menis f?-i BOONE j SKETCHES ! I By J. C. R. | i i STUDENTS "BEHAVING" THE STRIKE at Appalachian College was settled some three weeks ago . . . st udents are now permitted to mingle together, the male arid the female. at athletic events . . . even allowed to smile at each other as they amble about the campus. Thu3 far the experiment has been successful; thus far practice has proven that the insurrectionists were right in their contentions; that boys and girls of college age are endowed with enough David Harum "hoss-sense" to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen under any and all circumstances! A guy whose education was obtained in a rustic elementary school where the fount of knowledge oftentimes became clogged with flying spit-balls, has little right to express opinions on matters appertaining to "higher larnin' "... but we're forced to con- , elude that it just had to happen the , way it did . . . that in this era of , change, when pigs are taught birth- ( control .when farmers arc paid not to ' farm, when half of the population i lives without work and governmental , practices older than Uncle Pinkney j Baldwin are cast in the waste-basket j . . . .you just naturally can t torce a set of bewhiskered rulings ?rulings < spawned away back in the nineties? down the gullets of 1935-niodel col- , lege student! And . . . has anybody , seen Graybeal ? . . . we kinda want to 1 run HIM for Congress! AN OBITUARY \ FOR FIVE YEARS and more Ott's < Place ... an inconspicuous eating t emporium devoted to the vending of t hot-dogs, hamburgers, plate-lunches j and the like . . . served as a sort of ? clearing house ror opinio no hatched in the proletariat mind. But Satur- i day Ott's Place closed its doors . . . ( gave up the ghost, so to s^eak . . . and c the frame structure which housed the ^ popular "ioint" today flaunts the in- 1 elegant sign of a shoe repair shop. ( EVEN AS A BROADWAY jour- 1 nalist bemoans the passing of such * restaurants as Delmonico's, Proctor's 1 and other glittering establishments 1 where intellectual gourmets of the Victorian era flocked for lavish worship at the altar of Epicurus ... so i this alleged columnist drops a tear at < the bier of Ott's Place, which, dad- j blame-it, has become just another > pleasant memory. For Ott's Place had i its traditions, just loads of them . . . 1 it was there that- good strong coffee t lent its stimulating influence to the 1 current problems of town and county s ... it was there that a sandwich was seasoned with argument on the pros and con3 of New Dealism, . . . where . the difficulties of married life, the treatment of whooping cough, the control of younguns, the merits and 6biuciii4 ui purjuc orric:ais, uie com- I parative beauty of smouldering bru-1 nettes and Jean-Harlowish blondes, the horror of death and the joy of H resurrection, the rise of a local poli-1 tician, the fall of a neighbor girl . . . yea, verily, where every matter of consequence and inconsequence had its inning! ? FARMERS IN OVERALLS, print- 1 ers with dirty necks and inky hands, 1 masons fresh from the mortar board, ' carpenters with shavings still clinging to their "jumpers," teachers and 1 preachers, lawyers and plain loafers ' . . . gathered on the high stools at 5 Ott's Place for food and conversation . . . for coffee and "gab." Mrs. ] Jim (Ott) Carter was the feminine ' major-domo of this House of Hamburg ... a kind-hearted soul who * knew the exact specifications for 1 "building" those lowly croquettes of J ground beef, etc. . . . who'd learned in early life that "Java" could not be brewed from water alone . . . who \ prepared stew-beef and potatoes, hog \ jowl and turnips after the manner of long ago. And each serving of simple food that she laid on that checkered ; counter had an accompanying "sidedish" of good cheer ... on the house! THE PROBLEMS that confront we ordinary people will never again be settled in proper fashion . . . Ott's Place is a thing of the past! Wars and floods and famines will rage unabated . . . for Bob Swift, Wilfred Davis, Bern Hodges, Will Walker and Linney, John Brown, J. C. R. and other habitual patrons of Ott's Place will have no way of stopping 'em! Ranting, raving, red-eyed demagogues will doubtless climb to positions of power ... for the "sound doctrines" hatched