Men Petition R?| c sentatives to Fight * cc Per Cent Levy ionP| is collf.cted M radio broadcast Named for Purpose of Promoting Civic Organizations or Chamber of Commerce. Twenty-five business men. representative of practically ail Boone's etail establishments, met at the Danel Boone Hotel Tuesday evening and bade vigorous attacks on the State's ales tax, at the same time lending nthusiastic approval to the McDon>ld-Lumpkin act, which would subtitute the three per cent. levy. Messrs. Clyde Ft. Greene. C. W. Teal md Owen Wilson were named on a ;ommittee to prepare petitions for orwarding to Representative Swift n?vi ociiaLur vvsBTeh, imploring their Lid in passing tlie substitute measire, and the sum of seventy-five dolars was raised for the purpose of mying 15 minutes' time over Radio Station WBT, Charlotte, in which to support the McDonald-Lumpkin pro>osal from a local as well as Slatevide viewpoint. Sentiment against he sales tax was unanimous at the neoting. and local merchants are lopeful that the re-enactment of the aw will be prevented. Civic Club Sponsored While the merchants wore in sesion the much-discussed proposal to irganize a civic club or chamber of omnierce came up tor consideration, md W. Ii. Gragg was named chairnar. of a committee to ascertain vhether or not a Rotary Club would letter meet the desires of the people. Hie other members of the committee ire G. K. Moose and Wade E. Brown. Ml those interested in the proposal, >r either of them, are asked to make mown their opinions to some member if the committee. Baby Show Will Be Held Next Saturday Considerable interest has attached tself to the announcement of a baby ihow which will be held at the Daniel 3oor.e Hotel on Saturday afternoon, ilarch 2nd, beginning at o'clock. The event, which finds sponsorship r the Comrades Class of the Metholist Sunday School, is expected to Iraw a large number of community labics, up to four years old. Mothers ire asked to pay a fee of 25 cents o register and first and second prizes vill be awarded in three age groups. ?any useful a::d[ practical awards .aw uucii uunuiea by the tJoone merlin rits for this~event. 3arent-Teacher Box Supper Is Postponed A box supper, sponsored by the 'arent-Teacher Association and which ?a? scheduled to have been held at he Demonstration School building* Thursday of this week, has been postoned until Thursday, March 7, at 6 'clock, due to a. conflict with some ther function. mr. Watt IT. Cragg as been designated as auctioneer and rill be in charge of box sales, and general good time is anticipated by rganization officials. Proceeds are to o to the operation of the Demonstration School lunch room. f.IRS. SARAII HENDR1X MAY RECEIVE STATE PENSION Raleigh, N. C. ? Representative iwift, of Watauga, introduced a bill Wednesday to place Mrs. Sarah Henrix on the Confederate pension roll, t was referred to the Committee on 'ensions. The text follows: "Section 1. That Mrs. Sarah Henrix of Watauga County, widow of amuel J. Hendrix, late a member of IcGuire's Company, be, and she is ereby placed on the pension roll of he State in CMncn *R auditor is hereby authorized and diected to issue and pay to her a penion at the same time and in the amo amounts as may be paid penioners in said class. "Section 2. This act shall be in orce and effect from and after its atifi cation." GREEK?BTHIKS Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Byers of Boone have announced the marriage >f their daughter, Ruby, to Mr. Rob rt F. Greer of Marion, Va., the cerenony having been performed in Brisol, Va., on February 12. The newlyveds will be at home in Bristol, Va., ifter April 1st. Mr. Greer is the son of the late At. and Mrs. G. F. Greer, and both 10 and Mrs. Git^r arc well known md popular throughout this section.

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