PAGE EIGHT News Of 1 Bv M. R DUN NAG AN (Special Correspondent> RALEIGH. N C.?The State ate. which had had the impcr revenue bill for exactly four w Tuesday, on that day at an after session, placed it on its third i ing. although it was some $2,501 short of the amount needed to bal with the Appropriations bill, air passed by the House and to be sidered this week by the Senate The Revenue bill, which passe first reading Friday and second i ing Saturday with only a few au votes in opposition, has replaced several items which the Senate USED CARS We have a large stock of gooi Used Cars, which we are offer mg at exceptionally low prices Following arc a few example our offerings: 1934 Chcv. Master Sedan 1931 Master Chev. Coach 1934 Plymouth Coach 1934 Ford Coach 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Ford Coach 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1930 Ford Coupe 1934 Chevrolet C'oupc 1932 Ford Coupe Together with several othe Used Cars and Trucks We can sell you a used ca cheap and allow you more o your used car on a new car lha Villi \vin firifl pre r?v? n o count of our large volume. W. R. CHEVROLET COMPANY "Wo Lead in Sale* & Service*' BOONE. N. C. if NEW J REFRi B PER G-E Sea! 3 I\TOW you IN of the fa mechanism in General Electri Year after yea demonstrated t long life, depe cost is more features combii Tops now in u to their origina as good as the < In the General Flatop, Liftop. your requirer whether your i New Rr Telephone 60 he Legislature : iier had eliminated ami which raised the revenue estimates some 52,000,Sen Only five items arc exempt from tant1 the three per cent sales tax. meal, eeks flour, lard, fallback and sugar, as it noon is now written. Also Bibles, hymnals 1 l:inH Surrlnv Sfhonl iiiorfthirf wpta py [),000 smpted. ance The Senate restored the sales tax eady on hotel room rentals, exempting regcon alar roomers in hotels. The maximum sales tax on any one article was ind its creased from 519 to S15 and the inread-jcome tax exemption of 15 per cent dible' on amounts given to charity and the in it like was reduced to 10 per cent. Chain ear- tilling station taxes were restored. ; Thus the Senate had gone up the hill Hnn and down again, also. j j Tlie House indicated Friday that it j j would not be likely to accept the bill | j i i c comes back from the Senate, F ; 2 rcbablv Wednesday, in which case a conference committee would have to j" ; named to iron out the differences It is considered likely that ail of the | I basic food items now exempt will be ! put back in the bill, as the House had = i passed it. Or. it may be that the Hil! j j siquor control bill may be used as a I stop-gap to fill in between the expect5 j ed revenue and appropriation differg i cnces. A "round robin" of 50 House j members is reported to have signed j i up to vote for the liquor control bill ii the Senate passes it. and that is i about half of the 120 members pres-j i ont at any session along now. May Adjourn in Week If the House should adopt the Sen-' ate measure, or if the conference coin-1 S ailfctee should iron out the differences j I in a couple of days, then it seems j | hkely that the Legislature can ad- j jjourn within a week. This is not cxi peeled. Amendments to the Hill bill | may be offered to let those counties ; which voted for repeal in 1935 estab- j i lish liquor stores at once, along with j r some of the resort sections, notably j AsheviJle, Waynesville. Pinehurst and | others. The counties voting for repeal are Alleghany. Beaufort, Craven, Curri^ tuck. Durham, Edgecombe. Halifax. Martin. New Hanover. Onslow Pasquotank. Pitt and "Wilson, 13. Others, to establish stores, would