at the "council table" of Ott's Place - have ceased to influence the piiuub iiuiiu. ? THE TRIBULATIONS that have haunted the President's work-relief bill as it sought to gain the approval of an unsympathetic Senate furnish headlines for daily newspapers . . . but what about the closing of Ott's Place ? The General Assembly frets and fumes as it argues liquor and beer and taxation and cheaper auto tags . . . but Watauga's member of that deliberative body hasn't yet introduced a bill to re-establish Ott's Place! Candktetcs for Congress are springing up,?; every hand . . . but where the "hopeful" who has included in hL?platform a plank (or (Continued on Page 4) WA1 An VOLUME XLVI, NUMBER 36 MORRISON SPEARS TO JOINT SESSION N. C. LEGISLATURE Former Senator Does Not Mention "Likkcr" as He Praises Reign of Roosevelt. SENATOR HILL OFFENDED BY PRAYER OF MINISTER Sponsor of Control Rill Replies tc "Political Invocation."' Other News from the State Capital. By M. R. DUN NAG AN (Special Correspondent) RALEIGH, N. C.?Former Governor-Senator Cameron Morrison, addressing a joint session of the General Assembly Wednesday night without mentioning one time "likker," or iyen local or State matters, and Rev. W. L. Arnold, pastor of Johnson Memorial Baptist Church, Raleigh, in the opening prayer in the Senate Friday pleading with the Senators not to pass the liquor bill were two events in striking contrast in. last week's session of the General Assembly. The joint address was Morrisonosque, dealing with the achievements of the New Deal in the nation, and needed no answer. The minister's prayer called for an answer, made oy Senator John Sprunt Hill, of Duriam, author of the liquor control bill. .vith a rejoinder, breaking all precedent and rules, from the minister, :hat he received the inspiration late :he preceding night and "I felt it was ny duty as a minister of God to speak ny heart." The min.'st?!*? JmSwUed to the SenLtors not to "sell our children's souls 'or revenue and force intoxicating liluors down their throats." He did not ,vant this legislature to go down in listory as one which caused North Carolina to sin and that the children lot go without bread and clothes vhile mothers wail under the hand of ntoxicated fathers." He read from nanuscript. The Kcply of Mr. Hill Senator Hill, militant dry for many rears, still politically and personally iry, who proposed the control bill to -aise revenue for relief and clfiarity vork, and a deacon in tlie church, renamed standing aa the otherl niemjers sat down after the prayer. He iddressed the president. "I cannot sit lere and listen to such a political ipeech without feeling an affront, and (Continued on Page 4) 1,009 STUDENTS AT nAAitn nn* * BUUiNfc lULLMih Largest Enrollment in History of A. S. T. C. Registered for Spring Quarter. One thousand and nine students, :oming from 68 North Carolina counLies and thirteen other states, are enrolled at A. S. T. C. for the spring juarter, according to information released yesterday by J. M. Downum, registrar. This is said to be the largest number ever enrolled during a regular term at the college. The Senior Class now contains 125 members; Junior, 185; Sophomore, 518, and Freshman, 371. Watauga, vith 135 students heads the list oi aunties in attendance; Lincoln comes next with 48; Cleveland with 44; Forsyth, 40; Ashe, 38; Catawba, 38; Alleghany 31, and Iredell, 31. States represented besides North [Carolina are Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Six hundred and forty-eight girls are registered; 361 boys. One hundred and seventy four of the students have attended other colleges. Carmon Stuart Best A & _i A O HP jr. v/raiur ai O. 1 . L., Ashe County Student Wins Honor foi Third Consecutive Year. Carmon Stuart. Ashe County stu dent, who is ' well and favorablj known to the people of Boone as wel as to the population of Appalachiar campus, has, for the third year ii succession won first nlace in an elim ination contest to represent his col lege in the oratorical finals of Un South Atlantic Forensic Association Mr. Stuart, who is a Senior, has wot this honor every years except th< first. His subject this time wai "Since Live Lean Years." This yeaj he is to meet colleges from this Stab and from eight other Southern States and for the second time is going