! 11 ~ APRIL 25. 1935 ? ? LOCAL AFFAIRS Mr Jake Morgan of Concord spent the week-end in Boone. Mrs. J. R. Mast, who has been very ill with bronchial pneumonia, is improved, friends will be glad to know. Miss Grace Gragg spent Easter in Lenoir, visiting with Mrs. C. C. Murray, the former Miss Callie Greer. Mrs. J. L. Winkler will entertain the Friday Afternoon Club next Fri day at 3 o'clock. Miss Geneva Hayes of Concord spent the past week-end with her, mother, Mrs. George Hayes. Mr. Smith Hagaman of WinstonSalem was a business visitor in Boone last Friday. Ed Quails left yesterday for south- I em markets to purchase goods for the j Quails Basement Store. Misses Maude Greene and Maude J Cathcart spent Easter with friends in \ Knoxville and Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ingle of Lenoir, were visitors Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Conway of Belks Store. Mr. and Mrs. Johi< Conway spent Easter with Mrs. Conway's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spencer, of Lenoir. Mr. B. J. Councill, who has been ill for several weeks, was able to mingle with friends along the street Monday afternoon. Wnc T* T nr* f* 1. J j . ....o. a. ljcii Lwr ?nu uaugnier, Miss Ruby, spent Easter with Mrs. Leonard Michael in North Wilkesboro. Miss Nell Trivette of Collettsvillc, N. C., spent the Easter holidays with i? her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Trivette, in Boone. Mr. Carter Cook, of Elizabethton, Tenn., was a visitor with his brother, Mr. Walter Cook, in Boone Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clyde Winebarger and Miss Henrietta Coulter spent EasjL ter in Winston-Salem visiting relatives. Miss Ruth Blair of Winston-Salem was an Easter visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Blair, of Boone. Mr. J. M. Cornell of Zionville was a visitor in town Saturday and paid an appreciated call at The Democrat office. Mrs. Joe Cook, who has been a patient. at a Lincolnton hospital for the past two years, is reported as considerably improved. S Postmaster Wiley G. Hartzog, who underwent an appendix operation sevI eral weeks ago at a North Wilkesboro hospital, has resumed his duties in the local office. Married Saturday at the home of Edw. N. Hahn in Boone, Miss Mabel Kirby of Mabel to Mr. Blaine Hodges of the same community, Esquire Hahn performing the ceremony. ^ Married in Boone Wednesday morning, Miss Leola Harmon of Vilas to Mr. Albert Penlcy of the Howards Creek section, E. N. Hahn, Esq., performing tlie ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. R Cline Mabry have returned to their home in Concord after spending the Easter holidays with Mrs. Mabry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lokn K firmun Mr. William Hampton is a patient at a Statesville Hospital where he underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis last week. His condition is reported as satisfactory, xneiiiy friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Teal entertained Mrs. M. H. Shumway and Miss Aurelia Adams, of Lexington, Mrs. H.. G. Smith, of Lenoir, Mr. Wiley G. Pickens and Mr. Cline, of Lincolnton, at a six o'clock dinner Tuesday at Daniel Boone Hotel. Mr. M. R. Wilson of Trade, Tenn., was in town Tuesday and ordered The Democrat forwarded to a son, Archie Wilson, of Mitchell, Oregon. Mr. Wilson has been in the West for the past thirty days and intends to remain for an indefinite preiod. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Greer, of San Bernardino, Calif., are spending a week at the home of the former's father, Mr. George Greer, at Zionville. The trip was made by motor in four days. Mr. Greer, with his father and Mr. Worth Byers, was a pleasant caller at The Democrat office Monday. Word came to Boone Wednesday morning that a relief worker, employed on a road project on the other side of Rich Mountain, had fallen dead. When officials of the relief department in company with a physician arrived on the scene, however, it was found that the man had been St"iolfPn \iri onilnnx" 1 ' ? b|/ncyqjr cxhu uau re* gained consciousness. Mrs. Whitener Directs Meeting of Livingstone Club. Mrs. D. J. Whitener was in charge of the April Meeting of the Livingston Club which met with Mrs. Jim Horton. The program opened with the singing of the hymn, "More About Jesus." The devotionals consisted of a Scripture reading, John 19:25, and a prayer. After the dsvotiertw Mrs. Mullins sang. The members enjoyed having with them at this meeting Miss Elmira Russ of the Appalachian State Teachers College, who played "To Spring," by Grieg, and "Valclk," by Moyes. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Whitener and Mrs. Aldridge will be in charge of the program. The class extends a cordial invitation to anyone who would like to join at any time. la| w ; KILBY-REEVES WEDDING IS SOLEMNIZED AT SPARTA A wedding of much interest to a wide number of relatives and friends took place in Sparta Saturday afternoon, April 20. when Miss Charity Kilby became the bride of Mr. John F. Reeves, both of West Jefferson. The ceremony was performed by Elder Charles Kilby, brother to the [bride, with only members of the imi mediate family present. After a short Easter trip, the young couple returned to West Jefferson where they will make their home. Mrs. Reeves is the daughter of the late Elder and Mrs. T. H. Kilby She has been employed with the J. F. Scott and Son store of West Jefferson for several years and is well I known as one of the section's most (attractive young women. | Mr. Reeves is the business manager of The Skyiand Post and has been with this newspaper for the past lour years. He is also a popular member i of the city's group of business men. | Hf) is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.I Reeves, of Laurel Springs. M. E. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO PRESENT PROCJ RAM On Thursday. April 25, the Mission- ' ary Society of the Methodist Church will present an evening's entertainment. which due to illness of mem-; bers, was postponed from April 4th. The program will consist of a oneact play by t he Alice Taylor Stanbury | Circle, orche stra numbers by the Liv-; ingstone Society and "A Friday Aft- ; ernoon of a 1 Old-Time School by the I Adult Circle, also songs, readings and i musical rec tations. | tv.;.. ?* - ? - - jliucj entertainment will be given in j the basehie it of the Methodist Church ; at 7:30 o'clock. The price of admis-1 sion will b ! 20 cents for adults and j 10 cents f >r children. The public is j cordially invited. BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock Mrs. J. L. Reese entertained at her I home at Vilas a number of guests in honor of her son. Gene, whose eighth birthday it was. They enjoyed games, then were called to the dining room which was decorated for the occasion. Little Gem opened alt the presents ! Each child was given an Easter rah-' bit as a fa\ >r. After the refreshments wore serve-1 other games were enjoyed by the little folks. Those im ited were: Jean Smith, Carylon Combs, Betty Henson, Gertrude Henson, Jimmy Billings, Billie Billings, Billie Henson, Johnnie Bingham. Luther Mai tin Bingham and David Bingham Mr. H, E. Deal of Sherwood passed through town Wednesday en route home from Elkin where he had gone for his son, I.eater, who recently underwent an appendix operation at the Elkin Hospital. The young man is recovering rapidly. SPECIAL NOTICES WANTED TO SELL?Half a million Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage plants. W. G. Lowe, Moravian Falls, N. C. 4-25-2p FOR GRADUATION?Beautiful yellow gold watches of all kinds and jewels at a great reduction in price. Walker's Jewelry Store, near Theatre, Boone, N. C. THE FINEST WATCH and Jewelry Rtpairir.g by workmen of experience. It costs no more, have your watch done right. Walker's Jewelry Store, near theatre. WANTED?Work by a refined worn uit to pay Tor room and board during summer session of school. Mrs. Era D. Summltt, Newton, N. C. 4-11-30 HAVE A HOUSE in Boone for rent. See J. C. McConnell in Boone. Smith Hagaman. 4-2r>-2p HAVE TWO OR THREE boundaries of grass on Cove Creek. Will sell by the boundary or graze by month. See Dean Swift at Sugar Grove. Smith Hagaman. 4-25-2p EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING?At lowest cost Parts, tubes and batteries. K. I. Dacus, New River Light and Power Co.. Boone. 3-28-tf Dr. C. B. Brufhm&n, Eye, Ear, Note and Throat Specialist, Elizabethton, Tenn., will be in the ottsce of Dr. J. B. Hagam an in Boone, on the first Monday in each month for the practice of his profession. j ELECTION NOTICE An election for the naming of a Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the Town of Blowing Rock, has been called for Tuesday, May 7. The registration books will open Saturday, April 6, and be open for four successive Saturdays. The registrar is C. G. Ward, while G. C. Walters and W. B. Hartley will act as judges of election. This April 3. 1935. H. P. HOLSHOUSER, Clerk, Itc Town of Blowing Rock. Water $?