have to vote | local option. I Both House ami Senate have been j working hard the past week, the ! House seeking to clear up its heavy calendar, and succeeding fairly well, even though it has the habit of bringing back bills already killed and passing them, or killing those already 1935 GENERAL GERATORS CARR1 FORMANCE PRO ' V/A\' '' \ F .c. v ^ I i J : 3 Types with "Ageless" ed-in-Steel Mechanism yle, Any Size, Any Price dy All-Steei Cabinets >d-in-Steel Mechanism Convenience Features can have the matchless performance mous General Electric sealed-in-steel any style, in any size, in any priced c refrigerator moddL r General Electric refrigerators have o hundreds of thousands or users that ndable performance and low operating important than all other refrigerator aed. 97J of ail General Electric Monitor se 5 years are still giving faithful service / owners?the sealed-in-steel mechanism day they were bought. Electric line you will be able to see and ee types of icfrigerarors?Monitor l op. There is a G-E model to exactly suit nents in style, in size and in price? acome is $25 a week or $25,000 a year. per Light and ] Next Door to Hi-Land Dry Clean* '"r"" * WATAUGA DEMOCRAT?EVERY passed. The Senate, oil the Revenue io bill, has allowed its public calendar Ho to accumulate more than forty bills: act needing: attention. When the big: bills rec are out of the way. however, they j iPi make short work of the others. Six- i kil ! teen public bills and resolutions and1 of ! 87 local measures were ratified last . ii\ [week, bringing the total ratified for [on the session to 745 bills and 42 reso- i tin j lutions. of the 1723 bills introduced, j tui House Passes Street Bill j The House passed tnc mil provicii:ig $500,000 for upkeep of streets in l3t towns and cities designated as parts of the State highway system, and sent ,!n it to the Senate. It changed its mind ? land voted to bring it back, but too late. The -Sena?" had already passed it, and it has been ratified. The automobile license tax rate was ( sun further reduced by the House, ^ to 40 cents per 100 pounds. The Sen- ^ ate had passed it at 45 cents, a re- "t duction from the present 55 cents.). The Senate may concur in the 40-ceni . >*(< The joint session of Senate and House adopted without change or m, comment the report of the committee co naming 35 trustees of the University oi North Carolina, ten to fill unex- 3=1 pired terms. However, Senator Rivers Johnson offered a resolution recommending that one trustee be named from each county, with an additional trustee for each 40,000 population, or major fraction. It was adopted as a recommendation, but the body refused to undo what it had just done and make it apply this year. As adopted, ; it has no actual force, merely recommending. The House changed its mind on two! measures, ft rescinded its action of} a few days before memorializing Con- i gress to remove the processing tax! on cotton, by adopting a repealer bill, | and sent it to the Senate. It also re- ' vived a bill killed, to allow debtors of! nofiinof KfinU-c f .l-.KI ^ I ?. outtiku IW l tlVULO W XU1 UP* I posits, passed it and sent it to the I Senate. To Honor Late Frank Page Passed and ratified were bills providing for a tablet honoring the late Frank Page, for a decade State highway chairman, in the Capitol or in a new highway building, if erected, and provi ling distinctive automobile license lor oihcers 01 Hie iN. C. National Guard. The House also passed and sent to the Senate a bill permitting the manufacture of slot machines in the State, primarily for the benefit of one vending machine manufacturer in the State. Twentythree counties were