ii the double capacity of orator and dc bater. Attorney W. B.. Austin of Jeffer son spent Monday afternoon ii Boone, transacting legal business, an: visiting briefly with friends. p n I rAUG. Independent Weekly New BOONE. WATAUGA Watauga's "Fir i r^yg| Pictured above arc the twcr here Saturday afternoon. Will an occasional father, and sever bled formation ... so you'll I jBABY SHOW DRAWS 26 LOCAL CHILDREN Large Crowd Attends Event of Comrades Class. Thirteen Prizes Awarded. A crowd estimated at more than three hundred attended the Baby Contest, sponsored by the Comrades Class of Boone Methodist Church, at the Daniel Boone Hotel Saturday afternoon. Twenty-six babies,-rar.gjfcg m age from a few weeks to four years, were entered, and a continuous flow of th.^ children's friends passed through the hostelrys lobby during j the afternoon. Blue-eyed babies, black-eyed babies,I laughing babies, crying babies?-ba- j bies of every type and disposition; were represented in the unusually j large list of entries. Mrs. Collis Aus- j tin with her two sets of twins, Mary] and Martha, aged 4, and their seven-1 . months-old brothers, Clyde and Col- J lis, furnished one of the principal at- j tractions of the day. They, like all 1 Ot iiie uilicFa; -VrCrC j512t too Cllf.6 for J words. Frizes Awarded Prize-winners, determined by the number of votes received, were as follows: Group 1?Boys under one year: i First, John Banner Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Horton of Blowing Rock; second, Ralph Graydon Greer II, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Greer, i Boone. Group 2?Girls under one year: , First, Jane Keplar, daughter of Mr. r and Mrs. Roy Keplar; second, Janet t Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Greene. Group 3?Boys 1 to 2% years: First Bobby Hopkins Cook, son of Mr. and i (Continued on Page S) Hearing on Bus Route Is Set for March 19th 1 Greyhound Lines Propose Direct Connection to State Capital. I A hearing on a route for the Greyhound Bus Line which would link Watauga with Raleigh, has been postponed until March 19th, according to , officials of the company. The hear- \ ing before Commissioner Winborne was set for Tuesday of this week, r but had to be deferred on account of illness. The proposed route would give direct connections to Raleigh, via Greensboro and Chapel Hill, leaving Boone about 8 o'clock, and arriving Jin the capital city around 1:30 in the j afternoon. A return trip would be I possible the same day. i A. iiujiiber of -Boone people have been invited by the Greyhound comipany to attend the meeting. DEMOCRAT TO PUBLISH HISTORY GREENE FAMILY A history of the Greene family, compiled by Rev. George Greene, late j missionary to China, will be carried | as a special feature in The Watauga Democrat, beginning next week. The history is writting in interest- j - ing style, traces the lineage of local 1 members of the family back to old 2 England, and contains many colorful incidents to add to its appeal. A. DE sPaper?Established in th COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, Lure Leaders" Sn Bar JggL-'' "*" **% v I i riiP' WE ity-six Watauga County babies \v * Uiem on the steps of the Daniel al friends. lt?s impossible to list lave to pick your own heir or hei | COUNTY AGENT TO BEGIN WORK SOON Watauga's farm demonstration | agent will assume Ills work here arouiul March 15th, according to | infortnation received from O. F. 1 McCrary, district agent, the first ! of the week. Tlie County Commissioners, it is understood, have asked State College experts to select a mail for this work who is thoroughly familiar with the peculiarities of Mountain agriculture, and thus far are unable to say who will fill Che position. However, it is generally believed that Agent Collins, who for a number of years has served Alleghany County, will be transferred to Wataugn. He is looked on as one of the leading agriculturists in this section, and his appointment to the newly-created post here would be highly gratifying. VETOWIl iT HER ATF CONTROL OF BOOZE Liquor Questions Furnishes Subject for Joint Discussion at Legion Hall on 15th. Ex-service men of Watauga, their wives and children are invited to attend a joint debate, sponsored by the local American Legion Posi, at Legion Hall. Friday night, March 