&&&?? $1.50 PACKAGE, now- $1-00 $i.00 PACKAGE, now 60c BOONE DRUG CO. The REXALL Store I I ATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EV~ER^ BjhlromC Items from The Democrat of April 16, 1896. Hon. Hort Bower was at the Bryai Hotel Sunday night on his way t< Jefferson. i Mrs. Hagaman, an aged citizen oJ Watauga who lived on Brushy Fork jdied at her home last week. 1 Judge Brown, in company with So ,licitor Spainhour, stayed over at Cof I fcys' Hotel Sunday night on their waj : to Jeiferson court. | The case that has been pending ir. I the Caldwell court against Albert : Franklin and wife for the poisoning jof the tatter's first husband. Fog I Greene, has been decided and resulted I in the conviction of both. Franklir | goes to the penitentiary for life anc I the woman goes for 30 years. Truly the way of the transgressor is hard. April 23. 1896 Roby Greene has been appointed as : town marshal and \V. H. Woodring street overseer. Dr. Andrew 'ackson Brickell, Watauga's poet, was in town Monday to the delight and edification of his numerous friends:. A number of our citizens are off to Slatesville Federal court this week, A number of witnesses in the Wagner case were summoned, besides there were several defendants who were bound over. Most of the deputy A. S. T. C. SENIOR CLASS TO PRESENT COMEDY On Thursday night, May 2nd, the Senior Class of Appalachian State Teachers College will present in the college auditorium a three-act play entitled "Captain Applejack. This play was written by Walter Hackett and is very promising as an entertaining feature. The leading man's role. Ambrose, is played by Wint.on Rankin, who has had several important roles in Playcrafter productions. Frances Mull, in the characteri^a Hon of A?r?n Valeska. plays the feminine lead. Miss Mull has been very active in iiie dramatic activities of the school for the past three years, having had important parts in several public performances. Besides these, Roy Greene in the character of Lush the butler, NoZL_im_ SPA 4 ' READ BELO\ ALL SILK FLA CREPE !In bolts. A now shipmen received in all the leadinj tel shades as well as the c colors. Priced, per yard, \ only tI SPECIAL for Friday, Saturday, IS 120 PER CENT OFF ON WOOLENS The season's newest weavi colors. Don't forget this w> ful ottering. LADIES SILK HC It will pay you to buy s pairs of these. All the li spring shades in sizes 8 10%, special, per pair, A only T MEN'S FINE DRI OXFORDS Built fcr service as well a: looks. Newest styles in and all white. Priced A per pair, only (MEN'S DRESS SHI We now have a good assoi of shirts in both fancies ai I id colors. Sizes 14 to 17. prices range from 1.00 to 1.51 ^THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. marshals went also. The McKinlcy boom has gone wild * He has outstripped Reed. Morton ) | Quay and all the others, so that fron surface indications none of them wil ? hear the horn blow. "Unless there is , an under-current against McKinley he will receive the nomination on th< first ballot. Pittsburgh.?Last Tuesday, Alio r Dale, employed by Dr. Lake, ran i needle in her hand. It broke off, leav i ing a piece imbedded in the flesh. A : similar accident happened some dayi ! ago to Mrs. J. H. Murdoch of Ligo ; ner. Yesterday the two women went 1 to the Homeopathic Hospital, when t the Rosentgen rays were flashed or I the two hands. The exposure laslet ' two minutes and the developed nega tive showed the two pieces of steel A surgeon then made an incision anc removed the needles, i In the death of Ex-Governor Thorn as M. Holt the State has lost one ol its most prominent and progressive citizens. Gov. Holt was a man of great 1 integrity and was a true North Caro 1 linian in the fullest sense. A man ol large means and thrift, he did much : to build up his section and county Such men as Governor Holt will be greatly missed by a large number ol people. In his death the Democratic ? party has lost one of its great pillars of support. vella Dixon, as Mrs. Pengard, anc Calvin, Wright a3 Mr. Pepgard, hei husband. The plot is very interesting and the audience will be well pleasec with the awkward love scenes be twee i \ the fortv-fivp-vppr.nl/l ho/?V>nl' ?> nr" . the Russian dancer. The proceeds will go to the studenl loan fund maintained by the college. NEWTON KOMINSTKN I Mr. Newton Edminston, about 7( j years old, who until the past few years was a citizen of Blowing Rock died at his home in Lenoir Wedncsjday morning, and interment is to be j Tin j i auei-y cutciiiuCIi, at the family cemetery at Mulberry, j Mr. Edmistcn was well known tr j many Wataugans and was a splendid citizen. A niece, Mrs. W. D. Farthing ! resides in Boone. TNHC "Boone's Sfioj VREFULLY 1 ? AND TAK1 THESE Ol I REMNAP I Jas1 FRIDAY - SATUF larker ... i Q _ During these three days 1 nants of all kinds ... 