exempted in the House. Watauga was not exempted. The House refused to have anything ELECTRIC r 5 YEARS FECTION* ^ from * ' | | : f.. i w'vk*sh_ _w?ff^m'"' *5 Years Performance Protection In addition to the otandard x jrcar warranty, 1935 General Electric refrigerators carry 4 more years protection on matchless sealed-insteel mechanism for $5 . . . frre years for only $1 a year. You ton buy a new A A w 19S5 6-1 refriaer- U UK ator for at little as (J 0 Payments as low as $6.00 per month. Power Co. Boone, N. C. Mil" rui 11 i wsii Wii'iii' ^lilb THURSDAY?BOONE, N. C. do with the Day bill to reapport ion use of Representatives members in Sydancc with the 1930 census, as nj piired by the Constitution, its the 13 ami 1931 bodies had done. It p] led the minority report by a vote j,, 55 to 32, largely east-west in the ision. It also killed , the Stone bill, motion of its introducer, to abolish T i office of Commissioner of Banks, CI rning over the work to the Utilities nimissioner The House passed the ^ I to increase terms of office of reg- p ers of deeds to four years, with y out one-third of the counties ex-1 ipted. It went to the Senate. y ; <2 THF, SAVIOUR'S BIRTH ! V . ; n The calculations of an Italian as-! t momer say that this is n?f 1 ^ _ it 1946. Head this unusual story, rich tells interesting facts of the ^ iristian era. One of many articles y the American Weekly (Issue of \ iril 28), the hip: magazine which nws regularly with the Rait imore ^ inciay American. Your favorite a wstlealer er newshoy J:a ; your i c py. i l HERE'S OUR PLAN i'% 10.000 Rrull Dr?j Stores hold gj this sale to make new friends. J > r On special occasions wo offer I 'iffl R tome of these items at lees than a regular list prices bat st no U time at these tock bottom I ' prices. Candy and P?r. * Food I i==" r'fmntt arm NOT told on Onm '" ?' Cent Satm EOBDOEEEEO T^T toe R?uaiTo?ui3o., 2'?11c JSc 2'-36c !* ou^^T"' 2'-51c |g?| 50c IlMol 2 (of 51c 25c Jc-uteol Talcum 2 '* 26C d&y 25c Bay Ruin Sharing A . n?. Cteam Zfor2BC (r^\ 25c*t.c?u?. 9 (or 9K|> II ?f* I-VWOCT fcvw II 50c After Shxve Lot*oa 2 ,or 51C (I.M <0jn J5c JtMtine Cr?un? 2 '?* 30C || jj 2'?M.01 VgJ 50c Jawniae Ptriunj 2 '?* 51C 1H.11J ^ 7lk^HerB*"' 2 ""76c 25c U?.adcr Talcum 2'<"26C 2 '? 51c ?' ? Victocn 25c Stir Powdar ?? *jjj *! or v forM*o 2*?*2oC 55c Dftintj Pow?k Good at anjr lima Juria| tK? four Jmy? ?( ?< Crt?? for ?*! j 40f . . . vitk tK? attached cow; 7?" 77?! Klinu Denial Cram* giva* jro ?wilkcul ?<n*U?ing?witliMl scratch lag. TkU allow* mo Ik* rigkt to parclat* 3 of Xk*M> UMUi Crotae for *?!y 40c at **y day* of 'k* R*.vill Original Oao-Coat 9*k. NIIM , Addkaaa n ,,,, 4 Pays Oniy-\ 7u? a*: oiT viW pint 1*11 til Asst.C SOLUTION C2f Compare M i 31 Antiseptic Solu kL"jtfi| lion with any l^'JA other mooth* | B4H wash for econ- ????? H I ?my ,nd ^31 tivcncM. Pie*?^ ant taste too. 49C size 2 fcc SO0 ? HNE TC M^X^XflL1 Six cakes c ~\soap in beaut \XV| Reg- $1.00 Vi BOX Of 6 ?JONTEEL li "? ROUGE jPU 2"51. I B READYMADE I /j^\ BANDAGE Candy am) Mcrcurochromc Opeko Haiti 'Vryv ** p'**n- Sterile. <*0^/2, 2Jc ?z? Sjnootf-.I, 9forOCe S/T?b \r Mm I ?i*?0?? BOONE I BOONE, NOR TRACV NKWS [ FaV The Sunday School s progressing hou icely at Thomas Chapel. tim iliss Vera Lee May, who is em- hon [ovcd at Bristol, is at home visiting | ^ ?r carer.ts during the Easter holi-! hS ays. | the: Air. and Airs. B. M. Thomas of1 Tra rade were Sunday guests of his par-: tits, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thomas. ' Air. Asa Rccce and daughter. Miss linnie. were dinner guests of Air. :eeces' uncle, AIr. R. A. Thomas, and Irs. Thomas, on Friday. Mr. Johnnie Quails of Bristol and