15th. The query will be: "Resolved, That the North Carolina Legislature should legalize the sale of whiskey." Upholding the affirmative will be Rev. W. C. Greene, Ralph G. Greer and Spencer Miller. The negative side of the question is to be presented by Charles S. Stevenson, Charlie You nee and Lionoll Ward. C. W. Teal, post adjutant, personally guarantees an evening of rare fun to those who attend. The Legion has recently contracted with the Wayne P. Sewell Producing Company of Atlanta for two presentations of the Uixie Black Bird Minstrels, April 19th and 20th, under the joint sponsorship of the Legion and Auxiliary. Adjutant Teal states that it is very important that all members of the two organizations attend the meeting on the 15th, at which time a number of important matters are to be discussed. BULLETIN Raleigh, N. C.?Representative Swift's b?u to tax prepaid Building and Loan stock was killed by the Ilmiso CnmrniltAA nn Rnnliinor Ihiu i (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock without a record vote. The opposition to the measure was reported as ; unanimous. Mr. Swift appeared in ! the committee room and ably dej fended his proposal, j Senator John Sprunt Hill presentI ed his views on State liquor coni trol to the Senate this afternoon. I Observers about the Capitol are of i the opinion that Mr. Hill's bill is | steadily gaining favor in the upper j house, many predicting a tie when | a vote Is taken !hun?uat> oi Triday. vi.> MOC e Year Eighteen Eighty-E THURSDAY UARCH 7 1Q.1S sipped at Show . y m-* "'STbI IImb^>\,*'Je"i"1 <kT'*t j ho participated in the contest Boone Hole! arc their mothers, the youngsters, due to the jumrcss.?Photo by Toms. FARMERS DISCUSS CHEESE INDUSTRY Reports of Special Committee Submitted to Mass Meeting at Cove Creek School. A m,oa itSntixn ' ? I ers was held at the Cove Creek school | Saturday afternoon, and optimistic I reports were presented to the large crowd by members of a special com| mittee recently appointed to sounc I out sentiment regarding revival ol ' the cheese-making industry in thif icounty. These reporls indicated increased I interest in the project, one cpmmitI teeman stating that 113 cows would be available in early spring. A tola! of 262 cows were reported by the i members, and backers of the movement. expressed a belief that a centra collective cheese factory would likelj ! be built at Sugar Grove within the near future. Chairman G. G. Farthing continued the committee, and plan: were laid for the holding of loca j meetings in each of the sixteen dis tricts during me coming necks. Farnluim Discusses Trench Silos A feature of the Saturday meeting | was a talk by F. R. Farnham, ex ten sion dairy specialist of Raleigh, or j the advantages of the trench silo a' | a means of furnishing cheap feed t< J dairy cattle. Several local farmers ex pressed intentions to build silos ol j this type soon. Rev. Mr. Butt, rector of Holy Cross j Episcopal Mission, attended the meet j ing and expressed keen interest in tht projected cheese factory. lie v.ras ac companied by Glovier, farm suj perinter.dent at Valle Crucis School. | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAY BE ORGANIZED HERE ! An enthusiastic meeting of Boont business men was held at the Danie i Boone Hotel Tuesday evening for thi purpose of organizing a chamber o commerce, and the twenty citizen; ! present expressed themselves as high ly in favor of the move. Committee; i were named to draft by-laws an< form a policy for the projected or S ganization, and sentiment seemed i? j be unanimous for the inclusion of al j Watauga, business and professiona | men who are interested in the devel opment of their county. Another meeting is scheduled t< be held Friday evening at the Danie Boone, when committees will offei their reports. The public is invite< i to attend. Vl,I T AllFCJUTn uuwuoiur ;'icjFJ I vi A "Fellowship Zone Meeting5' wil be held at Todd Methodist Churcl next Sunday afternoon, 3 o'clock, ac cord in j to announcement made Wed Jnesday by Rev. P. L. Smith, pastor Mr. W. H. Worth of Jefferson aistric lay leader, will preside, while Dr. J D. Rankin of Boone will be chie speaker of the afternoon. Special mu sic by students from A. S. T. C. i also scheduled. The public is invited. MR. MILLER IMPROVING