1 WOOLENS . . . priced fr, IZZZZ regular prices on holt go Owing to our limit have our remnants on se three days each time. Ion. SO DON'T FORGET O AS IT WILL, LA* *<] TAGE OF Till ss and ALL LAD) ^ COATS. Greatly Reduced f >SF Only a few left, so visit everal selections ^dint^ ALL 16.95 COAT t8c ALL 10.95 COAT ALL 16.95 SUITS ALL 10.95 SUITS rss ONE LOT t ICS DRESS ? OXF( -tment VALUfcS i u $3 id sol- Your choice for . The These consist of black brown oxfords,white ox J outstanding values for o FOREST GROVE ITEMS | The young men of Forest Grove 2 ; Church will present ail inspiring pro- J | gram on next Sunday evening at 7:30 ^ ' o'clock. Those taking part in the pro- * ; gram are as follows: "The Church Defined," by Group Leader Russell ' t Roark; "The Foundation of the t Church," by Dean Johnson; " The Pow- i ^jer of the Church," Berl Isaacs; "The ; J jiHead of the Church," Frank Roark; s ? | "The Unity of the Church." Gardner Matheson; "The Work of the Church/' |l; I Grady H. Eller; "The Growth of thejF Church," by Dallas Hedges; "The! Ideals of the Church," by Orville Ha- |v ' gaman. The public is cordially invited | 1 to attend this program | r j Mr. G. D. Matheson has returned s L | from employment near Greensboro. I i At the present he is making prepar- ^ "! ations for the return of Mrs. Mathe- 0 41 son and son, Harold Dean. | Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Eller had the II following guests Sunday: Orville Ha- ], 11 gaman, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winebar- y ' j ger and son, Bobbie Dean, and Miss a J Kate Winebarger and Miss Sadie d 1 White of A. S. T. C. ! The future politicians of this com- ? ! munity are planning on debating | j i Hon. Huey P. Long's program, Share a the Wealth 1 BASEMENT ? STO T T 4 I T c 11N (Entrance Between Five-to I i t Drug Con L; This is the place to ANTIQUE AND US STOVES AN1 SEWING MACHINES PIANOS, EAi t | tfHUWyggBS )URS, typing Center" "HESE ITEMS EADVANTAC EFERINGS OIL C VT SALE .|, We are IDAY - MONDAY is the re ive will have on sale rem- ^ k0(X' SILKS, COTTONS, AND and C0IC Dm 1-3 to 1-2 off from the ors- Pr>c ods. only . l.ed space, we will only ; lie once a month, say for 1 T A UR REMNANT SALES, pU to take advan ESE SAVINGS! Chnmbrt Included [ES WOOL to 19c s onlv & SUITS r= or Quick Disposal! S our store early, while the ; are best! Frida; 'S, now. . . .$10.50 ALI 0 'S, now.... 6.95 ] b now 10.50 An exce i, now 6.95 ful patt< Ion sale i biy SHOES & ? 3RDS N SIZES) ( r^ A /~x We hav< ' I ZL*-# and colo younger ties, straps and oxfords, conserv: fords and pumps, ^ *Q trons. 0 nlv I >n a goo ' your chi PAGE FIVE Mr. A. G. Storie spent Sunday with dr. and Mrs. Floyd Warren. Miss Katie Winebarger a student of V. S T.-C. spent the week-end with lome folks. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Isaacs spent Eas,er with Mrs. Isaacs" hcinefolks on he Watauga River. W. R. Johnson Jr. entertained the 'oungsters with an egg hunt Sunday ifternoon. Rev. E. J. Farthing met his reguar appointment at Forest Grove the >ast week-end. Mr. J. M. Johnson spent Sunday yith his sister, Mrs. John Henson. Miss Mary Ann Hodges, who has ecently been employed at Boone, pent the week-end with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Max Ha gam an visited ?rs. Hagaman's homefolks at Mabel 'ver the week-end. Farnham says many North Caroina bbys ut tlie age of ten or twelve rears have started with one calf and re today owners of splendid small lairy herds that are providing a ource of cash income to pay the ownr's way through college. It need not ?e an expensive undertaking to start, lany breeders are glad to co-oper:te in supplying a pure-bred aninv.il at . very normal cost. BARGAIN RE ? BUILDING Five Store and Watauga lpany; i find bargains in ED FURNITURE DRANGES PHONOGRAPHS jiOS, ETC. Inc. LISTED ;E OF LOTH SPECIAL jui n-guiar win' graac. discontinuing oil cloth | ? axon for this low price, assortment of patterns rs. as well as solid colled per yard, 18c BLE OF DRESS PRINTS iy. Curtain Serin;, Etc. in this lot arc values up pecial, per yard 10c || IPECIAL for y, Saturday, Men. F OUR REGULAR 25c DRESS PRINTS Ilent quality in beauti;rns and colors will be it the remarka- 4 Q ^ price of A tDIES' WASH DRESSES I mi rast Colors) ; a big range of patterns rs. Snappy styles tor the ladies as well as more itive styles for the maiur regular $1.00 dresses d range of sizes, *9 7#* rice for M M