j 1 lias Vera Lee May attended Sunday! iehool at Thomas Chapel Sunday, j Miss Anna Wilson and Aliss Virgie j ValJace were dinner guests of Robert | *homas last Sunday and they ail at- j ended church in the evening at Tho | <T* U 1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Garland of j iYade were Easter dinner guests of ( drs. Garland's parents. Air. and Afrs. 3 Vill Wallace, also of Trade. Mrs. Julia South Braswcll and lit-IB le daughter, Cora, of South Carol inn,j g ire visiting her mother, Airs. Brittair. j B South, for a few weeks. Mr. Thomas South of Klamath : ? S? Saa Mi 31 Saving Cream |?^ 1QomP*SV ich soft lather gives !; aciu thi smooth shave. L fci-1 often causes decay. 50c size tube l""'| 25c size tube 2 for 5IC ^ 2 f 26c * T*u\SISST : "Tc:"i aspirin tablet A1 Quick safe rc 3r Give your akin * lief for ache gL. real cleansing. ani1 Pain9!Sffl75c size lb. con j | 25csize boxof H 2 ?76c 2'?26c Symbol Fountain! Permedg 5C4:.?:r ***?* Molded :n one piece. W#r> BLADE! tA _ ? _ Every bUde reg $1.19 full 2 qls ^^dSy guaianteed. 2 for $1.20 pkg. of 5 23c 2 f?r 21 dZ.<X Adhe- 2 for j||| $1.30 Siaa Belmont Pen J'01)] . ' . . 40c Sua Cascade Pound JW?'BP, 2(o,J140 ^orE.- 2<*' 4 Deedoraat > tfir sp, 15c Sixa Graph, Blue or ? . e ir tu. C. ,or 30C SjM BUck L 1 ir ulel 3 r*|al(r 39c tubo? of Kim* Dental W3RV JOB. Ordinarily jroo pay $1.17. DmIbj (hit ??le V.yVj v sparkling white teeth you're alwaya wanted J&VQfa r_ IP# rcfvlar 39c tubes i A dor""4 ' ifflnr-7~a \S ' &*kSa At A il WTTtJTW Km rik I ? yw H IP M-Tlmr-Fri,-! >cENrs lUBnH'Irtiajgi ;hocolates |1,00 2<?tl.c HJNC SlZC | 25c Pnrctest Mercuro- ^ ^ ? ?io 50c Rezjiii Aa*lc*lic ?( E| S tnd new fnvor- ZfocOI ' ites in deli- 25c Renll Corn Sol- Oi?^e j cious chocolate. f?nt ? " A A4 75c MU?o116 01 2"?7S Z fo' U1C "* 2 <-41 ' 50c Denture Adhesive *%. CI I9i size 'E&tetecU Powder ASPIRIN 50c Laxative Salt 2 foc 51 SI.00 Beef, Wina and 0if,rt1 ( TABLETS *- fi' 35? Elkay'e Fly Killer 2 for A marvelous uv- __ in* in dependable 25c Ep?m Salt 16 or. 2 ,or 2l aspirin. 3qc Sodium Perborate 2 ,or 4( 2'<"5 ILET SOAP ,f finest > : vir^U-T J j^ho,. am c?tsUV >-C:. 5- s,z* Ml 31 fffj 75<iinSxSi antal Past* >-?iL MINERAL 0 .WW "wssihtvp 2for51e Pure Food * #???* p?? W0T ??!d Lhc Cst Sili I M,MD|6O*. 2'*S1.0I Moernl* Olire OU 2for! n VaaSU 2 'w 36C Fenway Cherries 2 ,w in Leasee 2 ^ 41C CsdtlWrippedCtnntU 2 ,or! % n?. 2 ^ 20c Almond Bar V4 Ih. 21cg ', ffgWWWWffJM IIS )RUG CO. f TH CAROLINA I * fgj APRIL 25. 1935 Is, Oregon. who has been visiting icfolks and relatives for some e, has returned to his western le. Ir. and Mrs. Monroe Eggers of kory enjoyed Easter dinner with ir daughter, Mrs. James Wilson, at de Sunday. K. I. DACUS U. S. Government Trained Radio Engineer with Fourteen Years of Experience. Expert Radio Repairing on All Makes Located at NEW RIVER LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Main Street I'hone 60 BOONE, N. C. JLi if T 25c size MEOFORD B WRITING PAPER 35c size HARMONY BAY RUM S1 2? 36? 8 24 SOc size JONTEIL 9 BEAUTY CREAMS J 1 CI. j SOc liz* JONtEEL B u FACE POWDER I jc 2?51c 1 Hfi ?" 10c ?rz- ThiKStBGT I 5' EPSOM SALT I "? 2 11' I > U M W I rot nriM v >dl. 1-2-3-4 ? 25c 1129 Du^SJSSf I II CASTOR OIL r r? r\<*? c c MMBBB? c 5o< iii? Dut&fgisr C Milk of Magnesia I C MNT 2'or51?| >1 !C iOc si ZD ic ORDERLIES S. SHAR/ FACE POWDER How often HI you're edmirtd 4% r *r this powd-rr. ? r | WHILE THEY LAST ?i. ? K 254 size KLENZO t'L FACIAL 2 for TISSUES 26? I jjP 3St size STAG | Latherless 2 for 51c SHAVING ejC jgc CREAM QDC I nr^'nTtTfl /ednes., Thursday riday & Saturday MAY 1-2-3-4 V

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