Mr. W. F. Miller, popular count commissioner, remains seriously ill a his home here, although attendin | physicians believe his cc ndition i | somewhat improved. RAT .lght $1.50 PER YEAR Tfc EVADERS OF S pOL LAW ARE 1 J'lED TUESDAY Dcff>{Mp its Charged with Violati<?fTTt the Compulsory Attendance Statute. |JUDGMENT CONTINUED BY RECORDER IN ALL CASES Otus Watson, Curacy Smith and George (.'rump Draw Kond Sentences for Dry Law Offotises. Charged with violation of the compulsory education law, ten Watauga County citizens were brought hefore Jutfge John H. Bingham in Recorders j Court Tuesday. Each, according to : ctrrfTBirony suuinuxeo dv county SUIperintendent Walker and other witnesses. had allowed his children to remain away from school for long periods of time during the current session. Only one case, that of Sherman Greer of Elk Township, was completed, he having been found guilty as charged. A prayer for continuation of judgment was accepted by the court. The statute prescribes a penalty of So fine or thirty days in jail for such violations. Other defendants, all of whom were represented by Attorney W. R. Lovill. received a sound lecture from Judge Bingham and other members of the bar. They were: Dock Cox of Elk, Arthur Wheeler of Elk, Joe Presnell of Valle Crucis, Emory Townsend of Valle Crucis, Bob Hollars of Valle Crucis, Jim McGuire of Vilas, El lard Hollars, Emmett Townsend and Craft Presnell, all of Valle Crucis. Numerous Excuses Cited vanoua were given f nonattendance of school-age children by the group of defendants: high water, muddy roads, insufficient clothing and what-not, but evidence presented by ' teachers tended to show that warnings and offers of aid had been ignored, and that, in one case, an eightyear-old boy bad been present but fifteen days and absent more than a I hundred during the present school year. i Judge Bingham agreed to continue - all of the cases, and in the mcanl time promised to make a thorough : personal investigation. He ordered the i children returned to classrooms in all schools not already closed, and I warned parents to keep them there or suffer the full penalty of the law. 1 This is the first lime that a "whole' sale" effort has been made to enforce ' attendance laws in Watauga County. | Liquor Men Fare Hard T Other cases disposed of by the re % eorder were as follows: Otus Watson, violation prohibition j laws, six months on the roads, terms j of a suspended sentence having* been invoked. Gurney Smith and George Crump, violating prohibition law, 6 months on roaas. r Fred Barnett and Mrs. Fred Bar nett, violating" prohibition laws, not 1 guilty. 5 Capiases wore issued for J. F. > Hodges and James Simmons, who - were called and failed. F In the absence of Solicitor Charles T. Zimmerman, the docket was proa} ecuted by Attorney Wade E. Brown. : 1 Coker Triplett Leaves For Spring Training Local Baseball Player Signs Contract , With Southern League Club. Coker Triplett, local baseball star, ' left Tuesday for Tallahassee, Fla., where he will enter spring training ~ with he Nashville (Tenn.) club of the Southern League. 3 Triplett, who plays centerfield, finished last season with. Nashville, 3 made a splendid diamond record, having performed in ten games. His batting average was close to the .300 ' I mark. | As an athlete at Appalachian State Teachers College, Triplett was twice " j given a position on the mythical AllI State gridiron squad. Since entering j me ranKs oi organized baseball, he I has shown unusual promise, ana fans r \ around Boone confidently expect him to "make his mark" in the game of games. Mrs. Triplett and small son will remain in Boone for the present at 1 the home of her father, Mr. E. Ford 1 King. ; WINDY GAP SCHOOL CLOSES t Mr. Cecil Glenn closed his school at Windy Gap last Friday noon and, acf cording to Ira Edmisten, one of the l" committeemen of Cove Creek District, s the term has been most successful. | Mr. Glenn, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Cohley Glenn of Vilas; entered A. S. T. C. in Boone this week, where y he will complete a four-year course of t study. Patrons of Windy Gap school g were anxious for the young man to is,return next term, but his decision, to re-enter college forestalled the offer. ' | 1 |

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